And you said there weren’t “inside jokes” on ww… Perhaps not jokes, but you are using a lot of jargon above, which amounts to the same thing. (And maybe it wasn’t you… but someone did, complaining about inside jokes.)
What means wtso? fs4? afwe?
Or did I just catch you while you were still editing the post? (Got another minute to see…)
@baqui63 To be fair, those are generally terms that are ubiquitous throughout the wine deal seeking internet fora. WineBerserkers and CellarTracker both have a forum and you will see those acronyms and such everywhere.
AFWE dates to a Robert Parker post (back when he had a forum on his site) complaining about the “anti-flavour wine elite”. i.e. anybody who didn’t agree with his palate preferences.
@baqui63 We really do like Scott and what he does, but the ‘winemakers reserve’ that this is is more of a commissioned product and a bit more entry level/transitional for those that prefer a bit of RS (residual sugar). His InZinerator line really shines as a crowd pleaser.
@rjquillin InZinerator was my first ww purchase. Brings back fond memories. I was sorry I missed out on Cockamamie from NakedWines. Reviews didn’t seem to be very good, I just liked the name.
@kawichris650 wtso has been known to contract with wineries to make blends specifically for them. Scott Harvey is among those who’ve done that. They’ve also been less than honest about retail prices for comparison points.
That said, when you know what they’re offering, they can have great prices. Like iron horse estate chardonnay for $18 yesterday.
@klezman Did you get “in” for the WTSO Class Action case for “Dishonest Pricing?” I just got a postcard in the mail out of the blue about it a week or two ago with my claim # and this site:
@kawichris650 Oy, we really need to get used to quoting here! It’s confusing otherwise. I read WD’s “nooo” as a reaction to baqui63’s comment that they were going to bookmark WTSO.
Did you get “in” for the WTSO Class Action case for “Dishonest Pricing?” I just got a postcard in the mail out of the blue about it a week or two ago with my claim # and this site:
I am “in”, but never bought any of the wines listed on the schedules. So I am “out”. Not that I care, to be honest. If you buy the wine solely because of some imaginary list price it’s on you, imo.
@kawichris650 that’s because my entire post was one line. The appearance of multiple lines was the result of the width of the forum forcing text wrapping as opposed to explicit line breaks. Here’s an example where multiple > are required:
Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing;
Wasn’t that a dainty dish,
To set before the king.
The king was in his counting house,
Counting out his money;
The queen was in the parlour,
Eating bread and honey.
The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird
And pecked off her nose.
@jmdavidson1 I’ve gotten at least a dozen such "coupons” as pack in promotionals from various etailers. I’ve never found anything there to justify the overall spend required
@jbartus This would have been a cheap buy, though. $100 coupon + $60 to get a case of reds, FS. Not like I was going to have to spend a lot. But your advise is well received.
@jmdavidson1 I have bought wine with them a good bit - they have some really fun stuff. The concept is actually great - basically, fund winemakers who often have to make what the man who signs the check says to make (cab, pinot, chard etc) - instead, they make more interesting wine, and if you are an “angel” (monthly credit contributor, where credit is used to fund more wine but it is in your balance to be used to buy wine), the QPR is quite good… and they have higher end stuff too on occasion (Barolo, Champagne, 1er Crus and the like). I buy about once-to-twice a year - and they give you a free bottle with every case, sometimes a nice magnum around the holidays.
Are there not enough known good wines to buy? Just the fact that they are giving you $100 should throw up some red flags…no? At least whatever that company was that was giving out vouchers a number of years ago was letting you buy known wines. No offense intended Jm just MHO
@ScottW58 I did get some pretty good wines from the Lot18 vouchers. In the last four or five years, since the vouchers stopped, I haven’t bought anything from them. OK, so I’ll take your advise and forget about the $100 voucher. Bring on the Casemates offers.
@ScottW58 "Lot18 is now Tasting Room!
Our name may be different now, but we have all the same great wines, plus a subscription club where you can get customized selections delivered right to your door!
Come check us out at If you find that your login isn’t working, just reset your password.
For those who don’t want to start signing up and/or checking a million sites each day, I find a good place to start. If for no other reason than it aggregates some of the “major” wine sites…
others include, lot18, invino…
I think Invino has some pretty interesting deals, but you have to scour the deals in order to get one. The wines on Winespies seem to be mostly “undiscovered” wines, but again I have bought some interesting ones from them. Hard to beat the bin sales at Benchmark. Their daily offerings are strictly retail. I have been able to buy/try wines from them that I would otherwise not have been able to.
@rjquillin Me too. It is well worth getting the preview day. I’d like to see Wine David buy from some of the BD wineries and food vendors for Casemates.
@rjquillin Don’t know. That it’s why I am asking for help here. NV vs.2014. Ddeuddeg drinks a lot of sparklers, so maybe (if he and bahwm are still up), he/she will comment.
I havent had their vintage blanc de noirs before, but the couple vintage blanc de blancs have been great QPR. I haven’t had one of their wines I didn’t enjoy, especially considering the price. I would be willing to take a flier on it if we had room.
What does the group think, avoiding groupthink, of garagiste? Variety of price points, Washington State and European wines, with an occasional South American thrown in the mix, always your choice of number purchased, twice a year shipping of full cases? Thoughts? Bueller? Anyone?
@msten I’ve gotten some excellent wines from them, including some that have become annual purchases, like Saint-Siffrein CdP and most Red Newt Riesling and CF Rose offers. He also gets some nice older French and Italian bottles from time to time, usually at nice price points. But, of course, you need to ignore the ridiculous verbiage and learn how to turn his “prose” into actual information.
@msten I buy from Garagiste pretty regularly. I have had decent results, some clunkers, some bargains. Anecdotally I’d say the outcomes closely resemble wine.woot. The semi-annual shipping is a blessing and a curse. It’s always exhilarating to open the cases (generally Oct & March) because I’ve forgotten much of what I’ve ordered. The downside is I’ve also forgotten why I ordered these lots of misfit toys. I’ve attempted to print out the offers and consult when I pull a bottle, but that takes more effort than I’m usually willing to give. I use Full Pull as well, and find it easier to look up the sales pitch on the website to remind me why I bought the wine in the first place.
@kainc I enter in cellartracker as soon as I get the confirmation. Easier that way.
You can also log in to the account tracking system and now it has links to the full text of every offer that you’ve requested (I think even if you don’t get allocated).
@rjquillin True, but each case also comes with a packing list. Unless you’re buying enough mystery offers that you can’t figure out which bottle goes with which offer then you still can access the offer text. (I’ve lucked out on some of the mystery offers, but of course ymmv.)
@klezman In the past I have intentionally not added pending bottles to my CT in an effort to assuage my concerns that I have too much wine already, you w.w enablers wouldn’t understand . You make a good point though, doing so may actually enhance the experience.
@kainc Whereas I put it there a) so I don’t forget (more an issue with local splits and the case+ of Vineyard 1869 Ron has on order for me) and b) so I buy less wine :p
Jon acts like/writes like every wine he offers should be bought. I have had some very nice wines from him, but you have to research his offers (as much as is possible). As you should with every wine site’s offer.
I buy from garagiste but I pretty much only buy what I know now (had a few bad ones probably my own fault falling for the verbiage) but for Washington wines Full Pull has been great!
@rc70 Looking at CT, that’s right at the average pricing, so no great deal there except for fs. re: tasting notes, anyone that claims in '16 that it’s “nearly at it’s peak” and I’ll quit reading reviews from them in the future. Generalizing it seems '11 was a weaker year, but the gems can still shine. I did get the '12 yesterday.
I’ll just assume at some point I’ll try one of these that you guys are getting. Too rich for my blood right now. After the Victory madness on the 31st I’m trying to stay as out as possible until BD.
@klezman Yeah, BD is likely to put some additional hurt on the storage area(s). As is, no idea where all the Wellington will go, after it ships and arrives.
That average price is because people have been buying it at that price from tso for awhile, including me previously, the 11 may not be as good as the 07 10 12 but it is tasty now and will be tasty down the road, especially at $50 the fs1 was a bonus for folks that wanted to try it I was just adding inventory for future consumption. I’ve had it from previous purchases, long way from peak imho.
Halyard Sonoma Valley Brut 2013 for $19 on Last Bottle. FS on 6. Halyard = Knot Wines using Robert Hunter fruit if I’ve understood the label and write-up correctly.
@InFrom Hi InFrom! I remember you writing about that on woot. I decided to sleep on this one but it was still available this morning so I grabbed a 6er. Willing to part with a bottle or two if we happen to be back in Buffalo at the same time next year…
@jmdavidson1 Picked up the following:
2011 QTR CS
2001 Feudi San Gregorio Serpico
2006 D.R. Stephens CS Walther Vyd River Block
2013 Peay Vyds Syrah La Bruma
2002 La Brancaia Ilatraia Maremma
2008 Rasa Vyds QED
2007 Taplin CS Terra 9
2007 Parallel CS
@jmdavidson1 I was wondering if anyone would do it, given all the comments about people’s wallets hurting. I bought modestly last year, and hope to do so again this weekend.
Please provide a definition of BD, for those of us who are innocent of that knowledge. I even tried Google (and as any sane person knows, there’s almost no search term you can use that will provide the meaning for an abbreviation).
@jml326 None for the '14 vintage, yet, but there for 8 prior vintages dating from 2004. And you’ll note @klezman and others here on CM have bottles in their cellars. Klez’s comment was, I believe, generic in that Kendric consistently makes good wine.
@jml326 I’m wondering if they still exist…
I seem to recall one could forward a link for a new user to use, but looking at my account, I don’t see a way to create one. I’m not legally blind, but at times it sure seems that way…
Did anyone else bite on Last Bottle’s current offer, half bottles of a Spanish old vine Garnacha for $7, FS on 12? San Valero Particular Garnacha Old Vine 2014. I read up on the region and the winery, and figured, why not?
PS if anyone new to that site is interested in signing up with them for a $10 coupon toward your first purchase, I would be happy to cooperate. Just say the word (and provide me with your email, preferably via a PM on Woot).
@jml326 Never heard of it before. After reading the info on their website it’s probably not something that I would take part in personally but I think it’s an intriguing idea and props to them for coming up with it.
I would be remiss if I did not pass along the offer still available (or should I say re-opened) on the Wine Berserker website for Veleta products. Go to the Wine Berserker Day thread for 2018, look up the Veleta thread. Until Monday, the 19th, there is free shipping with the shipping code. If you have not tried, at least the canned sardines or tuna, you are missing something very delicious. I was in for the sardines, evoo and some cheese.
$10 off any order over $25 at Naked Winery - not a big discount, but applies to wine, bundles, gift sets, clothing, gear, etc. - Use Code: HELLONAKED
Expires 4/30/18
They currently have some sales going on such as 25% off wines & gift sets with free shipping on orders over $49 and up to 75% off gear, so the extra $10 code is a nice bonus.
@InFrom Now it’s Gruet Limited Release Blanc de Blancs Brut Nature NV, same deal as the SH. Says it’s AZ-sourced grapes, I know that’s important to many Gruet fans.
In my cellar I have some 2009 ACV Right Bank, which is drinking beautifully now. LastBottleWines has the 2014 for $39/bottle. FS w/3. A great price for a delicious wine. But this is a wine that should be put away for 2 - 4 more years. Buy only if you can be patient; you will be rewarded. (74% CF, 26% Merlot).
@rc70 you just beat me to it, while I was shopping…
They had one Cathedral left! 2015 Scott Harvey 1869 Zinfandel
This smokes the club price. @winedavid49, why aren’t you snapping up these deals for us?
@rc70 Got a trio, plus filled out my half case with some of the $10 bubbly rose from the Loire. Now hopefully they’ll hold until fall to ship so I can make room!
Intriguing offer on, 2013 World’s End Against the Wind Reserve cab franc at $24, f/s with 4. Various websites (vivino, etc.) give it nice reviews and past couple of vintages on CT have been good reviews.
I thought about those but between some of their marathon bottles and the Vineyard 1869 have way overspent this week, just couldn’t get myself to pull the trigger. If you get some let me know how it is for future purchase.
@jmdavidson1 I think I missed the whisper. This thread.
Whispers, for me, still seem to be difficult to locate after first posted. Likely I’m missing a way to find them. I think Klez has the same feelings.
When I click on your name, I don’t see whispers directed at me, and that would be helpful, as well as some other notification, other than email, that someone is trying to say something. @dave
I got six when it was listed earlier this year; added four more.
The oak is tastefully presented, as is their style for the Estate. I do like the un-oaked as well for it’s crispness.
I saw a Tierra y Mar RRV PN 2015 at GO today @ $14.99. Wine.woot at some point had a cab that I ratted and thought was decent enough. Might be a good pick up.
@rc70 Yeah, just completed the order I started yesterday.
35% Off California Reserve New York Steaks was compelling.
Another expensive weekend. I should be working…
@rc70@rjquillin I got suckered in as well. Getting some of the famed pork caps also, and re-upping for 10 lbs of burger blends. Sad to see the burger builder go away.
Well, for starters, I first had Flannery burger blend without knowing that was the source. At Berserkerfest in Santa Ynez a few years ago. Best sliders I’d ever had. I’ve made 4 different blends now, including the ones I just ordered. 25% each unless otherwise noted:
Wagyu chuck/prime hanger/dry aged ends @ 50%
Wagyu chuck/prime hanger/dry aged ends/wagyu short ribs
Wagyu chuck/choice short ribs/prime brisket/dry aged ends
So you see I have a few things I keep returning to. It’s not like I’ve done a blind comparison, but I really like the dry aged flavour, which is why one of my two new orders is 50% dry aged ends. I also don’t like my burgers too fatty (I can’t figure out how to keep the juices in when I do that) so I steer clear of the suet/fat blends. (But if you get a blend with one of those in it, I’d love to taste it.) Basically I weigh out cost vs Bryan’s flavour rating out of 5 and read the descriptions. Ends up being about $10-12/lb, and we use them when we want really spectacular burgers. With 4 lbs remaining in the freezer, the additional 10 lbs will probably do us for a few years.
@jmdavidson1 Ian! Haven’t checked his site in a long time. Looks like that “deal” is gone already, not that I was going to pony up $300 for 2 bottles. Maybe if it was Kronos.
In case you missed the casemates offer for the 2013 Charles Smith Viognier, Wine Country Connect has 3 bottles for $64.99 (fs) or a couple bucks more than it was here. Offer ends June 10th.
EDIT ok, it looks like the offer is affiliated with and “the juice”. Also, there is a in the URL that may come into play. First I’ve heard of this!
@chipgreen It seems like the guy is just trying to pay for his expensive real estate. Pretty enterprising. BTW, I missed the Casemates deal and took this one.
Right now at TSO: 2013 Anthem Beckstoffer Las Piedras St. Helena CS, $59.99 with FS. I have not had this Anthem, but have had others and they do not disappoint. Great price on this one.
@rc70 I did too (two). I set shipping for when I want it. Considering that I will cellar it for another 5 years, there is no rush t get it. Too bad casemates does not let us ship at a later date.
Sorry for the last minute posting. until 11:59PST tonight get 20% off orders +$100 with code TGIF0720. Helped me pick up the 2013 Jana Cathedral they have, so score!
@mrn1 I got the email…
Live Saturday, July 28, 2018
3 Pack of 2010 Cabernet Franc $120 $64.99
3 Pack of 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon $150 $99.99
3 Pack of 2017 Grenache Dry Rose $90 $54.99
Or Try One of Each:
Retail $130.00 Rue La La Offer $69.99
This is the first I have seen of the 2013 Cab Sauv and 2017 Rose. Looking at Clark’s website, I see the Cab Sauv is from Lake County and the Rose from Santa Cruz. I am tempted by both but have an aversion to RLL.
I have had several bottles of an earlier Pennyfarthing Rose by Clark that were excellent although they were Rose of Cab Sauv not Grenache (and cost under $10 apiece). However, I have had nothing but positive experiences with Clark’s wines so am always willing to purchase based on past results alone.
In reviewing the “ledger” of our spate of swaps, it looks like I’m in the black so if you want to be the enabler, I’m willing to go in on either or both and am flexible re: quantity.
@chipgreen@mrn1 Clark brought the rose with him to the Tour finale dinner. None of our palates were still in good shape, but we liked it well enough. It was a lighter/whiter end of rose, not a bright pink version.
Ha! I’ll bet. Reminds me of the evening poolside tasting on the 2012 tour when WD, Neil, brought 2-3 dozen wines setup on multiple tables. I must have been affected by spending all day in the sun along with having palate fatigue because every wine tasted salty to me. Have never thought “salty” before or since when tasting/drinking wine.
Even though summer is winding down and the days for sitting on the patio and sipping rose will soon be over, how can I say no to Clark’s Grenache Rose. I bought three, and will let one head your way. I have free shipping on RLL, so let me know if you want anything else and I’ll go ahead and order it.
Congruence is in the final stages of clearing their inventory of Napa cabs. 08, 09, 11, and 14 vintages, $25-40 ea, 5 and 10 case discounts for splits. Anyone interested in the nyc metro area and eastern pa send me a PM for details.
For those in LA who like Tercero (@CorTot@ScottW58@time2testit@losthiwayz@merrybill), I was at Wine House picking up some stuff and noticed that they have 2010 The Climb on closeout for $18 and 2016 Cinsault for $20. Far better than any direct pricing for both.
If there’s anyone left out there who doesn’t have a sous vide cooker, Anova’s running a $79 special for the bluetooth version. Looks like they’re clearing them out to make room for new models.
Have to share this and believe a few here will understand, picked up 4, yes four, bottles of Princess & the Peasant City of 10,000 Buddhas Carignan from the bottom rack of the Heinen’s grocery store in downtown Cleveland for $13.99 each! I then promptly bought a lottery ticket. Now I can drink the one bottle I got last Bday.
For all you Ty Caton fans out there, Invino has the 2015 Ty Caton Big Hill Cabernet Sauv
Caton Vineyard, Moon Mountain, Sonoma Micro Lot Production, 71 Cases
$35, FS on 3
The thing in their email that made me smile was this typo in the blurb:
Blockquote All of the wine world’s hot-ticket terminology applies to the 2015 Ty Caton Bill Hill Cabernet
Why does everything have to be so political these days???
The only thing resembling information that might reveal the identity suggests that it’s actually from Pillitteri. Maybe dumping some off-year stuff, but for them an off-year is probably still pretty good!
@ScottW58 Looks less like a deals site and more like a “regular” outlet site. Inevitably I’ll miss a couple great deals, but that’s why I wait for the rest of you to let me know!
They do have a SQN and some high end stuff…
Yep, it’s true – the BPWine you know (and hopefully love) is now First Bottle. It’s going to be EPIC, too. Read on for the details. The only thing that is REALLY changing is MORE WINE, FREE SHIPPING, and an easier, cleaner, faster website. Did we mention free shipping!?
That Cornerstone Oakville Station Cab is up at LB for $49 again ($95 from the winery), free ship with 3. I just want 1, so anybody in SoCal want to split a 3 pack? Deal expiration will probably be around kick-off tomorrow.
@merrybill I got a three pack yesterday. I’ll bump one your way. It’s on hold until cooler weather, but I’m honestly not sure where you live. So it might be a while?
@radiolysis@rjquillin I’m in Orange County and see Mr Quillin at least a couple of times a year, so there’s that if you don’t come up for a gathering yourself sometime. I’m about 50/50 for the one in Glendora in Nov myself. BTW, LB uses GSO for California shipments, so weather is rarely a factor with them.
End of the old Le Cigare Volant. Got an email from Bonny Doon that the Cigare rouge would be changing styles for 2018 and so it’s a sale on a 2012-2017 vertical.
$135 for one bottle of each (50% off), free shipping on a case or more.
PSA: This year’s Trader Joe’s Brut Rose is in stores! I went to ask when they were coming in and the guy there said they came this morning! Same price as last year, $10. I got my six bottles. @cortot
@radiolysis@rjquillin I was happy to find a local store selling Gruet for $10. I picked up a few bottles (including the demi-sec – haven’t tried it yet, but the store rep said it is not particularly sweet).
Our 2016 Lot 96 Petite Sirah is lavishly spicy and fruit-forward. Crushed blueberry and cinnamon flavors are complemented by deep shades of red and purple. This wine will be thoroughly enjoyed casually or with a fine meal.
To place your order over the phone, please call (707) 433-7272 ext 209 or
email us at
2015 Anne Amie Vineyards Pinot Noir, Willamette Valley, Oregon: 2 Bottles
93 Points, Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate
Our estate vineyard rests on the unique Mineral Springs ridge in Yamhill-Carlton and in the shadow of the Pacific Coast Range, which accounts for a growing season of warm, dry days and cool nights. This blend of our Pommard (P4) and Dijon 115 clones (grown on Willakenzie soil) and uplifted marine sediment, shows the depth of fruit and rich tannins that exemplify the vineyard that we affectionately call our “backyard.”
Aroma: red cherry, black plum, forest floor, stems, baking spice, cola, leather
Flavor: wild cherry, anise, blackberry, tar, horehound, black pepper
Finish: long and structured with nice acidity
Suggested Food Pairing: rib eye, lamb shank, venison, wild mushroom and burrata bruschetta, pork collar, fresh egg tagliatelle with parmesan, wild boar chili, oeufs en meurette, salmon
Varietal Composition: 100% Pinot Noir
Appellation: Willamette Valley, Oregon
Barrel Regime: Aged for 16 months in French oak (23.9% new, 35.8% one year old, 40.3% neutral)
@mwfielder Haven’t received mine, just ordered.
Generally I’ll just backfill an opened bottle with Ar from my tank, but the ability to sample is appealing, and I’ve generally heard good things about these.
And, I just like gadgets…
@rjquillin Same. I saw it demo’d at Total Wine with a year old bottle of Moone Tsai Cab and had to get it. Though I haven’t used it yet and now its on sale.
@rjquillin And the Siloro Olio Nuovo is up today. I love that stuff. So fresh and green, at least for the first month or so. After that, merely delicious.
Feels weird not to buy this year, I’m long on tuscan oil atm. Maybe I need some to gift…
@InFrom Yeah, @winedavid49 is pushing all the wrong buttons for my financial health here and on Gourmet.
Next will be Iron Horse and Corison to sink the ship.
More like wishful thinking… although I wouldn’t be surprised to see IH make an appearance with NYE coming up soon. As much as we love everything they make, our long-standing favorite is the Brut Rosé. Our second favorite was the 2010 Winter’s Cuvee. Would love to try a newer vintage!
@canestfr I took a flyer on 3 based on the vintage (2013 was solid), the winery (RPM tour went there and the wines were good) and it being a cab from Rutherford. At $27/bottle, this seemed easy.
2015 Bonny Doon “De Proprio Gravitas” white blend on Last Bottle, $10, FS on 6. Looks like it’s in the same line as the Proper Pink, etc. that we saw last year on W.woot, at the same price. I did enjoy the Pink and the Moscato from that offer, not sure I got to try the Claret.
Not that anyone got to review the Gravitas white back then, but I linked to the discussion nonetheless, by way of saying “Hey! Old discussion threads seem to be back!” Though I’m not sure how far back they go at this point.
If anyone would like a referral link (for a $10 credit) from last bottle, please say so, I’d be happy to oblige. (So generous, I am!)
@rjquillin another project gone under makes me wonder if a blow out price comes around. But not much availability looks like so I’m guessing not. Particularly given the vintage
@mwfielder If you do think, the offer is gone. Kind of a ridiculous offering. Who has the time to babysit the website, only to discover that they weren’t offering that much anyway? The really good one’s are their for a nanosecond. I’ve had’em disappear when I had them in my cart and only to disappear.
@jmdavidson1@mwfielder yeah I’ve been trying to do quick background research on the offers (literally 2 mins) and the couple times I was thinking I’d buy, it was gone. Free shipping is pretty sweet at least
I had it up in the background at work today and periodically took a quick look, grabbed a few bottles of 2013 Rôtie Cellars Southern Blend @26, good juice and a good delivered price. But that was the extent of my buys, as you said they roll over quick.
@mwfielder I typically buy 2-4 bottles during this 2 day event. Stuff to try but a lot of offers sell through before i commit. only 1 bottle this time.
@CorTot I got four. The two splits I mentioned above, and one each of 2007 and 2011 Weekender Meritage. Almost got the 2012 for a verticalish thing, but didn’t want to drop more money on completely unknown juice.
@radiolysis@mwfielder@jmdavidson1 I got one of those half burgundy bottles. I was pondering whether to get more, as it seemed like a great deal. Only up for a few minutes. Some German Rieslings were only up for about 20 seconds. I decided the next “JJ Prum” Rieslings that came up, I was getting it, because I kept missing out by researching. I got two half bottles of 2014 Kabinett, and by mistake two JJ Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Spatlese Riesling 2015 Magnums for $45 each. I meant to just get one, but slipped on the button trying to click in time. From the reviews though, it sounds like I might eventually be happy I got 2.
@CorTot@radiolysis And I was wondering about the “weekender” wines. Couldn’t find any info. I was looking at the Merlot, thinking that might just be a fantastic deal. Didn’t pull trigger.
@CorTot I got the Skylark Grenache on last bottle previously and really enjoyed it. In fact that accounted for 2 of the 4 bottles I ended up grabbing in this one!
@radiolysis Yeah, it’s a proper smaller producer in Niagara, which makes it a fair price for sure. Mine had the Chateau des Charmes the last couple years as well. I prefer Reif Estate overall, so I was happy to see them there.
@jmdavidson1@rc70 Yup! Late '12 we got these for $20 bones on w.w. Looks like I may even still have a half case already or even at $10 more I’d have been tempted.
@rjquillin@ScottW58 Well, the sale is over. The first guy I talked to said they could do the free shipping but then the other guy said it was suspended for their sale. Irritating.
I’ll trek out there if I have to, but hopefully Scott will make it there first
@hscottk@rjquillin@ScottW58 I got some Wind Gap Syrah from Rimmerman a couple years ago and quite liked it. Pax sold the brand last year, and the owners are clearing out all the Wind Gap wines. I’ve got a bevy of them inbound between Garagiste and K&L. $15 for the Sonoma Coast Syrah is less than I paid Garagiste, but that was for the 2009. Also have a fair bit of Pinot coming in as well.
Underground Cellar is selling Amazon gift cards with automatic upgrades. $25 apiece, you will mostly get $27 and $30 cards but could get lucky and get up to $1,000.
I spent $300 total and got $353 (9x $27, 2x $30, 1x $50) in gift cards, fwiw. Not like winning the lottery but if there’s one website where I will spend it anyway, it’s Amazon, so I’ll take the $50+ bonus! YMMV
Hmmm, didn’t think I was that special haha. It did say that it was for first time gift card buyers, maybe that’s the problem? Sorry I should have added that caveat.
Haha! I am definitely not in the first time buyer category. They are in the regular rotation for gifts for my nephews.
Johndrow Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 Cimarossa Vineyards for $50 on WTSO in the “More Wines” section. Howell Mt. Cab for $50… anyone have experience with this one?
Varietal Breakdown: 100% Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellation: 100% Howell Mountain, Napa Valley
Vineyard: 100% Cimarossa Vineyard - elevation ranges of 1700-2000 feet, several soil types, and sun exposures from the east, west, and north.
Harvest Date: October 6, 2014
TA: 0.680 g/100 ml
pH: 3.74
Alcohol: 14.50
Date Bottled: May 25, 2017
Cases Bottles: 200 x 6 bottle cases
24 months in new and neutral French oak
@rjquillin@Winedavid49 The SakéOne G Fifty order arrived at my office today along with the 4 pack of Lang & Reed CF I bought here, both shipped by WCC, but the Saké box had an extra label. Got some chuckles from the FedEx driver & the folks at the front desk who signed for it!
A local chain (Binny’s, for those in the Chicago area) is advertising the 2016 Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Artemis for $40 (regularly $60). Seems like a nice price, but I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with this bottle.
Last Bottle has the 6 Sigma red blend that we saw here back in April, for $15, FS on 6. That was the per-bottle price here for a 4-pack, for a case it worked out to $12. Very tasty stuff. I just found one this morning, poking around in some boxes.
As ever, if you are looking for a Last Bottle referral code to save a couple of bucks, send me a whisper.
I have an allocation from Turley that I’m happy to share with y’all. Any interest? I’m hoping I’ll be able to pick it up and save the shipping costs, even.
2016 Y. Rousseau “Son of a Butcher” for $20 at Invino, free ship on 6.
Not a big discount from the $24 retail price but Y. Rousseau had somewhat of a following on wine.woot and has not been seen on Casemates. This blend is 45% Tannat, for those who may have enjoyed his previous Tannat-based wines.
Thanks, order in. Had the first 2 previously and enjoyed both but was especially fond of the Big John’s Cajun. The Red Butte must be fairly new to the lineup.
How does that site work out for you?
I’ve gotten a couple of bottles, but generally most of the offers just don’t appeal; and the chance of a marquee bottle seems quite slim.
How do you make it work?
It has changed some in that they are putting more total bottles into the offers, reducing the odds of getting the top upgrades. I usually look at the % of each wine in the offers to determine what I am most likely to receive and weigh that against the base bottle price. If I think that it is a value play based on that alone, I will buy and if I get a better upgrade(s) than expected, then hey, bonus!
Also, they put out these codes fairly often (usually for $17 but this was $14 for V-day) and I usually try to take advantage of the free money. Today I got a bottle of 2012 Bolen Family Estates Merlot Oak Knoll District for $18 (after $14 code) that retails for $95. They were blowing them out as they accounted for 60% of the bottles in this $32 deal. Perfect example of the value play mentioned above, even without the $14 code. That deal (Rockin Reds) is likely over by the time you see this (currently 6 bottles left only) and it appealed to me more than the others but if nothing else, I will sometimes use a free money code to buy a single bottle from whichever offer has the lowest entry price.
Also, keep in mind the number of buyers vs. the % of base bottles. Once the base bottles run out, there’s nothing left but upgrades, although some deals are designed with very few base bottles and most of the upgrades only retail for a few dollars more than the base bottle did. Just have to assess each offer individually. If you’re OCD enough (like me) you can even go through the list of buyers and look at their cloud cellar list to see which bottles they got from the deal (usually the most recently acquired bottles are listed at the bottom), although some buyers keep their cellars private and because of overlap you can’t always tell if that bottle in their cellar was from this deal or another one.
There is no exact science to it but there are definite strategies that can improve your results when buying from UC!
@chipgreen@rjquillin It’s the hobby. In the end, I’m not sure it’s worth the time, all the time I spend saving money. But I’m enjoying myself, and I’m learning a lot as I research. And when it’s a game, well, I like playing games.
@chipgreen@rjquillin I only buy from them using the monthly codes. So my total price per bottle ends up being very low. Plus they ship for free after you have 12 built up. If you don’t mind rolling the dice a bit it’s a nice value play.
@JOATMON I did, but I’ve also pretty much given up on unknown on-line coffee purchases. To date, every one has been a disappointment when compared to a local roaster where I can get beans roasted within the past 2~3 days.
Was it here or there we had an active roasting/coffee thread going?
@JOATMON I bought it around Thanksgiving during the first round. It was fine. Nothing special, but a fun logo and a very reasonable price. I didn’t go for another round when it was posted a few weeks ago. I like supporting the local roasters too much.
Invino has the Kukeri (Cornerstone Vineyard) Pino Noir, by the half case, in case you liked it and/or missed it here. Price is not quite as good as it was on Casemates. After today (Sunday 3/17) I think the price will go up a little, but will still be pretty good.
@rjquillin The pile of superfluous apostrophes (or maybe apostrophe’s) in the write-up is so distracting. Literacy is clearly going downhill.
Aside from that, the breakdown says 53% PS, 45% Tinta Roriz, and 2% Cab. Wrong wine, or incorrectly labeled?
Treasury Wine Estates has their sale going on again. Some good deals, including half price Clone 4 and Clone 6. 70% off 2010 BV Maestro, Ranch No 1, puts it at a little under $30/bottle.
@jmdavidson1@rjquillin Yeah, I was going to get a few of them at that price and then saw the CT notes. Last thing I need is more wine, so I’m looking for reasons to not buy
I also wondered if the mystery Napa wine from Garagiste today was one of theirs.
Could be, just better that it is. Just surprised the one here on clearance is.
There was another Cavedoni offer on Gourmet months (years?) ago for a higher price that wasn’t a WD offer.
Lindsay Hoopes
2 hrs ·
WTSO owes us 2.6 mm in unpaid wine sales. They have almost bankrupted my family and my life. Do NOT buy wine from them if you care about us. WINEBUSINESS.COM
Courtwatch: Wine Producer Sues Wines Til Sold Out Over Unpaid Bill
Well, I can’t say I haven’t bought from them in the past, but I can say that between 2010 and 2018 I bought a grand total of 21 bottles from them. I definitely can’t say the same for casemates/woot!
That really sucks but I have to wonder how many offers did they have on there to accumulate $2.6 mm in unpaid funds? At what point do you cut your losses? That’s a helluva lot of wine!
Even if WTSO was on the hook for $50 a bottle that works out to 52,000 bottles. At $40 per bottle we’re talking 65,000 bottles. At $30 a bottle we’re looking at 86,667 bottles. Any less than that and we are talking 100,000 bottles or more!
Is anybody else suing WTSO for the same reason or did they only stiff Lindsay Hoopes? I wonder if there is more to the story…
I’m missing something - the Wune Business story about the lawsuit is for a different winery and states something like 5k bottles and $175k in unpaid bills, give or take, after interest. It also cites Johndrow Vineyards, not Hoopes as the one filing the lawsuit.
So who’s out $2.6M and why haven’t they also filed a lawsuit?
I also agree with Scott - I’ve had nothing but good experiences with them. But if they stiff their suppliers then they should suffer the consequences.
Yeah there has to be more to this story, they have not made a cab or anything else since 2014 at least according to CT, there website is a bad joke (but some nice legs) haha. And the current vintage for cabs on the website is selling the 2010 vintage or at least trying to for $150 a bottle!? I’d like to know who they have been ripping off (or trying too since they started). Yes we know you have a thing for WTSO and their success WD but for me anyways they have done nothing but provide some of BEST customer service I have encountered and that goes a long way for me anyways. And if you know what your looking for some great deals!
But who knows maybe they ripped these guys off but I will pass judgement when all the facts come out.
That’s a pretty fair offer on some really nice wine’s imho. If you have never tried them they are very light but plenty of flavor! Usually around 12.5 or 13 abv. I think they might age quite well but I burn them to fast to find out
Local Costco has the 2015 Whitehall Lane Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (new label design) for $29.99/bottle. Didn’t buy, but it was nice to see some familiar labels as i walked the aisle.
@klezman especially when compared to the gilt Beringer.
I wish @winedavid49 would pick up some offers like this.
Wait, he did for the '10, back in '11, for $16.
TWS is having a rather interesting sales event where some of the wines are well below 50% of CT pricing.
Beaulieu GdL and others, Beringer, Etude, Stags Leap for example.
If ya can’t swing a tank of Ar, try a
Coravin 100010 Model Two Premium Wine Preservation System, Includes 2 Argon Capsules, Graphite for $210 on the old site. Not a ~great~ deal, but a bit less than other large sellers have it listed for.
@rjquillin Have had the 2014, black fruits, pepper medium tannins long finish. Lower alcohol 13.8 which I liked for a mid week bottle. Not a killer deal but a fair price for a (hopefully based on the 14) pretty good cab.
Clark Smith has some great deals on a few of his wines in celebration of his wedding anniversary. I was alerted via email, but I see the deals are on his website under the Buy Wine tab, the 1st four listings there.
@mrn1 the 2014 sparkling Grenache sure looks interesting. How good is that? Any information about it?
I’ve gotten into sparkling lately, thanks to casemates/gruet. As great as Gruet is for the price (it will remain key in our house I think), I’d like to try the next level up. But as a cheapskate with limited budget, I need a great deal. Is this (looks like $23/bottle plus tax) it?
Those 2009 Pennyfarthing Chards have been $10 each for a few years, except you only had to buy 6 to get that price now it looks like you have to buy 12. I bought a couple 6-packs, one in 2016 and one in 2017. As of 8 months ago it’s still drinking well.
I have 1 bottle left of the sparkling Grenache. Here are my notes from the 2 I killed off previously;
12/16/2017: Biscuits on the nose along with some honeyed lemon peel and light citrus blossom. Dry and tart on the palate with white peach, lemon zest and a faint hint of strawberry. More of a pleasant background note that persists from entry to finish. Medium bodied with flinty minerality, the mousse dissipates rather quickly but the wine retains a nice foamy effervescence on the tongue. The long finish makes me want to segue into another sip.
2/6/2018: Similar to previous note with the addition of something slightly floral on the nose (like a whiff of fresh-cut flowers in a florist shop) and some white cherry on the palate. The strawberry notes were a little more pronounced as well. Despite this bottle arriving semi-frozen with slush in it, it was fine with the exception of some crystal tartrates that were left behind after the slush melted.
The case price is definitely worth it (I paid an average of $38 each for mine). I would suggest requesting a weather hold until Fall, though.
@chipgreen Are you going in on any of these deals? Maybe a couple of the other NE OH bandits might want to increase their WineSmith inventory too…like @boatman72@pjmartin and @marikar
@Boatman72@chipgreen@mrn1@pjmartin I’m willing. For the record, you all can count me as automatic on: any autobuy; anything known good; anything interesting from a known good winery. If it’s not my cup of “tea,” I’ll pass it along. I can easily digest up to 1/2 case without question. I trust your NE OH tastes after seeing your posts all these years. Just do it and let me know the damages. Or, nudge me when I need to do the actual buying. (Gah! And I just ordered a case from one of my standbys, Navarro [Mendocino], with 1-cent shipping. But, hey…it is WineSmith…good and interesting.)
I’d be up for a few bottles of the sparkling and maybe even a couple more of the Chard if someone wanted help with that.
Yuk those are too old for me! That and like Adam I have no room in the freezer The last sale I loaded up on the sirloin tales just a fantastic cut of beef that imho you need to try.
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 Love the tails, ordered some 50 day ribeye, we’ll see if they are too funky or not.
and the Adventurous blend burgers have a great funk too, 30% 30 day I think without looking
@hscottk@rjquillin I picked up a few bottles of Campesino during Last Bottle’s recent marathon, along with a few other things. Something came over me when I was unpacking them yesterday, a strange feeling that I have too much wine. I can’t believe I did it, but I just unsubscribed from their emails.
Not even contemplating cutting the cord with this place, though! And it far outweighs all my other sources, combined. My purchases here seem to be accelerating.
@InFrom@rjquillin Sadly, I missed the LB marathon and a chance to grab more Campesino. But I, too, have been looking to slow down purchases, if not a full-blown SIWBM.
@CorTot@hscottk@rjquillin I got 2 of the Alina and one of the Syrah. Plus a few other things, including a Riesling, and an IPA from Italy which caught my eye, just because it seemed such a random thing to find on a wine web site.
2016 Quest
OK, if you like the Caymus (Austin Hope, Grand Durif, Red Schooner) overextracted too much oak/vanilla, with a smooth flavor. Quest is a bordeaux blend, made by the Austin Hope folks in Paso Robles, in that style. I got a case from Vivino for $22/btl shipped.
Clark, or @WineSmith, sent out an e-mail saying he was selling 15 cases of his 2017 Norton (a grape I’ve never tried) for 239.88 + tax + free shipping. His website has it listed third one down. Looking forward to it!
I’ve tried a number of Norton (aka Cynthiana) wines in VA and MO. I’m a fan. That said, I was expecting this to show up on Casemates but maybe he is already offering it at the upcoming “deal” price. Or maybe it’s not coming to Casemates at all… but I have 2 bottles coming from Clark right now. One is the complimentary bottle for filling out his survey. I suspect the other is this Norton.
@chipgreen@jml326 I filled out the survey, too! Yet to hear of any bottle. Oh well. I would be disappointed if casemates sells it for less, but if the same, glad it gives him whatever cash flow he needs. If it is the Norton, let us know!
Are you a UPS My Choice member? That’s the only reason I know that I have bottles coming. 2 separate 3.6# packages coming although interesting that one originated in Santa Rosa (where WineSmith is based) and the other originated in Oakland. Both are being shipped through JLA Acumen-Windsor and I haven’t ordered anything else. So it’s really just speculation at this point… but I can’t think of another likely explanation.
I’d lay odds that if this exact wind goes up on castmates the price is the same. He honors the CM prices when there are shipping issues.
@chipgreen I was not, but I signed up. Nothing coming to my address as of now. I guess I didn’t recommend enough sommeliers, or have your internet presence. I think you are officially an “influencer!” Break out the HDR photos and Instagram.
@chipgreen@karenhynes@KNmeh7 I got my comp bottle, but I did put in a note asking them to let me know before shipping so I could consolidate some stuff. So the rest of the stuff is still at WS HQ. Oh well.
I need to start clearing the pending list of stuff @rjquillin has stored upstate.
@chipgreen@karenhynes@klezman@rjquillin I just received my bottle! Apparently signing up for My Choice doesn’t track shipments that have already been shipped? Hooray.
When did he send out said email exactly? I’ve checked my spam folder and I’m sad to say I never received the email. I have ordered from Clark directly in the past and I know I’m on his distribution list.
The letter I received from Joel Peterson, could be a fun couple of days.
Dear Once & Future Fans,
A couple of years ago, I received a call from one of the accountants from Constellation Brands. He had been put in charge of getting rid of “excess” inventory, which apparently included the wine libraries of Simi, Robert Mondavi, and Ravenswood. The accountant asked, “What is this item called the Ravenswood Stash in the Lodi warehouse?” I informed him that it was the Ravenswood library.
When I started Ravenswood in 1976, I was well acquainted with aged wine. Some of the best wine experiences that I shared with my fellow wine enthusiasts were older wines. These wines were relatively available and not particularly expensive. We were able to put together verticals of wine like Petrus as well as other first-, second-, and third-growth Bordeauxs going back to the 1920s. We did the same for great Burgundies, and for Rhone and German wines. It was far more difficult to do for California wine. Prohibition certainly had something to do with that, of course, but there was also the sense that California wine wasn’t made to develop with age like European wines. There were exceptions; occasionally an old bottle of Hallcrest Cabernet or la Questa or Rixford vineyard would show up. There were also John Daniel’s Inglenook wines and some older Simi wines from the 1930s. The best of them were quite good and all were interesting to taste.
At Ravenswood, I made wine in a very traditional fashion: small open-top redwood fermenters, hand punch downs, native yeast and malolactic fermentation, extended maceration, as well as substantial time in small French oak cooperage. I also worked with exceptional vineyards. Beyond just making flavorful, interesting, delicious wine, I wanted to make wine that would evolve and gain complexity with age. In my mind, part of what made great wine great was that, if stored properly, it would change and evolve into exceptionally interesting bouquets and flavors that could be experienced in no other way than leaving the wine in the bottle for a number of years. A few of the older California wines I tasted seemed to indicate this was possible.
The result of this belief was that we held back a few cases of the 1976 Ravenswood Zinfandels. While a few collectors in those days had cellars where they aged wine, they were the exception, not the rule. The general wisdom in those days, and even today, is that the average lifespan of a bottle of California wine is about three days after it leaves the store shelf. It seemed clear that if I wanted to see how my wines aged, I would have to do it myself.
Each year, we would put down five to 10 cases of wines that seemed worthy. Since I didn’t have a winery or library space in the early years, this created some serious logistical and storage problems. I made a number of serious vineyard-designated wines. If I chose just four of those to put in the library, that could be up to 40 cases per vintage. In the early years, Reed Foster, my business partner, kept them in San Francisco. When that less-than-perfect space was filled, we moved the whole thing to Ravenswood Gehricke Road. As that filled up, we moved everything to a larger space at our newly built Quarry facility, and when Constellation bought Ravenswood, some of the wine was moved to a climate-controlled warehouse in Napa and then Lodi. Another stash of it remained at the Quarry facility.
The library contained most of the significant wines I had made between 1976 and 2001, when Constellation took ownership. During the accounting gyrations that always accompany a winery sale, Constellation saw some advantage in writing the value of this wine down to zero. This meant the company couldn’t sell the wines without some fairly fancy bookkeeping but could give them away to charity events and use them for tastings. Any of you who have attended ZAP over the years have been beneficiaries of this policy. Over the years, I have opened many older large-format bottles at ZAP events.
Back to the call from the accountant, where I started this story, he told me we weren’t using the wine fast enough to justify its existence. Besides that, he said “the wine is all outdated” (he must have been in charge of Arbor Mist before he was assigned to this job). Hence, he had been authorized to destroy the wine. You might imagine my reaction. At that point, I offered to buy the wine and remove it from Constellation’s inventory. The accountant seemed pleased, but incredulous, that I would want that “old, outdated wine.” I assured him that a few drinkable wines probably were in the lot. There were a few other twists and turns before I suddenly I found myself in possession of around 1,800 cases of well-aged, interesting Ravenswood wines. It is an amazing stroke of good fortune that these wines still exist and are in my possession.
My next job was to re-case the wine, examine every bottle for condition, and taste every individual lot. Thank goodness for my able, organized assistant, Erika, who was instrumental in making it all happen. We found that the wines were in generally good shape. There were a few leakers and low fills, but that was the exception. How do they taste? They surpassed my expectations. Some of the wines from the late 1970s that had seen rough storage in San Francisco seemed a little old before their time, but starting with the wines from 1981, there are some real gems. The wines from the 1990s are downright exciting. It was fun to relive the vintages as I was tasting them. Based on these wines, whoever said there was no evolution, vintage, or terroir distinction in California was clearly mistaken.
These wines are mature. As such, they have sediment and require special attention when removing the cork. When you receive your wine, let the bottles rest for at least a week before opening them. Stand them up for a few hours to let the sediment drop to the bottom of the bottle. For the most part, these wines like a little air. Decanting is suggested but not mandatory if you don’t mind a few clouds in the last glass poured and prefer to watch the wine evolve in the glass.
Special care should be taken when removing the corks. They are generally in good shape but have become soft with age. It is easy to break or shred the center of the cork with a regular waiter’s corkscrew. If you are handy with an Ah-So, that device can work well. Best of all is a cork remover called the Durand. It is essentially a corkscrew and an Ah-So that work together. I have never lost an old cork with one of these.
There are lots of reasons that you might want some of these wines. Maybe you or someone you know was born in the same year that the wine was made. (It is a little disconcerting to think that I have been making wine that long.) Maybe you had a bottle of a particular wine when it was young and would like to try it again in its mature state. Maybe you have never had old California wine and would like to investigate the pleasures to be found there. Or maybe you already know and love older wines and would like to add some of these gems to your tasting repertoire. And finally, library wines make wonderful holiday gifts! This is a great opportunity to get older wines of known provenance that have been screened by the winemaker who made them and can certify that they are what he hoped they would be.
Most of the wines in this collection are vineyard-designated wines. Some of them, such as Old Hill and Monte Rosso, are exceedingly rare. Within the list, you will also see county series wines such as Sonoma County Zinfandel, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Cabernet Franc. They are all blends of unique and delicious vineyards. For instance, the Sonoma County Zinfandel is a very high percentage of the Teldeschi vineyard. Even though I had wanted to vineyard-designate that wine in the early 1980s, the Teldeschi Family would not let me do so until 1997. Hence, all that great wine went into Sonoma County Zinfandel. These wines have aged very nicely and are exceptional values.
@ScottW58@klezman Holy Moley. Did he intimate how these wines would be honorably assisted to into your possession? Is this a Ravenswood Winery wine club or mailing list thing? Or just old friends? If so, how to I become one of Joel’s old friends really quick?
The list was sent out yesterday, with a copy being posted on wineberserkers. Dang. I’ll be clearing my calendar that morning and keeping the office door closed.
I got 10, but I was really irritated that two bottles vanished from my cart while I was purchasing. Especially since cases had free shipping.
Normally I’d expect precisely that behaviour but there was a note on the screen that said “bottles will be held in your cart for 15 minutes”. If anybody got that Teldeschi Zin, please share
@InFrom@klezman@radiolysis@ScottW58 I saw the email show up and went right there. I unfortunately dawdled while there, looking at vintage charts and just plain taking too long. I went to check out thinking I had a case, but saw exactly 6 left in my cart. All but one of the Petit Sirahs was gone. Realizing the deal at this point, that it was all disappearing right underneath me, I hit buy. I’m pretty sure I got the last PS bottle. So, 6 bottle after meaning to get a case. But, at least I got some. 5 Merlots and a PS. The Cab Franc and Cab Sauvs also disappeared on me.
I just got 3 bottles 1 cab and 2 Merlot it was moving too fast I was at work and I have spent an ass load on wine recently. I’m sure I can find or create an offline to pop nothing but these bottles. That would be the way to try a bigger selection
Also, there was some discussion that Cameron Hughes Lot 601 Amador County Barbera, at $13/bottle (and less if you look for a coupon code) was made by one of our friends in the wine business.
@FritzCat Uhhh…Not only that, but CH Reserve Cabs (2011 and 2012) are $50 today only, I’ve never seen them go below $75, and I’ve never had one. Free Shipping on a case, and use coupon code “steal” to get another 20% off. They’re giving it away!
Were these the ones that he had advertised as coming from some big cult winery or something like that? I actually bought one of those when they had a big sale and meant to bring it to a wine tasting as a blind bottle. Well I forgot all about it until now so I might as well try it tonight or tomorrow and report back
@ScottW58 yep. I still have one 2009 X-Block kicking around that I’ll keep for a long while. I love Bonny Doon and reeeealy having trouble not buying too much for this sale.
@FritzCat I was too late to the party. I waited a day too long to put my order in, and missed out on the other vintage of Le Cigare Volant (rouge) in 375ml.
@radiolysis where did the 2014 XBlock go? I understand when out of stock it’s listed as such, however that vintage just no longer exists on the page. Luckily I snagged 4 of those. I was reading the 2014 is the last of xblock…
@radiolysis I wanted the Amelie one but sold out at checkout… my daughters middle name. I’ll TRY and hold on to a 14’ for ya so you can get that vertical going. I grabbed the 12 and 13 for a vertical case, I’m feeling like the 13 might be meh in comparison to the other 2 vintages available.
Reverse Wine Snob has Twisted Oak Cockamamie Red Blend (normally $22 per bottle through the winery) for $59.99/4 bottles ($15 per bottle) plus only $5 for shipping. Another WD facilitates deal, I think.
@karenhynes I just saw this (I enjoy the Reverse Wine Snob newsletter - he even suggests Casemates as a wine shopping site) and was about to post. The link is here
[edit] Not sure what I did to get mediocrebot riled up!
I’ve been following them on Facebook for a while. They seem to have some pretty decent deals. They have a “community” on Facebook, but not the “feel” if our Casemates community.
WTSO has the 2014 Laura Michael Calistoga cab that Casemates had for $34/btl with shipping for $25 with free shipping at 3 bottles. I haven’t tried it.
@DanNC I was just looking up the Casemates offering (Feb 20, 2019). With the case price it was the same as the WTSO offering, and the 2 bottle offering here was $30/bottle.
OK fellow Casemates:
Winebid has 2 sets of 2008 Ty Caton Petite Sirah
at starting bids of $20 each (of course they charge
a 17% fee and are not shy about shipping fees).
I just had a bottle the past 2 nights, and it was very
good. Bidding? Be kind to each other!
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 I love me some picanha, and this seems like a good opportunity. For you folks experienced with Flannery, two questions:
Is there a trick or sweet spot for shipping? It seems like flat rate shipping. To reduce shipping costs per lb of meat, buy a lot at once. Is that the way to keep down shipping costs?
Do you typically eat a bit of your steak soon, and freeze the rest? Does “Dry Aged” freeze well?
I don’t recall, exactly, what the threshold for shipping included is, but I think it’s either $100 or $200. They are frozen when they ship and are packed with quite a few frozen packs as well. I get mine 2-day and some have remained frozen while others have softened.
I have had no issues refreezing any and all.
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 Is there a coupon code for that? Or a membership? It’s showing 2nd Day Air for me to start at $30 (for one steak) and slowly go up. And with $300 steak, cart not showing free shipping. Hmmmm.
Okay mine shows free shipping at $200 but I get a UPS 2 day option for $10 if it’s less but i’m in California so you must be outside of what UPS can do in 2 days?
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 Yep. Map here shows the cutoff. I’m in Virginia, way too far. But, with a big enough order the shipping costs still not too bad.
Yeah, I broke the $200 threshold as well.
Shipping included.
Looking at that chart, it appears $171 is the magic number to achieve.
Ty Caton Winemaker’s Cuvee Cabernet is at the Spies
right now, at a nice price. I haven’t had it, and thought
that it might be a low-end wine, but looking at the details
on the Caton website…it looks good.
@rjquillin Hmmm, interesting, hadn’t see this device before. Now, I’ve tried the vacuseeling, which seems to sorta help. And a few years ago I tried the insert-expand-plastic-shield-to-cover-wine, which also seemed to work I guess but was fidgety; sometimes wouldn’t lay correctly and you weren’t sure how well it was going to work.
Seems like each one is good for about 4 good oxygen-sucks. They say “don’t reuse”, but I assume that’s because (a) they don’t want you to forget how much you reused already and then think “hey doesn’t work” and leave a bad review, and (b) they want to sell more. If it works 4 times on one bottle, it should work twice on 2 bottles. That so?
@PatrickKarcher I think the true limit of #-bottles would be highly dependent on the head-space remaining in the bottle when reapplied. If you half consume a bottle and use it, seems like it would be good for three more used the same, but a lot of off/on cycles will clearly limit it’s life.
Would be nice if Repour would just specify the cubic volume it will effectively absorb.
Last time around I purchased the 72 pack, despite having an Ar tank.
These are good when I gift bottle remains (frequently), or, just as gifts with an unopened bottle (not so frequently).
@klezman has used these as well, and I think commented on some thread earlier…
i really should just relent and save my pennies for the Coravin and Ar tank adapter. Often i don’t want the pressure of a whole bottle. Or even worrying about how long it will last under second-sealing.
I like them, too. I got a bunch during their kickstarter campaign, but often forget to use them. I’ve definitely gifted some with bottles as well.
I agree that the “reusability” is dependent on the headspace in the bottle during use. If I open a bottle and pour a glass/day until it’s gone (4-5 glasses…or 3 glasses, depending on mood ), I’ll reuse the Repour between pours, but I don’t reuse that unit for another bottle.
Wine dot com is giving $100 off any order totaling $300, also the total cannot end in 97? Looking through the site you really can save some money on something you like.
Hmmm, intriguing. Never ordered from them, but every once in a while I see something I’m interested in and it’s for sale there.
Anything any of you currently know is a great deal there? Mainly interested in European wine. (I’ve got a great source for West Coast wine! Begins with ‘C’.) Love to get a good price on a Barolo, some Loire whites, anything worth a try really (though probably no Bordeaux for me right now).
I haven’t gone through everything but for a white I would go with Gerard Boulay Sancerre, imho he makes one of the top two SB’s on the planet. I bought 14 Sociando Mallet Bordeaux for a great price…sold out now. Felsina is also a great buy IMO. This is my first buy from them too.
Thanks for the code! One of the first full cases of wine I ever purchased was from Bought another mixed case from them a few months later then never again, for no particular reason other than finding more than enough compelling deals elsewhere.
Thanks for the h/u. I am definitely a fan of their Pinot. Will probably regret getting just one set and would have grabbed two 4-packs if that 4th bottle had been Pinot instead of Chardonnay. I did top off the order with a couple bottles of Grenache, though - the (one) CT note looks promising.
@chipgreen Told Ed I loved the significance of my family names as some of their vineyards in hopes they would show up again, then bam there they were. Went in on 2x 2013 packs. Super stoked!
Also just got some of the Grenache in from the previous may deals… I’m still waiting to open.
@rjquillin the May offer was active untill approximately 1.5 weeks ago? I just stumbled across this today. I thought I saw somewhere in their site that they offer a spring and fall deal, this may be the fall deal. Then comes berserker day in late Jan where it may change…
WOOT WOOT! It’s going DOWN on Monday!! The Wind Gap marathon is scheduled and it’s gonna be off-the-heazy, jam-packed fo’ sheazy with wildly delicious wines at smashing good prices!
@InFrom@klezman The email I got from them claims they will. I put some in the cart/locker, but don’t see a way to pay for it.
Perhaps just my browser? lmk
@InFrom@rjquillin You can - but I had to call them to have them set up the “personal locker” as they call it. Then it was quick and easy, both to set it up and then to place a no-shipping-cost order for 4.
@FritzCat@rjquillin I’ve got some coming from Garagiste as well. I’ve liked all the Wind Gap wines, but if you’re expecting stuff like Pax’s main label you’ll be disappointed.
@hscottk Fantastic if you like that AFWE, subtle, more burgundy style. My wife and I did not go for it (on the cheaper “Sonoma County” PN) so we’ll pass. I’ve got a friend who absolutely loved it, as do many.
@hscottk@PatrickKarcher That answers my question as to what the first offer of the day was. The current Armagh Vyd Syrah is apparently the 4th. I saw the Woodruff Vyd Chard and Pinot but nothing earlier.
If any of you can make good use of budget steak cuts, there’s two fantastic opportunities today at Holy Grail Steaks. With code ‘TAJ3FREE’, you can get buy 3 get 3 free on American Wagyu Tajima:
bavette / flap steaks, $24 for 8oz
end-of-striploin weird-cut strip steaks, $36 for 8oz
With Sous Vide and a cast iron skillet (or grill), I can make these cuts sing. Now, it seems you get free shipping for $100 or more. So I made one order for 6 weird strip steaks: $108 with free shipping (3 free). Then I made another order for 12 bavettes: $144 (6 free). With just 6 bavettes, they wanted $29 shipping (< $100). If you try to get 6 of each to get 3 each free and still be over $100 to get free shipping, the cart charges you for the 6 more expensive strips and gives you the less expensive bavettes free. So to maximize sticking it to the man, I made two different orders, to try both and still pay the least money.
Wait you say, why fool with these weird cuts when you can just get a real strip steak or Ribeye? Well sure, you and your friend Benjamin can get one steak.
@PatrickKarcher@ScottW58 Why the flat iron over the striploin? Looks like the strips may deliver in chunks, unless I misread the copy. It’s difficult to know from the pic and text.
@PatrickKarcher Copied your ordering, 1 order shipping this week and the other next week. Looks like my weekend dining will be elevated for the next 2 weekends, thanks for the info.
Since the forum back on Woot is all but dead I thought I’d ask here.
The coffees up right now. What is the roast level for each of them? I can’t for the life of me figure out why that’s not the first thing stated in the description. Even a picture of the roasted beans would be very helpful. @WineDavid49@arianaWCC
The birthday blend is a light roast, the buzz one is medium roast. I have not had the other, but all the blends I’ve had from smokin aces are rocking good.
The Reverse Wine Snob has a deal on Pedroncelli RRV Pinot Noir – 3 bottles for $50 (and it looks like $5 shipping). Link It says, “This is a limited time, winery direct offer facilitated by our friends at Wine Country Connect.”, so I wonder if that means UPS shipping?
@karenhynes@ScottW58 My wife doesn’t Respect the Fat like I do, but she knows yum yum. I’d probably reveal the duck fat after she’s had it a few times, ha ha. Can you really keep reusing the same duck fat?
@karenhynes@ScottW58 For that we buy a whole duck, roast it, collect the fat for future use, and enjoy eating the roasted duck! (Similarly for duck breast. Yum)
Is that a good deal for that type of thing? I’m the weekend chef in my marriage, and my job is to amp it up. Been focusing on getting the best out of meats and vegetables, with sous vide and cast iron skillet and grill. I wonder, this my next step?
I hope you might get more feedback as the day goes on. Personally, I’m not much of a fan of truffle-anything, so I’ve never bought this. I know it was pretty popular back in the w**t era.
@PatrickKarcher You want to be a hero on a weekend morning? Use any of the three as the fat in soft scrambled eggs.
I bet you could make an amazing Hollandaise using this stuff as well, if you like that sort of thing.
Toss potatoes in duck fat instead of olive oil.
@klezman Yeah I need to burn through all my other roses before I buy more, not to mention it’s shipping season and i’m getting hammered with bottles that I have no place to store.
I went on to the Virage site and found the CF Rose listed as I posted. I used the term ‘special’ in asking Klez if it was offered at a better price.
@Winedavid49 Although my cheese-monger doesn’t offer Toma, $40 a pound (plus an eighth) puts this into basically any cheese in the world that is deliverable-to-my market. Oh, how I wish we could get raw European cheeses.
Is it really that special? (The SRP seems bonkers, I get Point Reyes blue for 29.99 a lb and often less on specials.)
Yay! Wasn’t too late to edit. The offer appears to be 2x of each. Now I am interested…
@KNmeh7@Winedavid49 I looked at the Point Reyes website, and it’s 3 wedges (6oz each) for $35, so this does seem like a solid deal (6 wedges for $40 at woot).
@KNmeh7@tklivory@Winedavid49 Of course it’s a good deal, but it’s still expensive cheese! Please run it again later when I’m not overflowing with awesome cheese!
FWIW K&L is selling a bunch of Napa cabs from Lakespring winery from the 80’s and 90’s, supposedly with perfect provenance? Also read that a few of the really good winemakers got a start there? Although some here would say that the prices are break the bank high around $50
@winedavid49 has some 2013 Wind Gap Sonoma Coast Pinot up on Rue 2 btls/$55 that’s better than any other current offers I found. Looks like it ends at 08:00 Pacific tomorrow, Sunday.
@rjquillin That’s a lot higher than what they’ve been going for elsewhere. Although most of those may not be around any more. The 2015 Sonoma Coast Pinot I got from Garagiste at $14+shipping.
@Winedavid49 Thank you very much for bringing this amazing olive oil back. I have been out for a long time and really miss it. Now, if you bring back the balsamic that people received as a gift, that would great as well. This oil is really worth the price.
Another favorite, at least for me, on the old site.
Salute Santé’ Grapeseed Oil 3-Pack $40
Sold by: Wine Country Connect, LLC @winedavid49 Thanks
First Sucker:rjquillin
Winesmith sent me an email telling me that the Wine Spies were going to have WineSmith’s Any Gorilla tomorrow at $29 with FS on 4. Certainly not as good a deal as we would get on Casemates, but…
@dirtdoctor I bought a bottle there recently, and finally got around to opening it last week. I have to say, it was disappointing compared to prior years. I don’t know if this was b/c I waited until late January to open it, but it was lacking that peppery, green, “nuovo” character that got me to order it year after year. Without that, it was a perfectly nice EVOO, but unremarkable.
Question about underground cellar, has anyone had wine shipping problems? The internet is full of complaints about them not shipping the wine that was purchased. And long delays.
They recently opened up a new fulfillment center, literally just days ago. They are now in the process of consolidating 5, yes 5, smaller facilities into the one big one. Hopefully this will allow them to get back up to speed rather quickly but to answer your question yes they have certainly been having issues.
@ScottW58 I don’t have any experience with them. I recently signed up (probably due to a mention around here) and was passing along a code they sent (as there was a recent mention of them in this thread).
I only bought 6 bottles from them once and it was a big hassle to get them shipped and one of the bottles they couldn’t find so I just had them throw in something else to get it over with. Hope it turns out well if anyone has a bunch of bottles.
@Mark_L My early experiences (3-4 years ago) were very positive. In the last 2 years the service has suffered dramatically. After waiting 6 months for an order I asked for a refund which took 2 months to receive. Hopefully the new changes have improved their service, but yes they have struggled.
@Mark_L@ScottW58 yes, all kinds of issues, they generally make good on mistakes though. They send out a coupon code or 2 per month which is what I buy with. I wait for a case to build up and then its free to ship. My typical bottle price paid is around $5. I’m super cheap and find it fun.
A couple of recent examples of how things are going.
I built up a case during the first half of last year, they instituted a summer shipping hold from June on and didn’t lift it until December 1st. I requested a shipment on December 5th, that case arrived in the 2nd week of February with a cheaper red bottle missing but a random rose in its place with a $10 coupon.
I had been building up a 2nd case during this time, 12 bottles were finally shown as ready to ship in late January, I requested shipment on January 27th and nothing so far, not even a printed label to assign a tracking number.
So they kinda suck and I’m assuming everyone is abusing the coupons and they are having cash flow issues as well as storage and shipping issues.
In the mean time I’m already 8 bottles into a 3rd case in storage there.
Wine bid has a LOT of early 1990’s Liparita Cellars cabs and Merlot bought directly from the winery. I am told that back then they made some great Howell mtn wines. And where else can you get a 5 liter bottle for $120
Got a bunch to try myself…well not 5 liter bottles. ymmv
Not sure how many of you like to buy from Underground Cellar, but today they have a thing for Gift Cards with upgrades. Never seen that before on their site. I just got $260 worth of bonus free wine (in the future) by buying myself some gift cards. Basically by buying some $75 gift cards, you can get some that are worth more than that. Looks like it was launched today (to last a week), but the gift cards are already over half gone.
The California Wine Club is offering 10% off their already discounted prices today. You don’t have to be a member of any of their wine clubs to purchase; just use the reorder tab. Shipping is $1 for either half or full case (the only increments you can purchase, mix-n-match) through the end of March, but the extra 10% is today only, using the code LEAP10. All of their wines are from real wineries, not just labels. Currently they have Pedroncelli’s Mother Clone Zin for $14.99 (so $13.49 after 10% off) and East Side Sauvignon Blanc for $13.99 ($12.59 today), among many others (Castoro, Shannon Ridge, Donati, Qupe, Gard, Sandler, and so on).
Once & Future 2018 release.
Last year Once & Future got great reviews, and I couldn’t find it anywhere.
I think the place I saw the good reviews was Ken’s Wine Guide.
Anyways, not cheap, but available. Zins, PS, Merlot, Mataro, Blend.
Looks good, and FS on a case.
@CorTot Once & Future is Joel Peterson’s new(ish) venture. He started Ravenswood and was in charge until the conglomerate bought it. He left a couple years ago and had started this as a side project before then. So it’s Joel’s old style coming back: big but elegant Zins and others from very old vineyards.
SABELLI-FRISCH doing his BD offer again. His link is in his IG bio. I sampled the Mission one, vacuVin’d it, forgot about it until 4 days later and it still held up. Was pleasantly surprised…
@TechnoViking I just got those home from the office the other day, what a beautiful array. Haven’t had a chance to try any though. How do you get the cork out through those caps?
@InFrom I’m not sure what’s worst, a stuck cork, or this blue wax. I hoped brute force would work. Then bust out the razor blade, Carefully cutting where the cork would come out…
@TechnoViking So I gather it was too thick for the cork to just break through the wax as you pulled it out with the corkscrew? Clark used to recommend that approach on his waxed bottles, though I rarely found it to work. Of course I always had problems with his corks, nothing so crumbly would have a chance of breaking through a layer of wax.
Those blue and red wax caps sure look spiffy! Shame they’re so much trouble.
@InFrom did you ever get around to opening any of these? I opened up a Marsanne with some mushroom risotto last week, what a fun pack! Adam said he will hold them til it cools down so I had to grab a case. The wax was not difficult this time around, inexperience spoke first.
@TechnoViking Hi. No, I haven’t tried any yet. I’ve been following Adam’s ongoing conversations with people about their impressions of the wines and drinking windows. I actually had a couple of the bottles in my hands yesterday, but I ended up going with a PN from Silas, a BD purchase from last year.
BTW, after complaining last month about the wax on Clark’s wines, and his corks, I opened one of his 2007 PNs last weekend. I used a wing-style corkscrew, and the thing opened without a hitch, right through the wax. I guess it was the Faux Chablis corks that were problematic.
@klezman@TechnoViking Yeah, the shipping wasn’t glitch-free, I had a minor annoyance with it being shipped w/o prior notice. He had agreed to contact me first.
@InFrom@klezman He usually gets back to me by the next day but also had a small set back on anticipated ship date. When y’all get a chance to try the wines i’d like to hear other thoughts on em.
@InFrom@TechnoViking I emailed him shortly after writing that comment and he’s already gotten back to me and it’s sorted. He’ll deliver it on Monday - perks of being local.
@InFrom@TechnoViking Truth. Although I had nearly as bad a problem when I ordered the set anyway. 5 cases between me and molarchae arrived from Garagiste a few weeks ago. That broke everything. Boxes everywhere.
Guess I should have posted this a couple days ago.
Half pound black winter truffles; $150 delivered.
Just received delivery. I think there were nine good sized 'shrooms. Made for some tasty spuds and Flannery.
@rjquillin oh man…you mentioned you were waiting for a half pound, thought you meant the ones on woot. I bought two ounces of those, thought that was a good deal. But this is a screaming deal. Do I need another 1/2 pound? No. But I love storing them in eggs, to me the best thing you can do with them. And it just so happens when I finally ventured out to the store for a few supplies the only eggs available were the industrial sized cartons. And as you mention, I just ordered more Flannery to keep that supply at a comfortable level. (when I ordered they told me they were realllllly busy, lots of folks stocking up)
So…do I need more truffles…???
@kaolis Yeah, that one was ~really~ hard to pass on, so I didn’t; unlike @scottw58 and @klezman.
I’ve got Flannery coming soon, and Nola just asked for a shipping address for her WB tins of seafood goodness.
Get to eatin boys those things don’t last forever! Truffle eggs for breakfast, Truffle pasta for lunch and Truffle meatballs for dinner. Repeat for 10 days
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58@winedavid49 received my two ounces from gourmet woot…what a horrible product…hopefully I get made whole…here is my email to gourmet woot customer service:
Wow, going to contact customer service for a refund. I ordered two ounces. The description says 1 to 2 pieces per ounce. Each of the “ounces” I received, one was actually a tad short, was 5 pieces each. And they were handled just wrong. Truffles should be shipped with a bit of moisture. These were in fancy little jars in rice. Really? Exactly the way NOT to handle a fresh truffle. All it does is wick the moisture out of the truffle. So I ended up with 10 little dry marbles for 120 bucks…
@kaolis@rjquillin@ScottW58@Winedavid49 Ouch!
At least we know WD gives top notch service so long as he’s not overly constrained by the Amazon overlords.
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58@Winedavid49 hopefully a no brainer…quality or not it was 1 to 2 truffles per ounce. I’m not a mathematician but last I knew 5 truffles per ounce doesn’t add up. Bad pun or whatever not intended
No offense intended but my only thought is why the hell would you buy something from woot that has a half life like fresh truffles? Also fresh truffles should never be in a jar.
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 Well, they were not in a jar as in the ones you see floating in liquid. So let’s just say they came in a wide mouth glass container in which rice was placed, then the truffle marbles, and finished with a cork on the top. The container would have been fine had the truffle just been wrapped in a moist tissue sans rice. And the issue of 5 pieces per ounce when it was sold as 1-2 pieces per ounce, not good.
As far as buying from woot, I took a flyer and admitted so much. And Thunder Thighs confirmed it was overnight delivery, which it was. So no problem as far as that goes. But that was the only positive part of the purchase. The product? grrrrrrr
Oh, forgot to mention each container was in a fancy little cardboard box with rafia…as they say all show no go
Ahh okay well it was handled properly, I was thinking that it might have been the usual 1 or 3 weeks delivery. I will shut up now!
@kaolis@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 yea, it was shipped overnight. not getting complaints besides Kaolis. sounds like you got a bad batch. the company we got it from is a proven expert. so, don’t think it’s a systemic issue. get with woot support for sure. they’ll make it right.
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58@Winedavid49 Support was contacted, refund already received, thanks! Yessir, bad batch for sure. I will add that support at both woot and casemates has always been nothing but stellar.
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58@Winedavid49 No argument on that, and too much crazy crap going on right now for a snappy response other than hopefully the upcoming warm summer weather helps slow things down. To all stay safe.
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 8 oz on the money. Larger one a tad under 2 1/2 oz, the other 5 a tad over an ounce. Perfume is delightful. Homemade pizza tonight, guess it’s going to be
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 Yeah, absolutely. Great shape, aroma/perfume. Hit them with the mandoline and zester/grater. I store them with eggs as mentioned and didn’t have a glass container large enough so they were in tupperware or whatever you call it and the fridge was glorious when opened. A couple of eggs and bits left.
there was an earlier 50% off sale last year that finally sucked me in, but I think it was for an earlier model. I’ve used it, to advantage, a few times now to decide if I wanted to pull a cork. I’ve gone both ways, yup, good choice as well as not this one at this time.
@ScottW58@rjquillin Are there any practical differences in the model levels (One vs Two vs Two Elite)? I really want one of these, but i’m also happy with the plastic-y version to save money.
You made me look.
I have the “limited edition two”
made in China.
Seems like some of the included accessories, stand, carrying case and such comprise much of the differences, oh, and choice of color.
Email from Larry at Tercero - the 2018 aberration is on sale:
"My 2018 aberration is a stainless steel aged blend of Cinsault, Grenache and Carignane that is 100% whole cluster fermented after I foot stomped all grapes, and a wine that I prefer to serve chilled. It’s bright and fresh and just fun - and ‘crushable’. If I was ‘hip’, this would be a ‘hipster’ wine to many.
Purchase 6 bottles of this fantastic wine and you’ll receive a 40% discount! Regularly $30, the price on 6 bottles are now $18 apiece! It’s by far the best price I’ve ever had - or most likely ever will have on this wine!
If 6 bottles are too many, then go with 3 bottles and get a 20% discount - that’s only $24 apiece.
This deal is NOT combinable with other offers and will expire this Sunday, April 5th.
To take advantage, please use the code 18aber6 for the 6+ pack special or 18aber3 for the 3+ pack special
To begin shopping, please click HERE to go to this specific product."
@losthighwayz I am staying away! The one a year ago I got some stuff, some good deals, and some things different than I could get here (German Rieslings, etc.). But I had to spend a lot of time and do a lot of research on the fly. Compared to other options (mainly Casemates), cost benefit ratio wasn’t enough.
Then in their end-of-year marathon last year, I decided to just “tune in” a bit and watch. Of course I ended up getting something. And then once you get something, you figure you might as well keep watching, right? So then I got more bottles, soaking up my very limited budget. For today’s marathon, I’m not going to the last bottle site at all. Not at all I say!
@losthighwayz Out of curiosity, has anyone here ever bought “the last bottle” and gotten their promised $50? I ask because I’m seeing lots of the same offers on the Marathon that I’ve seen as previous regular offers which suggests the “last” bottle is showing up today.
@DanNC@losthighwayz I’ve heard people mention on other boards they have received the $50. But I believe it to be few and far between. LB marathons are pretty much all previous offers and the same wines pop up for regular offers several times. Kind of like WTSO, the wines come and go several times. And if you contact WTSO for something you missed and it’s still in stock you can purchase. So I guess it it technically is “til sold out” it just might take awhile.
@DanNC@kaolis agree. The marathon is very similar to TSO marathon. I do like the 1 bottle buy in for FS. I ended up building a 6-pack composed of 6 different wines within my budget (avg. $15 per). Some familiar others not.
@hscottk thanks for heads up. Missed out on the Syrah (huge disappointment) but scored a case of rose at $12 per. Ridiculous deal for a Scherrer wine! I suspect PN and Rose will be gone by morning which is why I ordered at 3:30am local time lol
@CorTot@hscottk@rjquillin We could use a bit more rose for this year, so we can take a few. I was sorely tempted by that sale, but need to restrain myself. So many amazing wine deals at the moment.
@CorTot@klezman@rjquillin@losthighwayz Just received my shipment and got 2019 roses instead of the promised 2018s. Should this concern me? Any thoughts on 2018 vs 2019 vintage? From what I’ve read, feedback on 2019 in Sonoma is positive.
@CorTot@hscottk@rjquillin I’m sure it’s all tasty. Rose from an excellent producer…what’s to be bad? But if y’all don’t want some 2019 I guess we can take a few bottles.
@CorTot@hscottk@klezman@rjquillin twisted the cap on the 2019 today. Awesome to say the least. Ready to drink imo. Puts every rose offer on CM to shame in terms of QPR
@CorTot@klezman@losthighwayz@rjquillin Great to hear! Sounds like I should have bought more than 5. The 2015 Campesino Isa at $10 a pop was the best qpr ive seen, but that wasn’t Casemates. As much as I want to drink these, I need to work through some of my 16s (virage) and 17s first.
@CorTot@hscottk@klezman@rjquillin forgot the virage. I’d say Virage is more complex but less refreshing. Virage definitely a great QPR and probably my favorite CM rose purchase
My favorite Finger Lakes winery, Long Point is giving free shipping on a case. Their reds are outstanding…CA grapes… The winemaker is very patient and the prices are reasonable.
Elyse Winery via Reddit:
-50% off 2013 York Creek Petite Sirah 6-Pack and 2017 Nero Misto Case
-40% off “current release packs” with code REDDITS
-Free shipping on 6+ bottles
@losthighwayz@ScottW58 Are you guys on a mailing list? Is there a code you type in? How would I get that deal? I go to check out and the wine stays regular price.
@losthighwayz@PatrickKarcher@ScottW58 Their website has three Huntsman vintages listed under “Grenache and blends”. Only the 2013 is 50% off - click on the 2013, scroll down the page and you’ll see where you enter the number of bottles that the $34 price is crossed out and $17 is listed next to it.
Enticing, yes, but insufficiently compelling given the overflow situation. Even though being home with the kids 24/7 is enough to drive somebody to drink we still can only consume so much.
I’m a sucker for Tavel rose’ and particularly enjoy the offerings from Domaine de la Mordoree. Timeless wines has the 2018 Dame Rousse on sale for $14.92 with free shipping for a case. Typical US price is ~$25 without shipping. This is a great deal:
@warcraft82 Thanks, in for 4. I missed the Iron Horse unoaked chard here. Something very similar is available on the Pedroncelli website for $17, but this is less and FS.
Don’t forget what Ed tells us: when you call Ped be sure to mention CM and get club pricing.
Could make that direct offer a bit better than 'tso, but FS is hard to argue with.
@davirom@warcraft82 Possibly a WTSO-specific wine. They’ve been known to do that from time to time, and when they do beware that the winery’s normal style may not apply. Just ask Scott Harvey…
@klezman@warcraft82 The specs on the 2 wines, to the extent of any overlap on the sites, seemed the same to me. I assumed it was similar to a TV mfg giving different model numbers for the same TV to, e.g., Costco and Best Buy so consumers can’t price compare or match. What happened to Scott?
@davirom@warcraft82 You can find his post on here if you search, but iirc he was contacted by WTSO to make a wine but they dictated much of its specification. He said he’d never do it again.
Yes! On the old site…
Fleur de Sel Chocolate Covered Caramels, 56 Pieces - (Your Choice: Dark, Milk, or Assorted)
Sold by: Wine Country Connect, LLC
For fans of the Cavedoni balsamic vinegar, have a look at Morningsave. The Botte Piccola (250 ml) is there, $35. I haven’t checked to see how that price is compared to past sales (on Woot). It was listed as a bonus deal in a “daybreak deal” email – does that mean a VMP coupon wouldn’t apply? Mebbe not.
The main deal in the email is for some vino from Shannon Ridge. Are those deals only visible if you subscribe to their email list? Here’s the link anyway.
@InFrom I’ve gotten a couple of bottles of the Cavedoni that weren’t the same consistency (they were thinner) than the ones we always got from @winedavid49 on woot. I think they were offers on woot home, not wine or gourmet. I’d be curious is this is the same as the long run of them from earlier woot days or not.
@rjquillin It’s true, that’s been going on since the first of the month. Slowly I turn… What I couldn’t figure out is why it happened here, given that none of the posts that triggered it mentioned the name of the month in question.
Meeker Sangiacomo Pinot Noir at Wine Spies - $19.
They’re also rolling out a “locker” function so you can store up to 2 cases and save on shipping.
For those not yet members, we each get $10 if you use this to sign up:
@klezman@rjquillin I have been using their locker since they started the trial, works great and shipping is covered. I used to rarely purchase from them because I generally did not want to buy the 4 or 6 required to get FS but with the locker I find myself ordering 1 here 2 there or more of things I’d like to try or know I definitely want. Price is not always the best but I have got some very good deals on some.
Besides they ship FedEx - works for me, they also use UPS - does not work for me.
Associated Vintners (Gruet,Browne, etc) is having a 20%-30% off sale, free shipping on a case. About the same deal on a case as the offering here but with the flexibility to mix and match. Use code GRANTL for an extra discount. Associated Vintners Sale
@canestfr Thanks for tip. When I get to site, the discounts you mention seem to be automatically applied, and the GRANTL code unrecognized. Now, maybe because I was signed in? Maybe if you don’t have an account, you need to codes. Or maybe they made it automatic since you posted.
Hmmm, a chance to try a few other things. Like Sauvage Rosé? I bet that don’t suck.
Has anyone tried the 375mL cans of House Wine Bubbles? If they’re in the same ballpark as the Gruets, that’d be very convenient.
Once added to the cart the prices changed automatically (from regular price to sale prices it seems.) Then adding the promo code took off an additional 5%.
At one point I removed two bottles in order to replace them with something different, and I noticed even with only 10 bottles in my cart it still indicated I’d get free shipping. I’m not sure if that was just a glitch that might get corrected during order fulfillment, or if it would actually remain that way. I didn’t want to risk having any hiccups so I still ordered a full case. Just thought I’d share that little piece of info.
@canestfr@kawichris650 Ah, I was putting the GRANTL code into the wrong place! All, make sure you put it into Enter Promo Code, not into one of the Coupon boxes. Most excellent.
@kawichris650@PatrickKarcher Glad it’s working for everyone. My order of 3x Sauvage, 3x Sauvage Rose, 3x Blanc de Blancs, and 3x Brut Rose was all in at $144.22.
Winespies just started the build a case concept. Now you can buy 1 or more bottles, put it in your “locker” and when you have a case it ships for free. Not a new concept for some wine sites, but this will entice more buying of fewer bottles on the web site.
@jmdavidson1 You’re a day late and a dollar short haha.
@klezman posted that yesterday (in this same topic) and a few other regulars on here were discussing that “new” option. You don’t have to scroll up very far and you’ll see the post.
@jmdavidson1 I think you meant to tag @WineDavid49.
Not that the business model here will change, but worth him knowing.
At Wine Spies, you can bet the per-bottle price is going to go up a bit on average to cover the “free shipping” that everybody will be opting in for.
@jmdavidson1@klezman@Winedavid49 I suspect nobody ever paid for shipping on WineSpies anyway. However, there were many times that I didn’t buy because I didn’t want to risk buying 6 bottles…or the price was too high.
@jmdavidson1 Definitely a game changer, I was invited to try locker around the first of the year as a test and since then I’ve bought more from them than I have in the last 3 or 4 years put together. For me the fact that FedEx is an option clinches it, just can’t use UPS but I will admit I recently ordered here the Scott Harvey 1869 magnum set simply because I am doing my lock down in Idaho and will be home whenever UPS and Casemates get around to shipping but when things get back to normal and I return to Utah for the most part UPS will be back to a no go.
@jmdavidson1@rc70 we looked at this about 5 years ago. it’s a good idea. infrastructure costs will go up significantly. if they can manage that, and the actual inventory management, it’s a good move.
@klezman Where do you find this deal? Can’t see it on the Scott Harvey website…
Oh, I see. Just add it to the cart and the discounted price appears! Like Magic!
@MarkDaSpark@rjquillin Just checking! I know Scott often gives extra discounts to club members and at 40% or something off it would be irresistible. At 30% it’ll be up to molarchae.
We apologize for the 2nd email but we needed to update a pricing error. The cost of the 2019 Isa is $18 a bottle and not $80… Our apologies again for the error. We clearly shouldn’t be working from home, drinking wine, sending out a release letter, and homeschooling our children. Stay safe.
Good Morning
Happy Earth Day. We hope this email finds you all in a safe place. While our lives have been turned upside down by the coronavirus, we are thankful for the opportunity to make wine and do what we love. While we shelter in place, we hope that today’s wine release can help make those days brighter. As the weather warms, the flowers burst and we look to brighter days, we are happy to announce our 2020 Spring Release is now live. Spring in the valley always seems to bring out a certain freshness in the air; vineyards are budding, days are longer and wild flowers sparkle, reminding us that a new beginning is near.
This spring release will be releasing our 2019 Isa, Grenache Rosé.
Our 2020 Spring offering is now live and will close May 5th. We know this time can be difficult for all so we are including an additional 15% discount for orders of 6 or more. Please use the code #stayhome
To order click here 2020 Spring Release Wine
2019 Isa, Grenache Rosé ($18)
For a limited time (ends May 5th) shipping is included on orders of 12 or more.
For those ordering less then a case we have subsidized the shipping.
1-3 bottles is $25
4-6 bottles is $35
7-11 bottles is $45
To insure you receive your wine before the summer heat arrives we would like to ship all orders prior to May 13th.
Thanks. Frequently I am (correctly) accused of being excessively terse.
And thanks cortot for reminding me how I don’t keep CT even close to accurate.
@CorTot@DanNC@InFrom@rjquillin any notes? Been eyeing it. I tend to favor lean, stainless steel roses with racing acidity but no bite. Hope this makes sense!
@CorTot@InFrom@losthighwayz@rjquillin This is not your typical Provencal or west coast rose’ - more of a rose’ for red wine lovers, darker, more robust, deeper fruit in balance with acidity, even a hint of tannins. I like different rose’ styles but the Tavels remain my favorite. Here are two reviews:
“The base Tavel is the 2018 Tavel La Dame Rousse, which is slightly lighter colored than the Reine Des Bois, with notes of ripe cherries, white flowers, peach, and honeysuckle. Elegant, seamless, and beautifully balanced, it doesn’t have the power of the top cuvée yet has integrated acidity and a great finish. Rosé doesn’t get much better.”
Jeb Dunnuck (August 16th 2019), 91 pts
“Medium pink rose. Made from 40 year old vines cultivated biodynamically, this is classic Tavel with alluring scents of red cherry skin and ripe, sun-drenched raspberry. A crisp attack introduces the medium weight palate with lovely, fresh dark red plum and berries complemented by spice and savory notes. Finishes very long. A blend of 60% Grenache, 10% Cinsuat, 10% Syrah, 10% Mourvedre, 5% Clairette, and 5% Bourboulenc. Consistently one of our favorite Tavels.”
We had a Tavel Rosé at a wine class a few months ago and it was spectacular. Not this winery, though. Seems like the price point was around $25. I’ll have to dig out my notes.
If you liked cavatappi wines from the old site sign up for the associated vitners - precept wines mailing list. 30% off and free shipping on a mixed case.
Or whisper me your email address and I’ll forward it.
Mixed 12-pack of our Cavatappi favorites for $189
Four (4) bottles of Cavatappi Molly’s Cuvee Sangiovese
Rich ruby color with aromas and flavors of red currants, raspberries, pie cherries and toasty oak
Four (4) bottles of Cavatappi Maddalena Nebbiolo
Aromas of toasted marshmallow, coconut, smoky oak and spice that linger through the finish
Four (4) bottles of Cavatappi San Pietro Super Tuscan Red Blend
This vibrant wine opens with notes of leather, black fruits and earth with plum, baking spice and boysenberry on the finish
@losthighwayz I have several bottles of the 2018 waiting for me at the tasting room. I’ve liked every vintage of rose back to the first ones I tried (2013, maybe).
For those that like LauraMichael wines,
she is having a 50% off sale and $15 shipping on cases.
Still, not inexpensive; one might still proclaim pricey.
Twelve bottle cases of all wine on the website can receive a discount of 50% off, use the coupon code/promo code “50off”.
Full, twelve bottle cases ship at a flat rate of $15 in the continental US. Please make sure you are shipping to where you can receive it. I’ve gotten an influx of returns from the most recent club shipment or had to make $$ changes to boxes enroute.
Michael and I hope you are well, safe, and hunkered down while this thing runs its course.
Reverse Wine Snob has Y Rousseau Tannat 2017 at $20 per bottle - order in 3’s with $5 flat shipping. I enjoyed their 2013 Reserve Tannat that was on here awhile ago.
Anybody in the Finger Lakes Region of NY, listen up…
Just got the new (yes, just bottled) 2015 Long Point Zinfandel, and it is phenomenal: Good Fruit, Good Oak, Brambly - Enough Tannin Structure that it should last a while in the cellar. They’re on the East side of Cayuga Lake. And…Customers in New York, Pennsylvania, California, Colorado and Florida get free shipping on orders of one case or more! Use Coupon Code: CASE when ordering from
Not sampled this winery but Doce Robles has some reds where you can buy a case at $10 a bottle (normal $34) with free shipping. Mixed cases are OK. Taken from WineBeserkers Quarantine Relief Forum
@losthighwayz I have sampled 4 of these so far - I started with the Barbera and was excited to read that it had been barrel aged for 54 months but I found it a bit too restrained even after a decent decant. As all the single varietals are 2013 vintage, I guess all are aged for quite awhile. Next I tried the Sunset Red which I found a bit more interesting and the JimmyMon Red was better still. The best so far, even without a decant, has been the Zin which we opened last night just for a final glass of the night. So, they have been OK so far but would probably not rush to buy again. Have you sampled any?
Thanks for the heads up. My first meh purchase, does this come UPS too I assume? Out of CA?UPS works now cuz they just drop the box and run for the truck. Pushing it on weather here but this virus thing is testing all sorts of comfort zones
UPS actually had a success yesterday with the Ped mixed, delivered to work.
Perhaps that 30+ minute chat with the distro center manager about the driver actually had some effect.
@kaolis Yes, I went in on the first Napa cab at $10/btl and also today’s Stagecoach cab. Probably won’t buy any more until I’ve had a chance to taste these.
@kaolis@ScottW58 I didn’t sign up…I need more offerings like a hole in the head.
But I’m going to trust you, Scott, to let me know when there’s something worthy of a split.
@klezman@ScottW58 Mentioned this but moved recently and the majority of my wine is 1000 miles away, maybe 10-12 cases on premise here at the moment. Some of that wtso wine, some of it good sh*t. Traveling not in my immediate future, so yeah I bit on the Stagecoach, my first offer.
I do however recall some old saying about if it’s too good to be true. And I’m not talking Frankie Valli
@DanNC@klezman@ScottW58 I’ve done two deals so far, both cabs. One a little pricier one not so much. And. Oh. He holds for summer for fall ship. Five bucks. What a novel idea.
@jml326@rjquillin@ScottW58 OK, Since the old guys who would 4-week dry age my $10.99/lb Rib Roast and cut it into steaks for free are going out of business…I bought 12 lbs. of this Flannery Hanger.
So, any suggestions for cooking? I do have a Weber natural gas grill, electric smoker and the apparatus for sous vide.
Oh, and thanks for the heads-up.
Likely I’m a bit of an outlier, but mine see sous vide for ~4+ hours @52C then a couple minutes absolute max total on a screaming hot grill.
Slice and serve.
Likely you’ll come up with a much more creative process, but these are small in cross section and don’t need much to get them there.
For the hangers I prefer either sous vide with a blowtorch finish or just grill them, flipping very frequently so the middle doesn’t get overcooked while the outside gets nice and seared. They’re just too thin for me to sous vide and then grill.
Ron, I can’t understand why you’d want to sous vide them for 4+ hours. That’s so overkill - don’t they start to get a bit mushy by then?
Last night we did a (non-Flannery) Prime rib steak, about 2.5" thick. From frozen, 2.5 hours (really, until the kids were in bed) at 52°C, then on to a hot grill for about 15 minutes, flipping frequently. Centre temps only come up a short amount in that time and I got a nice sear.
@FritzCat@jml326@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 filled the basket for myself and a coworker just jumping into food and wine. Glad I got that sous vide and vacuum sealer. I threw mine in for 3.5 hours at 130f and on sides of the grill. It was pretty pretty tender.
Just gotta say, I love this community and the information provided to help others venture out more.
@jml326@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58@TechnoViking I agree Techno, great community. I was in the W.W community for a long time, and it was fabulous. You’re new to wine? I’ve got one word for you…“Amarone”.
@jml326@rjquillin@ScottW58 Got 'em this morning, froze most, threw one on a HOT grill with salt, pepper and a little garlic powder, done med. rare with a nice crust, with sauteed mushrooms, arancini, a bean & broccoli salad and the rest of last night’s 2007 Turley Zin…AMAZING. Thanks for the suggestion.
I have done the reverse sear and it was good but I like just throwing them on the grill because I like the texture it gives. I’m sure anyway you do it should turn out great.
I need magnums like i need a hole in the head, but dang WTSO has some that i’ve almost clicked. The '13 Iron Horse Estate PN right now looks pretty interesting.
They have something going on over there?
Really busy day, cleaning up a JPL $#!t storm where they bunged one of our cameras.
Likely better I was busy…
@chipgreen@rjquillin for “2017 Denier-Handal Family Selection Red Blend Venturi Family Vineyard”, has 66% Syrah / 34% PS. But winery site says “Merlot, Petite Sirah, Syrah and Zinfandel”. I wonder which?
@rjquillin, you’ve had these before? Which of the two are you more excited about? This is crazy good prices I take it? I’m tapped out, but the “Syrah with some PS” blend has been a winner in our house.
Yes, not these vintages.
Peter Wellington made a Cab from the Handal-Denier vineyard he sourced from Dick and, iirc, there was a tasting a number of us attended there as well. @trifecta help me out here, memory wise, there was another winemaker showing there as well. So, well known vineyard and producer.
A number of years ago lawc was really blowing out cases of CS, PS, Zin, and some Sagrantino I loaded up on for myself and others. @Klezman ended up with a warehouse of cases for an extended period of time, until they all got distributed and/or picked up. Local pick-up for us, so shipping just not an issue.
I’d, in general, compare these to Pedroncelli, best after you’ve let them hang around for a few additional years, but Peter made that vineyard sing.
@chipgreen@klezman@PatrickKarcher@rjquillin The family blend changes year to year and so the website is probably out of date on the merlot content. To be clear these wines are made from Venturi, which is not Handal vineyard. Still great fruit, especially the petite. I haven’t tried the Syrah. My notes show the '17 being something like half sangio and roughly equal parts PS and Zin.
The Handal Cabernet is still made from the same rows/vineyard that were once the Wellington block on the Handal property, and David Noyes is still the consulting winemaker. So that is as close as we can get anymore to Wellington cab.
Nope, not built additional storage. But since when has storage limited your buying?
I thought Meeker was making these wines now. A rather different, but equally good, style from Peter. Nice to hear David Noyes is still involved, too.
I haven’t seen the Cab get to LAWC since they get the blend and PS most times, even though it looks like they got Syrah this time. I’ve also really enjoyed the PS, even young. They did excellent tannin management and the 2013 was nice and enjoyable at all stages up until now.
And iirc, the H-D Cabernet was the basis of the Victory blend, taking up the majority of the Cabernet portion in most vintages.
@chipgreen@InFrom@klezman@PatrickKarcher@rjquillin Don’t expect to see the Cab at LAWC or here, unless it’s bundled. Just reach out directly for that one or go through the Locals tasting room in Geyserville.
The H-D wines are being made and housed at Meeker’s newer and impressive winery location (south Healdsburg) starting around the 2015ish time frame IIRC and the team there are doing the day to day and heavy lifting, but per the direction of Dave and Dick. As you know, Lucas is an incredibly bright and talented winemaker and the newer generation of wines show what a great combo this is. The younger PETs are friggin delicious and the cab is still one of my favorites from Sonoma County.
And iirc, the H-D Cabernet was the basis of the Victory blend, taking up the majority of the Cabernet portion in most vintages.
So I actually have a discerning palate? Who knew?
I guess we want Dick to sell the Cab here, eh?
Sure, if David Noyes is involved in making it, I’d be in for a case (said the person who no longer has colleagues to share cases with).
@pseudogourmet98@rjquillin It was $5 cheaper on morningsave a couple weeks ago…I guess Amazon needs a larger cut so the price has to be higher.
Yes, this is the same Botte Piccola as we’ve been getting from WD for a while now. A couple years ago they went from a corked bottle with the cork spout to an integrated pouring lip on the bottle. More plastic, but no second piece. I never found the second piece worked all that well, fwiw. But if you’ve got one of the older bottles around you could swap it in.
@ScottW58 Decisions decisions, really like the Grande 05 but the Petite 03 might be more practical for me. However for $25 the Grande 05 is the better deal IMHO
@radiolysis@ScottW58 I remember years ago someone posted pics on wine woot of an old aluminum suitcase he’d retrofitted with foam compartments with cutouts for bottles.
Which reminds me of another gone-forever post from the way-back old days, where a guy posted all the pics of how he’d turned a closet in his apartment into a wine fridge. Does anyone remember seeing that? I was very impressed by it.
@rjquillin@ScottW58 I ended up building a travel case out of a pelican 1440. Holds 8+1 and comes in just under the airline weight restriction at 44 lbs fully loaded. It’s pretty much bulletproof. I’ve check it more than 100 times (I have a long work commute) and it’s still ticking. Just replaced a bit of foam here and there. Never lost a bottle.
@rjquillin@ScottW58 Expensive bits of foam! The suitcase is also pretty far up there. The do it yourself insert for the larger case seems like a potential winner to me.
I would say that it speaks to the fact that it’s almost impossible to sell any kind of suitcase in a time that you’re not allowed or it’s unsafe to travel. No special inserts friends tell me they are pretty flexible so you can almost fit any sized bottle in? We will see.
@rjquillin@ScottW58 I must say good luck to you on the whole TSA lock thing. I have tried many different TSA approved locks ($5 to $50) and they broke every single one. I’d put the over/under at 8 for the number of times you will travel with it before they break it. In fact the only times TSA ever open a case is when it has a lock on it. When I do not put a lock on my pelican and just use a zip tie they leave it alone. Ymmv. Pre COVID I flew once a week for work for the last 5 years and have seen it all from those bozos
I have no doubt you are correct, funny though they have always opened my wine check when I fly. And for the price I’m glad to get this.
Not sure why, but that reminds me of an old Kennedy toolbox I used to travel with for work. This in the early 70’s. Only once was it questioned, when two airline reps, complete with radios, came into the cabin and walked directly to my seat and inquired as to it’s contents…
It flew, and the labels, that perfectly fit on the ends, are still there today.
I could troll with a comment along the lines of…
And likely you’re one of them making $600 extra a week.
But I won’t.
Uncured was informative, good call there.
@InFrom@rjquillin yeah I have good friends who through no fault of their have have lost job’s are getting that but still might lose everything so don’t go there please.
A shout-out to WD for finding a great partner here. I ordered some Salumi Chicago and we’ve had a few sticks. They had an odd aroma and flavour that just didn’t seem right. Finally decided to email them to see whether it was just a really heavily cured salami or we had an off batch or what. The owner emailed me back within hours and offered to send a replacement. Apparently they had a packaging issue that is nearly solved.
Kudos all around!
Robert Craig Merlot on the Spies
for what seems like it’s approaching a reasonable price,
and the 2015 gets good reviews on Cellartracker, and
it seems like it will be ok if I lose it for a few years in
my cellar.
I like Cab drinkers’, New World Merlots, and I do like Oak.
Any suggestions?
@chipgreen Yeah, I got a couple, and like the new “Locker” concept. It’s hard to find a really good new-world merlot. After jonesing for a good merlot yesterday, I pulled out a 2014 Substance “Me” for today. Add a case (12 or more) and use code RRZIN for 50% off. Free shipping over 6 bottles.
$252/case shipped (tax may apply on top of this- $18.27 to me in CA)
Long story short; these are usually sold to restaurants for less than they goto the public. Covid19 forced their hand to sell direct.
@CorTot@ecue@ScottW58 probably slightly less pretentious these days with a closed sign on the door and their wine selling at 50% off. How was the wine?
@ecue@hscottk@ScottW58 wine is a curious thing. The people cane make or break a purchase sometimes. I’ve found it on discount before and bought and really liked the wine and wanted to check out the winery and just didn’t love the feel of the place or the people working there.
Id absolutely buy it again at a discount just not from the winery at full price.
That price is crazy! The 2016 mixed Pinot offering from almost 2 years ago stands out as one of my favorite Casemates offers. Too bad there are not rats!
@chipgreen Invino FYI - Invino now also have Tank Garage 2018 Truth or Dare Sparkling Rose ($15) and Art of Surfing Red (Tempranillo blend - $16) - not tried any
If you enjoy olive oil Rancho Olivos in Los Olivos, CA (next to Brander if you’re familiar) has $5 shipping through end of May. We buy their stuff every time we visit. Family owned and awesome quality and price imo $23 for 375 or $39 for 750 bottle.
The California Wine Club currently has 15% off already discounted wines (CELLAR15) with $1 shipping on purchases of 6 or 12 bottles - including American Legends by CG DiAire 2014 Sierra Foothills Zin (not tried before but ordered a couple to try along with some other wines to make up a 6 pack) and Pedroncelli 2017 Bench Merlot both for under $13 after 15% discount. You do not have to be a member to order.
@WineDavid49 that coffee over on the other site looks delicious! I’m overfilled with coffee at the moment, though, so bring them back in about 3 months!
@klezman Would be interested in trying them out if they offered a lighter roast profile. All that care taken in the growing and wash process to then dark roast seems like a shame.
@trifecta I agree with respect to lighter roasts. Artisan roasters seem to hew fairly closely to reality, where medium or medium+ is good for my espresso making. Anything more than that (like, say, a SBux medium roast) is too dark. I figured these would be pretty close to where I like them.
or, reading the offer
2: 2018 Old Pearl Chardonnay Bottles
2: 2018 Old Pearl Cabernet Sauvignon Bottles
2: 2017 Old Pearl Pinot Noir Bottles
@rjquillin I did not get an email, I just dropped by the site as I was to late last week to add the Kali to my order that was in process, thought I might order up some burger fixins and found them on sale along with pork.
WineSmith Cabernet Sauvignon 3-Pack ($75) at . I thought I posted this???
This one-day deal is from a couple of days ago,
but I just bought mine. $10 Shipping on any number of
3-packs (I got 2) and I think it’s 2-day shipping.
@klezman Hopefully, if I can manage to get there before curfew. Monday and Tuesday you couldn’t even drive thru Santee as the main road was closed by the Sheriff department to deal with protesters.
@klezman No sake at all. Not a whole lot to talk about on the wine side either. Picked up a 2012 Vincent Vineyards “V Cuvee” as a flyer. Not Vincent Arroyo or Vincent Wine Co., but for $5 i’ll take a chance on this Vincent.
@klezman@radiolysis Picked up your bottles. Made it in just before the 19:00 curfew kicked in.
Also found some 2017 Suncé Zinfandel Old Clones Cattich Vineyard for $8 I’m chilling down a bit…
@ctmariner opened for dinner, so a short review now. Very fruit forward - blueberry and plum. 14.5% but it’s all in fruit and not alcohol taste. Notably oaky. It’s a fantastic $5 wine, but maybe not for $20? Understanding you’re looking at another vintage and all…
@ctmariner just to chase this to the end (and I’ll be adding CT notes at some point), it got more sweet and chocolatey as it got air. While we enjoyed on PnP, after six hours it wasn’t as good. I’m not familiar with the weather or harvest conditions on the Central Coast during 2012, so I really can’t say if this is the house style or affected by outside influence.
@ctmariner@radiolysis I’m pretty sure that is their style. We went for a tasting last year. Did not like any of the wines we tasted. Overly oaked, ripe, and low acidity. Glad we had a 2x1 tasting! Property is beautiful though
I’ve had the white numerous times over threats, but never the red. I figure I’ll get better feedback over here than Meh. Anyone whose had the Friends Red care to comment? The review that Sparky linked seems to think it’s great.
@spammie I’m a big fan of the White. It’s fresh and vibrant, and a little bit spicy from the Gewurztraminer. I likened it to the spiciness of tequila during my last bottle.
Neither of the .friends are much in my wheelhouse, so I’m not much help at all, but others seem quite pleased…
Tequila, phew, that seems like a stretch.
@losthighwayz@pseudogourmet98@rjquillin@spammie Neither are particularly my style, but I liked the white more than the red every time I’ve tried them. Too close to “sound commercial wine” and not very interesting. Great for a party and/or with those who just enjoy a drink and don’t want to think about it.
Ty Caton Vineyards
2016 Cabernet Collection ‘Arroyo’ Moon Mountain Estate Cabernet Sauvignon $29 at Winespies. (This is the estate single vineyard that goes for $60 (now for the 2017) and has a couple of old non-flattering reviews on cellartracker)
@FritzCat Apologies - I should have added that I have not tried this particular wine but have enjoyed their previous offerings on here (although they no longer can ship to CT). I added a couple of bottles of this Zin to my Winespies Locker.
I grabbed two of the 2016 Chateauneuf-du-pappers for $60, meaning $35. Very nice! Now I’ve got my 2016 neuffy-pops to pull out in 10-15 years to mess with someone. $17.50 each with the coupon. Would have gotten one of those $30 Barolo if not sold out.
A 4-pack of the Sancerres flash deal up now looks pretty yummy with this coupon, but already used my coupon. I didn’t know when the coupon expired, so I didn’t want to wait for the right flash deal.
@ctmariner@PatrickKarcher I thought about it but then didn’t get through researching to decide if it was my thing. Then it was today and the coupon is done. No big loss…I have way more than enough wine.
Okay here are all the codes for, some or all of them are still good. Also retailmenot I hear has 20% cash back at and Rakuten always has at least 2.5% back at There are some great deals you just have to search, also if you have the free shipping you can get rocking deals. Oh and I get nothing out of this other than knowing I made you spend a bunch of money
JB20 ($20 off $50)
FBSPIR50 ($50 on $150)
FBPRO50 ($50 on $150)
FBR50 ($50 on $150)
CIQ50 ($50 on $150)
CN50 ($50 on $150)
2MKBMRT ($100 on $300)
4MAAFTC ($100 on $300)
3KBMAFC ($100 on $300)
7KBMAFR ($100 on $300)
If you have free shipping and use the 100 off 300 you can get 8 bottles of the 07 Lopez de Heredia Bosconia for under $30 per, a rocking deal! But what do I know
I did pick up a couple domestic cabs, Montelena, Martini Monte Rosso and a random '05 Louis Latour to bump it over 300. The 100 off does make these well below CT or wine searcher pricing.
Just don’t know enough about Spain, Italy to choose.
Really I thought for sure you would go for 3 2016 corison cabs at $99.99 throw in a cheap bottle for 9.99 to get over $300 minus 2.5 percent that gets you 3 bottles of beautiful corison cab for way less than anywhere else!
@klezman@ScottW58 missed 'em; fixed.
Even better than Tim’s pricing.
Some IH up there too I see.
Do I look at this like I spent or saved hundreds?
Oh and I get nothing out of this other than knowing I made you spend a bunch of money
@klezman@rjquillin correct also retailmenot is giving 20% back today for and for those of you who have watched “In living color” mo money mo money mo money
ok, you got me. 3 Corisons and a cheapie Italian white to get over $300. Total delivered will be something like $210 after the cash back. Sweet.
@klezman@ScottW58 one more to go…
A 50/150
And there are some SH bottles that would be better than my club pricing on them.
Scott Harvey Vineyard 1869 Old Vine Zinfandel 2017
to the rescue
@chipgreen@rjquillin well yes it makes me feel like I’m not the only sucker born every minute and yes getting other people a good deal is a good thing!
OK, I am done. 33 bottles, average cost = $30.60 shipped.
Not bad, considering there are 2 bottles of Corison Cab, a split of Opus One and an Opus One Overture in the mix. Also grabbed a couple of Heitz Cabs, 2 of those R Lopez de Heredias, 2 Produttori del Barbaresco Barbaresco and 2 Patty Green Volcanic Pinots. Plus 2 each of Iron Horse Pinot and Russian Cuvee. And I still have free shipping for the rest of the year (FedEx, yay!), although I should probably try not to take much advantage of that!
I am feeling both exhilarated and ashamed, haha. My wife would kill me if she knew I just dropped a grand on wine but I did skip Berserker Day this year and then there was that stimulus check, so…
With the deals at Ty Caton Winery right now, unless you want some of the “vintage” Tytaniums, considering the fees and shipping costs at Winebid, you’re better off ordering direct from Ty Caton.
And, it doesn’t look like there’s any Ty Caton at
Two jake of Diamonds 2010 and 2012 Petite Sirah is on reverse wine snob right now. One of my favorite wines of all time. If I didnt already have a few cases I would get some.
@Twich22 Opened a 2010 to Rat for you guys. It doesn’t taste or look like it’s 10 years old. Cork was fine too. It is tasty, but a bit old-world. Certainly not a fruit bomb. Also, if I didn’t have several of both 2010s and 2012s, I would buy.
Navarro Vineyards 2015 Methode a l’Ancienne Pinot Noir, 33% off, free shipping on a case. That’s $23.33 for the filtered and $24.67 for the unfiltered. This is usually good stuff. I enjoyed the 2014 last year.
2016 Vintone Chenin Blanc on Invino for $15, free ship on 6 or more. Was on Casemates last year - $16.25/bottle for 4 or $12.50/bottle for 12 (+ tax/shipping as applicable). I have not tried it but clicked through the Invino email as I was just thinking today about getting some Vouvray (or a domestic Chenin) for a co-worker.
2016 Iron Horse Vineyards Chardonnay Estate
wtso $17/fs4 @winedavid49 couldn’t we have these appear on a more regular basis?
[edit] oops, needed to do a refresh first, thanks @mark_l
Garagiste just sent out a mailer for Kendric 2019 Pinot Noir Rosé - $13.70 plus shipping (~$2.25/btl to SoCal). But the retail is $15 and 10% case discounts apply.
Oops. Vintage is 2008, not 2001. $36.33/bottle.
I figured given the attention this vineyard has been getting, trying an older vintage was an easy call at a reasonable price (cf $70 or $80 for the recent Rivers-Marie release). @rjquillin@ScottW58
@rjquillin@ScottW58 Along with the note from 18 months ago extolling its virtues. CT “drinking windows” are pretty meaningless, especially on the “drink by” date.
No go for me right now, I just got in trouble for buying some 1971 Barolo Careful with 2008 that was the big smoke taint year…not that these are I have no idea?
@klezman One of my favorite go to’s is
Tenuta delle Terre Nere Etna Rosso and their Santo Spirito. Great wines grown on the side of a volcano, they have both of those
South Africa? I do like Sadie family Chenin but does not have any of the Chenin. Hamilton Russell is a great winery from South Africa but they are mainly Pinot and Chardonnay.
De Negoce… thoughts on this? I’ve come close to pulling the trigger a few times and held back. Summer hold is great, but hearing some have shipped anyway in error. A lot of these sell out fast, but the offer #21 is still up. Howell mtn cab for $18 is tempting, but the 75% new oak is a bit concerning. Anyone else tried this yet?
@hscottk It’s still for sale, won’t be shipped for a while, so no one has tasting notes yet (with the exception of Cameron and crew). It will be long sold out before we know how the wine tastes.
@hscottk Funny I was real close to pulling the trigger on this yesterday but controlled myself Not worried about the oak really just the mystery and you have to buy a whole case.
@hscottk I’ve bought five of the offers but only two, from early in the cycle, have been delivered (I’ve had good luck with must of Cameron’s wines in the past so was not too worried about these being mediocre). The other three are in summer storage waiting for cooler weather. I sampled a bottle of each of the two cabs and it’s a little like barrel tasting - I simply wanted to get an idea of the starting point and where the wines might be headed. Both will certainly be better in a few years, and both will be considered very good qpr once I start drinking them.
@DanNC@FritzCat@hscottk I thought about it. Then I realized everything was full case lots. So I figured I’d rely on others around here to let me know when a good deal came along and I’d split with them. Not like I’m searching for more wine…
OG N.24 2019 Napa Carneros Pinot Noir 12-bottle case SHIPS OCTOBER 12
Note from the email:
As the wines will be bottle shocked the next couple of months, it makes no sense to risk long journeys in peak summer heat.
Instead, I will build the hold costs into the price, store the wines at 58 degrees, and ship them on October 12th along with our Summer Holds.
Another quick note on bottle shock: Pre-selling and then shipping newly bottled wines is a large part of why the prices are so insanely good. My point? Please be patient with the wines for a couple months, they’ll come around and you will be happier.
The price is certainly tempting, but with such little information available it makes it difficult to pull the trigger on an entire case. If anyone in the Twin Cities is interested in a split though, that could get me off the fence.
Just got a shipment notice for the first case I ordered (OG 19 Santa Cruz Pinot) from… Wine Country Connect! Perhaps David and team have some inside scoop on this new project? @winedavid
Just got a shipment notice for the first case I ordered (OG 19 Santa Cruz Pinot) from… Wine Country Connect! Perhaps David and team have some inside scoop on this new project? @winedavid49
Pretty sure Castle Rock Pinot Noir Carneros is still widely available in stores for $10. Obviously don’t know how it compares to the De Negoce, just pointing out a potentially comparable everyday offer.
@hscottk Cameron put up 200 cases of a RRV chardonnay earlier today and they sold out in a few hours. He just followed up with 800 cases of Carneros chardonnay. The first came out to ~$14.50 and the second $11.50/bottle with shipping. I snagged a case of each, on another leap of faith and also because we’re almost out of whites. As opposed to the Christmas QPR and bourbon barrel plonk on Casemates this week, I’ll buy de Negoce every time.
@hscottk@rjquillin Yesterday’s 800 case offering of Spring Mountain cab is already gone. That’s on top of 1000 cases of chardonnay over the weekend. Cameron’s blowing through the product.
@hscottk@rjquillin Cameron has a zinfandel in the pipeline - I may (or may not) have enough of his cabs and chardonnay but will definitely jump in on some zin.
@chipgreen@DanNC@rjquillin Yeah, I get the emails… should really pull the trigger on one of these. But these are pre release, so no feedback on the wines. And no one to split with. How about a De Negoce champagne?
@chipgreen@hscottk@rjquillin At these prices I can look at them as cellar defenders. Not that there’s that much needing defending anymore, as my time horizon has changed as I’ve gotten older. I don’t plan to leave anything worthwhile behind.
@DanNC@hscottk I did bite on this one, hope it’s something better. Really should navigate the WB more often. The $29 ship, while pretty common, is still a bit pricey for a CA shipment and tarnishes the luster a bit.
@hscottk@rjquillin Ironically, and although I was looking forward to a zin, I didn’t bite. I’ve never been a big fan of Pedroncelli zins, even when cheap. Besides, I’m saving for Amavi syrah on Casemates
@DanNC@hscottk@rjquillin I opened a bottle of the OG19 Santa Cruz Pinot tonight, against Cameron’s advice, bottle shock and so on. It’s light and fruit forward with a little zip (acidity, I think), a hint of oak, and that unmistakable “pinot” finish. Perhaps you guys can tell me how to better describe that. A great summer wine and good value at ~$16 delivered, though I think I’d be disappointed if I paid $35+ at the winery as Cameron claims. My experience is that there isn’t much QPR out there in the world of CA Pinot so happy to get my hands on this.
I jumped in on the Zin today as well. My wife is going to think I’ve lost my mind when all this shows up mid-Oct. I’ll just sell some off to my golfing buddies. They’ll gladly lap it up at half the price of their go-to Decoy.
@ScottW58 I hear you, but if circumstances were different, like if the AirB&B had worked out in August for all my kids and their SOs, it would have been perfect.
@klezman stopped by the winery two days ago. Talk about snobby! Place was EMPTY and let me know booked for the day. $45 per tasting to boot. Every other winery welcomed us.
@losthighwayz When their basic bottling goes for around $40-50 and their single vineyard bottlings for $75+ is it that surprising?
With the covid-related sanitation requirements I’m also not surprised that they can only take one or two groups at a time with significant time in between to clean everything. shrug
FWIW, I’ve never been there nor tasted much of their wine, and I have no skin in this game. I did meet one of their staff on a flight a few years ago and he was a nice guy.
@klezman not necessarily. We went to Dutton Estate for a tasting. The nicest pourer at $25 per tasting. She refunded one tasting with our purchase. Their Pinot bottlings are on par pricewise with Flowers. Every winery we stopped by last minute was very welcoming except Flowers. I know snobby and the guy was a snob. Like I said, place was Empty. Only one couple.
Me-bad, on the murakami syouten hateruma kokutou
Missed it was a 3-pack, due to the single bag shown in the photo.
Outstanding price!
@klezman@Winedavid49 I don’t, will have to ask Keiko. Not sure on the tamari, I think that may be more commonly available locally, but again, I’ll ask.
Ha! I ordered another bottle of 16 Corison and 2 bottles of 17 Frogs Leap estate cab that my children or grandchildren will have to enjoy Which btw comes out too $49 per bottle yay! or they will sell them for pennies to the bottle
@ScottW58 Woodlands, Brown Hill, Leeuwin Estate. In general I like the area for Chardonnay (more acid / mineral driven) and Semillion, but there is also some great Shiraz and Cabernet.
@hscottk@kaolis@ScottW58 Ah, but Pedroncelli is simply inexpensive and even at regular winery price is solid QPR. It’s not like a $20 Zin from Lodi
But yeah, I agree there’s been more than enough cheap Zin to last me a lifetime, too. And I’m younger than you are!
Yes i’m sure it’s worth it but I have absolutely no reason to buy 12 bottles of daily drinking Zin, I have plenty of great wine and daily drinkers I may never drink (although i’m trying!) I just hate the way these things tempt me
@ScottW58 As do I. At least for me. But. It’s a sickness that has nothing to do with the current virus that I hear is going around.
(I could use a little nice burg at a good price though)
Well for you here is my favorite burg that is somewhat affordable depending on what you think is a good price, pretty much always are delicious and will age a long time although I drink them anytime with an hour or three in the decanter Usually around $65 I got my 16’s for that price at sommpicks. I think 17 is the new release. FWIW Domaine Michel Lafarge Volnay
@ScottW58 Thanks. I shall check it out, that’s a doable price range. Sounds familiar in fact, but I don’t own any. Problem is just like with Bordeaux I’m one of those guys that hates opening anything recent. No patience to sit idle and look at a decanter full of wine for hours on end…ha!
Quote from the email:
Now through Fri Aug 7th, CA New Yorks are 30% off. And as a special thanks for all of you extended family members who have signed up for our emails, I can’t get you cigars, but can give you an additional 10% off, simply enter the code TEDDY in the coupon code section.
@ctmariner Looked at it, but haven’t tried it. Cellartracker is mediocre on it, and someone called it “thin”. But, seems to be a fair alternative to a Napa Cab.
@ctmariner The cab was offered on CM in May of 2019, along with the syrah, at $15.17 including shipping: . I remember it as being good to very good but needing some time. I preferred the syrah. Having said that, I did just buy a case on Last Bottle.
@CorTot WTSO now has that '17 on the single-bottle-free-shipping “Last Chance” page. I might get a pair and grab a few other things they have on there.
If you do some of these codes might still work.
VINESPOT, STARCRAWL, PPRG, and SEEJANEDRINK (I think that one was $10 off $50).
I think most of these are 5 off of 25?
If you were a fan of the Browne Family Wines (Precept Wines) They have a winery direct offer at 45% with free shipping if you sign up for their mailing list.
Browne Family Mixed 4-Pack
Includes one 750ml bottle of each
Originally: $116 Sale: $67!
Browne Family Mixed 12-Pack Case
Includes three 750ml bottles of each
Originally: $348 Sale: $189!
2016 Tribute Red Blend
91 Points, Wine & Spirits I 92 Points, James Suckling
Exploding aromatics of mixed black fruits and toasty French oak with flavors of blackberry and black cherry. This full-bodied wine is perfectly balanced with big, integrated tannins and lingering notes of cinnamon, leather, and tar on the finish
2018 Cabernet Sauvignon
Beautiful aromas of toasted oak with foxy grape and black fruit notes lead into flavors of dates, huckleberries, and black cherries. Bold tannins stick to the palate leaving a lingering finish of licorice and berry compote
2019 Grenache Rosé
Beautiful peach colored wine with aromatics and flavors of strawberry, watermelon and flint finishing with lingering flavors of pomegranate and citrus. The acid is bright and well-balanced
2018 Sauvignon Blanc
Aromatics of lime, lemon grass and stone fruit blossom lead to flavors of green apple, passion fruit and graphite. Balanced acid and low alcohol leave a finish of cut grass and gooseberry flavors
…and not just any steak, only the finest beef on the planet.
My travels around the US over the past couple of decades selling wine means I have spent more time than your average bear in steakhouses and fine dining. When Cameron Hughes Wine sold a few years back I took a break from the wine business (well, kinda, I have been sourcing wine all along but its just wasn’t my “day job”) and decided to launch an online steak company. I mean, what greater affinity is there than steak and wine?
My mission: to connect consumers with the special supply chains that service the high-end restaurant industry. Today Holy Grail Steak Co. is the leading online luxury steak purveyor with an unmatched portfolio of high-end beef and pork as well as the first online purveyor qualified by the Kobe-niku to sell authentic Kobe Beef from Japan. From A5-grade Japanese Wagyu to Grass-fed Prime Beef and Kurobota Pork, the finest steaks on the planet are here.
And, today, I have some special offers for you.
As you can imagine, the restaurant shutdown has put enormous supply pressure on high-end proteins. I have recently made large purchases of incredible Domestic and Australian Wagyu (7-9 BMS which is double or triple the marbling of USDA Prime) at incredible prices and would like to pass those savings along to you.
So, feel free to peruse the exclusive packages available at this link at save 40% or more on some phenomenal Wagyu beef. Orders placed today will ship for Free on Monday/Tuesday next week just in time for Labor Day Grilling!
I bought into a mixed offer, similar to one of those offered now, that included some Hibachi Strip steaks. SWMBO (Japanese) and I have never been so disappointed. The remainder of what we have will go into some stew, it certainly won’t be grilled and consumed on it’s own merits.
@kawichris650@rjquillin I agree, not impressed with steaks, Flannery by far better IMHO however the Burgers have been excellent this summer and family and friends have loved them.
@kawichris650@rc70@rjquillin expecting dry aged flavours from noon aged beef is incredibly disappointing.
But I agree that the Holy Grail beef has been less worthwhile then expected. Even the 40% off prices are up there.
@kawichris650@klezman@rjquillin I was not expecting the dry aged flavor, I just felt that even with the discount I had the Wagyu at still almost double the price just was not that great a value proposition for me. On the other hand with the discount I used the burgers were down in the Flannery price and came as 1/2 lb patties - that for me was a good value.
I agree, I liked the burgers just fine and with discount a deal. But now that i’m hooked on the kali burger from Flannery that’s it
@kawichris650@rc70@rjquillin@ScottW58 I guess I gotta try that Kali blend next time.
I agree…I got some steaks from Holy Grail after trying them at Scott’s, but the prices went even higher and the discounts generally lower.
I’m seeing $12, with a strikeout price of $15.
I’d assume the $15 was typical, but I’ve only purchased when on sale, so can’t verify “normal”, and I’m abby-normal anyway so it all works out just fine, and I’d pay $15…
@ScottW58 Yeah, $170 is free if you can use UPS Ground. If you’re outside the 2-day delivery zone then you have to use overnight and those costs escalate the more you buy.
I bought enough Flannery last time and need to pass on this sale. At least I’ve got a dozen+ meals of the bigger steaks, a couple Picanhas, and ~5 hangers.
WARNING re: A month or so I ordered from them and instructed them to hold the wine for cooler weather. To be on the safe side, a week ago I sent customer service an email asking them to hold the wine until October. Today I received an email from them saying that “Temperatures are now safe for shipping your wine.” For the predicted 3 days between shipping and delivery, temps in SoCal will be 95, 95, and 98. I am left to conclude that either no one at is paying attention to the weather or they don’t care.
Yes it seems they upgraded their systems and lost all control of it. I waited on the on-line chat and stopped what could have been a disaster shipping in 90-100 degree weather. Hopefully they figure it out. And I get the feeling since probably 90+ percent of their customer base doesn’t have a clue or care about shipping in hot weather they don’t care too much either.
@davirom they prematurely shipped an order to me over the Labour Day weekend during the massive heatwave. Three bottles of cooked Corison.
They’re going to take them back and hold the replacement for proper shipping temperatures.
This happened even though I scheduled all my shipments for early November.
I also just got an email saying they have no more of that Terre Nere you were telling me about. Did you order some? Did you get the same response?
@ScottW58 Ah. I didn’t get them until mid-July, so all my orders are scheduled for Nov. I guess they don’t pull them until closer to shipping. Such a terrible experience with them overall, I’ve had to contact them for nearly every order.
@davirom FWIW, the wine came today. Bottle temps in the range of 85 - 92. It was 99 outside when the wine showed up. No obvious signs of leakage. I took photos of the thermometer and sent them to customer (dis)service.
How could you tell that the Corisons were cooked? I got a couple bottles of Corison from them during some pretty warm weather a couple months ago and did not see any signs of obvious damage unlike another shipment I got a week or two later where both bottles in the shipment suffered heat damage. One pushed up cork and one leaking capsule.
@chipgreen@davirom For starters they left the temp controlled warehouse on Saturday over the Labour Day weekend when it was record setting heat all over California. Second, the bottles arrived pretty warm to the touch. Third, a cork was popped out. Fourth, all three Corisons were leaking.
@klezman@ScottW58 Their customer service is so bad I have zero confidence that they won’t just re-ship the same bottles to me. The rep who replied to me claimed she would note my account so that if any of the wine I open in the next year is bad, they will refund the price.
@davirom@ScottW58 I said I wanted to make sure the damaged bottles didn’t get re-sold and they told me they only go back to the distributor. I’ve heard that elsewhere - but this one is their fault, not a winery-level problem. So who knows.
I should have marked the bottles. But these ones were also leaky.
Yeah it’s been pretty bad since summer or whenever they upgraded/downgraded the system If I order again it will only be when it cools off or they figure out how to run their business!
2016 Harvest Moon Home Ranch Estate Zin 3-pack on Reverse Wine Snob. @WineDavid49 - are we going to see a better deal here from Randy? Is there anything different about the 2016 aside from the higher than usual alcohol?
2015 King Estate’s North by Northwest Rosé for $49/6 (same price for a 6-pack when offered here on 1/9/2019, but I opted for the $79.99 case price) on MorningSave.
@chipgreen Correct. I very much enjoyed the NxNW Rose, but I’m not quite sure how this vintage will fare 20 months from when it was offered here. But I decided to order 6 anyway.
25% off All Burger Blends
25% off California Reserve Tri Tip Steaks
25% off California Reserve Top Sirloin Caps
I have been waiting for some picanha’s, this makes my day.
@rjquillin@TechnoViking Happy to combine with others to in SoCal to get over the free shipping threshold…I want to try those Kali burger blends finally!
Anybody know if they dry age the tri tips? @ScottW58
@kaolis@rjquillin@ScottW58@TechnoViking That’s what the note in the package told me, too I figured they’d do at least the same 10-14 days they do for the sirloin caps.
Yup freezer packed with all of those so I don’t need more at the moment. No clue but I love that blend, did buy some adventurous blend for meat balls and imho that is a must try wow. BTW the shipping is only $10
Is there a coupon code or a certain order amount required for that shipping price? I have just over $100 of stuff in my cart and my only two shipping options are:
Next day air for $30
Overnight for $50
If no code or order minimum are required, then it must be because in the midwest.
@rjquillin You’re buying from full pull now? 🥴. You gotta stop buying so much wine! I’ve been buying from full pull since we still lived in CA. Now they get probably 60% of my wine budget. Super convenient to get a bottle or two here and there and swing by every couple months to pick up. Nearly always a solid value and they get some harder to source bottles.
$11 for Onesta mentida Syrah blend on RWS. Not as good as the deal we had here but still a good deal. This is an excellent QPR wine, I recommend you try it.
Well crap - I loved this on BD a couple years ago. Princess & Peasant Poor Ranch Carignan. $14, FS on 6 from invino. @ScottW58 or @rjquillin or anybody else any interest?
I loved it too but I’m pretty full up right now, in fact I think I have around 80 bottles in fall shipments coming soon and 5 slots available in my coolers right now
@rjquillin@ScottW58 Yeah, I’m ridiculously overfull now too. Need to take a bunch of Ron’s wine to his second locker. Need to get a lock for it, too.
Got a 6er. Can sort out 3/3 or 4/2 later.
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58 thanks, always looking to grab some new juice, I have plenty room. I’ve never ordered through invino before… anyone want that refer a friend deal where you get 30 and I get 10 for first purchase?
Well, now that we’ve had a Peter W sighting, I wonder if we could get @winedavid49 to fund some grapes for a custom crush CaseMates offer…
/giphy dreaming
@joed10303@rjquillin@ScottW58 Almost too good to be true! Couldn’t resist despite being overstocked with (always) more on the way. RJQ - thanks for posting!!
That’s ok, they probably ship UPS anyway and I already have my hands full with 2 Casemates packages and now Last Bottle shipped a case via UPS right after an email exchange where they agreed to put a note on my account to ship only via FedEx. Meanwhile, I am working long days until 630 - 9pm each night and Saturdays until 430 so I am pretty much screwed when it comes to trying to pickup a package until the election is over. There is a good chance that all 3 cases will get returned to sender at this point.
@chipgreen@CorTot@ctmariner@kaolis@rjquillin@ScottW58 That was me. I did it since i think this is gonna be the best QPR since the old Woot days !! Plus i doubt i’m ever buying wine from Groupon again so i didn’t think i needed a Groupon entry.
@chipgreen@CorTot@joed10303@kaolis@rjquillin@ScottW58 Mine is scheduled to arrive on the East Coast on Tuesday (Fedex). Looks like some real shenanigans being flagged on the WineBeserkers Forum including Central Coast 2018 Syrah ($20 bottle) being substituted for the later deliveries as they ran out of the advertised wine (also differences are being flagged on that as well e.g. different ABV, labelling, bottle etc.). Anybody received on here received their wine yet?
@ctmariner@kawichris650@TechnoViking probably just a different run of labels from a previous or future year. The separate year label makes that an easy swap . Do a side by side tasting and let us know if you can taste the difference!
@chipgreen@CorTot@joed10303@kaolis@mgowhoo@rjquillin@ScottW58 VWE reps have been on WineBeserkers Forum - looks like those who got the 2018 Central Coast will get a refund and they can keep the wine - they are working out the details with Groupon over the next couple of days.
@rjquillin Just recieved my case (11/6) and even though i was one of the first 50 orders i recieved '18 Central Coast, don’t need it and don’t want it.
@joed10303@rjquillin refund on itr’s way e-mail received last night with ‘keep the wine’ for the error since I got the 2018 Central Coast. Too bad, was looking forward to the Hillside.
I too, after the reminder, thought he was working that parcel. Is he now exclusively with Meeker? @winedavid49, you have any insights?
@chipgreen@CorTot@klezman@rjquillin@Winedavid49 Afaik, Handal is still doing all the production at the Meeker facility south of the square in Healdsburg. I believe David Noyes is still consulting on the winemaking side, along with Dick, and Lucas runs the day to day ops like he does for other custom crush clients, bringing his vast experience into the mix as well.
2012 Scherrer Russian River Pinot Noir on Cinderella for $30, FS on 4.
Hey @WineDavid49, it seems like Fred could use more cash infusion. Maybe hit him up for a deal here?
Reverse Wine Snob has 2 bottles of the Peterson Zero Manipulation Red Blend and 2 bottles of the Barbera for for $54.99 (plus $5 for shipping) - pricing not as good as recently seen on here
Don’t see the Creminelli.
You sure that’s from @winedavid49 ?
OK, found it,
but don’t see how to select which 4 of the 7.
Specs, yeah, makes perfect sense; not.
Vingarde Valise sale. All suitcases $125 with FS. Codes are grande125, petite125, piccolo125. Grande is normally $350 so quite the deal. Extra inserts are reduced to $10 also.
Nice sale! I have a friend who is interested in the 8 bottle case. Do you actually have one of their cases? Are they really good?
Any idea how long the sale codes are active?
I have a Grande 12 bottle - very nice. Excellent protection of your wine and you can remove 1 side for clothing etc and make it a 6 bottle and your travel needs. At the sale price now considering one of the smaller ones for wknd car trip get away.
I got one of the larger ones, at least eight bottle, that’s sitting at work. Looked to be pretty nice when I had a quick glance a few months ago when it arrived, at a substantially higher, but still discounted, price. Got a mag insert as well as a two glass insert so I could re-configure. Pretty good size, much larger than the Wine Check case size I got on BD a few years back, but more trimmed out as well and it’s a hard shell, not just a fabric cover for an existing case box.
For $125 this is a fine value; they must really be hurting, with the drop-off in air travel, to offer at these prices.
Thank you both!
I have a Wine Check but it’s currently being held hostage by a friend in Sonoma.
The friend interested in these cases travels a few times/yr to Vegas and usually carries (at least) 4 bottles of champagne and a couple of bottles of Jack Daniels, so she’d probably want one of the customizable inserts. This looks like a great deal.
@karenhynes@rc70 Don’t know how long the sale will last and just purchased yesterday. I almost bought the wine check during BD, but glad I waited. This appears to be more flexible in design as a wine carrier and general suitcase. Curious how well the dual carry handles work as they were mentioned as a shortcoming in a review.
@hscottk Well, sucked into another purchase I did not anticipate when I woke up this morning. In a good way, that is. FWIW, the coupon still worked on 11/22.
@hscottk I haven’t checked to see if this sale continues, just wanted to mention that Woot Plus has them – slightly cheaper than this for the Piccolo, the other two are more.
@kawichris650@PatrickKarcher It is 1 pound. I was a skeptic till I bought some. It tastes more like a steak than a burger and needs no salt for the Kali blend. I would buy it again.
@kawichris650 I used it in the bubbles offer after I saw 30% of the bottles offered were iron horse, figured I’d score a nice sparkler for $20 but no luck, got the base bottle.
Due to restaurant closures, some of the wine they ordered to serve with food was canceled. One of these wines turned out to be the WineSmith 2007 Pinot Noir! This previously sold out wine is now back in stock in limited quantities. I already bought some, so im willing to share the rest.
If you have never had this wine, its an absolute must buy. If you have had this wine, then you know its one of the most spectacular wines ever created, at least in my limited opinion. Enjoy!
Ty Caton 2017 Winemaker’s Cuvee
on Wine Spies for $22.
Their “Lockers” work well; buy a couple/few
at a time, and get free shipping when locker
is filled with a case.
There’s no doubt IH is top notch. Unfortunately I just don’t have the budget for it. Unless @Winedavid49 works his magic of course. Then it’s difficult to resist!
From what you’ve posted, it seems you like underground cellar. I just have a difficulty endorsing the randomness of the selections. Long ago I did make some purchases, but haven’t for years; long enough they were going to “pause” my account unless I made a purchase. Included was a $25 code. OK, I can use that. Went in on a single bottle of bubbly. It was ‘upgraded’:
2016 Iron Horse Ocean Reserve Green Valley Blanc de Blancs
CT $50.39
I can deal with that for an outlay of $15 I suppose.
@rjquillin I only purchase with the monthly coupon code. Typically spend $10 or less on random bottles. Takes a year to build up a free shipped case though. I don’t love them but they keep sending coupons. They have a lot of things to improve on…
Nice score Ron! How do you like the randomness now?
My sentiments exactly. I had the same strategy and it took about a year to have a full case ready to ship. Over time about 4 or 5 bottles had been “lost or damaged” so I was provided with substitute bottles. Some of which were preferred, others not so much. The inconsistencies led me to pass on a second go around.
Overall, looking back, I’ve really not done all that badly. My memory wasn’t as generous as to the holdings.
There are 13 IH, 2 Harvest Moon, 3 Scott Harvey and and outlier (2 2012 Deux Amis ‘Sonoma County’ Zinfandel) bottles in the cloud. The ringer is 2 2008 Equality Wine ‘Love Wins Cuvee’ that is actually looks to be an IH product.
Guess it’s not all that bad, but I have tried to be highly selective, and have been graced with a bit of luck as well.
I also follow a similar strategy, but I’ll throw out one other suggestion. I take advantage of the occasional chance to purchase UC gift cards that have similar chances for upgrades. I use those to keep a small credit balance to cover the difference between bottle price and coupon codes. I once scored big on a gift card upgrade that provided many free bottles of wine.
Nice score on the IH. Over time, I have acquired some primo bottles from UC but I have made a lot of purchases. I buy far less now so don’t get as many killer upgrades.
I try to buy into offers where I like the base bottle and/or the wine(s) with the highest % of likelihood. That way upgrades are just a bonus, not the end all.
Sheesh. RetailMeNot has 20% cash back on Stack that with some $50 off $150 or $50 off $200 coupons and you’ve got some screaming deals. Splurged on a bottle of Paleo Rosso and some top notch Chinon.
@ScottW58 Let me know if you see any other screaming deals with that two-step. So far I’ve picked up:
2016 Le Macchiole Paleo
2017 Lornet Cotes du Jura Trousseau
2015 Joguet Chinon Clos de la Dioterie
2017 Broc Eaglepoint Cunoise
2017 Ca’Nova Vespolina
Duval-Leroy 1er Cru Brut
@klezman@rjquillin Yeah, I didn’t find anything I wanted to buy. They are a little overpriced, and I don’t have free shipping…and I’ve bought a shiatload today already, so…
@kawichris650 that’s a nice coupon on the surface but buying 6 of the cheapest offer at $29 per bottle still has you spending $124 on 6 random bottles. I’d not jump in this one unless they release other offers at lower price point.
Got 2 Grand Napa BdN, 2 IH Ocean Reserve, and one each of the Roger Barnier and the Mysteriale for $190. That’s $8 less than the stated list price on the Grand Napas alone. Works for me!
UC almost always runs advertisements on websites (FB, IG, etc) with offers that are not shown on their website. These usually are better deals, trying to get new customers.
I used the $50 on this Ad Deal. These are red wines, Cab heavy, with a >60% chance of getting upgraded to bottles priced greater than buy-in price. My $142 netted me wine with MSRP of $470. This ad deal expires tomorrow afternoon.
Yes, you need to be comfortable with the randomness of the selection. Since I’ve only been drinking wine for 4-5 years, I’ve treated it as an opportunity to try wines that I normally wouldn’t. I understand that’s not for everyone.
FWIW some are expired but I did just use AMF50 fire away
HELLOAGAIN50 $50 on $200
P50CIQ $50 on $150
GET50 $50 on $200
VMPR50 $50 on $150
FALL50 $50 on $250
AMF50 $50 on $150
LI50 $50 on $150
PW50FB $50 on $150
YT50 $50 on $150
ZU30 $30 on $100
BDAY $30 on $150
20JB $20 on $50
PS20 $20 on $50
@InFrom@klezman@pjmartin@Winedavid49 I caved and bought a case. Have no idea where I am putting it. It will go nicely with the case from him I just bought.
@Boatman72@chipgreen@marikar@mrn1 I did jump on 2 cases but they are essentially all taken. The Sonoma Classico is a steal at this price and I can conduct a cork vs screwtop aging experiment since I have the original labeled stuff here too!
Good job @bunnymasseuse! If only this was LastBottle, you’d get a prize. But I think getting a case of this at this price is a bit of a prize. Just opened the 2016 Classico, for a little window on what was up, and very pleasant. Quality wine for (low) daily drinker price.
@merrybill I did not. But I’ll take a bottle or two from somebody who did. The Sonoma Classico isn’t totally my jam, despite the obvious QPR.
And I totally agree with lost that this is a far far better offer than Broken Earth or Castoro for the CM-branded wine.
@rc70@ScottW58 Acumen has been on my list for only a short time, since I saw multiple bottles at GO.
Collected a '13, couple other '15’s and three '16’s prior to this one. One of the other '15’s 2015 Acumen Mountainside Reserve has a CT note regarding the Yuan family on the cork. Supposedly was gotten to sell in the three digit range in China. For me, it was still way too young to enjoy.
6 bottles of 2013 Four Grapes Port from Pedroncelli for $96 + $6 shipping. Also, 11 other deals for the 12 days of Christmas. All 12 offers expire 12/24.
If you buy from Cameron Hughes, he’s got a 20% off code “2021”. Also, he’s selling an Amarone that looks ok, not on his main site, but search and it will show up…for $25, that’s $20 w/ discount code.
@bunnymasseuse@InFrom@Mark_L I guess the WCC/Brandini feud is no more. Is Mid-East peace next? Time to celebrate with some toffee! My very first Brandini purchase.
And you said there weren’t “inside jokes” on ww… Perhaps not jokes, but you are using a lot of jargon above, which amounts to the same thing. (And maybe it wasn’t you… but someone did, complaining about inside jokes.)
What means wtso? fs4? afwe?
Or did I just catch you while you were still editing the post? (Got another minute to see…)
@baqui63 To be fair, those are generally terms that are ubiquitous throughout the wine deal seeking internet fora. WineBerserkers and CellarTracker both have a forum and you will see those acronyms and such everywhere.
AFWE dates to a Robert Parker post (back when he had a forum on his site) complaining about the “anti-flavour wine elite”. i.e. anybody who didn’t agree with his palate preferences.
Perhaps casemates could someday add a “term and acronym glossary” to the FAQ That Is To Be.
wines till sold out
free ship 4 or more
It’s our short hand.
@rjquillin Cool! Thanks. I’ve bookmarked that site.
@baqui63 We really do like Scott and what he does, but the ‘winemakers reserve’ that this is is more of a commissioned product and a bit more entry level/transitional for those that prefer a bit of RS (residual sugar). His InZinerator line really shines as a crowd pleaser.
@rjquillin Yeah, I have several bottles of InZinerator… well, probably. I really really really need to inventory what I have.
@baqui63 if you’re not there already…
@rjquillin InZinerator was my first ww purchase. Brings back fond memories. I was sorry I missed out on Cockamamie from NakedWines. Reviews didn’t seem to be very good, I just liked the name.
@heartny I ended up with a couple cases for the Cockamamie, perhaps one of each of the two.
Really good daily drinker at a great price, but it was from El Jefe at Twisted Oak, not Naked
@rjquillin I guess google let me down on the correct winery
. Thanks for the correction.
@heartny El Jefe is already here too. Likely we’ll be seeing his juice in the future.
@rjquillin Caveat Emptor…
@rjquillin Any word from Ty to be offered here? I hope so.
@baqui63 NOOOO !!
@Winedavid49 Any chance you’d be willing/able to elaborate? (in regards to the caveat emptor comment)
@kawichris650 wtso has been known to contract with wineries to make blends specifically for them. Scott Harvey is among those who’ve done that. They’ve also been less than honest about retail prices for comparison points.
That said, when you know what they’re offering, they can have great prices. Like iron horse estate chardonnay for $18 yesterday.
@klezman Thanks klezman, however, that much I knew. When I saw WD’s comment following rjquillin’s comment:
“El Jefe is already here too. Likely we’ll be seeing his juice in the future.”
I thought WD was referring to El Jefe/Twisted Oak, hence why I was surprised and was seeking elaboration.
Once quotes start getting used it’ll be easier to reference specific posts. (I haven’t quite figured it out yet myself, but I’m working on it.)
@klezman Did you get “in” for the WTSO Class Action case for “Dishonest Pricing?” I just got a postcard in the mail out of the blue about it a week or two ago with my claim # and this site:
If you copy in what you wish to quote and precede it with a > on each line it will break out the text as above.
Got it. Not on each line however, just the first it seems. Thanks!
@kawichris650 Oy, we really need to get used to quoting here! It’s confusing otherwise. I read WD’s “nooo” as a reaction to baqui63’s comment that they were going to bookmark WTSO.
I am “in”, but never bought any of the wines listed on the schedules. So I am “out”. Not that I care, to be honest. If you buy the wine solely because of some imaginary list price it’s on you, imo.
@kawichris650 that’s because my entire post was one line. The appearance of multiple lines was the result of the width of the forum forcing text wrapping as opposed to explicit line breaks. Here’s an example where multiple > are required:
@heartny I actually love the Cockamamie blend. One has tempranillo and one is petite syrah/monastrell iirc. For the price they’re really good.
I got a $100 coupon for Anyone have any dealings with them?
@jmdavidson1 private label. spending gazzilions for market share. burn rate.
@jmdavidson1 I’ve gotten at least a dozen such "coupons” as pack in promotionals from various etailers. I’ve never found anything there to justify the overall spend required
@jbartus This would have been a cheap buy, though. $100 coupon + $60 to get a case of reds, FS. Not like I was going to have to spend a lot. But your advise is well received.
@jmdavidson1 I have bought wine with them a good bit - they have some really fun stuff. The concept is actually great - basically, fund winemakers who often have to make what the man who signs the check says to make (cab, pinot, chard etc) - instead, they make more interesting wine, and if you are an “angel” (monthly credit contributor, where credit is used to fund more wine but it is in your balance to be used to buy wine), the QPR is quite good… and they have higher end stuff too on occasion (Barolo, Champagne, 1er Crus and the like). I buy about once-to-twice a year - and they give you a free bottle with every case, sometimes a nice magnum around the holidays.
@jmdavidson1 Should add, other than Woot, it is one of the few forum communities where winemakers are communicating directly with the drinkers!
Cheap plonk IMHO
@ScottW58 But has anyone on these blogs bought from them to attest that the wines are crap? And if so, how so?
@ScottW58 I’m going to be doing this a lot for a while…
@arielleslie Plonk, cheap not so good but somehow drinkable wine.
@CorTot So probably the kind of thing that I drink with my Craft Mac ‘n’ Cheese.
Are there not enough known good wines to buy? Just the fact that they are giving you $100 should throw up some red flags…no? At least whatever that company was that was giving out vouchers a number of years ago was letting you buy known wines. No offense intended Jm just MHO
@ScottW58 I did get some pretty good wines from the Lot18 vouchers. In the last four or five years, since the vouchers stopped, I haven’t bought anything from them. OK, so I’ll take your advise and forget about the $100 voucher. Bring on the Casemates offers.
That’s it Lot18 could not remember that name
Yeah I bought a lot of nice wines from them too.
@ScottW58 "Lot18 is now Tasting Room!
Our name may be different now, but we have all the same great wines, plus a subscription club where you can get customized selections delivered right to your door!
Come check us out at If you find that your login isn’t working, just reset your password.
Welcome aboard!
Tasting Room"
@ScottW58 sad that I missed the vouchers
For those who don’t want to start signing up and/or checking a million sites each day, I find a good place to start. If for no other reason than it aggregates some of the “major” wine sites…
others include, lot18, invino…
I think Invino has some pretty interesting deals, but you have to scour the deals in order to get one. The wines on Winespies seem to be mostly “undiscovered” wines, but again I have bought some interesting ones from them. Hard to beat the bin sales at Benchmark. Their daily offerings are strictly retail. I have been able to buy/try wines from them that I would otherwise not have been able to.
FWIW, Todd posted the first master thread for this year’s BD. Always a must attend event.
@jmdavidson1 Oh god…my wallet can’t take it. Will need to keep it small. Briceland, Flannery, Cabot, and if that Campesino Rose comes back…
@jmdavidson1 Doomed. I did just re-up my subscription however.
Boy i’m in a mood today…look out 
Really! I thought you were buying naked wines
@rjquillin Me too. It is well worth getting the preview day. I’d like to see Wine David buy from some of the BD wineries and food vendors for Casemates.
@ScottW58 Tytiger would never post something like that. Too nice of a guy. Who is this ScottW anyway? Perhaps an alter-ego?
haha tytiger is dead, kind of liberating you know
and now that I see this place has the
emoji I feel more at home!
TSO has a 2014 Gruet Blanc de Noirs Ltd Release. Any sparkling drinkers care to comment before it is sold out?
@jmdavidson1 The BdN ww has offered was decent. Wonder how this differs?
@rjquillin Don’t know. That it’s why I am asking for help here. NV vs.2014. Ddeuddeg drinks a lot of sparklers, so maybe (if he and bahwm are still up), he/she will comment.
I havent had their vintage blanc de noirs before, but the couple vintage blanc de blancs have been great QPR. I haven’t had one of their wines I didn’t enjoy, especially considering the price. I would be willing to take a flier on it if we had room.
@jmdavidson1 I’ve had a previous vintage of the Blanc de Noirs and loved it. I enjoy it more than the vintage BdB in fact.
Bummed that I missed this deal.
@knlprez Too late. I sat on the fence and when midnight (EST) came, the site changed wines.
If they were made from NM grapes I would be in???
@ScottW58 You need to learn to click the correct “reply” button so it’s linked to the right post!
Hey I’m trying hard to embrace change!
Write up indicates NM.
Next time I see it.
wtso 2012 Notre Vin cab howell mtn 49.99 FS2
@rc70 Got it. Thanks. $10 less than the other vintages.
Thanks! I really want this
@rc70 just need to make sure they don’t ship frozen bottles.
@rjquillin why not just delay the shipping until the weather is better.
Yes that is an option in the real world you know
love that option, put mine out for delivery in early april
@jmdavidson1 well, yes, of course. I was just blathering.
hi all here is few other sites where you can find a great wine deals as well:
What does the group think, avoiding groupthink, of garagiste? Variety of price points, Washington State and European wines, with an occasional South American thrown in the mix, always your choice of number purchased, twice a year shipping of full cases? Thoughts? Bueller? Anyone?
@msten I’ve gotten some excellent wines from them, including some that have become annual purchases, like Saint-Siffrein CdP and most Red Newt Riesling and CF Rose offers. He also gets some nice older French and Italian bottles from time to time, usually at nice price points. But, of course, you need to ignore the ridiculous verbiage and learn how to turn his “prose” into actual information.
@msten I buy from Garagiste pretty regularly. I have had decent results, some clunkers, some bargains. Anecdotally I’d say the outcomes closely resemble wine.woot. The semi-annual shipping is a blessing and a curse. It’s always exhilarating to open the cases (generally Oct & March) because I’ve forgotten much of what I’ve ordered. The downside is I’ve also forgotten why I ordered these lots of misfit toys. I’ve attempted to print out the offers and consult when I pull a bottle, but that takes more effort than I’m usually willing to give. I use Full Pull as well, and find it easier to look up the sales pitch on the website to remind me why I bought the wine in the first place.
@kainc I enter in cellartracker as soon as I get the confirmation. Easier that way.
You can also log in to the account tracking system and now it has links to the full text of every offer that you’ve requested (I think even if you don’t get allocated).
@klezman fine, until there is some mystery offer. And those can be frequent, but @ScottW58 doesn’t like surprises so he won’t care.
Truth! Makes my life easy
@rjquillin True, but each case also comes with a packing list. Unless you’re buying enough mystery offers that you can’t figure out which bottle goes with which offer then you still can access the offer text. (I’ve lucked out on some of the mystery offers, but of course ymmv.)
@klezman In the past I have intentionally not added pending bottles to my CT in an effort to assuage my concerns that I have too much wine already, you w.w enablers wouldn’t understand
. You make a good point though, doing so may actually enhance the experience.
@kainc Whereas I put it there a) so I don’t forget (more an issue with local splits and the case+ of Vineyard 1869 Ron has on order for me) and b) so I buy less wine :p
Jon acts like/writes like every wine he offers should be bought. I have had some very nice wines from him, but you have to research his offers (as much as is possible). As you should with every wine site’s offer.
I buy from garagiste but I pretty much only buy what I know now (had a few bad ones probably my own fault falling for the verbiage) but for Washington wines Full Pull has been great!
Notre Vin Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 2011
wtso 49.99 FS1
@rc70 Looking at CT, that’s right at the average pricing, so no great deal there except for fs. re: tasting notes, anyone that claims in '16 that it’s “nearly at it’s peak” and I’ll quit reading reviews from them in the future. Generalizing it seems '11 was a weaker year, but the gems can still shine. I did get the '12 yesterday.
11 was weaker in the valley but were pretty strong in the mountian ava’s. Not a deal? have you ever seen their release prices? I’m in again!
@ScottW58 I did snag one… Likely regret it was only one. Gee, never done that before.
Email them they always keep some in reserve
I’ll just assume at some point I’ll try one of these that you guys are getting. Too rich for my blood right now. After the Victory madness on the 31st I’m trying to stay as out as possible until BD.
@klezman Yeah, BD is likely to put some additional hurt on the storage area(s). As is, no idea where all the Wellington will go, after it ships and arrives.
That average price is because people have been buying it at that price from tso for awhile, including me previously, the 11 may not be as good as the 07 10 12 but it is tasty now and will be tasty down the road, especially at $50 the fs1 was a bonus for folks that wanted to try it I was just adding inventory for future consumption. I’ve had it from previous purchases, long way from peak imho.
Halyard Sonoma Valley Brut 2013 for $19 on Last Bottle. FS on 6. Halyard = Knot Wines using Robert Hunter fruit if I’ve understood the label and write-up correctly.
@chipgreen I loved the '12. (Hi chipgreen!)
@InFrom Hi InFrom! I remember you writing about that on woot. I decided to sleep on this one but it was still available this morning so I grabbed a 6er. Willing to part with a bottle or two if we happen to be back in Buffalo at the same time next year…
@chipgreen Ya never know…
Benchmark bin sale is killing my credit card (a$ usual).
Ohh bin sale, I better check!
@ScottW58 I check every time, put stuff in my cart and get to checkout and see the shipping price and close my browser.
@CorTot Consolidate
@rjq Is that an offer?
@jmdavidson1 Picked up the following:
2011 QTR CS
2001 Feudi San Gregorio Serpico
2006 D.R. Stephens CS Walther Vyd River Block
2013 Peay Vyds Syrah La Bruma
2002 La Brancaia Ilatraia Maremma
2008 Rasa Vyds QED
2007 Taplin CS Terra 9
2007 Parallel CS
Hold and consolidate is the best way to go. $54 to ship to IL, so it is a little pricey even by doing it that way.
@jmdavidson1 and it’s only a week till BD; that will put some hurt on the plastic.
The Wine Spies have a nice deal on 2013 Antica Cabernet. $36 free shipping on 6. CT price is $47 and reviews point to a well balanced age-worthy Cab.
I started a post for BD, which is Friday/Saturday, on WW. Didn’t seem right to start one here (at least not yet).
@jmdavidson1 I was wondering if anyone would do it, given all the comments about people’s wallets hurting. I bought modestly last year, and hope to do so again this weekend.
Please provide a definition of BD, for those of us who are innocent of that knowledge. I even tried Google (and as any sane person knows, there’s almost no search term you can use that will provide the meaning for an abbreviation).
@Shrdlu Berserker Day on Wine Berserkers
When what’s left of your CC melts in agony.
2013 Saddleback Cellars Cab Sauv (Oakville) for $39.99 on Invino
Flying Start Wines
2013 North Coast Proprietary Red - $15.99 on WineSpies - free ship on 6+
Made by Chris Taddei, the guy behind SuperSonoman and Hensteeth labels.
Kendric 2014 pinot noir on wtso for $20. Excellent wine, excellent price.
@klezman ha, while I was composing, and purchasing, you were posting.
@klezman @winedavid49 should be grabbing stuff like this for us.
@klezman please tell me more as there are no notes on ct
Kendric Vineyards Pinot Noir 2014 Marin County
WTSO $20 fs/4+
Got mine.
@rjquillin please fill me in as I know very little and can’t seem to find any ct notes
@jml326 None for the '14 vintage, yet, but there for 8 prior vintages dating from 2004. And you’ll note @klezman and others here on CM have bottles in their cellars. Klez’s comment was, I believe, generic in that Kendric consistently makes good wine.
@rjquillin guess it doesn’t matter now
@rjquillin any referral codes for wtso?
@jml326 I’m wondering if they still exist…
I seem to recall one could forward a link for a new user to use, but looking at my account, I don’t see a way to create one. I’m not legally blind, but at times it sure seems that way…
@rjquillin Its back
Did anyone else bite on Last Bottle’s current offer, half bottles of a Spanish old vine Garnacha for $7, FS on 12? San Valero Particular Garnacha Old Vine 2014. I read up on the region and the winery, and figured, why not?
PS if anyone new to that site is interested in signing up with them for a $10 coupon toward your first purchase, I would be happy to cooperate. Just say the word (and provide me with your email, preferably via a PM on Woot).
@InFrom I grabbed a couple of bottles of the 2013 a Marathon or two ago and really enjoyed them. $6 each at that time.
@InFrom I don’t know if you get Whispers. So I’m posting this for you to see it
@jml326 Yes, I just saw the notification in my email. I’ll whisper you back in a minute.
Wine Till Sold Out has some deal about weekly tastings. Has anyone tried it out?
@jml326 Never heard of it before. After reading the info on their website it’s probably not something that I would take part in personally but I think it’s an intriguing idea and props to them for coming up with it.
@chipgreen I think it could be a good way for novice wine drinkers like me to try new varieties. They offered me 20% my first week.
WTSO is having a mini-marathon with free shipping on single bottles right now through 3pm eastern.
@radiolysis wow great timing
@jml326 great minds…?
WTSO having a Love Your Reds Mini Marathon
I would be remiss if I did not pass along the offer still available (or should I say re-opened) on the Wine Berserker website for Veleta products. Go to the Wine Berserker Day thread for 2018, look up the Veleta thread. Until Monday, the 19th, there is free shipping with the shipping code. If you have not tried, at least the canned sardines or tuna, you are missing something very delicious. I was in for the sardines, evoo and some cheese.
WineSpies has Scott Harvey Jana Cathedral Cabernet 2013 for $45. FS w/ 6
@jhkey Still available on Invino for $35
/giphy ohh

