Berserkerday picks?
1What is everyone considering for the upcoming BD12? Any can’t miss picks, especially with the newbie wineries? I’ve never tried WB darling, Walter Scott, but am intrigued. Beau Rivage of William Kelley fame and Shiba Wichern also look interesting. Anyone tried these or have other recommendations?
- 43 comments, 141 replies
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I got a 6-pack from Erica Orr recently and popped the Chenin Blanc last night. It’s good.
@ScottW58 had the Grenache and Merlot already as well, so maybe he can offer more commentary there.
If Goodfellow has another good offer that’s a solid option, too.
I’m looking forward to the offers from several of the newbies:
Beau Rivage
Walter Scott
I ordered a 3 pack of the Beau Rivage but have not received yet so I will pass on those until I have tried them but that could be good. I like the looks of Shiba Wichern very small operation so probably will get some. Absolutely will get more Goodfellow love the Whistling ridge wines! I’m full on Flannery so will try a smattering of the Morgan Ranch American wagyu, Kelley Fox nuff said. Orr grenache and chenin blanc is very good imho have not tried the merlot yet but don’t think I will buy more just because I have a couple bottles of each already. Walter Scott is in my humble opinion is GREAT chardonnay not to be missed but I already bought a bunch of that from the quarantine sale last year. Based on all this drivel looks like Goodfellow/Kelley Fox and Shiba Wichern will be my starting point but i’m sure something else might peak my interest
Clearly I am currently an Oregon fanboy!
@ScottW58 weren’t you also looking at Beau Rivage Cellars?
I already bought a 3 pack of the 17 a few days ago on a recommendation so I will sit this one out, pretty excited to try them.
I did Berserker Day for the first time last year. As an ordinary user (non-paying), and being at work most of the day, I had trouble getting what I wanted. Although I did manage to spend enough on good wines. Another issue for me is that the selections were Chard and Pinot heavy, which I’m not a big fan of. Otherwise…it was a blast!
@FritzCat Do you have any words of wisdom for someone who will be a newb this year?
@jfuruno Have fun! I looked at the newbie list yesterday and made a list of those I might be interested in. Might be interested in a couple of glasses too. Watch the comments that the experienced people make, and check Cellartracker.
@FritzCat OK, just finished: 2 Grassl 1855 wine glasses. a six-pack of Theopolis PS, and 3 Grenache and 3 Cabernets from Stellareese. Wanted some Lagier Meredith, but it’s just too pricey (although I did buy some zin…Tribidrag recently). Also, I didn’t see Cave Dog anywhere.
I’m gonna aim for products and not so much on wine. Veleta stuff likely, probably could use a winecheck too.
@radiolysis Vinguard has been having some killer offers lately, and they are easier to move around than the WC. I have both.
@rjquillin my idea with the winecheck is to pack an empty one up to my destination, buying a box, then flying home. I suppose I could put one bottle in and try to check it free with Alaska.
Campesino,any wines, but particularly ISA. Any food items (EVOO, sardines, etc.) from Veleta.
Looking to get some Grassl glasses, maybe Zalto universals, then just browse the wine and try not to buy anything!
/giphy yeah-right

Hopefully Chris / CJF does something similar to previous years. This will be my first BD and I’m excited!
I’m curious to see what Michael Havens (Cave Dog) is up to. The fire sale on Havens wines was happening just as I was starting to dip into Wine Woot, lo these many years ago. Walter Scott I have my eye on as well, Suzor, and Cadence.
Among the non-newbies, I’m looking forward to whatever Sabelli-Frisch offers, the wines in his debut BD last year have been great so far. And I’ll look to replace some of the glasses I’ve broken.
@InFrom Suzor does look interesting as does Sandar and Hem.
Cave dog reds are really good the ones I have had anyways, I would like to try Cadence.
@InFrom @jfuruno
Well shit Sandra and Hem does sound
@InFrom I drank my last 2005 Havens Bourriquot the other day, and will be looking at Cave Dog.
