Seattle - Let's be mates!
7Interested in seeing who else from the area is on here, and potentially interested in splitting cases. I also host a monthly Wine Tasting Club, usually at Bellevue Wine Storage, usually with people from work, that could always use an influx of enthusiastic members.
Cheers to the new community, RIP to the old.
- 67 comments, 358 replies
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Hey, @meh! When you get back, you might be able to split some cases with these dudes, tho being wine people, they are probably snooty and all.
@baqui63 Not snooty “wine people”, just people who like wine! More accurately: people who like learning more about wine, about what wine they like, and sharing that enthusiasm with others.
@tburritt sorry for the troll… was kidding about the whole snooty thing…
FWIW, I have a 220 bottle wine cellar in my basement, almost totally full, with another three or four cases of wine stacked up near it and another half case heading my way of today’s very last wine.woot. Last night, I opened a 2008 Sextant Zin (from ww, of course) and it was wonderful.
While @meh is probably more of a beer and gin drinker, I doubt she’d say no to good wine.
@baqui63 i love beer and gin!
I’m also in Seattle, up near greenlake
@nematic I am near greenlake also…
Im by the airport
I’m in Montlake. I’m wondering, if someone got a “remote launch party” package from kickstarter, could we get 10 people together to “kick” it off?
@tburritt I went into a launch party pack and would be open to sharing, but would need a different venue - our house (with a newborn to boot) just isn’t set up for entertaining groups
@nematic Nice! I could get the tasting room at Bellevue Wine Storage, that’s no problem at all.
@tburritt I would be interested if you still need more people
I’m in Capitol Hill, and would love to slip in on a case or two this year. I’m pretty trashy, though, so maybe all I want to do is drink rosé all year long.
I’m so trashy that I refuse to blush when drinking blush!
I’m over in Kitsap. I went a bit overboard with the final month at the other site (buy all the Wellington!) so will probably not be buying for a few months, but could be interested in splitting cases, tastings, stuff.
Out of storage space at the moment, but north end of Seattle near Shoreline
I’m in Kirkland and may be interested from time to time. We don’t tend to have much wine on hand, but my wife and I both enjoy wine.
I’m in for both. I’ve been looking to do more tasting and could split some cases. I’m in Redmond. Used to have my wine at Bellevue Storage so I know the area.
I’m in the Mukilteo/Everett area, work in downtown Seattle, looking for some case splitting friends
I’m in Issaquah, work on MI, keep my wine at WSB. Would love to join your tasting club, even though my schedule can be a little nutty with 2 kids. And split cases of course.
I’m down in tacoma and would be up for splits or tasting events.
I’m in Greenwood. Casemates is really appealing to my inner cheapskate so I’m more for splitting cases… But I likely could connive some use of the coworking space I use as a venue for tastings over an apartment.
I’m in Wallingford. I can appreciate distinct terroirs from Provence and Tuscany, but my knowledge of US wine is basically nil. Looking forward to expanding horizons closer to home!
Fellow Seattle area member here! The last days of Woot wrecked me, but I would certainly be interested in splitting cases of wine with local folks.
I’m in Renton and bought the remote party pack, mostly because it seemed the only way to be a labrat from the beginning. Looking forward to meeting some of you in the future!
@StingingJ I’m wishing now I had done that - I didn’t feel like I knew enough about wine to be a labrat and am regretting it if for no other reason than a good opportunity for a party to eat good food and drink WINE!
Splits for current deal of Bernardus Pinot? We have commits up to 6 bottles if we can get to the full case price.
@trifecta From the bernardus thread:
trifecta (2)
schripsemas (2)
twich22 (2)
Redstone_ (Qty?)
Redstone_ (2)
@trifecta i would be in for 2
@trifecta I’ll be in for 2. I think that gets us to a case.
@airynne Great! I am willing to purchase and hold until we can split things up. Unless someone more central (I’m in Tacoma) would like to do it. With some new user names, I’m not sure if I’ve met anyone at previous Seattle woot meetups…
So at two bottles each we have:
@trifecta Thanks trifecta! I live in Maple Valley and work in Seattle, so if my locations can help logistically to get people their wine, hit me up.
@Redstone_ Purchase made. Total was $223.64 after tax, which comes out to $18.64 per bottle or $37.27 each. I’ll post back in this thread once the wine arrives. Thanks everyone!
@trifecta thanks! Keep us informed!
@Twich22 @schripsemas @Redstone_ @StingingJ @airynne Bernardus has arrived and is sitting in the cellar. 55F and completely dark.
@trifecta I have to run through Tacoma tomorrow around 1pm, otherwise, I can make time any day next week.
@trifecta Cool. The Tercero Verbiage Rouge is sitting in my cellar as well. 54F right now. Totally dark. I am off for most of next week. We can make a swap whenever. We can consolidate bottles to one person too so that people only need to make 1 pick up.
@airynne @Twich22 I was thinking it might be easier to swap bottles at some kind of meetup, if that happens relatively soon, maybe a remote launch party? We are flying down for the Launch Party in Carneros on March 3rd though, so if the remote parties happen the same day we won’t be in town. Lots of old friends we are looking forward to seeing there! I can also find time Thurs/Fri of next week (Feb 8/9). I have a pickup at Full Pull that I need to grab, so we could meet there or can arrange for a different plan.
In the old days of woot when we lived down in the bay area we used to have semi regular meetups that typically had themes, which were a great opportunity to get to learn a lot and taste a wide variety wine. It would be fun if we could get that going.
@trifecta I’m good either way. Sad I can’t come down for the actual launch party, but I just wasn’t sure if the dates were going to work so I didn’t sign up
@trifecta im down for whatever. I got a remote party pack as well.
Hi all - I’m in Seattle near Greenlake and am interested in wine events and splitting cases. I don’t know much about wine per se but like what I like and am interested in learning more… The end of Wine Woot killed me so I will probably limit purchases for awhile and love the idea of being able to split cases and share…
hmm - my kickstarter MVP badge isn’t showing up…
tercero wines Verbiage Rouge
@twich22 4 bottles
@trifecta 2 bottles
@lindylouwho 2 bottles
@schripsemas 2 bottles
@blacklotus90 1 bottle
@Redstone_ 1 bottle
Sorry if you got less bottles than you wanted. I stretched this case out a bit so everyone could get some. In the future we will have to be more specific about how many bottles we want and maybe think about a first come first pick policy.
@Twich22 Thanks Twich22! We’re going to need a ledger to keep track of all this. Looking forward to putting faces to screen names at some point.
Thanks @Twich22! I concur with @trifecta - looking forwards to putting faces with names.
I did go ahead and skip this one because I realized I have something like 3 cases of wine still in shipping boxes because I have nowhere to put them and this was an unknown wine to me. But the excitement in the main post about it did make me sad. You will all have to tell me what a mistake I’ve made.
@airynne if you’d like my bottle from twich’s case, it’s all yours
@blacklotus90 No, I really have nowhere left to put anything. I’ll grab it next time. Thank you for offering though.
@Twich22 Thanks Twich! It will be fun to meet some of you folks. A tool to use would be pretty awesome to keep track of this stuff. I am happy that I even got a bottle. First come first served makes sense, after whoever bought the case has what they want.
@Twich22 Agreed. I think be specific and first comes first served. If it is a popular autobuy that warrants multiple cases someone else may need to step up to purchase and split another…
@trifecta Come spring/summer I’m happy to host a ‘swap meet’ to exchange wines - I have great deck that is just screaming to be used for a wine event - though we should try and do something before then…
Price was $21.30 per bottle with tax
@Twich22 How do you want coordinate paying you or do you want to wait till we have a gathering??
Hopefully in the future casemates will provide tools that make this easy to do and we each just pay for our portion of the case…
@lindylouwho you can just pay whenever you recieve the bottle. That way i wont feel bad if someone never comes to pick theirs up! I take most forms of currency. Preferably bitcoin.
The case is hanging out in my cellar.
@Twich22 Awesome. I’m not sure how to coordinate picking up/paying since there doesn’t appear to be a way of directly messaging someone. Want to text/call my google voice #? six won six, nein won fyve, 9276.
@schripsemas You can always PM me on woot as well, if you have an account. My name is Twich22 over there as well.
