Depending on the date, you better be ready to let us crash the party @Winedavid49! Some of us So Cal folk opted for the remote party to play it safe…but, um…
@jasisk Oh, he’d drink as much as we let him! He almost always gets a sniff or two of the night’s wine. Occasionally he gets a drop on my pinky. And if you leave the glass too close it’s done for. So give him some time…he’s only a year old
Ask @WineDavid49 how the kiddo was at the Corison vertical tasting at Tim’s…
@Winedavid49 Forgive my selfishness, but I am wondering if the Remote Launch Party shipping will be timed to coincide with your Launch Party, or if it will be as soon as you can get it out the door after the Kickstarter closes…
I hope it’s the latter, because I am planning on having a local party. I know, I know, I said I was going to keep it all for myself, but there are other people than myself, even here in the wastelands, that are happy about Casemates. I need to know what wines to pull out from my cellar to augment what you send, and what sorts of food items I ought to be ordering (or even making) to go along with it all.
Shrdlu’s work is never done. :-}
(…and thank you for sending me the rest of my port, because you can never have too much Wellington Port)
@rjquillin Saturday would be easier, but if it was Friday afternoon it wouldn’t be too bad. Just a day off work. Fly into oakland, check into hotel, then hit the party. Check out of hotel with very dark glasses on after requesting late checkout, and hop back on plane in Oakland and be home by Sat night. Either way an overnight iv bag would be nice, but that requires checking a bag.
@trifecta despite the drive time, likely others from here may go as well, and I have pick-ups. Always, pick-ups. Guess I should check SW fares, but then there is still local transportation to deal with…
@rjquillin I thought you were the one who recently said you have more money than time… I’m sure there will be others around that you could get lifts from. Plus a day or two car rental two and from the airport would make life easy. The gas alone is probably more expensive than the flight. As for pickups, that’s a whole other issue. GSO is cheaper than other options, could just ship to yourself when you are in town.
I just don’t do the long road trips anymore. If it costs me a day away from work I didn’t save anything. Rental cars are cheap and don’t break down. Don’t have to wash, vacuum, oil change, etc… Fly, beat up car, drop car, fly. Now if you want the road trip experience with friends, that’s different.
Not trying to argue or steer you, just my 2 cents.
@rjquillin I hear that. I’m on autopilot through airports these days. Fly once a week. I cut it close all the time… I hear my name slaughtered on the PA at least once a month.
@Winedavid49 I have a few friends that would love to join the Launch Party, but didn’t know about the kickstarter. Is it possible to purchase additional spots, or purchase two spots from people that signed up but due to previous commitments are unable to attend? Or do they just crash the party
@Winedavid49 Alright man, I paid for the remote party but we can make this date work. Can you flip our ticket to the launch party? I’ll be a plus 1 so need to pay for that of course. Let us know! I’ll be shooting you over an e-mail at WCC as well.
Of course that is the weekend we are going to Indy for the Purdue incoming freshman thing. We are trying to figure out if we can make the Launch Party then fly directly to Indy and meet our son there… fingers crossed we can accomplish this.
@Winedavid49@snapster@dave Gribblesnarf. I will be on my way to a business meeting that day, and unable to attend. I paid the $100 for the party, and an additional $50 for a guest, neither of which will be able to take advantage of the event.
What is my recourse? I understand that a remote party package could replace the launch event, but what about the guest ticket?
Yup, can’t go. Committed to an event in San Francisco the same night. I would just send a partner along instead, but I need the one who helps drink the wine to escort me to said event. So, let us know what the options are. Sad I can’t attend – it sucks to be local and still not be able to make it.
I might have this figured out… fly into CA really late Friday, have lunch with whomever we can meet up with Sat. afternoon, go to launch party, drive back to airport after launch party stuff… Fly to Indy at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning… Working out the details now… fingers crossed…
We have hotels and flights booked!! (with the option to cancel if necessary) we only have 1 possible thing that might make this not work… should have an answer soon… but as of now…we will be there!!!
