SoCal #54: 7 September, West LA/Culver City
3It’s been too long!
It’s been quite a while since we had a SoCal gathering, and it’s too long until the concert in the park (and there’s a good chance we can’t make it anyway). So we decided we’d host one more before it gets difficult again with a newborn.
Theme TBD.
As always, I’ll cook up a few things and y’all are welcome to bring additional food.
- 48 comments, 101 replies
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08-10 or 17 would be best for me. Oh and I vote for anything except wierd ass wines or varieties from nowhere-ville theme!
7/20, 8/3, 8/10 or 8/24 are all open dates for wifey and I.
8/17 & 8/24 are currently open for us.
8/3 i’d bring my usual casemate meetup companion.
8/17 i’d probably bring my wife.
your choice.
Any of the four August dates work for us.
Any of the four August dates work for us.
I vote for Cole Porter. Oh, wait, wrong thread…
@chipgreen news flash, cole porter won’t be there and neither will Chip!
I can dream, can’t I?
@chipgreen @CorTot The guest room is available, you just need to show up!
All the dates are fine, except the 10th. @TimothyB 's birthday soireè is then.
Looks like August 17 is the current winner.
@i8dacat you think you can clear it up?
Many not yet checked in:
@klezman dunno yet.
just two days after my 70th.
Carp I’m getting old(er).
So many things happening that day. Darn it, we’ll have to miss it. I’ll keep checking in, in case the date changes 
@i8dacat And my first reaction was “crap, the first three people to respond don’t have a good overlap date.”
Damn. Plans on the 10th. And the 17th is the night before baby’s birthday so family will be here. We could possibly stop by but basically just to say hi.
Looks like 8/17 is best for us.
Safe to calendar the 17th? Time? Thanks
Yes, it looks like the 17th is the best for all but two who’ve weighed in. We’ll go with that. Standard late afternoon start time, for argument’s sake we can say 5pm until we come up with something more definitive.
@CorTot, bring Kyle with you!
@klezman yes sir!
@CorTot @klezman
Thoughts on themes?
Just to bug Scott, how about “weird-ass wines”?
@klezman Aged Chardonnay could work too.
Do a vintage retrospective or an AVA or maybe a producer? Although it would have to be something everybody has.
@ScottW58 Wellington!
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Downside to Wellington is that we all have the same stuff!
Maybe a Napa Valley theme…that could be interesting. A ton of variety (even if all the big names are Cab). Or we could relive last summer’s tour and say Lodi and Amador.
For California, a 2007 vintage retrospective would be interesting as well, but I don’t know if people generally have wines that old. Some people actually drink them!
@klezman @rjquillin
If everyone announced what they are bringing I’m pretty sure most of you have enough so you can avoid dupes.
@ScottW58 @klezman
Couldn’t find a tongue-in-cheek to with the Wellington.
@klezman @rjquillin
And me being the only slacker with Wellington I’m SURE I can source a bottle or two from Ron…or you!
@rjquillin @ScottW58 It’s not about the dupes - it’s about the fact that I’ve already got all of them! Half the fun is tasting stuff I don’t have!
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58
Dibs on bringing 2007 & 2008 Wellington Victories!
If we go with Wellington, that is.
I’m good with Amador/Lodi AVAs too.
Oh, and probably one or two (or 3) dessert wines.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @ScottW58
I could do '04, '05 or '06 in 750’s, or earlier if we did mags or better.
Any of these need decant time, or so it seems for me.
So a free for all? Or anything klez has not tried
@ScottW58. He’s Canadian … is there anything he hasn’t tried?

