The strength of the Paso Robles region to offer wonderful blends is clearly demonstrated in this wine. The combination of the fruit profiles from Grenache, Petite Sirah and Syrah really bring this wine to bear. The concentration of flavors creates a powerful presence while still maintaining sophistication and balance. The blend is both well structured and harmonious. Layers of fruit continue to emerge as the wine opens up, revealing more and more of the wine’s personality.
Viognier is used as the ‘glue’ that binds these varieties together. Its co-fermentation with Syrah adds depth to the texture and produces a seamless palate that enhances the dark and red fruits offered by each different grape. The wine is bright and very fruit forward but continues to deliver right through the middle palate. We chose to allow firmer tannins to emerge to assist in ensuring a clean and balanced finish.
We are a customer-focused team proudly representing Paso Robles & committed to continuing to bolster the high-quality reputation of t wines. Broken Earth Winery, produces unique wines that are estate grown, harvested & bottled in Paso Robles.
Rancho Tierra Rejada, Spanish for “land of worked earth,” is the original name of the 2,500 acre Paso Robles ranch that is now home to the vineyards of Broken Earth Winery. Our unique wines reflect winemaker Chris Cameron’s committed & passionate approach to all aspects of winemaking. Structure & balance are most critical, each varietal released is an accurate reflection of the style & the region. Broken Earth Winery remains committed to sustainable ideals, and to continuing to bolster the high-quality reputation of Paso Robles wines.
Available States
I’m wondering if there are any notes out for this? Which will then lead me to wonder if any folks from Southern Nevada are interested in splitting this; I’ll potentially take 3.
The Woot Cellars Help Yourself Cab Sauv was done by Broken Earth Winery. I knew I had some of their wine somewhere. I have enjoyed it too. Good QPR IMO.
Anyways, this blend intrigues me. Especially at this price. I would take 4 bottles on their own or out of a case.
@rjquillin It’s ready to drink, IMO. It’s a great everyday cab, (I bought quite a bit of it) but I don’t know that I see tons of aging potential. Maybe some upside still to be realized, but I’m not going to worry about missing much if we drink through it all over the next couple of years.
@Twich22@airynne This landed today. I can sit on it for now, and I suppose its getting near time to meet up and swap bottles! I am looking forward to it.
Haven’t tried this blend, but bought a case of 2010 PULL Merlot from wine.woot. Thought it was pretty good QPR (although I had purchased this particular case to make crowd-pleasing sangria, so I wasn’t overly-picky on the varietal).
I need a bit of help here, please. I am not very knowledgeable in wine analysis and I don’t drink blends because of that. But I do know what I like! I drink mostly Merlot, Cab Sauv, Shiraz and Pinot Noir. Knowing that, would I like this blend??
Thanks in advance for your help!! (I’m yearning to make my first buy here!)
@mehmerized It would help others suggest to know what producers you purchase. Any of those varietals can be made in a wide range of styles, it helps to know a bit more what you like, and why.
While the label on a bottle may say Cab Sauv, to do so only requires some minimum percentage of that grape, and may well have other grapes included in the blend to achieve a desired house profile that are not even listed on the label.
You may already be drinking blends and just not realize it. Blends can be created to make a wine greater than it’s individual components; a more complete wine, if you will, where components help each other out, filling in weak areas that a single grape may exhibit were it not blended.
Keep asking questions. There is a lot of collective knowledge here, and we all got there by asking questions.
@mehmerized Also, Shiraz and Syrah are the same thing so I think you will like it. I am willing to split a case with you if you decide you want to try this.
@rjquillin I drink a variety of producers, mostly middle- to bottom-shelf. My budget keeps me in the $10/bottle and less range and honestly, I’m a bit embarrassed to disclose all!! I buy a fair amount of Yellow Tail, an occasional Casillero del Diablo, Concha y Toro, Dark Horse, and a rare Coppola and Ste Michelle.
Thank you for all the information!! I do look forward to learning from you all!
@melwin Ah, I have always wondered about that!! Thanks!
Yes, I do believe I would like to split on this one!! (And no need to share your coupons - as I said in another thread, those should be all yours to use.)
