@losthighwayz I think we have a commitment until 7:30 on the 21st. If we come, we wouldn’t arrive before 8pm. But then I could take photos of the wine-sodden bodies…
@rjquillin She would be. And I assume the Corison part was for lost, not me? At this point you just owe me 2x2000 Bell, I think. And still haven’t heard if you want some of the 2014 Kronos.
@TimothyB Corison comment was for you, unless we’re square on those.
Don’t have the Bell in CT; you recall where it was from?
Edit: Ah, wine bid, May 14, 2017; still in storage and not yet shipped. Deliver to you?
I thought the Kronos expired, if not, two would be sweet, She still offering library bottles?
@rjquillin@TimothyB 2014 Kronos…if there’s any left molarchae and I might be wanting a bottle or two of that for future celebrations of our 2014 adventures in the Kronos vineyard.
Wine etiquette…there isn’t too much of it. Bring something you’d be happy if somebody else brought it. Some people bring a bottle per couple, some bring more than that.
Myself, I usually bring something the group is unlikely to have had before if I can (this is my normal approach for going to friends’ houses for dinner as well). Whether that’s a new Century Club grape or something esoteric or aged, doesn’t matter.
@losthighwayz We’ll be there. We usually bring some type of dessert. I have a bottle each for Ron and Klez. I believe there are some bottles for me out there.
@CorTot@klezman Our week actually begins on Saturday, so I won’t see any benefit unless I work thru Friday next week as well, and would have to include tomorrow to really make it count.
@klezman@rjquillin our timecard system works the same way. The only bummer is company policy says OT hours start once you pass 40 hours a week, so if I work a Saturday and then get sick mid week the OT I already worked goes away when I charge PTO.
@CorTot@rjquillin For better and for worse, I’ve always been salaried.
I don’t understand why if you have to take PTO that already-worked overtime wouldn’t still count. That seems wrong.
@klezman@rjquillin I’m pretty sure it is wrong but there’s no punch clock and its professional business so I move hours around all the time to make things right
@losthighwayz Glad to see everyone again and meet some new faces. Thanks for hosting us.
It’s also rather odd that I mixed up the start time. I thought it started at 5:30. I pulled a sparky.
@losthighwayz As 2 of the “new faces” last night DW and I would like to thank you for your hospitality. Thanks also to the rest of the group for making us feel welcome.
Thanks lost! Great to see everybody and meet some new folks too. We’ll try to get molarchae and the little one to come to one of these again soon. Or maybe we’ll get y’all to come here and see them
@klezman Hey Klez, what was the mystery grape in the Corsican/Sicilian wine you brought (also name and vintage since I didn’t get a photo)? It was pretty good, and a lot less rustic than I usually get from that area.
@klezman A UK wineshop lists cannonau, monica, and pascale grapes in the blend. Cannonau is local slang for Grenache (and I saw this wine somewhere listed as a grenache blend, so that makes sense). Monica is the local grape that will help aspiring Century Club members, although I already have it on my list. The only thing I could find on pascale is that “pascali” is listed as a synonym for monica. I’m not sure what to do with that info.
We had a great time. The wine was uniformly excellent, including the Rat bottles. The people were too. Welcome to the newbies who checked us out and survived to tell the tale. Thanks to Lost and family for the hospitality. Until we meet again…
Had a great time! Nice to catch up with familiar faces and meeting new fellow winos. We went through 13 bottles and I would say all but one were very good.
Looking forward to the upcoming offers on both rat bottles…may need to go in on both.
WOTN: Alma Rosa rose and lab rat bottle #1 (one we compared to two others of the same varietal)
Thanks for the invitation allowing my wife and I into your home @losthighwayz . Everyone left a great impression on us and more importantly my wife who was really skeptical about meeting strangers. We had such a great time meeting everyone and looking forward to future gatherings.
We are!
(We’ll need to confirm we can put kiddo to sleep somewhere quiet-ish.)
@klezman yes, we have a perfect spot for kiddo!
Wondering if there is still someplace I might nap as well, if needed.
@rjquillin are you that backyard hobo that shows up to these wine parties?
@babygrossman @rjquillin lol!
We should be in. I’ll check on Kyle too.
@CorTot awesome. Tell Kyle I said hi
Sounds fun. I am hiding in the suburbs of LA. Might be too adventurous to head to 562.
@connorbush That is a suburb of LA…
@klezman North* suburbs
Sounds good!
@MarkDaSpark would be great to see you and whatever wine gadgets you bring!
I’m in and possibly a plus one if I can get a sitter.

@i8dacat sounds great!
The wife and I will be in if losthighwayz will whisper his address.
@davirom sometime this weekend.
Wish we could say yes but we will either be in the Bay Area or at my mom’s for her birthday. Either way, no gathering availability for us on the 21st.
