SoCal#50 casemateers on the green
2We have done this event several years running and always have a good time.
I’m throwing out a couple of dates that work for us to debate on.
July 21st: summer of love: michael Feinstein sings the hits of the 60’s.
September 8th: broadway at the movies.
We are calendar free for both dates. If it doesn’t work for the collective group we can discuss the other dates.
See link below for details.
We buy lawn seats and picnic it with everyone bringing food and wine to share.
- 30 comments, 88 replies
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I think the 21st works for us but let me check the date my daughter graduate’s college, although this being my favorite event of the year I might have tell her I can’t make it
That’s not the week of the proposed RPM Tour, so we could be in. We’ll have to see if kiddo can sit long enough by then to make this possible! (The July option.)
There is a service I once heard of called a babysitter… I think?? Just saying
@klezman @ScottW58 Give him a break. You’ve had much more experience, and he’s still learning.
@ScottW58 True, there is. We pay her about $25k/year. But that’s just for the daytime.
July 21st works. Septemebr is too far away!
Klez: bring the sitter!
@losthighwayz That’s a good idea, actually. We’ll see what we can sort out.
@klezman @losthighwayz You may even get a designated driver out of it
So I guess I will buy tickets for the 21st? I really love this gathering
@ScottW58 lol, hold your horses.
We’ll let folks check in here and then give it a go!
Meh you know at the end of the day it will only be you me and lost
@ScottW58 probably true.
Wife has a conflict on July 21st, but we would love to go on Sept 8
Checking in here.
I unfortunately booked my 10 year anniversary weekend July 19th-24th so that dates not going to work for us.
I think the august 18th date is good.
Does that work for anyone else?
@CorTot At a wedding in Idyllwild that weekend
@CorTot Not trying to be a wet blanket. Schedule when y’all can and we’ll catch up another time.
@davirom thanks for the reply. I’m sure we’ll have a gathering in the fall. Maybe we’ll see you there, stay tuned.
We’re hoping to finally make one of these. We’ll keep our eyes on the calendar and hopefully jump in at the last minute.
August 18th anyone?
@CorTot Aren’t there a bunch of August B-days amongst us?
Perhaps a combined celebration, of sorts?
Ironic that since the RPM Tour shortened, July 21st was clear.
Both the Aug. 18th and Sept. 8th dates are clear at this time, so I’ll just have to think up some last minute reason to miss. But count me in.
Maybe since the on-site parking is all gone? Walking that far is hazardous?
August 18th? I’m still looking forward to this!
@ScottW58 yes.
Ill be buying tix shortly.
We are definitely looking forward to it.
Did you buy your tickets yet?
@ScottW58 not yet.
I’m sure I’ll buy this weekend.
@CorTot I will too, pasadena pops august 18
Hard to say that far out but most likely.
August 18 is the final date? We may actually be in town!
@klezman yes. August 18th it is.
Lost +1 are in!
@klezman @ScottW58 @Markdaspark @javadrinker @rjquillin @losthighwayz
Tickets purchased for the 18th. Lawn seats.
Yes tickets purchased! I will be doing tri-tip this year
@CorTot tickets $15 on Goldstar right now
@CorTot @losthighwayz Good to know! I’ll confer with molarchae and maybe we’ll buy ours as well.
What is this and how do I crash it? I live right around the corner!
Please come. It’s fun plus you can meet some local winos.
Buy lawn seats for the Pasadena pops At the arboretum on august 18th. We all picnic and drink together and enjoy a nice evening together.
@CorTot I’ll ask my wife if we’re free.
@CorTot Tickets bought and we’re ready to join in! How is everyone gonna meet up? Or should I ask every person I see if they’re from “the internet”?
@funnywontons I’m out of town currently but when I’m back in front of a computer I’ll post details and tag everyone who’s confirmed.
Where and when is this shindig popping off?
As I said above.
“Please come. It’s fun plus you can meet some local winos.
Buy lawn seats for the Pasadena pops At the arboretum on august 18th. We all picnic and drink together and enjoy a nice evening together.”
tix purchased
Goldstar still has them for $10 +service charge
@rjquillin thanks for the heads-up! Just bought tickets for my wife and I! This’ll be fun!
Aargh! Went up $5 to $15 for lawn. Knew I should have bought my ticket yesterday!
See you all on the 18th!
We’re still tentative…gotta decide whether we’d need child care or if it would work for him to come along.
Probably might work. Grass is farther back, so it shouldn’t be too loud for him.
@MarkDaSpark That has little to do with it. More about whether he can rest/sleep during the show since his bedtime is not long after the music starts.
We are not able to attend, but we received a flyer in the mail for 20% off tickets in all sections when purchased on their web site: At checkout use code: POPS20. I hope all who are able to attend have a great time!