@chipgreen Thanks!
@jhkey You’re welcome! I was surprised to see it still available. I got some weeks ago.
@chipgreen welp. i was holding off buying wine, but i think i need a pair…
$10 off any order over $25 at Naked Winery - not a big discount, but applies to wine, bundles, gift sets, clothing, gear, etc. - Use Code: HELLONAKED
Expires 4/30/18
They currently have some sales going on such as 25% off wines & gift sets with free shipping on orders over $49 and up to 75% off gear, so the extra $10 code is a nice bonus.
WTSO has Aliénor Grand Vin Red Wine 2010 by Denis Malbec, $18 F/S on 4
Thanks, grabbed a set. Dennis made some excellent wines, his Notre Vin label has been outstanding of the 5 wines I have had.
Yes they are! This Alienor is delicious too I will pick up more.
Currently up in the WTSO marathon is Scott Harvey Reserve Amador County Zinfandel 2015 @ $16, FS on 4.
@InFrom Now it’s Gruet Limited Release Blanc de Blancs Brut Nature NV, same deal as the SH. Says it’s AZ-sourced grapes, I know that’s important to many Gruet fans.
In my cellar I have some 2009 ACV Right Bank, which is drinking beautifully now. LastBottleWines has the 2014 for $39/bottle. FS w/3. A great price for a delicious wine. But this is a wine that should be put away for 2 - 4 more years. Buy only if you can be patient; you will be rewarded. (74% CF, 26% Merlot).
wtso has Notre Vin 2012 cab sauv up now, 50.00 fs 2
@rc70 INvino also currently has these, but for $60
Fans of the Cavedoni Piccolo Balsamic will want to get over to the Gourmet woot-off.
@InFrom yup. $40 delivered.
Scott Harvey Vineyard 1869 Zin, invino 35.00
@rc70 you just beat me to it, while I was shopping…
They had one Cathedral left!
2015 Scott Harvey 1869 Zinfandel
This smokes the club price.
@winedavid49, why aren’t you snapping up these deals for us?
@rc70 @rjquillin @Winedavid49 I’d hope we could do better than $35/bottle for Vineyard 1869 by the case!
@rc70 Got a trio, plus filled out my half case with some of the $10 bubbly rose from the Loire. Now hopefully they’ll hold until fall to ship so I can make room!
@klezman @rc70 This, for CA, actually looks like a good shipping week.
@rc70 @rjquillin 1869 has been mostly off limits, but i have inquired. they may not have enough to justify a casemates slot.
Intriguing offer on, 2013 World’s End Against the Wind Reserve cab franc at $24, f/s with 4. Various websites (vivino, etc.) give it nice reviews and past couple of vintages on CT have been good reviews.
I thought about those but between some of their marathon bottles and the Vineyard 1869 have way overspent this week, just couldn’t get myself to pull the trigger. If you get some let me know how it is for future purchase.
Iron Horse Estate Chardonnay 2014
$18 fs/4 on wtso
@rjquillin Sent you a whisper about this wine. I presume since you are posting, that means it is a buy. Not too much oak?
@jmdavidson1 I think I missed the whisper. This thread.
Whispers, for me, still seem to be difficult to locate after first posted. Likely I’m missing a way to find them. I think Klez has the same feelings.
When I click on your name, I don’t see whispers directed at me, and that would be helpful, as well as some other notification, other than email, that someone is trying to say something.
@jmdavidson1 just looked again for the whisper.
Can’t find it.
I got six when it was listed earlier this year; added four more.
The oak is tastefully presented, as is their style for the Estate. I do like the un-oaked as well for it’s crispness.
I saw a Tierra y Mar RRV PN 2015 at GO today @ $14.99. Wine.woot at some point had a cab that I ratted and thought was decent enough. Might be a good pick up.
@CorTot $14.99? That must be some top shelf GO juice.
@chipgreen The most expensive bottle i’ve ever seen is $19.99. And yes this PN bottle was on the top shelf.
@chipgreen @CorTot
2013 Blakeslee Vineyard Estate Pinot Noir Sheila
was $24.99, $20 during their sale. CT average now down to $65.
@CorTot Wish we had GOs in Ohio…
For those looking for additional NxNW Rose, head over to RLL for some x-site supplier sharing.
Some Keller over there as well!
Flannery Beef sale till 5/5, get your custom burger mix while you can. No longer available after the 4th.
@rc70 Yeah, just completed the order I started yesterday.
35% Off California Reserve New York Steaks was compelling.
Another expensive weekend. I should be working…
@rc70 @rjquillin I got suckered in as well. Getting some of the famed pork caps also, and re-upping for 10 lbs of burger blends. Sad to see the burger builder go away.
@klezman @rc70 I was thinking about the blends as well, but don’t have any idea what I’d include in the mix; but open to suggestions, and why…
@rc70 @rjquillin
Well, for starters, I first had Flannery burger blend without knowing that was the source. At Berserkerfest in Santa Ynez a few years ago. Best sliders I’d ever had. I’ve made 4 different blends now, including the ones I just ordered. 25% each unless otherwise noted:
So you see I have a few things I keep returning to. It’s not like I’ve done a blind comparison, but I really like the dry aged flavour, which is why one of my two new orders is 50% dry aged ends. I also don’t like my burgers too fatty (I can’t figure out how to keep the juices in when I do that) so I steer clear of the suet/fat blends. (But if you get a blend with one of those in it, I’d love to taste it.) Basically I weigh out cost vs Bryan’s flavour rating out of 5 and read the descriptions. Ends up being about $10-12/lb, and we use them when we want really spectacular burgers. With 4 lbs remaining in the freezer, the additional 10 lbs will probably do us for a few years.
Some Breathless Bubbles over at RLL for <$20/btl I wish I knew more about.
@winedavid49, any comments?
Not saying this is a deal or not, but today SommSelect has a 2004 and a 2014 Corison cabernet sauvignon for $299.
@jmdavidson1 Ian! Haven’t checked his site in a long time. Looks like that “deal” is gone already, not that I was going to pony up $300 for 2 bottles. Maybe if it was Kronos.
@chipgreen When I click the link in the email it shows it still being available.
@jmdavidson1 Hmm, I just navigated to, I guess the email offer is something additional to the daily.
@chipgreen I was surprised to see a Corison offer on a website like that one. Don’t think I’ve seen that in a while. Too pricey for me. Maybe RJQ?
@chipgreen @jmdavidson1 Don’t see anything either. Perhaps an email forward?
I’ve only got a single '04, and no '14 unless I’ve forgotten to enter some coming from Tim.
Rotie Cellars Southern Blend Washington 2014 on last bottle $26 is a nice deal! Imho
Thanks for heads up,picked up a set.
Father’s day mini marathon @noon (EDT) till 4 over on WTSO.
In case you missed the casemates offer for the 2013 Charles Smith Viognier, Wine Country Connect has 3 bottles for $64.99 (fs) or a couple bucks more than it was here. Offer ends June 10th.
@jmdavidson1 Whoa, when did WD start selling wine directly through WCC?
EDIT ok, it looks like the offer is affiliated with and “the juice”. Also, there is a in the URL that may come into play. First I’ve heard of this!
@chipgreen @jmdavidson1 This was recently up on rll as well.
@chipgreen It seems like the guy is just trying to pay for his expensive real estate. Pretty enterprising. BTW, I missed the Casemates deal and took this one.
@chipgreen vinespring is an ecommerce site geared to wine sales, best I can tell.
King Estate’s North by Northwest Rosé 2016 on Winelibrary FS on12, $9.99 a bottle.
For you Ty fans, Invino’s got
2015 Ty Caton Big Hill Cabernet Sauv
Caton Vineyard, Moon Mountain, Sonoma
for $35, FS on 3. Small lot, 71 cases made.
Degani Amarone on last bottle for $35 fs on 3. I’ve always wanted to try Amarone. Anyone have experience with this producer?
K&L just loaded up a shit ton of oldish Ridge wines on their site for very good prices.
@ScottW58 damn, now I need to look
Sorry guys but I took the last 3 99 Geyservilles for $34.99, but still good stuff to be had
@ScottW58 very tempting!
@ScottW58 Damn you! I’d have been in on those no questions asked! I haven’t had time to really look yet given work.
@ScottW58 Those I would have bought. I got a half case of the $30 bottles. A Dusi/Paso bottle, 2 York Creek Napa, and 3 Ponzi RRV.
Nice haul! You’re welcome
@ScottW58 Thanks! Also, that was evil, but appreciated nonetheless. molarchae approves heartily of Ridge.
Just got a “back in stock” email from Invino for the 2013 Jana ‘Cathedral’ Cabernet Sauv @ $34.99
They also still have 2015 Scott Harvey 1869 Zinfandel for the same price.
RLL has 2 bottles 2013 Iron Horse Classic Vintage Brut for $64.99
Right now at TSO: 2013 Anthem Beckstoffer Las Piedras St. Helena CS, $59.99 with FS. I have not had this Anthem, but have had others and they do not disappoint. Great price on this one.
Grabbed a pair of these along with the 2012 from a week ago, delayed to october for shipping on both.
@rc70 I did too (two). I set shipping for when I want it. Considering that I will cellar it for another 5 years, there is no rush t get it. Too bad casemates does not let us ship at a later date.
Just saw the Coravin listed as a deal of the day on Amazon…half off. Not sure when “today” ends in Amazon world…
Man it is tempting but I just can’t pull the trigger
Sorry for the last minute posting. until 11:59PST tonight get 20% off orders +$100 with code TGIF0720. Helped me pick up the 2013 Jana Cathedral they have, so score!
RLL has WineSmith Grenache Rose up today. I’m not sure I ever saw that on WW. Any one had any experience…maybe @chipgreen ?
@mrn1 I got the email…
Live Saturday, July 28, 2018
3 Pack of 2010 Cabernet Franc $120 $64.99
3 Pack of 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon $150 $99.99
3 Pack of 2017 Grenache Dry Rose $90 $54.99
Or Try One of Each:
Retail $130.00 Rue La La Offer $69.99
This is the first I have seen of the 2013 Cab Sauv and 2017 Rose. Looking at Clark’s website, I see the Cab Sauv is from Lake County and the Rose from Santa Cruz. I am tempted by both but have an aversion to RLL.
I have had several bottles of an earlier Pennyfarthing Rose by Clark that were excellent although they were Rose of Cab Sauv not Grenache (and cost under $10 apiece). However, I have had nothing but positive experiences with Clark’s wines so am always willing to purchase based on past results alone.
In reviewing the “ledger” of our spate of swaps, it looks like I’m in the black so if you want to be the enabler, I’m willing to go in on either or both and am flexible re: quantity.
@chipgreen @mrn1 Clark brought the rose with him to the Tour finale dinner. None of our palates were still in good shape, but we liked it well enough. It was a lighter/whiter end of rose, not a bright pink version.
@chipgreen @klezman @mrn1
This has to be the understatement of the tour.
@klezman @rjquillin
Ha! I’ll bet. Reminds me of the evening poolside tasting on the 2012 tour when WD, Neil, brought 2-3 dozen wines setup on multiple tables. I must have been affected by spending all day in the sun along with having palate fatigue because every wine tasted salty to me. Have never thought “salty” before or since when tasting/drinking wine.
Even though summer is winding down and the days for sitting on the patio and sipping rose will soon be over, how can I say no to Clark’s Grenache Rose. I bought three, and will let one head your way. I have free shipping on RLL, so let me know if you want anything else and I’ll go ahead and order it.
@mrn1 Thanks, that’s perfect.
Congruence is in the final stages of clearing their inventory of Napa cabs. 08, 09, 11, and 14 vintages, $25-40 ea, 5 and 10 case discounts for splits. Anyone interested in the nyc metro area and eastern pa send me a PM for details.
@hscottk edit to add that all should feel free to pm me for contact info. Ny metro for possible splits.
For those in LA who like Tercero (@CorTot @ScottW58 @time2testit @losthiwayz @merrybill), I was at Wine House picking up some stuff and noticed that they have 2010 The Climb on closeout for $18 and 2016 Cinsault for $20. Far better than any direct pricing for both.
@klezman not showing as close outs on website. Must be walk in only. If I’m down that way I’ll stop by. Nice deal!
@kaolis wrote (in the Buoncristiani thread)
If there’s anyone left out there who doesn’t have a sous vide cooker, Anova’s running a $79 special for the bluetooth version. Looks like they’re clearing them out to make room for new models.
We had a nice sous vide cooking discussion going on wine.woot, once upon a time.
Have to share this and believe a few here will understand, picked up 4, yes four, bottles of Princess & the Peasant City of 10,000 Buddhas Carignan from the bottom rack of the Heinen’s grocery store in downtown Cleveland for $13.99 each! I then promptly bought a lottery ticket. Now I can drink the one bottle I got last Bday.
Wowza! I paid $15.25 there for a 1 oz. pour of Opus One. You win.
@pjmartin wow that’s a nice find of a pretty rare bottle! Someday I will drink my only one and really can’t wait
@pjmartin @ScottW58 Wow!
For all you Ty Caton fans out there, Invino has the
2015 Ty Caton Big Hill Cabernet Sauv
Caton Vineyard, Moon Mountain, Sonoma Micro Lot Production, 71 Cases
$35, FS on 3
The thing in their email that made me smile was this typo in the blurb:
Why does everything have to be so political these days???
Anyway, the wine does sound nice.
@InFrom ROFL
2012 Ardente Estate Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Select Reserve for $25.99 on Wine Spies, free ship with 6 or more.
@chipgreen great info. I love the old Red label stuff.
TAKE15 saved me 15% also
2012 Korbin Kameron Cabernet Sauvignon
90 Points Wine Enthusiast
List Price - $55
Wine Library Sale Price - $29.99
Secret Case Price - $19.99 per bottle with code SEPTDEAL plus free shipping!
(pasted directly from the email they sent me)
Like the Annie Amie PB?
Check out rll for some 2015 PN.
2015 Anne Amie Pinot Noir
Dunno why @winedavid49 doesn’t put this up here…
Lots of Cavedoni up on RLL.
You responsible for this Cavedoni The Imperatore 25 Year Old Balsamic
Trader Joe’s had half bottles of Select Late Harvest Cab Sauv and Vidal Icewine from a winery in Ontario called Levesque Estates. $15 each.
We’re trying both in the next couple nights and will report back if there’s interest.
@bahwm @ddeuddeg have you heard of this place? I can’t find any hint of its existence online.
The only thing resembling information that might reveal the identity suggests that it’s actually from Pillitteri. Maybe dumping some off-year stuff, but for them an off-year is probably still pretty good!
@klezman We’ve never heard of the place. I have a message out to a winemaker friend of ours up there.
First bottle wines
A new site from last bottle wines
daily deals I think and expanded wine sales, free shipping on 6.
@ScottW58 lol, just what I needed!
@ScottW58 Looks less like a deals site and more like a “regular” outlet site. Inevitably I’ll miss a couple great deals, but that’s why I wait for the rest of you to let me know!
They do have a SQN and some high end stuff…
@klezman @ScottW58 This suggests it’s rebranded BPW
Yep, it’s true – the BPWine you know (and hopefully love) is now First Bottle. It’s going to be EPIC, too. Read on for the details. The only thing that is REALLY changing is MORE WINE, FREE SHIPPING, and an easier, cleaner, faster website. Did we mention free shipping!?
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Who was BPWine? Never heard of them.
@klezman @rjquillin
The home company of last bottle wines, been selling wine for years.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 I had no idea they had another pre-existing business. Makes sense.
@klezman @rjquillin
I think most of them do? Cinderella = WL
Not wow’ed by the pricing. But, there might be a diamond or two in the batch.
The Last Bottle deal has me interested. I can’t find too many producers that make an Oakville Station vineyard designate.
That Cornerstone Oakville Station Cab is up at LB for $49 again ($95 from the winery), free ship with 3. I just want 1, so anybody in SoCal want to split a 3 pack? Deal expiration will probably be around kick-off tomorrow.
@merrybill I got a three pack yesterday. I’ll bump one your way. It’s on hold until cooler weather, but I’m honestly not sure where you live. So it might be a while?
@merrybill @radiolysis
Might the third be up for grabs?
@radiolysis @rjquillin I’m in Orange County and see Mr Quillin at least a couple of times a year, so there’s that if you don’t come up for a gathering yourself sometime. I’m about 50/50 for the one in Glendora in Nov myself. BTW, LB uses GSO for California shipments, so weather is rarely a factor with them.
@merrybill @rjquillin I had them change to “ship now” so i should have it in time for the gathering. Happy to bring it up then.
End of the old Le Cigare Volant. Got an email from Bonny Doon that the Cigare rouge would be changing styles for 2018 and so it’s a sale on a 2012-2017 vertical.
$135 for one bottle of each (50% off), free shipping on a case or more.
For you Ridge fans, K&L got a good shipment in the other day of middle aged vintages. @rjquillin @ScottW58
Ty Caton 2016 “Winemaker’s Cuvee” Cabernet Sauvignon on winespies for $23.99, free ship with 6
$17 off any purchase of $17+ at Underground Cellar with code GOBLIN - expires Wednesday, October 31st at midnight PST.
Mags of Gruet Blanc de Blancs up on Rue.
PSA: This year’s Trader Joe’s Brut Rose is in stores! I went to ask when they were coming in and the guy there said they came this morning! Same price as last year, $10. I got my six bottles.
@klezman thank you for the heads up.
GRUET up on Rue!
@rjquillin don’t think I’ve seen the demi-sec on any deal sites before. cool!
@radiolysis @rjquillin I was happy to find a local store selling Gruet for $10. I picked up a few bottles (including the demi-sec – haven’t tried it yet, but the store rep said it is not particularly sweet).
@radiolysis Exactly, first sighting of the demi…
we ever going to see Foppiano again?
2016 Foppiano Petite Sirah Lot 96 case for $135
Enter Coupon Code: LOT96 for flat rate shipping
CA is $10
Our 2016 Lot 96 Petite Sirah is lavishly spicy and fruit-forward. Crushed blueberry and cinnamon flavors are complemented by deep shades of red and purple. This wine will be thoroughly enjoyed casually or with a fine meal.
To place your order over the phone, please call (707) 433-7272 ext 209 or
email us at
Just in case you thought we didn’t have enough venues for WD to pick our pockets with here and rue, we now have with some 2015 Anne Amie Vineyards Pinot Noir, Willamette Valley
Another site that won’t let you look at anything until you sign up for an account. Must be a sister site of RLL. Pass.
@chipgreen @rjquillin yeah I deleted when that popped up on my screen too.
@chipgreen @ScottW58
Yes, it is. I’m told Rue bought them out some time ago. I just used and was in.
2015 Anne Amie Vineyards Pinot Noir, Willamette Valley, Oregon: 2 Bottles
93 Points, Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate
Our estate vineyard rests on the unique Mineral Springs ridge in Yamhill-Carlton and in the shadow of the Pacific Coast Range, which accounts for a growing season of warm, dry days and cool nights. This blend of our Pommard (P4) and Dijon 115 clones (grown on Willakenzie soil) and uplifted marine sediment, shows the depth of fruit and rich tannins that exemplify the vineyard that we affectionately call our “backyard.”
Aroma: red cherry, black plum, forest floor, stems, baking spice, cola, leather
Flavor: wild cherry, anise, blackberry, tar, horehound, black pepper
Finish: long and structured with nice acidity
Suggested Food Pairing: rib eye, lamb shank, venison, wild mushroom and burrata bruschetta, pork collar, fresh egg tagliatelle with parmesan, wild boar chili, oeufs en meurette, salmon
Varietal Composition: 100% Pinot Noir
Appellation: Willamette Valley, Oregon
Barrel Regime: Aged for 16 months in French oak (23.9% new, 35.8% one year old, 40.3% neutral)
Alcohol: 13.2%
@chipgreen @rjquillin what does that mean? If you buy something don’t you have to sign up with an email address?
@chipgreen @rjquillin @ScottW58 it just means he gave a fake email so he could look.
@chipgreen @CorTot @ScottW58 yes, this.
Yup, Holidaz coming right up.
@winedavid49 has Candy Basket up on gourmet.
Both Wine Access and Coravin have some nice discounts offered today.
@rjquillin Just bought a Coravin but haven’t used it yet. Have you found it to work well?
@mwfielder Haven’t received mine, just ordered.
Generally I’ll just backfill an opened bottle with Ar from my tank, but the ability to sample is appealing, and I’ve generally heard good things about these.
And, I just like gadgets…
@rjquillin Same. I saw it demo’d at Total Wine with a year old bottle of Moone Tsai Cab and had to get it. Though I haven’t used it yet and now its on sale.
Cavedoni Botte Piccola Italian Balsamic
on the old site, in case you’re running low,
or need gifts.
@rjquillin Done.
@rjquillin And the Siloro Olio Nuovo is up today. I love that stuff. So fresh and green, at least for the first month or so. After that, merely delicious.
Feels weird not to buy this year, I’m long on tuscan oil atm. Maybe I need some to gift…
@InFrom Yeah, @winedavid49 is pushing all the wrong buttons for my financial health here and on Gourmet.
Next will be Iron Horse and Corison to sink the ship.
@InFrom @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Is this fact or speculation?
@InFrom @jmdavidson1 @rjquillin @Winedavid49
More like wishful thinking… although I wouldn’t be surprised to see IH make an appearance with NYE coming up soon. As much as we love everything they make, our long-standing favorite is the Brut Rosé. Our second favorite was the 2010 Winter’s Cuvee. Would love to try a newer vintage!
@InFrom @jmdavidson1 @Winedavid49 pure speculation, but it would be nice, I’ve not been naughty.
@rjquillin That would be quite a ship-sinker.
Laura Michael 2013 Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon is on WTSO at $26.99 a bottle.
@canestfr I took a flyer on 3 based on the vintage (2013 was solid), the winery (RPM tour went there and the wines were good) and it being a cab from Rutherford. At $27/bottle, this seemed easy.
2015 Bonny Doon “De Proprio Gravitas” white blend on Last Bottle, $10, FS on 6. Looks like it’s in the same line as the Proper Pink, etc. that we saw last year on W.woot, at the same price. I did enjoy the Pink and the Moscato from that offer, not sure I got to try the Claret.
Not that anyone got to review the Gravitas white back then, but I linked to the discussion nonetheless, by way of saying “Hey! Old discussion threads seem to be back!” Though I’m not sure how far back they go at this point.
If anyone would like a referral link (for a $10 credit) from last bottle, please say so, I’d be happy to oblige. (So generous, I am!)
@InFrom I was at Bonny Doon in the spring and got a bottle. I remember NOTHING from the tasting, but apparently i liked it enough to buy one.
I’m also considering popping it tonight “for science”.
Not cheap at $119 but anyone know anything about the 2007 Meander Morosoli cab up on invino? Have to say I’m intrigued.
@kaolis Not many, but nice notes in CT.
@rjquillin another project gone under makes me wonder if a blow out price comes around. But not much availability looks like so I’m guessing not. Particularly given the vintage
@kaolis a bit of inet sleuthing found it went sour?
@kaolis The 2013 Prestoni CS Howell Mtn at $51 looked interesting, but now priced at $75 is less so.
Didn’t end up getting the Bonny Doon, but jumped at the WTSO for Laura Michael Oat Hill Zin for $14.99 that just posted.
@radiolysis Thanks! Good catch.
FYI, Last bottle is doing their version of a woot off for the next two days.
@mwfielder it goes so quickly, i can’t really take time to think!
@mwfielder If you do think, the offer is gone. Kind of a ridiculous offering. Who has the time to babysit the website, only to discover that they weren’t offering that much anyway? The really good one’s are their for a nanosecond. I’ve had’em disappear when I had them in my cart and only to disappear.
@jmdavidson1 @mwfielder yeah I’ve been trying to do quick background research on the offers (literally 2 mins) and the couple times I was thinking I’d buy, it was gone. Free shipping is pretty sweet at least
@mwfielder You’ll also notice that some offers repeat. Unfortunately, they usually aren’t the one’s you wish came back.
@jmdavidson1 @mwfielder
I had it up in the background at work today and periodically took a quick look, grabbed a few bottles of 2013 Rôtie Cellars Southern Blend @26, good juice and a good delivered price. But that was the extent of my buys, as you said they roll over quick.
Got one of the splits of Burgundy they just had up. What I like is the free shipping on single bottles. Try more, buy more.
And a tiny spatlese? Wheeeee!
@mwfielder I typically buy 2-4 bottles during this 2 day event. Stuff to try but a lot of offers sell through before i commit. only 1 bottle this time.
Skylark Grenache Mendocino County 2013
@CorTot I got four. The two splits I mentioned above, and one each of 2007 and 2011 Weekender Meritage. Almost got the 2012 for a verticalish thing, but didn’t want to drop more money on completely unknown juice.
@radiolysis @mwfielder @jmdavidson1 I got one of those half burgundy bottles. I was pondering whether to get more, as it seemed like a great deal. Only up for a few minutes. Some German Rieslings were only up for about 20 seconds. I decided the next “JJ Prum” Rieslings that came up, I was getting it, because I kept missing out by researching. I got two half bottles of 2014 Kabinett, and by mistake two JJ Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Spatlese Riesling 2015 Magnums for $45 each. I meant to just get one, but slipped on the button trying to click in time. From the reviews though, it sounds like I might eventually be happy I got 2.
@CorTot @radiolysis And I was wondering about the “weekender” wines. Couldn’t find any info. I was looking at the Merlot, thinking that might just be a fantastic deal. Didn’t pull trigger.
@jmdavidson1 @mwfielder @PatrickKarcher @radiolysis you will be wishing you got a case of those Prums you lucky bastard
@CorTot I got the Skylark Grenache on last bottle previously and really enjoyed it. In fact that accounted for 2 of the 4 bottles I ended up grabbing in this one!
Marina del Rey Costco has half bottles of Reif Estate Grand Reserve Vidal Icewine for $29+tax. Solid.
@klezman mine has the Chateau Des Charmes Vidal for the same price. That a good deal?
@radiolysis Yeah, it’s a proper smaller producer in Niagara, which makes it a fair price for sure. Mine had the Chateau des Charmes the last couple years as well. I prefer Reif Estate overall, so I was happy to see them there.
@klezman Of course you find the icewine!
FYI, on wine spies today is 2001 Ardente Grande Reserve CS @29.99 with fs on 6
@rc70 Hhhhmmmmmmmmm!!! This is very good news. Got mine. Use take15 for extra $20-something off.
@rc70 Grabbed 6 w/fs. Maybe WD can get us an offer from them (again).
@jmdavidson1 @rc70 Yup! Late '12 we got these for $20 bones on w.w. Looks like I may even still have a half case already or even at $10 more I’d have been tempted.
Woodland Hills Wine Company is having their year-end sale. Last night is tonight. Some excellent deals, including on Tercero.
@klezman You or @scottw58 actually make the drive?
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Well, the sale is over. The first guy I talked to said they could do the free shipping but then the other guy said it was suspended for their sale. Irritating.
I’ll trek out there if I have to, but hopefully Scott will make it there first
@klezman @rjquillin Well I don’t have anything waiting there right now but if i’m out that way sure.
@klezman @ScottW58 Nor do I, that I know of.
Was just curious of either of you had dropped by to shop the sale, (that now seems over).
2014 Wind Gap syrah Sonoma coast $15 FS on 6 at Last Bottle.
@hscottk I’ve been looking at this.
Thoughts anybody?
@scottw58 @klezman
But Scott has been ruined now for pedestrian bottles.
@hscottk @rjquillin @ScottW58 I got some Wind Gap Syrah from Rimmerman a couple years ago and quite liked it. Pax sold the brand last year, and the owners are clearing out all the Wind Gap wines. I’ve got a bevy of them inbound between Garagiste and K&L. $15 for the Sonoma Coast Syrah is less than I paid Garagiste, but that was for the 2009. Also have a fair bit of Pinot coming in as well.
Sabatino is having the 50% off sale again on the fantastic white truffles, code: NewYearFlash
@ScottW58 how much do you generally purchase?
That burger looks mighty fine.
I did 2 ounces last time since it was 50 off
Underground Cellar is selling Amazon gift cards with automatic upgrades. $25 apiece, you will mostly get $27 and $30 cards but could get lucky and get up to $1,000.
I spent $300 total and got $353 (9x $27, 2x $30, 1x $50) in gift cards, fwiw. Not like winning the lottery but if there’s one website where I will spend it anyway, it’s Amazon, so I’ll take the $50+ bonus! YMMV
@chipgreen I gambled $150 and got $168. Like you said, it’s Amazon so I’ll spend it anyway.
Sold Out
@chipgreen BTW thanks for this Chip, went for 100 ended up getting almost 125. Free money is always a Slam dunk
YW and agree it’s hard to beat a guaranteed win!
@ScottW58 @canestfr
Now Amazon itself is offering a one-time $15 promo code if you purchase a $50 gift card.
Get a $15 credit when you purchase $50 in Amazon Gift Cards
@canestfr @chipgreen @ScottW58 Amazon says I’m not eligible for this offer.
@canestfr @chipgreen @InFrom @ScottW58
@canestfr @InFrom @karenhynes @ScottW58
Hmmm, didn’t think I was that special haha. It did say that it was for first time gift card buyers, maybe that’s the problem? Sorry I should have added that caveat.
@canestfr @chipgreen @InFrom @ScottW58
Haha! I am definitely not in the first time buyer category. They are in the regular rotation for gifts for my nephews.
Johndrow Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 Cimarossa Vineyards for $50 on WTSO in the “More Wines” section. Howell Mt. Cab for $50… anyone have experience with this one?
Varietal Breakdown: 100% Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellation: 100% Howell Mountain, Napa Valley
Vineyard: 100% Cimarossa Vineyard - elevation ranges of 1700-2000 feet, several soil types, and sun exposures from the east, west, and north.
Harvest Date: October 6, 2014
TA: 0.680 g/100 ml
pH: 3.74
Alcohol: 14.50
Date Bottled: May 25, 2017
Cases Bottles: 200 x 6 bottle cases
24 months in new and neutral French oak
@chipgreen Have not tried this one but I have had very impressive cabs from the Cimarossa vineyard, I think Ed Sbragia made them years ago?
@chipgreen @ScottW58 Took a chance on a couple but delayed shipping till spring,Howell Mtn,worth giving it a chance for me.
@rc70 @ScottW58
I also went in for 2. Free shipping was nice. I love Howell Mt. Cabs!
For those with 2016 commemorative wine years to stock up on, cindy has 2016 Maynard’s Port for $56, free shipping.
Remember SakéOne G Fifty Genshu Saké from w.w?
Up on Gilt now. 2/$40
@rjquillin Thanks, just ordered a set! Been missing SakéOne from the old WW days.
@winedavid49 @catcoland
WD, I did mention this earlier we needed to see them ‘here’ again…
@rjquillin good stuff! Have a couple of bottles left that I need to drink.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 The SakéOne G Fifty order arrived at my office today along with the 4 pack of Lang & Reed CF I bought here, both shipped by WCC, but the Saké box had an extra label. Got some chuckles from the FedEx driver & the folks at the front desk who signed for it!

