You bet. I’ll get this one. For future reference, if you sign up for a Fed ex account, they will do a local hold at the nearest drop off for you for 5 days. I’m seldom home when fed ex is delivering to sign for the package, so I do a local hold to the Walgreens right by my house(a FedEx drop station) and I can get it whenever they are open.
OK the wine is at Walgreens, but we have flu in our house right now, so unless you’re in a giant hurry for this, we should probably wait a week to exchange. Sound good to you?
Any interest in going in on this deal? If so, how many bottles would you be interested in? I live in Johnston. The new police station on MH has a video monitored area on the south side for craigslist/other private transactions, so no need to be nervous about meeting up to split the case.
@mtb002 I’ve already ordered a 3-pack because I’m not sure I want to commit to more bottles than that for a varietal I’ve never tried before. So I’ll pass on a case for now but we should compare notes later on what we thought of the wine!
@mtb002 Drank a bottle of it Friday with a friend and we loved it. It was like a more robust Gamay than a Pinot Noir; punchy and fruity but never cloyingly sweet. Have you gotten yours yet?
I think I’ll go through a case on my own between me and my sister(Riesling is her favorite) at that price. Even if it’s too dry, it’ll make great sangria this summer.
Hi there, my wife and I live on the Northwest side of Des Moines. Depending on our moods we both enjoy both reds and whites. Thigh a semi-sweet white tends to be our default.
Hello! We’ve just been posting on this thread when we see something that interests us. I see you’ve already jumped in, hopefully this works out well.
Did anyone else get the remote launch party pack? I really don’t like cabs or zin which is pretty much what I got, so if anyone got anything they’d like to trade, I’m up for negotiation.
I’ll see what I can do. Nobody at my work drinks wine enough to really split with, but DH is starting a new job in a week, so maybe we’ll find some new mates there.
I already have 2 bottles from the WW offering, so while I really want to encourage them to offer more whites, I don’t really need more of this.
I’d prefer 3-4 bottles, but will go up to 6 if no one else is interested. I’ll also have a few bottles of the last rose and chard to barter with if you’re interested and didn’t get your own.
Perfect! I’m glad you did, I just looked at the clock and had a little panic attack. How many bottles do you want Arametha? I’d be fine with 3 or 4. My new wine fridge filled up fast. Gotta start having more people over to share with.
@Arametha@mtb002 I’ll let everyone know once it finally ships. Based on the recent shopping process update for the summer in and my last order, I’m guessing late next week but might be the following.
@Arametha@mtb002 Wine is being delivered today. Being held at the Walgreens at the corner of Beaver and Douglas. I’m pretty flexible this weekend for meeting up to split the case up.
@Arametha I should be free pretty much all day, I suppose really it would depend on how far out you’re thinking. I’d prefer to avoid the Jordan Creek area if possible though.
@mtb002 No problem, just let me know when. I’m usually off work by 6 during the week. I work downtown. Tuesday evening is the only night i know for sure I’m not available this week.
@RedandFirefly Hey I didn’t receive a response and I really slept in so I’m not going to be there at 10. Text me when you’re available and I’ll meet you somewhere. I’m currently just planning to pack stuff today so my schedule is flexible.
@mtb002 I wouldn’t mind one of each to try, but that’s about it. My collection is starting to look like I’ve got a problem (not enough days to enjoy what we have ).
Ok, I have the ice-style wine and I got my iron horse case. I didn’t get any brut, and only got 4 sparklers, so I don’t really want to let go of those, but I did get 4 upgraded PNs, so if you want 2 of those, let me know. I’m trying to figure out how to value them. They are by far the most expensive in the case, but I didn’t pay retail, so I don’t know how to figure this.
@mtb002@RedandFirefly I was planning to pay $30 per bottle if you were part with any, but if you don’t want to at that price, especially for really expensive wine, I understand. I’m available tomorrow to pick up the ice wine. Let me know how much to bring- I’ll take one or both bottles of Pinot.
Ok the angel eis is $16.67/bottle x 4 is 66.68, which is a pain to exchange cash for. Feel free to round either way, I won’t be offended. Can we try to meet at that Walgreens on Beaver and Douglas again or is that too far for Arametha?
Oh dear god, Matt is going to kill me, but IH is an autobuy for me. I’ll post when I get the case and let you know if there’s anything I’m willing to part with. Just hope I get to remain married when this one shows up.
I’m sure Ill be willing to part with a few bottles, but im not making any promises until I see what’s in there. Iron horse is my favorite, Ive been waiting all year for this!
@Arametha@mtb002 I thought it was a really good review. Honest about your leanings but open too. I think you described it well and it appealed to me still.
HAH! When you type a specific word, it triggers mediocrebot’s algorhythm and it spits out a chain of nonsense. The current word is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. It’s one of the joys of being an active participant in the mediocre-verse.
I’m not the biggest fan of SB, too much other good wine in my storage to justify that. If you liked the Sigma 6 and would like some of mine, you can have it. I need to clear some space.
