We went to Japan in 2004 and beforehand I bought an audio learning system that would, I thought, help me find a restroom or get directions. I gave up when I encountered the multiple counting systems that change e.g., by the shape of the object being counted. Once there we had no trouble finding people who wanted to try out their English on us.
Domo arigato Mr. Roboto. Does that count as a hai? (And I have exhausted my vocabulary.)
/giphy poof

Lots of those lately.
@InFrom Ya think?
We went to Japan in 2004 and beforehand I bought an audio learning system that would, I thought, help me find a restroom or get directions. I gave up when I encountered the multiple counting systems that change e.g., by the shape of the object being counted. Once there we had no trouble finding people who wanted to try out their English on us.
Only what I learn from the bands.