@catcoland probably should end up on most of our packages… The FedEx manager thinks I have a problem.
A local chain (Binny’s, for those in the Chicago area) is advertising the 2016 Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Artemis for $40 (regularly $60). Seems like a nice price, but I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with this bottle.
@Mark_L Not the vintage, but all bottles I have tasted have been good. It is not exceptional, so do not expect an amazing QPR.
Umm…did y’all see what’s going on on If you need more wine glasses I suggest you take a look.
Thanks for the h/u!
@chipgreen @klezman
Nice, glasses for @work. Need those.
“Basically, how it works is this: a new wine is offered every day.” Ruh roh.
@JOATMON I vote typo. Hopefully.
Iron Horse 2014 Chardonnay for $17 at WTSO right now.
Last Bottle has the 6 Sigma red blend that we saw here back in April, for $15, FS on 6. That was the per-bottle price here for a 4-pack, for a case it worked out to $12. Very tasty stuff. I just found one this morning, poking around in some boxes.
As ever, if you are looking for a Last Bottle referral code to save a couple of bucks, send me a whisper.
I have an allocation from Turley that I’m happy to share with y’all. Any interest? I’m hoping I’ll be able to pick it up and save the shipping costs, even.
@klezman interested…
@merrybill I sent it in a few days ago, but I can request additional if you want…ping me by email and we can figure it out.
2016 Y. Rousseau “Son of a Butcher” for $20 at Invino, free ship on 6.
Not a big discount from the $24 retail price but Y. Rousseau had somewhat of a following on wine.woot and has not been seen on Casemates. This blend is 45% Tannat, for those who may have enjoyed his previous Tannat-based wines.
Cavedoni Botte Piccola Balsamic Vinegar IGP, 250ml Bottle for $37.49 w/free prime shipping on Amazon
@chipgreen one of these days i need to buy it for myself… i’ve been waffling for what seems like years.
Sonoma Coast Estate Syrah 2013 Baker Lane Vineyards
'tso $19/btl fs/4
Still good to visit “that other site”
BeeHive Cheese Smoke & Spice 3-Pack Sampler: Apple Walnut Smoked, Big John’s Cajun, & Red Butte Hatch Chile
Thanks, order in. Had the first 2 previously and enjoyed both but was especially fond of the Big John’s Cajun. The Red Butte must be fairly new to the lineup.
@chipgreen @rjquillin The Red Butte is a new one, I bought this sampler once before and it was the first one I tried, it’s very good!
Iron Horse Estate Chardonnay 2014
$17/fs4 on 'tso
$14 off at Underground Cellar today until midnight with code BEWINE at checkout.
How does that site work out for you?
I’ve gotten a couple of bottles, but generally most of the offers just don’t appeal; and the chance of a marquee bottle seems quite slim.
How do you make it work?
It has changed some in that they are putting more total bottles into the offers, reducing the odds of getting the top upgrades. I usually look at the % of each wine in the offers to determine what I am most likely to receive and weigh that against the base bottle price. If I think that it is a value play based on that alone, I will buy and if I get a better upgrade(s) than expected, then hey, bonus!
Also, they put out these codes fairly often (usually for $17 but this was $14 for V-day) and I usually try to take advantage of the free money. Today I got a bottle of 2012 Bolen Family Estates Merlot Oak Knoll District for $18 (after $14 code) that retails for $95. They were blowing them out as they accounted for 60% of the bottles in this $32 deal. Perfect example of the value play mentioned above, even without the $14 code. That deal (Rockin Reds) is likely over by the time you see this (currently 6 bottles left only) and it appealed to me more than the others but if nothing else, I will sometimes use a free money code to buy a single bottle from whichever offer has the lowest entry price.
Also, keep in mind the number of buyers vs. the % of base bottles. Once the base bottles run out, there’s nothing left but upgrades, although some deals are designed with very few base bottles and most of the upgrades only retail for a few dollars more than the base bottle did. Just have to assess each offer individually. If you’re OCD enough (like me) you can even go through the list of buyers and look at their cloud cellar list to see which bottles they got from the deal (usually the most recently acquired bottles are listed at the bottom), although some buyers keep their cellars private and because of overlap you can’t always tell if that bottle in their cellar was from this deal or another one.
There is no exact science to it but there are definite strategies that can improve your results when buying from UC!
@chipgreen @rjquillin Hi Chip. Wow, you’re really got a problem. I mean, impressive research!
@PatrickKarcher @rjquillin
yeah, well…
@chipgreen @PatrickKarcher
I was thinking the same.
How ever do you find time for all that?
Is it really worth it?
@chipgreen @rjquillin It’s the hobby. In the end, I’m not sure it’s worth the time, all the time I spend saving money. But I’m enjoying myself, and I’m learning a lot as I research. And when it’s a game, well, I like playing games.
@chipgreen @rjquillin I only buy from them using the monthly codes. So my total price per bottle ends up being very low. Plus they ship for free after you have 12 built up. If you don’t mind rolling the dice a bit it’s a nice value play.
Candy Basket Milk & Dark Chocolate Fleur de Sel Salted Caramel Pecan Patties
over “there”.
Entycement on Wine Spies today.
Did anybody notice the Woot Cellars Coffee a couple of weeks back?
@JOATMON I did, but I’ve also pretty much given up on unknown on-line coffee purchases. To date, every one has been a disappointment when compared to a local roaster where I can get beans roasted within the past 2~3 days.
Was it here or there we had an active roasting/coffee thread going?
@JOATMON I bought it around Thanksgiving during the first round. It was fine. Nothing special, but a fun logo and a very reasonable price. I didn’t go for another round when it was posted a few weeks ago. I like supporting the local roasters too much.
K&L has Liquid Farm Mourvedre Rose for $18
Invino has the Kukeri (Cornerstone Vineyard) Pino Noir, by the half case, in case you liked it and/or missed it here. Price is not quite as good as it was on Casemates. After today (Sunday 3/17) I think the price will go up a little, but will still be pretty good.
Prager Winery & Port Works 2013 Napa Valley Petite Sirah
$28 Wine Spies FS/6
@markdaspark if ya wanna split…
@rjquillin The pile of superfluous apostrophes (or maybe apostrophe’s) in the write-up is so distracting. Literacy is clearly going downhill.
Aside from that, the breakdown says 53% PS, 45% Tinta Roriz, and 2% Cab. Wrong wine, or incorrectly labeled?
@klezman suspiciously similar to this previous Red Port offering:
2016 Anderson’s Conn Valley cab on LB FOR $35 fs on 4
@hscottk Annnndd gone.
@hscottk @radiolysis that was quick!
Kyle and I wee going back and forth over splitting a set and it disappeared.
Just noticed, Ty Caton Upper Bench Red Wine over there at the Spies.
Treasury Wine Estates has their sale going on again. Some good deals, including half price Clone 4 and Clone 6. 70% off 2010 BV Maestro, Ranch No 1, puts it at a little under $30/bottle.
2013 Beaulieu Vineyard Reserve Clone 6 Cabernet Sauvignon Rutherford
Anyone want to split a case?