@Twich22 Do you want these out of your cellar or do you want to wait to see if we can pull together a ‘swap meet’? If you want to clear up the space I’m happy to coordinate a quick meetup via PM on woot. I’m lindalinda over there…
@lindylouwho they are fine in my cellar
For tracking purposes, schripsemas picked up his bottles today.
Thanks @Twich22! I concur with @trifecta - looking forwards to putting faces with names.
Hi, a little late in activating my account, but I’m in Green Lake, not overloaded with bottles (yet) & would be happy to split cases along the way. Also interested in tasting get togethers.
@ToastedRavioli me too, on both
@ToastedRavioli are you perhaps also a St. Louis transplant? The username makes me curious.
@mschuette Yep, originally from STL. Went for the ravioli instead of its other culinary claim to fame, gooey butter cake.
@ToastedRavioli I’m in the Greenlake/Wallingford area as well, and would definitely be down to split case(s) and taste wine(s)! And if anybody in the area is into beer, too (it is Seattle), I’m a homebrewer.
Hello all - I’m in N Seattle by Magnuson Park. I have no space (my ‘cellar’ is a closet), but would be happy to host wine gatherings: my condo has a cabana with a full kitchen and plenty of room.
Good Day Casemates! Renton HIghlands area looking forward new friends and GREAT WINE!
Would it be better to keep track of our case splits here or in the individual wine posts? I’m a fan of having them here, but really could see either being beneficial.
@airynne I think… Here? It can be a pain to find the information between all of the comments on the wine.
@airynne @mdhall The Zaca Mesa Z Blanc White Blend arrived yesterday. Let me know if you are still interested and if so do you want 1 or 2 bottles and I’ll set them aside for you. With tax and free shipping it came out to $$111.81for the case or $9.32/bottle…
@lindylouwho message below. I put it in the wrong place.
I would like 2 bottles. Let me know where you’d like to meet and what day. I’ll have to take the ferry over, so later afternoons and evenings work best for me.
@airynne Are weekends or weekdays better for you? My weekends are pretty flexible and during the week Mon/Wed would work best for me - I have night classes on Tues/Thurs this quarter.
@lindylouwho Weekends are probably easier, but my weekends this month were looking crazy busy. I do have the 10th open though. You can email me (my user name here at gmail) or PM me at woot where I have the same user name.
@lindylouwho But it would be even better for me if you can wait till we have a meetup/swap.
@airynne That works better for me as well… I’ll hold on to them for you…
@airynne Just synching up for Sunday. I have these two bottles of the Zaca Mesa Z Blanc for you. That’s all have down in my spreadsheet for exchanges between you and I. Does that jibe with your expectations?
I’m looking forward to Sunday and putting some names with faces…
@lindylouwho Yep
Anybody want to go in on a 2-4 person split of this Monday, Feb 5 Cabernet Sauvignon?
@grum Ooh, if you paste the offer it goes all fancy.
@grum I do.
It looks like I will be getting one, maybe 2 remote party packs. Other launch partiers here?
@aces219 Did they specify when that will happen? Don’t have a remote pack myself.
@trifecta I had bought the in person launch party but can’t go, so they confirmed I would get remote packs. More to come on that.
@aces219 Got a remote party. I’m going to have so many casemate shirts. I hope they are comfy
@aces219 @airynne what exactly are the party packs? I don’t get it.
From the Kickstarter:
Remote Launch Party Pack (appetizers and beverages serving 10, curated by Sonoma-based WCC). Includes 3 Launch Party shirts.
@aces219 We are definitely up for joining in the festivities for a remote launch pack. I have plenty of wine to share. Looking forward to meeting folks and It would be a good opportunity to square up on some split cases as well.
@aces219 I didn’t purchase a remote launch pack - regretting now… If anyone is planning a local launch party and wants to include new casemates friends I’m happy to oblige… Agree with @trifecta - it would be a great first opportunity to meet and swap some wine!
@aces219 @lindylouwho @trifecta Im down
@aces219 I previously mentioned in this topic that if we need a venue, I’m happy to host a remote party at the tasting room inside Bellevue Wine Storage, and I did not get a party pack.
@tburritt great. I’m a member there too! They have not yet shared timing on party packs, nor do I know if the items within are perishable. I am out of town the first 2 weekends in March, so it would need to be an evening or a subsequent weekend.
@airynne did you get the code already for the shirts? I got a code for launch party but it’s only for one shirt.
@aces219 the one code worked for up to 3 shirts.
I’m happy to share my launch pack if someone else can host. I’m pretty far away from everyone to host at my place.
@aces219 Nice, then I can just be an attendee
I thought they said it would be March 3?
@tburritt that is when the in person party is that I cannot go to as I’m out of town. Wasn’t sure about timing for remote packs.
@airynne my code didn’t
I ordered 2 and it charged me $5. Oh well.
@aces219 was t the launch shirt or the launch party shirt. Same design but one says K on the bottom and the other says launch party.
@airynne party. I separately got 1 of the launch shirts
@aces219 @lindylouwho @trifecta @Twich22 me too…
@aces219 @lindylouwho @moonhat @Twich22 It looks like the remote launch party packs are going out 2/27 and arriving on 3/1. We’ll be around the weekends of 3/10 and 3/24 if a gathering ends up happening.
I could also do either of those dates.
I am gone the whole weekend over St patricks day.
Hey Seattle Mates - I’m a Pedroncelli Wine Club member and just got an email for an offer on their 2017 Dry Rose of Zinfandel. I love Ped wines but haven’t had the Rose but given their track record I’m sure it’s fabulous. Is anyone interested in a bottle or two if I buy in? The offer is for either a 6 pack or a case. I’ll order depending on interest. If only the 6 pack is purchased is would be around 16 + tax / bottle, if a case it would be around 14 + tax. Let me know…
I have 3 more launch party shirts up for grabs, plus a men’s XL. Post your size here.
@aces219 XL Launch Party Plz!
@lindylouwho @aces219 are in on a case with me.
Total was $274.76 for the case, $22.89/bottle.
@aces219 did you want 4 bottles or how many do you want?
Also if anyone else would like a few bottles you can join in.
@Twich22 Would prefer 3 but will take 4 if no other takers.
Anybody in for a case split on the Whitehall? Seattle/Bellevue local.
@tburritt I’m still considering getting 2, but I really don’t want anymore than that.
@airynne Yeah, 2-4 is about all I want too… unless a few more people jump in, I guess we’re on our own.
Anyone up for a split on the 2014 Harvest Moon Pinot? I was going to pick up a 3 pack but thought I’d check in to see if there was enough interest in a case.
I am mildly interested but I’m an Iron Horse club member and have quite a bit of Pinot because of it. If you can get a full case, I’d be in for a few, otherwise I’ll be fine without.
@airynne Cases are sold out so I just picked up a 3 pack…
So is anyone organizing a get together for the remote launch? I know folks have talked about it previously. My remote party pack hasn’t arrived yet but I got the shirts.
@StingingJ I was thinking about it but timing is tricky. I will be out of town the next 2 weekends. Items in the party pack are perishable but I’m not sure how perishable (cheese?) and need adult sig.
@aces219 if not too perishable i would be good with waiting for a few weeks and using the occasion to settle up with a number of folks. I would bring my pack of course!
@StingingJ I’m good just about any weekend this month, except the 17/18th. I believe we’ve had a couple people offer locations up so that’s really what it will depend on. I’m more than happy to host, but I’m an hour to 2 hour drive for most so it’s probably better if someone more central hosts.
@StingingJ I’d love a get together but as I don’t have a remote pack I’ll defer to dates/availability of those who do.
I’m available most weekends except the 24th (Tequila and Tacos festival in Portland). I’d be happy to host at some point but would prefer to do so in the summer so we can use the deck. However, if there aren’t any other options I can be flexible…
@StingingJ and others how is March 31? It looks like items in party pack should keep that long. It is Easter weekend but people have ruled out other weekends it appears.
@aces219 @StingingJ I can do that day.
@aces219 @airynne thats sounds good to me. I would bring my party pack as well and other selections if parts of the party pack dont make it that long
@aces219 @airynne @StingingJ I work until 9 pm that night but can visit and bring all my wines after that if you are still going…
@aces219 @airynne @StingingJ @Twich22
The 31st works for me!