@javadrinker bummer. Soon enough.
Will be whispering address sometime this weekend. I count 10 who are in. Please confirm you will be here so we can plan accordingly.
Let me know who can bring:
Main dish
We will likely get a snadwich platter from a local deli with various cold cuts and cheeses
@losthighwayz We like picking up oven appetizery things at Trader Joe’s, so we’ll probably end up doing that unless time and/or creativity strike.
@losthighwayz We will bring a dessert, pumpkin gooey cake. Since this is our first gathering, what is the etiquette on what wine to bring?
@losthighwayz I think we have a commitment until 7:30 on the 21st. If we come, we wouldn’t arrive before 8pm. But then I could take photos of the wine-sodden bodies…
@losthighwayz @TimothyB Only if the German girl also comes along as well.
I’ve got cases of Corison languishing with vendors wanting to ship.
Some may even be for you.
You have room?
@rjquillin She would be. And I assume the Corison part was for lost, not me? At this point you just owe me 2x2000 Bell, I think. And still haven’t heard if you want some of the 2014 Kronos.
@TimothyB Corison comment was for you, unless we’re square on those.
Don’t have the Bell in CT; you recall where it was from?
Edit: Ah, wine bid, May 14, 2017; still in storage and not yet shipped. Deliver to you?
I thought the Kronos expired, if not, two would be sweet, She still offering library bottles?
@rjquillin Sure, the Bell can come to me. Then I can continue with my plan for world domination… or something.
The Kronos already shipped (so no library wines, now), but I’m happy to let you have two of my bottles at the club price.
@rjquillin @TimothyB 2014 Kronos…if there’s any left molarchae and I might be wanting a bottle or two of that for future celebrations of our 2014 adventures in the Kronos vineyard.
@davirom @losthighwayz
Wine etiquette…there isn’t too much of it. Bring something you’d be happy if somebody else brought it. Some people bring a bottle per couple, some bring more than that.
Myself, I usually bring something the group is unlikely to have had before if I can (this is my normal approach for going to friends’ houses for dinner as well). Whether that’s a new Century Club grape or something esoteric or aged, doesn’t matter.
@davirom @klezman @losthighwayz agreed with what Scott says. Sometimes the host sets a theme which then everyone promptly ignores.
I’ll probably bring my fruit salad mix. Maybe a Macaroni Salad if there’s time.
@CorTot @davirom @losthighwayz What did Scott say?
@davirom @klezman @losthighwayz sorry, messed that up.
I agree with the yak.
@CorTot @davirom @losthighwayz Who you calling a yak? Sparky? Excellent
Oops. Those VA glasses just broke. But a Yak can’t use them anyway.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark Methinks it’s a bluff, but I grabbed a couple as backups.
@rjquillin you coming to this shindig?
@losthighwayz We’ll be there. We usually bring some type of dessert. I have a bottle each for Ron and Klez. I believe there are some bottles for me out there.
@losthighwayz @merrybill @klezman
Work, and under performing vendors, has me currently very doubtful.
@merrybill awesome!
Hey winos please let me know if you will be joining us this Saturday. Not everyone has confirmed. Need to plan on food and set up. Thanks!
Is @WineDavid49 sending a care package?
Is there a theme?
We might have a third adult, we shall see.
@klezman yes on care package from winery you know and love.
Theme: rose+1-cab
Looking forward to hanging out!
Darn it - one week off. I’m doing a winemaker dinner at Delius in LB the following Saturday, the 28th. Nuts . . .
@tercerowines You want to meet up with some of us I’m happy to host
@tercerowines would be awesome to have you over one day Larry!
My winemaker dinner that night starts at 6 I believe . . .
Hi everyone. I’ve heard from the usual wine wooters but not from any newbies unless I don’t recognize your Casemates handles.
It will be a warm 78 degrees on Saturday. The theme will be rose+1-cab. Bring a refreshing rose + a red other than cab. No cabs alllowed at my place
@losthighwayz Two bottles per person will be a bit much, don’t you think?
@klezman @losthighwayz This is funny.
I really would have to pass out on the grass.
@klezman per couple but bring what you have! No one is counting. Though I was hoping to Stock up my closet cellar! Lol
@rjquillin Don’t you usually go pass out on the grass anyway?
@klezman sleep 0xB9 ‘pass out’
@losthighwayz while we usually bring dessert I see Bill and someone else is already bringing a dessert. I’m going swap and bring an appetizer.
@CorTot good idea!
Plan for 14-16 guests
Really sorry to miss this one! I guess I will just comfort myself with the fact that Cory’s wife not cooking dessert
@ScottW58 How do you know she’s not? He’s coming, after all…
Also, when are we going to meet up? How’s next weekend?
@ScottW58 maybe she’ll surprise me…
no can do next weekend but hopefully soon.