I’m too far away.
@rjquillin I might take a couple bottles off your hands
@rjquillin Karen and I do. Is it too late?
@jmdavidson1 @karenhynes
Nope, still there.
They also have some '14 BV Latour.
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin
Anthony Bell’s Clone 6 is probably the best Cab I have ever had but the CT notes on the Beaulieu concern me a little.
At K&L from Spencer Hoops and Anne Vawter.
2014 Liparita “V Block” Yountville Cabernet Sauvignon (Previously $60) ($19.99)
Anyone know something about this?
@rjquillin No, but I bought some of the 2013 from TSO for $30/bottle back in May '18. CT notes for the 13 look better than the 14.
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin Yeah, I was going to get a few of them at that price and then saw the CT notes. Last thing I need is more wine, so I’m looking for reasons to not buy
I also wondered if the mystery Napa wine from Garagiste today was one of theirs.
The Cavedoni Botte Piccola Balsamic over on woot clearance for $29.99 today. Think that might be the cheapest I’ve seen it.
@kaolis @winedavid49
Was going to post earlier, but wasn’t sure it was WD’s offer, finally found time to check my email.
It is.
buy, Buy, BUY.
Great price.
@kaolis @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Isn’t that the price it used to be, about 5 years ago?
I’m still decently stocked
@kaolis @rjquillin it’s not a buy if it’s not a WD offer?
@kaolis @ScottW58
Could be, just better that it is. Just surprised the one here on clearance is.
There was another Cavedoni offer on Gourmet months (years?) ago for a higher price that wasn’t a WD offer.
Gigondas 2015 Domaine du Grand Montmirail Vieilles Vignes On TSO. I remember seeing this in the ‘what are you drinking? April 2019’.
@TechnoViking hope it’s good, my first tso purchase. Feels like I’m cheating on WD
@TechnoViking THANK YOU!!! @scottw58
@deadlyapp Don’t worry, it’s just a flirtation, it’ll put a spring in your step and keep your relationship with WD young.
@MarkDaSpark looks like we’re back!
@deadlyapp @MarkDaSpark
This and Case Savings thread working but Clues thread still no bueno.
Missed it earlier but wtso had the michaels Calistoga at 24.99 ea, about the same as here without the blended better price of the Rutherford.
2014 iron horse estate Chardonnay 16.99 FS on 4 at WTSO.
2015 Torii Mor Pinot on WTSO at 14.99 FS on 4 if you missed it on Casemates. Mixed CT reviews but I personally loved it.
i’m telling you…
facebook comment after news of lawsuit:
Lindsay Hoopes
2 hrs ·
WTSO owes us 2.6 mm in unpaid wine sales. They have almost bankrupted my family and my life. Do NOT buy wine from them if you care about us.
Courtwatch: Wine Producer Sues Wines Til Sold Out Over Unpaid Bill