I keed, I keed!
@MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 @klezman
Are we limiting this to only wines he hasn’t tried.
Slippery slope.
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 Nah, much as that’d be a fun game, who would know every wine I’ve ever tried? Including me!
I think we should plan a Wellington Victory Vertical evening one of these days. Double bonus if we can persuade Peter to join us.
For this gathering I’m thinking Italian grapes from anywhere in the world…
(Plus bubbles and/or dessert wines, although you can get those from Italy too.)
Hmmm so you’re saying weird ass wines from anywhere in the world?
@ScottW58 What’s weird about wines made from Italian grapes? You’ve got all of Italy, and then a ton of new world possibilities.
Darn, we will just miss this. We will be back in Temecula from Aug 6th-17th. We leave around noon. By the way we bought a house in Temecula and will be out there for several months this winter. Maybe we can host another event or at least attend one then.
@hershelk Swap to a later flight?
If you do want to swing by for a drink (we’re pretty close to LAX) just let us know.
@klezman It’s a nice thought, but it is tough heading east and we are not red eye flight kind of people anymore. Besides we are flying in and out of San Diego this trip. Probably won’t get out your way this time. There will be more opportunities in the future.
@hershelk Yeah, San Diego airport is the opposite direction from Temecula. Next time!
SoCal folks, check in please! The confirmation list so far for the 17th is:
cortot+1 (plus Kyle?!)
rjquillin (hopefully)
Maybes/no word:
Can’t make it (sad face):
@time2testit (might stop by to say hi)
@klezman confirming
@klezman Geez, you drop from the face of the earth and don’t attend an event for several years and suddenly you’re not even on the maybe list.
Tim and Sparky mentioned this yesterday when we finally got to see them IRL but, sadly, we have family in from out of town that weekend. Someday the stars will align again. Put us down to show sometime in 2021.
@javadrinker I even forget to put people I see more frequently down on the list sometimes
That’s why we could use a “mailing list” option on the site!
Now you two need to get yourselves to a gathering and catch up!
Confirming we will be there. Should we be signing up for or claiming food to pot luck? Is the theme still Italian grapes?
Yes, to both!
For the wine theme it’s easy: a) any wine form Italy regardless of grape or b) any wine from anywhere in the world made with an Italian grape
OK, as for food, we will bring an artichoke appetizer that mimics one we had at the deli at V. Sattui winery, with fresh bread.
Candace am I will not be able to attend this something came up that we need to attend that evening.
We will definitely miss you all but look forward to seeing who ever is coming to the pops in September.
@CorTot Boo
We were looking forward to seeing you both! Don’t know if any of us will be at the Pops because 8.5 months.
@klezman yeah, I’m sad about it too but it is what it is.
totally understandable on the pops.
Sorry for the late reply but it looks like a no go for us
Damn…silly other things cropping up!
I’m down to take the wisdom of the crowd here. But with work travel and pending baby the window is short. We could move it to August 24, or maybe September 7, but planning on anything beyond that in September is not likely to be wise as due dates approach.
So let’s have a vote!
@klezman Turns out that either actually look better for me than the 17th.
@klezman @rjquillin Neither date is great but I possibly can make it work if babysitting is acquired.
@klezman either date will also work for me.
7/7 and happy birthday Ron tomorrow or the next day? Whatcha gonna drink for the big occasion?
@ScottW58 you meant 9/7? Day drinking?
@ScottW58 Thursday, dunno yet…
And thanks, big decadal one too.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 Damn…forgot that was happening! Happy birthday Ron!
@rjquillin happy almost birthday buddy!
you probably should drink one or 10 of them!
Yeah easy your oldest Corison with a backup just in case
@ScottW58 @klezman
damn, looks like CT is down from down here. Couldn’t hit it from my phone while shopping earlier and just thought it was the phone…
Good from your digs?
Sept 7 works for us, but not Aug 24
Pretty much the same here. Sept would work.
OK, that looks like most are available (and possibly happier) with Sept 7. Let’s go with that!
I’d better bump this one too!
We all still good for next weekend, I hope??
@klezman ?? Is this a change of date?
@davirom Next Saturday is the 7th…we changed the date earlier because so many people dropped out last minute. But no changes since then.
@klezman Great! I guess I misinterpreted “bump”. See you Saturday.
@davirom Oh! Yeah, I meant bump the thread to to top of the page where it’s visible rather than bump the date.
@klezman Is this something we can send a couple Lab Rat bottles to?
@arianaWCC Of course!
I think I’m going to make a couple racks of ribs, some veggies and cheese/crackers/bread. Please feel free to bring other foodstuffs.
Ariana has sent a couple bottles of rat wines!
Not sure what wine(s) I’ll open just yet, but probably to include at least an older Brunello or Barolo.
And please send me a whisper if you need my address!
@klezman What time will the first cork be pulled?
@klezman we can’t get babysitting so I’ll be there but Candace won’t. I have nearly a case for you and a couple of cases for others.
@CorTot I’ve got stuff for you and Kyle and lost.
That reminds me…drag Kyle with you! Better company for the drive!
@radiolysis first corks whenever somebody arrives! Most likely 5 pm range, I guess.
And of course, the local chef school finally lists their knife skills class that I missed last spring … and of course, they have it this Saturday! Oh well. Next class.
@MarkDaSpark Good answer!
Also, just watch cooking shows and try to cut more quickly. Keep band-aids nearby.
@klezman. Cutting quickly isn’t the problem.
And I get hungry watching those shows!