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @StingingJ @Twich22 31st likely won’t work for us. But I am still game for the 10th or 24th.
@aces219 @lindylouwho @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 Starting to seem like we will need 2 meet ups.
@aces219 @airynne @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 So - who is going to make the executive decision on when we plan a get together to meet and drink/swap wine? What is availability if we push this into April? I’m around most weekends - currently back in college (midlife crisis) so generally stay pretty close to home. My only conflict right now is Mar 24.
@aces219 @lindylouwho @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 First 2 weekends of April work for me, but I’m in Southern CA after that through the end of the month.
@airynne @lindylouwho @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 what about Sun 3/25?
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @StingingJ @Twich22 Sunday 3/25 works. For April, as of right now, the 7th/8th and 21st/22nd work as well.
I bought a case of the Scott Harvey that’s up. 6 bottles are currently unclaimed if anyone wants them.
@trifecta I’d love 2 bottles, is that possible?
@moonhat @trifecta I’m still down for 2 (or 3).
@moonhat @mschuette Sure thing. I have you both down for 2 bottles for now. We’ll see if anyone else wants in. $11.54 a bottle after the state takes it cut.
@trifecta Ill take 2 I guess if you still have any to offer. I have never tried Scotts Zin, so I suppose I must. We need to start a spreadsheet or something to keep tabs on all these bottles. It really wouldnt be hard to start a google docs spreadsheet and just put all the offers up there with all the names… It would even make splitting cases in the future easier… Maybe I will make one at some point if I have the time and remember to do so.
@Twich22 Scott Harvey case is spoken for. I did create my own spreadsheet to keep track I’ve what I committed to and who committed on my purchases. Haven’t tracked the ones I wasn’t involved with though. Google docs spreadsheet could work.
@Twich22 sorry, got confused on names. You and I are in for qty4 and there are two others with 2.
@trifecta oops, lol. I already signed up didnt i? See what i mean about that spreadsheet!
A google doc would be great. I’ve also started a sheet to keep track of just what I’ve been involved with, but it would be good to have everything in one place.
@moonhat @mschuette @Twich22 I got an email from Casemates saying that they can’t fulfill our order for 2013 Scott Harvey Zin (see that offer thread for full email). They offered to send the 2014 instead or I can cancel.
I can keep the placed if you guys still want the 2014, but you would need to absorb my bottles. I liked the stats, vineyard sourcing and style description of the 2013 more than the 2014. So I’m out. I’ll be cancelling the order unless I hear back that the group is going to take my 4 bottles. Cutoff is tomorrow at 9AM.
@mschuette @trifecta @Twich22 I’m good with cancelling
@moonhat @mschuette @trifecta bummer. Cancel away.
@moonhat @trifecta @Twich22 I would have been fine with the 2014, but I do not want the whole case.
Unburying this - 3/25 or 3/31 for remote party and wine exchange. Thinking afternoon or early evening. Please vote! I have 2 party packs and some t-shirts.
@aces219 I have no idea if I can make it, but would vote for the 25th b/c of the following weekend being easter
@aces219 25th for me. I have splits with @Twich22 @airynne @Redstone_ @StingingJ @schripsemas @blacklotus90 @lindylouwho
@aces219 @blacklotus90 @lindylouwho @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 25th for me too. Do we have a location?
@airynne @blacklotus90 @lindylouwho @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 I just booked the party room at Wine Storage Bellevue from 2-5 pm on Sunday the 25th. $75, would be great if we can all kick in.
@aces219 @airynne @blacklotus90 @lindylouwho @Redstone_ @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22
I would love to show up, but am off to the hospital now to welcome our first kid in to the world. Don’t think we’ll be up for this sort of event that quickly!
@aces219 i can do the 25th. I work until 9pm the 31st
@aces219 @airynne @blacklotus90 @lindylouwho @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta Awesome! Ill see you the 25th and bring all my boxes of wine with me!
@schripsemas Congrats! I’m only holding a couple bottles for you, no rush.
@schripsemas Awesome!
@schripsemas Congratulations!
@trifecta Shoot, sorry mate! I’d forgotten you were holding some for me. Will figure something out in early April if that works?
@aces219 @airynne @blacklotus90 @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22
The 25th it is! I’m happy to pitch in to cover the cost of the rental. Looking forward to putting names with faces…
@aces219 Would totally be down but I’ll be out of state on vacation that week
have fun y’all!
@aces219 I’m in, will chip in
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @nematic @tburritt Sounds like we are up to 6 or 7 plus guests. Looking forward to it. Is there parking available at BWS?
@airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 there is. If it fills up, you can park in the office park across the street since it’s a Sunday. When you arrive, go to the office and she should let you up. My cell is seven seven three - eight one seven - two three seven nine should you need to contact me that day.
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 So I know there are a couple party packs at play here, but if there are any bottles in there you would rather keep than share, I have no problem bringing wine to chip in. Same on the food front. Maybe if @Winedavid49 has some labrat bottles for us they could show up as well…
Stoked to get Seattle gatherings going, hopefully this is the first of many.
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 @Winedavid49 Wine Country Connect would be happy to send a few Lab Rat bottles to the gathering! Can you confirm the date of the gathering is the 25th? Also, who would like to receive the wine? Please shoot me an email with your address: Thank you!
@aces219 @airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 @Winedavid49 I responded to Ariana and gave her the BWS address for shipping (they can receive it under my name).
@airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 @Winedavid49 Great, thank you!
@airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 @Winedavid49 We have 8 bottles of drink soon wine in the party packs, plus the lab rat bottles, so I’d say we are covered (and please bring friends!) If you have a specific bottle you’d like to share with aficionados, always appreciated of course. Extra food never hurts either.
@airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 @Winedavid49 I would particularly like a volunteer to bring non-alcoholic beverages.
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 @Winedavid49 Any chance you could give a preview of what the party pack wines are? Might help with decision of bringing additional or not. Thanks!
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 sound right. i’ll get with Ariana.
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
I got a Meh Zin, a 2013 oregon PN, and a 15 Napa Rose. Ill also be bringing all the boxes of casemates purchases I need to hand out, and maybe some backup bottles too thought it sounds like we are going to have plenty of wine!
I’ve got a 2011 Wellington Zin, Meh Zin, North by NorthWest Chard, and a Pedroncelli Merlot in my party pack. I was planning to bring 2 bottles with me. You guys tell me which you’d prefer. I’m willing to bring any of them.
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 @Winedavid49 I’m still working to line up child care, but think i’ll make it. I have a good amount of various woot wines in my cellar from the last 8 years or so. Any special requests? I was thinking i should bring a 2003 Kronos if folks are Corison fans.
@aces219 what sort of non alcoholic beverages are you thinking? Water/coffee? Also, whats the tasting room like, do we need to bring plates for the food? Wine glasses?
@StingingJ my kids (8 and 5) will be there with iPads and toys. You (and anyone else) are welcome to do same. Sunday afternoon is tough childcare-wise.
@StingingJ water primarily, maybe sparkling and not. It’s more that it’s difficult for me to haul water along with everything else. They have glasses, can anyone remember about plates?
@aces219 im up for bringing the water, was going to hit up costco for some more cheese anyway. Unfortunately, we have 3 kids under 3 so not yet old enough to entertain themselves
looking forward to those years!
@aces219 @airynne @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 @Winedavid49 Yum! Let me know what I can bring be it wine - tho it sounds like we’ll have plenty - to snacks and/or non-alcoholic drinks. Do we need plates/napkins etc?
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 @Winedavid49 I’m not going to turn down Corison if someone brings it… But it might not be the best day for it. I’ll probably pull a couple bottles to share if needed/wanted.
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 @Winedavid49 Just a heads up that we plan to bring another couple with us. Are we planning to use paypal as a way to square up on split cases?
@aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 Paypal works for me, but I can also just bring cash. Whatever works best for everyone else.
@airynne Since others have the Meh zin coming as well, how about bringing the Chardonnay and the Merlot?
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22
Wine list so far for Sunday. I’ll plan on bringing a couple other bottles to fill in the gaps. Worst case we go home with half empty bottles and have variety at the house for a couple days.
@aces219 @airynne @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I’ll look in my cellar and bring something fun to try. I’ll pick a varietal that isn’t on the list. Looks like we have a good assortment to try.