Speaking of Barefoot, needed some cooking wine today and remembered a case of old bottles stashed in a closet. Found an old, ca. 1990’s, bottle of CS that clocked in at 13.0% AbV. A bit maderized, and throwing plenty of sediment, but but as I really wanted some sherry but found out swmbo used the last of it in some onion soup, it was just the thing for some stew I’m working on.
@mehmerized CT has entries for '97 and '00 CS, as well as NV, so it would seem so, but just barely. Looking again at the bottle, it has an award from a 2008 event, so thinking this is more likely from '06. I was thinking earlier based on some other bottles with vintage dates.
@smozi Most have shipped to VT thus far. The last two have not. Such is the life is a small, rural state; I’m surprised how many wineries are willing to deal with the paperwork for such a small potential audience!
@smozi Since when did Vermont become a state? You know I’m just kidding! I hope! It’s hard for smaller wineries to cover all the legal states, especially if they have low production numbers. They’re trying to run a “profitable” business. Ohio was left off this offer too!! I look at it as money saved and my spouse not climbing up my butt saying “You bought more wine, what’s wrong with all the wine in the basement?”
I’ve been doing this for a long time on the old WW site. Be patient, another great offer will come along for VT and you’ll be thrilled!! And you probably won’t even remember the offers you couldn’t snag!
@Boatman72 I understand, I’m sure over the long run there will be plenty available. I guess I’m not really aware of the legal hoops that need to be jumped through state-by-state. Probably healthier to have some limits, anyways… :p
@cdgrimm@RedOak not sure it is the CA, I believe it is state by state, and NH must have some kind of tax on wine these days as I have shipped to both NH and MA, and NH has tax, and MA does not, which does seem contradictory for ‘tax free’ NH vs. so called ‘Tax-a-chusetts’
@cdgrimm as a side note, I am in the Nashua area, if you had a bottle or two you wanted to split, I would be interested. Would love to try it, but can’t see going in a full order on my own.
@melrod333 It just seems odd. I never paid a sales tax on anything from wine.woot or on anything I purchase from Amazon. NH doesn’t have a tax on wine because the state theoretically controls all of the wine and spirits sold in the state and they make their money that way. As for sharing, I only bought four and will certainly consume those over time, so perhaps another time when one of us orders a case.
@cdgrimm the last few orders I got from wine.woot had tax added in, though I agree it was a new thing.
Understood about the 4, figured wouldn’t hurt to ask. Drink in good health
NH doesn’t have a tax on wine because the state theoretically controls all of the wine and spirits sold in the state and they make their money that way.
Well, if they control all the alcohol imports to the state, how are they controlling/making money on those going direct to consumer rather than being sold in the state stores? Looks like they charge the shipper an 8% “fee”, so not strictly a tax. I imagine state regulators are allergic to imposing taxes, hence the handy euphemism “fees”?
@InFrom Thanks for the licensing info. I guess I don’t know how this 8 percent fee was handled in the days before wine.woot started charging a tax. (NH is all about “fees”, making us “tax free”!! )
@gtcharlie never mind. finally figured it out. Hidden comments at the top of the page. Kind of a strange way to do it if you ask me but I am just happy to have wine.woot, err, I mean casemates going.
We purchased this relative and enjoyed it. The blend looks pretty close. This Pull is a “higher” label (and price), with a real cork vs. the Stelvin on the CdR in the 9/17 and 11/17 ww offerings. There are tasting reports, as well as some entertaining bickering.
@sandbarhappy Actually the Broken Earth label is higher priced than the Pull label. Several tiers, more wines of the Broken Earth label wines. Pull wines, just a few offerings and line priced at $18. In the case of the CdR the Broken Earth with the screwcap is $22 at the winery, the Pull with a cork of some sort is $18 at the winery.
@kaolis My bad. I wasn’t paying enough attention. Let’s blame it on the lack of caffeine.
And I’m such a big fan of screwcaps. Always wonder why the Woot Cellars wines had corks. Or at least the ones I can think of off the top of my head (still need to go get that caffeine, btw).
Okay, so I went in for 4 just because I haven’t ordered any yet, but couldn’t wait any longer.
In keeping with the “I’m no expert but would love to learn”, I’ve watched the wine woot comments for years. My favorite orders to date were the Vino Noceto Sangiovese (any of them- all of them- and I liked their Barbera too) and the Truchard Tempranillo. I’ve already ordered this because I’m game to try, but I’m curious if others have feedback on whether this one might be a good match for me.