Hello! South side Des Moines, long time wooter and now casemater, prefer reds and bubbles but don’t mind the occassional still white. WineSmith, Ty Caton, & Wellington(RIP) have been my autobuys in the past.
@n8white13 Welcome! I’ve been curious about WineSmith for a while. Now isn’t a great time to get more wine but I’m sure we’ll have opportunities to split in the future.
If anyone is interested in any of the Prohibito Pinot Noir, I ordered a case but am TOTALLY happy to share. (PN is one of the weak points in my options)
@n8white13 We’ve (wife and I) been looking for a French Bordeaux for a while and Arametha I’ve talked about it being one of the few styles that we’d likely order regardless. Figured at this price point the risk was relatively low. I’d have been much more hesitant with a higher entry point. Also Friday deals tend to go very quickly sho i made a snap decision when it popped up.
Damn wish I could talk myself into the Laura Michaels Cabernet Sauvignon. If someone decides to order let me know, I’d be willing togo in on a few bottles. Just can’t pull the trigger alone this time
@RedandFirefly if it makes it easier to bear there was no way I was going to even split some at this price. I’m sure it’s worth it but hard to justify for me right now.
@Arametha Yep that’s pretty much where I’m at. I’ve got plenty to tide me over for now. Different topic, what’d you think of the Bordeaux? We both enjoyed the first bottle a lot!
Given how much we enjoyed the last couple of Spanish offerings I’m seriously considering getting some of the Marqués de Terán Special Selection Spanish Rioja. Any interest in a split?
I bought a case of Iron Horse if anybody wants some. The switch to UPS is really inconvenient for me, so probably won’t be ordering much unless it’s something I know I’ll like, anybody else have better luck with UPS?
So did we give up splitting after the change to UPS? I haven’t felt like ordering since then; it’s much less convienent, so I’ve been exploring the recommendations at Ingersoll wines.
@Arametha I’m still interested in splits. It’s just a bit less convenient unfortunately. Currently we’re working our way through our overstock… Still keeping an eye out for things that pique our fancy though.
That’s ok! I fell asleep and missed it. I’ll take a few bottles from you. I ordered some of the Sauv Blanc that I ratted if you’d like a few bottles of it. I ordered 6 bottles.
Hey, I’m sorry, I’ve been dealing with the ‘rona, the family is technically quarantined for another 10 days or so. We’ll have to get together towards the middle of the month if everyone stays healthy.
@mtb002 Hey, no problem at all! There’s no rush. Hope everyone is staying healthy through your quarantine. We’re all still healthy so far.
By the way, i ordered a case if the Iron Horse unoaked chardonnay this morning if you’d like some I’m happy to share it as well.
Perfect, I don’t need a whole case of that, still have a little left over from the wine woot days, and some from WTSO, but I could use a couple. I was going to get some this am, but it’s sold out, so good on you!
I think it’s time for mediocrebot to reboot again!
I just checked and I’m down to 3 bottles, so I’ll definitely take 6. Do you like the sigma 6 sauv Blanc? I have some bottles of that and it’s too grassy for my taste, do you have any interest in it at all?
@mtb002 Happy to share! I really don’t need a full case either . We (her mostly) actually did enjoy the Six Sigma so be happy to take a couple of those of your hands.
@Arametha I’m going to pick up some of this Chateau Haut Beyzac, Haut-Medoc, France. Be happy to split if you’re interested, though sounds like it will benefit from cellaring for another couple years.
@Arametha It’s in
I can see where it would cellar well, but it also drinks nicely now. Would recommend either decanting for 45-60 minutes or running through a venturi. Let me know if you’d like any.
@Arametha@RedandFirefly yes, my bad, they arrived recently and are hanging in my cellar. On vacay now but will be back in dsm early August and we can make a time to meet up. Where do you usually go? Any place is fine, just curious how you have handled in the past.
@n8white13@RedandFirefly Cool! We’d normally meet in a parking lot somewhere. I’m sure we can do that again. Let’s touch base once you’re back in August. Enjoy your vacation!
@Arametha@n8white13 Yup, open to pretty much wherever to meet up. Note, I’ll be out of town on my own Vacay 7/31-8/9 so I’ll be a bit later to meet up. Don’t let that hinder you guys meeting up though.
@Arametha@n8white13@mtb002 At my wife’s urging (I was going to pass) I ended up picking up a case of the Louis Latour Chassagne Montrachet Rouge. More than happy to share if any of you are interested in a bottle or more.
@Arametha We’re back safely and minimal impact from the storm other than no power/ internet for about 36 hours. I’m tied up until Sunday but free Sunday and each evening after 6 next week.
@n8white13@arametha I should be good pretty much any time this weekend. For @arametha I’ve got that Louis Latour Chassagne Montrachet Rouge for you too. You want 4 bottles of it?
@n8white13@RedandFirefly Yup I do! Can we do Saturday morning at 10:30? I don’t know where everyone is located. Will the parking lot of the Walgreens on Fluer by the airport work? Also, please tell me how much I owe you.
