Socal Swap Meet #1 11/14/20
3@rjquillin @davirom @hershelk @losthighwayz @javadrinker @MarkDaSpark @klezman @merrybill @i8dacat @radiolysis @funnywontons @swmbotot
Howdy to all the locals I’ve not seen in a year or more.
I was thinking that there is probably quite a pent up need to get peoples wines out of your cellar and into theirs and of course see all your favorite Maters.
Looking at our calendar we are busy on Saturdays in October but could do November 14th.
I am offering up my backyard as a meet up location for swapping bottles(cases) and maybe partake in a socially distanced bit of wine tasting/socializing. Maybe WD can ship some upcoming offers to make it fun. Many of you have been here before and there is quite a bit of room in the backyard, November is typically a cool month.
I have several cases that need to go (mostly Ron) to their rightful homes and I think there is a bit of wine out there for me as well.
We will need to see what people are comfortable with but this feels overdue.
Location: Glendora
Time: Late afternoon to whenever Sparky shows
Wine Theme: TBD
Food: Depends on peoples comfort level
COVID: Not Welcome
Feel free to chime in on the overall idea and what you might be comfortable with and add anyone to the thread that I may have forgotten. Overall we want to be inclusive so will be conservative on this. We have been a locked down household (except family) and don’t want to jeopardize anyone’s health.
If we get closer to the day and we see a nasty spike in cases in LA county we will more than likely cancel the social part and make it only a Swap Meet if anyone’s still interested.
- 44 comments, 98 replies
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How about “Wines that remind you of Cole Porter songs”?
Twisted Oak Syrah/Viognier = Night & Day
Dom Pérignon = Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Swilly’s “32 Proof” Black Zeppelin = Too Darn Hot
I don’t know what the hell you’re doing in Ohio, you need to be livin out here

Will try to come obviously. Your back yard is good for the kiddo, too. He’s used to wearing a mask.
Sounds great to me!
We have wine for @rjquillin @Cortot @klezman and @merrybill. Ron has wine for us. The wife and I have conditions that put us at higher risk if we were to pick up the virus, so we will regrettably need to skip the social part. At the very least, we will deliver the wine we are holding, depending on whether Ron and the recipients will be there.
When you say that Ron has wine for you, I think what you really mean is that Ron ordered wine for you. That doesn’t mean he has it.
@chipgreen @davirom Very true. I have a lot of wine Ron ordered that’s for others.
@chipgreen @davirom Yup, there’s a quite a few 1/2 cases here for him and a number of my allocated bottles at Klez’s and other places that Ron has sent.
Tentatively yes? I have stuff for Ron and @i8dacat.
@radiolysis Did we split some 375’s awhile back?
@CorTot yes! I forgot about the halfs of Qupe
I’m a yes, November 14 looks good as well.
It looks like enough people are good on the date to lock it in.
We will start on details when we get a bit closer.
Can’t wait!
11/14 works for me, but my wife and I probably won’t stay long. She works at a hospital (not covid ward, and it’s a cancer hospital so they’re extra careful and have a very few covid patients) so she’s super wary of big gatherings. Definitely down to stop by to pick up/drop off any outstanding splits though!
@funnywontons @i8dacat @klezman @MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @rjquillin @ScottW58 @merrybill
[cross posted from the Halcon thread]
I wouldn’t mind broadening this topic and maybe taking it to the SoCal Swap Meet thread because I also have unclaimed wine in my living room. Specifically 3 bottles of Martin Ray Merlot originally requested by halwarning and purchased by rjquillin. I also have 30ish bottles that are spoken for.
@davirom All I know is that two of those are for me, according to CT.
@klezman No, those 2 are accounted for. I am holding a total of 5, including the additional 3 bottles that were originally intended for @halwarning. I am willing to take 1 of those.
@davirom @halwarning Yes, I didn’t mean to say that two of the 3 for halwarning were mine.
Is it too soon to talk about logistics? Out of COVID concerns we will not be staying for the social, but we need to bring wine for various people and pick up from (sfaik, only) klezman
@davirom I think all I’ve got for you is the recently arrived Halcon.
My suggestion, then, is that we’ll try to update you on timing. We’ll probably leave our place after the baby wakes up from her nap, unless I end up flying solo. Otherwise since you’re primarily dropping off, easier for you to show up on the early side.
@rjquillin @davirom @hershelk @losthighwayz @javadrinker @MarkDaSpark @klezman @merrybill @i8dacat @radiolysis @funnywontons @swmbotot @radiolysis
The weather is looking good for next weekend. This will be a 100% outdoor event in our backyard (there will be a restroom.)
