@jml326 I’m waiting for a little more info - hoping someone will add some tasting info, but I’m probably good for one or two at the case price if someone is so inclined to order one
@vinoveritas I’ve been asking you for a yes or no. Last chance. Do you want 1/3 of the case @marla25 and I purchased or should I offer it to someone else?
@jml326@canneddirt and I are interested but haven’t decided anything yet. Are you interested in sharing? Perhaps each of us do a third of a case of something?
@axewelder I tried a 3 split, see above, but it’s difficult to keep communication on here. Marla25 and I might have an opening on the last mixed offer for a 3rd split. Still trying to figure out how to talk to vinoveritas.
@jml326 How do we send private messages to make detail arrangements? In any case, I am most interested in the tercero. Some interest in the other as well if still available.
Good afternoon fellow Baltimore Area casemates, I have made a couple of purchases thus far and am interested in splitting out some of the cases. We will likely figure out a more efficient system eventually, but for now I will just post my details here. On a related note, does anyone have any interest in the wine that was released the morning of the 26th of January 2018: Broken Earth Winery PULL CdR Red Blend? I believe we have until Sunday night to make up our minds.
@jml326 no bother here, I think everyone might be easing into Casemates. I for one jumped on the first couple of cases and am now considering how much / how often to purchase. I fully encourage more not less communication.
It looks like the Apriori Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir is the first offering that isn’t shipping to Maryland. I guess we get the weekend off, or a chance to open one of the many bottles that have already arrived.
I am in Frederick (and I drive to DC/Baltimore all the time), always up for splitting if the offer is compelling. Feel free to send me a note if you are interested. My “cellar” is beyond full, but that hasn’t stopped me from buying before!
Also got 4 bottes David Hill Reserve Willamette Valley Pinot Noir 2014 from wtso. Looks like $16.99 each there. Guess you can guess we like pinot noir.
@jml326 I think at this price, I may go ahead and pull the trigger on a case, and whomever wants a few, great! I want at least 4, but I’m fine with keeping more, too!
@jml326 Not as of yet, probably later on this morning. I was going to wait for someone to speak for the other three, but then realized it doesn’t matter, i can always arrange that later. Like i said, brain not firing so well.
@marla25 I’m so far behind in life. If you are still interested in 3 bottles would this Saturday at the Lib be ok? My kid has swim lessons on Sat now, so 9am to 10am meet up is still possible. Anything later would have to be after 3 or 4pm
@kls_in_MD I could swing a meetup Saturday. My kid has swim lesson at noon. And we typically run errands after. I could make a small change to our route and meet you somewhere on the west(ish) side of the beltway.
@kls_in_MD I seem to have a fondness of doing pick up and drop off at libraries, just ask @Marla25.
Would the Catonsville Branch work? How “PM” are you looking at?
@jml326 Catonsville libe is fine. My Sat sched. depends some on weather. If raining much, no bike ride, so pm could be 12 noon (is that the pm one? I never know so usually just use 24 hr time.) If we can get a ride in, then maybe 1400/2pm?
@jchasma i think I’m interested. I’ve been warning about it since it went up, whether i actually wanted a whole case, but I’d definitely be interested in a few bottles.
@marla25 I thought some more about it and probably should pass. I’d be up for about three bottles, so probably too much for a case between the two of us. I’m swimming in wine!
I’m going to go ahead and spring for a case of the Ty. I know @jchasma wants a couple, if anyone else does, let me know. This will likely be my last unless something amazing comes up as I’ve a vacation to pay for and running out of room!
@jml326 My case of Ty’s that came last weekend was fine (delicious!). That said, I’m slowing down unless it’s something on my must have list. So not this one for me.
@jchasma@marla25 I wrote to CM as i had not seen this wine ship yet, but others seem to be talking about seeing it ship. Turns out the winery is taking a precaution because of the long weekend, and hotter weather in the area. So I hope to see it ship today and get it next week.
@jml326 I’ll go for one, if you want to sell one. I still have a couple in the rack from the old woot days. That guy can really squeeze a grape. If you have a spare case or 2 of Wellington around, I would be SUPER interested in a share from those!
I messaged the powers that be about this and they want us to check all the other bottles for visual signs of damage. If you could (maybe sacrifice the foil… I know sacrilegious). I might be able to get some help.
@jml326@kls_in_MD@marla25 I drank through mine already. I had an issue with one but the others were good. I unfortunately didn’t keep anything. I definitely will next time if there is an issue!
@jchasma Yes I know, and I am working with their support to fix that. They just want to know how the other 11 bottles are doing with a visual inspection.
The bit right above is exactly what irritates me about this forum software. I’m subscribed to this thread, so why don’t I get notifications about all posts? I got an email for jml’s request for a split on the wine smith. I didn’t get one for jchasma’s reply. It makes no sense.
@jml326 I mean, i understand the technical reason i didn’t get an email, but I’m wondering why the decision was made, since to me, intuitively, subscribing means ALL.
And yeah, 930 is fine. I’ll bring for the three wine smith also.
First attempt in getting this Casemates thing to work. Anybody interested in the Coquerel Petit Sirah? I’d go for a 3 or 4 way split.
Kris, in Ellicott City
Weather is starting to cool down- phew! I’ve got a little to drink down but if any pinot noir (especially Willamette Valley) shows up, I’m down to split!
Anyone willing to split a case of the Mentida White Blend? I live just north of Silver Spring but work in Glen Burnie and pick my kid up at daycare in Ellicott City so I can meet near any of those places.
@jchasma@jml326@kls_in_MD So, there’s definitely interest in BMore. I’ll order a case with 3 bottles for @jml326 and 3 more that are “available” until someone specifically claims them. (It wouldn’t be the end of the world if I ended up with 9 bottles.) The question is whether someone else wants to order/split another case…
@jchasma@jml326@Zortapa I got ZERO action on the 2d case split request on main page, so have not yet pulled any trigger. If you get a second case, I could cover an additional 3…
@jml326 The last couple bottles of sweeter wines have been too much for me lately, suppose my tastes have been changing. That said, I’m curious about this one, but don’t want to commit to more than a couple, I think.
@Zortapa@MARLA25 Great! Seems like enough interest. I’ll go ahead and grab a case and I can meet with you guys once it comes. I’m open to keeping 3-6 bottles so if anyone else wants in on our case around Baltimore, let me know!
Stillman Brown is some pretty amazing juice, recalling a few I wooted. Anybody want to split a case in quarters? Pretty expensive stuff AND I bought the case of Scott Harvey to have some daily drinkers… So, no split, no buy for me.
@Zortapa I’m actually recovering from wisdom teeth removal so have at least a few more days to look. We’ll likely break them in after NYE! How was your holiday? Any wine-related gifts?
@Zortapa Success! Ordered a mixed case direct. You can have 6 PN unless someone talks you out of a couple. Cybermonday was shown as valid, as was the KS coupon (then I went direct to get the mix.)
@jchasma I asked CS about this when I ordered a case of the QPR, and they said not valid anymore, just the VMP one for $5, I think. I so want in on this but I’m desperately out of room, sadly.
@jchasma@marla25 I’m trying to work directly w Clark because I want to get 9 of the PN and 3 of the Meritage I missed last go-round. Sent a vm and an email. Nothing back yet.
@jml326@Zortapa I could do tomorrow at the library or my house 8, 830? I have a dentist appointment at 9, not sure how long I’ll be. I’ll take 4 please!
@jml326@marla25 I’m at a conference sat morn till noon then leaving town until Monday. Could meet at 12:30 as I leave town tomorrow if that works for you.
I can’t do that early marla I’m sorry. Please reach out after your appointment and maybe we can meet.
Zortapa where would you be at 12:30?
@jml326 Not sure where you are but I’d be willing to help you with a bottle or two of the ice wine. I work in Glen Burnie but willing to drive a bit. Cheers.
@NJHokie@kls_in_MD Give me a couple of days as I do not have the commitment from my coworkers on the # of bottles they want.
And @ NJHokie I work at JHH in Baltimore and I live in Baltimore. Depending on where you live could make exchange easier.
Calling all B’more folks: Because I like SoCa PN, I ordered a case of Windrun Pinot Noir. Let me know if any of you are interested in a bottle or 2. After tax it’ll be $10/bottle.
@Zortapa outrageous-plucky-star is in effect. ALSO in effect: SIWBM. 4 bottles of this case (Y. Rousseau Reserve Tannat) projected to improve over 15-20 years(!) are still available.
@jchasma@jml326@Zortapa $24 per cork. I can do a Towson-ish meeting some Tuesday or Sunday. or maybe we could do a Casemate relay! I’ll holler when it comes in.
@jchasma@jml326@Zortapa Tannat is in and I’ll be in Butler MD tomorrow before dark. If you can swing a meet, whisper me up and I’ll propose a location.
@jchasma@jml326@Zortapa OK, Thanks for the patience folks, this weekend is IT! I’m in Baltimore for bike racing on Sunday from about 0800 to 1430 (08 to 2+ pm). I’ll be at The Flower Mart Criterium at Mount Vernon Place, parenting, assistant coaching, and volunteering at a course crossing. My kid will be done racing a bit before 1030 (when my volunteer shift starts (ending at 1400.) SOOOOO: I could handoff at 1020 or just after 1400. Not sure yet where I’ll park and (depending on how many of you can meet) if I’ll roll the wine with me to the venue. This applies to Tannat and the Winesmith Cab (@zortapa).
@jml326@kls_in_MD@Zortapa I unfortunately can’t meet this weekend as we’re out of town for a family event. I’m so sorry. Can someone who can meet me in Baltimore or Towson grab two of the Tannat for me? Or if someone else just wants to buy them, I hate to keep anyone on the hook to meet.