@Arametha@n8white13 Time and place work for me. Louis Latour was $22.50/bottle so $90 for 4. Like n8white I haven’t tried it yet (need to remedy that!)
@arametha@redandfirefly that works great for me, both time and place. The cab franc was $21/btl including shipping so $84 for 4. I haven’t tried one yet btw… like to let them rest awhile post shipment.
Anyone interested in the Latour Chard? I won’t be able to drink it til probably April, so I really can’t do a whole case if no one else wants any. I’ll order a 4 pack tomorrow if no one wants in.
Excellent, will likely be 6 or more if no one else is in. We got one hell of a shock a few months ago, I’m pregnant, so no alcohol for me. I’ve been sad to let a few of the offers pass by here, but this one looks too good to pass up.
ETA: DH is still working from home, so I’ll order, it’s no big deal for him to answer the door for UPS.
Anyone interested in splitting a case of today’s Thanksgiving wines, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, and Gewürztraminer? I live in Windsor Heights and can meet in the metro or Ankeny.
Everybody is doing great, little one is 8 weeks old, so not sleeping predictably yet and I’m not drinking alcohol again yet, so I’m going to pass. Hope everyone is staying healthy! Get your shots as soon as you can.
@Arametha@mtb002 great to hear from you! So glad to here baby is here and doing well. Just didn’t want to intrude it i would have asked sooner . Having my first shot Monday afternoon.
Des Moines, no preference.
I’m not too interested in today’s deal. Will check again Tuesday night.
Tonight’s blend looks good to me, anyone interested in splitting a case?
@mtb002 I had a feeling you might say that! I’m in.
How many do you want?
@mtb002 I can do half a case.
Sounds good, do you want to to buy the case or should I?
@mtb002 I live in an apartment building which makes me uncomfortable with the idea of getting a case delivered to me, so could you place the order?
You bet. I’ll get this one. For future reference, if you sign up for a Fed ex account, they will do a local hold at the nearest drop off for you for 5 days. I’m seldom home when fed ex is delivering to sign for the package, so I do a local hold to the Walgreens right by my house(a FedEx drop station) and I can get it whenever they are open.
@mtb002 Oh that’s a good tip, thanks! I’ll be sure to do that.
OK the wine is at Walgreens, but we have flu in our house right now, so unless you’re in a giant hurry for this, we should probably wait a week to exchange. Sound good to you?
@mtb002 Sounds good to me!
I live in Des Moines!
Any interest in going in on this deal? If so, how many bottles would you be interested in? I live in Johnston. The new police station on MH has a video monitored area on the south side for craigslist/other private transactions, so no need to be nervous about meeting up to split the case.
@mtb002 I’m not afraid to split a case. I think Midwestern-ers are trustworthy and reliable on the whole.
I should have said before that my fiance and I prefer sweet whites like Riesling and Moscato, so it’s going to be hard for me to match very much.
I like those too, wont be hard at all if those ever get offered. No interest in tonight’s lot then?
Any interest in the onesto? If none, i may just get a 3pack for myself/DH to try
@mtb002 I’ve already ordered a 3-pack because I’m not sure I want to commit to more bottles than that for a varietal I’ve never tried before. So I’ll pass on a case for now but we should compare notes later on what we thought of the wine!
Will do!
@mtb002 Drank a bottle of it Friday with a friend and we loved it. It was like a more robust Gamay than a Pinot Noir; punchy and fruity but never cloyingly sweet. Have you gotten yours yet?
Haven’t had a chance to really try it yet with the flu, I think everyone’s starting to get healthy now, so maybe in a week or two.
I’ve gone on ahead and placed an order for a case of the North by Northwest Riesling. If anyone wants in on the case let me know!
I think I’ll go through a case on my own between me and my sister(Riesling is her favorite) at that price. Even if it’s too dry, it’ll make great sangria this summer.
@Arametha I’d totally be up for going in on a case of the Riesling. 50/50?
@RedandFirefly That sounds good to me!
@Arametha Great! My wife and I are excited. Let me know how/ when you want to work things and we’ll get together once you’ve gotten our wine booty.
Hi there, my wife and I live on the Northwest side of Des Moines. Depending on our moods we both enjoy both reds and whites. Thigh a semi-sweet white tends to be our default.
Hello! We’ve just been posting on this thread when we see something that interests us. I see you’ve already jumped in, hopefully this works out well.
Any interest in splitting a case of the Zin?
@Arametha We’re up for it. Want us to order this case since you ordered the Riesling?
@RedandFirefly Already on it
@Arametha Sounds good. We’re looking forward to both orders.
Just ordered a case of the Pino Grigio. If anyone’s interested I’ll split it. If not… Oh darn guess I’ll just have to drink it myself.

@RedandFirefly I’ll pass this time.
Any interest in splitting the case of Russian valley pinot noir?
The Harvey Zinfandel sounds like a good deal. Any interest in splitting a case?
Did anyone else get the remote launch party pack? I really don’t like cabs or zin which is pretty much what I got, so if anyone got anything they’d like to trade, I’m up for negotiation.