@rainybank Just based off of the langauge in the Kickstarter itself, you can probably just contact WCC/casemates for a refund of the “ticket” price of $50 each.
@trifecta I assumed something like that too based on language. Just haven’t found anything specific about it. Not worried, i’m sure we will hear something soon.
FYI to those coming into town, March 2-4 is barrel tasting weekend over in the Healdsburg area. It’s pretty much a cluster on those weekends and hard to do any real tastings. You can plan stops at non participating wineries, but the traffic will still be a mess (and unfortunately a lot of drunks driving).
My advice would be to plan your other stops that weekend in the Sonoma Napa area instead, unless you have specific spots and appointments.
Casemates Launch Party – Important Info
The Casemates Launch Party on March 3rd will be here soon and we have some updated ticket information to share.
The evites have gone out for those who have purchased launch party tickets! If you have RSVPed on the invite, nothing else is needed from you other than showing up and enjoying the party. Please let us know if you haven’t received the evite.
If you purchased a launch party ticket and would like to add additional guests, the cost is $60 per person (this does not include a t-shirts). If you did not purchase a launch party ticket but would like to join us, we are offering a limited number of tickets for $70 per person.
Additional information on the remote launch party box is coming soon. (Note: If you purchased a ticket but cannot attend the launch party, please contact us at by February 17th and we will send you a remote launch party box.)
Under 3 weeks to go. Guest list looks fun! As we get closer we’ll have to figure out some group tasting stops before the party itself. Where are folks planning to stay?
@mommadeb We’ll be staying west of 101, but will be around most of the day Saturday leading up to the party. I’ll look into some stops for tasting. Would prefer a slower pace, maybe sit-down style, that would let us catch up a bit. If you have anywhere in particular you want to go I can try to set that up.
@trifecta I love the idea of a slower pace! You know I have no idea where anything is where do you guys want to go? give me some choices and we can go from there.
@RedHot The party is being held on Saturday, March 3rd in Sonoma. Please shoot me an email if you are interested in buying tickets.
Hope to see you there!
@melrod333 I’m also curious if we can change the delivery address. I have all my Casemates purchases shipped to work, where there is always an adult present to sign.
@LanoraMueller@ArianaWCC Yeah, more info would be appreciated. I’m traveling and nobody will be home for some of the delivery window, but without more information it’s rather difficult to plan.
@arianaWCC@klezman@LanoraMueller I’d like to know this also! Is there anything perishable? Packages get stolen in my area so we always have Fedex hold them. Thanks!
@jchasma@klezman@LanoraMueller The remote box will be shipped for delivery on Thursday, March 1. There will be perishable items in the box, so we recommend not waiting too long for pickup from FedEx.
@arianaWCC Thanks for the info! will the box be coming from CA? How soon can we expect it to arrive? If it’s Friday or Saturday, that may work. But when I have things held at FedEx, it often takes an extra day or two to reroute. Is that a problem? Thanks!
@rjquillin I hope you will be able to make it…If I can make it by flying in for this and leaving at the crack of dawn the next morning… and you live way closer
I’d be ok with a bottle of Corison. The discription said refreshments for 10, that would be beverages for me and I can order pizza for the others!
Just received my Casemates remote party box. Shipped yesterday, received today.
Two Casemates Logo stickers
Box of Brandini Toffee bites
Package of Molly & You Beer Bread mix: Garlic Parmesan
Package of Smash Mallow Coconut Pineapple marshmallows
Box of Rustic Bakery Tart Cherry Crostini
Jar of DearNorth Smoked Sockeye Salmon
Bag of Pizootz baja taco peanuts
Jar of Maison de Monaco Mission Fig & Chardonnay jam
Bottle of Mia’s kitchen White Truffle Oil
Package of Creminelli Prosciutto
Package of Creminelli Varzi
Log of Laura Chenel’s Garlic & Chives goat cheese
Wedge of Beehive Promontory
Wedge of Beehive Seahive
Bottle of Meh Zinfandel mix
Two Casemates stemless wine glasses
Bottle of Charles Smith 2013 Viognier
Bottle of Wellington 2013 Sonoma County Syrah
Bottle of WineSmith 2007 Pinot Noir
@knlprez if you write to them they should be able to send it to you. Also if you have it shipped to a residential address sign up for FedEx tracking. Any address entered with your name on it will be emailed to you and traceable.
