I’m in Lake Jackson during the week but in the medical center area on the weekends. I’m more than willing to meet most anywhere to split a good case so long as it can be done on a weekend.
@raccoon81 You know, I am not actually certain! I’m fine with email, SMS, twitter dms. Woot forum is fine too I guess. My id there is the same as here.
Checking in here - I have some inventory to drink down before doing much buying, though I am splitting the KR case with @clcaruthers. Anyway, I live near Memorial Park but I have family on the west side and play a lot of golf in Sugarland. Look forward to jumping in on future splits with some of you.
@raccoon81 I’ll be out of town for about two weeks, but WWC shipping was slow on all the other offers. But if you’re willing to hold until I get back and can pick it up on a weekend, then count me in for 4
I would be available to split some with you if you’d like. If someone else would like to split some- I would take 3/4 bottles.
@raccoon81 Just a heads up - I just got an email which reads in part that the 2013 Harvey vintage Zin is not available so they are going to ship the 2014 vintage instead.
I don’t know if you’re terribly disappointed by this or not but I am going to accept the substitution - 2014 is rated (slightly) higher on Wine Enthusiast and it sells for a bit more per bottle although we will won’t pay the difference. Hope that’s cool with you.
I’m about a mile north from downtown Houston. I’d be interested in doing a trade for the Scott Harvey Zin. I purchased 12 bottles of the SIVAS-SONOMA OLD VINE ZINFANDEL deal from a few weeks back. I would trade 6 for 6 of these plus the $ difference. That deal was $99 for 12 bottles. I also have free shipping.
@clcaruthers@raccoon81 Just making sure you saw today’s offer. I’ve ordered a case for myself, hoping for some good variety. Let me know if you get any and end up with more of one vintage than you want.
@raccoon81 Thanks for offering it up but I have to pass - my wife is not a fan of their Pinot Noir (I have two bottles I can’t drink with her now!) so I’m going to pass on this!
@lethcoeb@raccoon81 the case of Ty Caton I received yesterday was warm to the touch. Fedex shows up late In the day at my place so it spends all day on the truck. Not sure what they’re doing for summer shipping yet so I think I’m out until we get some info on that.
@IanMorr@lethcoeb the Kendric was warm when it arrived yesterday too… tasted it tonight and it is good. Now that we know that the wine is guaranteed, we are more willing to risk. The gf has bee. Waiting for this since they teased it a few months ago.
@modfalk it’s hot outside and I’m full of reds but I’ve never had any of this despite hearing good things for years. How many were you looking to keep? I only want 3 or maybe 4.
@modfalk ok. Let’s give it a bit and see if anyone else wants 3. Do you have VMP? If not I can order to save the shipping costs. Looks like $18.60 a bottle with tax
@IanMorr@modfalk VMP is monthly membership that gets free shipping. It was a perk of part of kickstarter. So in general if someone has the K logo next to their name for at least the first year they should get free shipping on orders, save that $8-12. So if IanMorr orders you save $1/bottle.
@clcaruthers@modfalk@ponyo4 I’ll take 3 as well if you need someone to make a split. I have VMP to save on the shipping but I’m over in the UK at the moment and not sure I’ll get back to the forums tonight as I’m about to head off to the 500 year old Cheshire Cheese Inn and drink all the ale.
@IanMorr@SDL3 Sweet. We’ll do a 4/4/4 split then. Ian I believe you have free shipping (right?), do you want to place the order? If not I will be happy to do it
@modfalk Did you try the 2014? Opened one a few months ago, but the only note I have is to leave the rest alone for a couple of years…must do better keeping track of these.
@mrallen1 We already bought a case ourselves. Great price, 3 casemates glasses. Maybe Merlot/Cab/blend isn’t our favorite, but plenty of parties and other occasion can take them if not what we want, but still get the glasses!
Houston’ers - I know @modfalk and @selfgovern are in the area - is there any list / group of who else is around and typically interested in splits? I’ve got the shipping membership and am buying quite a lot lately.
@deadlyapp We have done splits and enjoyed them. Some we have bought a whole case for ourselves or found friends we see often that don’t take as much travel.
Our problem now is that we have purchased to many cases and the wine fridge is full and backup storage is almost full so really holding back on ordering lately is why we have been quiet.
Always checking though and if something comes up you are looking we may jump in. That $50 a bottle stuff this weekend was a bit rich for our budget.
@raccoon81 Totally understand that predicament. I’m buying wine for my wedding at the same time and its taking up precious fridge space. I usually prefer the $15-25 / btl sweet spot.
@deadlyapp I’m in the market for some reds and dry whites/roses preferably under $25. Got the free shipping/membership deal. I’m at 288 and Beltway 8 (Pearland)
@deadlyapp Heya. Yup, I’m still around and I am still interested in case splits, but tbh, we’ve got quite a bit of wine to drink, and that’s why I haven’t been terribly active lately.
