I once heard this question posed to a medical (probably orthopedic) person in the form of “Your kidnappers are going to cut off one of your fingers to send with their demand for ransom. Which one do you ask them to take?” The short answer is that (for most people) you do NOT want to offer your pinky, as it is very important to your grip. The middle would be the best option.
Someone’s been watching too much LOTR lately.
SICK…but my left pinky has been dislocated a couple times playing ball. It’s all crooked so….
I once heard this question posed to a medical (probably orthopedic) person in the form of “Your kidnappers are going to cut off one of your fingers to send with their demand for ransom. Which one do you ask them to take?” The short answer is that (for most people) you do NOT want to offer your pinky, as it is very important to your grip. The middle would be the best option.
@Mark_L hmmm…IDK. I use the middle finger A LOT

@Mark_L @ttboy23
I’ve used it several times today.
@karenhynes @ttboy23 There’d still be the appropriate finger available on your “bad” hand!
This one?