I may bring my sister with me.
Should I bring a stack of plates/napkins?
@lindylouwho that would be great since I can’t remember what they have in the room. I know we are good on glassware though.
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Hey all, I wanted to stop by real quick since im mentioned and we have some splits to resolve at some point. I’ve had a death in the family recently and wont be making it. I am still absolutely committed to the splits we have made, but will have to make arrangements to deal with that later (if you all still are willing to give up those bottles after trying them!). I hope you have a great time and I will make it to the next get together. Thanks for understanding and have a blast on Sunday.
@aces219 @airynne @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
No problem on holding the Cinsault for you. And if anyone else wants a couple of bottles I bought a case and have more than I need… This was the Onesta Cinsault if anyone is interested and wants to look back at the thread for the offer…
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22
Hey ya’ll, I’ve got the Labrat bottles at BWS (thanks @arianaWCC !). We’ll have the pleasure of previewing:
But wait there’s more! She also sent some spices and oils (and dry pasta) to sample as a preview to Sunday’s gourmet.woot offering, with the hope that we’ll like it and post in the forum over there. BWS isn’t set up for pasta, so I’ll try it myself tonight, but if you’ve got any snacks that could benefit from spicy spices, vinegar, or olive oil…bring 'em!
Since we’re getting close, just thought I’d check… @aces219 have you gotten the banquet permit yet? Needs to be done at least the day before IIRC.
@airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I don’t know anything about needing a banquet permit. Is this a new requirement? Tony didn’t mention to me.
It’s not new, always required by both King County and BWS (there’s a sign on the door of the Amoroso Room). It’s $10, I can do it for you if you want, it’s just two clicks since I have an account and regularly get them for my events there.
@tburritt not sure how I missed that but it’s been a couple years since I rented the room. Now I know! Would be great if you can get it.
@aces219 Done
@aces219 @airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 Whoops, I mis-read. The gourmet listing is today, Saturday, so I tasted everything and posted about it. I’ll still bring all the spicy bottles on Sunday in hopes there are things to put them on.
@airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I took pictures of all the stuff but can’t figure out how to post on mobile.
2 loaves of beer bread are baking…smells great!
@airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
@airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
@aces219 @airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 So just to make sure that I’m not missing anything in my spreadsheet of cases shared:
I’m expecting to get 2 Bernardus Santa Lucia Highlands Pinot Noir from @trifecta and 4 Cadaretta Columbia Valley Cabernet Sauvignon from @airynne; I’m expecting to give Kale Wines Sonoma County Home Run Cuvee 4 bottles to @tburritt and 2 to @airynne and I’m expecting to give @lindylouwho 4 bottles of cornerstone syrah. I have about 4 extra bottles of the cornerstone syrah if anyone wants some please let me know and I’ll bring them.
@aces219 @airynne @arianaWCC @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 If any one bought the Judd’s Hill and wants to part with a few bottles I would be interested! I missed out on the offer due to travel…
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Updated Wine List:
McEvoy Ranch Rose (Twich22)
Sofia Rose (aces219)
North by Northwest Chardonnay (airynne)
North by Northwest Riesling (aces219)
Zaca Mesa Viognier (courtesy WCC)
Hawley Viognier (trifecta)
Chehalem Pinot (Twich22)
Chateau Bianca Pinot (courtesy WCC)
Hawley Pinot (aces219)
Meh Zin (Twich22)
Sivas Sonoma Old Vine Zin (aces219)
Wellington Zinfandel (aces219)
Wellington Syrah (aces219)
Pedroncelli Merlot (airynne)
Pomar Juntion Vineyards Sidetrack (courtesy WCC)
Ensemble Cellars Release #9 (trifecta)
Lots to choose from here! The only major varietals I don’t see here are Cab/Cab Franc/Malbec/Petite Sirah. I might throw one or two of those in as well. Again, half consumed bottles can always come home!
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 im planning on bringing a blackford 2003 cab sauv and a dubost negrette!
@aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 didn’t we decide on settling up? Was PayPal okay?
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 I’ll bring cash and be PayPal ready. I owe twich22 $5.37, owe airynne $42.60, and stingingj owes me $37.27. Cheers!
@trifecta How many of the Cadaretta did you want? I thought you had 4, but if you only want 2, that’s fine (2 less bottles for me to carry over today).
@trifecta Nevermind. That’s net. Got it.
@Twich22 do you have Cadaretta for me? I said I preferred 3 but am OK with 4.
@airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 we are about 10-15 min late but Kim at WSB said she will let you up…just go to the office.
@StingingJ I bought a case of the Judd’s hill but missed the delivery yesterday so did not have any to bring. I’d probably be willing to sell you a bottle or two next time we meet up if you are interested.
Hi there. I’m north of Everett and have 0 space. I was just able to lay down my Meh from the party pack a few days ago and still have most of a case of the dry riesling still in its box! I haven’t thought about splitting cases, but may be up for it if the wine is right.
@justinh Come join us on Sunday if you can!
So nice to meet so many of you today! Sorry I darted out so fast. I realized I would be able to catch the 5:30 ferry if I left quickly.
Great to meet you all! I am Kelly Rabin on Facebook if anyone would like to connect that way. There is a wine.woot group there too.
@aces219 Erin Abraham on FB
I don’t do social medias whenever I can avoid them. Venmo and paypal are the most I do.
@airynne Enjoyed meeting everyone and putting names to faces. Any chance someone (@tburritt ?) could post a photo of the damage… er… lineup?
@airynne @trifecta
@airynne @tburritt Thanks for posting. We should do it again soon, but maybe a few less wines next time!
@tburritt @trifecta Yeah, I think I only tried a quarter of those, definitely need to do again with maybe a little less.
@airynne @tburritt We had talked about having a general theme for the next meet, and I remember that you haven’t had many good WA cabs. Maybe a tasting devoted to WA cabs? I have a few I’ve been waiting to open.
@tburritt @trifecta that would be fantastic!
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612
Next Seattle Casemates Gathering?
Hi all. Just curious if folks were interested in setting a date for the next gathering. @airynne is relatively new to the area and hasn’t had many good WA cabs yet, so I was thinking we could do a themed tasting of WA cabs. We’ll probably end up with an impressive cross section of what the state has to offer and it would be a great learning experience for everyone.
We could meet at BWS again if a member was participating or at new location. I know @lindylouwho had a deck she wanted to show off
, but we’d need good weather and her availability for that.
Things will get busy once summer hits, so hopefully we can get everyone together before then.
To get the ball rolling on dates: May 5/6th, May 19/20, June 9/10?
@trifecta The June dates work for me. May is kind of crazy for me. Any location is good for me.
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 Any other votes out there on dates?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
I can do May 5th.
I am out of town the weekend of May 19th. I will also be out of town at the very end of May and Start of June, but I can probably do June 9th/10th.
@trifecta I can do May 5th and June 9/10. I’d be tentative for May 19/20
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 My entire June is open, but all of May is now booked (work is sending me to Europe!)
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Sounding like June 9/10 getting some votes. Better chance of good weather as well, which keeps our options more open as to venue.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
June 9/10 works for me! Are these generally family-friendly gatherings?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 any weekend except 5/5 works for me
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 That will depend on the venue I suppose. Last time we were at Bellevue wine storage and technically the permit they require makes you sign up to no minors being present. If hosted at someone’s house that would be up to them. Since we’ve only had one so far we don’t have much in the way of statistics.
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 actually I just looked at this. the permit asks for how many people are under 21. It doesn’t say that you can’t have any. At least that’s my read. I think my kids were well-behaved and out of the way last time, so would like to be able to bring them if needed. Limited childcare options on Sundays. Saturdays better. Always happy to host at my house in Issaquah too.
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 we can do 5/19 or 6/9-10. Preference for Saturday.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Right now June 9/10 tentatively works for me, but I have to work out childcare with my wife, or perhaps bring the very little one with.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 It sounds like June 9/10 has traction. I’ll block it off and we can pick a location and specific day as we get closer.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Perusing my WA cabs I’m looking at the following short list. Should be a fun one!