Didn’t realize the Newbies intros were going to be deleted. Does anyone have a link or names of newbies? Stereophonic caught my eye but that was the only one I read on the thread. Thanks.
I’ll be looking at Cabot, Campesino Isa, DV8 (if still around), and Tercero. Gotta support Larry!
@losthighwayz I still see the link, pinned to the top of the main BD page.
@InFrom @losthighwayz
perhaps only for gcc or monopole membership levels
@InFrom @rjquillin I was able to view them by finally registering! Thanks
@losthighwayz @rjquillin Aha! It’s always something.
@InFrom @losthighwayz Registering has it’s benefits; donating to support Todd’s efforts, even more so.
Just about ready to hit the button on the Morgan Ranch Waygu, worth a try. Don’t tell Bryan
Well, no apologies to Bryan after all. Hangers and burgers are 35% off and the Berserker Blend sounds tasty. So guess I’ll be pushing that button too…
Yup I better get some green stuff because I’m going to be eating a lotta burgers!
@ScottW58 It’s all about balance right?
I am not seeing Cave Dog in either the early purchase nor the preview lists. Are they called something else, or are they just not there? (Or did I simply miss it, with all the other distractions?)
@InFrom I saw them yesterday in the Newbies section.
@FritzCat Looks like he first posted his offer in the Previews section about 20 minutes after I posted the above.
@rjquillin Thanks Ron. That’s the Newbie intro. I was looking for his post in the Previews section, so I could check out his offer. And I found it!
I’m already overwhelmed!

Focus Karen focus
Looks like I may need to clear some “crap” from my freezer. Who wants to grill me a nice juicy steak???
@karenhynes @ScottW58 make you way to OR and I will.
I sat out last year and only got a case of Campesino Isa the year before that, after previously scorching my credit cards for a few years in a row. The one winery that has not yet been mentioned which stands out for me is Sandler. They make some delicious single vineyard Pinot Noirs. I did actually buy a 6-pack from them last year as they kept a couple deals up on their website for about a week after Berserker day ended.
@chipgreen Sandler always a buy. $25/bottle includes the ship. And pretty user friendly. Although I hang on to some of his bottles many are ready to roll
@chipgreen @kaolis Yeah, Ed makes great wines, especially for his 4- and 6-pack prices.
@chipgreen @kaolis @klezman Oh great, I had missed that one, thought I was done for today, now I had to buy it. Thanks, not really!
@chipgreen Actually, their $150 6-pk deal stayed up pretty much all year. A great buy.
@InFrom @kaolis @klezman
Think of us when you drink it.
@chipgreen @kaolis @klezman No doubt I’ll thank you months from now, when the CC bill is just a distant memory.
I’ve never jumped in on beserkers, but I hear that JB Neufeld makes appearances. Do yourself a favor and give it a try. Some of the WA cab in the under $60 range. Especially if the goat makes an appearance.
Any thoughts on Dusty Nabor?
ahhhh… i definitely need another Grassl Cru (broke one a while back). Veleta paella pack sounds good. Really trying to keep the strength not to buy wine.
Grassl Cru. Veleta paella pack, plus the seafood sampler, plus another box of pimentón picante.
I found a jar of Ortiz bonito del norte at HomeGoods once and it was just so “different”, now i’m looking forward to the different cuts from Veleta.
Sabelli-Frisch mix case, some Campesino packs, a Cadence 6er. I think I’m done??
Stuck to Flannery and Morgan Ranch yesterday, added Nola’s olive oil, Sandler and SunBreak Colette & Marie-Paule pinot today.
Thought about Grassl but no need, someone needs to convince me. I have a million Riedel Vinum glasses that collect dust for the most part with Gabriel-Glas Gold my everyday go to these days and recently added a few Glasvin Universals. And half a million other glasses.
Who said this is a sickness?