@ScottW58, @klezman,@MarkDaSpark, @funnywontons, @connorbush, @losthighwayz, @rjquillin, @javadrinker
We are really looking forward to this!
So here are some details to help us all meet up.
We are seeing the Pasadena Pops at the LA Arboretum on August 18th. Concert starts at 7:30pm, gates open at 5:30pm. We buy lawn seats which run around $20 but as others have pointed out there are discounts available at discount sites.
We will get there at 5:30 and set up base camp for a large group. We like to go to the far side of the large square pool under or near the large tree. We have a red Tommy Bahama umbrella. I’ll post a map and circle the area to help from my work computer later. It’ll be warm/hot for the 1st couple hours but then seem quite chilly once the sun goes down so dress light but bring a jacket.
5:30-7:30 is eating drinking and catching up with folks or meeting new folks.
7:30-9ish is the concert and it is classical so it is generally good form to not talk through the performance.
the lawn is picnic style so pack accordingly, including chairs and blanket. Bring a bottle or two to share with glasses and food to share. If you don’t want to bring food there is plenty of food at the venue. we will bring a small roll up short table to use for food and such.
Scott has already mentioned bringing tri-tip.
We will bring a dessert and some thing finger snacky to complement the tri-tip. I’m bringing a Rose and probably another white.
Please post what you are bringing to help with coordination.
PM your phone number to me(especially if you are new).
See you there!
Yes my favorite event of the year! Tri tip and maybe a fruit salad. Thinking a Pinot and maybe a nice cab to go with the meat. Don’t forget plenty of water.
@CorTot My wife and I will be coming, and possibly another couple friends (haven’t heard back from them but they expressed interest). We’ll probably bring some bubbly, maybe a Pinot as well. Foodwise we haven’t decided, so let us know if there’s anything we need. I’ll probably bring some of my home-made cheese to share.
@CorTot @ScottW58
Dueling fruit salads!
Because I’m going to bring macaroni salad and a fruit salad! Probably some cheese/italian meats too.
Probably a Frivolo, a red TBD, and a dessert wine(s). Have to bring more if Molarchae shows up!
Should I bring a TB umbrella as well?
@CorTot @MarkDaSpark
Cancel my fruit salad then just bringing beef!
@MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 We all know that Marks fruit salad isn’t going to make it…
Bad back.
feeling fluish.
act of god.
chakra not aligned with the universe.
The possibilities are endless…
@CorTot @ScottW58
You left off in jail for Murder …
@ScottW58, @klezman,@MarkDaSpark, @funnywontons, @losthighwayz, @rjquillin, @javadrinker
we have 2 additional couple coming that arent casemates folks.
So at the moment we stand at;
Scott +1
Funnywontons +1
Losthighwayz +1
Cortot +1
Jeff +1
Nick +1
Klez +1
Java +1
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58
Here is what I have down for food so far:
Scott: Tri- Tip
Mark: Macaroni Salad, Fruit Salad, Cheese/Italian Meats
FunnyWontons: Homemade Cheese
Jeff: Mexican Shrimp Cocktail
Cory: Italian Pasta Salad, Caramel Butter bars, Boysenberry Shortbread bar
Nick: Cheese and Crackers
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @SWMBOTott
All I can say is you are the best!
@CorTot @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
We’ll be bringing bruschetta too, and something else that has yet to be decided.
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott not sure what to bring at his point. Any suggestions?
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
@CorTot @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
So we decided we’ll be bringing a Cab Sauv, bubbly and a Rosé. Foodwise we’re bringing bruschetta, cheese n crackers, and cha soba (cold Japanese buckwheat noodles). What’s the total head count so we can be sure to bring enough?
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
plan food for 8-10.
It looks like everyone is bringing food. So there should be more than enough.
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @SWMBOTott
So i’m guessing we will be in the same general area as last year? Don’t think the boss will be attending because she is working so you will just have to put up with me my wine and food! Looking forward to it
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
OK, molarchae and I are in! No idea what we’ll bring, either food or wine.
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @SWMBOTott
Something good I hope
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
map to meet up spot.
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Using the tix I won’t be using due to family pressure to stay home since younger daughter, hubby and infant are in town from Detroit.
I guess I can declare a “Sparky” for this one.
Drink for me.
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Pulling a sparky is fine unless its sparky!
You’ll be missed, but family first!
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Looks like 16-18 people if everyone shows who confirmed. Should be fun.
Keep in mind it’ll be hot for the first 1-2 hours so bring a hat or umbrella. We have paper plates and utensils from various kids birthday parties that we will bring for everyone.
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @SWMBOTott
can’t wait!
Tri-tip is marinating, doing 3 this time sounds like more people than the usual 5 or 6
Of course, many thanks for the tix.