1996 Portteus Cab Reserve
2004 Boudreaux Cellars Cab
2006 Page Cellars Cab, Preface
2007 Page Cellars Cab, Preface
2010 Boudreaux Cellars Cab
2012 Southard Cab, The Whipping Boy Lawrence Vineyard
2012 JB Neufeld Cab, Old Goat
2012 JB Neufeld Cab, Two Blondes Vineyard
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I’m out of town June 9/10, but keep me in mind for future dates!
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Any preference for which day? I see one vote for Saturday. I’m still good for either, but would like to be able to pick a specific day soon so I can get a friend to drive me this time.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Our preference would be for Saturday, but could make Sunday work as well.
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I vote for Saturday early evening as we have a Girl Scout zoo outing during the day. Can drop my kids at Adventure Kids. WSB seems like a good spot again if it works for others.
Sunday afternoon doable but I would have to bring the kids.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 I was hoping to check out that great deck on Green Lake if the weather is good
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 It’s not right on Greenlake
but I’m happy to put the deck to good use! If the weather isn’t great we can put up a canopy or hang out in the kitchen which is right off the deck - don’t all parties end up there anyway??? I could do either the 10th/11th - I blocked both out on my calendar… Looks like those with a preference are leaning towards early Saturday evening.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 Just now seeing this - we’re busy on the 9th but if you end up doing the 10th we could probably make an appearance. Otherwise, I’ll catch the next one.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta What are the rules for the wines. Do red’s that are predominantly cab work, or are we sticking to strictly the cabs.
@a000612 @aces219 @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Thanks @lindylouwho! You are so right about the kitchen! Let’s plan on Saturday the 9th in Greenlake unless we have objectors.
As for the “rules” I would say there aren’t any hard lines. The goal was just to have a WA Cab lineup so we could all learn and get some data points. Most Cab’s typically have some other Bordeaux varieties blended in. I’m not planning to bring daily drinker type bottles, but that’s mostly because I’m trying to convert @airynne
. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Only 3 weeks away!
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 yay, sounds great! Let us know what time you want us. I have tons of WA cab.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I’ve been pretty quiet on this thread, but we are available on June 9 and would love to join in. We can also bring some WA cabs … do people typically bring “drink now” or “needs cellar time” to these events?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 No typical yet… This will be our second gathering and our first “theme”. I would say if you have well cellared ones, bring those. If not, bring young ones. Not a big deal. I’ll probably be bringing a few from mid to late 2000’s. I’m looking forward to trying a good cross section of what the state has to offer.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 Hey All, I haven’t been around lately, but I do know I have some wine for folks and am still game to get the wine I said I was in for! I have work that day and cannot get out of that. Keep me in mind though! I should be more active and around moving forward. Great to see that the community is growing and strengthening!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 I’m in!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta Looks Like I may not be able to make it on the 9th after all. I’ll be there if I can, but may have another engagement that I will have to attend if it is on that day. Bummer.
@Redstone_ have you tried the Broken Earth Winery PULL CdR Red Blend yet? If so, how is it?
@Twich22 Its really good! I drank a bottle when it came in so I don’t have strong recollections or tasting notes though.
I do know that you wanted some of that. I am still committed to getting folks the wine they wanted that I bought too! I really do need to make a list and put it somewhere though…
We are getting pretty close to the 9th. Just wanted to confirm our host @lindylouwho is still good with Saturday the 9th and try and get a time frame. From a quick read of the this thread I believe the list below are folks that have confirmed for the 9th: @a000612, @aces219, @airynne, @ottbirdbrain, @tburritt, @trifecta
Maybe: @Twich22, @nematic
Still interested?: @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 Yes - I still plan on hosting. I will post more tomorrow (I have to run to night class right now) to set a time and start discussions about bringing some snacks and possibly 1 or 2 people coming a bit early to help me with the canopy and setup especially if it looks like rain etc… I may start a new thread on the most recent page so it’s not buried here in the middle of the older posts. If I do that I will tag everyone that is currently tagged. In the interim, until I post again if you are planning on coming please chime in on if you prefer a mid afternoon timeframe or something a bit later around 4-5??
@lindylouwho We are ok with either start time and could help with setup if needed. I have plenty of glassware and decanters I can bring as well. So far the forecast looks promising!
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
We can only do the later start time. Me and hubby are in. Still need to figure out what wines to bring.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
Ill be there if i can. I might be doing a wine bus to woodenville that day, but if i am not i will be at the gathering
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I’ve been awfully quiet on this thread - but my wife and I plan on attending! Going to use it as a dry run for a babysitter/possible nanny for the wee one. Here’s hoping all goes well! We’d plan on heading over between 5:00 and 6:00.
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I will be there with a +1. We don’t have a preference on the time. I have no idea what to bring as obviously I don’t have any much experience with WA Cabs.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I think I mentioned earlier that I can’t make the 9th. Interested in the next one, though.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 We are good with either time.
The May 19/20 days work for us.
Early May and June are busy.
Forgot I had this code: naked-tactful-bulb Has 9 uses left.
Hey all! Anyone interested in a few bottles of the NxNw Riesling? I bought a case I’m willing to share and I’m in Northgate/Lake City.
Normally I’m more of a cider or beer drinker, but this felt like a good case to buy
Hey Seattle Casemate buddies - I couldn’t resist and I bought a case of the Twisted Oak The Spaniard if anyone wants a few… I’ll post on the Seattle community page as well…
@lindylouwho I’ll take 3.
@lindylouwho @Pagefault I will take 3 as well. thanks!
The 6 available bottles are claimed - 3 each for @Pagefault and @trifecta.
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho
Saturday June 9 Seattle Casemates gathering - Washington Cabs theme
If you are interesting in joining us but don’t see your name on the cc list or below on the RSVP list please chime in!!
Hey all - based on those who had time constraints for Saturday starting a bit later seems to work the best.
Since a later start time works better lets say doors open at 4:30 pm.
Trifecta - I should have plenty of glassware but decanters would be great! I may have a few in storage I’ll dig out as well. I also have several aerators which I’ll have on hand. I’ll follow-up with you privately a bit later in the week about coming a bit early to help set up.
I’ll have some appetizers/finger food available but to round things out it would be great if a few volunteers would also bring some things to munch on - if someone could bring a cheese tray that would really help. I’ll have plain water crackers for between wines. Maybe some dark chocolate would be good also…
Since the theme is Washington Cabs I plan to ‘bring’:
2011 Caderetta Cabernet Sauvignon (from a Walla Walla trip a couple of years ago)
And to get things started I also have these from a wine.woot offering late last year:
2013 Waterbrook Reserve
2014 Canoe Ridge Reserve, Horse Heaven Hills
2015 Six Prong by Alder Ridge
I’ll also open a white or two for those who want something a bit lighter…
Here is who I have planning to attend and who have expressed interest at one time or another:
trifecta (2)
aces219 (2)
schripsemas (2)
airynne (2)
ottbirdbrain (2)
tburritt (2)
Twitch22 - not sure yet, may have a conflict
a000612 - on cc list but hasn’t chimed in for this event
nematic - on cc list but hasn’t chimed in for this event
StingingJ - on cc list but hasn’t chimed in for this event
pagefault - interested in future events
Redstone_ - interested in future events
mdhall - interested in future events
If there are any other interested casemates please RSVP on this thread - I plan to send a whisper/private message to those planning to attend with my address so I need to know you are interested…
Hi, we are still in.
We have the 2014 six prong, if you want a vertical.
We will bring a 2013 Joshua Maloney and 2012 Obelisco and something else moderately priced (could be the six prong 2014 or 2013 Nelms Road).
PM me and we can coordinate on what munchies would make sense for us to bring.
@ottbirdbrain A vertical could be fun! I don’t drink much Cab - maybe I’ll be converted after this - and plan to check my spreadsheet to see what other WA cabs I might have stashed away in my basement…
@lindylouwho I know I don’t have any WA cabs so I volunteer to brin both cheese with accompaniments as well as chocolate. I have quite a bit of chocolate.
@lindylouwho I’m off dairy, sigh. Will try to bring something I can eat.
@lindylouwho so I have a TON of Washington cab. How do I choose? Any particular producers that people have been wanting to try? How much wine are we thinking we are going to have anyway?
@lindylouwho Betz Pere de Famille vertical?
@aces219 I don’t do much dairy either and will have some non-dairy snacks - hummus, vegies and dolmas for sure…
@airynne Sounds good!