@losthighwayz, @rjquillin, @davirom
This is coming with me.
Vin-tone Chenin Blanc (RJQ paid)
4 for Lost
3 for Davirom
3 for RJQ
Hall syrah (Cortot paid)
4 for Lost
2 for Davirom
3 for RJQ
2008 Indian creek red blend
3 for lost
And I think both RJ and Klez May have bottles for me.
@rjquillin if you’re coming up, I’ll bring the Winesmith Pinot I owe you. And you can bring the mixed box of goodies?
@radiolysis I’ll see what I can lay hands on between now and 0630 tomorrow morning; might be a stretch.
Confirm what you are hoping for, if you kindly would.
@CorTot let me know how much I owe you.
@davirom do you mind bringing my wines back tomorrow?
@davirom @losthighwayz
$57 for the hall Syrah
$15 for the Indian creek
And for $40 to Ron for the vintone chenin Blanc
@losthighwayz That should be no problem. How many bottles are we talking about so I can bring the right number of empty cases? I count 11 bottles for you from reading this thread. . .
@CorTot @davirom Got it. I will drop off a check for $72 with Davirom for you. PM me who to make it out to. I will Paypal Ron.
@davirom Awesome! Thanks much. I am estimating around 22 bottles. Hope it’s not too much
@losthighwayz We’ll make it work. We may have to consume a couple of bottles, but, we’ll make it work
When you get me the check, please bring a list of what wines I am supposed to collect for you so there is a hope of me getting it right.
@rjquillin The spreadsheet jives with what i expect, but i think in order of “importance” (in case this helps):
Meeker Syrah vertical (3 - One bottle of each year 12/13/14)
WineSmith 2013 Cab (3)
Scott Harvey Angel Eis (2)
Harvest Moon Late Harvest Zin (2 - possibly at Klez?)
WineSmith Grenache Rose (3)
Zaca Mesa Z Blanc (2)
I show 2 bottles of these going to you. Will bring them unless you say “No”.
6/2/2019 2017 Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon
@MarkDaSpark I don’t recall asking for those.
@MarkDaSpark never mind, I thought it was the Anderson conn mixed offer. I found the right one.
I did say I would take 2 and do owe you $$.
@CorTot hello. I received 3 Hall but 4 are listed on this post. Im ok either way but did I pay $57 for 3 or 4 bottles?
@losthighwayz you paid the $57 for 3 bottles of hall. I messed up the allocation.
I also realized you needed to give Ron additional $$$ for the vintone chenin Blanc , they were $13.50 and I think I told you $40 thinking you were getting 3. But you got 4 so send Ron an additional $14.
My apologies.
@CorTot no need to apologize! Thanks for keeping track! Ill reach out to Ron
@CorTot @losthighwayz
Lost, do you have the link to the spreadsheet where we attempt to keep track?
Two rat bottles arrived today and a third is coming for tomorrow! Get your note taking pens ready!
@funnywontons are you coming?
@i8dacat what about you?
@klezman wife is going out of town and I’m with the kiddos, one of which is potty training

Sure sounds like I’ll be missing out on quite the gathering.
@i8dacat Your kiddo can join mine in the potty training…maybe they can teach each other!
@i8dacat @klezman that’s scary!
Oof. Wife and I are in Chicago this weekend! Sorry!
@CorTot @klezman the last time I was left alone with my youngest, she pooped on the floor and blamed the dog
@MarkDaSpark I believe I went in on a few bottles with you. Do you recall which ones?
Checking thru threads now to make sure what I need to find today & tomorrow.
@losthighwayz. Back thru mid-April and none yet. But still trekking!
But @klezman will probably want those 4 SH Barbera’s (White/Red) from April!
Now to get @rjquillin to accept the assorted 12 bottles (so far) ordered with him!
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin I will check as well. Thanks
@losthighwayz Aha! Or is it Eureka?
Anyway, 2 SH Eiswine from January. So far.
And another 3 for rj!