@modfalk was in that area Sunday picking up a busted vinotemp wine fridge! I’ve been buying a case of just about everything that pops up here so if you miss an offer or are interested in just a bottle or two to try, you can let me know. Could always make a google sheet to keep track of wine in the area (I also keep my cellartracker up to date - same as my username)
I’m in Pearland and have split with several individuals in the HTX group. Buying has slowed the past 6 months due to never ending travel, but I should be returning to a normal schedule for the foreseeable future. I’m more interested in low to mid range QPRs/Autobuys around 15-25/btl. Feel free to reach out if there’s anything that ever comes up.
@clcaruthers I know it is quiet in here. However I think lots of us are over stocked from excitement of it through the first year. Our fridge is full plus boxes and racks as well. Just out of space.
Guess we need to work on drinking more but for now it is more that we are slowing purchases.
@clcaruthers@raccoon81 I’m still buying pretty aggressively but being more selective in what I purchase. This offer looks to have mixed input and doesn’t excite me so I’m passing.
@mrallen1 It is quiet. We stocked up so much and with the couple wine club memberships we have so much on hand. Guess we really need to up our consumption!
Anyone poking around this Saxon offer? Last time I had some was '08s or something sold on the old site. I remember them being fantastic. Not a huge case savings today but thought I’d check!
@modfalk i know there is a price difference, but I picked up a case of the prohibido cab 5 days ago. willing to work out a trade with that? Otherwise, I’d only be interest in a single of each from your case
Is this the only Houston area thread? I’m in West University but would be down to find some people to split with if there are others closer in or willing to drive occasionally (as I might be).
@ekwartler I think so. We’re spread all over. IIRC modfalk is down towards Sugarland, there’s one person in the heights, I’m in Cypress/Klein but travel all over Houston. If the wine is good it doesn’t really matter to me who I end up splitting with!
@lethcoeb awesome, I’m on Sunset. I’m running out of space on my floor for boxes of wine (storage currently in transition), so having someone to split with would be great.
@ekwartler it’s the only Houston group that I know of. We are all spread out though and not just Katy. I’m in shadow creek but have still met several people in here several times in various locations throughout town.
@ekwartler When I made this group I always assumed other sections of Houston would start their own threads but it never quite worked out that way. I guess I was wildly optimistic about the number of people in Houston who’d use casemates forums to split wine shipments lol
I know the weather is warming up and people may not want wine shipped in, but if anyone wants to split on the Brunello order today I’d take 3-4 bottles. I know it’s a bit rich for most people’s blood but I love brunello.
@modfalk I’m still buying regularly but probably need to stop I’m not a big merlot fan so this one doesn’t pull me much but would go three way split if someone else wants some.
I did get a case of the inzinerator I’d break up and I also got a case of kukeri proprietary red from the “other” WCC site that I’m happily willing to part with some bottles of.
@raccoon81 I’ve been to a couple of wineries over towards Austin while looking for a wedding venue and the wines that were actually Texas grown were garbage (but it could have been the winemakers). It seemed like many of the wineries were just buying California juice and relabeling it. Unless I can find texan wine at similar price points and quality to the California grown stuff, I probably will never have any in my cellar.
@deadlyapp There certainly are some that are not very good. I feel they have improved. The price point usually is a bit higher than expected.
There are some that we really do like though. Also, have found better ones near Fredericksburg than the ones closer to Austin in my experience.
@deadlyapp this is the SO. There are a couple doing well with , as raccoon says, grapes that actually grow here. Our favorite Texas producer is Augusta Vin (the reds) and most are Italian. But some interesting wines also can be found at Pontotoc (tasting room on main in Fredericksburg) and honestly William Chris does a good job on most. Perdenales Cellars always has one or two stellar wines in there each year, but the rest is eh.
As far as the other we go to, they are indeed importers, but delicious.
I have been avoiding Texas wines but by chance I had some “Texianti” from Bull and Lion when camping in Grapevine recently. It was quite enjoyable. https://bulllionranch.com/products/texianti-2017
@modfalk Interesting. Have not tried that winery or wine.
One thing different is different grapes grow better here than others. So if you are just a Cab Sauv person then Texas ones are unlikely to compare. A chianti grape is one I think would do better here so I could see how this one came out well.
Picked up a case of this 2J offer which actually seems more appealing than the WS branded offer last weekend.
I think I’m going to out together a random 6 pack offer for @clcaruthers if anyone else wants one.
2013 WineSmith Cabernet Sauvignon
2018 WineSmith St. Laurent
2011 Two Jakes Merlot
2013 Two Jakes Cabernet Sauvignon
2017 Two Jakes Petite Sirah
2013 Two Jakes Aspects
Priced at what I paid, a 6 pack would be $100 and I can make four of them. If anyone wants one let me know.
@deadlyapp I think I’d be in for this. We’re getting a little low, but I have reds coming in from other sources. Probably need to restock for the holidays.