@jchasma@jml326@kls_in_MD All-if it’s not too late, I can meet KLS at 1400 to pick up all the bottles for us city-folk. Just let me know how much $$$ I’d need to bring. -Eric
@jchasma@jml326@Zortapa Sorry to say I didn’t see this until returning. Also, wet cold kid was glad we could blast off as soon as we did. How about Tuesday night around 8 pm near 795?
I’m in Millersville MD and just bought a case of the APRIORI SONOMA COAST PINOT NOIR - I would like to keep 6 so let me know if anyone wants a few bottles.
@kls_in_MD you’re south toward Columbia yes? I’m leaving for a Vacation Sunday. We’ll be heading south on 95. If you’re flexible in time I could meet and drop off on the way out of town. $33 total.
Clark, or @WineSmith, sent out an e-mail saying he was selling 15 cases of his 2017 Norton (a grape I’ve never tried) for 239.88 + tax + free shipping. His website has it listed third one down. Looking forward to it!
@kls_in_MD Tough call. I like these wines, but it might be difficult to split this case with 4 individual wines. Perhaps it could work going 2 ways, but a 3 way split would be problematic.
So, if no one else is interested, then I’d split it with you. But I don’t think I’d go for a 3-way split.
I forgot this thread existed - thanks for bringing it to the top.
Columbia/Ellicott City area here. I generally lean toward the reds (love Cabernet Sauvignon), but like to experiment from time to time.
Some of my early mates here have disappeared. If you’re still around and just not buying please check-in. Don’t be shy I travel to share and trade. Columbia, Owings Mills, Towson, Bel Air…if there is a Wegman’s and a Costco I’m good for my Saturday errands.
@jml326 Columbia is an easy place for me to meetup. I’ve got 4 bottles of the Mentida white, one bottle of 2003 Chateau de Suronde Quarts de Chaume and one bottle of 2015 moscato Giallo (wine.woot leftover?) that are available for swapping. Obviously go more for whites but willing to try sweeter side reds.
Hi everyone! I need between two and four case boxes if anyone has extras. I’d love to pickup closer to Towson but could send my husband into the city if need be. Whisper at me and we can set up a meet up.
@jml326 I’m possibly meeting Zor today at Catonsville Library. This Pepper Bridge Cab is in. Weekend also works. Really, want to make this convenient for you. No rush still on the 2 splits.
When Bmore opens up, and we can gather in some sense of the form later this summer/early fall, love to invite some local (or distant!) Casemates to a special tasting at QG in Downtown, msg me so I can keep you posted!
I just took delivery of a case of the Y. Rousseau 2017 Tannat. I could trade off a few perhaps. Their previous Tannat (the Reserve) blew my doors off. I had to try this one too. I got some of those InZINs last offer and they were Good. I had just pulled a cork on a bottle the night before, so waiting on my first taste still…
I ask because I’m waiting on Scott Harvey InZINerator and just got in Two Jakes of Diamonds Roman Reserve Cabernet Franc so I’m getting full. Would offer up these as possible trade if anyone wants to split the WS
@bunnymasseuse , @dschonew, @cduan, Way WAY too many orders. Rec’d Spellbound and Pedroncelli, Andrew Murray on the way. Need to meet to get WS sparkling grenache, Briceland Petit Verdot, and Y. Rousseau Tannat. Brain exploding w complexities of it all. BOOM. I’m sure they’ll be putting up some more WS and I’ll be sunk.
@bunnymasseuse I’m the same, 95% reds for me. That said, If you jump, I’ll take one of each. Not much help, I know. . . but I have some whites already in the cellar.
Ok, throwing this out for a beginning conversation about a MD or B’more wine gathering of a “ reasonable “ safe manner, because I know there is varying interpretations of that by many.
There is the potential to leverage some space downtown at a restaurant for a wine tasting and get some food to pair with, but not sure “when” (how soon? Not soon?) would work for all.
Hotels not far from this location in Downtown so some opportunities to avoid risky drinks that put driving at a danger.
Heck May even pull some Wellington out for this, or see if winesmith can send us some taste offerings.
If you feel more comfortable using whisper that’s fine, no pressure.
@bunnymasseuse If your date is on/after 1 APR when my second jab has had time to “mature” I’m ALL IN. I can pitch in a nice bottle from the bottom shelves of the rack.
McKahn Family Cellars Grenache <— if you want some of a case @cduan is getting a case (see the chat for the Grenache thread), hit him up, first come, first reserved.
…also based on bunny’s recc and drop-in ratting on the latest 2 Jakes offer, I took delivery yesterday on my first real decanter. My Jakes case is on the way. Still willing to split off a quarter of it (or trade for more WS Grenache!)
As @kls_in_MD mention, the usual suspects in NOVA seem to want a little less than case, so we could spare a few. @theLecroy just ordered a case. That right, @theLecroy? 4 for me, 3-4 for you, maybe 1-2 for @murftastic? So, I think we’re good here and could probably pass a couple to @bunnymasseuse.
@kls_in_MD@murftastic@PatrickKarcher@thelecroy@Zortapa meh! Make than an AWESOME 3 cases…
“Could not say no, split out the last one from Xmas pretty heavy so more for the masses (plus I had a coupon and it’s burning a hole in my pocket)”
@kls_in_MD i was not expecting shipping to have happened already. This case apparently arrived yesterday while I was flying to bwi. I’ll confirm it is in fact in my lab on monday.
Ok folks, I’m meeting @cduan to get Grenache that was DC ONLY sold this Sunday, I plan on taking a trip to VA to exchange with @thelecroy & @wardad who has other stuff waiting… IF you work it out with cduan and I ahead of time, I’m happy to transport your wine from him to you if you are more local to me ( @kls_in_MD ). @jclarkie78 are you closer to one group or the other? Havent done a pass off with you before so trying to strategize the best delivery method for cduan and I.
Thanks to the following for the coordination of a multi state casemates CANNONBALL WINE RUN of epic scale, starring: @cduan@thelecroy@wardad@zortapa@kls_in_md@jml326 with almost 4 cases traded b/t!
@kls_in_MD I’d take a bottle or two. But with 2 cases being delivered today, another on the way, and other recent orders, I’m starting to hold back for the summer.
@kls_in_MD@Zortapa yeah me too, just had the Louis latour delivery , splits pending withZ on the Jdusi and still have something else otw… have yo make room if I see the WS CF come back, getting 2cases this time! Haha
@jml326@kls_in_MD I also pulled the trigger on a case, wanted more than 3 for myself : ). Any interest @Zortapa ? I know you still got 6 for me from another purchase…
Saint Laurent arrived today. A little worried as it looks like the bottle wrapping lost color, or all the bottles slightly leaked.
@bunnymasseuse@jml326@kls_in_MD And I’m pissed because my Brunello arrived today but I was not home to accept it. Now it will spend the weekend in a brown truck. Argh!
@bunnymasseuse@jml326@kls_in_MD@winedavid49 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
HHHHHH!!! And now I get a UPS notice that the shipment was damaged and is being returned to the sender!
@jml326@kls_in_MD@Winedavid49@Zortapa really hope they didn’t damage it out and keep it, happened to me and salmon from AK… Frederick claimed it spiked and broke and would not show proof, 80# salmon gone
@kls_in_MD god bless it do I need to trigger at midnight? Or you wanna call splits now? I literally will be sleeping on wine if I don’t drink enough with friends this weekend…
I know I said I’d slow down during summer, but I really enjoy reds created using Mt Veeder grapes. Anyone interested in splitting the Hess mixed reds offering?
@kls_in_MD@Zortapa I’ll nibble, heck I’ll take all the merlot that no one wants, my fav and yet the only merlot I currently have is 2J! (Maybe a hidden Wellington but out of sight out it mind). Get the case and I’ll work out the remnants Z.
QUANTITY: 1 CASE (12-BOTTLES) arrived but…. No shipping notice was sent? Pretty sure I didn’t buy anything else, it arrived out at my “county drop”.
@kls_in_MD@Zortapa maybe time for another bottle xchange, I’m hitting a 1 in 1 out limit or I will have nowhere to sleep! That said, happy to peel some of the 2J CS from winesmith for any interested.
@bunnymasseuse@kls_in_MD I agree. But I’m not sure exchanges result in much more space. Other than tonight, I’d be available most evenings this week as well as next weekend.
That Corona De Aragon is drinking so good RN, wishing I’d got the full case. I’ll be able to get into Baltimore this weekend or Catonsville most evenings, just need reminder of who’s got what for who…
@kls_in_MD Agreed. I quickly forget the details about splits. Perhaps we could create a shared google doc/sheet that documents the splits when purchases are made…
My recollection is that I am splitting off 3 Hess bottles to you and 3 Hess bottles to @bunnymasseuse.
Ok folks, let’s make another try at a gathering…. Bunny hosted event, in downtown B’more, who is interested? I’m looking for a good Sat afternoon/evening, any interest? Willing to host our visitors: @cduan@spazfungus@wardad@thelecroy@PatrickKarcher@aliens1947
@bunnymasseuse I’m very late to the game here, but did anything end up happening? I’m in Federal Hill South and would love to join in if I’m not too late.
Anyone want to case split the D7 offering after the rat notes on the prev vintage? Not sure I want 12 undrinkable if the dice rolls that way this time too…
@jml326 how many ‘corns you trying to wrangle? Lol these babies are opposite from bunnies, not easily replicated and we don’t get more of them sooner than we want!
@jml326 Don’t know if these are all called for but figured I’d check in. I haven’t read this thread since I moved. I’ll be in town in August and would possibly be down for grabbing one or two from you if they’ve arrived.
/me raises hand
Me too! Me too!
/me also raises hand
/me kind of ( Owings Mills )
@bacon it’s in the area.