@klezman @rjquillin
And another 4 each from 2014 Lang & Reed Cabernet Franc North Coast!
Now to find out if RJ wants 4 of the 2015
Hānaialiʻi Napa Merlot I ordered. (He didn’t really say he wanted them.) So those may be available to others.
@MarkDaSpark Sparky, I sent you the list I have in a whisper earlier. Let me know if you find any discrepancies.
Looks about right, notes back per whisper.
However, I still owe poor @PLSemenza his 4 from last year. He’s out in Temecula area, and I didn’t make it there this year for the gathering.
@losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark
That reminds me do you have the Andersons conn valley bottles that I owe you for?
Yes, the 2017s from June. Want me to bring them?
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin If the Hānaialiʻi Napa Merlot is still available, I would take 2
@davirom @rjquillin. Depends if rj only wants 2 of the 4, otherwise you’re probably SOL.
@davirom @MarkDaSpark
Just two please. Sharing is good.
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin Thanks Ron!
Hmmm, may have to bring the Little Band Blend as well, so the doubters can recant!

Any requests for food?

@CorTot In addition to the spread and bread mentioned up-thread </rhyme>, we will bring a fresh fruit pie
Have fun guys and gals! Be safe!
I’ve got two racks of ribs to cook, maybe some beef if the numbers warrant it.
Going to roast some mushrooms as well.
We’ve got cheese and crackers etc.
I’m probably going to open an Italian Malbec (!) and not sure what else.
Also, some people asked about timing…call 5pm the opening time. I need to get some work done before then.
@klezman ETA for me is around 6.
Did @merrybill ever confirm?
@MarkDaSpark He can’t make it
@klezman @merrybill
Well, at least I found the 2 SH we’ve been looking for.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark Good Lord I thought those 2 were lost in the Sparky abyss. Think the Early Burgundy (Abouriou) is still any good? Those were being traded for 2 Harvey 2011 WTSO Napa Red Blends that @rjquillin has in his abyss.
@klezman @merrybill @rjquillin
Hopefully, since I have another set of them! Have to check with Scott, but they’ve been buried in the wine locker since arrival.
I need to have a “wine-finding” event where we see what’s “buried”! While drinking wine of course.
Well, after spending most of the day at my wine locker, most of the splits have been found.
The Meeker Zins (2012/2014) and Anderson Conn Valley Cabs (2015 estate/2016) have refused to come out of hiding. The bloodhounds will be set loose next time!
Knew I should have dropped by yesterday too. (And I would have sworn both those sets weren’t buried.)
The 2017 Anderson Conn Valley cabs are tucked away in foam shippers.
Just need to load up the 4 cases into my roomy Santa Fe!
That, and a quick shower at home. So ETA is 6:45ish.
I’m guessing we will arrive around the same time as sparky, bringing some Serrano ham and cheese and crackers. Unless you don’t want me to bring it and I will have it for breakfast tomorrow
Just remind me next time to bring the Cinnamon Rolls for you!

@MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 overhearing the conversation on these cinnamon rolls made my mouth water.
btw the wine you brought was killer! in fact Ron and I bought a few bottles of one of them long before the night was over 
Don’t you worry I will
Great time thanks for having us Klez!
Have fun, y’all!

Great time as usual!
@rjquillin the freeway closure is until 9am so consider just swinging over to the 5
@radiolysis 10E to 5S; 108 minutes portal to portal, and I was constantly getting passed!
@rjquillin holy hell! speed racers out there. I was cruising at 75 like a sap so it took about 130 minutes.
Thanks guys for opening up your home and providing the food. Everything was great!
Thanks all for coming! Great to see everybody, and looking forward to y’all meeting the next little one.
TY to the expectant couple for hosting. Best wishes for the healthy arrival of Cowabunga.