We talking from the ground, or the chocolate type?
Either, and as frequently as possible.
I feel very fortunate to occasionally find these in my back yard. But truffles?! If only!!!
@kawichris650 dude, that’s huge
@ttboy23 It was definitely the largest of the bunch this season. They shrink quite a bit while cooking, but man are they ever delicious. I’ve disliked mushrooms my entire life, but I make an exception for morels. They’re in a class of their own lol.
We talking from the ground, or the chocolate type?
Either, and as frequently as possible.
I feel very fortunate to occasionally find these in my back yard. But truffles?! If only!!!

@kawichris650 dude, that’s huge
It was definitely the largest of the bunch this season. They shrink quite a bit while cooking, but man are they ever delicious. I’ve disliked mushrooms my entire life, but I make an exception for morels. They’re in a class of their own lol.