OMG, you people are all in MD? Eastern Shore representing.
@mfladd you might have good luck with any delaware folks too.
Ok good. I work at JH and live near by. Also my kid is in pre k in Locust Point. Aka meet up and case splitting.
Frederick County is potentially too far (still not entirely sure how the whole buddy system is going to work), but still closer than @mfladd
@brhfl not if we split the distance

I’m living in Baltimore and looking forward to splitting cases! I also work towards Towson.
@jchasma Good point about delivering to work! ( I work in Timonium. )
I am in Baltimore too.
Gaithersburg, here.
Almost over
Ellicott City here, so super close to pretty much everyone.
@dschonew, HI D, any interest in the offer today for the PS? Anybody else interested in a 3-way case split?
@kls_in_MD Good evening, apologies in advance for the late reply, I am interested in the split if you still need someone
And my axe! Oops, wrong movie. Glen Burnie chiming in!
Germantown here. But I’m far too greedy. Must keep (drink) everything.
@capnjb Even with 2 cases?
@jml326 I’ll have to put myself in that situation to decide.
@capnjb And that is why we are here. Just in case you only want 18 bottles. We will fill your order to 24!
DMV represents!
Anyone on Facebook if I make a group there?
@jml326 I have one. Whether i ever use it is a different question.
@jml326 No FB but I’m reachable on Twitter.
@bunnymasseuse Ah, yes, Twitter would be great for me
I work in Lutherville
I know nothing
/giphy boorish-dreadful-barley

Good morning Baltimore. Any one interested?
@jml326 I’m waiting for a little more info - hoping someone will add some tasting info, but I’m probably good for one or two at the case price if someone is so inclined to order one
Gaithersburg here also.
Would something like this be more fitting?https://goo.gl/forms/gtxAEOJzt7K7UBPt1
@jml326 This could work! Are you keeping this going for every deal?
@jchasma it should be public. To be honest I already forgot about this while trying to arrange 3 meet ups.
@jchasma I’m very much open to help to try and make a form public where one can see a case fill up with orders.
I’ll start off this new offer. I’m interested in buying
I’m willing to go 4 or 6 on this one.
@marla25 where are you located ish?
@jml326 Home is Rosedale/Overlea, work is Roland Park.
@marla25 I’ll pull the trigger on a case and you’re on the hook for half unless a 3rd wants to join here.
/giphy preferable-dashing-name

@jml326 That works! You can DM me under the this name at woot, or on twitter I’m ladymarm.
@marla25 Will do I’m on woot with same name as well
@marla25 check woot
I’m in Reisterstown; work in Glen Burnie. I’m interested!
@vinoveritas I don’t know if @marla25 wants to split 3 ways but I would be game. If not good luck
@jml326 A three way split is fine with me!
@vinoveritas are you on woot?
@jml326 Not really; bought some cases from WW but didn’t get into the community much. Looking to change that!
@vinoveritas ok just looking for ways to communicate in private. Are you interested in a 1/3 split?
@vinoveritas you had asked to split are you still interested?
@jml326 Yep! Just not sure how to arrange it. Wish Casemates had some sort of private messaging.
@vinoveritas If you want message me on woot. Same name.
@vinoveritas I’ve been asking you for a yes or no. Last chance. Do you want 1/3 of the case @marla25 and I purchased or should I offer it to someone else?
@jml326 I’m really really sorry. Absolutely I want the 3rd! I messaged you on woot. Thanks!!
@vinoveritas thank you
@vinoveritas check woot
I live in Annapolis and work in Linthicum area. Would like to get a piece of the sharing somehow.
@axewelder I work in Linthicum as well. I wouldn’t mind going 1/2 or 1/3 on these.
@canneddirt I’m hoping for doing 1/3 as well, but if we don’t find a third, will try a half.
@axewelder did you find a split at all?
@jml326 @canneddirt and I are interested but haven’t decided anything yet. Are you interested in sharing? Perhaps each of us do a third of a case of something?
@axewelder I tried a 3 split, see above, but it’s difficult to keep communication on here. Marla25 and I might have an opening on the last mixed offer for a 3rd split. Still trying to figure out how to talk to vinoveritas.
But yes in general my wallet would prefer splits.
I can see that my push button and ask questions later mentality could get me into trouble here.
@jml326 I looked before I clicked. I decided my wallet could use a break, for this one, at least.
Looks like someone in Maryland purchased this offer. I might buy a 3 pack if anyone wants 1 bottle.
@jml326 me me me please
@axewelder ok you’re on the hook for 1 @ $27.25
@jml326 Which wine are we splitting? Let me know which day and where to meet at lunch or break.
@axewelder I had offered single bottle of tercero wines, but I also have track nine I’d be willing to send 2 bottles of that your way.
@jml326 How do we send private messages to make detail arrangements? In any case, I am most interested in the tercero. Some interest in the other as well if still available.
@axewelder are you on woot?
@axewelder I also created a Facebook group, and maybe we need a Twitter group
@jml326 Yes, I am on woot sometimes. I have an account there. I use FB pretty often, but pretty green at Twitter but could try.
@axewelder I’m green on Twitter as well. Maryland Casemates on both. I’ll learn Twitter for the ability to share but also will be on facebook
@jml326 I think my follow request is still pending to jml326, although I sent a DM to maryland casemates. maybe we can arrange something for tomorrow.
@axewelder I don’t have anything yet
Let’s try this i made a Twitter handle maryland casemates. @marylndcasemate
Good afternoon fellow Baltimore Area casemates, I have made a couple of purchases thus far and am interested in splitting out some of the cases. We will likely figure out a more efficient system eventually, but for now I will just post my details here. On a related note, does anyone have any interest in the wine that was released the morning of the 26th of January 2018: Broken Earth Winery PULL CdR Red Blend? I believe we have until Sunday night to make up our minds.
Good evening fellow marylanders. Just checking in and bringing us to the top
Anyone anyone

/giphy Ferris
@jml326 Still here, ended up not ordering the last case due to lack of responses and probably won’t order this one unless anyone is really interested.
@dschonew just trying to get people talking. Seems to be a quiet group
@jml326 I’m just anti-social
@marla25 I see. If I’m starting to bother people I’ll find another way communicate. Maybe just say I’m buying and if you want to join me let me know.
@jml326 no bother here, I think everyone might be easing into Casemates. I for one jumped on the first couple of cases and am now considering how much / how often to purchase. I fully encourage more not less communication.
It looks like the Apriori Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir is the first offering that isn’t shipping to Maryland. I guess we get the weekend off, or a chance to open one of the many bottles that have already arrived.
@dschonew I was a tad disappointed about that one. If there is ever anything from Willamette, I’ll probably get my own case.
@jchasma Totally agree, my wallet was the only thing happy about being skipped over.
My wallet is relieved at the reprieve, in sure
Going off site until I see an other Casemates review. Has anyone ordered from wine till sold out before?
Eeeeeee whispers!
Pending lab rat reviews I only have space for 3 bottles. If 3 others were to want to split I might be game.
I am in Frederick (and I drive to DC/Baltimore all the time), always up for splitting if the offer is compelling. Feel free to send me a note if you are interested. My “cellar” is beyond full, but that hasn’t stopped me from buying before!
I’m picking up some Experience Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast 2012 from Last bottle wines com. If you are interested hit me up ASAP so they don’t go away
Grabbed 6 bottles @$15 each
Also got 4 bottes David Hill Reserve Willamette Valley Pinot Noir 2014 from wtso. Looks like $16.99 each there. Guess you can guess we like pinot noir.
We’re so far down… let’s bring us back.
Any interest?
@jml326 Yes!
@marla25 I’d split a 4 pack with unless others jump in here.
@jml326 I think at this price, I may go ahead and pull the trigger on a case, and whomever wants a few, great! I want at least 4, but I’m fine with keeping more, too!
@marla25 Be my guest and I’ll take a couple off your hands
@jml326 Rightyo! ferocious-informative-ornament
@jml326 What area are you near? I still can’t decide if I just want a case but have been buying all cases and need to stop.
@Lounglizard We are both east side baltimore city
@marla25 so I’ll lay claim to 4 bottles ok?
@jml326 Works for me.
@jml326 @marla25 I’m in Baltimore and up for splitting! I’d be happy with 3-6 bottles. Anyone in the area?
@jchasma @jml326 You’re welcome to up to 4 of the case I bought, if you don’t mind retrieval on the east side of town.
@jchasma @marla25 good evening
I wish the current offer had a lab rat report
Anyone interested in a half split on the Bell? I’d like more than one of each, but rapidly running out of storage room for a whole case.
@marla25 Or, I suppose, a three way where I get half. Brain isn’t fully firing yet this morning.
@marla25 id take one of each
@marla25 did you order?
@jml326 Not as of yet, probably later on this morning. I was going to wait for someone to speak for the other three, but then realized it doesn’t matter, i can always arrange that later. Like i said, brain not firing so well.
@jml326 Oh. Now i see why you asked. Damn.
@jml326 @marla25 I’m open to a split on the Bell. What was it for 3, one of each?
@jchasma @jml326 The bell sold out in less than 24 hours, sadly. We missed out.
Did anyone else get a remote party pack?
@jml326 We did! But we already ate a bit of it when we had some family over. We still have the wine and some of the not-so-perishable snacks.
Is anyone doing a split on the Baker Syrah?
@jchasma can’t buy in Maryland. We were joking about caselegging it. However we could find someone to ship to close by
I got a WineSmith offer for $200 on a case of 2014 Grenache. Anyone interested in a split? My husband loves the stuff.
@jchasma no thank you
@jml326 I ended up getting a case anyway! I have a feeling this case will go pretty fast at my house. Lol
Waiting on Lab Rat reports
I like a good daily drinker. Picked up a case. Willing to share if any interest.