@aces219 The Betz vertical sounds great! I’ve heard good things, but haven’t yet tried anything from them. Typically a bottle per person or something a little less than that works. I will plan on bringing 4 bottles. One for @airynne, one for @a000612, and then a pair for the two of us. I’m still narrowing down which to bring but my short list is below:
1996 Portteus Cab Reserve
2004 Boudreaux Cellars Cab
2006 Page Cellars Cab, Preface
2007 Page Cellars Cab, Preface
2010 Boudreaux Cellars Cab
2012 Southard Cab, The Whipping Boy Lawrence Vineyard
2012 JB Neufeld Cab, Old Goat
2012 JB Neufeld Cab, Two Blondes Vineyard
@lindylouwho I think I have a total of 5 decanters. Not sure on what to bring for snacks yet, but I’ll let you know later this week. Work is crazy right now, but I’ll have my head above water by Thursday hopefully.
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @trifecta given the amount of wine you are bringing, maybe don’t worry about the snacks…but let us know if there is something you think should be included in the snacks? I’ll try to brainstorm the dairy free options. I know from the 2 years of dairy free that I did that non-dairy cheeses are just not worth it.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @trifecta
Agree - the Betz vertical sounds great. I love trying new wines. airyanne - I like to host and really need to drink down my wine stash so don’t worry about it! I like to share - it beats drinking alone! I think having a cheese tray is great for those that can have it. I’ll have a few other snacks on hand regardless. But agree - not everyone needs to bring food… I’ll PM you and @ottbirdbrain a bit later about that. I’m off for a bike ride while we have sun. We may be using the canopy and the heater this Saturday…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @ottbirdbrain @trifecta
Sadly I will not be able to make it. I am going on a wine bus that day with friends. Sounds like you all will have a lot of fun though! Ill make the next one!
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho
Hi All, I’ve been keeping an eye on the weather - looks like we might get a bit of rain tomorrow. I’ll have a canopy for the deck but you might want to bring a light jacket. We’ll play it by ear a bit on whether we set up the wine inside or out…
Sounds like we’ll have a good variety of WA Cabs to try!
I’ll also have some La Croix sparkling water on hand.
Trifecta - if you and your crew could show up right around 4:30 we can get the canopy up and a few tables set up. Otherwise, anytime after is fine.
I’ll be sending my address out by Whisper/PM - if I miss anyone shoot me a message… Also, if is there anyone that would like to join us but hasn’t chimed in yet let me know - the more the merrier!
Oh - and please don’t judge me by my back yard - it’s been sorely neglected - something I plan to remedy this summer !
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Redstone_ @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I’m a little short on Cabs myself, but will try to snag a good one or two on the way up
I’ve a haircut near Green Lake at 4:45 and so likely will be there between 5:30 and 6:00. Not sure how child care is going to work out, so I may just stop in solo for a bit. Let me know if I you’re still in need of some snacks!
@lindylouwho Thank you SO MUCH for hosting. I had a wonderful time and am officially a WA cab convert
@lindalouwho I’ll be coming up with trifecta and company.
@a000612 got you on the list!
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall
Hey All - let’s start planning our next Casemates meetup. Summer is really busy for everyone so maybe something towards the end of September… I’d be happy to host again if no one else wants the honor…
All Seattle Casemates are welcome - the cc list is just those who have attended previously and/or expressed interest in future events.
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall
Would we have a theme again?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
I would love to make the next one. I feel bad for missing the 2nd! Plus I have cases to mate with.
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I can make just about any weekend in September as of right now.
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Weekend of 8th or 22nd work for me.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Those are the two Saturdays (9/8 and 9/22) that would work for us as well.
We are good with a theme or just freeform. Will be fun to see how people’s summer has been. Nothing busier than summer in the northwest!
@lindylouwho @a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22
I wouldn’t be able to make a date in September until the weekend of the 29th and October is pretty open.
If other dates work best for the group I’ll catch you all next time…
Enjoy the sunshine and the rest of the summer!!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @Twich22 I can’t make the weekends of 9/22 or 10/6, but everything else looks wide open!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 October dates of 10/6 and 10/20 work for us as well. Now that it will be football season, Sundays don’t work unless it’s a bye week.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 After looking at responses and selfishly planning around my September limitations how does the afternoon of Saturday Oct 20 work for everyone??
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I can make it in October!
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I can do October as well.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Echoing @lindylouwho for Saturday October 20th. The only wrench might be the UW game which doesn’t have a time slot yet so hoping for a noon game and an afternoon gathering. Previously listed that 10/6 would work, but something came up since then. Hope everyone is getting through this smoke ok. Looking forward to clear skies in our future.
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I’m in for 10/20. Can we book it?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Let’s plan for 10/20 so we can get it on everyone’s calendars. We can finalize a time a bit closer to the date. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 On our calendar.
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
We’re set!
@nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @StingingJ With a little over a month to go, here is what the roll call looks like so far for 10/20:
In: @a000612, @aces219, @airynne, @lindylouwho, @trifecta
Maybe: @mdhall, @tburritt, @Twich22
Are we meeting the same place as last time? Thoughts on a theme/focus?
Hoping for an appearance from @Redstone_ and @schripsemas because I’m still holding their Bernardus Pinot from the start of the year (2 bottles each)
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 We are a bit iffy for staying, but I will definitely put in an appearance to swap bottles. I have one for Pagefault and I think I am supposed to pick up 3 from Twich22.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I think we can do 10/20, so long as it doesn’t conflict with the toddler’s naptime.
I don’t have a theme preference. I’ve been drinking a lot of sparkling wine for the last couple months but with this new cold weather will probably shift soon. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I’m back from vacation. I’m happy to host if no one else wants the honor… No preference on a theme - does anyone have any ideas?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Welcome home! Hope that you had a great time. I think we should plan on your place unless someone else chimes in. Your place is great and is easier for most folks to get to. We’d be willing to host, but we’re not the best location for most being down in Tacoma.
As for themes, we could do another varietal night like Cab Franc, Pinot, Merlot, Bordeaux or Rhone blends, etc… Another option would be a fully blind tasting, which is always a fun way to discuss the wines with the group.
Could also do an obscure varietal theme where folks bring wines that are blends or varietal of a non-standard grape. That one helps folks get closer to the century club.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Lets plan on my place again. We can each bring a bottle of wine and a snack to share…
I like your idea of a non standard varietal/blend theme.
How does a late afternoon time frame work for everyone?
Looking forward to it!
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
It turns out I have a family thing in Snohomish starting at 3 that will probably run until 6, so not sure I can make it after all if you start late afternoon. I would be happy to drop off the wine that I owe people though.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I’m flexible on the time as long as it’s in the afternoon or later.
So, those who are planning to attend on the 20th please chime in on what time frame (afternoon, late afternoon, evening) works best for you and if is this a deal breaker on your ability to attend. I’ll send out a final RSVP the week of but this will gauge current interest/availability for the Oct 20 date. I checked the Husky football schedule and it is still TBD…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 We are good with any start time. Stupid Pac12 nowadays won’t announce times until the week before for some games.
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 Pretty much anytime works for me.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Husky kickoff is now set for 12:30pm. We are still down for whatever time you choose. If you lend your WiFi I can stream it to my phone
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 No problem - I was planning on having it up on the TV if there was overlap…
I’ve only had a couple of responses on timing for the 20th but since the date is getting close I’m going to go ahead and finalize a time of 4:30 ish - same time as the last gathering…
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Looking forward to seeing you all.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 I’m at the mercy of a toddler’s nap schedule (or lack thereof), but I think I can make it.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Some of these aren’t that uncommon, but here is what I have to pick from: Alicante Bouschet, Carignan, Carmenere, Dolcetto, Gamay, Lagrein, Negroamaro, Refosco, Sagrantino, St. Laurent, Tannat, and Trousseau.
I will plan on bringing some forms for everyone to fill out if they want to see where they stand for the century club. Also, casemates is supposed to be sending a bottle or two my way for us to labrat.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 Unfortunately, due to a family emergency we will not be able to join at all. Hopefully, we can make the next event. Have fun ratting, etc.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I’m sorry to hear that.
Family comes first…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 Sounds fun - it’s be interesting to see what everyone brings… I’m looking through my wine inventory now to pick out a couple of bottles… Decisions, Decisions!!!
