@karenhynes Yeah, this is one of those polls that makes me wonder how much alcohol was consumed before writing it.
I live alone, and I seldom have company (close to never). I drink around two bottles of wine a week. I’m sure that I’m on the low side of consumption here on Casemates. I’m still stuck on the idea that there’s someone here who drinks less than a bottle of wine in a week.
I’m in the same boat. Live alone, mostly drink wine on weekends with friends. Rarely open a bottle during the week…though I should. There’s no good reason not to. I certainly have no shortage thanks to @winedavid49.
Oh, that says bottles, not cases.
The next poll should be “how many bottles of wine do you typically purchase in a month” with exactly the same options.
Your range of choices is 1-5? Seriously, Casemates?

@karenhynes Yeah, this is one of those polls that makes me wonder how much alcohol was consumed before writing it.
I live alone, and I seldom have company (close to never). I drink around two bottles of wine a week. I’m sure that I’m on the low side of consumption here on Casemates. I’m still stuck on the idea that there’s someone here who drinks less than a bottle of wine in a week.
I’m in the same boat. Live alone, mostly drink wine on weekends with friends. Rarely open a bottle during the week…though I should. There’s no good reason not to. I certainly have no shortage thanks to @winedavid49.
@karenhynes @Shrdlu “there’s someone here who drinks less than a bottle of wine in a week.”
That would be me.
Oh, that says bottles, not cases.
The next poll should be “how many bottles of wine do you typically purchase in a month” with exactly the same options.
@worbx I reread it three times to make sure it said “bottles” and “monthly” before commenting.
Ah shoot. Well, there’s always next time.
I guess I fall into the greater than 5 category
I thought this was a joke…uea…I’m way greater than 5. Lol…my wife and I are a case clubber+ per month…lol
Two bottles per night times seven nights per week times four weeks per month equals … oh my, that’s not good. That’s not good at all.