I bought the case of the Harvest Moon Russian River Bailey Pinot Noir a while back. Anyone interested?
My case of Gård Vintners Don Isidro Red Blend came today. Purchase on a whim. Let me know if anyone has interest.
@jml326 I’d probably get a couple from you. Was curious about them, but not enough to justify a full order
@marla25 You are welcome to whatever you want at $9 a bottle.
@jml326 Cool, put aside three for me?
@marla25 you got it
@marla25 would you like to meet up saturday?
@jml326 Can’t do Saturday this week, unfortunately, but I could Sunday, or next weekend
@marla25 no worried ill get in touch for next weekend
@marla25 I’m so far behind in life. If you are still interested in 3 bottles would this Saturday at the Lib be ok? My kid has swim lessons on Sat now, so 9am to 10am meet up is still possible. Anything later would have to be after 3 or 4pm
@jml326 This Saturday morning wouldn’t be a problem at all. Say 9ish? Also, were you interested in any of the 3 Wine Men?
@marla25 Not really, but thank you. I’ll see you around 9am
@jml326 Not sure if this is all spoken for, but I could do a bottle or 2.
@kls_in_MD I have 4 bottles left. @$9.
@jml326 I could meet you Saturday pm for 2 bottles. Sunday’s pretty good in the pm as well.
@kls_in_MD I could swing a meetup Saturday. My kid has swim lesson at noon. And we typically run errands after. I could make a small change to our route and meet you somewhere on the west(ish) side of the beltway.
@jml326 how about somewhere on UMBC campus or in Catonsville?
@kls_in_MD I seem to have a fondness of doing pick up and drop off at libraries, just ask @Marla25.
Would the Catonsville Branch work? How “PM” are you looking at?
@jml326 Catonsville libe is fine. My Sat sched. depends some on weather. If raining much, no bike ride, so pm could be 12 noon (is that the pm one? I never know so usually just use 24 hr time.) If we can get a ride in, then maybe 1400/2pm?
@jml326 reading above, 1500-1600 also works fine.
@kls_in_MD what is going to follow this post in grey is called a whisper.
Anyone want to split the 2012 Oregon Pinot Noir for sale right now?
@jchasma i think I’m interested. I’ve been warning about it since it went up, whether i actually wanted a whole case, but I’d definitely be interested in a few bottles.
@marla25 I thought some more about it and probably should pass. I’d be up for about three bottles, so probably too much for a case between the two of us. I’m swimming in wine!
@jchasma i know the feeling, i just had to build a new rack!
Three wine men was on my list to try, and at this price I couldn’t resist. I bought a case, so if any one wants a couple, let me know!
My box of 3 wine men came in, if anyone wants to buy a couple. Also, I’m interested in the Ty Caton red - any other takers?
@marla25 I’d be up for 2 or 3 of the Ty Caton.
Anyone want to split a case of bubbles?
@jml326 Sadly, sparklers have always given me migraines.
@jml326 @marla25 I drink that stuff like crazy so bought a full case for myself. If you got one, I’d buy a couple of the sauvage.
I’m going to go ahead and spring for a case of the Ty. I know @jchasma wants a couple, if anyone else does, let me know. This will likely be my last unless something amazing comes up as I’ve a vacation to pay for and running out of room!
@marla25 fantastic! I’ll take 2 or 3. Just let me know what works for you for pickup!
Just got word that my box of the Ty Caton has shipped and expected to deliver on Tuesday!
Ty caton Box arrived early! I plan to pop one open for tonight
I want to buy this offer, but I’m so worried about shipping and temps. That and I haven’t sent money to casemate sense mid march.
@jml326 My case of Ty’s that came last weekend was fine (delicious!). That said, I’m slowing down unless it’s something on my must have list. So not this one for me.
Any split on the wine smith?
@jml326 SIWBM is failing already, but it’s winesmith. I’d be willing to take up to half off your hands. Call it 3-6.
/giphy ticklish-impervious-burn

I’m keeping 6. Other 6 up for grabs. Marla gets first dibs. Anyone else let us know!
@jml326 I’m in for 2-3! I also have a few Kickstarter coupons left for next time we know we want a split/you run out.
@jchasma @jml326 A three/three split is good for me! And my wallet.
@jml326 @marla25 great! Let me know when, where, and how much $!
@jml326 @marla25 great! Let me know when, where, and how much $!
@jchasma @marla25 I wrote to CM as i had not seen this wine ship yet, but others seem to be talking about seeing it ship. Turns out the winery is taking a precaution because of the long weekend, and hotter weather in the area. So I hope to see it ship today and get it next week.
@jchasma @marla25 wine smith is in. Full styrophome pack, and felt cool to the touch.
@jchasma @jml326 Good to hear!
@marla25 i hate whisper and no notifications
10 am?
@jml326 Works for me!
@jchasma What does your availability look like?
@jml326 Solid timing! I just got back in town and I’m super flexible. When works for you? I think you have my cell?
@jchasma I could do as early as 5pm this afternoon, tomorrow morning, or Saturday morning. If not we can talk about next week.
@jml326 depending on which WineSmith was up and if you have extry (as we say in MD) I could also go for one of these Saturday.
@jml326 I’ll go for one, if you want to sell one. I still have a couple in the rack from the old woot days. That guy can really squeeze a grape. If you have a spare case or 2 of Wellington around, I would be SUPER interested in a share from those!
@kls_in_MD ok ill sell a wine smith, but you’re pushing your luck with Wellington. Can we call it $9+$9+19=$37
@kls_in_MD bump
@jml326 @kls_in_MD One of the Winesmith was amazing but one had a busted cork and unsalvagable. Happens to the best.
@jchasma @kls_in_MD @marla25
Any photos? If so send them and ill write to customer service and check the other bottles.
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @marla25 I wish I’d taken a photo but didn’t even think on it. It happens 1/20 bottles, I’d say. Next time, I’ll document.
@jchasma @kls_in_MD @marla25
I messaged the powers that be about this and they want us to check all the other bottles for visual signs of damage. If you could (maybe sacrifice the foil… I know sacrilegious). I might be able to get some help.
@jchasma @jml326 @kls_in_MD I’ve only opened one off the wine smith, but it was great. I’ll check foils tomorrow.
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @marla25 I drank through mine already. I had an issue with one but the others were good. I unfortunately didn’t keep anything. I definitely will next time if there is an issue!
@jchasma Yes I know, and I am working with their support to fix that. They just want to know how the other 11 bottles are doing with a visual inspection.
@jchasma @jml326 I opened the foil on the two others i have, and they look just fine.
@jchasma @marla25 thank you both I’ll see if I anything can come from this.
@jchasma you around still?
@jml326 I’m around! Just so so busy in August. If you got a replacement bottle, please keep and enjoy it! Thanks for going through all the trouble.
The bit right above is exactly what irritates me about this forum software. I’m subscribed to this thread, so why don’t I get notifications about all posts? I got an email for jml’s request for a split on the wine smith. I didn’t get one for jchasma’s reply. It makes no sense.
@marla25 idk… maybe because it’s my tread, or maybe she only tagged me?
@marla25 are we still meeting this morning? Can we say 930 at the library?
@jml326 I mean, i understand the technical reason i didn’t get an email, but I’m wondering why the decision was made, since to me, intuitively, subscribing means ALL.
And yeah, 930 is fine. I’ll bring for the three wine smith also.
@marla25 you’re not wrong it makes no sense
First attempt in getting this Casemates thing to work. Anybody interested in the Coquerel Petit Sirah? I’d go for a 3 or 4 way split.
Kris, in Ellicott City
@kls_in_MD Sorry I missed this! I’d be up for future splitting. I’m moving twice this summer but will be back to buying in late August.
Yeah, missed it. This is pretty w00ty, i guess. Up till gone. I’ll lurk more intensely next time(s.)
@kls_in_MD New listings M, W, F. And with summer heat (and another problem) I’m 99% shut down for the summer.
Anyone doing the recent whites in our area?
Weather is starting to cool down- phew! I’ve got a little to drink down but if any pinot noir (especially Willamette Valley) shows up, I’m down to split!
@jchasma it is nice to have cooler weather again
Anyone down with Mead?
@jml326 Nah, I’m a wine-o. And my husband likes beer.
Anyone willing to split a case of the Mentida White Blend? I live just north of Silver Spring but work in Glen Burnie and pick my kid up at daycare in Ellicott City so I can meet near any of those places.
@NJHokie I’d consider it but I’m not sure how we’d meet in the work week.
Baltimore folks, I’d like 6 bottles of the WineSmith Meritage. Would anyone like the other 6 bottles? Could also split 3 & 3.
@Zortapa I’d do 3
@jml326 @Zortapa I’m up in Towson. Where are you located?
@Zortapa, @jchasma, @jml326 I also want 6. Clark’s stuff is always amazing. Any other splitters up for it? Ellicott City here…
@jchasma @jml326 @kls_in_MD So, there’s definitely interest in BMore. I’ll order a case with 3 bottles for @jml326 and 3 more that are “available” until someone specifically claims them. (It wouldn’t be the end of the world if I ended up with 9 bottles.) The question is whether someone else wants to order/split another case…
@jchasma @jml326 @Zortapa I’ll take the three unless someone wants 6 and we’d do a new case.
@jchasma @jml326 @kls_in_MD They’re yours, unless you can put together another case.
@Zortapa SO tempted, I’m sitting on my hands to keep my SIWBM!
@jchasma @jml326 @Zortapa i posted on the main page to see if there’s more interest. Please keep me down for the 3 in case of sell-out or no response.
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @Zortapa So, who has bottles left, if any?