I dont have you on my list. What wines do I owe you?
Those weekends work for us.
Hope your summer has been delightful with more to come. We’re off to our next adventure.
I wouldn’t be able to make a date in September until the weekend of the 29th and October is pretty open.
If other dates work best for the group I’ll catch you all next time…
Enjoy the sunshine and the rest of the summer!!
Need a wine rack?
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall
RSVP time for this Saturday the 20th @ 4:30 ish
Who’s in for this Saturday?? Doors open at 4:30 but you are welcome to drop in later…
All Seattle casemates are welcome - the cc list is just those who have expressed interest on the forum.
Please bring a bottle (and a snack) to share: Theme is unusual/obscure varietals/blends. Word is there may also be an opportunity to rat a couple of upcoming offers…
Here are the responses I’ve seen recently:
@airynne - YES
@a000612 - YES
@trifecta - YES
@pagefault - hopeful but at the mercy of a toddler
@aces219 - family conflict
@ottbirdbrain - family conflict
If you are planning on coming but haven’t chimed in recently please respond on the thread so I can send you my address. If you haven’t joined us for one of the previous gatherings we’d love to meet you and have a fun afternoon socializing and of course drinking wine!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbIirdbrain @lindylouwho @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall
I’ll have the following varietals on hand to choose from on Saturday:
White: Arvine, Frasceti, White Sangiovese (no idea about this one - it was in a holiday gift basket so I grabbed it because I’d never seen one)
Red: Cinsault, Sousao
I don’t expect we’ll get to all of them but will open based on interest… My sister will be joining us and possibly a couple of other friends…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Hey Seattle Casemates - last call for RSVPs for tomorrows gathering. I’ll be sending out my address this evening and won’t be online tomorrow morning…
If you’re interested in stopping by but don’t have an obscure/unusual varietal to share just bring a bottle of something you like or would like to try…
Looking forward to trying some fun new wines tomorrow!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22
Ah! All the thread updates went to spam! My darling wife Britt and I will be there! Obscure varietal is a maybe
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
I will probably be there. Might bring my parents as well.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
The more the merrier
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I will be there +1. We stopped in a wine shop yesterday and asked for obscure varieties. Walked out with 3 bottles that are new to me but I’m not sure how obscure they are. Also picked up some cheese and stuff. See you all tomorrow!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Looking forward to it! I also have a few labrat bottles in hand to bring as well. Not obscure, but should be fun. Always nice to get a sneak preview.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
Reminder that the Viaduct is closed! Expect traffic if you are traveling I-5.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
Here is an article about the type of winemaking for that wine I brought. They bury grapes in clay jars. Maybe that’s why it was so orange. Im not really sure.
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall
Are we going to be able to fit in another gatherings before the end of the year?
Currently we can make December 8th or 9th work.
@trifecta I could do the 8th.
@trifecta @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall
I could do the 9th but not the 8th…
@trifecta @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall
I could make either day.
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall
Hey gang - time to start thinking about another casemates gathering… As always all Seattle area casemates are welcome. Those on cc line are just those that have expressed interest on the forum.
I’m happy to host again unless someone else wants to… I’m thinking late February/early March. I have conflicts Feb. 24 and Mar. 16 but otherwise am flexible… Most likely a late afternoon/early evening. Any ideas for a fun theme???
@lindylouwho Feb 23/24 are my only current conflicts. I’m open otherwise.
@putsch was potentially interested
@airynne @lindylouwho we could do Feb 2nd or the 16/17th. Not sure about March yet.
@tburritt @airynne @aces219 @lindylouwho @nematic @Redstone_ @StingingJ @Twich22 @schripsemas @a000612 @trifecta @ottbirdbrain @lindylouwho @Twitch22 @pagefault @mdhall @putsch
Hey all - sorry for the radio silence. I got a job and will be working every other weekend though I would be available for late afternoon/early evening start time on those days. I’m finalizing my schedule and moving around a few other things to accommodate and will update the thread in a few days with a few date suggestions once I have a handle on my schedule…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Congrats on the job! Looking forward to seeing everyone if we can get a date to work. Hope everyone is staying safe in the weather.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 @MaceKates April/May dates?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22 @MaceKates
I, too, have been MIA for a bit, but just popping by to revive this for perhaps an April get together? If we like Saturdays, the 20th and 27th are both open for me. Anybody else?
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I could do the 20th or 27th, but 27th is better.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
We can do the 20th or later (after 4) on the 27th
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I can do April 27th. The caveat though is I work that weekend so if I’m hosting we would need to have a start time of around 5:00pm.
If we push off until May I’m available the 12th/13th and Memorial day weekend with the same caveat…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 we can’t make either date this month, but May is open the 12/13th and Memorial Day weekend at the moment.
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
May is wide open for me
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 we have conflicts Memorial Day weekend. May 12/13th could work, and earlier is better (because toddler). But don’t plan around us…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Any traction for May 11th around 5pm? May 12th is Mother’s day, so Saturday would work better. Theme?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Saturday May 11th at 5:00 pm would work for me. I’m happy to host but can’t do any earlier if we meet at my place.
Anyone have any fun ideas for a theme? Older wines, a specific varietal?? I’m open to ideas!!
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
The 11th works for me-CJ will be working. Hard to believe it’s been so long since our last meetup. Looking forward to chatting and drinking with all of you.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I can make the 11th.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Older wines or single varietal again would be fun. We could combine and do older wines of just one varietal. Back in the woot days we held an aged Merlot night that was awesome. We also did a cab franc night which had surprisingly diverse wines. Aged Pinots?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @Twich22
Does anybody actually have any cases they need to split out? I haven’t seen much traction in combining orders lately.
11th is good for me too, are we making Linda host again?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 I’m holding wines for airynne and a couple others I believe. I’ll look back through old messages.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 If I’m not mistaken, you’ve got a couple Pinots for me, @trifecta
@a000612 @aces219 @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
You definitely have some funky forest floor for me
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I have a laura michael zin for @Pagefault (1 bottle), and 2 others that weren’t picked up if anyone else is interested in them. And I’m supposed to pay for and pick up 3 bottles of Me Merlot from @Twich22.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
It’s nice to be employed but working every other weekend is an adjustment - my off weekends fill up fast!
Hey all - yes I am planning on May 11th at my place @5:00. I’m happy to host as long as you all are willing to work around my schedule.
A suggestion for a theme was older vintages of a given varietal. Older Pinots was one suggestion (I admit to checking my stash to see what I have - I have a 2007 WineSmith pinot I can pull out). Any other ideas or does the older Pinots sound good?? If we go that route don’t worry if you don’t have something really old - bring what you have…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 I have older bottles in pretty much all the red categories (cab, syrah, petite sirah, merlot, zin, and red blends). Happy to bring extras of whatever we decide on. Always nice to have a good excuse to crack into them. Red blends, merlot, or pinot would be my top votes, but open to all.
@aces219 @Allieroon @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @Twich22
At a little under 2 weeks out, I believe the list below is those that have confirmed for Saturday May 11th. Please correct or add your name to the list if it’s not there already!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Thanks for herding the cats @trifecta
no one else has chimed in with a suggested varietal for an theme so of your top choices for older wines (Red blends, merlot, or pinot) do you have a preference?
Is anyone else able to join us on the 11? @MaceKates - has your schedule been finalized? We’d love it if you can make it - all wine lovers are welcome!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 Lets go for red blends. The older the better, but whatever is in the cellar works. Just looking forward to seeing everyone. What kind of snacks do folks want? I will plan on some cheese and crackers, but will come up with something else as well. Dietary restrictions?
I will also reach out to Casemates and see if the have any labrat bottles for us.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22 Tentatively, I think we can come. It’ll depend if the toddler cooperates with naptime…I do have a favorite red blend to share if we make it
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
We are still planning to be there. If anyone has any of those “two bottle” inserts for shipping wine that they don’t need, they happen to fit a storage area we have perfectly, so I would be happy to take them off your hands.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Saturday is looking like a great day to spend the evening on the deck drinking wine!
The details: 5:00 Saturday May 11. Bring a bottle of wine - the theme is older red blends (the older the better) but bring what you have - and a snack to share.