Well, I can’t say I haven’t bought from them in the past, but I can say that between 2010 and 2018 I bought a grand total of 21 bottles from them. I definitely can’t say the same for casemates/woot!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
I have bought 82 bottles from WTSO in 7 years. I bought 24 bottles from Casemates today!
That really sucks but I have to wonder how many offers did they have on there to accumulate $2.6 mm in unpaid funds? At what point do you cut your losses? That’s a helluva lot of wine!
Even if WTSO was on the hook for $50 a bottle that works out to 52,000 bottles. At $40 per bottle we’re talking 65,000 bottles. At $30 a bottle we’re looking at 86,667 bottles. Any less than that and we are talking 100,000 bottles or more!
Is anybody else suing WTSO for the same reason or did they only stiff Lindsay Hoopes? I wonder if there is more to the story…
@chipgreen @Winedavid49 @ScottW58
I’m missing something - the Wune Business story about the lawsuit is for a different winery and states something like 5k bottles and $175k in unpaid bills, give or take, after interest. It also cites Johndrow Vineyards, not Hoopes as the one filing the lawsuit.
So who’s out $2.6M and why haven’t they also filed a lawsuit?
I also agree with Scott - I’ve had nothing but good experiences with them. But if they stiff their suppliers then they should suffer the consequences.
Admittedly sour grapes. They’ve become huge. How they got there? ??
Yeah there has to be more to this story, they have not made a cab or anything else since 2014 at least according to CT, there website is a bad joke (but some nice legs) haha. And the current vintage for cabs on the website is selling the 2010 vintage or at least trying to for $150 a bottle!? I’d like to know who they have been ripping off (or trying too since they started). Yes we know you have a thing for WTSO and their success WD but for me anyways they have done nothing but provide some of BEST customer service I have encountered and that goes a long way for me anyways. And if you know what your looking for some great deals!
But who knows maybe they ripped these guys off but I will pass judgement when all the facts come out.
@ScottW58 Any thoughts on this Dirty & Rowdy offer from Somm Select?
That’s a pretty fair offer on some really nice wine’s imho. If you have never tried them they are very light but plenty of flavor! Usually around 12.5 or 13 abv. I think they might age quite well but I burn them to fast to find out
@jmdavidson1 @ScottW58
Where have I heard of them before?
I know I’ve visited that site.
Spin-off from one of the other sites?
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin
One of the guys from the original somm movie’s started it I think.
Local Costco has the 2015 Whitehall Lane Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (new label design) for $29.99/bottle. Didn’t buy, but it was nice to see some familiar labels as i walked the aisle.
2001 Ardente Atlas Peak Grande Reserve Cab Sauv on the Spies for $29, f/s on 6. Solid notes in CT.
@merrybill dang missed that one.
Ardente? didn’t think they still existed!
@Winedavid49 2001
@jmdavidson1 @Winedavid49
Some '01’s from WD @ $20 still exist too…
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Got some 2012s from WS 09/27/18 for $26 each. I think that was the final vintage?
BWG bin sale, at your own risk.
Cavedoni Botte Piccola Balsamic Vinegar IGP, 250ml Bottle $27.99
over in clearance on the other site
A WD supplied offer at
2013 Esterlina Estate Riesling, Cole Ranch, Mendocino
at $4 after the discount?
How can you say no?
@rjquillin dang what an excellent price!
@rjquillin Holy crap that’s cheap
@klezman especially when compared to the gilt Beringer.
I wish @winedavid49 would pick up some offers like this.
Wait, he did for the '10, back in '11, for $16.
TWS is having a rather interesting sales event where some of the wines are well below 50% of CT pricing.
Beaulieu GdL and others, Beringer, Etude, Stags Leap for example.
Rutherford Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 Laura Michael Wines
$27/fs3 on 'tso
Not the '12 we had here, but three delivered for $81.
If ya can’t swing a tank of Ar, try a
Coravin 100010 Model Two Premium Wine Preservation System, Includes 2 Argon Capsules, Graphite for $210 on the old site. Not a ~great~ deal, but a bit less than other large sellers have it listed for.
Everytime I see one of these deals I’m so tempted! But then I remember that I drink all my wine
2015 Vincent Arroyo Otra Vez Cab // SET OF 3 109.99 + 10.00 shipping @ T.O.Modern
@rc70 you tasted either of the other two vintages, or this one?
@rc70 @rjquillin If it was PS I’d be in. Why can’t @WineDavid49 get VA PS here for a Friday deal?
@rjquillin Have had the 2014, black fruits, pepper medium tannins long finish. Lower alcohol 13.8 which I liked for a mid week bottle. Not a killer deal but a fair price for a (hopefully based on the 14) pretty good cab.
Over on the old site : Cavedoni Botte Piccola Balsamic Vinegar IGP, 250ml Bottle 27.99 (home staff picks)
Brandini was having a roadshow at my Costco today. That stuff is hard to pass up.
@radiolysis Glad I don’t know which one. Another wallet buster indeed.
Mission Valley.
Somr tasty olives over on that other site.
Winesmith Grenache over on Winespies; $19.99.
@FritzCat Sold Out!
@FritzCat Back up again for those interested.
@jmdavidson1 Got me some when it first came up. And, thanks for letting me know.
Clark Smith has some great deals on a few of his wines in celebration of his wedding anniversary. I was alerted via email, but I see the deals are on his website under the Buy Wine tab, the 1st four listings there.
@mrn1 the 2014 sparkling Grenache sure looks interesting. How good is that? Any information about it?
I’ve gotten into sparkling lately, thanks to casemates/gruet. As great as Gruet is for the price (it will remain key in our house I think), I’d like to try the next level up. But as a cheapskate with limited budget, I need a great deal. Is this (looks like $23/bottle plus tax) it?
@PatrickKarcher I have not had any of Clark’s sparkling wines, but everything I’ve had of his has not disappointed.
Those 2009 Pennyfarthing Chards have been $10 each for a few years, except you only had to buy 6 to get that price now it looks like you have to buy 12. I bought a couple 6-packs, one in 2016 and one in 2017. As of 8 months ago it’s still drinking well.
@mrn1 @PatrickKarcher
I have 1 bottle left of the sparkling Grenache. Here are my notes from the 2 I killed off previously;
12/16/2017: Biscuits on the nose along with some honeyed lemon peel and light citrus blossom. Dry and tart on the palate with white peach, lemon zest and a faint hint of strawberry. More of a pleasant background note that persists from entry to finish. Medium bodied with flinty minerality, the mousse dissipates rather quickly but the wine retains a nice foamy effervescence on the tongue. The long finish makes me want to segue into another sip.
2/6/2018: Similar to previous note with the addition of something slightly floral on the nose (like a whiff of fresh-cut flowers in a florist shop) and some white cherry on the palate. The strawberry notes were a little more pronounced as well. Despite this bottle arriving semi-frozen with slush in it, it was fine with the exception of some crystal tartrates that were left behind after the slush melted.
The case price is definitely worth it (I paid an average of $38 each for mine). I would suggest requesting a weather hold until Fall, though.
@chipgreen Are you going in on any of these deals? Maybe a couple of the other NE OH bandits might want to increase their WineSmith inventory too…like @boatman72 @pjmartin and @marikar
@Boatman72 @chipgreen @mrn1 @pjmartin I’m willing. For the record, you all can count me as automatic on: any autobuy; anything known good; anything interesting from a known good winery. If it’s not my cup of “tea,” I’ll pass it along. I can easily digest up to 1/2 case without question. I trust your NE OH tastes after seeing your posts all these years. Just do it and let me know the damages. Or, nudge me when I need to do the actual buying. (Gah! And I just ordered a case from one of my standbys, Navarro [Mendocino], with 1-cent shipping. But, hey…it is WineSmith…good and interesting.)
@Boatman72 @marikar @mrn1 @pjmartin
I’d be up for a few bottles of the sparkling and maybe even a couple more of the Chard if someone wanted help with that.
@Boatman72 @chipgreen @marikar @mrn1 I have to pass on this one. Enjoy.
@Boatman72 @chipgreen @mrn1 I’m curious enough about the bubbly to do a couple (or three if needed to round out a case) and can help with Chard too.
Limited Supplies! 50, 65, 75 day dry aged steaks!
Yup, Flannery.
@rjquillin If only I had room in my freezer…
@klezman the 75’s are already SO
@klezman @rjquillin
The last sale I loaded up on the sirloin tales just a fantastic cut of beef that imho you need to try.
Yuk those are too old for me! That and like Adam I have no room in the freezer
@klezman @ScottW58 Quite unlike the age of the bottles you pop.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Love the tails, ordered some 50 day ribeye, we’ll see if they are too funky or not.
and the Adventurous blend burgers have a great funk too, 30% 30 day I think without looking
2015 Iron Horse RRV Chardonnay for $16.99 on WTSO.
@Mark_L was it the estate or unoaked?
Iron Horse Vineyards Estate Chardonnay 2015 Green Valley of Russian River Valley
Campesino wines 25 percent off with code back2school. Isa rose fifteen bucks a bottle with free shipping if you buy a case. Seriously considering it.
@hscottk Was looking at that offer as well.
Pining for the Isa price from a few years ago.
@rjquillin I think the days of $10/bottle are gone. But it was great while it lasted! And the ‘15 Isa was amazing.
@hscottk @rjquillin I picked up a few bottles of Campesino during Last Bottle’s recent marathon, along with a few other things. Something came over me when I was unpacking them yesterday, a strange feeling that I have too much wine. I can’t believe I did it, but I just unsubscribed from their emails.
Not even contemplating cutting the cord with this place, though! And it far outweighs all my other sources, combined. My purchases here seem to be accelerating.
@InFrom @rjquillin Sadly, I missed the LB marathon and a chance to grab more Campesino. But I, too, have been looking to slow down purchases, if not a full-blown SIWBM.
@hscottk @InFrom @rjquillin I managed a full case plus on the different campesinos that came up.
I would have grabbed the Grenache or red blend if I saw it.
@CorTot @hscottk @rjquillin I got 2 of the Alina and one of the Syrah. Plus a few other things, including a Riesling, and an IPA from Italy which caught my eye, just because it seemed such a random thing to find on a wine web site.
@CorTot @hscottk @InFrom @rjquillin any thoughts on the 2018 Isa Rose? Macairo says the 19 very similar to 18 but I never tried the 18. Thanks
@CorTot @InFrom @losthighwayz @rjquillin Haven’t tried the 18 or 19. The 15 was phenomenal.
There was some love for 2012 Baker Lane Estate syrah here, so thought I’d mention the 2013 is at WTSO for $18.99 as a Platinum offer
@DanNC had a quick thing to say 22 minutes ago
Winesmith 2010 Cab Franc on another site
Daily offer on another site for $19. Probably inappropriate to say which one, but if you’re too slow you’ll miss the Last Bottle. FS/6
2013 Keller Estate Rôtie on WTSO for $19.99 (free shipping on 4).
2014 Castellare I Sodi San Niccolo Toscana on Last Bottle is a pretty solid buy for $49.99
2016 Quest
OK, if you like the Caymus (Austin Hope, Grand Durif, Red Schooner) overextracted too much oak/vanilla, with a smooth flavor. Quest is a bordeaux blend, made by the Austin Hope folks in Paso Robles, in that style. I got a case from Vivino for $22/btl shipped.
Clark, or @WineSmith, sent out an e-mail saying he was selling 15 cases of his 2017 Norton (a grape I’ve never tried) for 239.88 + tax + free shipping. His website has it listed third one down. Looking forward to it!
Rolling the dice on clark
@jml326 @KNmeh7
I’ve tried a number of Norton (aka Cynthiana) wines in VA and MO. I’m a fan. That said, I was expecting this to show up on Casemates but maybe he is already offering it at the upcoming “deal” price. Or maybe it’s not coming to Casemates at all… but I have 2 bottles coming from Clark right now. One is the complimentary bottle for filling out his survey. I suspect the other is this Norton.
@chipgreen @jml326 I filled out the survey, too! Yet to hear of any bottle. Oh well. I would be disappointed if casemates sells it for less, but if the same, glad it gives him whatever cash flow he needs. If it is the Norton, let us know!
Are you a UPS My Choice member? That’s the only reason I know that I have bottles coming. 2 separate 3.6# packages coming although interesting that one originated in Santa Rosa (where WineSmith is based) and the other originated in Oakland. Both are being shipped through JLA Acumen-Windsor and I haven’t ordered anything else. So it’s really just speculation at this point… but I can’t think of another likely explanation.
@chipgreen @KNmeh7
I’d lay odds that if this exact wind goes up on castmates the price is the same. He honors the CM prices when there are shipping issues.
@jml326 @KNmeh7
Yes he does! And I have seen him put the identical offers on his own website too.
@chipgreen I was not, but I signed up. Nothing coming to my address as of now. I guess I didn’t recommend enough sommeliers, or have your internet presence. I think you are officially an “influencer!” Break out the HDR photos and Instagram.
@chipgreen @KNmeh7
I just found the survey e-mail in my spam folder…
@chipgreen @karenhynes @KNmeh7 I got my comp bottle, but I did put in a note asking them to let me know before shipping so I could consolidate some stuff. So the rest of the stuff is still at WS HQ. Oh well.
I need to start clearing the pending list of stuff @rjquillin has stored upstate.
@chipgreen @karenhynes @klezman @rjquillin I just received my bottle! Apparently signing up for My Choice doesn’t track shipments that have already been shipped? Hooray.
When did he send out said email exactly? I’ve checked my spam folder and I’m sad to say I never received the email. I have ordered from Clark directly in the past and I know I’m on his distribution list.
I got the email on August 30.
2014 WineSmith Grenache Bates Ranch
in the “More Wines We Love” section of WineSpies for $19.99
Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards Napa Estate Reserve Cabernet 2014 59.99 w/fs on TSO
The letter I received from Joel Peterson, could be a fun couple of days.
Dear Once & Future Fans,
A couple of years ago, I received a call from one of the accountants from Constellation Brands. He had been put in charge of getting rid of “excess” inventory, which apparently included the wine libraries of Simi, Robert Mondavi, and Ravenswood. The accountant asked, “What is this item called the Ravenswood Stash in the Lodi warehouse?” I informed him that it was the Ravenswood library.
When I started Ravenswood in 1976, I was well acquainted with aged wine. Some of the best wine experiences that I shared with my fellow wine enthusiasts were older wines. These wines were relatively available and not particularly expensive. We were able to put together verticals of wine like Petrus as well as other first-, second-, and third-growth Bordeauxs going back to the 1920s. We did the same for great Burgundies, and for Rhone and German wines. It was far more difficult to do for California wine. Prohibition certainly had something to do with that, of course, but there was also the sense that California wine wasn’t made to develop with age like European wines. There were exceptions; occasionally an old bottle of Hallcrest Cabernet or la Questa or Rixford vineyard would show up. There were also John Daniel’s Inglenook wines and some older Simi wines from the 1930s. The best of them were quite good and all were interesting to taste.
At Ravenswood, I made wine in a very traditional fashion: small open-top redwood fermenters, hand punch downs, native yeast and malolactic fermentation, extended maceration, as well as substantial time in small French oak cooperage. I also worked with exceptional vineyards. Beyond just making flavorful, interesting, delicious wine, I wanted to make wine that would evolve and gain complexity with age. In my mind, part of what made great wine great was that, if stored properly, it would change and evolve into exceptionally interesting bouquets and flavors that could be experienced in no other way than leaving the wine in the bottle for a number of years. A few of the older California wines I tasted seemed to indicate this was possible.
The result of this belief was that we held back a few cases of the 1976 Ravenswood Zinfandels. While a few collectors in those days had cellars where they aged wine, they were the exception, not the rule. The general wisdom in those days, and even today, is that the average lifespan of a bottle of California wine is about three days after it leaves the store shelf. It seemed clear that if I wanted to see how my wines aged, I would have to do it myself.
Each year, we would put down five to 10 cases of wines that seemed worthy. Since I didn’t have a winery or library space in the early years, this created some serious logistical and storage problems. I made a number of serious vineyard-designated wines. If I chose just four of those to put in the library, that could be up to 40 cases per vintage. In the early years, Reed Foster, my business partner, kept them in San Francisco. When that less-than-perfect space was filled, we moved the whole thing to Ravenswood Gehricke Road. As that filled up, we moved everything to a larger space at our newly built Quarry facility, and when Constellation bought Ravenswood, some of the wine was moved to a climate-controlled warehouse in Napa and then Lodi. Another stash of it remained at the Quarry facility.
The library contained most of the significant wines I had made between 1976 and 2001, when Constellation took ownership. During the accounting gyrations that always accompany a winery sale, Constellation saw some advantage in writing the value of this wine down to zero. This meant the company couldn’t sell the wines without some fairly fancy bookkeeping but could give them away to charity events and use them for tastings. Any of you who have attended ZAP over the years have been beneficiaries of this policy. Over the years, I have opened many older large-format bottles at ZAP events.
Back to the call from the accountant, where I started this story, he told me we weren’t using the wine fast enough to justify its existence. Besides that, he said “the wine is all outdated” (he must have been in charge of Arbor Mist before he was assigned to this job). Hence, he had been authorized to destroy the wine. You might imagine my reaction. At that point, I offered to buy the wine and remove it from Constellation’s inventory. The accountant seemed pleased, but incredulous, that I would want that “old, outdated wine.” I assured him that a few drinkable wines probably were in the lot. There were a few other twists and turns before I suddenly I found myself in possession of around 1,800 cases of well-aged, interesting Ravenswood wines. It is an amazing stroke of good fortune that these wines still exist and are in my possession.
My next job was to re-case the wine, examine every bottle for condition, and taste every individual lot. Thank goodness for my able, organized assistant, Erika, who was instrumental in making it all happen. We found that the wines were in generally good shape. There were a few leakers and low fills, but that was the exception. How do they taste? They surpassed my expectations. Some of the wines from the late 1970s that had seen rough storage in San Francisco seemed a little old before their time, but starting with the wines from 1981, there are some real gems. The wines from the 1990s are downright exciting. It was fun to relive the vintages as I was tasting them. Based on these wines, whoever said there was no evolution, vintage, or terroir distinction in California was clearly mistaken.
These wines are mature. As such, they have sediment and require special attention when removing the cork. When you receive your wine, let the bottles rest for at least a week before opening them. Stand them up for a few hours to let the sediment drop to the bottom of the bottle. For the most part, these wines like a little air. Decanting is suggested but not mandatory if you don’t mind a few clouds in the last glass poured and prefer to watch the wine evolve in the glass.
Special care should be taken when removing the corks. They are generally in good shape but have become soft with age. It is easy to break or shred the center of the cork with a regular waiter’s corkscrew. If you are handy with an Ah-So, that device can work well. Best of all is a cork remover called the Durand. It is essentially a corkscrew and an Ah-So that work together. I have never lost an old cork with one of these.
There are lots of reasons that you might want some of these wines. Maybe you or someone you know was born in the same year that the wine was made. (It is a little disconcerting to think that I have been making wine that long.) Maybe you had a bottle of a particular wine when it was young and would like to try it again in its mature state. Maybe you have never had old California wine and would like to investigate the pleasures to be found there. Or maybe you already know and love older wines and would like to add some of these gems to your tasting repertoire. And finally, library wines make wonderful holiday gifts! This is a great opportunity to get older wines of known provenance that have been screened by the winemaker who made them and can certify that they are what he hoped they would be.
Most of the wines in this collection are vineyard-designated wines. Some of them, such as Old Hill and Monte Rosso, are exceedingly rare. Within the list, you will also see county series wines such as Sonoma County Zinfandel, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Cabernet Franc. They are all blends of unique and delicious vineyards. For instance, the Sonoma County Zinfandel is a very high percentage of the Teldeschi vineyard. Even though I had wanted to vineyard-designate that wine in the early 1980s, the Teldeschi Family would not let me do so until 1997. Hence, all that great wine went into Sonoma County Zinfandel. These wines have aged very nicely and are exceptional values.
@ScottW58 My wallet hurts already. I’ll need to make sure I’m on top of that email.
@ScottW58 @klezman Holy Moley. Did he intimate how these wines would be honorably assisted to into your possession? Is this a Ravenswood Winery wine club or mailing list thing? Or just old friends? If so, how to I become one of Joel’s old friends really quick?
@klezman @PatrickKarcher
Sign up for the once and future mailing list.
@klezman @PatrickKarcher @ScottW58 I don’t know if I should thank you…
The list was sent out yesterday, with a copy being posted on wineberserkers. Dang. I’ll be clearing my calendar that morning and keeping the office door closed.
Anyone grab some? I got stuck doing work and missed out – only two Merlots were left.
@radiolysis Same here – darn work!
@InFrom @radiolysis
I got 10, but I was really irritated that two bottles vanished from my cart while I was purchasing. Especially since cases had free shipping.
Normally I’d expect precisely that behaviour but there was a note on the screen that said “bottles will be held in your cart for 15 minutes”. If anybody got that Teldeschi Zin, please share
@InFrom @klezman @radiolysis @ScottW58 I saw the email show up and went right there. I unfortunately dawdled while there, looking at vintage charts and just plain taking too long. I went to check out thinking I had a case, but saw exactly 6 left in my cart. All but one of the Petit Sirahs was gone. Realizing the deal at this point, that it was all disappearing right underneath me, I hit buy. I’m pretty sure I got the last PS bottle. So, 6 bottle after meaning to get a case. But, at least I got some. 5 Merlots and a PS. The Cab Franc and Cab Sauvs also disappeared on me.
@InFrom @klezman @PatrickKarcher @radiolysis
I just got 3 bottles 1 cab and 2 Merlot it was moving too fast I was at work and I have spent an ass load on wine recently. I’m sure I can find or create an offline to pop nothing but these bottles. That would be the way to try a bigger selection
@InFrom @PatrickKarcher @radiolysis @ScottW58
Next socal gathering. Done. I got 10 bottles in the end, 2 each of 5 wines
Can’t top that…
But, Bonny Doon is selling some Library Wines for 50% or more discount:
Also, there was some discussion that Cameron Hughes Lot 601 Amador County Barbera, at $13/bottle (and less if you look for a coupon code) was made by one of our friends in the wine business.
@FritzCat Uhhh…Not only that, but CH Reserve Cabs (2011 and 2012) are $50 today only, I’ve never seen them go below $75, and I’ve never had one. Free Shipping on a case, and use coupon code “steal” to get another 20% off. They’re giving it away!
@FritzCat Sorry, the Barbera is Lot 691, sorry for the error.
Man I am tempted by some of those Bonny Doon Bien Nacido Syrah’s @ $20 if not just for old times sake
Were these the ones that he had advertised as coming from some big cult winery or something like that? I actually bought one of those when they had a big sale and meant to bring it to a wine tasting as a blind bottle. Well I forgot all about it until now so I might as well try it tonight or tomorrow and report back
@ScottW58 yep. I still have one 2009 X-Block kicking around that I’ll keep for a long while. I love Bonny Doon and reeeealy having trouble not buying too much for this sale.
@FritzCat “highly extracted” and 15.5 ended my interest on the CH CS
@FritzCat I was too late to the party. I waited a day too long to put my order in, and missed out on the other vintage of Le Cigare Volant (rouge) in 375ml.
@radiolysis where did the 2014 XBlock go? I understand when out of stock it’s listed as such, however that vintage just no longer exists on the page. Luckily I snagged 4 of those. I was reading the 2014 is the last of xblock…
@TechnoViking That was one of the ones i wanted.
Good score for you! I ended up getting a bottle each of the '12 and '13, though.
@radiolysis I wanted the Amelie one but sold out at checkout… my daughters middle name. I’ll TRY and hold on to a 14’ for ya so you can get that vertical going. I grabbed the 12 and 13 for a vertical case, I’m feeling like the 13 might be meh in comparison to the other 2 vintages available.
@TechnoViking Awesome! Hopefully they still have odd backstock and this is a yearly-ish event. Maybe you’ll find the Amelie yet.
Well I got 4 of the X block and filled out the case with a couple vintages of the cigare, hope I like the cigare haven’t had one in ages.
The Spies have The Spaniard this morning!
Reverse Wine Snob has Twisted Oak Cockamamie Red Blend (normally $22 per bottle through the winery) for $59.99/4 bottles ($15 per bottle) plus only $5 for shipping. Another WD facilitates deal, I think.
@karenhynes I just saw this (I enjoy the Reverse Wine Snob newsletter - he even suggests Casemates as a wine shopping site) and was about to post. The link is here
[edit] Not sure what I did to get mediocrebot riled up!
I’ve been following them on Facebook for a while. They seem to have some pretty decent deals. They have a “community” on Facebook, but not the “feel” if our Casemates community.
WTSO has the 2014 Laura Michael Calistoga cab that Casemates had for $34/btl with shipping for $25 with free shipping at 3 bottles. I haven’t tried it.
@DanNC I was just looking up the Casemates offering (Feb 20, 2019). With the case price it was the same as the WTSO offering, and the 2 bottle offering here was $30/bottle.
@Mark_L I was comparing the WTSO 3 bottle to CM’s two bottle, including shipping. It seemed like a fairer comparison than 3 bottle to a case
OK fellow Casemates:
Winebid has 2 sets of 2008 Ty Caton Petite Sirah
at starting bids of $20 each (of course they charge
a 17% fee and are not shy about shipping fees).
I just had a bottle the past 2 nights, and it was very
good. Bidding? Be kind to each other!
@FritzCat They’re now $15; 9 available and all uncontested. That’s less than $20 including fees!
@AjRod27 @FritzCat
@rjquillin, do you still have a pile of stuff up at WineBid? You could add a couple of these for me, if so, at $15…
Flannery have the picanha cut for 30% off and the bone in ribeyes. If you have ever had Brazilian beef the picanha is the best! well imho.
@ScottW58 Flannery is picking my pocket all too frequently of late.
Well I’m being told all to often that cows are bad for the environment so I’m doing my part!
@rjquillin @ScottW58 very tempted myself…
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 I love me some picanha, and this seems like a good opportunity. For you folks experienced with Flannery, two questions:
Is there a trick or sweet spot for shipping? It seems like flat rate shipping. To reduce shipping costs per lb of meat, buy a lot at once. Is that the way to keep down shipping costs?
Do you typically eat a bit of your steak soon, and freeze the rest? Does “Dry Aged” freeze well?
@klezman @PatrickKarcher @ScottW58
I don’t recall, exactly, what the threshold for shipping included is, but I think it’s either $100 or $200. They are frozen when they ship and are packed with quite a few frozen packs as well. I get mine 2-day and some have remained frozen while others have softened.
I have had no issues refreezing any and all.
@klezman @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin
What Ron said, pretty sure the flat shipping charge is only $10
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Is there a coupon code for that? Or a membership? It’s showing 2nd Day Air for me to start at $30 (for one steak) and slowly go up. And with $300 steak, cart not showing free shipping. Hmmmm.
@klezman @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin
Okay mine shows free shipping at $200 but I get a UPS 2 day option for $10 if it’s less but i’m in California so you must be outside of what UPS can do in 2 days?
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Yep. Map here shows the cutoff. I’m in Virginia, way too far. But, with a big enough order the shipping costs still not too bad.
@klezman @PatrickKarcher @ScottW58
Yeah, I broke the $200 threshold as well.
Shipping included.
Looking at that chart, it appears $171 is the magic number to achieve.
@klezman @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin
Oh and to answer number 2 yes I always eat some as soon as it falls off the truck and freeze the rest
where the hell do you live? China
Ty Caton Winemaker’s Cuvee Cabernet is at the Spies
right now, at a nice price. I haven’t had it, and thought
that it might be a low-end wine, but looking at the details
on the Caton website…it looks good.
@FritzCat And…Gone.
Mani Olives on the old site.
WD hitting all the goods lately on the old site.
Laura Chenel Goat Cheese, 7 Pack $35
@rjquillin I’m waiting for that new-harvest olive oil.
@rjquillin good stuff? I was thinking getting it for gifts.
@radiolysis I’ll take all you send me.
to go with the two I already ordered.
@InFrom @winedavid49
Yes, that too. And the grape seed oil.
Brandini !!!
@rjquillin Out of good Balsamic…
Ty Caton has a 72-hour Holiday Sale with 40% off going on.
30% off and FS on orders > qty 30.
11/19~11/22 only
Next to Ar, these are the best.
@rjquillin Hmmm, interesting, hadn’t see this device before. Now, I’ve tried the vacuseeling, which seems to sorta help. And a few years ago I tried the insert-expand-plastic-shield-to-cover-wine, which also seemed to work I guess but was fidgety; sometimes wouldn’t lay correctly and you weren’t sure how well it was going to work.
Seems like each one is good for about 4 good oxygen-sucks. They say “don’t reuse”, but I assume that’s because (a) they don’t want you to forget how much you reused already and then think “hey doesn’t work” and leave a bad review, and (b) they want to sell more. If it works 4 times on one bottle, it should work twice on 2 bottles. That so?
@PatrickKarcher I think the true limit of #-bottles would be highly dependent on the head-space remaining in the bottle when reapplied. If you half consume a bottle and use it, seems like it would be good for three more used the same, but a lot of off/on cycles will clearly limit it’s life.
Would be nice if Repour would just specify the cubic volume it will effectively absorb.
Last time around I purchased the 72 pack, despite having an Ar tank.
These are good when I gift bottle remains (frequently), or, just as gifts with an unopened bottle (not so frequently).
@klezman has used these as well, and I think commented on some thread earlier…
i really should just relent and save my pennies for the Coravin and Ar tank adapter. Often i don’t want the pressure of a whole bottle. Or even worrying about how long it will last under second-sealing.
@klezman @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin
I like them, too. I got a bunch during their kickstarter campaign, but often forget to use them. I’ve definitely gifted some with bottles as well.
I agree that the “reusability” is dependent on the headspace in the bottle during use. If I open a bottle and pour a glass/day until it’s gone (4-5 glasses…or 3 glasses, depending on mood
), I’ll reuse the Repour between pours, but I don’t reuse that unit for another bottle.
@radiolysis Got the Coravin as well, and my Ar rig.
Just ordered the 72 pack of these; $84 +tx delivered.
Wine dot com is giving $100 off any order totaling $300, also the total cannot end in 97? Looking through the site you really can save some money on something you like.
@ScottW58 Works, Thanks.
Hmmm, intriguing. Never ordered from them, but every once in a while I see something I’m interested in and it’s for sale there.
Anything any of you currently know is a great deal there? Mainly interested in European wine. (I’ve got a great source for West Coast wine! Begins with ‘C’.) Love to get a good price on a Barolo, some Loire whites, anything worth a try really (though probably no Bordeaux for me right now).
I haven’t gone through everything but for a white I would go with Gerard Boulay Sancerre, imho he makes one of the top two SB’s on the planet. I bought 14 Sociando Mallet Bordeaux for a great price…sold out now. Felsina is also a great buy IMO. This is my first buy from them too.
@PatrickKarcher @ScottW58
Thanks for the code! One of the first full cases of wine I ever purchased was from Bought another mixed case from them a few months later then never again, for no particular reason other than finding more than enough compelling deals elsewhere.
There are some decanter over on the old site…for those in need.
Decanters! Drinkware!
@karenhynes would love to see some mag decanters, but 1200ml is getting close.
Buy two!
I’m starting to sound like @winedavid49
@karenhynes @rjquillin
Yeah but it looks like these have the flat rim which causes a drip, pass for me.
Cavedoni anyone?
From @winedavid49 and the old site.
@rjquillin restaurant quality!
@rjquillin @winedavid49 I jumped on the Sicilian olive oil. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse…
Sandler Wine Co. 25/btl w/ FS and no tax. I like that these vineyards have some family names in it, and I’m liking Sandler wines a lot!
Thanks for the h/u. I am definitely a fan of their Pinot. Will probably regret getting just one set and would have grabbed two 4-packs if that 4th bottle had been Pinot instead of Chardonnay. I did top off the order with a couple bottles of Grenache, though - the (one) CT note looks promising.
@chipgreen Told Ed I loved the significance of my family names as some of their vineyards in hopes they would show up again, then bam there they were. Went in on 2x 2013 packs. Super stoked!
Also just got some of the Grenache in from the previous may deals… I’m still waiting to open.
@chipgreen @TechnoViking damn you. In for a four pack mb of the 2013.
@TechnoViking How long is this offer active?
@rjquillin the May offer was active untill approximately 1.5 weeks ago? I just stumbled across this today. I thought I saw somewhere in their site that they offer a spring and fall deal, this may be the fall deal. Then comes berserker day in late Jan where it may change…
@TechnoViking so not a pop-up BF kind of thing.
@rjquillin BF Pop up? Like a buy now thing?? Assuming not for others, for me yes. Looks like some of the 2013 PN is a drink now according to CT.
@rjquillin @TechnoViking That’s Ron-speak for Black Friday, me thinks…
@klezman @rjquillin been on the whiskey tonight, in laws in the morning… makes sense now.
From the Wine Spies:
WOOT WOOT! It’s going DOWN on Monday!! The Wind Gap marathon is scheduled and it’s gonna be off-the-heazy, jam-packed fo’ sheazy with wildly delicious wines at smashing good prices!
@rjquillin More Wind Gap? I wonder if they have any wines left to sell that we’d find interesting.
@klezman @rjquillin For a minute I thought Woot was the seller. Confusing!
@InFrom @klezman Direct cut-n-paste; except italics added.
@klezman @rjquillin Yeah, it didn’t sound like your prose style.
@InFrom @klezman Not even close, had to look some of those up.
The Woot Woot! I got.
@InFrom @klezman @rjquillin what’s up with the woot reference? they just copied wine.woot anyways…
The italicized copy is a direct cut/paste from their promo. Perhaps you/we could sick Bezos on them?
@rjquillin @InFrom
You guys know if they will consolidate shipping across multiple purchases? I want the PN up now but not 6 of them…
@InFrom @klezman The email I got from them claims they will. I put some in the cart/locker, but don’t see a way to pay for it.
Perhaps just my browser? lmk
@InFrom @rjquillin You can - but I had to call them to have them set up the “personal locker” as they call it. Then it was quick and easy, both to set it up and then to place a no-shipping-cost order for 4.
@InFrom @klezman
Finally got it to work, Lot’s of red buttons to poke at.
Anybody know if Wine-X in Orange County is having a sale this week and if a coupon code is needed?
It looks like they only have 10 bottles on their Black Friday sale? If anybody has a coupon code please send it my way
Oddly, Wind Gap Grenache is on Last Bottle.
@FritzCat not much
on CT.
@FritzCat @rjquillin I’ve got some coming from Garagiste as well. I’ve liked all the Wind Gap wines, but if you’re expecting stuff like Pax’s main label you’ll be disappointed.
Some info on UPS Access Points. Also UPS is offering some Target e-gift card credit and My Choice upgrades.
WTSO has Iron Horse Estate Pinot Magnums for $60 w/FS as per of the Magnum sale.
@jermfish did the WTSO interface change for this marathon? i’m only seeing a page with multiple magnums, not what i remember as one deal per period.
@radiolysis the selection refreshes every hour.
@radiolysis it’s back up, at least for the next half hour
The Windgap fire sale continues. Just picked up 2015 Pinot Noir Woodruff vineyard for $17.99 fs on 6 at Winespies.
@hscottk Fantastic if you like that AFWE, subtle, more burgundy style. My wife and I did not go for it (on the cheaper “Sonoma County” PN) so we’ll pass. I’ve got a friend who absolutely loved it, as do many.
@hscottk @PatrickKarcher That answers my question as to what the first offer of the day was. The current Armagh Vyd Syrah is apparently the 4th. I saw the Woodruff Vyd Chard and Pinot but nothing earlier.
If any of you can make good use of budget steak cuts, there’s two fantastic opportunities today at Holy Grail Steaks. With code ‘TAJ3FREE’, you can get buy 3 get 3 free on American Wagyu Tajima:
With Sous Vide and a cast iron skillet (or grill), I can make these cuts sing. Now, it seems you get free shipping for $100 or more. So I made one order for 6 weird strip steaks: $108 with free shipping (3 free). Then I made another order for 12 bavettes: $144 (6 free). With just 6 bavettes, they wanted $29 shipping (< $100). If you try to get 6 of each to get 3 each free and still be over $100 to get free shipping, the cart charges you for the 6 more expensive strips and gives you the less expensive bavettes free. So to maximize sticking it to the man, I made two different orders, to try both and still pay the least money.
Wait you say, why fool with these weird cuts when you can just get a real strip steak or Ribeye? Well sure, you and your friend Benjamin can get one steak.
LOL! well I like the way you think so I went for the flat irons and bavette. Thanks for the reminder
@PatrickKarcher Is this the striploin you reference?
@rjquillin yep, that’s the striploin I mentioned. From their description I can’t make out what it looks like.
@PatrickKarcher @ScottW58 Why the flat iron over the striploin? Looks like the strips may deliver in chunks, unless I misread the copy. It’s difficult to know from the pic and text.
@PatrickKarcher @rjquillin
I’ve had waygu flat irons and as Patrick said, I know how to make those suckers sing!
@PatrickKarcher @ScottW58 Only 2 flat irons left…