@jml326 I always ship my wine to the local FedEx office and you cant track incoming packages with your name. Works like a charm for everything else, though!
@knlprez Nope. All I got was notification from my UPS Store that a package had arrived, along with the tracking number. The tracking number yielded the info that the package had originated in Windsor, CA, which is a really familiar source address.
@mommadeb Website says indoor/outdoor space, so likely everyone huddled inside for warmth until it get’s stuffy. Not supposed to be raining Saturday night, just cool.
I have hoarded a bunch of chemicals and there is a thunderstorm forecast for Sunday, if my plan comes to fruition and I gain superspeed this coming Sunday, can I attend? I’m not willing to pay for anything of course, because l’ll still be me, just a much faster version.
What an awesome gathering!!! I am so glad we were able to make it. The food was AMAZING and the wine was fantastic. Thanks to everyone who made tonight so wonderful.
But wait, this should actually be better

yea, something similar. already lining up winemakers to attend.
@Winedavid49 do you know the month of the party yet? That would help with some vacation planning.
Wish I could be there but I have no idea if I’ll be traveling for work.
@Winedavid49 For us remote guys, were you thinking of having a video feed or anything?
Depending on the date, you better be ready to let us crash the party @Winedavid49! Some of us So Cal folk opted for the remote party to play it safe…but, um…
@javadrinker Ummm, yes, as did some SoCal’ers.
@javadrinker, and some of us signed up for the Sonoma party!
@javadrinker yeah…(although likely remote still)
we are narrowing down this week. looking late feb/early march. but stay tuned.
@Winedavid49 Once the date is known we’ll see if the 2.5 of us can make it! (The little one is only 0.5 because he’s not much of a drinker…yet!)
@klezman start training him better. All 3 of my kids can out-drink the adults
@jasisk Our 8 month old already seems to have a propensity for reaching for wine glasses more aggressively than nearly anything else she sees.
@jasisk Oh, he’d drink as much as we let him! He almost always gets a sniff or two of the night’s wine. Occasionally he gets a drop on my pinky. And if you leave the glass too close it’s done for. So give him some time…he’s only a year old
Ask @WineDavid49 how the kiddo was at the Corison vertical tasting at Tim’s…
@klezman I get asked every night at dinner by all 3 of them (2.5, 5, 8 yo) “can I have some of your wine”
@jasisk Those little sips that Daddy let me have were the beginning of my wine education - or should I say, my wine addiction. Thanks, Dad!
@Winedavid49 Forgive my selfishness, but I am wondering if the Remote Launch Party shipping will be timed to coincide with your Launch Party, or if it will be as soon as you can get it out the door after the Kickstarter closes…
I hope it’s the latter, because I am planning on having a local party. I know, I know, I said I was going to keep it all for myself, but there are other people than myself, even here in the wastelands, that are happy about Casemates. I need to know what wines to pull out from my cellar to augment what you send, and what sorts of food items I ought to be ordering (or even making) to go along with it all.
Shrdlu’s work is never done. :-}
(…and thank you for sending me the rest of my port, because you can never have too much Wellington Port)
@jasisk Excellent. I suspect/hope mine will be the same.
@Winedavid49 Any update on this? I’ll be flying in for this assuming I can make it work…
@Winedavid49 Not that this is up to a vote, but March 2nd/3rd would be great!
@trifecta @winedavid49 2nd, a Friday would be tough. 3rd, Saturday would allow for travel on both ends.