@mtb002 I’d be willing to trade or buy some bottles off of you. What did you get?
I got ‘12 Rockus Bockus, meh zin mix’14 w/ irk on the bottle and a ‘13 Wellington Cab Sauv.
I have coupons to share, you can only use it once, so we should be able to spread around a bit the next time we find a case we want to split.
@mtb002 hoping you can invite new casemates converts!
I’ll see what I can do. Nobody at my work drinks wine enough to really split with, but DH is starting a new job in a week, so maybe we’ll find some new mates there.
Anyone interested in splitting a case of Syrah?
@RedandFirefly Tempting but I’ll pass.
Anyone want to go in on the Pinot Gris? I don’t drink enough Pinot to go through a whole case but would be happy to split with someone if interested.
Thought about it for a while but I have too many bottles already. So I’ll pass
No worries, I bought 4 bottles, so I can sure save one for our next split if you’d like to try it.
I’m in for a case of the new Zaca Mesa offering, if anyone wants some.
@mtb002 I’m up for splitting a case. Since I know you prefer whites, how about a split where I get 5 of the Cuvee and one of the Viognier?
Sounds good to me, ill let you know when they darken my doorstep.
Any interest here in the Viognier? I’m on the fence. Considering buying 3 maybe? Definitely not the case unless at least one other wants to split.
I already have 2 bottles from the WW offering, so while I really want to encourage them to offer more whites, I don’t really need more of this.
Any interest in splitting a case of the Kendric Pinot Noir?
Wine Smith Cab Franc split?
Anyone interested in splitting a case of the Onesta Grenache Blanc?
I’d prefer 3-4 bottles, but will go up to 6 if no one else is interested. I’ll also have a few bottles of the last rose and chard to barter with if you’re interested and didn’t get your own.
Did you order yet?
@mtb002 Not yet. I will happily if you want in
@mtb002 Apparently i can’t read tonight… We can figure the details out later. I’ve ordered the case now.
@mtb002 @RedandFirefly Would it make it easier if I said I was interested in splitting some bottles? Because I am.
Perfect! I’m glad you did, I just looked at the clock and had a little panic attack. How many bottles do you want Arametha? I’d be fine with 3 or 4. My new wine fridge filled up fast. Gotta start having more people over to share with.
@mtb002 @RedandFirefly Yup, I’m fine with 4
@Arametha @mtb002 I’ll let everyone know once it finally ships. Based on the recent shopping process update for the summer in and my last order, I’m guessing late next week but might be the following.
@Arametha @mtb002 Wine is being delivered today. Being held at the Walgreens at the corner of Beaver and Douglas. I’m pretty flexible this weekend for meeting up to split the case up.
@RedAndFirefly What is your Saturday morning like? I can meet you out in WDM while I’m running errands.
@Arametha I should be free pretty much all day, I suppose really it would depend on how far out you’re thinking. I’d prefer to avoid the Jordan Creek area if possible though.
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
I work this weekend, so I may have to catch you later.
@mtb002 No problem, just let me know when. I’m usually off work by 6 during the week. I work downtown. Tuesday evening is the only night i know for sure I’m not available this week.
@RedandFirefly ok, would the Whole Foods on University near Best Buy work for you? Say around 10am?
@RedandFirefly Hey I didn’t receive a response and I really slept in so I’m not going to be there at 10. Text me when you’re available and I’ll meet you somewhere. I’m currently just planning to pack stuff today so my schedule is flexible.
Is everyone ok this morning? Rough night last night.
@mtb002 All safe and dry.
Any interest in splitting a case of the Rasmussen?
Any interest in splitting the case of 6 sigma sauv blanc? @mtb002 @RedandFirefly
@Arametha @mtb002 I’d be in for a case split. Either 4 or 6 bottles is good for me.
@mtb002 @RedandFirefly Ordered a case.
I’d love the Rose out of the NxNW offering tonight, still have too much of the Riesling/chard. Anybody want to split?
Lol, that’s where we’re at too! Especially too much of the chardonnay.
Any interest in the Luna Sangiovese being offered? @mtb002 @Arametha
@RedandFirefly Yeah I’m up for splitting a case
@Arametha Sounds good. I’l go ahead and order a case. If mtb002 wants in as well i have no objects to a 3 was split either.
Any interest in splitting a case of mead?
@Arametha Never mind. No delivery to Iowa.
Anybody want to split todays?
Ok I’m buying some of this, if anyone sees this and wants a few, let me know.
@mtb002 I’m in for a split
How many do you want?
@mtb002 I’d be up for either 3 or 6 unless someone else wants in.
Ill let you know when they come in.
Anyone interested in splitting on this Spanish wine? If not I’ll probably go in for the 4 pack.
@RedandFirefly I am!
Ok, case ordered.
Anyone interested in a split on this Onesta Cinsault?
@RedandFirefly I loved it but I’ll have to pass this time. Too much wine in the house right now.
@Arametha Obviously we have the same problem. Hence asking about a split. I passed on it too.