@rjquillin @ScottW58 Yeah, tried to put 6 in my cart to see if I could get the buy3get3 deal for them, would only let me get 2.
@PatrickKarcher Copied your ordering, 1 order shipping this week and the other next week. Looks like my weekend dining will be elevated for the next 2 weekends, thanks for the info.
Sorry guys I took 8 and added some waygu burgers to get to get the 25% off of $250. Party at my house
@ScottW58 When?
There is that old Ravenswood tasting we’ve been talking about…
Also, if you want to dry age your own, I’ve got the cooler going for that for the next couple months.
@ScottW58 indeed!
Since the forum back on Woot is all but dead I thought I’d ask here.
The coffees up right now. What is the roast level for each of them? I can’t for the life of me figure out why that’s not the first thing stated in the description. Even a picture of the roasted beans would be very helpful.
@WineDavid49 @arianaWCC
The birthday blend is a light roast, the buzz one is medium roast. I have not had the other, but all the blends I’ve had from smokin aces are rocking good.
@ScottW58 thanks Scott. I might get one of them. $14/lb is pretty good. Sounds like the medium will be best for my espresso habit.
Not really a deal yet but it looks like Ridge signed up for berserker day in January.
@ScottW58 Excellent!
@ScottW58 I saw. That is going to be awesome. At least I hope it is.
@ScottW58 well that’s fun!
The Reverse Wine Snob has a deal on Pedroncelli RRV Pinot Noir – 3 bottles for $50 (and it looks like $5 shipping). Link It says, “This is a limited time, winery direct offer facilitated by our friends at Wine Country Connect.”, so I wonder if that means UPS shipping?
@Mark_L @winedavid49
My wag, almost assuredly.
@Mark_L The Twisted Oak Cockamamie Red Blend was also up there recently.
Truffle butter and duck fat over at the old home base.
@karenhynes now that’s something I can use
@karenhynes @ScottW58 My wife doesn’t Respect the Fat like I do, but she knows yum yum. I’d probably reveal the duck fat after she’s had it a few times, ha ha. Can you really keep reusing the same duck fat?
@karenhynes @ScottW58 Costco by us has black truffle butter (Urbani) for $9 and white for $12. Also 8 oz containers.
@karenhynes @klezman
I’ll check that out thanks! Also duck fat is pretty much everywhere. I do love me some duck fat roasted fingerlings
@karenhynes @ScottW58 For that we buy a whole duck, roast it, collect the fat for future use, and enjoy eating the roasted duck! (Similarly for duck breast. Yum)
Is that a good deal for that type of thing? I’m the weekend chef in my marriage, and my job is to amp it up. Been focusing on getting the best out of meats and vegetables, with sous vide and cast iron skillet and grill. I wonder, this my next step?
I hope you might get more feedback as the day goes on. Personally, I’m not much of a fan of truffle-anything, so I’ve never bought this. I know it was pretty popular back in the w**t era.
@PatrickKarcher You want to be a hero on a weekend morning? Use any of the three as the fat in soft scrambled eggs.
I bet you could make an amazing Hollandaise using this stuff as well, if you like that sort of thing.
Toss potatoes in duck fat instead of olive oil.
Got a note from Emily at Virage with nice discounts especially on Cab Franc Rose case pricing.
Yeah really one of my favorite roses! But it’s winter and I probably won’t be drinking any of those for a while.
@ScottW58 Still the 2016 though! I’ve got 3 remaining.
@klezman Yeah I need to burn through all my other roses before I buy more, not to mention it’s shipping season and i’m getting hammered with bottles that I have no place to store.
@klezman more special than the $105/6?
@klezman @rjquillin
Is there a hidden post from which you are referencing the term “special”?
@chipgreen @klezman
I went on to the Virage site and found the CF Rose listed as I posted. I used the term ‘special’ in asking Klez if it was offered at a better price.
If i may, today’s gourmet woot is a great deal on Point Reyes Toma cheese. in time for Christmas.
@Winedavid49 Although my cheese-monger doesn’t offer Toma, $40 a pound (plus an eighth) puts this into basically any cheese in the world that is deliverable-to-my market. Oh, how I wish we could get raw European cheeses.
Is it really that special? (The SRP seems bonkers, I get Point Reyes blue for 29.99 a lb and often less on specials.)
Yay! Wasn’t too late to edit. The offer appears to be 2x of each. Now I am interested…
@KNmeh7 @Winedavid49 I looked at the Point Reyes website, and it’s 3 wedges (6oz each) for $35, so this does seem like a solid deal (6 wedges for $40 at woot).
@KNmeh7 @tklivory @Winedavid49 Of course it’s a good deal, but it’s still expensive cheese! Please run it again later when I’m not overflowing with awesome cheese!
Entycement is over at “The Spies” for $18.99
(I don’t recall paying anything near that from our favorite wine purveyors…)
FWIW K&L is selling a bunch of Napa cabs from Lakespring winery from the 80’s and 90’s, supposedly with perfect provenance? Also read that a few of the really good winemakers got a start there? Although some here would say that the prices are break the bank high
around $50
@ScottW58 I saw those and was contemplating getting some birth year wine. $50 for direct-from-winery bottles like that is a good value.
K&L also just got in a pile of Qupe Syrah and some Wind Gap. Qupe is mostly $20/bottle and $30 for mags. Wind Gap is $20-30.
@winedavid49 has some 2013 Wind Gap Sonoma Coast Pinot up on Rue 2 btls/$55 that’s better than any other current offers I found. Looks like it ends at 08:00 Pacific tomorrow, Sunday.
@rjquillin That’s a lot higher than what they’ve been going for elsewhere. Although most of those may not be around any more. The 2015 Sonoma Coast Pinot I got from Garagiste at $14+shipping.
K&L has Qupe mags syrah for 29.99 and Grenache for $24.99.
On the old site
Olivestri Siloro Olio Nuovo
Tasty stuff, and I was running low (out).
@Winedavid49 Thank you very much for bringing this amazing olive oil back. I have been out for a long time and really miss it. Now, if you bring back the balsamic that people received as a gift, that would great as well. This oil is really worth the price.
Another favorite, at least for me, on the old site.
Salute Santé’ Grapeseed Oil 3-Pack $40
Sold by: Wine Country Connect, LLC
@winedavid49 Thanks
First Sucker:rjquillin
Reverse Wine Snob has a Trinitas 3-pack for $50:
2013 Trinitas Old Vine Petite Sirah
2014 Trinitas Old Vine Mataro
2015 Trinitas Old Vine Zinfandel
Shipping is a flat $5. Sale ends Tuesday January 21 at noon (PST).
WTSO has Iron Horse Vineyards Estate Chardonnay 2015 Green Valley of Russian River Valley
Interesting; wtso now charging tax for CA.
@jml326 @rjquillin
That sucks! WL is still tax free
Winesmith sent me an email telling me that the Wine Spies were going to have WineSmith’s Any Gorilla tomorrow at $29 with FS on 4. Certainly not as good a deal as we would get on Casemates, but…
@FritzCat Actually required a purchase of 6, but I got 4 and 2 (375ml) bottles of NZ Gewurztraminer Ice Wine.
Another @winedavid49 outlet with some Gruet.
RLL mixed case of three each $175, yeah, a bit more than here.
closes Feb 2 @ 8AM pacific
Should have gotten this up earlier…
Olivestri Siloro Olio Nuovo being offered on the old site this week.
@dirtdoctor I bought a bottle there recently, and finally got around to opening it last week. I have to say, it was disappointing compared to prior years. I don’t know if this was b/c I waited until late January to open it, but it was lacking that peppery, green, “nuovo” character that got me to order it year after year. Without that, it was a perfectly nice EVOO, but unremarkable.
Flannery 25% off on Filet Mignon & Petite New Yorks through the 14th.
Broken Earth Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2010 $18 on last bottle f/s on 6. Was on old site
50% off J Dusi Zinfandel Port Friday Feb. 14th through Sunday Feb. 16th, online & in the tasting room. 30% off for the remainder of February.
UndergroundCellar has a $22 Beaujolais offer. I don’t know how good of a deal it is, but something different than the usual offerings.
Last Bottle has Fabre Montmayou Malbec Gran Reserva 2016 for $16. Nice wine for the price.
$23 off any order of $23 or more at Expires February 28th, at 11:59 PM PST.
Question about underground cellar, has anyone had wine shipping problems? The internet is full of complaints about them not shipping the wine that was purchased. And long delays.
@Mark_L @ScottW58
They recently opened up a new fulfillment center, literally just days ago. They are now in the process of consolidating 5, yes 5, smaller facilities into the one big one. Hopefully this will allow them to get back up to speed rather quickly but to answer your question yes they have certainly been having issues.
@chipgreen @Mark_L @ScottW58
Have they been loosing purchased bottles they have in storage awaiting shipment?
@ScottW58 I don’t have any experience with them. I recently signed up (probably due to a mention around here) and was passing along a code they sent (as there was a recent mention of them in this thread).
@chipgreen @Mark_L
I only bought 6 bottles from them once and it was a big hassle to get them shipped and one of the bottles they couldn’t find so I just had them throw in something else to get it over with. Hope it turns out well if anyone has a bunch of bottles.
@Mark_L Perhaps I missed it, but is there any sort of promo code for the offer you mentioned?
@kawichris650 Forgot that slight detail.
Promo code is: FEB23
@Mark_L My early experiences (3-4 years ago) were very positive. In the last 2 years the service has suffered dramatically. After waiting 6 months for an order I asked for a refund which took 2 months to receive. Hopefully the new changes have improved their service, but yes they have struggled.
@Mark_L @ScottW58 yes, all kinds of issues, they generally make good on mistakes though. They send out a coupon code or 2 per month which is what I buy with. I wait for a case to build up and then its free to ship. My typical bottle price paid is around $5. I’m super cheap and find it fun.
A couple of recent examples of how things are going.
I built up a case during the first half of last year, they instituted a summer shipping hold from June on and didn’t lift it until December 1st. I requested a shipment on December 5th, that case arrived in the 2nd week of February with a cheaper red bottle missing but a random rose in its place with a $10 coupon.
I had been building up a 2nd case during this time, 12 bottles were finally shown as ready to ship in late January, I requested shipment on January 27th and nothing so far, not even a printed label to assign a tracking number.
So they kinda suck and I’m assuming everyone is abusing the coupons and they are having cash flow issues as well as storage and shipping issues.
In the mean time I’m already 8 bottles into a 3rd case in storage there.
Reverse Wine Snob Insider Deal has 2011 Two Jakes Merlot and 2012 Cabernet – two bottles each for $70 + $5 shipping per order.
@Mark_L Here’s a better link:
Wine bid has a LOT of early 1990’s Liparita Cellars cabs and Merlot bought directly from the winery. I am told that back then they made some great Howell mtn wines. And where else can you get a 5 liter bottle for $120
Got a bunch to try myself…well not 5 liter bottles. ymmv
Not sure how many of you like to buy from Underground Cellar, but today they have a thing for Gift Cards with upgrades. Never seen that before on their site. I just got $260 worth of bonus free wine (in the future) by buying myself some gift cards. Basically by buying some $75 gift cards, you can get some that are worth more than that. Looks like it was launched today (to last a week), but the gift cards are already over half gone.
The California Wine Club is offering 10% off their already discounted prices today. You don’t have to be a member of any of their wine clubs to purchase; just use the reorder tab. Shipping is $1 for either half or full case (the only increments you can purchase, mix-n-match) through the end of March, but the extra 10% is today only, using the code LEAP10. All of their wines are from real wineries, not just labels. Currently they have Pedroncelli’s Mother Clone Zin for $14.99 (so $13.49 after 10% off) and East Side Sauvignon Blanc for $13.99 ($12.59 today), among many others (Castoro, Shannon Ridge, Donati, Qupe, Gard, Sandler, and so on).
Bonus Deal: Wine Library 100 wines with free shipping code LEAPYEAR. Link:
Wine Library Leap Year Sale
Once & Future 2018 release.
Last year Once & Future got great reviews, and I couldn’t find it anywhere.
I think the place I saw the good reviews was Ken’s Wine Guide.
Anyways, not cheap, but available. Zins, PS, Merlot, Mataro, Blend.
Looks good, and FS on a case.
Oh boy, I just discovered this thread…and it’s going to cost me a lot of money.
Too many great deals to turn down!
If anybody in SoCal wants in on the O&F release let me know. Filling a case gets free shipping.
Last chance - I’m ordering tonight. Would love to have a couple others get in on the Once & Future fun!
@klezman I have no idea what this is…
@CorTot Once & Future is Joel Peterson’s new(ish) venture. He started Ravenswood and was in charge until the conglomerate bought it. He left a couple years ago and had started this as a side project before then. So it’s Joel’s old style coming back: big but elegant Zins and others from very old vineyards.
@klezman gotcha!
Sounds interesting but I’m perpetually out of disposable income so I’m not going to deep dive here.
If you liked it on here, Refugio Ranch Vineyards 2016 Petite Sirah coming up on WTSO at end of today $16 per bottle
Ty Caton Upper Bench Merlot, 2017
on The Wine Spies for $24, FS on 4.
Winebeserkers running a mini Beserker Day for Quaratine Relief
@ctmariner that should be Quarantine
@ctmariner also should be Berserker…ha!
For those that may be looking for more chard, 'tso has some Ped for $14/fs4
Pedroncelli Family Reserve Unoaked Dry Creek Valley 2018 Chardonnay
SABELLI-FRISCH doing his BD offer again. His link is in his IG bio. I sampled the Mission one, vacuVin’d it, forgot about it until 4 days later and it still held up. Was pleasantly surprised…
@TechnoViking I just got those home from the office the other day, what a beautiful array. Haven’t had a chance to try any though. How do you get the cork out through those caps?
@InFrom I’m not sure what’s worst, a stuck cork, or this blue wax. I hoped brute force would work. Then bust out the razor blade, Carefully cutting where the cork would come out…
@TechnoViking So I gather it was too thick for the cork to just break through the wax as you pulled it out with the corkscrew? Clark used to recommend that approach on his waxed bottles, though I rarely found it to work. Of course I always had problems with his corks, nothing so crumbly would have a chance of breaking through a layer of wax.
Those blue and red wax caps sure look spiffy! Shame they’re so much trouble.
@InFrom did you ever get around to opening any of these? I opened up a Marsanne with some mushroom risotto last week, what a fun pack! Adam said he will hold them til it cools down so I had to grab a case. The wax was not difficult this time around, inexperience spoke first.
@TechnoViking Hi. No, I haven’t tried any yet. I’ve been following Adam’s ongoing conversations with people about their impressions of the wines and drinking windows. I actually had a couple of the bottles in my hands yesterday, but I ended up going with a PN from Silas, a BD purchase from last year.
BTW, after complaining last month about the wax on Clark’s wines, and his corks, I opened one of his 2007 PNs last weekend. I used a wing-style corkscrew, and the thing opened without a hitch, right through the wax. I guess it was the Faux Chablis corks that were problematic.
@InFrom @TechnoViking He never ended up sending me the wines. I should get back in touch with him.
@klezman @TechnoViking Yeah, the shipping wasn’t glitch-free, I had a minor annoyance with it being shipped w/o prior notice. He had agreed to contact me first.
@InFrom @klezman He usually gets back to me by the next day but also had a small set back on anticipated ship date. When y’all get a chance to try the wines i’d like to hear other thoughts on em.
@InFrom @TechnoViking I emailed him shortly after writing that comment and he’s already gotten back to me and it’s sorted. He’ll deliver it on Monday - perks of being local.
@klezman @TechnoViking I had no doubt it was an oversight that he’d correct. Now you have another problem, where to put it.
@InFrom @TechnoViking Truth. Although I had nearly as bad a problem when I ordered the set anyway. 5 cases between me and molarchae arrived from Garagiste a few weeks ago. That broke everything. Boxes everywhere.
Guess I should have posted this a couple days ago.
Half pound black winter truffles; $150 delivered.
Just received delivery. I think there were nine good sized 'shrooms. Made for some tasty spuds and Flannery.
@rjquillin oh man…you mentioned you were waiting for a half pound, thought you meant the ones on woot. I bought two ounces of those, thought that was a good deal. But this is a screaming deal. Do I need another 1/2 pound? No. But I love storing them in eggs, to me the best thing you can do with them. And it just so happens when I finally ventured out to the store for a few supplies the only eggs available were the industrial sized cartons. And as you mention, I just ordered more Flannery to keep that supply at a comfortable level. (when I ordered they told me they were realllllly busy, lots of folks stocking up)
So…do I need more truffles…???
@rjquillin Sabatino Truffles Order #16349 confirmed

@kaolis Yeah, that one was ~really~ hard to pass on, so I didn’t; unlike @scottw58 and @klezman.
I’ve got Flannery coming soon, and Nola just asked for a shipping address for her WB tins of seafood goodness.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 gotta do something to pass the time
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin
Get to eatin boys those things don’t last forever! Truffle eggs for breakfast, Truffle pasta for lunch and Truffle meatballs for dinner. Repeat for 10 days
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @winedavid49 received my two ounces from gourmet woot…what a horrible product…hopefully I get made whole…here is my email to gourmet woot customer service:
Wow, going to contact customer service for a refund. I ordered two ounces. The description says 1 to 2 pieces per ounce. Each of the “ounces” I received, one was actually a tad short, was 5 pieces each. And they were handled just wrong. Truffles should be shipped with a bit of moisture. These were in fancy little jars in rice. Really? Exactly the way NOT to handle a fresh truffle. All it does is wick the moisture out of the truffle. So I ended up with 10 little dry marbles for 120 bucks…
@kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 @Winedavid49 Ouch!
At least we know WD gives top notch service so long as he’s not overly constrained by the Amazon overlords.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @Winedavid49 hopefully a no brainer…quality or not it was 1 to 2 truffles per ounce. I’m not a mathematician but last I knew 5 truffles per ounce doesn’t add up. Bad pun or whatever not intended
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin
No offense intended but my only thought is why the hell would you buy something from woot that has a half life like fresh truffles? Also fresh truffles should never be in a jar.
@kaolis @klezman @ScottW58 @Winedavid49
Well, the other ones arrived in pristine shape. Nine pieces iirc; I kept five and gave 4 away
@kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 @Winedavid49 too bad you’re so far away
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Well, they were not in a jar as in the ones you see floating in liquid. So let’s just say they came in a wide mouth glass container in which rice was placed, then the truffle marbles, and finished with a cork on the top. The container would have been fine had the truffle just been wrapped in a moist tissue sans rice. And the issue of 5 pieces per ounce when it was sold as 1-2 pieces per ounce, not good.
As far as buying from woot, I took a flyer and admitted so much. And Thunder Thighs confirmed it was overnight delivery, which it was. So no problem as far as that goes. But that was the only positive part of the purchase. The product? grrrrrrr
Oh, forgot to mention each container was in a fancy little cardboard box with rafia…as they say all show no go
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @Winedavid49 yeah I’m pretty confident the Sabatino product will be just fine
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin
Ahh okay well it was handled properly, I was thinking that it might have been the usual 1 or 3 weeks delivery. I will shut up now!
@kaolis @klezman @ScottW58
But perhaps only for a moment or three…

@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin
If you’re lucky
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 yea, it was shipped overnight. not getting complaints besides Kaolis. sounds like you got a bad batch. the company we got it from is a proven expert. so, don’t think it’s a systemic issue. get with woot support for sure. they’ll make it right.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @Winedavid49 Support was contacted, refund already received, thanks! Yessir, bad batch for sure. I will add that support at both woot and casemates has always been nothing but stellar.
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 and for the record, customer service works in the summer months
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @Winedavid49 No argument on that, and too much crazy crap going on right now for a snappy response other than hopefully the upcoming warm summer weather helps slow things down. To all stay safe.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58

@kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 Damn those look nice.
Scott, you sure you don’t want to split a half pound?
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 8 oz on the money. Larger one a tad under 2 1/2 oz, the other 5 a tad over an ounce. Perfume is delightful. Homemade pizza tonight, guess it’s going to be

@kaolis @klezman @ScottW58
Ahhhh, those look very familiar.
That is/was a screaming deal.
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin
Can’t right now and they are beautiful! My wife and I just can’t destroy those within 2 or 5 days right now. Enjoy!
@kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 We’re barely cooking given the kid care situation, so even 4 oz would be hard to treat properly. But we’d find a way!
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Done! The lovely bride and I plowed through them, a crumb or two left. Wasn’t easy, but we were up to the task.
@kaolis @klezman @rjquillin
Nice work! Were they as great as they looked?
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Yeah, absolutely. Great shape, aroma/perfume. Hit them with the mandoline and zester/grater. I store them with eggs as mentioned and didn’t have a glass container large enough so they were in tupperware or whatever you call it and the fridge was glorious when opened. A couple of eggs and bits left.
Interesting offer on Vinum cellars from , WDs other fulfillment gig.
@CorTot You sure @winedavid49 does these?
I don’t see any link to purchase, or did I just miss it?
Just something for ‘local retailers’.
@CorTot @rjquillin @Winedavid49
He definitely does some of their offers, but not all. This is a limited time, winery direct offer facilitated by our friends at Wine Country Connect.
Keenan has their 2016 Napa Valley Merlot for 50% off when you buy a case = $22/bottle +shipping.
@warcraft82 keenan NEVER discounts more than 30%. so yea.
@warcraft82 @Winedavid49
I have ~never~ seen as many compelling offers as I’ve gotten email on the past week. $$$ but no room; damn…
@rjquillin @warcraft82 @Winedavid49 Can you post them here? Thanks
This looks like a great deal on a great wine.
…for those who need more great Merlot.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s got a new “direct to consumer” wine thing going on, called Empathy wines. And, he’s got a free shipping on 3 bottles ($20/bottle), and a virtual tasting on April 7th. I know, that’s a lot. Anyways, I watched a youtube tasting of the red, and it seems to be right up my alley, so I sprung for a 3-pack. Check it out.
Invino has the 2016 Gersing Legit merlot on sale for $16 with free shipping on 6 bottles. This is a few pennies less than the case price on CS
This one has me close to pulling the trigger! supposedly for Vinious or delectable subscribers but I think anyone can buy 50% off.
there was an earlier 50% off sale last year that finally sucked me in, but I think it was for an earlier model. I’ve used it, to advantage, a few times now to decide if I wanted to pull a cork. I’ve gone both ways, yup, good choice as well as not this one at this time.
Pull the trigger.
Damn enabler! Good idea to use it to decide if you want to pull the cork.
@ScottW58 @rjquillin Are there any practical differences in the model levels (One vs Two vs Two Elite)? I really want one of these, but i’m also happy with the plastic-y version to save money.
@radiolysis @rjquillin
I don’t have any idea but you would hope so
@radiolysis @ScottW58
You made me look.
I have the “limited edition two”
made in China.
Seems like some of the included accessories, stand, carrying case and such comprise much of the differences, oh, and choice of color.
@radiolysis @rjquillin
Alright dammit I’m in, this boredom of working from home is damaging my bank account
will check back in on it in 3 to 4 weeks. Man that was quick!
It has arrived and I stabbed my first bottle
I see Smokin’ Aces is up on the old site. @WineDavid49, what’s the roast level? That needs to be part of the description…
2015 Qupe Bien Nacido Chardonnay Block 11 2015 for $14 on WTSO, FS on 4
Email from Larry at Tercero - the 2018 aberration is on sale:
"My 2018 aberration is a stainless steel aged blend of Cinsault, Grenache and Carignane that is 100% whole cluster fermented after I foot stomped all grapes, and a wine that I prefer to serve chilled. It’s bright and fresh and just fun - and ‘crushable’. If I was ‘hip’, this would be a ‘hipster’ wine to many.
Purchase 6 bottles of this fantastic wine and you’ll receive a 40% discount! Regularly $30, the price on 6 bottles are now $18 apiece! It’s by far the best price I’ve ever had - or most likely ever will have on this wine!
If 6 bottles are too many, then go with 3 bottles and get a 20% discount - that’s only $24 apiece.
This deal is NOT combinable with other offers and will expire this Sunday, April 5th.
To take advantage, please use the code 18aber6 for the 6+ pack special or 18aber3 for the 3+ pack special
To begin shopping, please click HERE to go to this specific product."
@merrybill And for club people (incl me) it’s 50% off the Aberration with 6 bottles. Anybody want to split a 6er?
@klezman @merrybill I’d be in on that!
@merrybill @rjquillin OK, unless I hear otherwise from Bill, it’ll be 3 each. Can do additional bottles if Bill wants, too.
@klezman @rjquillin I’ll take one just for science.
@merrybill @rjquillin OK, so 3 for me, 2 for Ron, 1 for Bill.
J Dusi is offering $1 shipping with the purchase of 3 or more bottles. They also still have their $144 case special on their delicious Pinot Grigio.
Last Bottle Marathon tomorrow
@losthighwayz I am staying away! The one a year ago I got some stuff, some good deals, and some things different than I could get here (German Rieslings, etc.). But I had to spend a lot of time and do a lot of research on the fly. Compared to other options (mainly Casemates), cost benefit ratio wasn’t enough.
Then in their end-of-year marathon last year, I decided to just “tune in” a bit and watch. Of course I ended up getting something. And then once you get something, you figure you might as well keep watching, right? So then I got more bottles, soaking up my very limited budget. For today’s marathon, I’m not going to the last bottle site at all. Not at all I say!
@losthighwayz @PatrickKarcher …Riiiiiight…
Maybe just a peek?
@FritzCat @losthighwayz @PatrickKarcher I enjoy that it’s one bottle free shipping. I can take a stab on a new region or variety without a lot of cost.
@losthighwayz Out of curiosity, has anyone here ever bought “the last bottle” and gotten their promised $50? I ask because I’m seeing lots of the same offers on the Marathon that I’ve seen as previous regular offers which suggests the “last” bottle is showing up today.
@DanNC ive never ordered from them. Today may be my first time.
@losthighwayz @PatrickKarcher I’m with you! I’ve managed to stay away thus far. Otherwise, it’s a slippery slope.
@DanNC @losthighwayz I’ve heard people mention on other boards they have received the $50. But I believe it to be few and far between. LB marathons are pretty much all previous offers and the same wines pop up for regular offers several times. Kind of like WTSO, the wines come and go several times. And if you contact WTSO for something you missed and it’s still in stock you can purchase. So I guess it it technically is “til sold out” it just might take awhile.
@DanNC @kaolis agree. The marathon is very similar to TSO marathon. I do like the 1 bottle buy in for FS. I ended up building a 6-pack composed of 6 different wines within my budget (avg. $15 per). Some familiar others not.
@DanNC @losthighwayz Though IIRC the marathon rules say there’s no “last bottle” prize for the duration.
@losthighwayz I got a couple of bottles of Aussie Shiraz and a Magnum of Bordeaux. All for <$50.
Their servers crashed
WTSO has 2018 Sojourn Rose for $14.99 under last call wines tab
Scherrer has 50% off Pinot, Syrah, and Rosė with FS on 12 bottles.
@hscottk Where did you see the FS? I tried to buy a case but shipping was charged.
@DanNC As per their email, shipping will be deducted after the order is placed.
@hscottk thanks for heads up. Missed out on the Syrah (huge disappointment) but scored a case of rose at $12 per. Ridiculous deal for a Scherrer wine! I suspect PN and Rose will be gone by morning which is why I ordered at 3:30am local time lol
@hscottk nice find!
Stocked up at the marathon and few other random things otherwise I’d definitely fill out a case here.
Anyone interested in splitting a case of the rose?
@CorTot @hscottk
Just got some fresh email. New vintage, '13, of the Syrah is now available and there is still some PN and Rosé.
@CorTot @hscottk @rjquillin We could use a bit more rose for this year, so we can take a few. I was sorely tempted by that sale, but need to restrain myself. So many amazing wine deals at the moment.
@CorTot @hscottk @rjquillin yeah. I checked website and Syrah available. Changed my order to mixed case. I did not realize a different vintage though
@CorTot @klezman @rjquillin @losthighwayz Just received my shipment and got 2019 roses instead of the promised 2018s. Should this concern me? Any thoughts on 2018 vs 2019 vintage? From what I’ve read, feedback on 2019 in Sonoma is positive.
@CorTot @hscottk @klezman
I’m wondering what came in our order now…
@hscottk @klezman @rjquillin
We got the 2019 rose
@CorTot @hscottk @rjquillin I’m sure it’s all tasty. Rose from an excellent producer…what’s to be bad? But if y’all don’t want some 2019 I guess we can take a few bottles.
@CorTot @hscottk @klezman @rjquillin twisted the cap on the 2019 today. Awesome to say the least. Ready to drink imo. Puts every rose offer on CM to shame in terms of QPR
@CorTot @klezman @losthighwayz @rjquillin Great to hear! Sounds like I should have bought more than 5. The 2015 Campesino Isa at $10 a pop was the best qpr ive seen, but that wasn’t Casemates. As much as I want to drink these, I need to work through some of my 16s (virage) and 17s first.
@CorTot @hscottk @klezman @losthighwayz
@CorTot @hscottk @klezman @rjquillin forgot the virage. I’d say Virage is more complex but less refreshing. Virage definitely a great QPR and probably my favorite CM rose purchase
My favorite Finger Lakes winery, Long Point is giving free shipping on a case. Their reds are outstanding…CA grapes… The winemaker is very patient and the prices are reasonable.
Is anyone aware of good deals on Zin right now? Would appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction, especially Sonoma Zin. Thanks!
@goinyard Scherrer has a 2013 Grenache/Zin blend 50 percent off plus FS at $17/bottle. I am taking a chance.
@losthighwayz I grabbed a few PN and Rosés earlier today.
Elyse Winery via Reddit:
-50% off 2013 York Creek Petite Sirah 6-Pack and 2017 Nero Misto Case
-40% off “current release packs” with code REDDITS
-Free shipping on 6+ bottles
@warcraft82 Interesting - have you sampled any of their wines?
@warcraft82 Spoke to winery and went with a mixed case of Ficante, Nero Misto and Petite Sirah at 50% off and free shipping
Scherrer is killing it (or me?). Grenache blend at 50 off plus FS. $17 for a Scherrer? Yes please. Ordered a case
Yeah I jumped on that too
@losthighwayz @ScottW58 Are you guys on a mailing list? Is there a code you type in? How would I get that deal? I go to check out and the wine stays regular price.
@losthighwayz @PatrickKarcher @ScottW58 Their website has three Huntsman vintages listed under “Grenache and blends”. Only the 2013 is 50% off - click on the 2013, scroll down the page and you’ll see where you enter the number of bottles that the $34 price is crossed out and $17 is listed next to it.
@losthighwayz I ordered, and got the last bottle… only got to get one, but a buck for shipping I figure it’ll be a fun 18.00 bottle!
@digthemlows @losthighwayz Fred has released the 2014 Kick Ranch Grenache at half price, in case you want to get more.
Ty Caton 2017 Right Bank Blend on Wine Spies for $29 w/FS on 6.
Noceto just sent an email with mystery cases for $200 for club members. Who do we know who is a club member?
@klezman enabler!
@losthighwayz Well, it’s $250 for non-club.
@klezman We are living thru some very unusual times; given funding, and storage capacity, to take advantage of some amazing offers.
@rjquillin Truth. Hence $250 being too steep to be compelling for now. $200 I might have to take a case or split one.
Is @merbill a member?
Or did I blow the username?
@rjquillin You’re a site out of date. You mean @merrybill
I’m pretty sure they’re not members…
@klezman $20.75 for a leggit bottle is enticing…Ralphs and/or Vons carry Hess Select fir $18 or so.
Enticing, yes, but insufficiently compelling given the overflow situation. Even though being home with the kids 24/7 is enough to drive somebody to drink we still can only consume so much.
@klezman @rjquillin Not a member.
I’m not sure how you’d split a mystery case anyway.
@klezman @merrybill Klez and I have made it work a couple of times. Last I recall tho was some T.O.
Email from Larry this morning. 40 percent off plus 50 percent off shipping on Tercero 13 and 14 Viogner 6-pack (3 of each). Very tempting.
2014 Buttonwood Grenache $100/case!
@losthighwayz No CT
@losthighwayz What about their own-rooted Cab Franc?
@klezman different deal every wednesday. I’ll post next week. I hope so!
@ctmariner saw that. Im going in blind based on my experience with them. Split case with coworker . $9 risk seems low.
@losthighwayz sounds a great deal - enjoy!
Morningsave (meh/Mediocre offshoot) is selling bulk packages of food, and there are a few wines in the mix. I wonder whether WCC is behind those as well. Ranch 32 and Craftwork?

/image kraftwerk
Anyone wanna split some pasta?
@InFrom Both labels are from Scheid. Probably “sale priced” at fair value.
Just got some email…
All Vino Noceto wines on sale! (Olive oil too!)
S.O.S. means
Send Our Sangiovese
Save 10-30% off every bottle.
$5/case shipping too*.
I’m a sucker for Tavel rose’ and particularly enjoy the offerings from Domaine de la Mordoree. Timeless wines has the 2018 Dame Rousse on sale for $14.92 with free shipping for a case. Typical US price is ~$25 without shipping. This is a great deal:
Alexander Valley Vineyards - 2015 Redemption Zin = $132/case
+$1/bottle shipping
+$1 per order fee
@warcraft82 Looks like a big Zin at 16.1% ABV!
Pedroncelli Family Reserve Unoaked Dry Creek Valley 2018 Chardonnay is back on WTSO. $14 w/ FS on 4.
@warcraft82 Thanks, in for 4. I missed the Iron Horse unoaked chard here. Something very similar is available on the Pedroncelli website for $17, but this is less and FS.
@warcraft82 Thanks for putting this up. I don’t drink Chard, but it’s nice to see our old friends.
@davirom @warcraft82
Don’t forget what Ed tells us: when you call Ped be sure to mention CM and get club pricing.
Could make that direct offer a bit better than 'tso, but FS is hard to argue with.
@davirom No probem. The $17 one on the Pedroncelli website is the ‘Signature Selection’. Not sure what the difference is vs the ‘Family Reserve’ line.
@davirom @warcraft82 Possibly a WTSO-specific wine. They’ve been known to do that from time to time, and when they do beware that the winery’s normal style may not apply. Just ask Scott Harvey…
@klezman @warcraft82 The specs on the 2 wines, to the extent of any overlap on the sites, seemed the same to me. I assumed it was similar to a TV mfg giving different model numbers for the same TV to, e.g., Costco and Best Buy so consumers can’t price compare or match. What happened to Scott?
@davirom @warcraft82 You can find his post on here if you search, but iirc he was contacted by WTSO to make a wine but they dictated much of its specification. He said he’d never do it again.
Yes! On the old site…
Fleur de Sel Chocolate Covered Caramels, 56 Pieces - (Your Choice: Dark, Milk, or Assorted)
Sold by: Wine Country Connect, LLC
@rjquillin insanely good.
For fans of the Cavedoni balsamic vinegar, have a look at Morningsave. The Botte Piccola (250 ml) is there, $35. I haven’t checked to see how that price is compared to past sales (on Woot). It was listed as a bonus deal in a “daybreak deal” email – does that mean a VMP coupon wouldn’t apply? Mebbe not.
The main deal in the email is for some vino from Shannon Ridge. Are those deals only visible if you subscribe to their email list? Here’s the link anyway.
You can’t April Fool me!
@mediocrebot What prompted that little outburst?
@InFrom I’ve gotten a couple of bottles of the Cavedoni that weren’t the same consistency (they were thinner) than the ones we always got from @winedavid49 on woot. I think they were offers on woot home, not wine or gourmet. I’d be curious is this is the same as the long run of them from earlier woot days or not.
Price was $39.99 on the old site according to my purchase history.
Maybe it’s triggered by mentioning the old site? Let’s try it. Woot!
@InFrom I think it is, or was, April.
@rjquillin It’s true, that’s been going on since the first of the month. Slowly I turn… What I couldn’t figure out is why it happened here, given that none of the posts that triggered it mentioned the name of the month in question.
Meeker Sangiacomo Pinot Noir at Wine Spies - $19.
They’re also rolling out a “locker” function so you can store up to 2 cases and save on shipping.
For those not yet members, we each get $10 if you use this to sign up:
@klezman WS has been doing ‘lockers’ now since about the first of the year.
@rjquillin On a request-only trial basis. They’re rolling it out site-wide this week or next.
@klezman @rjquillin I have been using their locker since they started the trial, works great and shipping is covered. I used to rarely purchase from them because I generally did not want to buy the 4 or 6 required to get FS but with the locker I find myself ordering 1 here 2 there or more of things I’d like to try or know I definitely want. Price is not always the best but I have got some very good deals on some.
Besides they ship FedEx - works for me, they also use UPS - does not work for me.
@klezman @rc70
Yes, exactly; to all of the above.
I think I went in when they had the Wind Gap (?) offerings.
@klezman FYI, I used your link to sign up for Wine Spies, though I haven’t placed an order (yet). You may want to confirm that you got credit.
@davirom Thanks!
@klezman FYI, I used your link to sign up for Wine Spies, I got $10 credit so you should get the same!
@ctmariner Much appreciated!
Associated Vintners (Gruet,Browne, etc) is having a 20%-30% off sale, free shipping on a case. About the same deal on a case as the offering here but with the flexibility to mix and match. Use code GRANTL for an extra discount. Associated Vintners Sale
@canestfr Thanks for tip. When I get to site, the discounts you mention seem to be automatically applied, and the GRANTL code unrecognized. Now, maybe because I was signed in? Maybe if you don’t have an account, you need to codes. Or maybe they made it automatic since you posted.
Hmmm, a chance to try a few other things. Like Sauvage Rosé? I bet that don’t suck.
Has anyone tried the 375mL cans of House Wine Bubbles? If they’re in the same ballpark as the Gruets, that’d be very convenient.
@canestfr @PatrickKarcher
Here’s what I experienced while shopping as a guest…
Once added to the cart the prices changed automatically (from regular price to sale prices it seems.) Then adding the promo code took off an additional 5%.
At one point I removed two bottles in order to replace them with something different, and I noticed even with only 10 bottles in my cart it still indicated I’d get free shipping. I’m not sure if that was just a glitch that might get corrected during order fulfillment, or if it would actually remain that way. I didn’t want to risk having any hiccups so I still ordered a full case. Just thought I’d share that little piece of info.
I have heard a lot of great things about Gruet, but I’ve yet to ever try it. So I initially started out “window shopping” I guess you could say.
But at $11.75 per bottle with free shipping, that was enough to get me off the fence and I ordered the following:
3x Sauvage
3x Brut
2x NV Sauvage Rosé
2x Gruet Blanc De Noirs
2x Gruet Blanc De Blancs
Final numbers at checkout:
Item Total: $211.88
Shipping: $0.00
Sales Tax: $9.89
Subtotal: $221.77
Discount: -$80.47
Order Total: $141.30
All in all, a pretty great deal and I’m looking forward to trying these. Thanks for sharing that with us! @canestfr
@canestfr @kawichris650 Ah, I was putting the GRANTL code into the wrong place! All, make sure you put it into Enter Promo Code, not into one of the Coupon boxes. Most excellent.
@kawichris650 @PatrickKarcher Glad it’s working for everyone. My order of 3x Sauvage, 3x Sauvage Rose, 3x Blanc de Blancs, and 3x Brut Rose was all in at $144.22.
Winespies just started the build a case concept. Now you can buy 1 or more bottles, put it in your “locker” and when you have a case it ships for free. Not a new concept for some wine sites, but this will entice more buying of fewer bottles on the web site.
@jmdavidson1 You’re a day late and a dollar short haha.
@klezman posted that yesterday (in this same topic) and a few other regulars on here were discussing that “new” option. You don’t have to scroll up very far and you’ll see the post.
@jmdavidson1 i like the concept
@jmdavidson1 I think you meant to tag @WineDavid49.
Not that the business model here will change, but worth him knowing.
At Wine Spies, you can bet the per-bottle price is going to go up a bit on average to cover the “free shipping” that everybody will be opting in for.
@jmdavidson1 @klezman @Winedavid49 I suspect nobody ever paid for shipping on WineSpies anyway. However, there were many times that I didn’t buy because I didn’t want to risk buying 6 bottles…or the price was too high.
Same thought here. I didn’t always want to buy 6 so I passed on the offer. It’s a game changer.
@jmdavidson1 Definitely a game changer, I was invited to try locker around the first of the year as a test and since then I’ve bought more from them than I have in the last 3 or 4 years put together. For me the fact that FedEx is an option clinches it, just can’t use UPS but I will admit I recently ordered here the Scott Harvey 1869 magnum set simply because I am doing my lock down in Idaho and will be home whenever UPS and Casemates get around to shipping but when things get back to normal and I return to Utah for the most part UPS will be back to a no go.
@jmdavidson1 @rc70 we looked at this about 5 years ago. it’s a good idea. infrastructure costs will go up significantly. if they can manage that, and the actual inventory management, it’s a good move.
Mollydooker fans! 30 percent off all wines with FS on 6.
@losthighwayz I would order a few bottles if you need to fill out a case.
Scott Harvey 30% off Forte with $5 shipping.
Any club members able to report in whether they get an even better discount?
@rjquillin @MarkDaSpark
@klezman Where do you find this deal? Can’t see it on the Scott Harvey website…
Oh, I see. Just add it to the cart and the discounted price appears! Like Magic!
@klezman I think I sometimes get 35%, with a large enough order; don’t recall all the details.
@klezman @rjquillin
Nothing extra off. 30% is industry discount.
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin Just checking! I know Scott often gives extra discounts to club members and at 40% or something off it would be irresistible. At 30% it’ll be up to molarchae.
@FritzCat @klezman No magic when I put it in the cart. How many do you have to order for the magic to work? Price stayed the same and shipping is$17
@klezman @mommadeb Scott has always liked me best!
@FritzCat @klezman
@FritzCat @mommadeb @rjquillin
Anybody try to email the winery? I got a bounce back saying the TLS handshake failed on the email address.
Who’s in for some Isa?
@cortot @klezman
2019 Isa, Grenache Rosé ($18)
FS on a case
@rjquillin Not $80?
@rjquillin Is this a private deal or can you provide information that would allow others to participate?
@DanNC @rjquillin Here’s the email I got:
@rjquillin you have a 1/2 case at my house from BD. $13 a bottle.
@DanNC @InFrom @cortot
Thanks. Frequently I am (correctly) accused of being excessively terse.
And thanks cortot for reminding me how I don’t keep CT even close to accurate.
@CorTot @InFrom @rjquillin Thanks! I will repeat an offer I posted last week, a Tavel rose’ which I’ve now received, tasted, and found well worth the price:
@CorTot @DanNC @InFrom @rjquillin any notes? Been eyeing it. I tend to favor lean, stainless steel roses with racing acidity but no bite. Hope this makes sense!
@CorTot @InFrom @losthighwayz @rjquillin This is not your typical Provencal or west coast rose’ - more of a rose’ for red wine lovers, darker, more robust, deeper fruit in balance with acidity, even a hint of tannins. I like different rose’ styles but the Tavels remain my favorite. Here are two reviews:
“The base Tavel is the 2018 Tavel La Dame Rousse, which is slightly lighter colored than the Reine Des Bois, with notes of ripe cherries, white flowers, peach, and honeysuckle. Elegant, seamless, and beautifully balanced, it doesn’t have the power of the top cuvée yet has integrated acidity and a great finish. Rosé doesn’t get much better.”
“Medium pink rose. Made from 40 year old vines cultivated biodynamically, this is classic Tavel with alluring scents of red cherry skin and ripe, sun-drenched raspberry. A crisp attack introduces the medium weight palate with lovely, fresh dark red plum and berries complemented by spice and savory notes. Finishes very long. A blend of 60% Grenache, 10% Cinsuat, 10% Syrah, 10% Mourvedre, 5% Clairette, and 5% Bourboulenc. Consistently one of our favorite Tavels.”
@CorTot @DanNC @InFrom @losthighwayz @rjquillin
We had a Tavel Rosé at a wine class a few months ago and it was spectacular. Not this winery, though. Seems like the price point was around $25. I’ll have to dig out my notes.
If you liked cavatappi wines from the old site sign up for the associated vitners - precept wines mailing list. 30% off and free shipping on a mixed case.
Or whisper me your email address and I’ll forward it.
Mixed 12-pack of our Cavatappi favorites for $189
Four (4) bottles of Cavatappi Molly’s Cuvee Sangiovese
Rich ruby color with aromas and flavors of red currants, raspberries, pie cherries and toasty oak
Four (4) bottles of Cavatappi Maddalena Nebbiolo
Aromas of toasted marshmallow, coconut, smoky oak and spice that linger through the finish
Four (4) bottles of Cavatappi San Pietro Super Tuscan Red Blend
This vibrant wine opens with notes of leather, black fruits and earth with plum, baking spice and boysenberry on the finish
Oh yeah
2012 Meeker Pinot Noir Sangiacomo Vyds $19
@losthighwayz helpful; but only if…
you included the source!
@rjquillin lol Wine Spies. Im getting older
I’ll repeat my invite link for those not yet on the site…
Sculpterra in Paso has all wines 50percent off and FS on a case.
Anyone familiar with their wines?
2018 Tercero Rose 40 percent off when buying 6 through his website
@losthighwayz @klezman had you had the 18? 17 was awesome but I’ve never tried this vintage
@losthighwayz I have several bottles of the 2018 waiting for me at the tasting room. I’ve liked every vintage of rose back to the first ones I tried (2013, maybe).
For those that like LauraMichael wines,
she is having a 50% off sale and $15 shipping on cases.
Still, not inexpensive; one might still proclaim pricey.
@rjquillin Not seeing this offer on the site - was it members only or a 1 day sale or my incompetence?
Incomplete data supplied…
Twelve bottle cases of all wine on the website can receive a discount of 50% off, use the coupon code/promo code “50off”.
Full, twelve bottle cases ship at a flat rate of $15 in the continental US. Please make sure you are shipping to where you can receive it. I’ve gotten an influx of returns from the most recent club shipment or had to make $$ changes to boxes enroute.
Michael and I hope you are well, safe, and hunkered down while this thing runs its course.
Go here to order: or email me back with your order.
@rjquillin great - thanks for taking time to provide extra details - will check out
Copain Pinot and Syrah mag blowout at K&L $60 each!
@ScottW58 Solid pricing but I can’t put any more magnums anywhere!
Same problem I think I only have 10, bigger problem is I never seem to drink them.
Invite a few Casemates over… problem solved!
(after this pandemic subsides of course)
Reverse Wine Snob has Y Rousseau Tannat 2017 at $20 per bottle - order in 3’s with $5 flat shipping. I enjoyed their 2013 Reserve Tannat that was on here awhile ago.
Anybody in the Finger Lakes Region of NY, listen up…
Just got the new (yes, just bottled) 2015 Long Point Zinfandel, and it is phenomenal: Good Fruit, Good Oak, Brambly - Enough Tannin Structure that it should last a while in the cellar. They’re on the East side of Cayuga Lake. And…Customers in New York, Pennsylvania, California, Colorado and Florida get free shipping on orders of one case or more! Use Coupon Code: CASE when ordering from
Not sampled this winery but Doce Robles has some reds where you can buy a case at $10 a bottle (normal $34) with free shipping. Mixed cases are OK. Taken from WineBeserkers Quarantine Relief Forum
@ctmariner they are on Wine Spies often
@ctmariner split a mixed case with a friend just now. I figured they cant be that bad if Winespies endorses them. I’ll report back
@losthighwayz I have sampled 4 of these so far - I started with the Barbera and was excited to read that it had been barrel aged for 54 months but I found it a bit too restrained even after a decent decant. As all the single varietals are 2013 vintage, I guess all are aged for quite awhile. Next I tried the Sunset Red which I found a bit more interesting and the JimmyMon Red was better still. The best so far, even without a decant, has been the Zin which we opened last night just for a final glass of the night. So, they have been OK so far but would probably not rush to buy again. Have you sampled any?
MorningSave has case of Mentida red or white (or mix) california blend for $99 - another offer from the Wine Docter
or even Wine Doctor of Napa!
BTW - not tried and not endorsing
@ctmariner I can endorse the white. I wonder about the red. Syrah-based, and we’ve liked everything we’ve tried by her. Hmmmm.
@ctmariner @PatrickKarcher Oh, same winemaker as Onesta, that’s right! Hmm, indeed.
Timeless Wines has a case of Vinterra (NZ) 2017 Pinot Noir for $129 with free shipping. Never tasted it, not endorsing.
Campesino Rose case 15 percent off and FS ends today
@losthighwayz bought a case
2016 Robert Craig Spring Mountain Cab at WineSpies for $59
@chipgreen Saw that this morning. I did not enjoy their wines when we visited on the rpm tour. But for those who did, seems like a solid deal.
@winedavid49 comes up with an interesting one on the old site.
Informative link to seriouseats for those unfamiliar.
Seriously tempted, and I’m not the first.
@coynedj mussels with nduja recipe, yum.
@rjquillin That stuff is still $20/lb! Yikes!
@klezman I’d never even heard of it before, and certainly not inexpensive, but can’t deny interesting.
Reverse Wine Snob has 2017 Cult Cabernet Sauvignon on sale for $54.99/4 (plus $5 shipping per order). Leftovers?
Out of my league, but has 2016 Opus One for $285, purportedly 29% off. There must be somebody buying this stuff.
Pedroncelli Rose over on meh…$89.
Weird…doesn’t ship to IL. I just ordered Pedroncelli 2 weeks ago.
@winedavid49…was I naughty?
Saw this. Auto buy given how much we love pink wine. Who wants to split?
@rjquillin @time2testit @cortot @merrybill
@karenhynes double checking this.
nvm - got a couple office mates to take three each!
@winedavid49 I know how much you love that!
@klezman woohoo!
@CorTot @klezman @merrybill @rjquillin @time2testit “Ha! I call it pink wine too” love that!
Nards! No OH, IN, or MI.
@karenhynes I split a case with my mom.
Nice deal!
@canestfr we fixed OH and MI.
@Winedavid49 Cheers! Order placed and no wootlegger needed.
@CorTot @klezman @rjquillin @karenhynes
Thanks for the heads up. My first meh purchase, does this come UPS too I assume? Out of CA?UPS works now cuz they just drop the box and run for the truck. Pushing it on weather here but this virus thing is testing all sorts of comfort zones
@kaolis @karenhynes @klezman @rjquillin yes, it’ll come from WCC.
@CorTot @kaolis @karenhynes @klezman
UPS actually had a success yesterday with the Ped mixed, delivered to work.
Perhaps that 30+ minute chat with the distro center manager about the driver actually had some effect.
@CorTot @karenhynes @klezman @rjquillin Thanks!!
Anyone sign up for Cameron Hughes de Negoce? Just got my first offer, a 2017 Stagecoach cab for $180 plus a ship.
If it’s been mentioned didn’t see it
I did but didn’t buy, part of my no more daily drinkers thing and a mystery. Take one for the team and let us know!
@kaolis Yes, I went in on the first Napa cab at $10/btl and also today’s Stagecoach cab. Probably won’t buy any more until I’ve had a chance to taste these.
@kaolis @ScottW58 I didn’t sign up…I need more offerings like a hole in the head.
But I’m going to trust you, Scott, to let me know when there’s something worthy of a split.
@klezman @ScottW58 Mentioned this but moved recently and the majority of my wine is 1000 miles away, maybe 10-12 cases on premise here at the moment. Some of that wtso wine, some of it good sh*t. Traveling not in my immediate future, so yeah I bit on the Stagecoach, my first offer.
I do however recall some old saying about if it’s too good to be true. And I’m not talking Frankie Valli
@kaolis @klezman @ScottW58 I figured the first offer or two have to be great or his business model is in trouble
@DanNC @kaolis @klezman
I think that is a good call!
@DanNC @klezman @ScottW58 I’ve done two deals so far, both cabs. One a little pricier one not so much. And. Oh. He holds for summer for fall ship. Five bucks. What a novel idea.
Hanger Sale is BACK! 25% OFF this week
@rjquillin sorry where?
@jml326 Flannery
@jml326 @rjquillin
Btw Bryan and Katie Flannery are doing a zoom meeting over on WB May 23rd @ 5pm should be fun.
@jml326 @rjquillin @ScottW58 OK, Since the old guys who would 4-week dry age my $10.99/lb Rib Roast and cut it into steaks for free are going out of business…I bought 12 lbs. of this Flannery Hanger.
So, any suggestions for cooking? I do have a Weber natural gas grill, electric smoker and the apparatus for sous vide.
Oh, and thanks for the heads-up.
@FritzCat @jml326 @ScottW58 @klezman
Likely I’m a bit of an outlier, but mine see sous vide for ~4+ hours @52C then a couple minutes absolute max total on a screaming hot grill.
Slice and serve.
Likely you’ll come up with a much more creative process, but these are small in cross section and don’t need much to get them there.
@jml326 @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 Thanks…can’t hardly wait!
@FritzCat @jml326 @rjquillin @ScottW58
For the hangers I prefer either sous vide with a blowtorch finish or just grill them, flipping very frequently so the middle doesn’t get overcooked while the outside gets nice and seared. They’re just too thin for me to sous vide and then grill.
Ron, I can’t understand why you’d want to sous vide them for 4+ hours. That’s so overkill - don’t they start to get a bit mushy by then?
Last night we did a (non-Flannery) Prime rib steak, about 2.5" thick. From frozen, 2.5 hours (really, until the kids were in bed) at 52°C, then on to a hot grill for about 15 minutes, flipping frequently. Centre temps only come up a short amount in that time and I got a nice sear.
@FritzCat @jml326 @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 filled the basket for myself and a coworker just jumping into food and wine. Glad I got that sous vide and vacuum sealer. I threw mine in for 3.5 hours at 130f and on sides of the grill. It was pretty pretty tender.
Just gotta say, I love this community and the information provided to help others venture out more.
@jml326 @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @TechnoViking I agree Techno, great community. I was in the W.W community for a long time, and it was fabulous. You’re new to wine? I’ve got one word for you…“Amarone”.
@jml326 @rjquillin @ScottW58 Got 'em this morning, froze most, threw one on a HOT grill with salt, pepper and a little garlic powder, done med. rare with a nice crust, with sauteed mushrooms, arancini, a bean & broccoli salad and the rest of last night’s 2007 Turley Zin…AMAZING. Thanks for the suggestion.
I have done the reverse sear and it was good but I like just throwing them on the grill because I like the texture it gives. I’m sure anyway you do it should turn out great.
@ScottW58 Thanks. I got enough that I can try all your suggestions…and will!
@FritzCat @ScottW58 yeah no need to overthink, pop them on the grill
The Thai hammock on the other site is legit. not on the daily deal, you have to dig for it. just sayin’.
Looks comfy!
Reverse Wine Snob has the 2017 Scott Harvey Mountain Selection Barbera 4 bottles for $67.99 (+$5 shipping per order). Ends Wednesday at noon Pacific.
Point REYES cheese offer on that other site is a great deal on super good cheese.
@Winedavid49 Yes it is. Thanks! Will go perfectly with the hangers from Flannery.
@Winedavid49 What is this “other site” about which you speak?