For those who are just going to stop by and swap bottles/cases we will be here all day to allow for that. Please coordinate with those folks as I don’t want to end up with a bunch of others peoples wines to look after.
If you’re coming to hang out a bit and socialize/taste some wine I’d say a 4 o’clock start is good.
I’ll work out some food/wine thoughts this weekend.
The kids will not be here @klezman, they are headed to grandmas. You can bring the kid(s) but keep in mind it’s all outdoor.
I have 4 cases of wine between @rjquillin, @scottw58, @klezman
@CorTot awesome. I think we’re probably gonna get takeaway on the drive up – anywhere in your area you’d recommend? And i think we’ll be leaving SD at 2-ish, so probably up at your place 5-ish? maybe a touch after depending on traffic.
@radiolysis let me work on food stuff this weekend and get back to you.
@CorTot Sounds fun. We won’t be out to CA till January most likely. Hopefully we will be in a position to do something this spring.
@cortot I don’t think we’re going to stick around as long as we usually do, we do have two kids, also used to mask wearing. Hopefully it’s okay if we bring them along?
@i8dacat what time were you going to try to get there? i have the Gersing for you.
@radiolysis will probably arrive 5:30 or 6. I can wait around long enough if you get stuck in traffic.
@i8dacat Perfect.
@i8dacat @klezman
Talking this over with candace we would prefer to not have children at the event. If thats not possible than bring them. As a reminder our kids will not be there. I know it’s a touchy thing as everyone’s situation is different but this is our preference. Thank you.
@CorTot not a problem, given the circumstances we completely understand. Looking forward to stopping by and hanging for a bit
I plan to come by with bottles for Ron. I will likely hang out - spaced out and masked - for a while. Hopefully SWMBO will be with me.
@merrybill I hope rons coming, everyone’s got wine for that guy!
@CorTot @merrybill Seriously!
If I’m going to drive all the way out there I’m sure going to hang out for a while!
Probably will not hang out long … forgot that weekend is my son’s anniversary weekend, so babysitting granddaughter.
It seems that the people I have bottles for will all be attending. Since we are not staying, we will plan to get the wine there in the 4 o’clock hour. Here is a list of the wine we are bringing and for whom:
@cortot: 3 Vincent Arroyo CabSauv, 3 Inspiration Syrah, 3 Inspiration Rose, 3 Muscardini Tesoro, 2 Iron Horse Gratitude
@MarkDaSpark: 2 Rousseau Tannat*
@merrybill: 1 Rousseau Tannat*, 2 Muscardini Tesoro
@klezman: 0 Rousseau Tannat*, 2 Muscardini Tesoro, 3 Vincent Arroyo CabSauv, 2 Martin Ray Merlot, 2 Iron Horse Gratitude
Unclaimed: 2 bottles of Martin Ray Merlot at $18/each, payable to Ron. Impulse purchase anyone?
@davirom If you have left before I arrive, what would you like me to do with your 4 bottles of Halcon? (And is it 4 or did you want 6 - 3 of each?)
Looking at the list it’s all good, I guess I owe Ron a bit at this point. Did the Vincent Arroyo come from Ron or do I owe you for that?
The spread sheet from Ron doesn’t show the VA allocated to me, and I don’t recall asking for it. Although I could absolutely be wrong.
@rjquillin, please confirm that the VA goes to @CorTot. Your ss shows 6 to you, 3 each to @klezman and @MarkDaSpark. Adam & Mark: did you order these, and if so, have you received them?
@CorTot @davirom @klezman @MarkDaSpark
Working on updates…
Different offer chatter mixed in different threads doesn’t help.
I did add an ‘unallocated’ column before the 'mates columns for any that want to make claims.
@CorTot @davirom @klezman @MarkDaSpark
Looking at the VA thread, I only saw interest from MdS (2~3) and klez. No comments at all from cortot, unless page search is broken and Cory did comment (still looking). So, ss seems accurate, but if Cory wants some Klez could back down to 2 and/or I can pony up some additional.
@davirom @klezman @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin I did not want those, they are up for grabs.
@CorTot @davirom @klezman @rjquillin
What VA split? This one?
Looks like it went to you? (RJQ)
@CorTot @davirom @klezman @MarkDaSpark
Yup, that one
4 me and 2 co-worker
3 klez
3 MdS
@davirom @losthighwayz sez you have a couple of Materra Barbera’s for me also.