@rjquillin Saturday would be easier, but if it was Friday afternoon it wouldn’t be too bad. Just a day off work. Fly into oakland, check into hotel, then hit the party. Check out of hotel with very dark glasses on after requesting late checkout, and hop back on plane in Oakland and be home by Sat night. Either way an overnight iv bag would be nice, but that requires checking a bag.
@trifecta despite the drive time, likely others from here may go as well, and I have pick-ups. Always, pick-ups. Guess I should check SW fares, but then there is still local transportation to deal with…
@rjquillin I thought you were the one who recently said you have more money than time… I’m sure there will be others around that you could get lifts from. Plus a day or two car rental two and from the airport would make life easy. The gas alone is probably more expensive than the flight. As for pickups, that’s a whole other issue. GSO is cheaper than other options, could just ship to yourself when you are in town.
I just don’t do the long road trips anymore. If it costs me a day away from work I didn’t save anything. Rental cars are cheap and don’t break down. Don’t have to wash, vacuum, oil change, etc… Fly, beat up car, drop car, fly. Now if you want the road trip experience with friends, that’s different.
Not trying to argue or steer you, just my 2 cents.
And a reasoned opinion.
I really do dislike airports however.
@rjquillin I hear that. I’m on autopilot through airports these days. Fly once a week. I cut it close all the time… I hear my name slaughtered on the PA at least once a month.
@trifecta If I don’t hear my name called I don’t think it’s time for me to board yet
@markgm Haha! I hear you. Aisle seat and only laptop bag make life easy. That and the exit row!
I want to go! But no, sadly, there are so many other obligations.
@Winedavid49 Any update on when this Launch Party is going to happen? Airfares are still reasonable right now…
@trifecta I forget: where are you coming in from?
@bahwm Seattle
@Winedavid49, Vincent Arroyo Barrel Tasting is February 24th. Hint, hint.
@MarkDaSpark thumbs down, mad house. Been there twice on the day of and didn’t even go inside. Good juice, but not worth the squeeze on that day.
But a week later would be awesome! We could probably schedule a tasting with them if we had a decent group.
Silly airlines have gotten wind of February break dates for NYS schools and they jack the prices on Sundays for return trips from Cali.
Bump! Is this moving out to an April/May timeframe?
Also need to tag @winedavid49
/giphy waiting

ok, it’s official. March 3rd. invitations going out today. Clark Smith, Kent Rasmussen, El Jeffe…already said they are coming… woohhoo!
@Winedavid49 Woohoo! Man, I have the psychic thing going today. I was just thinking about this.
Here it comes. When will you ship the Remote Launch Party package? Please say it’ll be soon. Pretty please?
@Winedavid49 Can’t make it - I’m elsewhere for a wedding. Glad I “officially” did the remote pack, I guess.
@Winedavid49 I have a few friends that would love to join the Launch Party, but didn’t know about the kickstarter. Is it possible to purchase additional spots, or purchase two spots from people that signed up but due to previous commitments are unable to attend? Or do they just crash the party
@Winedavid49 So we’re going to need a location to sort out overnight arraignments, unless I can pitch a tent or find a friendly tree.
Where’s this going to happen?
@rjquillin Location and lodging suggestions are in the email invite.
@trifecta Don’t recall seeing any email.
@rjquillin Check spam. Sent last night. It’s an evite. I see you on the list…
@trifecta nada
can you forward?
@rjquillin Sent the details to your Gmail. Check email used for Kickstarter.
@Winedavid49 rpm will be there!
@Winedavid49 Alright man, I paid for the remote party but we can make this date work. Can you flip our ticket to the launch party? I’ll be a plus 1 so need to pay for that of course. Let us know! I’ll be shooting you over an e-mail at WCC as well.
@javadrinker go to and ping them
@Winedavid49 oh man, I wish I could be there. Take some photos for us remote partyers
Of course that is the weekend we are going to Indy for the Purdue incoming freshman thing. We are trying to figure out if we can make the Launch Party then fly directly to Indy and meet our son there…
fingers crossed we can accomplish this.
