All packages in this offer will receive nationwide 2 Day Service.
Size: Magnum (1.5L, equivalent to 2 standard bottles)
Vintage: the past
Color: red
Alcohol: yes
Price Comparison
MSRP per Magnum ranges from $99 - $189
About The Winery
Winery: Scott Harvey Wines
Owners: Scott & Jana Harvey
Founded: 2004
Location: St. Helena, CA
After decades of creating and crafting premium wines for wineries like Santino and Folie a Deux – and putting Amador County on the map as a world-class appellation – Scott Harvey launched his own winery in 2004. With decades of winemaking experience on two continents, it’s no wonder his wines have become an immediate sensation. It’s an overnight success 35 years in the making.
Available States
How much more are you saving by buying two magnums?
(Note: Tax & Shipping not included in savings calculations)
Scott Harvey Wines Random Red Magnum - $21 = 13.12%
Interesting. What are the chances of getting a 2010? Looking for a birth year wine for my son. I have a 2008 Corison for my first born. An SH large format for my second would be awesome
Pretty good if you go in for 2 mags. 3 of the 6 likely bottles are 2010 vintage. Although I expect that there will be quite a few more J&S Reserve bottles shipped out than 1869s and Cathedrals, reducing your odds a bit as only 1 of the 3 J&S Reserves (the OVZ) is 2010.
@chipgreen@losthighwayz Where are you getting the roster of magnums from? I see no indications in the offer text…
Edit: I see…that’s just what’s on the website
@scottharveywines could you elaborate on whether that’s the grand sum of the available bottles or if the selection is wider? Either in terms of wines or vintages?
I am pretty good at playing the odds on UC! Although changes over time have generally made it both more difficult and less rewarding.
I can’t speak for other states, but as a resident of Vermont, a state to which Scott Harvey doesn’t naturally ship, the current and previous wine club managers have been able to ship via a secondary method. If your state isn’t available for this offer, you may want to contact Scott and/or Jana directly to find out if they may be able to ship to you.
As for this offer, love seeing Scott Harvey on here. I believe this is their 2nd offer in just a short period of time.
I’m about to order my annual case/case & a half from them. Even so, if I knew I’d get the Cathedral, I’d be in. Too bad it has to be a mystery.
@gillisr@pseudogourmet98 I was able to purchase 2 bottles but had to select 1 then add 1 additional to my order. Maybe this means I will get two bottles from the same vintage?
As much as I want to indulge in this order, I’m really kind of concerned about the shipping during the heat wave we are currently experiencing in Atlanta.
@nathanbsmith Damn! And here I thought the '12 Old Vine Zin and the '16 Cattedrale was the jackpot. This might beat it, depending on how long you want to hold the wines.
@ScottHarveyWine Can we get some info into the Cattedrale, drinking windows (besides the obvious: not soon), vineyards and vision?
@KNmeh7@nathanbsmith The Cattedrale is our very best Barbera Vineyard. It is a vineyard known as Hana named after a little girl that almost died but fortunately pulled through. The wine has good structure and acidity, so will be a 15 to 20 year wine. I’m drinking the 750ml now but it really needs a few more years. The vineyard is next the Linsteadt vineyard where we also get some of our best Barbera. It is a hill that looks south and drains to the west. Decomposed granitic well drained soil. I only bottled 78 of the magnums and we delivered 54 of them to Casemates.
Hi Everyone,
Great to be one with our magnums this time. I’ll check with Jana as to what is in the deal and will get back to you. I’m judging at the California State Wine Competition today and will get on in between wine flights.
Clark Smith and i are doing taste offs for best of class today. Tasting some great wines. Look for the results when they come out to the California State Fair Wine Competition soon at
I had to order two separate singles. Early this morning on the East cost. Went fast. @scottharveywines can you check and make sure the two singles aren’t the same?
@rjquillin Me too, and I will surely post. I am luckily getting 4 bottles. Hopefully all different, but will be beyond pleased with any of the possible bottles that fit the MSRP range.
@drhellknow Oooh, the Cattedrale magnum isn’t even available on Scott’s website. At $111 for a 750mL, it must be one heckuva Barbera. Does anyone know anything about it?
@drhellknow Catterdale; you should be elated!
First year Scott has made it, afaik.
It was offered to the club at a bit less and I bit on two of the 750’s. A mag? I can’t even imagine…
@drhellknow@rjquillin Yea, a Catterdale should be considered the rarity. I know it is “random” and I hate when it works this way, but look at you versus @Zortapa. Same $99 wine. You got one that isn’t even for sale, but all estimates put it above the Jana at nearly $200 and he got the Barbera which is currently on “Holiday Sale” for $79. (Not going to get into if that fits the stated MSRP range) That is well over a $100 value “winning.” You should be elated.
@Zortapa Looks like the 2012 Zin is the early contender to be included in every box. I am hoping for the Barbera, but too bad you didn’t score a Cattedrale. Did you order a 2 pack or 2 individuals. (Now I am nervous as mine ride around the city out for delivery.)
Got 2012 Zin and 2012 1869 Zin. Mine is two singles shipped together (smart). Lost fair amount of signature on he 1869. I’m pleased. My household loves Scott Harvey Zin.
Got 2012 Zin and the 2016 Cattedrale Barbera in our Mystery Box. There is evidence in the styrofoam shipping material and on the bottle that the Barbera leaked in transit. Did anyone else see that in theirs? Anything to worry about?
Is there anyone here with even the smallest moral conscience that might tell this guy that the cork has been compromised and it might not age well or maybe worse? So drink up!