@jchasma I have 3 for @jml326 and 3 for @kls_in_MD. Sorry, but none left.
@jchasma @jml326 @Zortapa I got ZERO action on the 2d case split request on main page, so have not yet pulled any trigger. If you get a second case, I could cover an additional 3…
@kls_in_MD You’re too late. deal ended last night at 1159
@jml326 @kls_in_MD But you could contact sandra.winesmith@gmail.com to get the same deal directly from Clark.
Does anyone have any codes they want to swap from the Kickstarter?
@jchasma I think you used mine and I yours yes?
@jchasma Would love to, but I didn’t support at the appropriate level and, thus, did not receive a code…
@jchasma you might do better posting in other cities or in the party pack threads
@jml326 Yep! We swapped.
Anyone for some sweet wine? Only up for 24 hours.
@jml326 The last couple bottles of sweeter wines have been too much for me lately, suppose my tastes have been changing. That said, I’m curious about this one, but don’t want to commit to more than a couple, I think.
Anyone want to go in on this Syrah? @jml326 @karenhynes @kls_in_MD @Zortapa Anyone else I’m missing?
@jchasma I’d take up to three. Love a good syrah, despite the SIWBM.
@jchasma I’d take 2.
@Zortapa @MARLA25 Great! Seems like enough interest. I’ll go ahead and grab a case and I can meet with you guys once it comes. I’m open to keeping 3-6 bottles so if anyone else wants in on our case around Baltimore, let me know!
I’ll do 2 also.
Stillman Brown is some pretty amazing juice, recalling a few I wooted. Anybody want to split a case in quarters? Pretty expensive stuff AND I bought the case of Scott Harvey to have some daily drinkers… So, no split, no buy for me.
@kls_in_MD None for me, but thanks!
I was a sucker for some woot wines, so I’ll be a sucker for casemates. Buying a case if anyone wants to splits
@jml326 Just jumped on my own case, despite being out of room, because woot wines.
Any of you B’more folks interested in some of this PN?
@Zortapa did you end up buying some? I may be up for a bottle or two!
@jchasma Not this time. Did you find a good Bordeaux with which to “break in” your new glasses?
@Zortapa I’m actually recovering from wisdom teeth removal so have at least a few more days to look. We’ll likely break them in after NYE!
How was your holiday? Any wine-related gifts?
Anyone not get a kickstarter coupon from me yet? PM me. I think it has a couple uses left.
@jchasma I could use it on the Winesmith if you can send it…
Anybody want to split a case of the WineSmith PN?
@kls_in_MD Surely. I’m in for 4 or 6.
@Zortapa Success! Ordered a mixed case direct. You can have 6 PN unless someone talks you out of a couple. Cybermonday was shown as valid, as was the KS coupon (then I went direct to get the mix.)
@kls_in_MD Well, I think I’ll just take the 6 and run…
. … unless someone else chimes in quickly to claim 2 of them that I’d be willing to surrender.
I’ll grab a case then.
Make sure to use CYBERMONDAY for $10 off through the 31st! I saw it posted somewhere and used it one time.
@jchasma I asked CS about this when I ordered a case of the QPR, and they said not valid anymore, just the VMP one for $5, I think. I so want in on this but I’m desperately out of room, sadly.
@marla25 I used it on my order and it worked fine?
@jchasma @marla25
@kls_in_MD @marla25 I already bought a three pack.
Do you think they’d let me cancel and go in on your case?
@jchasma @marla25 I’m trying to work directly w Clark because I want to get 9 of the PN and 3 of the Meritage I missed last go-round. Sent a vm and an email. Nothing back yet.
Any Port Drinkers?
@jml326 Debating a three pack
@jml326 @marla25 I’m in on a split.
@marla25 @Zortapa ok I’ll buy a case and we can figure it out.
@jml326 @Zortapa Sounds good to me! Thanks
@marla25 @Zortapa
Shipped 1/11 could be here 1/18
@jml326 @Zortapa Great! Excited to try these.
@marla25 @Zortapa
I have them. I can do morning meet up tomorrow, or plan for the future. You may take up to 4 @ $14 ea.
@jml326 @Zortapa I could do tomorrow at the library or my house 8, 830? I have a dentist appointment at 9, not sure how long I’ll be. I’ll take 4 please!
@jml326 @marla25 I’m at a conference sat morn till noon then leaving town until Monday. Could meet at 12:30 as I leave town tomorrow if that works for you.
@marla25 @Zortapa
I can’t do that early marla I’m sorry. Please reach out after your appointment and maybe we can meet.
Zortapa where would you be at 12:30?
@jml326 @Zortapa Will do!
@jml326 Will be at the convention center until noon and then can drive to meet you.
Go Baltimore!
Meeker Syrah Vertical 22 JAN. This sounds really good. Anybody interested in the DMV? I’ll take about a half case.
@kls_in_MD OK, since you’re twisting my arm, I’ll offer to take a 3-pk from the case.
@Zortapa Got a case. One complete vertical is still up for grabs, Balto peeps…
@jml326, @zortapa, @marla25, @jchasma, @dschonew, @waas, @n3uka, I’m hollering in case ppl don’t check this offer on-line…
@kls_in_MD I would be interested in a 3 pack
@n3uka you got it. We’re done. UNLESS someone needs the third; Mrs kls would be fine with that.
I’m going to hit up some coworkers who love sweet wine. I’ll post how much of a case I have left later.
@jml326 I’ve never tried eiswine, so if available, I’d take one bottle.
/giphy sedate-personable-minotaur

@jml326 Not sure where you are but I’d be willing to help you with a bottle or two of the ice wine. I work in Glen Burnie but willing to drive a bit. Cheers.
@NJHokie @kls_in_MD Give me a couple of days as I do not have the commitment from my coworkers on the # of bottles they want.
And @ NJHokie I work at JHH in Baltimore and I live in Baltimore. Depending on where you live could make exchange easier.
@kls_in_MD @NJHokie
I have 4 bottles unclaimed if with of you or anyone in the area is interested. $18.20 each
Calling all B’more folks: Because I like SoCa PN, I ordered a case of Windrun Pinot Noir. Let me know if any of you are interested in a bottle or 2. After tax it’ll be $10/bottle.
@Zortapa I’ll take one. Let’s have you hold it until we can do a bigger exchange.
@kls_in_MD OK. I’ll let you know when it arrives.
/giphy omnipresent-woozy-air

I’m kicking myself for missing our on the raspberry. And I’m seeing the city and county buying the current offer. Anyone splitting? Trading?
@jml326 I bought a case (not sure if the map tags me as city or county), but unfortunately I have plans for all. Now I wish I’d ordered two!
Anybody up for a split on the 3-Cojones red blend?
@kls_in_MD I’d just in for a few bottles.
Who’s up for a split on this Band Blend red? anybody?
@kls_in_MD I really like their stuff but I’m also really out of room. And trying to hold to siwbm for my budgets sake.
@marla25 , I surely understand. If I can’t get a split, I’ll take the endorsement and grap a half-case. Going Once!
Going 2ice
Who wants to go halvsies on a case of Winesmith Cab?
@kls_in_MD I’m in.
@Zortapa - Got it. I’ll let you know about delivery.
What about this Tannat? I’d like to get 3 if someone is grabbing a case…
@kls_in_MD – I’d take up to 4. Anyone else interested?
@Zortapa outrageous-plucky-star is in effect. ALSO in effect: SIWBM. 4 bottles of this case (Y. Rousseau Reserve Tannat) projected to improve over 15-20 years(!) are still available.
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa I could swing for 2
@jml326 @Zortapa done! 1 or 2 bottles to go. @jchasma?
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @Zortapa Sure, I could go for a bottle or two if someone could meet me in Towson sometime. How much was it per bottle?
@jchasma @jml326 @Zortapa $24 per cork. I can do a Towson-ish meeting some Tuesday or Sunday. or maybe we could do a Casemate relay! I’ll holler when it comes in.
@jchasma @jml326 @Zortapa Tannat is in and I’ll be in Butler MD tomorrow before dark. If you can swing a meet, whisper me up and I’ll propose a location.
@jchasma @kls_in_MD @Zortapa
Where are we at with this right now?
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @Zortapa I can meet near Towson over the weekend? Or early morning during the week? I owe for 2.
@jchasma @kls_in_MD @Zortapa back to the top
@jchasma @jml326 @Zortapa OK, Thanks for the patience folks, this weekend is IT! I’m in Baltimore for bike racing on Sunday from about 0800 to 1430 (08 to 2+ pm). I’ll be at The Flower Mart Criterium at Mount Vernon Place, parenting, assistant coaching, and volunteering at a course crossing. My kid will be done racing a bit before 1030 (when my volunteer shift starts (ending at 1400.) SOOOOO: I could handoff at 1020 or just after 1400. Not sure yet where I’ll park and (depending on how many of you can meet) if I’ll roll the wine with me to the venue. This applies to Tannat and the Winesmith Cab (@zortapa).
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @Zortapa I unfortunately can’t meet this weekend as we’re out of town for a family event. I’m so sorry.
Can someone who can meet me in Baltimore or Towson grab two of the Tannat for me? Or if someone else just wants to buy them, I hate to keep anyone on the hook to meet.
@jchasma @jml326 @kls_in_MD All-if it’s not too late, I can meet KLS at 1400 to pick up all the bottles for us city-folk. Just let me know how much $$$ I’d need to bring. -Eric
@jchasma @jml326 @Zortapa Sorry to say I didn’t see this until returning. Also, wet cold kid was glad we could blast off as soon as we did. How about Tuesday night around 8 pm near 795?
I’m in Millersville MD and just bought a case of the APRIORI SONOMA COAST PINOT NOIR - I would like to keep 6 so let me know if anyone wants a few bottles.