No idea what we’ll bring, but I may be going to Costco tomorrow, in which case I’ll pick up some group-worthy items of some sort or another! Very detailed, I know! At least it looks like no major category is left wanting.
@klezman @rjquillin I think there is plenty of food…maybe bring an extra bottle of vino?
@CorTot @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Can’t wait!
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Pulling bottles for tonight. Settled on '17 Tercero aberration and '14 campesino grenache steel plow vineyard
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @SWMBOTott
Also thinking of bringing a rose Champagne cause it will be hot.
Hmmm Campesino Grenache I like Campesino Grenache! I’m bringing a 14 Thomas pinot and for science a 14 Corison cab and if any of you whining wine snobs feel it’s too young to drink, please don’t I will take care of it
@CorTot @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Wife and I are wine noobs, so hopefully our bottles are acceptable hahaha. We’re bringing an Esoterica Cab Sauv, a Gruet Brut and a Fleur de Prairie Rose (I’d be lying if I said we didn’t buy this partially because of the pretty bottle, but online reviews seem promising?)
Sacrifices must be made!

For science!
Just sitting down to choose some bottles…
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Don’t forget to bring some water too! It’ll be in the 80s and forecasted for high 70s until 9pm, IIRC.
@klezman Okay for science is a lie I like drinking them young too
1999 Haubs-Barzen Zeltinger Himmelreich Riesling Kabinett
2010 Iron Horse Classic Brut
2014 Harvest Moon Pinot Noir
@ScottW58 Yup, I know! I also enjoy them young…but I enjoy them even more once they hit a dozen years old.
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @SWMBOTott
Not a problem unless you get stuck with a glass full of a klezman wine that smells and tastes like poop
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
I don’t see any yak wines on his list.
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
2 dessert wines, a sauv blanc, the Frivolo, a T-Vine Hallowed Ground, and a 2009 PS.
Okay, 3 dessert wines, since @molarchae will be there!!
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @molarchae @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
We definitely need 1 person to bring 6 bottles…
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
I can switch one to a super funky Loire wine if y’all want
@CorTot @funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @SWMBOTott
Heh that’s going to be a lonely bottle. But that’s a good way to get rid of the new folks
@funnywontons @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Only if scott insists!
@CorTot @javadrinker @klezman @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott
Wife and I are on the shuttle on over from the mall!
I’m trying to make room for when the Lodi/Amador wines show up!
@MarkDaSpark we didn’t help you much then.
My cousin is getting married that day. She is refusing to change the date. Sadly I will only be attending casemates on the green in spirit.
@connorbush Well that’s cheeky of her!!
@connorbush I am sorry we won’t get a chance to meet you! But maybe next year or the next socal meeting.
You have your own account now!! Sweet! Just be careful…now Scott can pester you directly for your desserts.
@klezman @SWMBOTott
Yes it’s good to see the real boss and not the impostor dessert maker in the house
@klezman @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott oh c’mon!
I said I made that cheesecake with a giant wink!
@Cortot I’m bringing the three Pinot Gris. Anyone else for exchanges?
@losthighwayz I have stuff for you but I am not hauling a bunch of stuff to the concert. We can have another meet up in the fall.
Probably not. As the Tot said, better at a gathering.
@MarkDaSpark but the last gathering you attended was in '15!
@CorTot you have wine for me?
@losthighwayz nothing we split. I’m storing some of your splits with RJ.
@losthighwayz au contraire, mon ami.
There was 44.5 that you missed, the 27 year Corison Cab Vertical (that you missed), and the Casemates Launch gathering (that you missed?), and the 2018 RPM Lodi/Amador Magical History Tour (that you missed).
Maybe it’s you I’m avoiding?
Or maybe I don’t want to spread germs or I prefer to have indoor plumbing.
Also the Unofficial Socal # roku: Buffalo in the House you missed. (2017)
We’re still trying to figure our crap out. @rjquillin, what are your plans?
Sauvignon Blanc and a red wine
It’ll be lost+3. Some of you have met my Principal colleague.
We will bring deli meats and rolls from our favorite deli in the 562 (Lascaris)
@losthighwayz nice!
Okay I have landed near the tree
Sorry to have missed yet another gathering. Have a wonderful time everyone!!!
Had a great time last night, glad to see all the old friends we’ve made over the years and also meet some new faces as well.
WOTN for me was the Thomas pinot that scott graced us with.
Yes great time seeing everyone and meeting new folks! Wines were all good and the food was fantastic! As always special thanks to swmbotot for the dessert
and of course Cory for putting together another great gathering.
What Scott said!
Kudos to fuzzywontons for making cheese and bringing it!
so sorry i missed this thread. next time…