I’m ordering a case of the Marsanne/Roussanne if anyone wants a few of each.
@mtb002 I wouldn’t mind one of each to try, but that’s about it. My collection is starting to look like I’ve got a problem (not enough days to enjoy what we have
Any interest in splitting a case of the Whitman? That looks like a good value.
@Arametha I missed this sorry. Would have been interested.
@Arametha Thoughts on the Primitevo?
@RedandFirefly Eh. I’m only kind of interested but I’ll split it if you’ve already got a case.
@Arametha I haven’t yet, so i think we’ll pass and see what comes up over the next week or so.
Any interest in a split on the Gård Vintners Malbec?
@RedandFirefly Yeah I’m up for half a case.
@Arametha Ordered
Any interest in splitting a case of ice wine?
I bought a case, how many would you like?
@mtb002 could I get 4 please?
@Arametha , @RedandFirefly
You bet, do you want any Red?
@Arametha @mtb002 Yep I’d be interested in 3 or 4 too.
@Arametha @mtb002 but I’ll take less if you want thi hold on to more
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
Nope, after I ordered the iron hose case, youre getting 4 so I can stay happily married.
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
Ok, I have the ice-style wine and I got my iron horse case. I didn’t get any brut, and only got 4 sparklers, so I don’t really want to let go of those, but I did get 4 upgraded PNs, so if you want 2 of those, let me know. I’m trying to figure out how to value them. They are by far the most expensive in the case, but I didn’t pay retail, so I don’t know how to figure this.
@mtb002 @RedandFirefly I was planning to pay $30 per bottle if you were part with any, but if you don’t want to at that price, especially for really expensive wine, I understand. I’m available tomorrow to pick up the ice wine. Let me know how much to bring- I’ll take one or both bottles of Pinot.
@Arametha @mtb002 We’re still in for the ice wine. Going to pass on the iron horse though. I think we can make sometime tomorrow work.
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
Would $40 be ok? That’s still >50% off list. Do you want 2 or just one at that?
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
Ok the angel eis is $16.67/bottle x 4 is 66.68, which is a pain to exchange cash for. Feel free to round either way, I won’t be offended. Can we try to meet at that Walgreens on Beaver and Douglas again or is that too far for Arametha?
@mtb002 @RedandFirefly Okay, you have a deal. I’ll take both bottles then.
@mtb002 @RedandFirefly Sure. Whisper me a time to meet. I’m open all afternoon after 1pm
Oh dear god, Matt is going to kill me, but IH is an autobuy for me. I’ll post when I get the case and let you know if there’s anything I’m willing to part with. Just hope I get to remain married when this one shows up.
@mtb002 Ok I’m interested in the Pinot and Brut if you’re willing to part with them.
I’m sure Ill be willing to part with a few bottles, but im not making any promises until I see what’s in there. Iron horse is my favorite, Ive been waiting all year for this!
@mtb002 No worries, I understand. Let me know!
Potential interest in a split on the Windrun Pinot Noir? @arametha @mtb002
@RedandFirefly nah I’m good for now, thanks.
@Arametha @mtb002 Ausie Shiraz?
@RedandFirefly Tempting but I’ll pass.
Damn I’m bummed we can’t get this Sangiovese in Iowa ;_;
@Arametha I was too! Told the wife i was both disappointed and relieved
@arametha @mtb002 obviously mtb002 isn’t interested in this Cab offering
(nice rat report!) , how about you Arametha?
@RedandFirefly I’ll pass, thanks
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
I felt like a rat writing it up, but I figured I’d better be honest.
@Arametha @mtb002 I thought it was a really good review. Honest about your leanings but open too. I think you described it well and it appealed to me still.
@Arametha @mtb002 Any interest in a split on this bourbon aged cab sauv?
@RedandFirefly Modest interest, yeah. I don’t think I want to pay for 6 though, so would 4 be alright?
@Arametha 4 would be totally cool. I’ve ordered the case now. They finally intrigued me enough
Any interest in a split of the Live Red Blend?
@Arametha Story i missed this one.
Any interest in the current Spanish offering?
@RedandFirefly I already ordered a 4 pack but I’d be down for splitting a case and canceling the old order.
@Arametha Awesome. Let’s do a case split then.
@mediocrebot What?
@RedandFirefly Sounds good. I filed a request to cancel
@Arametha @mediocrebot
HAH! When you type a specific word, it triggers mediocrebot’s algorhythm and it spits out a chain of nonsense. The current word is a.w.e.s.o.m.e. It’s one of the joys of being an active participant in the mediocre-verse.
I haven’t had a sauv blanc in a while. Any interest in splitting the case?
I’m not the biggest fan of SB, too much other good wine in my storage to justify that. If you liked the Sigma 6 and would like some of mine, you can have it. I need to clear some space.
@mtb002 I’ll pass for now, thanks.
Hello! South side Des Moines, long time wooter and now casemater, prefer reds and bubbles but don’t mind the occassional still white. WineSmith, Ty Caton, & Wellington(RIP) have been my autobuys in the past.