@mommadeb ah man…!
@Winedavid49 @snapster @dave Gribblesnarf. I will be on my way to a business meeting that day, and unable to attend. I paid the $100 for the party, and an additional $50 for a guest, neither of which will be able to take advantage of the event.
What is my recourse? I understand that a remote party package could replace the launch event, but what about the guest ticket?
@JOATMON If they allow transfers, I could now use a guest ticket
Can’t go. Business fraternity commitment that weekend. Backed at $260 (2 launch party peeps plus VMP). Hoping you can work something out.
Yup, can’t go. Committed to an event in San Francisco the same night. I would just send a partner along instead, but I need the one who helps drink the wine to escort me to said event. So, let us know what the options are. Sad I can’t attend – it sucks to be local and still not be able to make it.
We’re out. We’ve had another commitment booked for months. And now I see Clark, Kent, and El Jefe will be there!
We’re in! Looking forward to this!
Looking at flight info and lodging now.
I might have this figured out… fly into CA really late Friday, have lunch with whomever we can meet up with Sat. afternoon, go to launch party, drive back to airport after launch party stuff… Fly to Indy at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning… Working out the details now… fingers crossed…
We’ll be around. It would be great to see you guys!
agreed! It has been to long since we have seen our West Coast friends!
@mommadeb Our flights are booked, so keep us posted.
We have hotels and flights booked!! (with the option to cancel if necessary) we only have 1 possible thing that might make this not work… should have an answer soon… but as of now…we will be there!!!
So sad I can’t come. I hope everyone has a great time!
Timing doesn’t work out for me either and I had even added guest pass. The Evite nor this thread explain what will happen if we can’t make it.
@rainybank Just based off of the langauge in the Kickstarter itself, you can probably just contact WCC/casemates for a refund of the “ticket” price of $50 each.
@trifecta I assumed something like that too based on language. Just haven’t found anything specific about it. Not worried, i’m sure we will hear something soon.
FYI to those coming into town, March 2-4 is barrel tasting weekend over in the Healdsburg area. It’s pretty much a cluster on those weekends and hard to do any real tastings. You can plan stops at non participating wineries, but the traffic will still be a mess (and unfortunately a lot of drunks driving).
My advice would be to plan your other stops that weekend in the Sonoma Napa area instead, unless you have specific spots and appointments.
Casemates Launch Party – Important Info
The Casemates Launch Party on March 3rd will be here soon and we have some updated ticket information to share.
The evites have gone out for those who have purchased launch party tickets! If you have RSVPed on the invite, nothing else is needed from you other than showing up and enjoying the party. Please let us know if you haven’t received the evite.
If you purchased a launch party ticket and would like to add additional guests, the cost is $60 per person (this does not include a t-shirts). If you did not purchase a launch party ticket but would like to join us, we are offering a limited number of tickets for $70 per person.
Please contact by February 17th for an invite and Venmo information.
Additional information on the remote launch party box is coming soon. (Note: If you purchased a ticket but cannot attend the launch party, please contact us at by February 17th and we will send you a remote launch party box.)
@arianaWCC woot!.. I mean meh… remote party pack
Under 3 weeks to go. Guest list looks fun! As we get closer we’ll have to figure out some group tasting stops before the party itself. Where are folks planning to stay?
We are flying into Oakland super late on Friday and will stay there, but want to meet up Sat. before the party.
@trifecta we’re staying in Napa about 20 minutes from the party venue. Definitely wine tasting a bit before the party!
@mommadeb We’ll be staying west of 101, but will be around most of the day Saturday leading up to the party. I’ll look into some stops for tasting. Would prefer a slower pace, maybe sit-down style, that would let us catch up a bit. If you have anywhere in particular you want to go I can try to set that up.