@davirom @klezman @rjquillin Anybody bringing Onesta Cinsault split from last April?
@davirom @merrybill @rjquillin I think that’s in my rather large pile of wine to distribute.
Still need to know if @PLSemenza or @ScottRob30 are coming…
@davirom @klezman @merrybill @PLSemenza @rjquillin I won’t be making it. Klez - I’m west side and can swing by to pick up over the weekend or any weekend
Pick a time, any time. Literally. We’re always home now. At least one of us. You can settle your bill with @rjquillin, of course. I’m just the delivery guy.
@merrybill: I don’t have anything to deliver from @losthighwayz. Everything is from Ron.
Let’s touch base on the day and do what we can to avoid that. And I would like 4 please.
Thread drift got me; 4 of which?
4 of the Halcon. Paypal sent this morning along with payment for 1 of “halwarning”'s Martin Ray merlot.
Other than Ron’s plethora of wine, is this list correct of this year’s splits from me …
2016 Donati Family Vineyard Claret (2) @CorTot
2014, 15, 16 Beringer Distinction (1 set) @i8dacat
2018 Pedroncelli Signature Chardonnay (4) @losthighwayz
2017 Bernardus Pinot Noir (4) @losthighwayz
@MarkDaSpark I’ve still got 1 thing pending from you:
1 each of the Anderson’s Conn Valley offer from here a while back
And two mysteries in which you are implicated:
4x 2010 Briceland Pinot Noir
4x 2013 Iron Horse Unoaked Chard
@MarkDaSpark I’m good with the Donati’s
@MarkDaSpark We will be picking up for Lost. We aren’t staying, but are flexible about when we arrive. So let’s coordinate timing. We also have wine for you.
Thought I might have brought those up to you last year, along with the Lang & Reed Cab Franc. I’ll look in the box.
I know nothing about any Briceland PN. Even less about that mystery box of IH. The 2013s were dropped off years ago. The supposed 2nd box was later, and I know nothing about it .
@davirom. Will have my granddaughter, so arrival depends on her nap time.
I had no idea if you knew anything about the Briceland, but sometimes Ron sends things like that to you.
@rjquillin, any thoughts on that 2010 Briceland? Or the whereabouts of that mystical Iron Horse? (While we’re talking myths…that Macarico Aglianico?) At some point I’ll just remove them from the pending list.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark
No memory of 2010 Briceland.
My CT suggests I purchased 4 from Invino in '16 and know where three are.
@MarkDaSpark @klezman It appears my schedule is at the mercy of 2 napping little girls
Here are some thoughts on wine and food.
We will supply BBQ tri-tip and a dessert.
We will have a table under the covered portion of the patio and if you want to bring food or wine there will be a place for it. I’ll borrow a couple of patio heaters in case folks get too chilly. If you are not comfortable with shared food please bring your own, we wont raise an eyebrow.
And for a wine theme, i’d say lets do anything goes.
If you really cant decide go for out of place varietals. A wine from an AVA that is not known for that varietal.
Looks like there will be a care package.
It looks like I have deliveries for:
@CorTot @rjquillin @ScottW58 @merrybill @i8dacat @MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @PLsemenza @davirom @scottrob30
If you’re NOT going to be there please let me know ASAP. Cory said he doesn’t want these piling up in his living room, but neither do we…
I’m expecting deliveries from:
@MarkDaSpark @TimothyB @PLsemenza @funnywontons and wherever things of Ron’s have gone. probably mostly @davirom.
What do you have for me?
@klezman I have the Refugio ranch Malvasia blanc here for you.
@ScottW58 cavatappi mixed 6 and Refugio ranch Malvasia blanc.
@CorTot I didn’t even know I had those coming! CT is now corrected.
@klezman @CorTot @rjquillin @ScottW58 @merrybill @i8dacat @MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @PLsemenza @davirom @scottrob30
Is @PLsemenza attending?
Looks like I have a few bottles to deliver.
Unless they have been and I just need to update the ss.
Yeah I knew you had the Cavatappi, have I paid you for the Refugio? I kind of remember that one, god that was a long time ago!
This Saturday is going to be tough but I should be able to make it for a few minutes at least. I need a box of doughnuts from that place by you, what is the name of that place?
@ScottW58 donut man, give yourself time there’s often a decent line there at all times of the day… it’s just a few blocks south of me.