I thought the “Help Yourself” cab was a winner @ $10/bottle. It wasn’t a cab that you cellar or bring out for fancy company but with a burger on a Wednesday night it got the job done. It was a straight ahead, uncomplicated cab with a good QPR. We enjoyed it and bought it a few times.
However, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe they were responsible for the “Mad Ape Den” blend offered on meh back in November. If BEW wasn’t behind that blend I will gladly retract my statement and apologize for slander, but that was garbage on the side of the freeway. We couldn’t finish a bottle and have since relegated the remaining 5 bottles to the pantry to use as cooking wine. This was also $10/bottle.
I get it, buying anything is a gamble, especially when you’re in the $10/bottle range. I recognize that this blend is completely different from both of the wines mentioned above. However I’m a little gun shy with this winery. My take is that the “Mad Ape Den” was a push to reduce old inventory (2010 vintage unsold 7-8 years later for a reason) and may not be a true representation of the juice they’re producing now. That being said, I don’t need any more cooking wine and I’m reluctant to jump on this without more information. Are there any rats out there who can weigh in on this wine? Winery participation is also encouraged.
Having tried neither MAD or Help Yourself (which I have some of) but reading the reviews, this was pretty much my exact thoughts when I saw this offering. A lab rat of this would make a difference in purchasing.
@outofhand count me in for 3 please. Thank you. You can PM me at WW when the order comes in and we can meet - same username. I don’t seem to be receiving emails when referenced here. It worked before but not since the first offer.
I reviewed the Broken Earth CdR in 2017 at Wine.woot. That one was a screw-cap wine. It was a good wine to be drunk with a meal, and did so-so as a stand-alone wine. It didn’t improve with air or a second day, and I have a hard time seeing the ones in my cellar improving over time. Not a bad price, but not a smokin’ wine. I’m still waiting on my first Casemates purchase, but it is helping out the household bottom line!
@neerak I’ll split with you. I’m in Tomball and travel past you on 99 time to time. Let me know when it arrives and we’ll figure out a rendevous. Thx Ken
I’m not super knowledgeable, but I know I enjoy red table wines with a low-acidity. If you compared this to a decent Cab or Malbec, would it be in the same range/flavor profile?
@sandbarhappy depends on the timing of when th $60.00 was pledged. It had to be early in the Kickstarter when there was still the option of supporting at the $50.00 level…
@sandbarhappy send a message via the Support Form. Include your kickstarter email address and backer level. I’ll make sure you’re not missing anything.
Just when I go and pull the trigger on my first case from the new kid, (case mates) they just say NO to shipments to Michigan, and it Michigans birthday today!!
No coincidence that I’ve recently decided to learn more about wine, but my two favorites are the Wellington Reserve ‘08 and the recent Band Blend. Both for different reasons, but I enjoyed both bottles immensely. I did like the Help Yourself after a decent decant time as well.
Given that very little info, what are the odds I’ll enjoy this? This seems like a steal that’s too good to give up at <$9/bottle. I just don’t want to relegate a whole case to the “we’ve already been drinking so we can stomach this wine” pile
Just because it is a good, or even excellent qpr, doesn’t necessarily provide any indication at all that you/everyone will like it however.
There are many outstanding, regardless of qpr, wines some of us just won’t like.
Take the sweet wine drinker, say a sweeter Moscato is in their wheelhouse, and hand them a Brut bubbly or perhaps an aged Burg with 30~40 years on it. Likely you may get an eeyuu; undrinkable!
I was hoping to give the credit card a break after jumping on so many early Casemate offerings but @coffeemate12 and I really enjoyed the hell out of Broken Earth’s CdR. We stocked up on multiple cases and it turned into our daily drinker. At that QPR it was a no-brainer. Sadly, gave most of those bottles away during the holidays. Was hoping for some labrattage info on this one but I think we’re in for a case regardless.
@conesville There is something to what you’re saying, but it depends on many other things, as well and sometimes/often wine gets hot and whiffy at 14+.
@conesville Must be you’ve never had any quality Rieslings that are below 10% AbV. For reds, generally, if you are purchasing with the intent to age, those approaching 15% are more likely to disappoint than those in the 13’s.