Did anybody grab a case of the Stillman Brown? I could help out w some red(s)…
Not I. Several of the wines included Alicante Bouschet to which I am allergic. Sadly, I had to pass on this one.
@Zortapa have you opened a bottle of that Tannat?
@kls_in_MD Yes and enjoyed it much.
Any rose drinkers?
@jml326 I’ll split. Do you pay the $5 per month for free shipping? If not, then I’ll buy the case.
@Zortapa yes I still carry the membership, and I had ordered a cash already. 6x6 split?
@jml326 I’d do a bottle, as a try-out. Never have really dived in to any rose’ . No rush on the transfer, just when convenient.
@jml326 Sure
@Zortapa Rose is in. $44 for your six
This should be close to my last purchase for the season. Any one interested in the current offer?
@jml326 No thanks.
@jml326 I could do 2, then we’d HAVE to meet for an xfer of 3. [should have made this a reply in the first place…]
@jml326 I wouldn’t mind a few of these. I’m in Columbia.
@jml326 Sorry unless they change the inventory around I missed it
I could do 2, then we’d HAVE to meet for an xfer of 3.
Got a case of the current offer. Willing to split off 6 total
@jml326 what was that one?
Was out of town the last couple of weeks. Anyone still sitting on a case of anything they wanted to split?
@jchasma I guess that depends of what you’re looking for.
I was out of town for a month (long story) and now have no idea where we are w held bottles. Who do I owe? The rose’?
@kls_in_MD I don’t think you owe anyone anything. But if I have something you want we can talk
@kls_in_MD was the rose and I have a few if interested
@jml326 2 zin and one rose would be great.
@kls_in_MD you’re south toward Columbia yes? I’m leaving for a Vacation Sunday. We’ll be heading south on 95. If you’re flexible in time I could meet and drop off on the way out of town. $33 total.
Ouch. Way too late getting this. Ya didn’t text me.
Rolling the dice on the offer direct from Clark
@jml326 I’d be in for 2 if you’re offering it up… Tough to say no to Clark.
@kls_in_MD deal
@kls_in_MD finally came in. I will try to work a drop off soon.
anybody want to split a case of the Scott Harvey Zins? @jml326, @zortapa, @jchasma, @dschonew, @marla25
@kls_in_MD Tough call. I like these wines, but it might be difficult to split this case with 4 individual wines. Perhaps it could work going 2 ways, but a 3 way split would be problematic.
So, if no one else is interested, then I’d split it with you. But I don’t think I’d go for a 3-way split.
@kls_in_MD For some reason, I seem to not be getting these notices to my email anymore? I’m going to see about my settings…
I forgot this thread existed - thanks for bringing it to the top.
Columbia/Ellicott City area here. I generally lean toward the reds (love Cabernet Sauvignon), but like to experiment from time to time.
@mehcuda67 we have a decently sized group of splitters active on here, jump in the water’s … wine.
@kls_in_md I am in for a two or three split as well. With 8 unique wines the split might be interesting, but I am good either way. @zortapa @mehcuda67
@dschonew I grabbed a case, but it looks like an even split w @zortapa is the way to go. Next time!!!
@kls_in_md No worries here! I ended up ordering one too.
Any shorty fans?
@jml326 I’d be good for 4 to 6.
@jml326 did you grab a case?
@kls_in_MD Nope didn’t expect a sell out
I pulled the trigger on the PETERSON WINERY VIGNOBLES RED WINEs today on 29 OCT. Willing to split off 2 to 6.
@kls_in_MD I am in Columbia and can take 2 if you are looking to lighten your stock.
Anybody jumping on the Cinsault? I could be in a 4 way, for 3 bottles… Or even 4…
Some of my early mates here have disappeared. If you’re still around and just not buying please check-in. Don’t be shy I travel to share and trade. Columbia, Owings Mills, Towson, Bel Air…if there is a Wegman’s and a Costco I’m good for my Saturday errands.
@jml326 I’m still around, just been buying less because of space issues! We’ve been working on drinking down some, and now that the weather is cooler…
@jml326 @marla25
@jml326 @marla25 hey guys.
@jml326 I’m around! I’m just pregnant so not drinking as much these days.
@jchasma @jml326 Congrats!
@jml326 Columbia is an easy place for me to meetup. I’ve got 4 bottles of the Mentida white, one bottle of 2003 Chateau de Suronde Quarts de Chaume and one bottle of 2015 moscato Giallo (wine.woot leftover?) that are available for swapping. Obviously go more for whites but willing to try sweeter side reds.
Hi everyone! I need between two and four case boxes if anyone has extras. I’d love to pickup closer to Towson but could send my husband into the city if need be.
Whisper at me and we can set up a meet up.
Any interest in today’s quick offer?
@jml326 I’d take 2 bottles, but I’m not currently in a position to split an entire case.
@jml326 I’d take 3 if you grab the case.
@kls_in_MD case sold out before I could buy. Settled for a 2x2 pack
I see some orders for the moonspell. Any one willing to part with a bottle or two?
@jml326 (etc.) I got a case of Conductor Red Blend a short while back that I’d be willing to share off some bottles from.
@jml326 WD usually comes up with a holiday special like this. Unfortunately, I am not a sparkling fan.
@jml326 I’m good for one, if you or someone else springs for it, but Christmas shopping will keep me from ordering myself, unfortunately.
Anybody that grabbed a case of the Winesmith PS that wants to share out some? I’d be up for 4, 3, 2, or (even) 1.
Any malbec drinkers?
@jml326 I’d take some… 3?
No other interest?
@jml326 Malbec didn’t fly?
@kls_in_MD nope can’t store whole cases. So I’m limited to 2-3 bottles.
Anybody want to split a case of this Syrah? @jml326, @jchasma, @marla25, @bleedmichigan, @dschonew, @zortapa
@kls_in_MD I’ll l take 3-4 bottles.
@zortapa, @jml326, [Y]our order number is: striped-tasteless-angle. 6-3-3 split. I’ll let yunz know when it arrives.
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @Zortapa @marla25 @bleedmichigan @dschonew Still pregnant (unfortunately)! And moving out of state soon. I’ll miss you guys!
@bleedmichigan @jchasma @jml326 @kls_in_MD @marla25 @Zortapa
Aww boo! Congratulations (soon) on your new bundle of Joy and there will most assuredly be plenty of wine flowing eventually in your new state.
@bleedmichigan @dschonew @jchasma @jml326 @marla25 @Zortapa YES, CONGRATU(still)LATIONS
@bleedmichigan @dschonew @jchasma @jml326 @kls_in_MD @Zortapa Sadly, I’m currently paying for a new basement floor. grumble stupid plumbing
But best of luck @jchasma - I hope you’re heading somewhere warm!
@jml326 @Zortapa Rec’d the case yesterday. I haven’t popped one yet. I could meet later today in Elkridge if you’re around.
I’d be down for 2-3 bottles
Anybody up for a luxury split?
@Zortapa, @jml326 ???
I’d be happy to split. I already purchased a 3-pack of this, but I probably can cancel that order and take 4-6 from a case. Just let me know.
@kls_in_MD I could swing for 3(one of each). And I know I still owe you. Maybe when this comes in I can get away finally.
@Zortapa @jml326, Your order number is: obnoxious-living-ear.
Zor, keep your 3 pak and I’ll split off half this case. You each get 3, a full selection. Everybody wins!
@jml326 @Zortapa you could also split the half case between yunz 4-2. Just let me know.
@jml326 @kls_in_MD Since there are 3 different “flavors”, I’d stick with 3-3.
@jml326 I’m possibly meeting Zor today at Catonsville Library. This Pepper Bridge Cab is in. Weekend also works. Really, want to make this convenient for you. No rush still on the 2 splits.
@kls_in_MD what time?
When Bmore opens up, and we can gather in some sense of the form later this summer/early fall, love to invite some local (or distant!) Casemates to a special tasting at QG in Downtown, msg me so I can keep you posted!
@kls_in_MD @bunnymaddeuse @Zortapa… I’m ordering a case of Two Jakes.
If anyone wants some let me know.
Realizing that I typed your name wrong.
@jml326 No worries, also got a case if there is a larger need to split further than half…
@bunnymasseuse @jml326 – If anyone has some leftovers, I would love to get one or two bottles. Thanks!
@cjsiege @jml326 Oh, NOW the response
@cjsiege I can accommodate
@bunnymasseuse – hey, I’m in the process of moving! It’s been hard to keep track!
@jml326, @bunnymasseuse: Thank you both! I’ll DM you my email.
Placed an order for the inZINerator
@jml326 Same here, haven’t had it since WW days, interested to see if I remember it
I just took delivery of a case of the Y. Rousseau 2017 Tannat. I could trade off a few perhaps. Their previous Tannat (the Reserve) blew my doors off. I had to try this one too. I got some of those InZINs last offer and they were Good. I had just pulled a cork on a bottle the night before, so waiting on my first taste still…
Anyone splitting?
I ask because I’m waiting on Scott Harvey InZINerator and just got in Two Jakes of Diamonds Roman Reserve Cabernet Franc so I’m getting full. Would offer up these as possible trade if anyone wants to split the WS
@jml326 I’ll probably be out of the market until cooler weather in the Fall. Of course, if something fantastic comes up I might change my mind…
@jml326 we talking winesmith? I’m game…
@jml326 @zortapa @bunnymasseause I moved to SC, but I’ll miss splitting with y’all! I’m hoping to find some new Casemates around here.
@jml326 I missed this, but WANT SOME. Anybody want some Tannat in trade or just to split off a couple?
@jml326 @kls_in_MD which wine you missed?
The Winesmith Saint Laurent. I’ve never tried that grape and WS is ALWAYS a good start.