If anyone wanted a mixed Wine Smith / 2 Jakes 6 pack and missed out, I’ve made one that is a combination of several offers for $100 and can do two of them
2013 WineSmith Cabernet Sauvignon
2018 WineSmith St. Laurent
2011 Two Jakes Merlot
2013 Two Jakes Cabernet Sauvignon
2017 Two Jakes Petite Sirah
2013 Two Jakes Aspects
@deadlyapp Seems like a good deal for a case. I would, but we’re maxed out on red wine at the moment! Didn’t get to use as much over the holidays as expected due to the dreaded Omicron…
Quiet group lately. Anyone interested in a split of this Kukeri offer? I know it’s rich for the blood but if I can at least part with 1/3 of a case I’ll pull the trigger.
By the way, friends, I was in Napa this summer and I rejoined the Grgich-Hills wine club. Just got my winter shipment and it is - the 100 year old vine Zinfandel is going to be a highlight of my holiday wine season.
I live in West U and work at 59 and Gessner; I’ll be in meetings at the Galleria for most of this week, but I could break free during the day to meet tomorrow or maybe an evening T - Th; I’m not available Friday and next weekend. Sorry for the convoluted schedule!
@deadlyapp I’d love to but I am tapped out on $ right now - bought some really great (but expensive) super tuscans and then that case of the Bordeaux … these look delicious though!!
I’m in Cypress … not too far on the Grand Parkway
@alukan Hi - thanks for replying. Make sure you subscribe to the thread to get updates
I’m in the Galleria area and always down to try a couples bottles of new wines.
@ponyo4 Hi thanks for replying! Make sure you subscribe to the thread to get updates when there are new messages.
@mrallen1 Done !
Richmond (99/westpark) area
@donbon Thank you for replying! Make sure you subscribe to the thread to get new messages!
I’m in Lake Jackson during the week but in the medical center area on the weekends. I’m more than willing to meet most anywhere to split a good case so long as it can be done on a weekend.
@clcaruthers Great. Thanks for replying. Please subscribe to the thread to get new messages.
Cool! Please subscribe to this thread if you haven’t so you’ll get updates when there are posts.
I’m interested in buying Jan 19 2018 - Friday’s wine, the Rasmussen Pinot/Cab. Anyone else want to split a case?
@mrallen1 Yea i would be down to take 2 of the pinots
Just bought a case of Z Blanc. If anyone wants any, shout out
I’m in the Sugarland area.
Looking at 2/7 Siva Sonomas Zin if someone wants to split 50/50 a case.
@raccoon81 I’m in. LMK how you want your $$
@mrallen1 How have people gone about contacting each other for shares? I see some message on woot forums it seems.
@raccoon81 You know, I am not actually certain! I’m fine with email, SMS, twitter dms. Woot forum is fine too I guess. My id there is the same as here.
Anyone else want to split a case of the Siva Sonomas Zin? 6 for the price of 4
Checking in here - I have some inventory to drink down before doing much buying, though I am splitting the KR case with @clcaruthers. Anyway, I live near Memorial Park but I have family on the west side and play a lot of golf in Sugarland. Look forward to jumping in on future splits with some of you.
Anyone to split today’s PN?
@raccoon81 I might do it if it was split 3 ways!
@clcaruthers what if you took 4 and I just keep the rest.
@raccoon81 I’ll be out of town for about two weeks, but WWC shipping was slow on all the other offers. But if you’re willing to hold until I get back and can pick it up on a weekend, then count me in for 4
@clcaruthers sounds great! We’re busy a lot too… but we can work it out when you are back.
@raccoon81 Perfect! Sounds like a split to me!
@raccoon81 @clcaruthers Agh, snooze you lose I guess lol Enjoy. Looks like a great wine
@clcaruthers @mrallen1 @raccoon81
I would be available to split some with you if you’d like. If someone else would like to split some- I would take 3/4 bottles.
I’m looking to keep 6.
Surprise! It’s a zin and we want 6, anyone else want the other 6?
@raccoon81 I cannot get enough zin in my life. I’m down. Put it on my tab. LOL
@raccoon81 Or I suppose I could order this case and we can work out the difference in cash? Whatever you like best.
@mrallen1 lol… works for us!
@raccoon81 ok done - ordered a case, we can work out the swap when it gets here
/giphy electric-foggy-clock

@raccoon81 Just a heads up - I just got an email which reads in part that the 2013 Harvey vintage Zin is not available so they are going to ship the 2014 vintage instead.
I don’t know if you’re terribly disappointed by this or not but I am going to accept the substitution - 2014 is rated (slightly) higher on Wine Enthusiast and it sells for a bit more per bottle although we will won’t pay the difference. Hope that’s cool with you.
@mrallen1 totes fine!
I’m about a mile north from downtown Houston. I’d be interested in doing a trade for the Scott Harvey Zin. I purchased 12 bottles of the SIVAS-SONOMA OLD VINE ZINFANDEL deal from a few weeks back. I would trade 6 for 6 of these plus the $ difference. That deal was $99 for 12 bottles. I also have free shipping.