@n8white13 Welcome!
@n8white13 Welcome! I’ve been curious about WineSmith for a while. Now isn’t a great time to get more wine but I’m sure we’ll have opportunities to split in the future.
Anybody want to split this white blend? I’d take 3 or 4 bottles if anyone else wants in.
@mtb002 I’ll pass this time
So, I need a need more wine like I need another hole in the head but… Anyone interested in a split on this Heritage Cab Sauvignon blend?
@RedandFirefly I’ll pass.
@amaretha @mtb002 @n8white13
I’ve ordered a case of the Moran being offered this weekend. Let me know if anyone wants in on a split.
@RedandFirefly I’ll take one of each vintage please.
@Arametha I’ll be picking these up Friday
If anyone is interested in any of the Prohibito Pinot Noir, I ordered a case but am TOTALLY happy to share. (PN is one of the weak points in my options)
@mtb002 @Arametha
They’re offering the Onesta Grenache Blanc we all enjoyed last summer. Any interest in another split?
@RedandFirefly yeah it was delish but I’ll pass this time. Gotta clear out this backlog of wine.
I still haven’t finished what I got last time, so I’m out.
@mtb002 @Arametha Totally understandable. I’ll pass as well cause I DEFINITELY don’t need a full case to myself.
Ok. They got me. Anyone in for a split of the Bordeaux? @Arametha @mtb002 @n8white13 I ordered a case but willing to share.
@RedandFirefly Yesssssss! I panicked a bit this morning thinking I missed my chance. I’m in for at least 4.
@Arametha Sounds good
What made you pull the trigger? Might be in but still feel like I don’t know much about the winery
@n8white13 We’ve (wife and I) been looking for a French Bordeaux for a while and Arametha I’ve talked about it being one of the few styles that we’d likely order regardless. Figured at this price point the risk was relatively low. I’d have been much more hesitant with a higher entry point. Also Friday deals tend to go very quickly sho i made a snap decision when it popped up.
@n8white13 There’s some more info in the discussion now both for this winery and the specific wine now as if you’re interested.
Ahhhhh the case of Bordeaux is sold out. Would have bought it if it was available. Did anyone get it in time for a split?
Damn wish I could talk myself into the Laura Michaels Cabernet Sauvignon. If someone decides to order let me know, I’d be willing togo in on a few bottles. Just can’t pull the trigger alone this time
@RedandFirefly if it makes it easier to bear there was no way I was going to even split some at this price. I’m sure it’s worth it but hard to justify for me right now.
@Arametha Yep that’s pretty much where I’m at. I’ve got plenty to tide me over for now. Different topic, what’d you think of the Bordeaux? We both enjoyed the first bottle a lot!
anyone want some of the cider? I’m going to at least get the 24 pack, but if anyone wants in, I’ll get the 48.
@mtb002 It’s late but I’m kind of interested in the cider! Do you have any to split?
Yes, I have to pick it up from walgreens, but I’ll be happy to share.
Ok, i’ve Got them, how many do you want and of which flavor?
@mtb002 Sounds good! How much did you end up getting?
I got 24, I don’t need to keep a lot. I haven’t tried them yet, i’ll Throw a few in the fridge.
@mtb002 How much for 12?
They’re 22 oz bottles, just to remind you. I opened the box and wasn’t prepared for the size. They’re the perfect size to share.
@mtb002 Oh I didn’t realize that, that is nice! I’ll take 12 if that’s alright with you, else if you would rather hold onto more I’d understand.
12 is great. Ill be at the fair quite a bit over the next 10 days, are you in a hurry to the them?
@mtb002 I’m in no hurry, I can wait until after the fair
Anybody getting low on Gruet?
@mtb002 I was thinking of buying 6 but if you want to split I’m up for it
Yep, I’ll split a case, but can take less if anyone else wants in. Do you want to buy or do you want me to?
@mtb002 I’ll buy
Any interest in splitting the Riesling?
@Arametha i totally did until i saw it wasn’t available in Iowa
@RedandFirefly yeah it was a real bummer when I realized that
I’m interested in todays offering if anyone else is, that concrete aging sounds fascinating!
@mtb002 I’d like to split a case!
@Arametha @redandfirefly
Ok, I’ll get a case. Do you want any Red?
@Arametha @mtb002
Sure, I’d love to get in on this one! Just wasn’t sure I wanted to go alone on this one. 3 or 4, I’m easy
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
Ok, I’m ordering a case, will respond again when it’s in.
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
Case is here!
@Arametha @mtb002 Yay!
@Arametha @mtb002
Given how much we enjoyed the last couple of Spanish offerings I’m seriously considering getting some of the Marqués de Terán Special Selection Spanish Rioja. Any interest in a split?
@RedandFirefly I’ve been getting too much wine recently… But yes.
@Arametha case ordered.
Bought a case of the Red Car Chardonnay. I’d like to hold onto 6 bottles but am happy to split the rest. Anyone interested?