Oh yeah
@CorTot @ScottW58 I totally forgot I wanted to try to stop there! Oh well…like I needed doughnuts after Mrs Cortot’s amazing apple pie bars that she cooked for you and you didn’t show!
I have the original box for you plus one more now.
@CorTot @klezman
Give my best to your lovely wife Cory!
I can’t tell you how sad this makes me feel
You were surely missed and I’m going to pack on a couple pounds finishing the apple pie bars…
@ScottW58 You were definitely missed, and we are under strict orders to give you crap for bailing on us
Andrew Murray 90+ Point Reds '16 PV
Has anyone claimed or interested in any of these that Cory has. This was the '17 offer that sold out and was supposed to be replaced with the '16, but we got the '17 on the second order as well.
I think there are still 6 unclaimed.
@cortot, please whisper your address and phone number
Received a 4 bottle lab rat box today…
Anyone who needs my address and Cell please whisper me and I’ll send it.
Did we decide what time this starts? And yes shoot me your address
@ScottW58 4pm.
@CorTot okay I will be there between 5 or 6 to relieve you of the burdon of holding my wines for what seems like years
do I owe you any money? Can’t stay for long but will bring some mag’s for everyone to drink. Got to move some stuff out if I’m bringing more in!
@ScottW58 no, we are square.
Here are some general thoughts on Covid safety.
I’m working in my office now so this is similar to our office safety protocols, and it seems to work.
We will have seating/tables spaced out, our tables are all 6’ers so it’s easy.
Masks are required when you are up and about, when seated and spaced appropriately they are not required.
There will be ample amounts of hand sanitizer around, especially at the food/wine tables.
We have a bathroom located just off our back patio, a mask is required while using it.
We have a couple heaters and a fire pit but assume it will be chilly so bring a sweatshirt.
This is an outdoor event, if you need additional utensils or additional wine glasses we will get them inside.
I’ll designate an area for wine drop offs and splits. If you need help unloading you can pull back into our driveway and unload back by the garage.
We have hosted a couple of events with these precautions in place and have not had issues.
Looking forward to seeing folks.
The Lab Rat bottles are a couple of chards, including today’s offer and a nice looking Pinot.
@CorTot thanks for putting this together! We’re looking forward to it.
@CorTot @rjquillin @ScottW58 @merrybill @i8dacat @MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @PLsemenza @davirom @klezman @funnywontons @swmbotot @losthighwayz @javadrinker @chipgreen @winedavid49
Here is where we currently stand on whos coming/not coming.
@rjquillin - not coming
@ScottW58 - Coming - short stop
@merrybill - Coming - Stay for awhile
@i8dacat - Coming - Stay for awhile
@MarkDaSpark - Coming - Duration unknown
@radiolysis - Coming - Stay for awhile
@PLsemenza - unconfirmed/assumed not coming
@davirom - Drop off/pick up only
@klezman - Unconfirmed
@funnywontons - Coming - short stop
@losthighwayz - unconfirmed/assumed not coming
@javadrinker - unconfirmed/assumed not coming
@chipgreen - Not attending/protesting lack of Cole Porter
@winedavid49 - In spirit only.
@CorTot Still planning on coming, probably with the preschooler (who abides by similar covid protocols for his school) and will stay a while. The unpredictability of preschoolers can change this at the last minute, as always.
But molarchae really wants me to deliver all the wine!
@klezman Cool deal. I cleaned up the sandbox and playset just in case. Is RJQ coming? 3/4 of the wine here is for him.
@CorTot I’m under the impression that he is not. I’ve got about 16 cases here for him!
@klezman lmao, lets get a caravan going to take him all his wine…
I pulled boxes, I have 2 refugio ranch malvasia Bianca and 4 Keller Roties for you here. All payable to Ron I believe.
@ScottW58 There are 2 refugio ranch malvasia Bianca for you as well, payable to Ron.
@CorTot Yet another split I hadn’t entered into CT. Oy.
@klezman I need to start doing a better job of that as well.
Sadly, move me to the “Not Coming” group. Posted why below. Can swing by next weekend to deliver (and/or pickup) to those in LA/OC areas. Just let me know via the post below.

@CorTot @rjquillin No Ron, no joy
@CorTot @merrybill
Sorry Bill, all. Tip a few for me!
Just didn’t work out this time for multiple reasons.
@CorTot SWMBO and I expect to be there around 4:30. We’ll be travelling light since I get to leave all the @rjquillin wine at home. We’re probably bringing a veggie tray.