@ScottW58@sndg Email @WineDavid49 and/or support to see what they can do for you (a replacement, most likely). It’s worth double-checking that it was actually wine leakage rather than the colouring from the capsule rubbing off on to the styro (I’ve actually made that mistake before).
@klezman Thanks. If @Winedavid49 doesn’t chime in here, I’ll e-mail Monday. It was definitely wine, not label rubbing, since it was in the bottom and top compartments of the styrofoam holder and on the outside of the bottle itself.
@klezman@sndg hell yea, report it to support. We sent it 2 day cause mags need it. But not fail safe I’m afraid. But yea, drink it up and we’ll get you another.
@Zortapa I love Scott Harvey, but hate this randomness. Especially for you. Someone got a 2010 Cathedral as a one-pack. You–like us all–blindly bought a 2 pack supporting his winery. You got the short straw for sure. Random, I get, but the fact 3 (2 packs) to Columbus, Ohio were identical, makes me wonder.
I would never accuse Scott or Jana or purposefully selecting things, but all the cries of “I hope they are different” went on deaf ears and the fact a single got a Jana and you did not is kind of crazy. That said, I suppose random.
And on that note. As long as casemates makes offers like these truly “random”, then I am in. I do not like “mystery” offers that are not a mystery but identical, and you are capitalizing on the chance of randomness. (Meeker, cough, meeker.) That seems to be the line that was drawn, and I hope they stick to it.
Random = Lottery
Mystery = Don’t think we have a offer to justify the price, so we are planning on people hoping they get lucky.
Agreed on the definitions of random vs mystery. Mystery means the same thing to all, but the “fun” (ymmv) is in the surprise.
As for the apparent lack of randomness in the random selection/pairings, I think it’s worth pointing out that in almost all cases the packing is done by WCC and not the winery. If past kerfuffles are any indication, the process tends to be to lay out some cases next to each other (randomly) and grab one bottle from each to make up the pack. So you’ll get a series of packs that will be identical based on that.
As for the “better” bottles being distributed among one- vs two-packs, I think that’s totally appropriate. Unless the offer states that the bottle probabilities are skewed. “Random” should mean that my probability of getting any single bottle should be the independent probability of selecting that bottle from the initial pile. (For us nerds, it should be the uninformed and uniform prior.)
@Winedavid49 Yes, you have great offers. Does a sell out need that confirmation? This was a screaming offer. It is up to the winemakers to decide how lucky people can get. Even the “worst draw” is a great buy. It is just human nature to envy those who got really lucky.
I appreciate these offers and hope they continue. I am happy for my luck.
Strangely, I passed on this offer.
Scott is second only to Peter for large format bottles I’m struggling to store and, other than the big score on the Catterdale, would have been dupes.
Best left for others to collect and enjoy.
Any InZin out there?
As for me, after “scoring” just one premium bottle (an 1869) when purchasing multiple mystery offers from Wellington, Twisted Oak, Vino Noceto, Pedroncelli, Roessler PN Magnums, Winesmith, and Scott Harvey on the previous platform, I decided not to bite on any more of the mystery offers. Well, I bit on this one. But after seeing discrepancies like this, I simply give up…
@Zortapa I feel for you. I don’t want to delve into the disappointments, but a Wellington mystery offer disappointed? That is really too bad.
I am pretty much done with random offers from anyone I don’t truly trust (which, sadly, are 2 of your fails: Scott Harvey and Clark Smith.) I am completely done with mystery offers unless the comments basically tell me what I am getting.
Cheers! @KNmeh7 To be clear, as @winedavid49 points out, the baseline QPR is sound. However, when one repeatedly receives the baseline product while others score multiple premium products in a single offer, the baseline product (even Wellington) tastes like rail liquor rather than the top shelf stuff.
P.S. I’ll be in Columbus looking at colleges with my daughter in late August.
Winemaker Notes
Scott Harvey will personally sign each Magnum.
All packages in this offer will receive nationwide 2 Day Service.
Price Comparison
MSRP per Magnum ranges from $99 - $189
About The Winery
Winery: Scott Harvey Wines
Owners: Scott & Jana Harvey
Founded: 2004
Location: St. Helena, CA
After decades of creating and crafting premium wines for wineries like Santino and Folie a Deux – and putting Amador County on the map as a world-class appellation – Scott Harvey launched his own winery in 2004. With decades of winemaking experience on two continents, it’s no wonder his wines have become an immediate sensation. It’s an overnight success 35 years in the making.
Available States
Estimated Delivery
Monday, June 17th
Scott Harvey Wines Random Red Magnum
1 for $79.99
2 for $138.99 ($69.49 each)
How much more are you saving by buying two magnums?
(Note: Tax & Shipping not included in savings calculations)
Scott Harvey Wines Random Red Magnum - $21 = 13.12%
Interesting. What are the chances of getting a 2010? Looking for a birth year wine for my son. I have a 2008 Corison for my first born. An SH large format for my second would be awesome
Pretty good if you go in for 2 mags. 3 of the 6 likely bottles are 2010 vintage. Although I expect that there will be quite a few more J&S Reserve bottles shipped out than 1869s and Cathedrals, reducing your odds a bit as only 1 of the 3 J&S Reserves (the OVZ) is 2010.
@chipgreen @losthighwayz Where are you getting the roster of magnums from? I see no indications in the offer text…
Edit: I see…that’s just what’s on the website
@scottharveywines could you elaborate on whether that’s the grand sum of the available bottles or if the selection is wider? Either in terms of wines or vintages?
@chipgreen @klezman
Perhaps he thinks this is UC?
@klezman @rjquillin
I am pretty good at playing the odds on UC! Although changes over time have generally made it both more difficult and less rewarding.
Yes please!