Do you still offer Beehive cheese from time to time? Would love a heads-up when/if you do!
@Winedavid49 Point Reyes is totally yum!
Please let #65289856 arrive cool…
'tis Gourmet Tab.
@FritzCat thanks, I keep forgetting they’re still around, sans WW
I need magnums like i need a hole in the head, but dang WTSO has some that i’ve almost clicked. The '13 Iron Horse Estate PN right now looks pretty interesting.
They have actually had some really nice deals, of course I missed the one I wanted
@ScottW58 Ended the day with two of cheap BDX that i can use to impress at the holidays. Yay!
@radiolysis @ScottW58
They have something going on over there?
Really busy day, cleaning up a JPL $#!t storm where they bunged one of our cameras.
Likely better I was busy…
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Dang! No good! They’re having another magnum marathon starting tomorrow at 6am. Today was day one
@rjquillin @ScottW58 looks like I misread a message, so the marathon is over. Saves me from buying more today!
@winedavid49 @trifecta
@rjquillin I was wondering if you saw that, Ron. How many cases did you order?
BFB is the new QPR!
I have no room, unless you’ve built an annex on the qt.
@chipgreen @rjquillin for “2017 Denier-Handal Family Selection Red Blend Venturi Family Vineyard”, has 66% Syrah / 34% PS. But winery site says “Merlot, Petite Sirah, Syrah and Zinfandel”. I wonder which?
@rjquillin, you’ve had these before? Which of the two are you more excited about? This is crazy good prices I take it? I’m tapped out, but the “Syrah with some PS” blend has been a winner in our house.
Although, hmmm, shipping is steep.
@PatrickKarcher @chipgreen
Yes, not these vintages.
Peter Wellington made a Cab from the Handal-Denier vineyard he sourced from Dick and, iirc, there was a tasting a number of us attended there as well. @trifecta help me out here, memory wise, there was another winemaker showing there as well. So, well known vineyard and producer.
A number of years ago lawc was really blowing out cases of CS, PS, Zin, and some Sagrantino I loaded up on for myself and others. @Klezman ended up with a warehouse of cases for an extended period of time, until they all got distributed and/or picked up. Local pick-up for us, so shipping just not an issue.
I’d, in general, compare these to Pedroncelli, best after you’ve let them hang around for a few additional years, but Peter made that vineyard sing.
@chipgreen @klezman @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin The family blend changes year to year and so the website is probably out of date on the merlot content. To be clear these wines are made from Venturi, which is not Handal vineyard. Still great fruit, especially the petite. I haven’t tried the Syrah. My notes show the '17 being something like half sangio and roughly equal parts PS and Zin.
The Handal Cabernet is still made from the same rows/vineyard that were once the Wellington block on the Handal property, and David Noyes is still the consulting winemaker. So that is as close as we can get anymore to Wellington cab.
@chipgreen @klezman @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin @trifecta That’s my fave of the Wellington cabs.
@chipgreen @InFrom @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin @trifecta
Nope, not built additional storage. But since when has storage limited your buying?
I thought Meeker was making these wines now. A rather different, but equally good, style from Peter. Nice to hear David Noyes is still involved, too.
I haven’t seen the Cab get to LAWC since they get the blend and PS most times, even though it looks like they got Syrah this time. I’ve also really enjoyed the PS, even young. They did excellent tannin management and the 2013 was nice and enjoyable at all stages up until now.
And iirc, the H-D Cabernet was the basis of the Victory blend, taking up the majority of the Cabernet portion in most vintages.
I guess we want Dick to sell the Cab here, eh?
@chipgreen @InFrom @klezman @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin Don’t expect to see the Cab at LAWC or here, unless it’s bundled. Just reach out directly for that one or go through the Locals tasting room in Geyserville.
The H-D wines are being made and housed at Meeker’s newer and impressive winery location (south Healdsburg) starting around the 2015ish time frame IIRC and the team there are doing the day to day and heavy lifting, but per the direction of Dave and Dick. As you know, Lucas is an incredibly bright and talented winemaker and the newer generation of wines show what a great combo this is. The younger PETs are friggin delicious and the cab is still one of my favorites from Sonoma County.
@chipgreen @klezman @PatrickKarcher @rjquillin @trifecta
@rjquillin thanks for the heads up, i ordered 3 of each.
@CorTot @rjquillin If you end up picking up there, you can pick up my stuff too if you want. Or if I make it there first I can do the same.
@klezman @rjquillin absolutely did not ship, it’s held for a pick up someday.
@CorTot @klezman How long will they hold for?
@CorTot @klezman @radiolysis
Until you drink them?
@CorTot @klezman @ScottW58 sigh.
@CorTot @klezman @radiolysis
LAWC has held for me for over 3 months, iirc, perhaps even longer.
@klezman @radiolysis I’ve had stuff there for a couple months before.
Syrah must have sold out, don’t see it now.
I need moar wine.
2018 Pedroncelli Unoaked Dry Creek Chardonnay
$14 fs/4 'tso
2018 Buttonwood Sauv Blanc $120/case
@losthighwayz Any deals on their Cab Franc?
@klezman still waiting…
Cavedoni Balsamic on that other site. I know there was some chatter about it being different; anyone know if this is the good stuff? Looks the same.
Product could be the same, but the ones I recall were packaged a bit differently; they had a cork pour spout in the box.
@pseudogourmet98 @rjquillin It was $5 cheaper on morningsave a couple weeks ago…I guess Amazon needs a larger cut so the price has to be higher.
Yes, this is the same Botte Piccola as we’ve been getting from WD for a while now. A couple years ago they went from a corked bottle with the cork spout to an integrated pouring lip on the bottle. More plastic, but no second piece. I never found the second piece worked all that well, fwiw. But if you’ve got one of the older bottles around you could swap it in.
@pseudogourmet98 @rjquillin same stuff. but no spout. we visited there on my Italian trip. it’s legit.
@pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49
Just in case you wondered if we check up on these things…
whoops, wrong site for that.
In the context of the parallel discussion of the Ballard cab and Wes Hagen, Lastbottle has the 2017 J. Wilkes cab for $14.
This thread is now over 1,000 posts long. What would people think of restarting it monthly, ala the “What are you drinking” thread?

/giphy well ok
@davirom What say yearly instead, like clues.
Checking on some possible back-channel possibilities…
VinGardeValise half off with with code flash50. I have been waiting for this
@ScottW58 I’ve been itching to get a winecheck. This just looks like overkill.
@ScottW58 Decisions decisions, really like the Grande 05 but the Petite 03 might be more practical for me. However for $25 the Grande 05 is the better deal IMHO
@radiolysis @ScottW58 I remember years ago someone posted pics on wine woot of an old aluminum suitcase he’d retrofitted with foam compartments with cutouts for bottles.
Which reminds me of another gone-forever post from the way-back old days, where a guy posted all the pics of how he’d turned a closet in his apartment into a wine fridge. Does anyone remember seeing that? I was very impressed by it.
@rc70 Yeah I got the Grande, if i’m not bringing that much wine (a very slim possibility) I can throw clothes in the other side
@ScottW58 Speaks volumes to the true profit % markup.
Get any mag inserts?
@rjquillin @ScottW58 I ended up building a travel case out of a pelican 1440. Holds 8+1 and comes in just under the airline weight restriction at 44 lbs fully loaded. It’s pretty much bulletproof. I’ve check it more than 100 times (I have a long work commute) and it’s still ticking. Just replaced a bit of foam here and there. Never lost a bottle.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Expensive bits of foam! The suitcase is also pretty far up there. The do it yourself insert for the larger case seems like a potential winner to me.
I would say that it speaks to the fact that it’s almost impossible to sell any kind of suitcase in a time that you’re not allowed or it’s unsafe to travel. No special inserts friends tell me they are pretty flexible so you can almost fit any sized bottle in? We will see.
@rjquillin @trifecta
Nice but I’m lazy and I kind of like the combination lock and the TSA access keys thing.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 I must say good luck to you on the whole TSA lock thing. I have tried many different TSA approved locks ($5 to $50) and they broke every single one. I’d put the over/under at 8 for the number of times you will travel with it before they break it. In fact the only times TSA ever open a case is when it has a lock on it. When I do not put a lock on my pelican and just use a zip tie they leave it alone. Ymmv. Pre COVID I flew once a week for work for the last 5 years and have seen it all from those bozos
@rjquillin @trifecta
I have no doubt you are correct, funny though they have always opened my wine check when I fly. And for the price I’m glad to get this.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 @trifecta Yeah, they’ve opened my wine-containing suitcases and case boxes almost every time we’ve flown with them.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 A couple pics of my road warrior

@klezman @ScottW58 @trifecta

Not sure why, but that reminds me of an old Kennedy toolbox I used to travel with for work. This in the early 70’s. Only once was it questioned, when two airline reps, complete with radios, came into the cabin and walked directly to my seat and inquired as to it’s contents…
It flew, and the labels, that perfectly fit on the ends, are still there today.
Hey @WineDavid49 - what’s the deal with the Salumi Chicago on the other site? Comparison to Creminelli?
@klezman among the best I’ve tasted in a long time. new partner, so trusting they execute on the fulfillment side.
@Winedavid49 Thanks! Might have to try some. I’ll discuss with molarchae.
@klezman @Winedavid49
I see you got a rep up on the site too answering a few questions.
@klezman @rjquillin @Winedavid49 I had a look – I just knew someone would complain about the cost. First person who posted! Like clockwork.
In true Marie Antoinette form, I say, “Let them eat Slim Jim!”
I appreciated the conversation about what it means to be labeled “uncured”.
@InFrom @klezman @Winedavid49
I could troll with a comment along the lines of…
And likely you’re one of them making $600 extra a week.
But I won’t.
Uncured was informative, good call there.
@rjquillin really? Wow
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Yeah, kind of a low blow. No need to go there.
@InFrom @rjquillin yeah I have good friends who through no fault of their have have lost job’s are getting that but still might lose everything so don’t go there please.
@DrWorm is totally at fault here.
@klezman @rjquillin yea, i really like these guys.
A shout-out to WD for finding a great partner here. I ordered some Salumi Chicago and we’ve had a few sticks. They had an odd aroma and flavour that just didn’t seem right. Finally decided to email them to see whether it was just a really heavily cured salami or we had an off batch or what. The owner emailed me back within hours and offered to send a replacement. Apparently they had a packaging issue that is nearly solved.
Kudos all around!
Robert Craig Merlot on the Spies
for what seems like it’s approaching a reasonable price,
and the 2015 gets good reviews on Cellartracker, and
it seems like it will be ok if I lose it for a few years in
my cellar.
I like Cab drinkers’, New World Merlots, and I do like Oak.
Any suggestions?
I just grabbed a couple, fwiw. I have never had the Merlot but their Howell Mountain Cab is amazing.
@chipgreen Yeah, I got a couple, and like the new “Locker” concept. It’s hard to find a really good new-world merlot. After jonesing for a good merlot yesterday, I pulled out a 2014 Substance “Me” for today. Add a case (12 or more) and use code RRZIN for 50% off. Free shipping over 6 bottles.
$252/case shipped (tax may apply on top of this- $18.27 to me in CA)
Long story short; these are usually sold to restaurants for less than they goto the public. Covid19 forced their hand to sell direct.
@ecue a bit confused. Is this 50 percent off if you buy a case of zin?
@losthighwayz Correct. Add 12 bottles or more, and enter the code RRZIN and the price goes from $42 to $21 per bottle.
@ecue Thanks for the tip. Been wanting to try these guys forever.
@ecue Thanks. In for a case. Did you notice that everybody on CellarTracker gives these a 92 rating!
@ecue OMG, they went fast…this deal showed up on Slickdeals, with the usual result…“The Slickdeals Effect”.
@ecue @hscottk
These guys make some killer zins IMHO.
@ecue @hscottk @ScottW58 tasting room was pretentious though, at last my experience was.
@CorTot @ecue @hscottk lol did that make the wine taste bad?
@CorTot @ecue @ScottW58 probably slightly less pretentious these days with a closed sign on the door and their wine selling at 50% off. How was the wine?
@ecue @hscottk @ScottW58 wine is a curious thing. The people cane make or break a purchase sometimes. I’ve found it on discount before and bought and really liked the wine and wanted to check out the winery and just didn’t love the feel of the place or the people working there.
Id absolutely buy it again at a discount just not from the winery at full price.
Buena Vista has a FS/case offer going, with case discounts from 15~25% depending on how thirsty your are.
2018 Meadowcroft Pinot noir RRV $9.95 at LAWineCo
That price is crazy! The 2016 mixed Pinot offering from almost 2 years ago stands out as one of my favorite Casemates offers. Too bad there are not rats!
@karenhynes I already have an order for pick up so I may add a few of these.
@CorTot @karenhynes
and the D-H offers that sold out earlier have stock again as well.
If anyone wants the three wine stoppers (new in sealed package) I got in the irk for the cost of postage whisper me.
PS Says it is a Vestia wine stopper to be used with that system, whatever that is.
Don’t see it posted above, email today from Laura Michael with 30% on 6 and 50% on a case. Plus shipping. All wines available.
@msten is there a code to use when checking out?
2017 Tank Garage Winery Fast Machine Red on Invino for $20, free shipping on 6.
66% Barbera, 21% Sangiovese and 13% Primitivo, all sourced from the Sierra Foothills
@chipgreen Have you sampled any of their wines?
I have not. Purchased the recent Casemates offer “Skin Flick” but haven’t tried yet.
@chipgreen OK - thanks for reply - I missed the “Skin Flick” so had to scroll back to check it out.
@chipgreen Invino FYI - Invino now also have Tank Garage 2018 Truth or Dare Sparkling Rose ($15) and Art of Surfing Red (Tempranillo blend - $16) - not tried any
If you enjoy olive oil Rancho Olivos in Los Olivos, CA (next to Brander if you’re familiar) has $5 shipping through end of May. We buy their stuff every time we visit. Family owned and awesome quality and price imo $23 for 375 or $39 for 750 bottle.
The California Wine Club currently has 15% off already discounted wines (CELLAR15) with $1 shipping on purchases of 6 or 12 bottles - including American Legends by CG DiAire 2014 Sierra Foothills Zin (not tried before but ordered a couple to try along with some other wines to make up a 6 pack) and Pedroncelli 2017 Bench Merlot both for under $13 after 15% discount. You do not have to be a member to order.
Anyone interested in creating a Onesta Cinsault vertical, they have the 2014 (and a 2018 Rose) for just over $15 a bottle after discount.
@WineDavid49 that coffee over on the other site looks delicious! I’m overfilled with coffee at the moment, though, so bring them back in about 3 months!
@klezman Would be interested in trying them out if they offered a lighter roast profile. All that care taken in the growing and wash process to then dark roast seems like a shame.
@trifecta I agree with respect to lighter roasts. Artisan roasters seem to hew fairly closely to reality, where medium or medium+ is good for my espresso making. Anything more than that (like, say, a SBux medium roast) is too dark. I figured these would be pretty close to where I like them.
looks like @winedavid49 also has a Shannon Ridge 2x3 PN, CS and Chard offer up on
Side Deal for $10/btl. (click on the pic)
@rjquillin looks like 6 of each? In any event, WW offered the '16 PN for $75/pack
AVA is California.
Dont see much QPR?
or, reading the offer
2: 2018 Old Pearl Chardonnay Bottles
2: 2018 Old Pearl Cabernet Sauvignon Bottles
2: 2017 Old Pearl Pinot Noir Bottles
Flannery sale on pork & burger blends including Kali is going on.
@rc70 Was there an email for this?
@rjquillin I did not get an email, I just dropped by the site as I was to late last week to add the Kali to my order that was in process, thought I might order up some burger fixins and found them on sale along with pork.
@rc70 @rjquillin
Yeah thanks! Got a bunch more Kali and some more pork chops
WineSmith Cabernet Sauvignon 3-Pack ($75) at . I thought I posted this???
This one-day deal is from a couple of days ago,
but I just bought mine. $10 Shipping on any number of
3-packs (I got 2) and I think it’s 2-day shipping.
@FritzCat I didn’t realize @WineDavid49 did their offers as well.
@klezman @Winedavid49 Yeah, that’s what it looked like. Hey, whenever, however one of our favorites shows up…
NV Soto Junmai Daiginjo
$8/300ml flyer from GO and damn good.
@rjquillin pick up a couple for us next time…
@klezman Hopefully, if I can manage to get there before curfew. Monday and Tuesday you couldn’t even drive thru Santee as the main road was closed by the Sheriff department to deal with protesters.
@klezman I’ll be heading to a different GO down here today, I’ll see if they have any. 300mL bottles are up my alley so I’d love to have some too.
@klezman No sake at all. Not a whole lot to talk about on the wine side either. Picked up a 2012 Vincent Vineyards “V Cuvee” as a flyer. Not Vincent Arroyo or Vincent Wine Co., but for $5 i’ll take a chance on this Vincent.
@klezman @radiolysis Picked up your bottles. Made it in just before the 19:00 curfew kicked in.
Also found some 2017 Suncé Zinfandel Old Clones Cattich Vineyard for $8 I’m chilling down a bit…
@radiolysis @rjquillin Nice, thanks! Send me the details so I can add to CT?
@klezman @radiolysis
cases in stock in Santee
$8 qty 2~4
@radiolysis Did you try the 2012 Vincent Vineyards V Cuvee yet? 2013 vintage on Winespies for $19 (claiming 73% off average price of $70).
@ctmariner sorry, no. I planned on it, just to see if I needed to run back over and buy more, but it just didn’t materialize.
@ctmariner opened for dinner, so a short review now. Very fruit forward - blueberry and plum. 14.5% but it’s all in fruit and not alcohol taste. Notably oaky. It’s a fantastic $5 wine, but maybe not for $20? Understanding you’re looking at another vintage and all…
@radiolysis ok - thanks - plenty of stock on hand and on way so will probably pass. Thanks for taking time to rat and respond - greatly appreciated!
@ctmariner just to chase this to the end (and I’ll be adding CT notes at some point), it got more sweet and chocolatey as it got air. While we enjoyed on PnP, after six hours it wasn’t as good. I’m not familiar with the weather or harvest conditions on the Central Coast during 2012, so I really can’t say if this is the house style or affected by outside influence.
@radiolysis thanks for the additional feedback
@ctmariner @radiolysis I’m pretty sure that is their style. We went for a tasting last year. Did not like any of the wines we tasted. Overly oaked, ripe, and low acidity. Glad we had a 2x1 tasting! Property is beautiful though
Over on Meh for $99
12-Bottles (1 Case) of Pedroncelli Friends White or Red Wine
I’ve had the white numerous times over threats, but never the red. I figure I’ll get better feedback over here than Meh. Anyone whose had the Friends Red care to comment? The review that Sparky linked seems to think it’s great.
@pseudogourmet98 @rjquillin What are your thoughts on the Friends white?
@spammie I’m a big fan of the White. It’s fresh and vibrant, and a little bit spicy from the Gewurztraminer. I likened it to the spiciness of tequila during my last bottle.
@pseudogourmet98 @spammie
Neither of the .friends are much in my wheelhouse, so I’m not much help at all, but others seem quite pleased…
Tequila, phew, that seems like a stretch.
@pseudogourmet98 @rjquillin @spammie I thought it was just ok. Too much grapefruit pith for me. Wife likes it though.
@losthighwayz @pseudogourmet98 @rjquillin @spammie Neither are particularly my style, but I liked the white more than the red every time I’ve tried them. Too close to “sound commercial wine” and not very interesting. Great for a party and/or with those who just enjoy a drink and don’t want to think about it.
@klezman @losthighwayz @pseudogourmet98 @spammie
Yes, this.
@klezman @losthighwayz @pseudogourmet98 @rjquillin Thanks to all for the input!
Ty Caton Vineyards
2016 Cabernet Collection ‘Arroyo’ Moon Mountain Estate Cabernet Sauvignon $29 at Winespies. (This is the estate single vineyard that goes for $60 (now for the 2017) and has a couple of old non-flattering reviews on cellartracker)
@FritzCat They have 3 different vineyards up now - Arroyo, Barracks, and Terraces.
@warcraft82 Wow! Tempted. I’ve got a case half-full in their locker now. Hmmmmm…
@warcraft82 2, the original is sold out now.
@warcraft82 2 of 3 are sold out.
Winespies have Peterson Winery 2014 Bradford Mountain Estate Vineyard Dry Creek Valley Zinfandel for $19 a bottle
@ctmariner So, is this a particularly good Zin?
@FritzCat Apologies - I should have added that I have not tried this particular wine but have enjoyed their previous offerings on here (although they no longer can ship to CT). I added a couple of bottles of this Zin to my Winespies Locker.
2016 Scherrer Winery Chardonnay Helfer Vineyard
CT $ is $50, WL wine text price $25
WTSO has $25 off $50 purchase with code Deal25. Got myself something I have been wanting to try
@ScottW58 Thanks, it worked.
@ScottW58 Thank you very much!
@ScottW58 What’d you get? I saw a sold out Barolo that I’d have definitely picked up.
Gaja Pieve Santa Restituta Brunello di Montalcino 2014 been wanting to try one of these for a while now
@ScottW58 looks to be expired this morning
@rjquillin I can only lead a horse to water
@ScottW58 If you can, can you disclose how you got alerted to this offer? Are you Elite status with WTSO
@ctmariner sorry but i’m not elite anywhere
but the WB board has a thread with deals.
is WB winebeserkers?
I grabbed two of the 2016 Chateauneuf-du-pappers for $60, meaning $35. Very nice! Now I’ve got my 2016 neuffy-pops to pull out in 10-15 years to mess with someone. $17.50 each with the coupon. Would have gotten one of those $30 Barolo if not sold out.
A 4-pack of the Sancerres flash deal up now looks pretty yummy with this coupon, but already used my coupon. I didn’t know when the coupon expired, so I didn’t want to wait for the right flash deal.
@PatrickKarcher Snap - I did exactly the same - two of the 2016 Chateauneuf-du-pappers!
@ctmariner @PatrickKarcher I thought about it but then didn’t get through researching to decide if it was my thing. Then it was today and the coupon is done. No big loss…I have way more than enough wine.
Okay here are all the codes for, some or all of them are still good. Also retailmenot I hear has 20% cash back at and Rakuten always has at least 2.5% back at There are some great deals you just have to search, also if you have the free shipping you can get rocking deals. Oh and I get nothing out of this other than knowing I made you spend a bunch of money
JB20 ($20 off $50)
FBSPIR50 ($50 on $150)
FBPRO50 ($50 on $150)
FBR50 ($50 on $150)
CIQ50 ($50 on $150)
CN50 ($50 on $150)
2MKBMRT ($100 on $300)
4MAAFTC ($100 on $300)
3KBMAFC ($100 on $300)
7KBMAFR ($100 on $300)
@ScottW58 Humm, I do have the stewardship program there…
If you have free shipping and use the 100 off 300 you can get 8 bottles of the 07 Lopez de Heredia Bosconia for under $30 per, a rocking deal! But what do I know
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Enabler
But Ron, if you do go in on that I’d take a couple bottles.
@klezman @ScottW58 Order #26473331
@ScottW58 @klezman
anything else interesting?
@klezman @rjquillin sure what are you looking for? Also it has to end in .99 cents for the codes to work.
@klezman @ScottW58 are there any that don’t?
Ahh, a few high end imports.
@klezman @ScottW58
I did pick up a couple domestic cabs, Montelena, Martini Monte Rosso and a random '05 Louis Latour to bump it over 300. The 100 off does make these well below CT or wine searcher pricing.
Just don’t know enough about Spain, Italy to choose.
@klezman @rjquillin
minus 2.5 percent that gets you 3 bottles of beautiful corison cab for way less than anywhere else!
Really I thought for sure you would go for 3 2016 corison cabs at $99.99 throw in a cheap bottle for 9.99 to get over $300
@klezman @ScottW58 missed 'em; fixed.
Even better than Tim’s pricing.
Some IH up there too I see.
Do I look at this like I spent or saved hundreds?
@klezman @rjquillin well I’m trying to think I have saved a ton of money
@rjquillin @ScottW58 So you can use each of those coupon codes once per account? This could be expensive. I found some Kracher Beerenauslesen…
@klezman @rjquillin correct also retailmenot is giving 20% back today for
and for those of you who have watched “In living color” mo money mo money mo money 
@klezman @ScottW58 Now you tell us, after the orders are already in…
@winedavid49 isn’t going to be pleased.
Done blew my budget for at least the rest of the month.
@klezman @rjquillin
Please no way you could have used all those codes…
@rjquillin @ScottW58
ok, you got me. 3 Corisons and a cheapie Italian white to get over $300. Total delivered will be something like $210 after the cash back. Sweet.
@klezman @rjquillin hard to resist!!
@klezman @ScottW58 one more to go…
A 50/150
And there are some SH bottles that would be better than my club pricing on them.
Scott Harvey Vineyard 1869 Old Vine Zinfandel 2017
to the rescue
@klezman @ScottW58 not seeing any communications from retailmenot on purchases.
did you get or expect to get any confirmations?
@klezman @rjquillin I’m told it takes them a while.
@ScottW58 Well, you got me too. 20 bottles with $170 in “savings”. Though I signed up for the stewardship so I spent $50 to “save” $73
Thanks, Scott. Purchased stewardship plus 2 Corison, 2 Russian Cuvee and a couple cheap Vouvrays. Now onto my next order…
@chipgreen great to hear!
@chipgreen @ScottW58
It’s gotta be rewarding spending OPM.
@chipgreen @rjquillin well yes it makes me feel like I’m not the only sucker born every minute
and yes getting other people a good deal is a good thing!
And I, for one, at least, appreciate your diligence in ferreting these out.
@rjquillin @ScottW58
OK, I am done. 33 bottles, average cost = $30.60 shipped.
Not bad, considering there are 2 bottles of Corison Cab, a split of Opus One and an Opus One Overture in the mix. Also grabbed a couple of Heitz Cabs, 2 of those R Lopez de Heredias, 2 Produttori del Barbaresco Barbaresco and 2 Patty Green Volcanic Pinots. Plus 2 each of Iron Horse Pinot and Russian Cuvee. And I still have free shipping for the rest of the year (FedEx, yay!), although I should probably try not to take much advantage of that!
I am feeling both exhilarated and ashamed, haha. My wife would kill me if she knew I just dropped a grand on wine but I did skip Berserker Day this year and then there was that stimulus check, so…
@chipgreen @rjquillin @ScottW58

@chipgreen @karenhynes @ScottW58
considering I ended up taking advantage of all the coupons, ouch!
They don’t ship till Nov 2, so I still have time…
@chipgreen @rjquillin
Nice haul!
Looks like someone, Ty?, dumped cases on winebid.
@rjquillin as in lots of cases of Caton on there?
@klezman six perhaps
You snag me some
@rjquillin email me exactly what you want… I’ll forward the bills
@klezman See Scott’s whisper, and a '14 Stony Hill.
Mix as best you can for the 100/300.
With the deals at Ty Caton Winery right now, unless you want some of the “vintage” Tytaniums, considering the fees and shipping costs at Winebid, you’re better off ordering direct from Ty Caton.
And, it doesn’t look like there’s any Ty Caton at
Two jake of Diamonds 2010 and 2012 Petite Sirah is on reverse wine snob right now. One of my favorite wines of all time. If I didnt already have a few cases I would get some.
@Twich22 Opened a 2010 to Rat for you guys. It doesn’t taste or look like it’s 10 years old. Cork was fine too. It is tasty, but a bit old-world. Certainly not a fruit bomb. Also, if I didn’t have several of both 2010s and 2012s, I would buy.
Navarro Vineyards 2015 Methode a l’Ancienne Pinot Noir, 33% off, free shipping on a case. That’s $23.33 for the filtered and $24.67 for the unfiltered. This is usually good stuff. I enjoyed the 2014 last year.
2016 Vintone Chenin Blanc on Invino for $15, free ship on 6 or more. Was on Casemates last year - $16.25/bottle for 4 or $12.50/bottle for 12 (+ tax/shipping as applicable). I have not tried it but clicked through the Invino email as I was just thinking today about getting some Vouvray (or a domestic Chenin) for a co-worker.
WTSO has Iron Horse Vineyards Estate Chardonnay 2016 Russian River Valley for $16.99.
2016 Iron Horse Vineyards Chardonnay Estate
wtso $17/fs4
@winedavid49 couldn’t we have these appear on a more regular basis?
[edit] oops, needed to do a refresh first, thanks @mark_l
Coravin Model 2 at Slickdeals/Neiman Marcus
$84 w/2 capsules
$112 w/4 capsules and a bag
@FritzCat Thanks, and a heads-up to @rpm that was looking for one at a reasonable cost.
@FritzCat Thanks. I picked up the 2 capsule model.
2017 Denier-Handal Family Selection Red Blend
66% Syrah, 34% Petite Sirah
lawc $12
@klezman @cortot want to split a case?
2011 Godspeed Vineyards Mt. Veeder Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon is $25 on Winespies (down in the More section).
Through Sunday, Patricia Green Cellars has FS +15% off on cases; $20 ship on 6. A Berserker Day favorite.
Garagiste just sent out a mailer for Kendric 2019 Pinot Noir Rosé - $13.70 plus shipping (~$2.25/btl to SoCal). But the retail is $15 and 10% case discounts apply.
@klezman you know I would probably buy that but it won’t show up until close to 2021 and I don’t really age rose. Unlike some people we know
@ScottW58 Some of them age well!
But I was suggesting maybe a few of us going in on a case direct from Stew instead.
@klezman @ScottW58 nightmare fuel!
@CorTot @klezman @ScottW58
Eating Stew before bed would produce nightmares?
Happy with most of the Kendric I’ve purchased;
I could help on a case.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 your brown bag rose was stew colored.
@CorTot @klezman @rjquillin

Lol! I will pass on the case deal, by the time I would be able to pick it up it could also be stewed
@CorTot @klezman @ScottW58
that was a Zin, not a PN. HUGE difference.
@CorTot @klezman @rjquillin
Not at 40 years old
Not a great “deal” but Tytanium, cases of it, multiple vintages up on WineBid for $50
Also some CS and Syrah
Stoke’s Ghost Petite Sirah from Scheid Family Wines being offered at Reverse Wine Snob via WCC for 3 @ $51+$10 shipping.
I picked up 6 bottles of 2001 Red Car Platt Vineyard Pinot Noir on auction. Anybody want a bottle or two? It’ll be ~$35ish per bottle.
Oops. Vintage is 2008, not 2001. $36.33/bottle.
I figured given the attention this vineyard has been getting, trying an older vintage was an easy call at a reasonable price (cf $70 or $80 for the recent Rivers-Marie release).
@rjquillin @ScottW58
@klezman @ScottW58
I’d be good for a couple, but CT thinks we should have consumed these 7 years ago. Yeah, right.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Along with the note from 18 months ago extolling its virtues. CT “drinking windows” are pretty meaningless, especially on the “drink by” date.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58
“1 user averaging 2013”
Yeah, that’s pretty worthless
@klezman @rjquillin
Careful with 2008 that was the big smoke taint year…not that these are I have no idea?
No go for me right now, I just got in trouble for buying some 1971 Barolo
@rjquillin @ScottW58 The smoke was much farther north, iirc. But thanks for the reminder.
So Ron’s got a pair? Anybody else? has some more deals. If you have free ship great deals.
LI50, PW50FB -> $50 on $150
PS20 -> $20 on $50
@ScottW58 Any idea when these expire?
@rjquillin I don’t?
@ScottW58 Thanks for posting the codes; I’m getting the most out of my stewardship.
@ScottW58 I’m sure I can find an easy way to spend $50.02.
@klezman you would be giving away money if you didn’t
@ScottW58 RetailMeNot has a 14% cash back, too. Sigh.
@ScottW58 Also what was that South African winery you’ve been going on about lately? I think they had a Chenin you thought was amazing?
@klezman One of my favorite go to’s is
Tenuta delle Terre Nere Etna Rosso and their Santo Spirito. Great wines grown on the side of a volcano, they have both of those
@ScottW58 Picked those up, another bottle of Tribute to Grace, and a Bourgogne Aligoté to try. Sigh.
@klezman nice! I really love those Terre Nere Etna Rosso’s I get 4 or 6 every year and they have never let me down!
@klezman @ScottW58 I am thinking of Skinner, Tribute to Grace, and Herman Story
South Africa? I do like Sadie family Chenin but does not have any of the Chenin. Hamilton Russell is a great winery from South Africa but they are mainly Pinot and Chardonnay.
the Iota sunflower seeds on woot are really tasty. FWIW
Reverse Wine Snob has 2017 Pedroncelli Sonoma Classico at $50 for 4 bottles and $10 fixed/flat 2 day shipping
Anybody want to split up a case of Scherrer Zin futures?
@klezman was just looking at that…
@rjquillin Was thinking of the mixed OMV and Terraces. I assume it’s 6 bottles each?
@klezman got the email. How much?
@losthighwayz @rjquillin
$296/case - appears only available in case lots. Presumably plus shipping.
@losthighwayz @rjquillin Did either of you come to a conclusion?
@losthighwayz @rjquillin Ping
De Negoce… thoughts on this? I’ve come close to pulling the trigger a few times and held back. Summer hold is great, but hearing some have shipped anyway in error. A lot of these sell out fast, but the offer #21 is still up. Howell mtn cab for $18 is tempting, but the 75% new oak is a bit concerning. Anyone else tried this yet?
@hscottk It’s still for sale, won’t be shipped for a while, so no one has tasting notes yet (with the exception of Cameron and crew). It will be long sold out before we know how the wine tastes.
@DanNC I was referring to their offers in general (1-20). Curious if folks have tried any of these.
@hscottk Funny I was real close to pulling the trigger on this yesterday but controlled myself
Not worried about the oak really just the mystery and you have to buy a whole case.
@hscottk I’ve bought five of the offers but only two, from early in the cycle, have been delivered (I’ve had good luck with must of Cameron’s wines in the past so was not too worried about these being mediocre). The other three are in summer storage waiting for cooler weather. I sampled a bottle of each of the two cabs and it’s a little like barrel tasting - I simply wanted to get an idea of the starting point and where the wines might be headed. Both will certainly be better in a few years, and both will be considered very good qpr once I start drinking them.
@DanNC Thanks for the feedback. Curious it hasn’t sparked more interest here.
@DanNC @hscottk Oh yeah, I signed up.
@DanNC @FritzCat @hscottk I thought about it. Then I realized everything was full case lots. So I figured I’d rely on others around here to let me know when a good deal came along and I’d split with them. Not like I’m searching for more wine…
Here’s another de Négoce offer…
OG N.24 2019 Napa Carneros Pinot Noir 12-bottle case SHIPS OCTOBER 12
Note from the email:
As the wines will be bottle shocked the next couple of months, it makes no sense to risk long journeys in peak summer heat.
Instead, I will build the hold costs into the price, store the wines at 58 degrees, and ship them on October 12th along with our Summer Holds.
Another quick note on bottle shock: Pre-selling and then shipping newly bottled wines is a large part of why the prices are so insanely good. My point? Please be patient with the wines for a couple months, they’ll come around and you will be happier.
The price is certainly tempting, but with such little information available it makes it difficult to pull the trigger on an entire case. If anyone in the Twin Cities is interested in a split though, that could get me off the fence.
Just got a shipment notice for the first case I ordered (OG 19 Santa Cruz Pinot) from… Wine Country Connect! Perhaps David and team have some inside scoop on this new project? @winedavid
@SDL Fixed it for you
@SDL3 The plot thickens!
@hscottk @SDL3
Pretty sure Castle Rock Pinot Noir Carneros is still widely available in stores for $10. Obviously don’t know how it compares to the De Negoce, just pointing out a potentially comparable everyday offer.
@hscottk Cameron put up 200 cases of a RRV chardonnay earlier today and they sold out in a few hours. He just followed up with 800 cases of Carneros chardonnay. The first came out to ~$14.50 and the second $11.50/bottle with shipping. I snagged a case of each, on another leap of faith and also because we’re almost out of whites. As opposed to the Christmas QPR and bourbon barrel plonk on Casemates this week, I’ll buy de Negoce every time.
@DanNC Interested in hearing your thoughts on these and the others you’ve ordered when they arrive. One of these days I’ll have to order a case.
@DanNC @hscottk
are these the de Negoce or CH?
You getting email notifications?
Looked earlier and didn’t see any suggestions of these…
@hscottk @rjquillin They’re the de Negoce offerings. I registered and get email notifications.
@hscottk @rjquillin Yesterday’s 800 case offering of Spring Mountain cab is already gone. That’s on top of 1000 cases of chardonnay over the weekend. Cameron’s blowing through the product.
@DanNC @hscottk
I was looking at that one, but life got in the way of finding someone to split with.
@hscottk @rjquillin Cameron has a zinfandel in the pipeline - I may (or may not) have enough of his cabs and chardonnay but will definitely jump in on some zin.
@DanNC @hscottk @rjquillin
How much was the spring mountain cab?
@chipgreen @hscottk @rjquillin $18/bottle plus shipping, $29/case
@DanNC @hscottk @rjquillin
$18/bottle for spring mt cab? That’s insane!
@chipgreen @DanNC @rjquillin Yeah, I get the emails… should really pull the trigger on one of these. But these are pre release, so no feedback on the wines. And no one to split with. How about a De Negoce champagne?
@chipgreen @hscottk @rjquillin At these prices I can look at them as cellar defenders. Not that there’s that much needing defending anymore, as my time horizon has changed as I’ve gotten older. I don’t plan to leave anything worthwhile behind.
@chipgreen @hscottk @rjquillin $18 is one of the more expensive Napa cabs. His first release was $10 for what he says was a $55 wine.
@hscottk @rjquillin The first zin hit today at $8/btl. Speculation on WB is that it could be Pedroncelli juice.
@DanNC @hscottk I did bite on this one, hope it’s something better. Really should navigate the WB more often. The $29 ship, while pretty common, is still a bit pricey for a CA shipment and tarnishes the luster a bit.
@hscottk @rjquillin Ironically, and although I was looking forward to a zin, I didn’t bite. I’ve never been a big fan of Pedroncelli zins, even when cheap. Besides, I’m saving for Amavi syrah on Casemates
@DanNC @rjquillin no buy. my streak is intact.
@DanNC @hscottk @rjquillin I opened a bottle of the OG19 Santa Cruz Pinot tonight, against Cameron’s advice, bottle shock and so on. It’s light and fruit forward with a little zip (acidity, I think), a hint of oak, and that unmistakable “pinot” finish. Perhaps you guys can tell me how to better describe that. A great summer wine and good value at ~$16 delivered, though I think I’d be disappointed if I paid $35+ at the winery as Cameron claims. My experience is that there isn’t much QPR out there in the world of CA Pinot so happy to get my hands on this.
I jumped in on the Zin today as well. My wife is going to think I’ve lost my mind when all this shows up mid-Oct. I’ll just sell some off to my golfing buddies. They’ll gladly lap it up at half the price of their go-to Decoy.
Looks like @winedavid49 has nine (9) Cavedoni offers up on Rue, along with some 2017 Martellotto Pinot Noir for $25/btl.
@rjquillin the cavedoni is not mine. the martellotto is. look for better cavedoni soon on W.
@Winedavid49 WD, we have some post Woot! 'mates that don’t have a clue about the “W”, or is that an unmentionable here?
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 Mentionable or not, it’s up today on Woot.
@InFrom @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Oh! Very familiar. Thanks for the clue. Love me some Cavedoni.
House Wine and Cheezits Combo-Pack
Available Thursday at 2:00 Eastern Time
@FritzCat well I like cheezits but I don’t know what I would do with house wine when I already have a house full of wine.
@ScottW58 I hear you, but if circumstances were different, like if the AirB&B had worked out in August for all my kids and their SOs, it would have been perfect.
2010 and 2013 Two Jakes PS on Reverse Wine Snob for $35 for the 2 with flat $10/2 day shipping (does not change with quantity ordered)
SoCal folks: Wine House has Flowers Sea View Ridge Pinot for $40, SRP $80. Kills invino’s price of $55.
@klezman You going to be picking up some?
@rjquillin I ordered 3. I’ve got some stuff waiting there for pickup.
@klezman I was out-n-about. SO when I just checked. sigh
@rjquillin Because you needed more wine, right?
@klezman stopped by the winery two days ago. Talk about snobby! Place was EMPTY and let me know booked for the day. $45 per tasting to boot. Every other winery welcomed us.
@losthighwayz When their basic bottling goes for around $40-50 and their single vineyard bottlings for $75+ is it that surprising?
With the covid-related sanitation requirements I’m also not surprised that they can only take one or two groups at a time with significant time in between to clean everything. shrug
FWIW, I’ve never been there nor tasted much of their wine, and I have no skin in this game. I did meet one of their staff on a flight a few years ago and he was a nice guy.
@klezman not necessarily. We went to Dutton Estate for a tasting. The nicest pourer at $25 per tasting. She refunded one tasting with our purchase. Their Pinot bottlings are on par pricewise with Flowers. Every winery we stopped by last minute was very welcoming except Flowers. I know snobby and the guy was a snob. Like I said, place was Empty. Only one couple.
LA Wine Company anniversary sale - 10% off with coupon “#38”
Question for @WineDavid49 - what’s the deal with the Japanese pantry items over on woot? Those prices are crazy without more of a story.
@klezman @winedavid49
Yes, crazy high.
I’m thinking those are not his…
@klezman @rjquillin they are ours. Imported restaurant caliber. Base out of San Francisco
@klezman @Winedavid49
@klezman @Winedavid49
Me-bad, on the murakami syouten hateruma kokutou
Missed it was a 3-pack, due to the single bag shown in the photo.
Outstanding price!
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 molarchae opted to get the sugar and tamari. Do you have any recipes that would be good for either?
@klezman @Winedavid49 I don’t, will have to ask Keiko. Not sure on the tamari, I think that may be more commonly available locally, but again, I’ll ask.
Get50 is $50 off $200 at, not quite as good as the others but add that with retailmenot giving 20% cash back it ain’t bad
@ScottW58 Thanks, just ordered some 375 ml bottles of 2017 Vintage Port. Highly rated vintage.
Maybe my children or grandchildren will enjoy them.
@ScottW58 Oy. No more! I’m sitting this one out!
Which btw comes out too $49 per bottle yay! or they will sell them for pennies to the bottle 
Ha! I ordered another bottle of 16 Corison and 2 bottles of 17 Frogs Leap estate cab that my children or grandchildren will have to enjoy
haha. I wouldn’t let such precious wine go unappreciated.
A surefire way to prevent that is to send those bottles my way
@ScottW58 Thankyou. Stocked up on some Margaret River whites!
@KingKoopa Nice any particular ones stand out? Not familiar with the whites from that region.
They also have $20 off $50 with your first order from the app.
@ScottW58 Woodlands, Brown Hill, Leeuwin Estate. In general I like the area for Chardonnay (more acid / mineral driven) and Semillion, but there is also some great Shiraz and Cabernet.
Save 25% on a 4 pack of Jana Harvey whites with code WWD25. Also $5 shipping. Link
Chatter is the current de Negoce zin offer might be Pedroncelli Bushnell or Mother Clone??? who cares right…ha!
@kaolis I’m guessing Mother Clone…specs identical…so it’s $8/btl and $29 to ship…so $10.40 btl
@kaolis I was kinda thinking/hoping it may be Dry Creek Vineyard Zinfandel Heritage
@kaolis identical specs is a pretty compelling argument, is it worth it?
@kaolis @ScottW58 with a case of LL RRV zin on its way in the fall, this was an easy one to skip. The spring mtn cab was more tempting!
@hscottk @kaolis your probably right and I have enough cheap Zin to last a lifetime anyways.
@hscottk @kaolis @ScottW58 Ah, but Pedroncelli is simply inexpensive and even at regular winery price is solid QPR. It’s not like a $20 Zin from Lodi
But yeah, I agree there’s been more than enough cheap Zin to last me a lifetime, too. And I’m younger than you are!
@hscottk @kaolis @klezman Ha I didn’t mean Ped…well you got the meaning
@hscottk @kaolis @ScottW58 I actually thought you did…oops
@ScottW58 Is it worth it? Is it a screaming deal? Is it a $200 cab for $18? Yes, no and no.
Yes i’m sure it’s worth it but I have absolutely no reason to buy 12 bottles of daily drinking Zin, I have plenty of great wine and daily drinkers I may never drink (although i’m trying!) I just hate the way these things tempt me
@ScottW58 As do I. At least for me. But. It’s a sickness that has nothing to do with the current virus that I hear is going around.
(I could use a little nice burg at a good price though)
Usually around $65 I got my 16’s for that price at sommpicks. I think 17 is the new release. FWIW Domaine Michel Lafarge Volnay
Well for you here is my favorite burg that is somewhat affordable depending on what you think is a good price, pretty much always are delicious and will age a long time although I drink them anytime with an hour or three in the decanter
@ScottW58 Thanks. I shall check it out, that’s a doable price range. Sounds familiar in fact, but I don’t own any. Problem is just like with Bordeaux I’m one of those guys that hates opening anything recent. No patience to sit idle and look at a decanter full of wine for hours on end…ha!
Bryan is celebrating the birth of his grandson.