@kls_in_MD I shipped mine to a friend in Va, sounds like another wine & drive loop in my future. Now to find a picnic area…
Sure, i can do that.
@jml326, @zortapa, @bunnymasseause, @dschonew, Anybody want to split today’s Petit Verdot?
@kls_in_MD thank you but my budgets have dried up for now, and my storage space it maxed.
@kls_in_MD it looks like you guys may have already split a case up, so I ordered one too just in case.
@dschonew fantastic! You got the only one i know of. I’d take 3 or 4 if you’re feeling generous
Just got the Winesmith sparking Grenache deal, not sure I have room for 12, any splitters?
@bunnymasseuse I’d take 2, since it’s WS.
@kls_in_MD When I get it I’ll let you know! Not yet shipped, I should have said “ordered” lol not got!
I’d split this Andrew Murray mixed case 50-50 if someone can help…
@kls_in_MD I’m game. Would you be interested in a few bottles of the Marqués de Riscal Rioja Gran Reserva Vertical case that I ordered last week?
Anyone up to split the Meh Ped Blend case? Looks like wine invaded Meh today…
@bunnymasseuse 2 cases on the way and a bunch of splits perking. No can do. Sorry
@kls_in_MD no worries just checking, easier to split in Md when these arrive than NOVA but as seen I’m willing to do the long haul
@kls_in_MD I did get some, so if you want ANY I can offload, does not need to be 6… had to buy in two 6 pks as cases were gone by 4pm ET.
Split interest on the current for today? https://casemates.com/forum/topics/denier-handal-dry-creek-valley-zinfandel-vertical
@bunnymasseuse Not today. Too many recent orders.
@bunnymasseuse , @dschonew, @cduan, Way WAY too many orders. Rec’d Spellbound and Pedroncelli, Andrew Murray on the way. Need to meet to get WS sparkling grenache, Briceland Petit Verdot, and Y. Rousseau Tannat. Brain exploding w complexities of it all. BOOM. I’m sure they’ll be putting up some more WS and I’ll be sunk.
@kls_in_MD I have the Briceland in hand, let me know when and where is good to meet up and I can make it happen.
Any Bmore folks care to split a Gard case 50:50?
If anyone is interested, I ordered a case and would be willing to split off up to 6 bottles ($23/blt with tax).
@Zortapa hit me up, I’ll take some off your hands.
@bunnymasseuse Sure! These come in pairs of CS+Syrah. Since no one else has chimed in yet, you can claim 2, 4, or 6. Stake your claim.
@Zortapa I’ll take 4 at a minimum, likely not enough room for 6 but I’ll check.
@bunnymasseuse Sounds good. I’ll let you know when they arrive.
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa I could take a pair.
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD Sorry. All bottles have been claimed.
Château de Bel-Air Lalande de Pomerol Bordeaux Red , any split interest?
@bunnymasseuse I’m game. I got some of the 2012 recently and would love to compare it to the 2014.
@Zortapa Done!
@bunnymasseuse I’d do 3.
Its always nostalgic for me to see this thread pop up. From 1999-2011, I lived in Upper Fells>Roland Park>Mount Vernon>Federal Hill. Let’s go O’s!
Any interest in a split on today’s bubbles?
@kls_in_MD Not this time. But thanks.
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa How many you wanna unload? I could do 2-4 if you already got a case.
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa not hearing any interest, I passed after calculating the per bottle cost of the 4-pak.
Today’s Ped white combo interest? Not normally my jam but I should stretch my taste buds away from reds more often… takers?
@bunnymasseuse I’m the same, 95% reds for me. That said, If you jump, I’ll take one of each. Not much help, I know. . . but I have some whites already in the cellar.
@kls_in_MD I’ll find room, or something! Ha! @cduan want me to add one of each to your growing box of goodies?
Welcome to @vinoman our new MD partner-in-wine!
@bunnymasseuse @vinoman Welcome indeed. Where yat?
Ok, throwing this out for a beginning conversation about a MD or B’more wine gathering of a “ reasonable “ safe manner, because I know there is varying interpretations of that by many.
There is the potential to leverage some space downtown at a restaurant for a wine tasting and get some food to pair with, but not sure “when” (how soon? Not soon?) would work for all.
Hotels not far from this location in Downtown so some opportunities to avoid risky drinks that put driving at a danger.
Heck May even pull some Wellington out for this, or see if winesmith can send us some taste offerings.
If you feel more comfortable using whisper that’s fine, no pressure.
@bunnymasseuse If your date is on/after 1 APR when my second jab has had time to “mature” I’m ALL IN. I can pitch in a nice bottle from the bottom shelves of the rack.
… also, I jumped on the recent WS offer and will split off a complete quarter if there’s an interest. I could bring to Bunny’s thing if it flies.
McKahn Family Cellars Grenache <— if you want some of a case @cduan is getting a case (see the chat for the Grenache thread), hit him up, first come, first reserved.
I opened the WS Genache over the weekend… OMG SOOOOOOOOOOOOO FRIKIN GOOD.
…also based on bunny’s recc and drop-in ratting on the latest 2 Jakes offer, I took delivery yesterday on my first real decanter. My Jakes case is on the way. Still willing to split off a quarter of it (or trade for more WS Grenache!)
@kls_in_MD I found 4-7 days worked for me, about to open up another and put it in the corner and forgetaboutit
I’m strongly leaning toward grabbing a case of the Marques D today. Any interest in a split? @bunnymasseusse, @cduan, @zortapa, @vinoman, @dschonew, @jml326
@kls_in_MD I’m in.

/giphy relaxed-sexy-caption
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa if not room to split off of that I can pick up a case also if remaining interest.
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa
Right now we’re at me:6 @bunnymasseusse - 3, @zortapa - 3. I could also do an even 4-4-4 split.
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa heck, if Zor is really all over this, I would even do Zor:6, we go 3:3.
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa I’m ok with either, not that picky.
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD Any split is fine with me. If I wanted lots of bottles, I could have ordered a case for myself.
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa @patrickKarcher
With Patrick now interested, we seem to be getting close to that 2d case Bunny mentioned above…
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa
As @kls_in_MD mention, the usual suspects in NOVA seem to want a little less than case, so we could spare a few. @theLecroy just ordered a case. That right, @theLecroy? 4 for me, 3-4 for you, maybe 1-2 for @murftastic? So, I think we’re good here and could probably pass a couple to @bunnymasseuse.
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD @murftastic @PatrickKarcher @Zortapa I did order one
@kls_in_MD @murftastic @PatrickKarcher @thelecroy @Zortapa sorry folks, got task oriented earlier and am now playing catch-up. Looks like thelecroy will have enough covered for all, yes?
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD @murftastic @PatrickKarcher @Zortapa yes looks like 2 cases between zortapa and me, right?
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD @murftastic @PatrickKarcher @thelecroy Actually, you and @kls_in_MD got the cases.
@murftastic @PatrickKarcher @Zortapa Cases bought so far by @thelecroy and @kls_in_MD , one each.
@kls_in_MD @murftastic @PatrickKarcher @thelecroy @Zortapa meh! Make than an AWESOME 3 cases…
“Could not say no, split out the last one from Xmas pretty heavy so more for the masses (plus I had a coupon and it’s burning a hole in my pocket)”
/giphy absorbed-precise-catfish

@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa MaquesD Rioja is IN. Proposed split 4 to Zor, 4 to Bunny, I’ll keep 4.
Buy all the Wine Smith! Picked up a case willing to split out up to 8
/giphy synonymous-teeny-dandelion

@jml326 had to case it too! Rolling thru decanted CF to make room for my last CF buy! WS is great juice!
@bunnymasseuse @jml326 Dibs on 6 please. Just saw it and obviously sold out.
@kls_in_MD you got it
@jml326 excellent, THANKS!
@kls_in_MD i was not expecting shipping to have happened already. This case apparently arrived yesterday while I was flying to bwi. I’ll confirm it is in fact in my lab on monday.
@kls_in_MD it is here. How would you like to receive? 6 bottles would be $109
Btw, got a case of Punta de Flechas Corte Argentinian Blend, if you wanted some peep up!
@bunnymasseuse I’d take some of these 2?) in trade for some of the Rioja, which has been rec’d now.
@kls_in_MD we will talk, I’m open to it, don’t mind swimming in Rioja.
Ok folks, I’m meeting @cduan to get Grenache that was DC ONLY sold this Sunday, I plan on taking a trip to VA to exchange with @thelecroy & @wardad who has other stuff waiting… IF you work it out with cduan and I ahead of time, I’m happy to transport your wine from him to you if you are more local to me ( @kls_in_MD ). @jclarkie78 are you closer to one group or the other? Havent done a pass off with you before so trying to strategize the best delivery method for cduan and I.
Hahah thanks! I’m in Alexandria right outside dc, and work in dc so can always stop by on the way home
@jclarkie78 I’ll let you work out the meeting with @cduan then as you are more local to each other for the Grenache.
@jclarkie78 hello! Not sure if you got my previous whispers, but let me know how we can get in touch to deliver this grenache, thanks!
Thanks to the following for the coordination of a multi state casemates CANNONBALL WINE
RUN of epic scale, starring: @cduan @thelecroy @wardad @zortapa @kls_in_md @jml326 with almost 4 cases traded b/t!
Anyone doing today’s zins ? Would take 4 if that interested you… otherwise I’m not pulling trigger.
@bunnymasseuse I passed on the zins, but I’d split a J Dusi. I’d like 6.
@Zortapa see I’d split that too! You wanna buy or me?
@bunnymasseuse Ordered. 6:6.
@Zortapa sweeet!!! Works for me!