@wadewood I’d be interested in trading 3 of my half case of the Scott Harvey for 3 of the Sivas.
@mrallen1 sure. Contact me when it comes in. My email is wade.woodard@gmail.com
I could go for 6 of today’s Bell offering if anyone is interested
@SDL3 my bf tells me I shouldn’t have whispered that. Sorry! I get excited about this region.
I could go for 4-6 of today’s WineSmith Grenache offering if anyone is interested in a split
Any of y’all willing to split the Pavi?
@raccoon81 I’ve never had this varietal before and am very interested with what I’m reading. I’d be in for 4!
@clcaruthers @raccoon81 I’d be in for 4 too. I have VMP so I can order and save shipping if you want
@clcaruthers @IanMorr sounds great, go ahead and order and we will get it figured out once it gets here.
@clcaruthers @raccoon81 Just making sure you saw today’s offer. I’ve ordered a case for myself, hoping for some good variety. Let me know if you get any and end up with more of one vintage than you want.
@clcaruthers @IanMorr the mystery case would be interesting but will be happy with pretty much any vintage of those.
Done. With tax it’s $14 a bottle. Will let you guys know when it’s in
@IanMorr Thank you!
I will take 4-6 of the charles smith vigonier.
@mddyka tried to resist. I’ll take 3 and could stretch to 4, can’t do 6 though. Out of storage.
I’m ordering a case of the Boedecker Pinot Gris/Blanc. Holla if you want some.
Anyone up for taking 4 out of a case split of the Wetzel Estate Pinot?
@raccoon81 Think I’m going to pass. Love a good Williamette Valley Pinot Noir, but I’ve been confused by the main forum discussion on this one.
@IanMorr Same reason I didn’t want to commit to a full case or even 6. Lol. On to the next!
Okay, anyone looking to split today’s cab? Looking for an even split if possible.
@raccoon81 If no one will do an even split, and you get interest for a 3-way, count me in.
@clcaruthers We can just split 4 with you. Perfect and done!
@raccoon81 Awesome! Thanks!!
Inside the Loop - West U - in case there are others nearby who want to split in the future!
Back at it, anyone interested in 1/3 of a case of the Kendric Pinot Noir? Have interest in the other 1/3 already if we can get a 3rd split.
@raccoon81 I’d do 1/3 case of the Kendric
@lethcoeb great, I’ll order and we can get it figured out once it arrives.
Ordering a case of Harvest Moon Zin. Willing to split 50/50. Let me know!
@raccoon81 Thanks for offering it up but I have to pass - my wife is not a fan of their Pinot Noir (I have two bottles I can’t drink with her now!) so I’m going to pass on this!
@lethcoeb @raccoon81 the case of Ty Caton I received yesterday was warm to the touch. Fedex shows up late In the day at my place so it spends all day on the truck. Not sure what they’re doing for summer shipping yet so I think I’m out until we get some info on that.
@IanMorr @lethcoeb the Kendric was warm when it arrived yesterday too… tasted it tonight and it is good. Now that we know that the wine is guaranteed, we are more willing to risk. The gf has bee. Waiting for this since they teased it a few months ago.
Anybody wants to split a case of Twisted Oak, The Spaniard 2013?
@modfalk it’s hot outside and I’m full of reds but I’ve never had any of this despite hearing good things for years. How many were you looking to keep? I only want 3 or maybe 4.
@IanMorr I was aiming to split 6/6 but could go for 8/4
@modfalk ok. Let’s give it a bit and see if anyone else wants 3. Do you have VMP? If not I can order to save the shipping costs. Looks like $18.60 a bottle with tax
@IanMorr Sounds good. What is VMP?
@modfalk i would be down to take 2 or 3 bottles. I’ve never tried it and would like to.
@ponyo4 @ianmorr Great I’ll take 6 bottles then
@IanMorr @modfalk VMP is monthly membership that gets free shipping. It was a perk of part of kickstarter. So in general if someone has the K logo next to their name for at least the first year they should get free shipping on orders, save that $8-12. So if IanMorr orders you save $1/bottle.
@modfalk @ponyo4 Great. Order is in. Will let you guys know when it gets here.
/giphy famished-eager-railway

@IanMorr @modfalk sounds great ! I’m excited to try this.
Anyone interested in splitting a case of the Grenache? If I don’t hear anything by midnight June 7 (houston time) I will just order 4 bottles…
@mrallen1 I would be willing to do 3 at case price, maybe @clcaruthers or someone else would be interested in a few?
Does anyone wanna split Scott Harvey 1/2?
@raccoon81 I’m in.
@raccoon81 I thought it was sold out!
@mrallen1 oops
@mrallen1 @raccoon81 Oh well…
Anyone interested in splitting the Bridge 1904 cab?
@clcaruthers we are!
The Laura Michael Zin’s is interesting to us. Anyone interested in the other half of a case? Will plan the expedited shipping with ice as well.