/giphy aback-ditzy-stingray
Well, what a specifically great time for shipping to be unavailable to me. Hunh.
Never tried a Scott Harvey wine. Might as well go all in with a magnum?
/giphy flat-ancient-swallow

Thanks Scott, Jana and WD!

/giphy washable-revered-passion
/giphy puss in boots

I can’t speak for other states, but as a resident of Vermont, a state to which Scott Harvey doesn’t naturally ship, the current and previous wine club managers have been able to ship via a secondary method. If your state isn’t available for this offer, you may want to contact Scott and/or Jana directly to find out if they may be able to ship to you.
As for this offer, love seeing Scott Harvey on here. I believe this is their 2nd offer in just a short period of time.
I’m about to order my annual case/case & a half from them. Even so, if I knew I’d get the Cathedral, I’d be in. Too bad it has to be a mystery.
Best hurry
@rjquillin have any space for 2 additional magnums? I should be down your way in 3 weeks.
@TechnoViking Yeah, could do that.
@TechnoViking Hi Ron,
Let me know when you come by so we can get together.
/giphy outrageous-painstaking-wound

Oh yea, rocking deal for SH wine. Thanks for the offer. Hoping beyond hope to get a 2007.

/giphy icy-wailing-start
/giphy swanky-shocking-commander

Ah, screw it!
/giphy swanky-shocking-commander

Any chance of making sure all are different if we ordered 2 sets of 2? Thanks for the offer!
Two bottles sold out at 7:10 AM Eastern?
Appears to be.
@gillisr @pseudogourmet98 I was able to purchase 2 bottles but had to select 1 then add 1 additional to my order. Maybe this means I will get two bottles from the same vintage?
@gillisr Yikes, glad I woke up super early today.
As much as I want to indulge in this order, I’m really kind of concerned about the shipping during the heat wave we are currently experiencing in Atlanta.