I’ll take 2 or 3. I really like the Pearl blend, but I am out of room.
@mtb002 I’ll put you down for 3
@Arametha @mtb002
Id love to say yes, but with what we just got and the stuff from Colorado on the way we have a glut to get through right now.
Bought a case of the Onesta Cinsault. I’ve had it before and it’s awesome. Who else wants in?
@Arametha I’m in
. Good for either 4 or 6.
I bought a case of Iron Horse if anybody wants some. The switch to UPS is really inconvenient for me, so probably won’t be ordering much unless it’s something I know I’ll like, anybody else have better luck with UPS?
@mtb002 @arametha @redandfirefly
The IH gratitude is here, anybody want any?
@Arametha @mtb002 If you’re offering we’ll happily take 2 bottles.
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
Done. I’m working this weekend, but will try to meet up.
@Arametha @mtb002 I can meet up either tomorrow or any evening this week. Whatever works easiest for you. Just let me know when, where, and how much.
So did we give up splitting after the change to UPS? I haven’t felt like ordering since then; it’s much less convienent, so I’ve been exploring the recommendations at Ingersoll wines.
@Arametha I’m still interested in splits. It’s just a bit less convenient unfortunately. Currently we’re working our way through our overstock… Still keeping an eye out for things that pique our fancy though.
I ordered a case of the Harvest Moon Malbec. Let me know if anyone wants some. Happy to share if there’s interest.
@Arametha @mtb002 Anyone interested in splitting the current Poundstone Chardonnay offering? I’m willing to order and pickup if anyone else wants some.
Note, I did NOT end up ordering.
I’m going order some of this skin ferment, anybody want a bottle?
@mtb002 Crap, I ordered it too. Completely missed your post.
That’s ok! I fell asleep and missed it. I’ll take a few bottles from you. I ordered some of the Sauv Blanc that I ratted if you’d like a few bottles of it. I ordered 6 bottles.
@mtb002 I’d be happy to share/ trade a few bottles
It came in on Friday.
Hey, I’m sorry, I’ve been dealing with the ‘rona, the family is technically quarantined for another 10 days or so. We’ll have to get together towards the middle of the month if everyone stays healthy.
@mtb002 Hey, no problem at all! There’s no rush. Hope everyone is staying healthy through your quarantine. We’re all still healthy so far.
By the way, i ordered a case if the Iron Horse unoaked chardonnay this morning if you’d like some I’m happy to share it as well.
Perfect, I don’t need a whole case of that, still have a little left over from the wine woot days, and some from WTSO, but I could use a couple. I was going to get some this am, but it’s sold out, so good on you!
You can’t April Fool me!
I think it’s time for mediocrebot to reboot again!
I just checked and I’m down to 3 bottles, so I’ll definitely take 6. Do you like the sigma 6 sauv Blanc? I have some bottles of that and it’s too grassy for my taste, do you have any interest in it at all?
@mtb002 Happy to share! I really don’t need a full case either
. We (her mostly) actually did enjoy the Six Sigma so be happy to take a couple of those of your hands.
@mtb002 Iron Horse Unoaked Chard is here. 🥳
Working this weekend and Tuesday night. Do you want to try to meet up this week or wait til next weekend?
@mtb002 Any evening (after 6) this week would work, or next weekend too. Just let me know what works for you.
@Arametha I’m going to pick up some of this Chateau Haut Beyzac, Haut-Medoc, France. Be happy to split if you’re interested, though sounds like it will benefit from cellaring for another couple years.
@RedandFirefly mayyyyyyybe, leaning towards ‘no.’ let me know when it comes in tho?
@Arametha Totally understood. I’ll let you know when it comes in.
@Arametha It’s in
I can see where it would cellar well, but it also drinks nicely now. Would recommend either decanting for 45-60 minutes or running through a venturi. Let me know if you’d like any.
I ordered a case of the mixed whites/rose today if you want to split.
@mtb002 Actually that sounds wonderful. I was debating whether or not i wanted to order. A split would be perfect. Thanks!
@redandfirefly @mtb002 @arametha any interest in the WineSmith offer, never had a bad wine from Clark.
@n8white13 I’d be up for a split.
@RedandFirefly Sweet, any other takers? I was hoping to come away with 3 or 4… 6 is ok too. I’ll pull the trigger and let you know when it comes in.
@n8white13 @RedandFirefly I’d be up for a split as well
@Arametha @RedandFirefly you’re in. Assume 4 each, let me know otherwise. Let you know when they come in
@n8white13 @RedandFirefly Hi, did these ever show up?
@Arametha @RedandFirefly yes, my bad, they arrived recently and are hanging in my cellar. On vacay now but will be back in dsm early August and we can make a time to meet up. Where do you usually go? Any place is fine, just curious how you have handled in the past.
@n8white13 @RedandFirefly Cool! We’d normally meet in a parking lot somewhere. I’m sure we can do that again. Let’s touch base once you’re back in August. Enjoy your vacation!