@clcaruthers I know we have the Bridge cab we need to meet and split maybe this one intrigues you enough as well?
@raccoon81 I can take 3 bottles
@modfalk Ok, was really wanting just 6 bottles here. Let’s see who else may chime in.
What part of town are you in? we are in Sugarland
@raccoon81 Sorry can’t do 6 but maybe someone else can do the other 3. If someone wants 6 I’ll bow out. I am in West Pearland (288 and beltway
@modfalk had a family member that jumped on for 6. I feel bad this is the second time I’ve not followed through with you.
@raccoon81 I would be interested in 2/3 bottles if anyone else wants to join in.
@raccoon81 No problem
@modfalk @raccoon81 I’d be in for 6 or 3 raccoon81 if you are still looking to split with someone
@clcaruthers @modfalk @ponyo4 I’ll take 3 as well if you need someone to make a split. I have VMP to save on the shipping but I’m over in the UK at the moment and not sure I’ll get back to the forums tonight as I’m about to head off to the 500 year old Cheshire Cheese Inn and drink all the ale.
@IanMorr @modfalk @ponyo4 @raccoon81 soooo what’s the verdict? we got a split?
I’m down to split the Urgency Cab if anyone wants 6! Let me know and I’ll get an order in for a case
@clcaruthers we are in.
Anybody want to split a Moran Manor Anagram case I’ll take 6 or 4 bottles?
@modfalk I’m in. I’m happy to take 6, but happy to hold off on ordering for an hour or so in case someone else wants 4.
@IanMorr @modfalk I’ll take 4!
@IanMorr @SDL3 Sweet. We’ll do a 4/4/4 split then. Ian I believe you have free shipping (right?), do you want to place the order? If not I will be happy to do it
@modfalk @SDL3 Yep, I have the free shipping, happy to order. With taxes it’s $13.28/btl, so $53 for 4
@modfalk @SDL3 order is in 'appetizing-psychic-kitten". I don’t even want to know what the giphy is for that
Winesmith 2013 Meritage anyone? I’ll take 6 (or 4 or 3) if someone wants to split a case.
@modfalk Still here but I’m good on wines right now - still drinking the case of Zin I ordered six months ago
@modfalk @tnguyencase already got us over on the offering post and we are splitting there. Hopefully another is ready to jump in with you as well.
@raccoon81 @tnguyencase Hmm I did not see the message there (still don’t). So you already have a case spoken for?
@modfalk @tnguyencase Yes, we are splitting 6-6. Just went to whispers for discussion.
@raccoon81 @tnguyencase Ok
@modfalk I’ll go in for 6. Want me to order?
@IanMorr Yes Sir! Thanks for coming to the rescue
@modfalk got it. Will let you know when it’s in.
Pulled the trigger on a case of Harvest Moon Pinot Noir. I can part with up to 6 of them if anyone is interested.

/giphy uptight-yummy-cabbage
@modfalk in for 6!
@modfalk Did you try the 2014? Opened one a few months ago, but the only note I have is to leave the rest alone for a couple of years…must do better keeping track of these.
@IanMorr No but I bought the 2013 from Woot about a year ago. Bought these because I am out of Pinot and liked them last time around.
@raccoon81 Cool, will let you know when they are in.
I would like to try 2/3 bottles if you have some available.
@ponyo4 Sorry, I’m going to hold on to mine I think.
I bought a case of the QPR not Merlot not Pinot. I’d love to split it with people?
@mrallen1 We already bought a case ourselves. Great price, 3 casemates glasses. Maybe Merlot/Cab/blend isn’t our favorite, but plenty of parties and other occasion can take them if not what we want, but still get the glasses!
@mrallen1 I’ll take some
@modfalk Cool - let’s figure out a good time to meet and make the transfer once I have the case
I admit I kinda wanted half a case and the glasses lollll
/giphy busted

Houston’ers - I know @modfalk and @selfgovern are in the area - is there any list / group of who else is around and typically interested in splits? I’ve got the shipping membership and am buying quite a lot lately.
@deadlyapp I’ve split a case before, but my buying has slowed down of late.
@deadlyapp We have done splits and enjoyed them. Some we have bought a whole case for ourselves or found friends we see often that don’t take as much travel.
Our problem now is that we have purchased to many cases and the wine fridge is full and backup storage is almost full so really holding back on ordering lately is why we have been quiet.
Always checking though and if something comes up you are looking we may jump in. That $50 a bottle stuff this weekend was a bit rich for our budget.
@raccoon81 Totally understand that predicament. I’m buying wine for my wedding at the same time and its taking up precious fridge space. I usually prefer the $15-25 / btl sweet spot.
@deadlyapp I’m in the market for some reds and dry whites/roses preferably under $25. Got the free shipping/membership deal. I’m at 288 and Beltway 8 (Pearland)
@deadlyapp Heya. Yup, I’m still around and I am still interested in case splits, but tbh, we’ve got quite a bit of wine to drink, and that’s why I haven’t been terribly active lately.