@trifecta I love the idea of a slower pace! You know I have no idea where anything is
where do you guys want to go? give me some choices and we can go from there.
@mommadeb Sounds good. I will take a look and put some suggestions out.
@mommadeb I haven’t forgotten, just been swamped. Will have time this weekend to take a closer look.
@trifecta No worries… you know we go with the flow…things are crazy here also
Where is the party? I didn’t buy a ticket but am in SoCal.
@RedHot The party is being held on Saturday, March 3rd in Sonoma. Please shoot me an email if you are interested in buying tickets.
Hope to see you there!
Reminder! Deadline to RSVP for the Casemates Launch Party is February 19th.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
@coffeemate12 and I are set and excited to attend!
@javadrinker You two flying up?
Considering transportation and lodging options to best allow me to attend.
@RedHot, how you getting there, from where?
@RedHot @rjquillin Yup, flying this go around.
Remote party questions:
Is anything in the package perishable? I’m out of the country until 20 March.
Is the package coming via FedEx so I can have it held at my local Fedex station? My dog can’t sign for it but husband can pick it up.
Related question - is there anyway to change where it is delivered to?
@melrod333 I’m also curious if we can change the delivery address. I have all my Casemates purchases shipped to work, where there is always an adult present to sign.
@LanoraMueller @ArianaWCC Yeah, more info would be appreciated. I’m traveling and nobody will be home for some of the delivery window, but without more information it’s rather difficult to plan.
@arianaWCC @klezman @LanoraMueller I’d like to know this also! Is there anything perishable? Packages get stolen in my area so we always have Fedex hold them. Thanks!
@jchasma ah Bawlmer
@jchasma @klezman @LanoraMueller The remote box will be shipped for delivery on Thursday, March 1. There will be perishable items in the box, so we recommend not waiting too long for pickup from FedEx.
@mb1973 @melrod333 Absolutely, please shoot me an email if you are interested in changing your address for the shipment.
@arianaWCC Thanks for the info! will the box be coming from CA? How soon can we expect it to arrive? If it’s Friday or Saturday, that may work. But when I have things held at FedEx, it often takes an extra day or two to reroute. Is that a problem? Thanks!
@jchasma It will arrive on Thursday. Shipped out on Tuesday. An extra day or two shouldn’t be a problem.
@arianaWCC We are out of town that week. We will need to either ship early or late or risk the whole thing going bad
@arianaWCC Did the remote party packs ship yesterday as expected? Where can we get tracking information about them? Thanks!
I hate eVites. I responded with Yes, on the last day to respond, but it didn’t stay.
Looked at the email again today, said Yes again. And looking at the guest list, it still didn’t have me as Yes!
Logged onto the site directly to see if that works!
FireFox didn’t work either.
It finally worked when I viewed the evite on my phone.
@MarkDaSpark yup, you’re on the list (that I didn’t even know existed.)
check yr email.
@rjquillin Are you coming up?
@trifecta hopefully, but still working on travel and lodging logistics.
@rjquillin I hope you will be able to make it…If I can make it by flying in for this and leaving at the crack of dawn the next morning… and you live way closer
@mommadeb It’s complicated.
@rjquillin I understand… hope you can make it work
Any idea of what’s in the remote launch party box? We are celebrating a birthday that weekend and want to make sure the other food jives.
Also, where will the like be for the video feed? We will be joining via the interwebz!!
@knlprez Im betting there might be some jerky.
@karenhynes @knlprez Ya think? How about some marshmallows?
@InFrom @karenhynes @knlprez

/giphy Steve urkel cheese
@InFrom @jml326 @knlprez
I’m ok with the cinnamon marshmallows, but not the others. Wouldn’t mind some cheese!
@InFrom @jml326 @karenhynes
I’d be ok with a bottle of Corison. The discription said refreshments for 10, that would be beverages for me and I can order pizza for the others!
Can I reques warmer weather for Saturday… please?
Supposed to clear up Saturday night. But rainy Thur/Fri and part of Saturday.