@kaolis Seriously. We debated the Grassls, we’ve broken 2 of our 4 GG Standarts. But we didn’t get any glasses or food, only wine. A lot of wine (for me). Happy that they’ll be trickling in over the course of a couple of months until it’s warmer, that way I can find places to store (i.e. conceal) them.
Loring Wine Co. Mystery 4 pack
Stars and Dust rose 4 pack
Dusty Nabor mixed case
Suzor 4 pack
Cabot Zin and aged syrah packs
Sander 4 pack
Isa rose case
Orr 3 pack
OK, just finished: 2 Grassl 1855 wine glasses. a six-pack of Theopolis PS, and 3 Grenache and 3 Cabernets from Stellareese. Wanted some Lagier Meredith, but it’s just too pricey (although I did buy some zin…Tribidrag recently). Also, I didn’t see Cave Dog anywhere.
@FritzCat Cave Dog
@FritzCat Thanks.
Annnnd…some Flannery…
@FritzCat it was there. Remember there is a second page.
I’m done. Here’s the damage:
All of Suzor
Theopolis 4 pack
Morgan Ranch starter pack
I was looking for albariño, but the only one I saw charged $7/btl for shipping and that took away the BD advantage.
@davirom Found the albariño. It occurred to me after I posted to search the forum. So add:
Stereophonic- 3 albariño and 2 gruner veltliner
I currently have too much wine, but all the talk about beef convinced me to try Flannery for the 1st time, as well as Morgan Ranch. Ended up with:
3 hangar steaks
3lbs of Kali blend
MR Starter Pack
I also saw 40% off Repour as well, so I may have to give those a try.
@dirtdoctor “too much wine”? Perhaps that is a phrase I should become acquainted with. . .
@dirtdoctor Perhaps he meant “Too little space”.
I’m glad it’s only once a year:
Repour 72 pk
All of Suzor
Cadence sampler case
Beau Rivage 6 pk
Sandler 4 pk
JB Neufeld 6 pk
Flannery 5#burger, (2) Cal NY, (1) hanger, (5) pork chops
I got nothing bigger than a 6-pack.
Suzor 3 pack
Sabelli-Frisch 3 of the Flame Tokay, loved that stuff last year
Orr mixed 3
Sandler 4
Chris James 6 mixed whites
Beau Rivage 6 Chenin Blanc (2x 3-year vertical)
Loring mystery 3 PN
Someone on the Loring thread mentioned keeping a BD spreadsheet, to make it easier when entering into CT. I kind of hated doing it, but I figured I should rip the bandaid off and see how much I spent. It could have been worse…
Oh I guess the Suzor is a 4-pack, not a 3. Thanks, spreadsheet!
My haul for the day:
Campesino Isa case and Alina 6er
Sabelli Frisch 9 pack
Shiba-Wichern mixed 6er
2 glassvin expressions
Flannery hangers and burgers
Morgan wagyu sampler
Was considering the Beau Rivage when it sold out . Probably for the best.
Kelley Fox
Shiba Wichern
Grassel a few replacement glasses
Someone else can’t remember? (rose) so not bad except I bought so much meat from Morgan and Flannery that I need another refrigerator
@ScottW58 or host a socially-distanced bbq!
@ScottW58 I’m in the same boat. I pushed the Flannery ship date out a month to clear out some space. Looking forward to a wagyu smackdown with Morgan vs Costco Japanese A5 strips.
@hscottk now that will be fun!
That’s a good call lost!
Just added a Sandar and Hem Grenache rose case.
Need to stop looking!
@losthighwayz last one. Ocelli Cellars Grenache. Hard to resist no tax and $10 shipping on a six pack. No idea what to expect…
I am intrigued that so many on this thread chose Suzor, a first time BD’er. Before I bought, I called the winery and the winemaker, Greg, picked up the phone. I asked whether the wines on offer were “drink now” or “keepers”. This is what he told me: For the pinots, the 2014 is a drink now, the 2015 could be now but should develop for another couple of years, and the 2017 needs a couple of years, but not more than 5. Drink the Gamay Noir now. I didn’t ask about the chard.