I have a 6th sense when it comes to her dessert
@klezman @ScottW58 you guys are right, she’s not making a dessert, I’ll pick something’s my up.
For wine I’ll bring nothing but big heavy napa modern cabs
@klezman @ScottW58 you missed last time when I made that awesome cheesecake! It was truly remarkable.
@CorTot @klezman
Pffttt not even in the same ballpark I guarantee you! Nice to see you have big dreams tho
You know I like you more every day
I’m pretty excited about this, though my wife is worried we are meeting a bunch of strangers from “the internet” lol Way to lure an adult
at least that was my wife’s worry the first time…women
Ha! don’t worry they won’t steal your wine just your wife’s jewelry
@i8dacat we felt the same way but most everyone is “normal” lol looking forward to meeting you guys!
Just confirming I’ll not be up, sadly.
@rjquillin At least you’ll be well compensated for your time.
@klezman @rjquillin whenever I work a Saturday that arguement is lost on my wife…
@CorTot @klezman Our week actually begins on Saturday, so I won’t see any benefit unless I work thru Friday next week as well, and would have to include tomorrow to really make it count.
Back to my iron and nano-connector.
@klezman @rjquillin our timecard system works the same way. The only bummer is company policy says OT hours start once you pass 40 hours a week, so if I work a Saturday and then get sick mid week the OT I already worked goes away when I charge PTO.
@CorTot @rjquillin For better and for worse, I’ve always been salaried.
I don’t understand why if you have to take PTO that already-worked overtime wouldn’t still count. That seems wrong.
@CorTot @klezman If I work tomorrow, even for a couple hours, all Friday will be double.
Their poor planning will not be my problem…
Didn’t used to be that way when we had paper. We’d just adjust a bit out of a long day and add to a short day; no more.
@klezman @rjquillin I’m pretty sure it is wrong but there’s no punch clock and its professional business so I move hours around all the time to make things right
Under the weather today … was looking forward to this (and getting rid of wine).
@MarkDaSpark sparky pulled a sparky.
@CorTot @MarkDaSpark Truth. Who wins the pool this time?
@CorTot @klezman
I can feel the love …
/giphy sarcastic-love

@CorTot @MarkDaSpark
Nah, we wouldn’t poke so much fun at you in that case
Need to make sure the tv can be turned to the Toronto-Boston game at 4 pm. Important things are important

@klezman of course!
@klezman are their any Canadian teams still in the NHL playoffs?
@CorTot Toronto and Winnipeg, yes. Although today might be Toronto’s last day.
@klezman I wanted to say something snarky about Toronto hockey, but my Ducks left the playoffs even faster
Has Anyone heard from timetotestit?
@losthighwayz Glad to see everyone again and meet some new faces. Thanks for hosting us.
It’s also rather odd that I mixed up the start time. I thought it started at 5:30. I pulled a sparky.
@CorTot By showing up!?
@losthighwayz As 2 of the “new faces” last night DW and I would like to thank you for your hospitality. Thanks also to the rest of the group for making us feel welcome.
@rjquillin by showing up 2 hours late.
Thanks lost! Great to see everybody and meet some new folks too. We’ll try to get molarchae and the little one to come to one of these again soon. Or maybe we’ll get y’all to come here and see them
@klezman Hey Klez, what was the mystery grape in the Corsican/Sicilian wine you brought (also name and vintage since I didn’t get a photo)? It was pretty good, and a lot less rustic than I usually get from that area.
Not sure actually. The original offer didn’t list the varieties. Dettori Renosu, nv but 2014 version.
@klezman A UK wineshop lists cannonau, monica, and pascale grapes in the blend. Cannonau is local slang for Grenache (and I saw this wine somewhere listed as a grenache blend, so that makes sense). Monica is the local grape that will help aspiring Century Club members, although I already have it on my list. The only thing I could find on pascale is that “pascali” is listed as a synonym for monica. I’m not sure what to do with that info.
We had a great time. The wine was uniformly excellent, including the Rat bottles. The people were too. Welcome to the newbies who checked us out and survived to tell the tale. Thanks to Lost and family for the hospitality. Until we meet again…
Had a great time! Nice to catch up with familiar faces and meeting new fellow winos. We went through 13 bottles and I would say all but one were very good.
Looking forward to the upcoming offers on both rat bottles…may need to go in on both.
WOTN: Alma Rosa rose and lab rat bottle #1 (one we compared to two others of the same varietal)
@losthighwayz I didn’t even taste the Alma Rosa rose, I guess that’s what I get for showing up late.
Thanks for the invitation allowing my wife and I into your home @losthighwayz . Everyone left a great impression on us and more importantly my wife who was really skeptical about meeting strangers. We had such a great time meeting everyone and looking forward to future gatherings.