@modfalk was in that area Sunday picking up a busted vinotemp wine fridge! I’ve been buying a case of just about everything that pops up here so if you miss an offer or are interested in just a bottle or two to try, you can let me know. Could always make a google sheet to keep track of wine in the area (I also keep my cellartracker up to date - same as my username)
@deadlyapp Alright thanks!
I’m in Pearland and have split with several individuals in the HTX group. Buying has slowed the past 6 months due to never ending travel, but I should be returning to a normal schedule for the foreseeable future. I’m more interested in low to mid range QPRs/Autobuys around 15-25/btl. Feel free to reach out if there’s anything that ever comes up.
Hey y’all just bought a case of the OTP Rose. Holler if you want to split the case in half or 3rds.
@mrallen1 Whoops, I didn’t expect anyone else to want this and bought my own case as well. Oh well, more for me!
/giphy more for me!

Is anyone interested in splitting a case of the Pavi?
@clcaruthers I know it is quiet in here. However I think lots of us are over stocked from excitement of it through the first year. Our fridge is full plus boxes and racks as well. Just out of space.
Guess we need to work on drinking more but for now it is more that we are slowing purchases.
@clcaruthers @raccoon81 I’m still buying pretty aggressively but being more selective in what I purchase. This offer looks to have mixed input and doesn’t excite me so I’m passing.
@mrallen1 @clcaruthers @modfalk @raccoon81 @selfgovern @tnguyencase Anyone interested in partial splits of the PS up today? Love PS but don’t feel like an entire case.
@deadlyapp Unfortunately, I have all the wine I can handle right now! I do love (Petite) Syrahs though
@deadlyapp I could do 3 bottles
@deadlyapp I could do 3
Excellent @modfalk @clcaruthers @tnguyencase I’m glad I suckered you all into 3 bottles so I can satisfy my own poor control of SIWBM.
It’s been seriously quiet here for months… is anyone still around?
I just bought a case of the Fetzer 50th red blend. I’d be willing to trade/sell 3 or 6 bottles of it if you’re interested, hmu
@mrallen1 It is quiet. We stocked up so much and with the couple wine club memberships we have so much on hand. Guess we really need to up our consumption!
@raccoon81 We should have a quarterly wine drinkup in a hotel or something so we don’t all get DUIs
@mrallen1 I’ll happily take 3-4 bottles
@modfalk Great. I’ll let you know when I get the shipment. Scheduled for the last week of January currently.
@mrallen1 Sounds good!
Any one up for Gersing Vamp Syrah?
@tnguyencase @mrallen1 @clcaruthers @modfalk @raccoon81 @selfgovern @tnguyencase
@modfalk It looks good but I have plenty of red on hand atm. Thank you!
@modfalk not sure if you got any takers but I’d take up to four off your hands
@deadlyapp Deal!
@deadlyapp Holy crap got the order in whith 3 min to spare.
@modfalk cutting it down to the wire!
Anyone poking around this Saxon offer? Last time I had some was '08s or something sold on the old site. I remember them being fantastic. Not a huge case savings today but thought I’d check!
@modfalk @tnguyencase @mrallen1 @clcaruthers @raccoon81 @selfgovern
Picked up a case of the Roblar Pinot Noir. Can part with 6 if anyone is interested. @tnguyencase @mrallen1 @clcaruthers @raccoon81 @selfgovern
Did anyone really love the QPR and want more? It just wasn’t our thing. We have 6 bottles we got on VMP… if you are interested, just make an offer.
@raccoon81 Maybe; we usually buy it at Christmas. Was this the batch from July?
@lethcoeb We have apparently been aging it longer than that. This is from December 2018 offer.
@raccoon81 I bought a case of those in Dec 2018 for $7.50 per bottle delivered; willing to part for that price?
Picked up a case of the GÅRD VINTNERS GRAND KLASSE RESERVE REDS. Will part with half of it if someone is interested. @tnguyencase @mrallen1 @clcaruthers @raccoon81 @selfgovern
@modfalk i know there is a price difference, but I picked up a case of the prohibido cab 5 days ago. willing to work out a trade with that? Otherwise, I’d only be interest in a single of each from your case
@clcaruthers Sure we can do that. Do you want to swap 6 for 6 and pay the difference?
@modfalk sounds good with me! ill reach out when mine land, and you can do the same to work out the details and what’s owed.
@modfalk I picked up a case too
after ratting the cab. It’s great juice.
@modfalk still have so much red wine around here - i’ve been off the sauce for a while sadly…
Wasn’t that Henny Youngman’s line – “Take my wine, please!”?
Is this the only Houston area thread? I’m in West University but would be down to find some people to split with if there are others closer in or willing to drive occasionally (as I might be).
@ekwartler I’m also in West U and I’m down to split. I’ve done splits with @modfalk; probably easier for us to do splits in general. I’m on Ruskin St.