@davirom Thank you. It is hard to find an Oregon Pinot that is reasonable for a daily drinker. I am excited to try them. Plus, they sound like good people.
@davirom Looks like we weren’t the only ones intrigued by their wines, they sold out all their offers. Good on them!
Flannery (which I was going to skip until they brought out the 130-day beef)
Morgan Ranch sampler
Shiba Wichern
Sandar & Hem
Very very tempted to get some pink from Nikki, formerly of Liquid Farm, but molarchae said our stash of pink wine was sufficient.
@klezman Yeah, I was eyeing a Bowie myself, but I had to make myself stop.
@InFrom @klezman
That’s it I took the Spiders from mars it you are old enough to understand my drift
@ScottW58 If only she’d sold a Suffragette City…
@klezman nice Haul. If I saw that 130day ribeye I would have folded too. My freezer is full of Flannery, I just needed a reason.
Sandler, Saunter, Sabelli-Frisch, Zoetic, Valeta gourmet and Pentacle bitters.
Those Saunters are fantastic imho.
@msten and Flannery assorted
Saunter was the best value on BD imho, they are rarely ever discounted. Half price cab by TRB, can’t go wrong. My stash was dwindling, not the case now.
@msten @rc70 @scottw58 You all pushed me over the edge. May need a SIWBM after this.
@msten and Fine Disregard and Shiba Wichern
Needed to not buy much, trying to work it down this year. So I Only picked up a case of Isa and didn’t really look at much else.
@CorTot and now a 1/3 of a case of rose from Nikki.
Morgan Ranch
Assorted items from Nola
Glasvin - Decanter & Stemless
Lagier-Meredith Syrah Vertical
Virage - case split with friend
Di Costanzo - only saved on shipping over next weeks allocation release, every bit helps.
which winery(s) should we contact for casemates?
Briceland (assuming he had a good experience)
Browse the offerings and see if you can get any of them!
@klezman @Winedavid49 Yes, more Briceland please.
@Winedavid49 I’d also consider Campesino. Good QPR and I believe they’ve worked with flash sale sites in the past. Lower production, so might be a Friday offer option.
Virage, if it worked out last time.
And all of the above.
But not anytime soon.
@Winedavid49 Bring back Halcon and Andrew Murray. Also Vincent, iOTA and other Oregon producers.
@jfuruno @Winedavid49 And Tercero.
@Winedavid49 Veleta? I think she would be a pretty good fit. And probably happy to chime in during the offer. That’s assuming she’s open to the concept.
@kaolis @Winedavid49
Interesting thought.
I don’t haunt the WB threads much to know anything about her wines, but was just reading some of the notes on the offers this year. May be a good Friday or weekend offer.
@hscottk @Winedavid49 this!
They will randomly show up in the last bottle marathons. Very limited in quantity. Maybe a Friday offer.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 Good value, a little bottle age, international offer. Only met her once at an offline but super nice and drank through a ton of her stuff.
Flannery (130 day and other)
Morgan Ranch
Astrea Caviar (assorted)
Velata / Nola
Rosé all day! stars & dust
Kelley Fox
Erica Orr
Shiba Wichern
Cabot; syrah, PN
Halcon (pre offer)
Sandler (pre offer)
@rjquillin Did you get the fish eggs?
@InFrom oh yeah, those too…
Been recovering from my second (trial study) covid vaccination and not all that coherent, well, even less that usual.
Clearly is wasn’t the placebo, unless they spiked it.
Funny thing, now UCSD is saying come in and get your shots, you’re eligible…
Okay so you don’t need any of the bottles I bought? Looks like you did well! What kind of vaccine are you getting that makes you feel bad??
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Wait, I’m confused now - did you get the Star/Dust pink or was I supposed to sort that out?