So, I haven’t noticed that any of the wines offered (so far) have had an option for multiple case purchases.
Is this a factor of these particular offerings, my phone, or browser, or blindness or ________ (fill in the blank), or are casemates offerings going to be limited to 1 case purchases?
So mine got here yesterday while I was running around tending a roommate who had an ER situation. He’s fine, thankfully, but we decided all the chaos deserved wine tonight.
Less enjoyable than the Esoterica to us, but still very drinkable. Closer to a more tannic cabernet sauvignon, and a bit more acidic than I would otherwise go for. Not as acidic as mad ape den, which I’m setting aside for summer red sangria with a hearty dose of simple syrup.
Tasting Notes
The strength of the Paso Robles region to offer wonderful blends is clearly demonstrated in this wine. The combination of the fruit profiles from Grenache, Petite Sirah and Syrah really bring this wine to bear. The concentration of flavors creates a powerful presence while still maintaining sophistication and balance. The blend is both well structured and harmonious. Layers of fruit continue to emerge as the wine opens up, revealing more and more of the wine’s personality.
Viognier is used as the ‘glue’ that binds these varieties together. Its co-fermentation with Syrah adds depth to the texture and produces a seamless palate that enhances the dark and red fruits offered by each different grape. The wine is bright and very fruit forward but continues to deliver right through the middle palate. We chose to allow firmer tannins to emerge to assist in ensuring a clean and balanced finish.
Varietal Mix: Grenache 53%, Petite Sirah 23%, Syrah 20%, Viognier 4%
Alcohol: 14.20%
pH: 3.63
TA: 5.90
Price Comparison
$265.11/case at Broken Earth (including shipping)
About The Winery
Winery: Broken Earth Winery
Owners: Chris Cameron
Location: Paso Robles, CA
We are a customer-focused team proudly representing Paso Robles & committed to continuing to bolster the high-quality reputation of t wines. Broken Earth Winery, produces unique wines that are estate grown, harvested & bottled in Paso Robles.
Rancho Tierra Rejada, Spanish for “land of worked earth,” is the original name of the 2,500 acre Paso Robles ranch that is now home to the vineyards of Broken Earth Winery. Our unique wines reflect winemaker Chris Cameron’s committed & passionate approach to all aspects of winemaking. Structure & balance are most critical, each varietal released is an accurate reflection of the style & the region. Broken Earth Winery remains committed to sustainable ideals, and to continuing to bolster the high-quality reputation of Paso Robles wines.
Available States
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, February 8th - Monday, February 12th
Broken Earth Winery PULL CdR Red Blend
4 bottles for $42.99 $12.75/bottle with shipping
Case of 12 for $99.99 $9/bottle with shipping
2012 Broken Earth Winery PULL CdR New CT
2012 Broken Earth Winery PULL CdR Old CT
Short list of ship-to states…
Guess we have to pick it up if we want any.
But the available list includes most of the “problem” states. Interesting list.
@Lighter At the time I posted, it was a null list.
No states were listed; it was since updated.
@rjquillin Was about to order, but no Illinois- that’s rare. Well, at least that helps the wine budget.
@rjquillin glad MI is excluded. Wallet needs a rest!
@rjquillin funny that Indiana is ok and Illinois is not.
@benguin986 was just about to ask if anyone in chicago wanted 6. I guess it doesn’t matter
@spiciernoodles Yep- I was thinking the same,or hogging the whole case. We’ll see what Monday brings for our beleaguered state.
I’m wondering if there are any notes out for this? Which will then lead me to wonder if any folks from Southern Nevada are interested in splitting this; I’ll potentially take 3.
@TechnoViking I was going back and forth about this myself. I am also interested in 3 if we can get anyone else involved!
The Woot Cellars Help Yourself Cab Sauv was done by Broken Earth Winery. I knew I had some of their wine somewhere. I have enjoyed it too. Good QPR IMO.
Anyways, this blend intrigues me. Especially at this price. I would take 4 bottles on their own or out of a case.
@Twich22 Forgot that came from BEW.
Need to pull a cork to evaluate, but dang, it’s still so young.
@rjquillin yea but it was $10 a bottle too! It makes extracting the cork a little easier.