So far I have the following:
@pagefault - tentative
@MaceKates - tentative
If you are planning to come and aren’t on the list please chime in so I include you on the private whisper with my address… I’m looking forward to seeing you all and toasting the start of summer with great wine and new friends!
@aces219 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
If today is any indication of this weekend, we are in for a treat! See you Saturday.
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Sorry for the late reply - we will be there sans kids! Kid bday party until 5 so won’t be there until about 6. Bring food, or just wine? Ah, I see now snack to share. Also, do you have the attendee list as I think I have wine for some people…sigh, see that too. Reading comprehension fail! I really wish casemates had a place for you to track sharing when you order.
@a000612 @airynne @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
Here’s a link to my cellar if there is anything of interest. Looks like I’ll be bringing the 1992 Wellington Merlot to the tasting, and probably a backup bottle?
@aces219 @dave
Hello. Hoping to get added to an invite. I’ve been in the area for a couple months, but have been on Casemates since kickoff.
@MaceKates I’ll include you in the next cc list. All Seattle Casemates are welcome! We pick the date via this forum so you’re in the right place…
I wouldn’t be able to make a date in September until the weekend of the 29th and October is pretty open.
If other dates work best for the group I’ll catch you all next time…
Enjoy the sunshine and the rest of the summer!!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22
Too early to plan the next gathering? It might take us a while to pick a date, so we can start now. As mentioned at our last meetup, we could host, but we are in Tacoma so a bit longer drive for most. Summer schedule is already booking up…
Current dates that work: June 1st/2nd, June 15th, June 29th (tentative), or July 20th/21st.
@trifecta June is no good for me. Lots of work travel. Pretty open in July as of right now.
Missed the thread - I could do July 20/21 later in the afternoon. I’m also available most weekends in August (other than the weekend of the 24th/25th)
@trifecta @a000612 @aces219 @airynne @allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22 @Allieroon
Hey All - what is everyone’s availability for a get together in September or October? I’m out the weekend of September 7/8 but am available the other weekends…
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @Twich22
9/21 or 10/5 would work for us. Tentative for 10/19, 10/26, and 10/27. Hope everyone is having a great summer so far.
@a000612 @aces219 @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
I might be able to do 10/5, but I have an early morning the next day. Most of Sept and October weekends are full for me at this point.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta @Twich22
September 7th and the last weekend of September is bad for us, but don’t plan around me. With the toddler, we’re 50/50 at being able to come even if we’re otherwise free. But we’d like to join if we’re able.
I’m in Italy from July 26th to August 16th…otherwise open and will try to attend whatever is arranged.
@trifecta - still have 4 bottles of the Gard Syrah Reserve I need to get to you!
Regarding the current Amavi offer…anyone wanna split a case? I’ll buy.
@Allieroon I’m game for a split
@Allieroon @Pagefault I’m interested if you would do a 3 way split. @allieroon I still have your dessert wine.
@aces219 @Allieroon I’m fine with a 3-way split if @Allieroon is
@aces219 @Pagefault Sure, sounds like a plan. I’m running out of proper places to store wine, so that works out well for me! In fact, if you missed out on Clark Smith’s Aspect offering, I would be willing to part with some of that as well.
@aces219 @Allieroon I offered to take part of @trifecta’s Aspect case, but I haven’t gotten positive confirmation (he already had one offer to split, dunno whether he wanted a 3-way split). If not, I’m up to take part of your case.
@aces219 @Pagefault @trifecta. Cool, let me know either way. Though I absolutely love Clark’s wines, I have a ton in my cellar dating back to the early 2000’s including some of the old Aspect. In fact, I am an investor in Clark’s Harvest Partners and have options on 36 cases…which I have no room to store! Save your money and make room for some incredible offerings within the coming years!
@trifecta - what did you think about the 3-way Aspect split? If you wanted to split it 2-ways, I can take part of @Allieroon’s
@Allieroon @Pagefault I can set aside some bottles for you (4?). Haven’t heard anything about shipping yet, but when it does come in I’d like to get a meet up set because I have a few other bottles for you as well.
@Pagefault @trifecta Received a case of the Aspects yesterday…willing to part with up to half. Lemme know. Great wine, phenomenal QPR!
@Allieroon I think it’s up to @trifecta - I offered to take four of his, and I’m happy to do that. If he’d rather keep those four, I’ll take yours instead.
Done…just bought a case: present-leaded-hummingbird
Hey Seattle Casemates : anyone interested in a split on the current offer of Cougar Crest Reserve Syrah??
Hello, Seattle people, long time no talk!
I just bought a case of the Virage rose if anyone would like to split. The deal was too good at $8.33 a bottle.
it’s been too long! We remodeled our kitchen and family room this year and would be happy to host in this winter weather. We are in Issaquah, just 5 min off I-90. Shall we look at dates? Good ones for me are:
Sun, Jan 5
Sat, Jan 18
Sat, Feb 1
Sat, Feb 8
Sun, Feb 9
Kiddos welcome.
@aces219 @a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta I just saw this - I was logging in to say it was way overdue for a Seattle Casemates get together as well. Most of those dates work for me except Sun Jan 5 if it’s a bit later in the afternoon (I work every other weekend in Bellevue and get off at 3:15). cc’ing past attendees for visibility so we can get a date on the calendar!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta
Wa-hoo! Of those dates, 2/8 or 2/9 work well for me! The rest have conflicts.
The 2/8 or 2/9 dates would be the only ones that work for me.
@a000612 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
Let’s do the afternoon of Sunday, 2/9. 2 pm?
Have fun all! Hope to raise a glass with you soon. Can’t make that weekend work, but I look forward to making the next one.
@a000612 @aces219 @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
We should be able to make that date!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
I can make it on 2/9.See you then!
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
We won’t be able to make it this time, but maybe we will catch up with you in the summer.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta I think I can make that date. Probably just me, not the family this time…
@a000612 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
I’ve got some non-Casemates wine nerd friends coming as well. For a theme, I’d like people to bring 2 bottles of a varietal - something higher end and something value-priced. I want to blind taste them side by side. I’ve got champagne covered. Feel free to pair up since obviously 2 bottles per is a lot.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta What are we considering “high end”? I have an awesome $40 Washington Malbec which we could blind taste against an inexpensive Argentinian…
@a000612 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
Wonderful! No bright line.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta Great, does someone want to pick up an inexpensive Malbec then?
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
I have a Costco Kirkland brand Malbec I can bring…
@a000612 @airynne @Allieroon @lindylouwho @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta sold! Malbec and champagne are covered. I invited other wine friends so we will have a good size group.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @tburritt @trifecta
I can bring a bottle of something else as well if anyone needs a pairing for a bottle they’re bringing…
I’m going to have to cancel for an unexpected work trip.
Have a great time guys. We have a family get together.
@a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta @lindylouwho
Hey! How’s everybody doing? Been a while! And will likely be a while
@tburritt Surviving but bored with the isolation like everyone else
@airynne @tburritt Same. Wine helps, of course.
@tburritt @a000612 @aces219 @airynne @Allieroon @MaceKates @mdhall @nematic @ottbirdbrain @Pagefault @Putsch @Redstone_ @schripsemas @StingingJ @trifecta
Going a bit stir crazy. I starting nursing school this fall and all my classes are on Zoom so I’m on Zoom overload. I work part-time at the hospital still which gets me out of the house and is keeping me sane…
I had hoped to host something completely outdoors over the summer but decided it was best to wait until things calmed down. Maybe next summer!! I hope everyone is well.
Hello there. We understand stir crazy. So happy for nursing school! As you’re seeing, you’re going to be in demand when you’re finished. It’s an achievement.
We hope 2021 brings a little light at the end of this, just as everyone. Until then, stay safe.
Have been doing lots of wine tasting by ourselves and with the 2 families in our bubble. We got a Coravin recently, so that’s been nice. One of my best friends (in the bubble) is now working at CSM…hello discount!
@Pagefault I still have half a case of Pepper Bridge for you at Wine Storage Bellevue. Was just there today.
@aces219 Happy to meet up soon and pick it up (or can it be left with the front desk at Wine Storage Bellevue for me to pick up, if there’s not a mutually convenient time?)
Weekdays can be tough with the Kindergartener doing remote school.
Hi Seattle friends! Any interest in getting the (vaccinated) crowd back together this summer?