This deal just broke my SIWBM
/giphy judicious-disturbing-note

Cheers, friend!
@chipgreen looks like you couldn’t resist either. I caved so fast on my SIWBM when I saw this deal… and the anticipation is killing me…
What’s in the box???!!! 2012 1869 Zin and 2010 Jana Cathedral!! I hit the jackpot!! Thank you Scott, Jana and Casemates!
@nathanbsmith I’ll say!
@nathanbsmith Damn! And here I thought the '12 Old Vine Zin and the '16 Cattedrale was the jackpot. This might beat it, depending on how long you want to hold the wines.
@ScottHarveyWine Can we get some info into the Cattedrale, drinking windows (besides the obvious: not soon), vineyards and vision?
@KNmeh7 @nathanbsmith The Cattedrale is our very best Barbera Vineyard. It is a vineyard known as Hana named after a little girl that almost died but fortunately pulled through. The wine has good structure and acidity, so will be a 15 to 20 year wine. I’m drinking the 750ml now but it really needs a few more years. The vineyard is next the Linsteadt vineyard where we also get some of our best Barbera. It is a hill that looks south and drains to the west. Decomposed granitic well drained soil. I only bottled 78 of the magnums and we delivered 54 of them to Casemates.
@KNmeh7 @nathanbsmith @ScottHarveyWine
Does any of the Cattedrale show up in either the white or red label blends?
@KNmeh7 @nathanbsmith @rjquillin Hi Ron, No it doesn’t. We only produced four barrels of it.
@ScottHarveyWine I love it! Hana Barbera!
Cannot pass this up - wish I woke up earlier to grab 2 bottles
/giphy obsessed-crappy-owl

/giphy glorified-dated-bucket

Well, what the heck? All gone in 8 hours? Tears of sadness.
Hi Everyone,
Great to be one with our magnums this time. I’ll check with Jana as to what is in the deal and will get back to you. I’m judging at the California State Wine Competition today and will get on in between wine flights.
It’s already Sold Out!
@rjquillin @ScottHarveyWine oh bummer. It’s fine, probably better this way.
@ScottHarveyWine dude , that was a fast sell out -
My hesitation based on included wines means I’m sol. So it goes.

“Trust your homies on the 'net.” - Clark Smith
Clark Smith and i are doing taste offs for best of class today. Tasting some great wines. Look for the results when they come out to the California State Fair Wine Competition soon at
Very sad I didn’t check the site earlier…
I had to order two separate singles. Early this morning on the East cost. Went fast.
@scottharveywines can you check and make sure the two singles aren’t the same?

/youtube nBdwzYh3aBU
I am such a sad panda…I missed it
Gonna want to hear what 'mates receive.
I missed out totally.
@rjquillin Me too, and I will surely post. I am luckily getting 4 bottles. Hopefully all different, but will be beyond pleased with any of the possible bottles that fit the MSRP range.
Just received my allotment, and I’m pretty happy!
@drhellknow Oooh, the Cattedrale magnum isn’t even available on Scott’s website. At $111 for a 750mL, it must be one heckuva Barbera. Does anyone know anything about it?
@drhellknow Catterdale; you should be elated!
First year Scott has made it, afaik.
It was offered to the club at a bit less and I bit on two of the 750’s. A mag? I can’t even imagine…
@rjquillin You’re right that I should be elated, I’m just bad aty expressing extreme emotions. Maybe this is better
@drhellknow @rjquillin Yea, a Catterdale should be considered the rarity. I know it is “random” and I hate when it works this way, but look at you versus @Zortapa. Same $99 wine. You got one that isn’t even for sale, but all estimates put it above the Jana at nearly $200 and he got the Barbera which is currently on “Holiday Sale” for $79. (Not going to get into if that fits the stated MSRP range) That is well over a $100 value “winning.” You should be elated.
A bit messy…? Too bad I’m allergic to Barbera (and Alicante Bouschet)…