Quote from the email:
Now through Fri Aug 7th, CA New Yorks are 30% off. And as a special thanks for all of you extended family members who have signed up for our emails, I can’t get you cigars, but can give you an additional 10% off, simply enter the code TEDDY in the coupon code section.
Not tried it but Amavi 2016 Cab on Last Bottle for $16 - free shipping on 6
@ctmariner Looked at it, but haven’t tried it. Cellartracker is mediocre on it, and someone called it “thin”. But, seems to be a fair alternative to a Napa Cab.
@ctmariner The cab was offered on CM in May of 2019, along with the syrah, at $15.17 including shipping: . I remember it as being good to very good but needing some time. I preferred the syrah. Having said that, I did just buy a case on Last Bottle.
@DanNC I decided to go for a 6 pack
That’s a great deal IMHO!
J Dusi is offering their Pinot Grigio for $99/case “today only”. (Discount applied at checkout)
@chipgreen order in! Shipping may be a deal breaker for many but GSO within CA $21 so worth it in my case
2013 Wine For Home Red Blend, Broken Earth Winery
Has this been sold on casemates before? I couldnt find it.
@catcoland @SippinSantiagos No, it’s new.
P50CIQ $50 off $150
YT50 - $50 on $150
ZU30 - $30 on $100
@ScottW58 thanks for sharing. Maybe I’ll finally get the Herman Story bottles!
@losthighwayz Lol I hope so
Flannery rib-eyes 20% off today. Code ribeye20
@ScottW58 I didn’t get an email for that one! But I’ve got some shipping today or tomorrow, so I can’t order more.
WTSO case sale has the Anne Amie 2017 Dry Riesling. Beyond that, nothing jumping out. Meh.
@radiolysis That was the only thing that was tempting.
@CorTot WTSO now has that '17 on the single-bottle-free-shipping “Last Chance” page. I might get a pair and grab a few other things they have on there.
@CorTot @radiolysis
If you do some of these codes might still work.
VINESPOT, STARCRAWL, PPRG, and SEEJANEDRINK (I think that one was $10 off $50).
I think most of these are 5 off of 25?
If you were a fan of the Browne Family Wines (Precept Wines) They have a winery direct offer at 45% with free shipping if you sign up for their mailing list.
Browne Family Mixed 4-Pack
Includes one 750ml bottle of each
Originally: $116 Sale: $67!
Browne Family Mixed 12-Pack Case
Includes three 750ml bottles of each
Originally: $348 Sale: $189!
2016 Tribute Red Blend
91 Points, Wine & Spirits I 92 Points, James Suckling
Exploding aromatics of mixed black fruits and toasty French oak with flavors of blackberry and black cherry. This full-bodied wine is perfectly balanced with big, integrated tannins and lingering notes of cinnamon, leather, and tar on the finish
2018 Cabernet Sauvignon
Beautiful aromas of toasted oak with foxy grape and black fruit notes lead into flavors of dates, huckleberries, and black cherries. Bold tannins stick to the palate leaving a lingering finish of licorice and berry compote
2019 Grenache Rosé
Beautiful peach colored wine with aromatics and flavors of strawberry, watermelon and flint finishing with lingering flavors of pomegranate and citrus. The acid is bright and well-balanced
2018 Sauvignon Blanc
Aromatics of lime, lemon grass and stone fruit blossom lead to flavors of green apple, passion fruit and graphite. Balanced acid and low alcohol leave a finish of cut grass and gooseberry flavors
Cavedoni Botte Piccola up on the old site. Up to $39 now, though. Yikes.
@klezman In conversations with @winedavid49 I’ve found not all of the Cavedoni offerings are his.
Perhaps he can confirm the status of this one.
“Marathon”, a sort of Wootoff, going on at Last Bottle. Free shipping on 1 bottle. Most seem to be really small quantities.
@davirom picked up a few singletons of Riesling. But I’ve been too distracted to follow too closely.
Received this email and thought I’d share it here fwiw… for something completely different. (SR6a5W)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJtbi5uaWNlZ3V5MjAxMEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCAia2xfY29tcGFueV9pZCI6ICJINGNNNkMifQ%3D%3D
I bought into a mixed offer, similar to one of those offered now, that included some Hibachi Strip steaks. SWMBO (Japanese) and I have never been so disappointed. The remainder of what we have will go into some stew, it certainly won’t be grilled and consumed on it’s own merits.
That’s useful insight, thanks. It’s probably best to stick with Flannery. Bryan doesn’t disappoint.
@kawichris650 @rjquillin I agree, not impressed with steaks, Flannery by far better IMHO however the Burgers have been excellent this summer and family and friends have loved them.
Which burgers did you get?
@kawichris650 @rc70 @rjquillin expecting dry aged flavours from noon aged beef is incredibly disappointing.
But I agree that the Holy Grail beef has been less worthwhile then expected. Even the 40% off prices are up there.
@kawichris650 @klezman @rjquillin I was not expecting the dry aged flavor, I just felt that even with the discount I had the Wagyu at still almost double the price just was not that great a value proposition for me. On the other hand with the discount I used the burgers were down in the Flannery price and came as 1/2 lb patties - that for me was a good value.
@kawichris650 @klezman @rc70 @rjquillin
I agree, I liked the burgers just fine and with discount a deal. But now that i’m hooked on the kali burger from Flannery that’s it
@kawichris650 @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58
I love that Kali blend but sometimes I’m lazy and just want to toss those patties on the grill and be done with it.
@kawichris650 @rc70 @rjquillin @ScottW58 I guess I gotta try that Kali blend next time.
I agree…I got some steaks from Holy Grail after trying them at Scott’s, but the prices went even higher and the discounts generally lower.
@kawichris650 @klezman @rc70 @rjquillin
If you haven’t tried the Kali you ain’t livin!
@kawichris650 @klezman @rc70 @rjquillin @ScottW58
What is a typical sale price for the Kali? I see it at 12.99 / lb on sale right now
@kawichris650 @klezman @mddyka @rc70 @rjquillin
That’s a good price IMHO, I bought more
@kawichris650 @klezman @mddyka @rc70 @ScottW58
I’m seeing $12, with a strikeout price of $15.
I’d assume the $15 was typical, but I’ve only purchased when on sale, so can’t verify “normal”, and I’m abby-normal anyway so it all works out just fine, and I’d pay $15…
From now until Friday September 4th enjoy 20% off Flannery California Reserve Ribeye Steaks, and 25% off Midwestern Hanger Steaks.
@kawichris650 Great deal. I got 8 of the Hangers last time. They are amazing! I wish there was a quantity that would save on shipping.
Yup always need more hangers
I thought over $200 was free shipping? Maybe just in California?
@ScottW58 Yeah, $170 is free if you can use UPS Ground. If you’re outside the 2-day delivery zone then you have to use overnight and those costs escalate the more you buy.
I bought enough Flannery last time and need to pass on this sale. At least I’ve got a dozen+ meals of the bigger steaks, a couple Picanhas, and ~5 hangers.
I guess you’re set for a week or two lol
Anybody want in on my Turley allocation? About 15 wines on offer and they’re being generous with allocations this time around:
Please let me know asap because I want to get one of my wish list wines (in fact, that’s likely the only wine I want).
@klezman Thanks, but I am going to pass. I already have more wine on its way than I have room to store.
@klezman no thank you.
2018 Mr. Pink Columbia Valley Rose for $8 on Last Bottle (free ship on 6)
From Underground Wine Project, a Sleight of Hand/Mark Ryan collaboration.
@chipgreen i picked up a 6 pack
Me too, I am a fan of SoH wines although unfamiliar with Mark Ryan.
WARNING re: A month or so I ordered from them and instructed them to hold the wine for cooler weather. To be on the safe side, a week ago I sent customer service an email asking them to hold the wine until October. Today I received an email from them saying that “Temperatures are now safe for shipping your wine.” For the predicted 3 days between shipping and delivery, temps in SoCal will be 95, 95, and 98. I am left to conclude that either no one at is paying attention to the weather or they don’t care.
Yes it seems they upgraded their systems and lost all control of it. I waited on the on-line chat and stopped what could have been a disaster shipping in 90-100 degree weather. Hopefully they figure it out. And I get the feeling since probably 90+ percent of their customer base doesn’t have a clue or care about shipping in hot weather they don’t care too much either.
@davirom they prematurely shipped an order to me over the Labour Day weekend during the massive heatwave. Three bottles of cooked Corison.
They’re going to take them back and hold the replacement for proper shipping temperatures.
This happened even though I scheduled all my shipments for early November.
I also just got an email saying they have no more of that Terre Nere you were telling me about. Did you order some? Did you get the same response?
I ordered that and received long before summer started.
@ScottW58 Ah. I didn’t get them until mid-July, so all my orders are scheduled for Nov. I guess they don’t pull them until closer to shipping. Such a terrible experience with them overall, I’ve had to contact them for nearly every order.
@davirom FWIW, the wine came today. Bottle temps in the range of 85 - 92. It was 99 outside when the wine showed up. No obvious signs of leakage. I took photos of the thermometer and sent them to customer (dis)service.
@davirom They’ll demand that it get sent back (at their expense) and will schedule a reshipment. Unless the wines vanished from stock, that is.
@davirom @klezman
I would take that option. Matter of fact I did a while ago.
@davirom @klezman
How could you tell that the Corisons were cooked? I got a couple bottles of Corison from them during some pretty warm weather a couple months ago and did not see any signs of obvious damage unlike another shipment I got a week or two later where both bottles in the shipment suffered heat damage. One pushed up cork and one leaking capsule.
@chipgreen @davirom For starters they left the temp controlled warehouse on Saturday over the Labour Day weekend when it was record setting heat all over California. Second, the bottles arrived pretty warm to the touch. Third, a cork was popped out. Fourth, all three Corisons were leaking.
@davirom @klezman
@klezman @ScottW58 Their customer service is so bad I have zero confidence that they won’t just re-ship the same bottles to me. The rep who replied to me claimed she would note my account so that if any of the wine I open in the next year is bad, they will refund the price.
@davirom @klezman
Put a mark on the bottles problem solved, I would not keep possible heat damaged bottles…if it wasn’t my own fault anyways.
@davirom @ScottW58 I said I wanted to make sure the damaged bottles didn’t get re-sold and they told me they only go back to the distributor. I’ve heard that elsewhere - but this one is their fault, not a winery-level problem. So who knows.
I should have marked the bottles. But these ones were also leaky.
@davirom @klezman @ScottW58 This is what I have done, I pulled the foil caps and drew an X on the top of the cork. So there is no mystery.
@davirom Follow up: They looked at the pictures and are going to send a call tag for the wine.
Yeah it’s been pretty bad since summer or whenever they upgraded/downgraded the system
If I order again it will only be when it cools off or they figure out how to run their business!
Well done, on the old site
Creminelli Large Format Meats
2016 Harvest Moon Home Ranch Estate Zin 3-pack on Reverse Wine Snob.
@WineDavid49 - are we going to see a better deal here from Randy? Is there anything different about the 2016 aside from the higher than usual alcohol?
1999 Kent Rasmussen Cabernet Sauvignon
up on WineBid for $25; 4 bottles
Don’t recall where others were discussing older KR, but here is some.
@rjquillin And you didn’t bid on it.
@FritzCat @scottw58
Current auction.
There were six up last week.
2015 King Estate’s North by Northwest Rosé for $49/6 (same price for a 6-pack when offered here on 1/9/2019, but I opted for the $79.99 case price) on MorningSave.
OH is not a ship-to state but AFAIK, you can use the discount code “VMP” (if you are one) for 10% off on all Morningsave purchases.
@chipgreen Correct. I very much enjoyed the NxNW Rose, but I’m not quite sure how this vintage will fare 20 months from when it was offered here. But I decided to order 6 anyway.
@Mark_L thanks for posting…didn’t know about this thread, posted on the original thread (from 2019). boy, is my face red. um, pink. meh.
anyway, in for six. i have a half off coupon for morningsave…$25 for six bottles should work as long as it’s not vinegar.
2017 Pedroncelli Three Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon at Reverse Wine Snob $79.99/6 + $5 s/h per order.
Use the code “GOLDEN50” during checkout for $50 off any purchase of $100 or more at Underground Cellar. Expires tonight at 11:59pm PST.
25% off All Burger Blends
25% off California Reserve Tri Tip Steaks
25% off California Reserve Top Sirloin Caps
I have been waiting for some picanha’s, this makes my day.
I .have. .no. .room…
@rjquillin @TechnoViking Happy to combine with others to in SoCal to get over the free shipping threshold…I want to try those Kali burger blends finally!
Anybody know if they dry age the tri tips?
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @TechnoViking Tri tips are not dry aged
@kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 @TechnoViking That’s what the note in the package told me, too
I figured they’d do at least the same 10-14 days they do for the sirloin caps.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @TechnoViking Didn’t know the sirloin caps were aged at all, but haven’t purchased any yet. It’s on the to do list
Thoughts on a tri tip in the smoker?
@kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 @TechnoViking yum
Yup freezer packed with all of those so I don’t need more at the moment. No clue but I love that blend, did buy some adventurous blend for meat balls and imho that is a must try wow. BTW the shipping is only $10
Is there a coupon code or a certain order amount required for that shipping price? I have just over $100 of stuff in my cart and my only two shipping options are:
Next day air for $30
Overnight for $50
If no code or order minimum are required, then it must be because in the midwest.
@kawichris650 @ScottW58 Yeah, that’s only where UPS Ground is <= 2 days.
On Full Pull
2018 Patricia Green Cellars Pinot Noir Reserve: $28.99 (TPU $21.99)
@rjquillin You’re buying from full pull now? 🥴. You gotta stop buying so much wine! I’ve been buying from full pull since we still lived in CA. Now they get probably 60% of my wine budget. Super convenient to get a bottle or two here and there and swing by every couple months to pick up. Nearly always a solid value and they get some harder to source bottles.
please don’t remind me…
Scott Harvey Zin and Syrah over on Reverse Wine Snob:
Scherrer is releasing a one time only Gewurztraminer. Anybody down here want to split a mixed case?
@klezman tempting…
@klezman @rjquillin Very. Wished I lived closer to all of you.
@danandlisa @klezman
shipping and tax bring the total to 186.94
@klezman @rjquillin Living in Oregon, I don’t have tax, just more shipping.
In case there weren’t enough good deals, Treasury has their sale going on now - $80 for 2014 BV Clone 6 or Clone 4. $70 for 2013 BV Clone 4.
@klezman This offer had you looking at Sterling didn’t it…
@rjquillin No, the TWE email had me click on it…
That clone 6 clocks in at 15.5% abv, I don’t think so!
@ScottW58 Hahaha…agreed! I didn’t look that closely.
finally catching up, just saw that email.
@WineDavid49 - is the Mad Priest coffee up on gourmet one of yours? How does it compare to Smokin’ Aces?
@klezman sorry i missed this. yes it was.
WineSmith 2015 Cab Franc on Last Bottle for $20. FS on 6.
@davirom I was just coming here to mention that. Great price, marginally better than the pricing we’ve gotten here, according to CT.
$12 off any purchase at Underground Cellar using code FALL12 good until Tuesday, October 20 at 11:59pm PST
$11 for Onesta mentida Syrah blend on RWS. Not as good as the deal we had here but still a good deal. This is an excellent QPR wine, I recommend you try it.
Well crap - I loved this on BD a couple years ago. Princess & Peasant Poor Ranch Carignan. $14, FS on 6 from invino.
@ScottW58 or @rjquillin or anybody else any interest?
I loved it too but I’m pretty full up right now, in fact I think I have around 80 bottles in fall shipments coming soon and 5 slots available in my coolers right now
@klezman @ScottW58
I could do two or three if that helps.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Yeah, I’m ridiculously overfull now too. Need to take a bunch of Ron’s wine to his second locker. Need to get a lock for it, too.
Got a 6er. Can sort out 3/3 or 4/2 later.
@klezman @ScottW58 Seems like you have a drinking problem, but at least you have a bit of help.
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 thanks, always looking to grab some new juice, I have plenty room. I’ve never ordered through invino before… anyone want that refer a friend deal where you get 30 and I get 10 for first purchase?
invite sent
@rjquillin @TechnoViking Well that’s sucky - I was going to send one now that I’ve seen it
For anybody else who wants an invite link:
@klezman @rjquillin @TechnoViking 30 dollars short and a day late…
@InFrom @klezman @rjquillin @TechnoViking
It’s not like he’s the one who found the deal to begin with. Oh, wait…
@chipgreen @InFrom @rjquillin @TechnoViking So you just need to find a friend to sign up on my link!
Hey @MarkDaSpark, are you still collecting those screaming monkeys?
@InFrom. Yes, thank you!
@MarkDaSpark de nada!
Well, now that we’ve had a Peter W sighting, I wonder if we could get @winedavid49 to fund some grapes for a custom crush CaseMates offer…

/giphy dreaming
[edit] I meant for this to be wish list…
@rjquillin a Peter sighting?!
He posted a Lab Rat review of the current Slingshot Cab offer.
@kawichris650 @klezman
Qupe Bien Nacido Santa Maria Valley 2016 Syrah
groupon for 6/12 $70/$100 includes shipping
sold by
You know you needed another case
@rjquillin I don’t need any wine BUT Bien Nacido for $8.33, HELL YES !!! Thanks RJ
@joed10303 @rjquillin
Pretty much giving it away, man hard to resist!
Hopefully Ron doesn’t mind…
Here’s a referral link for anyone that wants to take advantage of this deal.
I placed an order. Too good of a price to pass up.
Aren’t we all here to save
and buy more
@joed10303 @rjquillin @ScottW58 Almost too good to be true! Couldn’t resist despite being overstocked with (always) more on the way. RJQ - thanks for posting!!
@joed10303 @rjquillin @ScottW58 ended up splitting this with capt Kyle. The man the myth the legend.
@ctmariner @joed10303 @ScottW58 @cortot
Shipping included, no tax; difficult to not like this one.
Kyle will actually drink still juice?
@ctmariner @joed10303 @rjquillin @ScottW58 He actually sent the deal to me…
@rjquillin Didn’t realize that VWE acquired Qupe a couple of years ago
@CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @rjquillin
Lol still drinking I guess
@CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @rjquillin @ScottW58 I’m so weak. I needed this like I needed a hole in the head.
@CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58
12-packs sold out
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @kaolis @ScottW58
Sorry, I’ve got no backdoor for re-allocations.
@CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58
That’s ok, they probably ship UPS anyway and I already have my hands full with 2 Casemates packages and now Last Bottle shipped a case via UPS right after an email exchange where they agreed to put a note on my account to ship only via FedEx. Meanwhile, I am working long days until 630 - 9pm each night and Saturdays until 430 so I am pretty much screwed when it comes to trying to pickup a package until the election is over. There is a good chance that all 3 cases will get returned to sender at this point.
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @kaolis @ScottW58
On CT, I find this most humorous…
Recent stores:
Groupon (84 bottles)
Woot (12 bottles)
Winery Direct (6 bottles)
Tasting Room (6 bottles)
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 That was me. I did it since i think this is gonna be the best QPR since the old Woot days !! Plus i doubt i’m ever buying wine from Groupon again so i didn’t think i needed a Groupon entry.
@chipgreen @CorTot @joed10303 @kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 Mine is scheduled to arrive on the East Coast on Tuesday (Fedex). Looks like some real shenanigans being flagged on the WineBeserkers Forum including Central Coast 2018 Syrah ($20 bottle) being substituted for the later deliveries as they ran out of the advertised wine (also differences are being flagged on that as well e.g. different ABV, labelling, bottle etc.). Anybody received on here received their wine yet?
I should be receiving the shipment today. I’ll post back here once it arrives.
@ctmariner @kawichris650 my case delivered 2 days ago. All 2016 vintage, 7 bottles 14.5% ABV, 5 bottles 14% ABV.
@ctmariner @kawichris650 @TechnoViking probably just a different run of labels from a previous or future year. The separate year label makes that an easy swap
. Do a side by side tasting and let us know if you can taste the difference!
@TechnoViking Looks like you got the good stuff!
I just received the package. I’m glad to report all 12 bottles are the 2016 vintage and all are labeled as being 14% abv.
Let me know when you’d like to stop by and pick up your half of the case.
enjoy - I will post what I get on Tuesday - I have a feeling it may be the 2018 Central Coast 
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @rjquillin @ScottW58 My case should be arriving in SC Monday. Wondering if anyone received what appears to be the original bottling at 13.5 abv, labeled Estate Bottled
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @kaolis @ScottW58
My 6 were the '16 with 14.5% AbV, unless I needed my glasses to read the label.
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 I got the 2018 central coast…
@chipgreen @CorTot @joed10303 @kaolis @mgowhoo @rjquillin @ScottW58 VWE reps have been on WineBeserkers Forum - looks like those who got the 2018 Central Coast will get a refund and they can keep the wine - they are working out the details with Groupon over the next couple of days.
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @kaolis @mgowhoo @rjquillin @ScottW58
Unfortunately, I too received the 2018
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @mgowhoo @rjquillin @ScottW58 @suzanne17 2018 arrived today
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @joed10303 @kaolis @mgowhoo @rjquillin @ScottW58
Received the 2018 Central Coast today also. Do I need to contact groupon or is this refund to happen automatically?
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @dawnlac @joed10303 @kaolis @mgowhoo @rjquillin @ScottW58
I emailed them at
@chipgreen @CorTot @ctmariner @dawnlac @joed10303 @mgowhoo @rjquillin @ScottW58 @suzanne17 I emailed as well. I received a prompt reply. However they are giving mixed messages on resolution.
@rjquillin Just recieved my case (11/6) and even though i was one of the first 50 orders i recieved '18 Central Coast, don’t need it and don’t want it.
@rjquillin sorry, i before e except after c. Guess i need spellcheck.
@joed10303 @rjquillin refund on itr’s way e-mail received last night with ‘keep the wine’ for the error since I got the 2018 Central Coast. Too bad, was looking forward to the Hillside.
Denier-Handal ‘16 PS is back at LAWineCo for $11.95.
Was just looking at that email, and thinking of posting. Good timing.
Any clue who the winemaker is now, or is Dick working his own grapes?
First we have a glut of Syrah, now PS.
@CorTot @rjquillin
I thought it was David Noyes?
@chipgreen @rjquillin I think that’s right. The same question came up the last time this was offered.
@chipgreen @CorTot @rjquillin He’s making the wine at Meeker now, afaik.
Tempted to get a few of these, but also dreading the upcoming shipping season.
Having said that, I have a bunch of stuff to pick up there, so if you guys have orders in just let me know and I can get them if you want.
@chipgreen @CorTot @klezman
I too, after the reminder, thought he was working that parcel. Is he now exclusively with Meeker?
@winedavid49, you have any insights?
@chipgreen @CorTot @klezman @rjquillin I think he’s still active. I’ll check with Peter.
@chipgreen @CorTot @klezman @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Afaik, Handal is still doing all the production at the Meeker facility south of the square in Healdsburg. I believe David Noyes is still consulting on the winemaking side, along with Dick, and Lucas runs the day to day ops like he does for other custom crush clients, bringing his vast experience into the mix as well.
@chipgreen @CorTot @klezman @trifecta @Winedavid49
Thanks, I was thinking you’d likely have the skinny on this.
Nothing outstanding here, but perhaps useful; I was just going thru a stack of mail and found some discount codes for
FALL10 10% off $200+ order
FALLWINE $30 off $200+ order
both expire 10/31
Pedroncelli Mother Clone Zin
on Reverse Wine Snob
$12.50/bottle and $5 shipping on 4 or more
Next 19 hours
@FritzCat Mother Clone seldom disappoints.
Ty Caton 2017 ‘Block Three’ Upper Bench Moon Mountain Red $29 at WineSpies - in the More section. Only 7 left.
$26 off on 2 or more bottles at with code PUMPKIN26 for the next 48 hrs.
2012 Scherrer Russian River Pinot Noir on Cinderella for $30, FS on 4.
Hey @WineDavid49, it seems like Fred could use more cash infusion. Maybe hit him up for a deal here?
Reverse Wine Snob has 2 bottles of the Peterson Zero Manipulation Red Blend and 2 bottles of the Barbera for for $54.99 (plus $5 for shipping) - pricing not as good as recently seen on here
@ctmariner And absent the Mendo Blendo.
Yep - 2 out of the 3 - unfortunately did/does not ship to CT
Slingshot 2018 at Reverse Wine Snob
6/$79.99 w/$5 shipping
Haven’t tried it, but my fellow casemates
seem to really like it. I’m tempted.
@FritzCat If you’re looking for a daily drinker/party wine…
But I think the prices here are often better, aren’t they?
Creminelli and super fancy balsamic on the old site…
@klezman it caught my eye, but i’m not sure what i’d do with it. I have enough trouble parting with the Botte Piccola.
@radiolysis In our experience you simply taste it every once in a while and show it off to people.
@klezman @radiolysis
And I think I remember that taste.
@klezman @radiolysis @rjquillin
Well I picked up a bottle, I will find a recipe to use it in
Don’t see the Creminelli.
You sure that’s from @winedavid49 ?
OK, found it,
but don’t see how to select which 4 of the 7.
Specs, yeah, makes perfect sense; not.
Vingarde Valise sale. All suitcases $125 with FS. Codes are grande125, petite125, piccolo125. Grande is normally $350 so quite the deal. Extra inserts are reduced to $10 also.
Nice sale! I have a friend who is interested in the 8 bottle case. Do you actually have one of their cases? Are they really good?
Any idea how long the sale codes are active?
@hscottk @karenhynes
I have a Grande 12 bottle - very nice. Excellent protection of your wine and you can remove 1 side for clothing etc and make it a 6 bottle and your travel needs. At the sale price now considering one of the smaller ones for wknd car trip get away.
@hscottk @karenhynes
I got one of the larger ones, at least eight bottle, that’s sitting at work. Looked to be pretty nice when I had a quick glance a few months ago when it arrived, at a substantially higher, but still discounted, price. Got a mag insert as well as a two glass insert so I could re-configure. Pretty good size, much larger than the Wine Check case size I got on BD a few years back, but more trimmed out as well and it’s a hard shell, not just a fabric cover for an existing case box.
For $125 this is a fine value; they must really be hurting, with the drop-off in air travel, to offer at these prices.
@hscottk @rjquillin
Thank you both!
I have a Wine Check but it’s currently being held hostage by a friend in Sonoma.
The friend interested in these cases travels a few times/yr to Vegas and usually carries (at least) 4 bottles of champagne and a couple of bottles of Jack Daniels, so she’d probably want one of the customizable inserts. This looks like a great deal.
@hscottk When I looked at the site a few minutes ago the Grande was $350.
@InFrom when I entered the code in cart details it knocks it down to 125.
@hscottk @InFrom
I just added the Petite to a cart and started the checkout process. The price drops when you enter the discount code.
@TechnoViking @hscottk @karenhynes Ok, the code in the OP went totally past me. (That would explain it.)
@karenhynes @rc70 Don’t know how long the sale will last and just purchased yesterday. I almost bought the wine check during BD, but glad I waited. This appears to be more flexible in design as a wine carrier and general suitcase. Curious how well the dual carry handles work as they were mentioned as a shortcoming in a review.
@hscottk Well, sucked into another purchase I did not anticipate when I woke up this morning. In a good way, that is. FWIW, the coupon still worked on 11/22.
@hscottk I haven’t checked to see if this sale continues, just wanted to mention that Woot Plus has them – slightly cheaper than this for the Piccolo, the other two are more.
I guess the luggage biz ain’t what it used to be.
2018 Halcón Esquisto on Invino: $28, ships free on 4 or more.
In the unlikely event that someone reading this hasn’t already taken advantage of the $10 Invino signup bonus, lmk, I’ll send you an invite.
@InFrom Weird - not much of a discount.
@InFrom @klezman
Shipping is a savings, if the bottle price isn’t.
Free $13 gift card at Underground Cellar.
Use the code FRIDAY13 during checkout for $13 off any purchase. Offer expires SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 at 11:59pm PST.
@kawichris650 thanks,got a nice Keenan anniversary cab for $19.
You’re welcome and congrats!
2012 Two Jakes of Diamonds Cabernet Sauvignon 3 for $55 (+$5 s/h per order) at Reverse Wine Snob. Don’t think we’ve seen this one offered here.
@Winedavid49 @winesmith Any chance that we might be seeing this 2012 Two Jakes of Diamonds Cabernet Sauvignon offered here in the future?
@Mark_L @Winedavid49 Depends on whether it sells out on RWS, which is likely.
@Mark_L @Winedavid49 @winesmith
This was up on woot, long ago, for ~$19.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 @winesmith I didn’t want to take a chance at missing out, so buying 2 sets puts the price at $19.16/bottle.
Flannery Thanksgiving Sale
20% off CA reserve tenderloin, bone-in pork roasts, burger blends, and sausages.
@kawichris650 Is that price ($15, though currently a discount from that) for just 1 burger?
@kawichris650 @PatrickKarcher It is 1 pound. I was a skeptic till I bought some. It tastes more like a steak than a burger and needs no salt for the Kali blend. I would buy it again.
Use the code FRIDAY20 for a free $20 gift card at Underground Cellar.
You’re welcome to share this code with anyone you’d like, just make sure they know it EXPIRES Sunday, November 22 at 11:59pm PST.
@kawichris650 I used it in the bubbles offer after I saw 30% of the bottles offered were iron horse, figured I’d score a nice sparkler for $20 but no luck, got the base bottle.
Due to restaurant closures, some of the wine they ordered to serve with food was canceled. One of these wines turned out to be the WineSmith 2007 Pinot Noir! This previously sold out wine is now back in stock in limited quantities. I already bought some, so im willing to share the rest.
If you have never had this wine, its an absolute must buy. If you have had this wine, then you know its one of the most spectacular wines ever created, at least in my limited opinion. Enjoy!
Ty Caton 2017 Winemaker’s Cuvee
on Wine Spies for $22.
Their “Lockers” work well; buy a couple/few
at a time, and get free shipping when locker
is filled with a case.
Over there, $30
Fleur de Sel Chocolate Covered Caramels, 56 Pieces w/ Holiday Ribbon - (Your Choice: Dark, Milk, or Assorted)
Seghesio 30percent off all wines and FS on 12
Loring Wine Company 30 percent off all 2018 PN and FS on 3
WTSO. $199.99 for the Coravin model 6 Mica Ltd. Edition.
Anyone aware of any codes that are still active?
@rjquillin Searched back, and some of those $50 off $150 are still active. Thanks @scottw58
Good to hear, yeah I have been buying up some of those Frogs Leap Rutherford cabs with those, no problem with shipping now.
tasted one yet, or just buying on spec?
Just buying because i’m weak
wtso fwiw
$5 off $25
$10 off $50
I’ve been told to buy more of the Beaujolais we drank last night, so i’ll use up one of those $5.
Iron Horse: 15% off and $1 shipping on 6 until 11/30.
There’s no doubt IH is top notch. Unfortunately I just don’t have the budget for it. Unless @Winedavid49 works his magic of course. Then it’s difficult to resist!
From what you’ve posted, it seems you like underground cellar. I just have a difficulty endorsing the randomness of the selections. Long ago I did make some purchases, but haven’t for years; long enough they were going to “pause” my account unless I made a purchase. Included was a $25 code. OK, I can use that. Went in on a single bottle of bubbly. It was ‘upgraded’:
2016 Iron Horse Ocean Reserve Green Valley Blanc de Blancs
CT $50.39
I can deal with that for an outlay of $15 I suppose.
@rjquillin I only purchase with the monthly coupon code. Typically spend $10 or less on random bottles. Takes a year to build up a free shipped case though. I don’t love them but they keep sending coupons. They have a lot of things to improve on…
Nice score Ron! How do you like the randomness now?
My sentiments exactly. I had the same strategy and it took about a year to have a full case ready to ship. Over time about 4 or 5 bottles had been “lost or damaged” so I was provided with substitute bottles. Some of which were preferred, others not so much. The inconsistencies led me to pass on a second go around.
@CorTot @kawichris650 @chipgreen
Overall, looking back, I’ve really not done all that badly. My memory wasn’t as generous as to the holdings.
There are 13 IH, 2 Harvest Moon, 3 Scott Harvey and and outlier (2 2012 Deux Amis ‘Sonoma County’ Zinfandel) bottles in the cloud. The ringer is 2 2008 Equality Wine ‘Love Wins Cuvee’ that is actually looks to be an IH product.
Guess it’s not all that bad, but I have tried to be highly selective, and have been graced with a bit of luck as well.
@chipgreen @CorTot @kawichris650 @rjquillin Speaking of deals, where’s the discussion thread for tonight’s Rioja deal?
@chipgreen @CorTot @InFrom @kawichris650
Yeah, already tagged the crew at meh asking the same question…
Support ticket created.
@chipgreen @CorTot @InFrom @kawichris650 @rjquillin agree hard to coordinate case buddies!
@chipgreen @CorTot @kawichris650 @rjquillin
I also follow a similar strategy, but I’ll throw out one other suggestion. I take advantage of the occasional chance to purchase UC gift cards that have similar chances for upgrades. I use those to keep a small credit balance to cover the difference between bottle price and coupon codes. I once scored big on a gift card upgrade that provided many free bottles of wine.
@bunnymasseuse @chipgreen @CorTot @InFrom @kawichris650
Go here for now
@chipgreen @dirtdoctor @kawichris650 @rjquillin thanks for the tip.
@chipgreen @CorTot @kawichris650 @rjquillin Probably Mediocrebot slept through the rollover after indulging in a little too much awesome turkey.
@CorTot @kawichris650 @rjquillin
Nice score on the IH. Over time, I have acquired some primo bottles from UC but I have made a lot of purchases. I buy far less now so don’t get as many killer upgrades.
I try to buy into offers where I like the base bottle and/or the wine(s) with the highest % of likelihood. That way upgrades are just a bonus, not the end all.
De Negoce free shipping today.
@mgowhoo Thanks, 2nd De Negoce case.
Sheesh. RetailMeNot has 20% cash back on Stack that with some $50 off $150 or $50 off $200 coupons and you’ve got some screaming deals. Splurged on a bottle of Paleo Rosso and some top notch Chinon.
Ohh good call!
@ScottW58 Let me know if you see any other screaming deals with that two-step. So far I’ve picked up:
2016 Le Macchiole Paleo
2017 Lornet Cotes du Jura Trousseau
2015 Joguet Chinon Clos de la Dioterie
2017 Broc Eaglepoint Cunoise
2017 Ca’Nova Vespolina
Duval-Leroy 1er Cru Brut
@klezman HELLOAGAIN50 works for $50 off.
@FritzCat @klezman Is there a minimum purchase required for this?
@FritzCat @rjquillin I used that one - $50 off $200
Let me know if you find anything else compelling.
Nice I hear those Duval-Leroys are great
@klezman @rjquillin Yeah, I didn’t find anything I wanted to buy. They are a little overpriced, and I don’t have free shipping…and I’ve bought a shiatload today already, so…
@FritzCat @rjquillin Agreed they’re only useful if/when there’s stacking coupons with cashback. Their regular pricing on most things is terrible.
Underground Cellar is offering $50 off any purchase of 6+ bottles. That’s a fast way to achieve a case and get the free shipping.
Enter code NIFTYFIFTY during checkout.
You’re welcome to share this code with anyone you’d like, just make sure they know it EXPIRES MONDAY, 11/30/20 at 11:59pm PST.
@kawichris650 that’s a nice coupon on the surface but buying 6 of the cheapest offer at $29 per bottle still has you spending $124 on 6 random bottles. I’d not jump in this one unless they release other offers at lower price point.
@CorTot @kawichris650
I bought into the bubbly offer.
Got 2 Grand Napa BdN, 2 IH Ocean Reserve, and one each of the Roger Barnier and the Mysteriale for $190. That’s $8 less than the stated list price on the Grand Napas alone. Works for me!
@chipgreen @CorTot @kawichris650
UC almost always runs advertisements on websites (FB, IG, etc) with offers that are not shown on their website. These usually are better deals, trying to get new customers.
I used the $50 on this Ad Deal. These are red wines, Cab heavy, with a >60% chance of getting upgraded to bottles priced greater than buy-in price. My $142 netted me wine with MSRP of $470. This ad deal expires tomorrow afternoon.
@chipgreen @CorTot @dirtdoctor @kawichris650
But are they bottles you will drink and enjoy, or just flyers?
@chipgreen @CorTot @kawichris650 @rjquillin
Yes, you need to be comfortable with the randomness of the selection. Since I’ve only been drinking wine for 4-5 years, I’ve treated it as an opportunity to try wines that I normally wouldn’t. I understand that’s not for everyone.
FWIW some are expired but I did just use AMF50 fire away
HELLOAGAIN50 $50 on $200
P50CIQ $50 on $150
GET50 $50 on $200
VMPR50 $50 on $150
FALL50 $50 on $250
AMF50 $50 on $150
LI50 $50 on $150
PW50FB $50 on $150
YT50 $50 on $150
ZU30 $30 on $100
BDAY $30 on $150
20JB $20 on $50
PS20 $20 on $50
If anyone liked the Mentida Red by Onesta the 2016 is on Morningsave $99 for the case and try code cyberweek15 for a 15% discount.
@dawnlac Yeah, I’m in for one too. Also saw the NxNW Rose, they make some good wines.
@dawnlac @FritzCat @TechnoViking
Yeah, it sucks
@rjquillin TY for the link. Finally navigated through and found it then realized I don’t want any. Lol.
Thanks for this - in for a Mentida case - also saw North by Northwest rose $49/6 pack and a more expensive Rioja $49/2 pack
@ctmariner I saw “Marques de Riscal” and got all excited, but no it wasn’t the Reserva deal that sold out last week.
Casemates holiday offer over on meh today – a red blend from Pedroncelli.
@InFrom but is it like Friends red? Sonoma Classico? A different red blend just for us? Inquiring minds need to know!
@InFrom @klezman @Winedavid49 We do need to know.
@klezman They do indeed.
@danandlisa @InFrom @klezman Classico ( literally)
@danandlisa @InFrom @klezman @Winedavid49
If it is S. Classico, that’s a deal.
@InFrom @klezman @pjmartin @Winedavid49 I caved and bought a case. Have no idea where I am putting it. It will go nicely with the case from him I just bought.
@danandlisa @InFrom @klezman @pjmartin @Winedavid49
I got a case also.
@pjmartin @mrn1 @marikar @boatman72
If any of you are buying, I am good for up to 6 bottles.
@danandlisa @InFrom @klezman @mommadeb @pjmartin @Winedavid49
I’m in, too! Thanks WD!
@danandlisa @InFrom @karenhynes @klezman @mommadeb @pjmartin @Winedavid49 Couldn’t resist grabbing a case when it as confirmed what was in the bottles - now where to store it when it arrives
@Winedavid49 thanks for the confirmation! I might get a couple bottles for the label, then.
@danandlisa @InFrom @karenhynes @klezman @mommadeb @pjmartin @Winedavid49

Too much wine in the cellar, but low on daily drinkers. I’m pretty sure these will fit in the trundle under our daybed.
/giphy venerable-festive-frankincense
@Boatman72 @chipgreen @marikar @mrn1 I did jump on 2 cases but they are essentially all taken. The Sonoma Classico is a steal at this price and I can conduct a cork vs screwtop aging experiment since I have the original labeled stuff here too!
@klezman @Winedavid49 but not the wine?
@InFrom settled for 2 6pk as cases were gone by 4pm

/giphy delicious-cold-keepsake
@danandlisa @InFrom @klezman @pjmartin @Winedavid49 sold out! Great deal imo. So much better than Castoro Cellars or Broken Earth.
@danandlisa @klezman @losthighwayz @pjmartin @Winedavid49 If you have VMP you can now pick up a 6-pack.
@klezman Did you get a case? Need to offload 3?
@danandlisa @InFrom @klezman @losthighwayz @pjmartin @Winedavid49 I think @revmem and I triggered a sold out.
Good job @bunnymasseuse! If only this was LastBottle, you’d get a prize. But I think getting a case of this at this price is a bit of a prize. Just opened the 2016 Classico, for a little window on what was up, and very pleasant. Quality wine for (low) daily drinker price.
@merrybill I did not. But I’ll take a bottle or two from somebody who did. The Sonoma Classico isn’t totally my jam, despite the obvious QPR.
And I totally agree with lost that this is a far far better offer than Broken Earth or Castoro for the CM-branded wine.
Yeah, I got a case of the Mentida, and a case of this. Don’t need either, but…
Bryan and Katie are having a Holiday Roast Sale over at Flannery.
Ouch, that hurt.
that was fun
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Really good price on the bonless rib roasts. Definitely contemplating. But then again, home dry ageing time is about to begin!
2015 Acumen Peak cab sauv at LB $59 fs@3
Damn you I was just looking at that!
@rc70 @ScottW58
@rjquillin @ScottW58
The Denis Malbec as winemaker got me off the fence.
@rc70 @rjquillin
Damn that must have been his last vintage or close to last vintage before he died
@rc70 @ScottW58 Acumen has been on my list for only a short time, since I saw multiple bottles at GO.
Collected a '13, couple other '15’s and three '16’s prior to this one. One of the other '15’s 2015 Acumen Mountainside Reserve has a CT note regarding the Yuan family on the cork. Supposedly was gotten to sell in the three digit range in China. For me, it was still way too young to enjoy.
@rc70 What’s “LB”?
@jchasma @rc70 lastbottlewines dotcom
Today only, Scott Harvey is offering free shipping. Just use the code “free” at checkout.
I should mention this works for ANY order. No minimum required.
Enter code CRAZY10 during checkout for $10 off any purchase at Underground Cellar.
Share this code with anyone you’d like, just make sure they know it EXPIRES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 at 11:59pm PST.
6 bottles of 2013 Four Grapes Port from Pedroncelli for $96 + $6 shipping. Also, 11 other deals for the 12 days of Christmas. All 12 offers expire 12/24.
K&L has two solid $20 buys:
2013 Sky Vineyards Zinfandel, Mt. Veeder
2018 Signal Ridge Pinot Noir
The former has great reviews from the WB community. The latter is made by Kutch and I’ve thought other Pinots from that vineyard have been great.
Invino: Spend $100 get $20 off
De Negoce is now selling n.100 Cabernet, for delivery May '21. Speculation is positive.
Use the code DECEMBER26 at Underground Cellar for $26 off your order of two or more bottles.
You’re welcome to share this code with anyone you’d like, just make sure they know it EXPIRES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2020 at 11:59pm PST
If you buy from Cameron Hughes, he’s got a 20% off code “2021”. Also, he’s selling an Amarone that looks ok, not on his main site, but search and it will show up…for $25, that’s $20 w/ discount code.
Somebody jumped right on that Brandini…
@InFrom hmm??
@bunnymasseuse @InFrom On the old site.
@bunnymasseuse @InFrom @Mark_L I guess the WCC/Brandini feud is no more. Is Mid-East peace next? Time to celebrate with some toffee! My very first Brandini purchase.
@bunnymasseuse @hscottk @InFrom @Mark_L Quite tempted…even with a Brandini store around the corner!
Woodland Hills is having their (semi-)annual sale. A few nice deals buried in there, too.
In keeping with out with this year, and very long and slow to load thread, we now have
Deals! 2021