/giphy thankyou
Can I get a couple 'mates for a Y. Rousseau split? Who’s up for an SOB? @bunnymasseusse, @jml326, @cduan, @zortapa, @vinoman, @dschonew
@kls_in_MD I’d take a bottle or two. But with 2 cases being delivered today, another on the way, and other recent orders, I’m starting to hold back for the summer.
@Zortapa maybe I’ll make this my last(ish?) blast before worrying about summer temps. Gotta leave possibility open for a WS or other auto-buy…
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa yeah me too, just had the Louis latour delivery , splits pending withZ on the Jdusi and still have something else otw… have yo make room if I see the WS CF come back, getting 2cases this time! Haha
Grabed a case of Saint Laurent. Willing to split off 6 bottles
@jml326 I’d take 3 next time we do a mega swap!
@kls_in_MD can do
@jml326 @kls_in_MD if you liked the 2015 you may like this better. May do a very taste tonight to compare if I can spare some time…
@jml326 @kls_in_MD I also pulled the trigger on a case, wanted more than 3 for myself : ). Any interest @Zortapa ? I know you still got 6 for me from another purchase…
@bunnymasseuse @jml326 @kls_in_MD I’ll pass on this cuz I went for the Brunello last Friday.
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @Zortapa oooh you fancy thing you! If you need to shred from the case let me know.
@bunnymasseuse @jml326 @Zortapa I’d take a total of 4, trying to do the mental math of what I’ve already committed to…
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD @Zortapa
Saint Laurent arrived today. A little worried as it looks like the bottle wrapping lost color, or all the bottles slightly leaked.
@bunnymasseuse @jml326 @kls_in_MD And I’m pissed because my Brunello arrived today but I was not home to accept it. Now it will spend the weekend in a brown truck. Argh!
@bunnymasseuse @jml326 @kls_in_MD @winedavid49 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
HHHHHH!!! And now I get a UPS notice that the shipment was damaged and is being returned to the sender!
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @Winedavid49 @Zortapa really hope they didn’t damage it out and keep it, happened to me and salmon from AK… Frederick claimed it spiked and broke and would not show proof, 80# salmon gone
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD
Bringing back this thread for a minute. kls_in_MD was down for some, bunnymasseuse did you ever get your order fixed?
Can’t wait for mystery box unpacking
@jml326 can’t wait, but no I can, need to drink to have somewhere to put them!
I’m a Rat! Stay tuned…
@kls_in_MD god bless it do I need to trigger at midnight? Or you wanna call splits now?
I literally will be sleeping on wine if I don’t drink enough with friends this weekend…
I know I said I’d slow down during summer, but I really enjoy reds created using Mt Veeder grapes. Anyone interested in splitting the Hess mixed reds offering?
@Zortapa NOT that I need more bottles, but I’d take a triple out of that case.
@kls_in_MD Ok. If we get another nibble, I’ll get a case. If not, we’ll pass.
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa I’ll nibble, heck I’ll take all the merlot that no one wants, my fav and yet the only merlot I currently have is 2J! (Maybe a hidden Wellington but out of sight out it mind). Get the case and I’ll work out the remnants Z.
/giphy paramount-craven-hunchback

@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD @Zortapa
thanks everyone. i’m really hoping to have some traction with Hess and get some momentum with them.
@kls_in_MD @Winedavid49 @Zortapa Here to help David (will and drink wine too of course…)!
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD The Hess case has arrived. If you’re still interested in a few bottles, let me know.
QUANTITY: 1 CASE (12-BOTTLES) arrived but…. No shipping notice was sent? Pretty sure I didn’t buy anything else, it arrived out at my “county drop”.
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa mine came today too. Along w the Scott Harvey case. Still interested in Hess, I “guess”, LOL
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa maybe time for another bottle xchange, I’m hitting a 1 in 1 out limit or I will have nowhere to sleep! That said, happy to peel some of the 2J CS from winesmith for any interested.
@bunnymasseuse @kls_in_MD I agree. But I’m not sure exchanges result in much more space. Other than tonight, I’d be available most evenings this week as well as next weekend.
That Corona De Aragon is drinking so good RN, wishing I’d got the full case. I’ll be able to get into Baltimore this weekend or Catonsville most evenings, just need reminder of who’s got what for who…
@kls_in_MD Agreed. I quickly forget the details about splits. Perhaps we could create a shared google doc/sheet that documents the splits when purchases are made…
My recollection is that I am splitting off 3 Hess bottles to you and 3 Hess bottles to @bunnymasseuse.
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa YES, we need this! I’ll whisper one to ya.
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa I knew I should have just spread that Discord channel for casemates…
@bunnymasseuse @Zortapa @jml I still owe the group the GoogDoc referenced above. Haven’t forgotten (totally) just been slammed w stuff.
We’ve be quiet.
@jml326 @zortapa @bunnymasseuse, TOO quiet. Anybody want half a case of the WS red?
@jml326 @kls_in_MD @Zortapa willing to split, will report back on the Merlot case if I can get it…
I’m down and I still have
To split out if anyone was interested. I know one was but forget who.
Trigger: Pulled
@kls_in_MD considering a case but then I saw the case offered for the older merlot and I may have gotten distracted…
@kls_in_MD For those who may be curious , yes I got a case (older merlot) AND now a VIP with Clark for case rates… thus free shipping on case orders…
I’m game if you need to unload a couple bottles.
Ok folks, let’s make another try at a gathering…. Bunny hosted event, in downtown B’more, who is interested? I’m looking for a good Sat afternoon/evening, any interest? Willing to host our visitors: @cduan @spazfungus @wardad @thelecroy @PatrickKarcher @aliens1947
@bunnymasseuse I’m definitely interested. I’ll be out of town a few weekends over the next couple months, but I’ll definitely be there if I’m here.
@bunnymasseuse I’m very late to the game here, but did anything end up happening? I’m in Federal Hill South and would love to join in if I’m not too late.
@bunnymasseuse, @cduan, @spazfungus, @Zortapa, @wardad, @thelecroy, @PatrickKarcher, @aliens1947, @jml326
Any interest in a 50-50 split on the Allegria Red?
@aliens1947 @bunnymasseuse @cduan @jml326 @kls_in_MD @spazfungus @thelecroy @wardad If you get other takers and still want to unload a bottle or two, I’d be interested in just a couple bottles. I received a case yesterday and ordered 2 other cases earlier this week, so I’m laying low for a while.
@aliens1947 @bunnymasseuse @cduan @jml326 @kls_in_MD @spazfungus @wardad @Zortapa I’m out on this, but I did try decanting the Roman Reserve for 10 days and was impressed how much it developed. Thanks for the top bunny.
I could see doing something on the 18th or 2d of OCT. 2 OCT we could do it at the bike race in Druid Hill Park!
Picked up the two Jakes mixed
@jml326 sounds good, are you looking to split? I’m investigating the 6variety pack they had on winesmith website…
@bunnymasseuse I’m open to a 6 x 6 spilt. And I may have some of the other varieties listed on their website mixed pack
@jml326 gotcha, will reach out to Sandra and see what they have left…
Two Jakes just arrived was there anyone interested?
Hello! I just ordered the two Jakes mixed case and would also be interested in splitting 50/50 with someone in the B’more-DC area. Thanks!
Anybody throwing down the big bux for the TyCaton Titanium? I could help with two from a case… @Zortapa, @jml326, @bunnymasseusse, @Izlo, @cduan ?
@kls_in_MD 2 sounds good to me…
@Zortapa, @strongry, @bunnymasseusse, @Izlo, @cduan With Strongry interest (per email), looks like we’d be half way there…
@strongry is not in the BaltoDC area, so we are still sitting at 33%. Someone at CM mucked up.
@strongry @Zortapa I THOUGHT that was weird, CM trying to build a “mates” split. Response must not be too overwhelming for a $500 case
Anyone want to case split the D7 offering after the rat notes on the prev vintage? Not sure I want 12 undrinkable if the dice rolls that way this time too…
@bunnymasseuse Fruit forward isn’t to my taste. I’ll pass.
Any splitting interest on a case of the WS reds?
@bunnymasseuse I have two non-CM cases on order, so I’m going to pass on this until it comes around again.
Stillman has shipped. Anybody want to split these D-H mixed reds?
@bunnymasseusse, @zortapa, @jml326? mixed red split anybody?
@kls_in_MD I’m game.
@Zortapa done!
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa too late to make the cut but I’m sure it will be good!
This thread has been quiet for awhile. Do I owe anything to any of you?
@Zortapa not that I can think of…

/giphy one million dollars
@jml326 @Zortapa LOLOL
Any unicorn split?
@jml326 how many ‘corns you trying to wrangle? Lol these babies are opposite from bunnies, not easily replicated and we don’t get more of them sooner than we want!
@jml326 Just bought 3 cases elsewhere, so I’ve got to pass on this one.
@jml326 I’ll split a WS case with ya
@kls_in_MD sold and ordered
Just landed
@jml326 Don’t know if these are all called for but figured I’d check in. I haven’t read this thread since I moved. I’ll be in town in August and would possibly be down for grabbing one or two from you if they’ve arrived.
@jchasma when are you around?
@kls_in_MD I’m free to meet up Sat or sun
@jml326 I’m up at the Balt Co Ag center this afternoon and could stop off for a PU afterwards, if convenient…?
@jml326 my visit got cut short.
Anybody jumping on the Bulgarian? I’d split out 2 or 3 from your case…
Wow almost a years gone by
Anybody want to do a 50-50 split on the Hearts offer?
@kls_in_MD I’m not interested in a full split, but I’d take 2 or 4 bottles.
@Zortapa: 4, you got it. Anybody else want 4 (or 2)? I’m pulling the trigger.
@kls_in_MD @Zortapa I’ll take remaining.