By “pre-offer” do you mean on preview day? Or was there a different offer? I haven’t gotten a Cabot email in at least a year.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Sounds like he got a dose of Covid vaccine or placebo, but they put some THC in there instead of the microchip.
@klezman @rjquillin
As far as Cabot is concerned he lost 2 or 3 straight vintages to smoke taint so not much new from him, I did get a 4 pack of Nikki’s new rose.
@InFrom @rjquillin
@rjquillin @ScottW58 In related news, I’m supposed to get my first shot tomorrow, please lmk if I start sounding less coherent than usual tomorrow night.
@InFrom @ScottW58
First shot is a non-issue, at least it was for me.
@klezman @ScottW58
Case ordered and will appear at your door, later.
Could be an extra pair if Scott is interested and you only want one.
@ScottW58 @klezman
Not sure what I ordered, will have to wait and see, but clearly it was too much.
Was wrong on the Cabot, no order there, but I did just send him an email.
@klezman @rjquillin
Case of what?
@klezman @ScottW58
The Coltrane
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 added stars & dust. Didn’t see the vaccine offered, guess Todd isn’t as good as we thought
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 lol, a vaccine included in each case!
I do not say this lightly but this lowly sirloin strip from Morgan ranch wagyu is making me re-think Flannery!? Not passing judgement yet until I try a few more cuts. Man this is some buttery juicy tender melt in your mouth meat

@ScottW58 That from this BD already arrive!?
Yes it did
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Wow…I ordered fairly early (1:30pm on preview day) but I guess a whole lot of people ordered before I did!
Are those the NY strips or sirloin? They look like NY - hardly lowly cuts!
@klezman @rjquillin
Just a sirloin strip. You were tardy
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58
I had a tough time choosing between Morgan and Flannery but ultimately decided on Morgan. Now looking forward to my delivery!
hopefully you got a shipping notice and tracking.
Something came in for me today at work, but I wasn’t there to know what it is.
@rjquillin @ScottW58
Hahaha…well, I’m not in any rush. Need to make freezer space anyway. I think we’ll be cooking some Flannery tonight! Or maybe our last two holy grail steaks.
I can’t find anything about these “sirloin strips”, but since they look so much like a NY strip I’m guessing they’re just the first slice or two of the continuation of that muscle.
@karenhynes @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58
I was torn as well and went with Morgan. This looks amazing.
@chefjess @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58
I got a shipping notice for mine earlier this afternoon (shipping on Monday)…keep an eye out for your notices if not already received!
@chefjess @karenhynes @rjquillin @ScottW58 Ditto
No notice yet but can’t wait to try. Figured they’d be busy so I mentioned no hurry on the ship. And I have zero room. Downsizing sucks.
There was someone who commented about Repour a few weeks ago. I can’t find the thread, but I remember reading that you bought a huge pack during the Kickstarter for a tremendous discount and liked them. I ended up purchasing during berserker day based on your comments. They had a nice deal. Not the Kickstarter deal, but the berserkers day deal. My question is, will they work on bubbles? The wedding cuvée was the first IH I ever purchased on WW. I’d like to get the magnums, but I would die trying to finish the bottle being the primary wine drinker. Will the repour work to keep this fresh for a few days?
That was me, and I have absolutely no idea.
Perhaps there is a ‘contact us’ link on their site…
When I ‘recork’ bubbly, it’s with a cam actuated o-ring seal closure, that would take quite a build-up of pressure to pop off. Not sure the rings of the rubber-like material these use could stand much internal pressure build-up without popping off.
@chefjess We use this and think it’s wonderful. It has gone up $10 since we bought it last year, but maybe you could shop around.
@rjquillin @davirom
Thank you. The website says they don’t recommend the Repour for sparkling due to the pressure, but some people have been successful. Don’t think I want to chance the IH on a possibility that it won’t fail. I will try the bubbly closure you suggest. It looks like the magnums may be in my future.