@Twich22 Pull that cork. Shockingly drinkable.
@rjquillin It’s ready to drink, IMO. It’s a great everyday cab, (I bought quite a bit of it) but I don’t know that I see tons of aging potential. Maybe some upside still to be realized, but I’m not going to worry about missing much if we drink through it all over the next couple of years.
@Twich22 I am also interested in this one. If I buy a case did you want 4 of them? Anyone else interested in some in the Seattle area?
@Twich22 so was the mad ape grape
@Redstone_ yea i would take 4
@Redstone_ I’d take 2.
@airynne @twich22 Okay, pulling the trigger.
@Twich22 @airynne This landed today. I can sit on it for now, and I suppose its getting near time to meet up and swap bottles! I am looking forward to it.
@Redstone_ thanks!
No Illinois shipping? Might be the first time I’ve seen that.
Agreed. Good QPR, and the blend looks interesting. Would love to see if anyone has notes for it.
Haven’t tried this blend, but bought a case of 2010 PULL Merlot from wine.woot. Thought it was pretty good QPR (although I had purchased this particular case to make crowd-pleasing sangria, so I wasn’t overly-picky on the varietal).
My first Casemates purchase! I’m on the edge of my monocle with excitement.
/giphy organic gleaming ferret

I need a bit of help here, please. I am not very knowledgeable in wine analysis and I don’t drink blends because of that. But I do know what I like! I drink mostly Merlot, Cab Sauv, Shiraz and Pinot Noir. Knowing that, would I like this blend??
Thanks in advance for your help!! (I’m yearning to make my first buy here!)

@mehmerized It would help others suggest to know what producers you purchase. Any of those varietals can be made in a wide range of styles, it helps to know a bit more what you like, and why.
While the label on a bottle may say Cab Sauv, to do so only requires some minimum percentage of that grape, and may well have other grapes included in the blend to achieve a desired house profile that are not even listed on the label.
You may already be drinking blends and just not realize it. Blends can be created to make a wine greater than it’s individual components; a more complete wine, if you will, where components help each other out, filling in weak areas that a single grape may exhibit were it not blended.
Keep asking questions. There is a lot of collective knowledge here, and we all got there by asking questions.
@rjquillin myself new to this community; so encouraging to see this type of generosity(of your time) … 1,000
@mehmerized Also, Shiraz and Syrah are the same thing so I think you will like it. I am willing to split a case with you if you decide you want to try this.
@rjquillin I drink a variety of producers, mostly middle- to bottom-shelf. My budget keeps me in the $10/bottle and less range and honestly, I’m a bit embarrassed to disclose all!! I buy a fair amount of Yellow Tail, an occasional Casillero del Diablo, Concha y Toro, Dark Horse, and a rare Coppola and Ste Michelle.
Thank you for all the information!! I do look forward to learning from you all!
@melwin Ah, I have always wondered about that!! Thanks!
Yes, I do believe I would like to split on this one!!

(And no need to share your coupons - as I said in another thread, those should be all yours to use.)
@gstadter just trying to pay back what I think I’ve learned. ww was a great education, thanks to the forums, wooters and winemakers; and the tours!
@mehmerized I remember yellow tail, and barefoot too.
The fun is finding a real score at an exceptional price.
Speaking of Barefoot, needed some cooking wine today and remembered a case of old bottles stashed in a closet. Found an old, ca. 1990’s, bottle of CS that clocked in at 13.0% AbV. A bit maderized, and throwing plenty of sediment, but but as I really wanted some sherry but found out swmbo used the last of it in some onion soup, it was just the thing for some stew I’m working on.
@rjquillin Was Barefoot around that long ago??!
@mehmerized CT has entries for '97 and '00 CS, as well as NV, so it would seem so, but just barely. Looking again at the bottle, it has an award from a 2008 event, so thinking this is more likely from '06. I was thinking earlier based on some other bottles with vintage dates.
Why not!
/giphy priceless-kept-mango

/giphy ruthless-queasy-huckleberry

Pretty sad that so many of these are unable to ship to VT
@smozi Most have shipped to VT thus far. The last two have not. Such is the life is a small, rural state; I’m surprised how many wineries are willing to deal with the paperwork for such a small potential audience!
