Central Illinois- who's in?
4Ok, I know there are at least a few of us who are in the vast area between Chicago and St Louis, so let’s find out who we’ve got out there. (and who obviously is in need of copious amounts of wine to get through the winters. and then the summers.)
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Springfield, IL checking in!
Champaign here!
Another Springfield IL here!
@Lugan @sarah40460- Lugan, meet Sarah. Sarah, Lugan! Now we just need Homer and Marge from Springfield (I know, wrong Springfield)
Ok, four gives us a good start at creating our inner circle, plus several of the Chicago group aren’t too far out of range.
We’re in Bloomington, and if the wooters follow, we should have a least a few more showing up.
With that said, bring on the Monday vino launch!
Chicago, here!
@jmruru @enigma- Chicago, you all already know each other, right?
@benguin986 We met on the Chicago page
@jmruru As a former far-west suburbanite, hopefully I can join in on the Chicago page from time to time.

Bloomington has I-55 running straight up there, so some easy travelling for any critical case splitting needs. Springfield and Champaign likewise for travel up there.
Champaign here!
@tauwillow @morcant- Tauwillow, I’d like you to meet Morcant. Morcant, this is Tauwillow- also from Champaign (or Urbana maybe or Savoy).
I supposed we can let Chicago in the downstate Illinois circle… But you may need to complete a series of challenges.
I am very excited that we’ve twin check ins from both Springfield AND Champaign!!! (and two Chicago toasters too)
Do the challenges involve drinking wine?
@jmruru That would be the easy part!
Asking for @enigma
Asking…Anyone in for an offer yet? We’re considering going for the Pinot…
Quad Cities!
@kellenm82 Hi kellenm!
@benguin986 hey there, I get to Bloomington occasionally (just visited destihl a few weeks ago) and Peoria quite often. Let me know if you want to split anything I’ll adventure that way!
@kellenm82 Likewise- if you see something you want, but not a case, let me know!
Got our first order in for a case of the Pinot (much better than a case of the flu). Let’s not let Chicago have all the fun.

As a wooter, I’ve got to catch up on these meh traditions…

/giphy longer-glorius-powder
Damn - we just moved away from west central IL last year!
I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to find anyone to split with here in SW MO. 
Another Bloomington member.
@kjcbike- Welcome! Glad to have some B-N company. Be sure to post up if you ever want any splits.
Thanks for the welcome benguin. I ordered a case of the Tercero, everyone in the area can let me know if they want a split of any of this. If no one is interested, I will have to suffer throug drinking all of it…
In Springfield. That makes 5 of us, right? Did anyone else try to order the Broken Earth Red Blend? Said they could not ship it to IL. <sad face>
@AllenO Didn’t try on that one, but surprised. Think that’s the first I’ve heard of something not shipping to IL.
I’m also in SPI, I did get a case of the Esoterica and would be happy to share with you or @sarah40460 or anyone else in Springfield.
@Lugan I’m interested in the Esoterica. Is it the red blend? How much to part with 2 bottles? Let me know if you want my email or we can text.
@AllenO Six cab and six pinot noir, you’re welcome to 1 or 2 of both. Came to a little under $12/bottle, I believe.
I ordered this because I’ve had the Esoterica PS which was phenomenal, possibly my favorite among everything I ordered from Woot over the years.
5 people is the right amount of people to think about a gathering. Any interest?
@kjcbike Yes!
@kjcbike Sure. A wine related confabulation would be a good idea. I’ve got a couple of other former wooters who may want to attend as well.
Looks like 9 of us in Central Illinois,
Springfield- sarah40460, Lugan, Allen0
Champaign-morcant, tauwillow,witchbug77
Possibly others in Central Illinois as well as a couple Chicago friends.
Let’s get something going!!!
Illinois- if you selected the remote launch party level, make sure to get your shirt orders in ASAP!
I’m sure these will be collector’s items. Or at least items.

And they are in the house! And the octopus is stunning!
(although you may need to explain the “octopus breakfast” reference to others)
Ok, who’s been ordering? Anyone in on the Whitehall Lane Reserve?
I received my Stewart Cab order last week. I opened a bottle last night…a little lighter than expected - but still well worth the price.