@chefjess @davirom $5.95 at Crate&Barrel
and Free Shipping
@davirom @FritzCat
Sweet. Thank you
@chefjess @davirom @FritzCat
Grab a can of Argon and purge the bottle before re-corking. That should do the trick. I’ve stored bubbly for nearly a week; yes, some, but not all, are lost.
I’ve got 4 of the 750’s or I too would be all over the IH mags today.
@davirom @FritzCat @rjquillin
I have two Vineyard Fresh bottles but have never used them. Maybe this is the time to break them out. I usually finish bottles within two days, and don’t buy magnums for the very reason of not wanting to pitch half of the bottle so the argon has remained intact in the pantry.
Wow did anyone else see the sales stats for the day? or two days? Almost 1.6 million with 12 participants not yet reporting! I bought a decent amount of wine but not that much, maybe because I almost bought almost a whole cow and a school of tuna that pushed the numbers up
@ScottW58 Is the Veleta tuna really that good?!
I didn’t see the number yet - but that’s amazing.
I buy both but the Ventresca is for when I want caviar. I have tried other versions and nothing compares.
Ummm yes! and then I tried the Ventresca tuna belly and my world changed
@klezman @ScottW58
The Veleta Tuna is that good, especially the belly - Ventresca.
@klezman @rc70
Oh and the oil in that it’s marinating in is like gold
@klezman @rc70 @ScottW58 I can hardly wait for the gathering featuring Flannery and Morgan on the BBQ, Tuna appetizers, and all of us drinking our favorite Berserker Wines this summer.
@klezman @merrybill @rc70
From god’s lips to my ears…or is it the opposite? eh whatever sounds great to me
@merrybill @rc70 @ScottW58 I’m in! Hell, we’d happily host!
@klezman @merrybill @rc70 @ScottW58 mos def
@klezman @losthighwayz @merrybill @rc70
I remember him!
@klezman @losthighwayz @merrybill @ScottW58
I’d make a road trip to come for this get together!
@klezman @merrybill @rc70 @ScottW58 Strange but must admit I miss you guys. There. I said it.
@klezman @losthighwayz @merrybill @rc70
Strange indeed
My Morgan Ranch sampler arrived today. It was well packed and everything stayed frozen. My first foray into high end beef, like I need another expensive indulgence.
@davirom Add some black truffles and rock it!
@rjquillin No truffles on hand. Will truffle oil work?
@davirom @rjquillin I’d say truffle butter would be better, but wagyu is already relatively fatty so something like truffle salt may be a better answer.
I think Ron mentioned them because they are currently available over on Woot.
@kawichris650 @rjquillin Aw darn! Missed it! (No, I didn’t. Very easy decision to pass
@klezman @davirom @rjquillin Truffle oil should be outlawed…
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin What is the issue with truffle oil?
@davirom @kaolis @klezman @rjquillin
Have you ever a MacDonald’s burger?
@davirom @kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 Meh…it still has its uses. Works pretty well for adding truffle goodness to something like mac and cheese or drizzling on top of risotto, for example. For mashed potatoes, though, truffle butter is a much better choice.
Only if it’s good truffle oil, which is probably the hardest part of it.
@davirom @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Meh…I just find there is no such thing as a good truffle oil. First of all, it doesn’t taste like truffle. It’s oil and chemicals, no truffle involved. I suppose a drop or two can scratch an itch. And if I’m dining out (are restaurants and bars still around around by the way, I’ve been in a bunker since March 17) I avoid anything that mentions truffle oil.
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 I was gifted with the truffle oil, so I don’t have any skin in this game. This discussion has lowered my expectations to the point I will probably try it on something at some point.
@davirom @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Sorry, I should learn to be quiet once in awhile or maybe be more tactful
No skin in the game coming up speaking of which but go Chiefs.
@kaolis Something we can agree on!
@davirom @kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 Garagiste has sold some higher end truffle oil that actually used real truffle. Even had a few flakes at the bottom. It was excellent. But you’re right, most of the truffle oil is artificial and has come nowhere within 100 km of a real truffle.