@smozi Since when did Vermont become a state? You know I’m just kidding! I hope! It’s hard for smaller wineries to cover all the legal states, especially if they have low production numbers. They’re trying to run a “profitable” business. Ohio was left off this offer too!! I look at it as money saved and my spouse not climbing up my butt saying “You bought more wine, what’s wrong with all the wine in the basement?”
I’ve been doing this for a long time on the old WW site. Be patient, another great offer will come along for VT and you’ll be thrilled!! And you probably won’t even remember the offers you couldn’t snag!
@Boatman72 Um, The Green Mountain State was only the first state in after the original 13, so that’s when.
Let’s have some love for us Green Mountaineers!
@Boatman72 I understand, I’m sure over the long run there will be plenty available. I guess I’m not really aware of the legal hoops that need to be jumped through state-by-state. Probably healthier to have some limits, anyways… :p
My first Casemates purchase and I am looking forward to it, but i am wondering why there was a sales tax charge when I live in sales tax-free NH?
@cdgrimm because California has sucked all the tax dollars from in state folks, now everybody gets to participate!
@cdgrimm @RedOak not sure it is the CA, I believe it is state by state, and NH must have some kind of tax on wine these days as I have shipped to both NH and MA, and NH has tax, and MA does not, which does seem contradictory for ‘tax free’ NH vs. so called ‘Tax-a-chusetts’
@cdgrimm as a side note, I am in the Nashua area, if you had a bottle or two you wanted to split, I would be interested. Would love to try it, but can’t see going in a full order on my own.
@melrod333 It just seems odd. I never paid a sales tax on anything from wine.woot or on anything I purchase from Amazon. NH doesn’t have a tax on wine because the state theoretically controls all of the wine and spirits sold in the state and they make their money that way. As for sharing, I only bought four and will certainly consume those over time, so perhaps another time when one of us orders a case.
@cdgrimm the last few orders I got from wine.woot had tax added in, though I agree it was a new thing.
Understood about the 4, figured wouldn’t hurt to ask. Drink in good health
Well, if they control all the alcohol imports to the state, how are they controlling/making money on those going direct to consumer rather than being sold in the state stores? Looks like they charge the shipper an 8% “fee”, so not strictly a tax. I imagine state regulators are allergic to imposing taxes, hence the handy euphemism “fees”?
@InFrom Thanks for the licensing info. I guess I don’t know how this 8 percent fee was handled in the days before wine.woot started charging a tax. (NH is all about “fees”, making us “tax free”!!
@cdgrimm the winery is the seller. NH charges the winery a tax.
Where does one find which states this wine ships to? It is early and I haven’t had any coffee yet so I am sure I am missing something.
@gtcharlie First post. You may have to un-hide things to see it. But at first, there was no list.
@gtcharlie It would be nice if there was some way to clearly display the excluded states on the map also.
@rjquillin Not sure what you mean by “unhide”? Is the list on the home page of the wine? Somewhere near the map? Confusing for sure.
@gtcharlie never mind. finally figured it out. Hidden comments at the top of the page. Kind of a strange way to do it if you ask me but I am just happy to have wine.woot, err, I mean casemates going.
Good price, nice grapes.
/giphy numerical-unsightly-tendency

We purchased this relative and enjoyed it. The blend looks pretty close. This Pull is a “higher” label (and price), with a real cork vs. the Stelvin on the CdR in the 9/17 and 11/17 ww offerings. There are tasting reports, as well as some entertaining bickering.
quality posts: 17 Private Messages
Broken Earth CdR Rhone Blend Case (12)
Purchaser Experience
Purchaser Seniority
Quantity Breakdown
Percentage of Sales Per Hour
Percentage of Sales Per Day
Woots by State
Speaking of which… what happened to Thunder Thighs???
@sandbarhappy Still working over at Woot.
@sandbarhappy @infrom
She is on here as @Thumperchick
@chipgreen different person. ThunderThighs sometimes stops by over here under the name @del. She still works at woot, though.
@sandbarhappy Actually the Broken Earth label is higher priced than the Pull label. Several tiers, more wines of the Broken Earth label wines. Pull wines, just a few offerings and line priced at $18. In the case of the CdR the Broken Earth with the screwcap is $22 at the winery, the Pull with a cork of some sort is $18 at the winery.