@Zortapa Looks like the 2012 Zin is the early contender to be included in every box. I am hoping for the Barbera, but too bad you didn’t score a Cattedrale. Did you order a 2 pack or 2 individuals. (Now I am nervous as mine ride around the city out for delivery.)
@KNmeh7 A 2-pk, but now wish I had gone for 4.
Jackpot! Both of my 2 packs were the same, but they included the Cattedrale (and the '12 Zin). I am so excited. Thanks!
Got 2012 Zin and 2012 1869 Zin. Mine is two singles shipped together (smart). Lost fair amount of signature on he 1869. I’m pleased. My household loves Scott Harvey Zin.
Got 2012 Zin and the 2016 Cattedrale Barbera in our Mystery Box. There is evidence in the styrofoam shipping material and on the bottle that the Barbera leaked in transit. Did anyone else see that in theirs? Anything to worry about?
Is there anyone here with even the smallest moral conscience that might tell this guy that the cork has been compromised and it might not age well or maybe worse? So drink up!
@ScottW58 We will get to that one soon. It didn’t lose much, but any is too much to risk…
@ScottW58 @sndg Email @WineDavid49 and/or support to see what they can do for you (a replacement, most likely). It’s worth double-checking that it was actually wine leakage rather than the colouring from the capsule rubbing off on to the styro (I’ve actually made that mistake before).
@klezman Thanks. If @Winedavid49 doesn’t chime in here, I’ll e-mail Monday. It was definitely wine, not label rubbing, since it was in the bottom and top compartments of the styrofoam holder and on the outside of the bottle itself.
@klezman @sndg hell yea, report it to support. We sent it 2 day cause mags need it. But not fail safe I’m afraid. But yea, drink it up and we’ll get you another.
Still a small sample size, but it’s beginning to look like I drew the short straw…
@Zortapa I love Scott Harvey, but hate this randomness. Especially for you. Someone got a 2010 Cathedral as a one-pack. You–like us all–blindly bought a 2 pack supporting his winery. You got the short straw for sure. Random, I get, but the fact 3 (2 packs) to Columbus, Ohio were identical, makes me wonder.
I would never accuse Scott or Jana or purposefully selecting things, but all the cries of “I hope they are different” went on deaf ears and the fact a single got a Jana and you did not is kind of crazy. That said, I suppose random.
And on that note. As long as casemates makes offers like these truly “random”, then I am in. I do not like “mystery” offers that are not a mystery but identical, and you are capitalizing on the chance of randomness. (Meeker, cough, meeker.) That seems to be the line that was drawn, and I hope they stick to it.
Random = Lottery
Mystery = Don’t think we have a offer to justify the price, so we are planning on people hoping they get lucky.
(Narrator: They didn’t.)
@KNmeh7 @Zortapa
Agreed on the definitions of random vs mystery. Mystery means the same thing to all, but the “fun” (ymmv) is in the surprise.
As for the apparent lack of randomness in the random selection/pairings, I think it’s worth pointing out that in almost all cases the packing is done by WCC and not the winery. If past kerfuffles are any indication, the process tends to be to lay out some cases next to each other (randomly) and grab one bottle from each to make up the pack. So you’ll get a series of packs that will be identical based on that.
As for the “better” bottles being distributed among one- vs two-packs, I think that’s totally appropriate. Unless the offer states that the bottle probabilities are skewed. “Random” should mean that my probability of getting any single bottle should be the independent probability of selecting that bottle from the initial pile. (For us nerds, it should be the uninformed and uniform prior.)
2012 Zin
2012 Old Vine Reserve Zin
2010 Cathedral, I’m pretty excited!
2012 Barbera J&S Reserve
2012 Zin Old Vine Reserve
We make sure the lowest common denominator is still a great offer. I mean right?
@Winedavid49 Yes, you have great offers. Does a sell out need that confirmation? This was a screaming offer. It is up to the winemakers to decide how lucky people can get. Even the “worst draw” is a great buy. It is just human nature to envy those who got really lucky.
I appreciate these offers and hope they continue. I am happy for my luck.
@Winedavid49 @KNmeh7
Strangely, I passed on this offer.
Scott is second only to Peter for large format bottles I’m struggling to store and, other than the big score on the Catterdale, would have been dupes.
Best left for others to collect and enjoy.
Any InZin out there?
I need to drink more.
Picked mine up from FedEx today;
2012 Old Vine Zin and 2016 Cattedrale Barbera
@chipgreen Score!
I feel like I hit the jackpot! I was one of the lucky few people/jerks that grabbed four bottles shortly after midnight.
2012 Vineyard 1869 Zin
2010 Jana Cathedral Cab
2012 Old Vine Reserve Zin
2016 Cattedrale Barbera
@sammypedram Wow! Simply golden! Enjoy!
As for me, after “scoring” just one premium bottle (an 1869) when purchasing multiple mystery offers from Wellington, Twisted Oak, Vino Noceto, Pedroncelli, Roessler PN Magnums, Winesmith, and Scott Harvey on the previous platform, I decided not to bite on any more of the mystery offers. Well, I bit on this one. But after seeing discrepancies like this, I simply give up…
@Zortapa Yikes. Thank you and sorry!
@Zortapa I feel for you. I don’t want to delve into the disappointments, but a Wellington mystery offer disappointed? That is really too bad.
I am pretty much done with random offers from anyone I don’t truly trust (which, sadly, are 2 of your fails: Scott Harvey and Clark Smith.) I am completely done with mystery offers unless the comments basically tell me what I am getting.
If you are ever in Columbus, let’s have a glass!
Cheers! @KNmeh7 To be clear, as @winedavid49 points out, the baseline QPR is sound. However, when one repeatedly receives the baseline product while others score multiple premium products in a single offer, the baseline product (even Wellington) tastes like rail liquor rather than the top shelf stuff.
P.S. I’ll be in Columbus looking at colleges with my daughter in late August.
So sorry to have missed this while we were in Europe…