They had these ones: (about halfway down the page)
Suzor order was personally delivered today by co-owner, Greg. Sadly, had just stepped out with the kids and missed to the chance to say hi. Very excited to try these especially knowing they’re local and seem like great people.
Got my Theopolis.
Just made a pot of chili with a couple pounds of Flannery Berserker Day Blend. I threw the kitchen sink in it. Cooked a pound of pinto beans, and used the whole batch. Gotta have that bean juice. Roasted some Pablanos and some Jalapenos, ground some dried chiles, smoked Paprika, smashed a head of garlic, diced red and yellow onions. Cumin, coriander and cilantro. Toasted the spices and de-glazed the pan with a bottle of Ubu Ale.
Added a little more salt, and some Tabasco just for fun.
Sounds fantastic! well except for the bean thing
@ScottW58 Keeps me regular.
My Ventresca just shipped! Very excited to try based on the praises here. The Morgan Ranch has been amazing.
Has anyone received any wine shipments other than the Suzor and Theopolis? I haven’t received anything and it has been radio silence from the wineries after I sent my payments. I’m a little disappointed in the lack of communication. Is this typical?
Email any of them, they will not ship if they feel it’s it’s too cold or hot in your area. My tuna etc has also shipped yay!
@chefjess @ScottW58 no tuna email for me, yet.
@chefjess I haven’t gotten Suzor although some down in SoCal have. Goodfellow won’t ship until after the Cab Franc and Berserker Cuvee are bottled, so that’ll be whenever it is.
I’ve never had anything other than a great experience with BD wineries, so like Scott said, just email them if you’re concerned. Remember, a lot of them don’t do this much DTC business in a month, let alone a day.
@chefjess @klezman
Marcus put a nice mixed case together for me, and is even holding shipping until the fall!
2018 Durant Chardonnay
2018 Whistling Ridge Chardonnay
2018 Lewman Pinot Noir
2018 Durant Pinot Noir
2017 Temperance Hill Pinot Noir
2x 2017 Block 11, Fir Crest
2x 2018 Long Acre, Whistling Ridge PN
2x 2018 Heritage No. 12, Whistling Ridge
1x 2018 Heritage No. 11, Durant
But I just realized, after your comment, the CF and Berserkers Cuvee are both missing…
@chefjess @klezman @rjquillin
I have some of those, the one I have tried is the 18 Lewman and it is scary good and will age very well imho.
@chefjess @rjquillin @ScottW58 I think you might have some of those in my living room, too!
Nice to get the 2017s, too. You get an upcharge?
@chefjess @klezman @ScottW58
Klez, if I do have some, they’re not in CT; I don’t think. Regarding upcharge, dunno. Sent him what thought I had, and what he has records of, and asked him to assemble a case. Seemed excited to do so…
@chefjess I have an order pending with Stereophonic that he is holding per my request so I can make room for it.
@chefjess I have recieved most by now. Had a Suzor this past Saturday. WOTN. Kicking myself for not buying more
@losthighwayz Me too. Lovely wine.
@radiolysis @ScottW58 @losthighwayz @klezman @danandlisa @davirom @rjquillin
The Ventresca has arrived! Very excited. In your opinion, what are the best serving options?
I also finally managed to get a response from the wineries yesterday so all is well.
The Coravin arrives tomorrow. I think I’ve had a really bad case of FOMO between the BD wine, tuna, the coravin, Morgan Ranch, and the CM auto buys. It’s been brutal on the wallet these last 30 days, but my tummy is very happy
@chefjess @danandlisa @davirom @klezman @losthighwayz @radiolysis @rjquillin
or just eat it out of the can, experiment!
What I do with that tuna is slice and toast a baguette rub the toast with a piece of garlic drizzle a little of the oil on and add a few strips of Ventresca. Screw the money a happy stomach is what it’s all about