@chipgreen A commonly held misconception!
@kaolis My bad. I wasn’t paying enough attention. Let’s blame it on the lack of caffeine.
And I’m such a big fan of screwcaps. Always wonder why the Woot Cellars wines had corks. Or at least the ones I can think of off the top of my head (still need to go get that caffeine, btw).
@Thumperchick Oops! Sorry for the misidentification…
@chipgreen I’m sure she and I have both been called worse.
Okay, so I went in for 4 just because I haven’t ordered any yet, but couldn’t wait any longer.
In keeping with the “I’m no expert but would love to learn”, I’ve watched the wine woot comments for years. My favorite orders to date were the Vino Noceto Sangiovese (any of them- all of them- and I liked their Barbera too) and the Truchard Tempranillo. I’ve already ordered this because I’m game to try, but I’m curious if others have feedback on whether this one might be a good match for me.
Off and running… Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!
I have mixed feelings on Broken Earth.
I thought the “Help Yourself” cab was a winner @ $10/bottle. It wasn’t a cab that you cellar or bring out for fancy company but with a burger on a Wednesday night it got the job done. It was a straight ahead, uncomplicated cab with a good QPR. We enjoyed it and bought it a few times.
However, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe they were responsible for the “Mad Ape Den” blend offered on meh back in November. If BEW wasn’t behind that blend I will gladly retract my statement and apologize for slander, but that was garbage on the side of the freeway. We couldn’t finish a bottle and have since relegated the remaining 5 bottles to the pantry to use as cooking wine. This was also $10/bottle.
I get it, buying anything is a gamble, especially when you’re in the $10/bottle range. I recognize that this blend is completely different from both of the wines mentioned above. However I’m a little gun shy with this winery. My take is that the “Mad Ape Den” was a push to reduce old inventory (2010 vintage unsold 7-8 years later for a reason) and may not be a true representation of the juice they’re producing now. That being said, I don’t need any more cooking wine and I’m reluctant to jump on this without more information. Are there any rats out there who can weigh in on this wine? Winery participation is also encouraged.
following to see if anyone can answer about ape
@adequate_dad according to the back label ape was a Quadrant wine which is indeed a Broken Earth label
Having tried neither MAD or Help Yourself (which I have some of) but reading the reviews, this was pretty much my exact thoughts when I saw this offering. A lab rat of this would make a difference in purchasing.
@adequate_dad agreed. Bit gunshy with this winery.
@adequate_dad Yes, Mad Ape. we followed Alton Brown’s advise and put it in the blender, then had it with grilled rib eye.
O-H? N-O. Next time!
/giphy eligible-lowly-dingo

Most of our case is accounted for but anyone from IL near St. Louis let me know if you need a bottle or two. I think we have 2-3 up for grabs.
@outofhand Was there a thread for STL this time? I didn’t see anything. Interested in 2-3 bottles if you have any left
@chefjess I didn’t see one. I can do 2 or 3 though!
@outofhand count me in for 3 please. Thank you. You can PM me at WW when the order comes in and we can meet - same username. I don’t seem to be receiving emails when referenced here. It worked before but not since the first offer.
I was almost in for one, but two things stopped me:
@simssj Cote de Rhone - it is a mimic of a French blend.
@ejrunion Thank you!
Now, to get them to ship to VT…
I reviewed the Broken Earth CdR in 2017 at Wine.woot. That one was a screw-cap wine. It was a good wine to be drunk with a meal, and did so-so as a stand-alone wine. It didn’t improve with air or a second day, and I have a hard time seeing the ones in my cellar improving over time. Not a bad price, but not a smokin’ wine. I’m still waiting on my first Casemates purchase, but it is helping out the household bottom line!
Bought a case. Willing to unload half of the bottles @$11/each - Kingwood area (suburb of Houston). PM me of you want to split this case with me.
@neerak I’ll split with you. I’m in Tomball and travel past you on 99 time to time. Let me know when it arrives and we’ll figure out a rendevous. Thx Ken
@kendog4 Great, I will.
seriously good QPR here. classic surplus play.
I’m not super knowledgeable, but I know I enjoy red table wines with a low-acidity. If you compared this to a decent Cab or Malbec, would it be in the same range/flavor profile?