@ekwartler I think so. We’re spread all over. IIRC modfalk is down towards Sugarland, there’s one person in the heights, I’m in Cypress/Klein but travel all over Houston. If the wine is good it doesn’t really matter to me who I end up splitting with!
@lethcoeb awesome, I’m on Sunset. I’m running out of space on my floor for boxes of wine (storage currently in transition), so having someone to split with would be great.
@deadlyapp yeah I feel that.
@ekwartler it’s the only Houston group that I know of. We are all spread out though and not just Katy. I’m in shadow creek but have still met several people in here several times in various locations throughout town.
@ekwartler When I made this group I always assumed other sections of Houston would start their own threads but it never quite worked out that way. I guess I was wildly optimistic about the number of people in Houston who’d use casemates forums to split wine shipments lol
@ekwartler @mrallen1 I’m in west Pearland but I work close to Jersey Village so meeting anywhere along that route after work is pretty convenient.
I’m in the Meyerland area. Game for some splits.
Just bought a case of the Stilman Brown offering. IF you are interested in part of it, let me know. I am in Richmond between Harlem and Westpark Toll.
@RaidV92C I would be down for 4. I’m at 290 and the 8.
@JollyRogers OK. Would you be willing to meet somewhere along 99 a I-10 or south?
@RaidV92C absolutely, I am pretty flexible. Just let me know when it comes in and you can pick a spot to meet.
I am low on Pinot Noir so would happily split a case of the Martin Ray Santa Cruz Mountains Pinot Noir if anyone is interested.
Is anyone interested in today’s Grenache?
@raccoon81 Looks good but I’m all out of space
I really want to as well but the wife would kill me, so I’ll have to pass today
lol… obvi we have not had any space for a LONG TIME… but we have a little room now and we don’t have any Grenache left!
@raccoon81 if you can’t find any takers I could probably manage to hide 4-6 bottles
@deadlyapp for reals though, you want? I’m about to buy.
I know I claimed a wine buying moratorium yesterday, but am eyeing this Rioja offer today if anyone wants to split a case 2-3 ways.
I’m about to buy this Tannat offer if anyone wants any of it (I really don’t need all 12).
@deadlyapp I’ll take some off your hands (3 or 4)
@deadlyapp So will I (3 or 4).
@ekwartler @modfalk Let’s keep it a three way split, 4 bottles each if you’re both good with it.
@deadlyapp @ekwartler Sounds good!
will call you later today if you are available if not … how about Sunday?
Thanks …what is total for 3?
I know the weather is warming up and people may not want wine shipped in, but if anyone wants to split on the Brunello order today I’d take 3-4 bottles. I know it’s a bit rich for most people’s blood but I love brunello.
Just picked up a case of today’s offer, willing to share 6 bottles if anyone is interested.
How’s everyone doing? It’s been quiet here for a while. I canceled my free shipping subscription and will slow down a bit but open for some splits.
Such as todays Ty Caton offer for example
@modfalk I’m still buying regularly but probably need to stop
I’m not a big merlot fan so this one doesn’t pull me much but would go three way split if someone else wants some.
I did get a case of the inzinerator I’d break up and I also got a case of kukeri proprietary red from the “other” WCC site that I’m happily willing to part with some bottles of.
@deadlyapp Yeah I’ll take some InZinerator off your hands, I could part with some of the latest Louis Latour that I have coming in.
Also if anyone is ever looking for a bottle that as offered here previously (or they just want to shop my cellar) everything is on cellar tracker https://www.cellartracker.com/user.asp?iUserOverride=163495
@deadlyapp Looks a lot like our cellar tracker. I don’t see any Texas wineries in there.
Thoughts on some of the texas wineries? We also like some from place near fredericksburg but imports from europe.
@raccoon81 I’ve been to a couple of wineries over towards Austin while looking for a wedding venue and the wines that were actually Texas grown were garbage (but it could have been the winemakers). It seemed like many of the wineries were just buying California juice and relabeling it. Unless I can find texan wine at similar price points and quality to the California grown stuff, I probably will never have any in my cellar.
@deadlyapp There certainly are some that are not very good. I feel they have improved. The price point usually is a bit higher than expected.
There are some that we really do like though. Also, have found better ones near Fredericksburg than the ones closer to Austin in my experience.
@deadlyapp @raccoon81 I just bought a mixed case of wine from Alta Marfa http://www.altamarfa.com/ - arrived today
@deadlyapp this is the SO. There are a couple doing well with , as raccoon says, grapes that actually grow here. Our favorite Texas producer is Augusta Vin (the reds) and most are Italian. But some interesting wines also can be found at Pontotoc (tasting room on main in Fredericksburg) and honestly William Chris does a good job on most. Perdenales Cellars always has one or two stellar wines in there each year, but the rest is eh.
As far as the other we go to, they are indeed importers, but delicious.
We are heatherleighsmith on CellarTracker.
@raccoon81 nice mix of wine! And thanks for the tips, I’ll have to try them out.