@MarkDaSpark @mommadeb cold and wet;
hope that’s a covered patio/balcony.
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin this delicate flower has been living in record breaking highs this past month… all in the upper 80’s… my body will be in shock
Just received my Casemates remote party box. Shipped yesterday, received today.
Two Casemates Logo stickers
Box of Brandini Toffee bites
Package of Molly & You Beer Bread mix: Garlic Parmesan
Package of Smash Mallow Coconut Pineapple marshmallows
Box of Rustic Bakery Tart Cherry Crostini
Jar of DearNorth Smoked Sockeye Salmon
Bag of Pizootz baja taco peanuts
Jar of Maison de Monaco Mission Fig & Chardonnay jam
Bottle of Mia’s kitchen White Truffle Oil
Package of Creminelli Prosciutto
Package of Creminelli Varzi
Log of Laura Chenel’s Garlic & Chives goat cheese
Wedge of Beehive Promontory
Wedge of Beehive Seahive
Bottle of Meh Zinfandel mix
Two Casemates stemless wine glasses
Bottle of Charles Smith 2013 Viognier
Bottle of Wellington 2013 Sonoma County Syrah
Bottle of WineSmith 2007 Pinot Noir
@JOATMON happy for you and pissed that I have to wait.
Did you get any shipping confirmation on the package?
@knlprez if you write to them they should be able to send it to you. Also if you have it shipped to a residential address sign up for FedEx tracking. Any address entered with your name on it will be emailed to you and traceable.
@jml326 I always ship my wine to the local FedEx office and you cant track incoming packages with your name. Works like a charm for everything else, though!
@knlprez Nope. All I got was notification from my UPS Store that a package had arrived, along with the tracking number. The tracking number yielded the info that the package had originated in Windsor, CA, which is a really familiar source address.
Will we be inside or outside Saturday for the Launch? I’m trying to figure out what to pack.
@mommadeb wanna jump in a car and have breakfast tomorrow?
@mommadeb Website says indoor/outdoor space, so likely everyone huddled inside for warmth until it get’s stuffy. Not supposed to be raining Saturday night, just cool.
Have fun at the Launch Party! Wish we could have joined you guys!
@bahwm We will miss you two!!:
Hey WineDavid49, got any spare 4xl launch Shirts? Delivery wasn’t yesterday, but today. AFTER I had already left.

@MarkDaSpark mine has not come yet.
@MarkDaSpark @mommadeb Mine is not due to arrive until next week.
I have hoarded a bunch of chemicals and there is a thunderstorm forecast for Sunday, if my plan comes to fruition and I gain superspeed this coming Sunday, can I attend? I’m not willing to pay for anything of course, because l’ll still be me, just a much faster version.
You can try, but unless your superspeed allows you to attend the party on Saturday, you’ll miss everyone!
But you won’t have to pay on Sunday!
@MarkDaSpark obviously you are not familiar with the Flash at all, he can time travel. dur
We are ready for you!!!
What an awesome gathering!!! I am so glad we were able to make it. The food was AMAZING and the wine was fantastic. Thanks to everyone who made tonight so wonderful.
@ewhac Sigh Seriously? You can’t interpret EXIF tags to auto-rotate photos shot in portrait orientation?
@ewhac It looks correct on my iPad. Unless he was lying down when you took the picture.
My sweetie Leo went in my place. He’s the one who won the guess-the-corks contest.
OH! And there he is, @ewhac.
Great meeting @Dave and his SWMBO at the party!
Now if only they had Tiki parties up there like here in SoCal!
No pics posted!?
I’m still mad I forgot to get a picture with that poor Sonoma family I’m supporting.
@MarkDaSpark For only 1 bottle a day you can feed a family of four…and their barnyard animals…and pay their utilities…and their…
Check out the photos from the Launch Party Photo Booth here!
@arianaWCC Those are fantastic.
@arianaWCC What a great time!!!