@ACraigL yes. it’s more approachable. this is largely estate fruit. so the quality is towards a 20-25 bottle.
@Winedavid49 Thanks! With my $10 coupon and free shipping, this seemed like a no-brainer then. Excited for my first wine purchase!
/giphy uppity-harmless-paper

I couldn’t found a better gif to express how I feel right now.
@ACraigL Where’d u get the coupon?!
@sandbarhappy Kickstarter benefit if you pledged $60 or more.
@ACraigL Well, my pledge matched that criteria, but I don’t know about the coupon. Hmmm.
@sandbarhappy @thumperchick? Can you help him out?
@sandbarhappy depends on the timing of when th $60.00 was pledged. It had to be early in the Kickstarter when there was still the option of supporting at the $50.00 level…
Now, that fits. Out of town and missed the beginning!! Thanks!
@sandbarhappy At least you got in early enough for the badge and the VMP membership !!

@lindylouwho Oh, yes! And the free shipping!!
@sandbarhappy send a message via the Support Form. Include your kickstarter email address and backer level. I’ll make sure you’re not missing anything.
Just when I go and pull the trigger on my first case from the new kid, (case mates) they just say NO to shipments to Michigan, and it Michigans birthday today!!
No coincidence that I’ve recently decided to learn more about wine, but my two favorites are the Wellington Reserve ‘08 and the recent Band Blend. Both for different reasons, but I enjoyed both bottles immensely. I did like the Help Yourself after a decent decant time as well.
Given that very little info, what are the odds I’ll enjoy this? This seems like a steal that’s too good to give up at <$9/bottle. I just don’t want to relegate a whole case to the “we’ve already been drinking so we can stomach this wine” pile
@grantunderland WD says its good QPR. I trust him. Hopefully that trust is not misplaced! That said, its wine, so everyone has a different opinion.
@Twich22 Not intended as vinegar here, but…
Just because it is a good, or even excellent qpr, doesn’t necessarily provide any indication at all that you/everyone will like it however.
There are many outstanding, regardless of qpr, wines some of us just won’t like.
Take the sweet wine drinker, say a sweeter Moscato is in their wheelhouse, and hand them a Brut bubbly or perhaps an aged Burg with 30~40 years on it. Likely you may get an eeyuu; undrinkable!
@rjquillin Thats what I said:
@Twich22 ah, replied to wrong op, but yeah, many selections to choose from.
I was hoping to give the credit card a break after jumping on so many early Casemate offerings but @coffeemate12 and I really enjoyed the hell out of Broken Earth’s CdR. We stocked up on multiple cases and it turned into our daily drinker. At that QPR it was a no-brainer. Sadly, gave most of those bottles away during the holidays. Was hoping for some labrattage info on this one but I think we’re in for a case regardless.
/giphy healthy-evanescent-drink

Wish my wife and I could drink this Wisconsibly, but no go on the shipping list:(
This doesn’t sound appropriate.

/giphy cranky-monstrous-hole
Buying wine is very simple = dry is the buy - how do you know - alcohol % is the KEY = 13.5 is the lowest to go but 14% ++ is always best![:]]()
@conesville There is something to what you’re saying, but it depends on many other things, as well and sometimes/often wine gets hot and whiffy at 14+.
@conesville Must be you’ve never had any quality Rieslings that are below 10% AbV. For reds, generally, if you are purchasing with the intent to age, those approaching 15% are more likely to disappoint than those in the 13’s.
So, I haven’t noticed that any of the wines offered (so far) have had an option for multiple case purchases.
Is this a factor of these particular offerings, my phone, or browser, or blindness or ________ (fill in the blank), or are casemates offerings going to be limited to 1 case purchases?
@sandbarhappy I’d say it’s more to do with this being the beginning and they still have something’s to work out.
/giphy pull-my-finger

So mine got here yesterday while I was running around tending a roommate who had an ER situation. He’s fine, thankfully, but we decided all the chaos deserved wine tonight.
Less enjoyable than the Esoterica to us, but still very drinkable. Closer to a more tannic cabernet sauvignon, and a bit more acidic than I would otherwise go for. Not as acidic as mad ape den, which I’m setting aside for summer red sangria with a hearty dose of simple syrup.