@Arametha @n8white13 Yup, open to pretty much wherever to meet up. Note, I’ll be out of town on my own Vacay 7/31-8/9 so I’ll be a bit later to meet up. Don’t let that hinder you guys meeting up though.
@Arametha @n8white13 @mtb002 At my wife’s urging (I was going to pass) I ended up picking up a case of the Louis Latour Chassagne Montrachet Rouge. More than happy to share if any of you are interested in a bottle or more.
@RedandFirefly I’m interested!
@Arametha LOL. I thought you might be
Just let me know how many bottles you’d like.
@Arametha Wine came in Thursday afternoon but we left first thing Friday morning. Any evening 8/11 or after works to get together.
@RedandFirefly Cool! Let’s reconnect next week once you’re back from vacation. Enjoy your time off!
@n8white13 @RedandFirefly Hey all. Hope you’re all safe after that crazy storm. What’s a good place/time next week to meet up and split some cases?
@Arametha We’re back safely and minimal impact from the storm other than no power/ internet for about 36 hours. I’m tied up until Sunday but free Sunday and each evening after 6 next week.
@arametha @redandfirefly same here, no power was not fun but lucky otherwise. I could meet Sunday evening otherwise pretty flexible during the week.
@n8white13 @redandfirefly Hey sorry, I forgot to follow up. Can we meet this weekend or next week?
@arametha @redandfirefly I’m pretty open this weekend and next week. Let me know when is good for each of you.
@n8white13 @arametha I should be good pretty much any time this weekend. For @arametha I’ve got that Louis Latour Chassagne Montrachet Rouge for you too. You want 4 bottles of it?
@n8white13 @RedandFirefly Yup I do! Can we do Saturday morning at 10:30? I don’t know where everyone is located. Will the parking lot of the Walgreens on Fluer by the airport work? Also, please tell me how much I owe you.
@Arametha @n8white13 Time and place work for me. Louis Latour was $22.50/bottle so $90 for 4. Like n8white I haven’t tried it yet (need to remedy that!)
@Arametha @RedandFirefly I’m here, black 4Runner
@arametha @redandfirefly that works great for me, both time and place. The cab franc was $21/btl including shipping so $84 for 4. I haven’t tried one yet btw… like to let them rest awhile post shipment.
@Arametha @n8white13 @mtb002 I just ordered a case of the WineSmith Grenache. If any of you are interested in a split let me know.
@RedandFirefly I’m in for 4!
@Arametha Sweet!
I’ll let you know when it comes in.
@RedandFirefly I actually split a case with another of my ‘mates’… love wine Smith! Hope you guys enjoy
@n8white13 Hope you guys enjoy as well! (Ours just came in today)
@Arametha It’s here! Were you still wanting 4? I’m fine with 6 too, so just let ne know.
@RedandFirefly I could go 6! How much for the half case? When and where should we meet?
Anyone interested in the Latour Chard? I won’t be able to drink it til probably April, so I really can’t do a whole case if no one else wants any. I’ll order a 4 pack tomorrow if no one wants in.
@mtb002 Val says we’re in for a split. Either 3, 4,or 6 depending on interest is fine with us.
Excellent, will likely be 6 or more if no one else is in. We got one hell of a shock a few months ago, I’m pregnant, so no alcohol for me. I’ve been sad to let a few of the offers pass by here, but this one looks too good to pass up.
ETA: DH is still working from home, so I’ll order, it’s no big deal for him to answer the door for UPS.
@mtb002 Congratulations! (And commiserations on having to wait on good wine
Thanks. We’re still trying to get used to the idea. The next youngest will be 15 in November. We were almost there!
Wine is here, how much do you want?
@mtb002 Sweet! We’re still down for 6 unless you’d like us to take more. I’d be willing to go to 8 if you’d rather only have 4.
8 is fine. I’m working nights most of this week, may try to meet up this weekend if you’re around?
@mtb002 i should be good to meet up this weekend. I’m open Saturday and most of Sunday. $87 if my math works right? Cash or PayPal?
Anyone interested in splitting a case of today’s Thanksgiving wines, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, and Gewürztraminer? I live in Windsor Heights and can meet in the metro or Ankeny.
@kshannon1 I wish I had seen this back when the sale was still on. I would have been up for a split.
It’s been a while… anyone interested in a split of the Punta de Flechas Corte Argentinian Blend?
@Arametha @mtb002
@Arametha @RedandFirefly
Everybody is doing great, little one is 8 weeks old, so not sleeping predictably yet and I’m not drinking alcohol again yet, so I’m going to pass. Hope everyone is staying healthy! Get your shots as soon as you can.
@Arametha @mtb002 great to hear from you! So glad to here baby is here and doing well. Just didn’t want to intrude it i would have asked sooner
. Having my first shot Monday afternoon.
@Arametha @n8white13 either of you interested in a split on the Col D’Orcia Brunello di Montalcino (Italian Sangiovese)?
@RedandFirefly I’m out for this one but good to see some DSM activity. I’ll try to post here more often when I see something I like
@n8white13 Sounds good. Glad to hear you’re still around too!