@CorTot I’ll be stopping by with Corison for klez. And also to give Scott grief for being lured so far from home by donuts. (has anyone seen Sparky and myself in a photo together?)
What time is everyone stopping by? I’m planning to be there around 5 or 6. I have wine for @klezman and @losthighwayz via @davirom. I believe I’m pickingup/squaring up for some of the recent Halcon too?
Aarrrgh! Won’t make it today. Someone decided to wake up at 2am and not go back to sleep right away … AND I need to get my tree trimmed. A branch broke and is leaning on my power line.
Have to get someone out to cut it and the other branches (close to power and cable lines as well) ASAP.
I am willing to drive around next Saturday and/or Sunday to deliver to LA/OC areas. While it is Thanksgiving weekend, I doubt many will be traveling out of town!

Let me know below or by whisper your preferences.
Or pickup too.
@davirom, @CorTot, @i8dacat, @losthighwayz
@MarkDaSpark a sparky has been pulled!
Who had upset toddler and tree trimming in the cancellation at last minute pool?
@CorTot. Hmmm, didn’t @klezman make that pick?

@MarkDaSpark If the branch is on the Edison side, before the meter, call them - they’ll jump on it.
Also, @CorTot If Sparky will be going to Cory’s next week anyway, should we leave his wine there today?
@davirom @MarkDaSpark I would assume not. He only has 2a couple bottles for me and he would spend more on gas driving here and back than the wine is worth.
@CorTot @MarkDaSpark Preschooler ate his lunch and has now earned the right to join us. Much to molarchae’s delight! (Baby’s teething is NOT helping anybody at the moment.)
Boo to Sparky’s tree problems.
@CorTot @davirom @losthighwayz @klezman
Not if I’m making a circular trip! And I need to make room!
@CorTot @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark We can hang on to Sparky’s wine for him to pick up. I assume Lost’s wine will go directly to him. NBD either way. BTW, next weekend is not Thanksgiving weekend. Will the grand tour be the weekend of the 21st or the 28th?
@CorTot @davirom @losthighwayz
Whichever works best, so probably next weekend (which is “not” Thanksgiving! ).
@davirom @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark you can always give mine to Jeff.
@CorTot @davirom @MarkDaSpark I am 5 minutes away from @davirom and will be around this coming weekend
@CorTot @davirom @losthighwayz
Ha! Google maps say 8 minutes!
Probably pickup wine on Saturday from Locker, and deliver on Sunday. Will text ETA on Sunday.
@losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark Depends on how you catch the lights, and how you drive.
I’ll probably arrive between 5-5:30
Make that more like 545 since we’re just leaving signal Hill in a few minutes.
@klezman We’ll be closer to 5 - the SC game ran long (but successfully!)
Sadly you won’t be able to do that Tim I’m not going to be able to make it
I’ve just got to much work to do on my show and I have to be done by tomorrow ugh. I will have to swing by later this week to pickup my crap if the cortots are available Wednesday or Thursday evening? Have fun everyone, damn.
@ScottW58 bummer, no hurry. Rons wine is here and not getting picked up so your box ain’t gonna kill us.
@ScottW58 Your box went home with Adam.
Sorry we’ve been non-responsive but we are definitely a no go. Have a wonderful time and remember to lift your masks when you spit!
This was a whole lot of socially responsible fun. Thanks @cortot for having us over. During the drive back home the wife and I kept talking about how it was a fun change of pace.
@radiolysis Great to see you and lovely to finally meet your wife!
@cortot Thanks for setting this up, it was fun to chat and catch up with everyone.
Love the mini heaters on the tables!
What a great setup and beautiful patio!
@chipgreen thanks buddy, it’s been a nice refuge during this not so wonderful season we are in.
Awesome tritip and dessert, too!
Thanks to CorTot and SWMBO for making the effort to host this gathering safely while maintaining the comraderie and good times we love. The food was great, the wine was stellar, and the people were the best. I went home with more wine than I brought, which I guess is a good thing. Special hello to Jordan, who I helped toss acorns back into the neighbor’s yard. I see baseball in his future, not hockey.
We were only there briefly, but want to say thank you, too.
So now the big question - what have we learned for future gatherings? Or maybe this should be it’s own thread.
@TimothyB I learned that every back yard is made better with brick bench seats.
@TimothyB you mean future pandemic gatherings?
@radiolysis @TimothyB I thought it was a good idea. I needed a short retaining wall and I needed patio seating. Boy! do I have a solution for you. Instant seating for 12.