I have been avoiding Texas wines but by chance I had some “Texianti” from Bull and Lion when camping in Grapevine recently. It was quite enjoyable. https://bulllionranch.com/products/texianti-2017
@modfalk Interesting. Have not tried that winery or wine.
One thing different is different grapes grow better here than others. So if you are just a Cab Sauv person then Texas ones are unlikely to compare. A chianti grape is one I think would do better here so I could see how this one came out well.
Anyone interested in splitting the wine smith case? I’m interested in doing half each (each gets one of each)
@clcaruthers I’m happy to split a case, lord knows I don’t need more WS but I enjoyed the two I ratted.
@deadlyapp I’m down!
Picked up a case of this 2J offer which actually seems more appealing than the WS branded offer last weekend.
I think I’m going to out together a random 6 pack offer for @clcaruthers if anyone else wants one.
2013 WineSmith Cabernet Sauvignon
2018 WineSmith St. Laurent
2011 Two Jakes Merlot
2013 Two Jakes Cabernet Sauvignon
2017 Two Jakes Petite Sirah
2013 Two Jakes Aspects
Priced at what I paid, a 6 pack would be $100 and I can make four of them. If anyone wants one let me know.
@deadlyapp I think I’d be in for this. We’re getting a little low, but I have reds coming in from other sources. Probably need to restock for the holidays.
If anyone wanted a mixed Wine Smith / 2 Jakes 6 pack and missed out, I’ve made one that is a combination of several offers for $100 and can do two of them
2013 WineSmith Cabernet Sauvignon
2018 WineSmith St. Laurent
2011 Two Jakes Merlot
2013 Two Jakes Cabernet Sauvignon
2017 Two Jakes Petite Sirah
2013 Two Jakes Aspects
If anyone is looking for a 2 or 3 way split on the Laura Michael’s today, let me know because I’d be in.
I’d be interested in a 2 or 3 way split on today’s Peterson offering if anyone else is interested.
@deadlyapp Seems like a good deal for a case. I would, but we’re maxed out on red wine at the moment! Didn’t get to use as much over the holidays as expected due to the dreaded Omicron…
@lethcoeb I’ve been maxed out for months. I just have to keep buying more storage for it at this rate.
@deadlyapp I’ll bite - will take 4 or 6.
@SDL3 a team player!
Any interest in today’s Malbec?
@SDL3 Going to pass on this one, have a few too many daily drinkers in the cellar right now.
Hey Houston folks! I’m in town and doing a tasting Thurs night, Feb 24th - email me for details at larry@tercerowines.com
@tercerowines Interesting. Not certain we can make it work but emailed asking for deets.
@raccoon81 just emailed back. Cheers
@raccoon81 @tercerowines I saw the post on beserkers but I as well don’t think I can make anything this evening unfortunately.
@deadlyapp @raccoon81 no worries . . .
@tercerowines Larry, Thank you very much, we had a great time and great wine! Look forward to opportunity to visit in California one day.
@raccoon81 thank you two for coming. It was great meeting you and discussing and pouring my wines for you. Cheers!
If anyone is interested in a 1/3 split of today’s offer (1 j&s, 3 mtn selection) I’m willing to part with it
@deadlyapp gone
Quiet group lately. Anyone interested in a split of this Kukeri offer? I know it’s rich for the blood but if I can at least part with 1/3 of a case I’ll pull the trigger.
@deadlyapp I would definitely be interested in 4 bottles at the case price. That is a good deal.
@jadeallenx all the push I needed! If anyone else wants to be part of the split let me know, otherwise im happy keeping two of each.
@deadlyapp @jadeallenx I’d be in for two, if interested in sub-dividing that far. If not, enjoy!
@deadlyapp So cool - very excited! Thanks!!
By the way, friends, I was in Napa this summer and I rejoined the Grgich-Hills wine club. Just got my winter shipment and it is
- the 100 year old vine Zinfandel is going to be a highlight of my holiday wine season.
My Kukeri case came in today, if anyone is interested in the remaining four pack let me know, the split is $141.
If there are no other takers, I’ll jump on the grenade!
I live in West U and work at 59 and Gessner; I’ll be in meetings at the Galleria for most of this week, but I could break free during the day to meet tomorrow or maybe an evening T - Th; I’m not available Friday and next weekend. Sorry for the convoluted schedule!
Anyone interested in a three way split on the kukeri today?
I’m in for a split!
@lethcoeb done. Let you know when it comes in
Been super quiet here but I’d love to split a case with someone on these mixed Bordeauxs - anyone?
@jadeallenx im a little full up on daily drinkers so im being a little choosy with my purchases. Maybe @modfalk ?
@deadlyapp @jadeallenx Hey guys, thanks for thinking of me but I’m no longer living in the Houston area
Hey Hou friends, I bought a case of the stillman today, 4 bottles spoken for, another 4 open for anyone who wants them
@deadlyapp I’d love to but I am tapped out on $ right now - bought some really great (but expensive) super tuscans and then that case of the Bordeaux … these look delicious though!!