Support the National MS Society
5Back on wine.woot, this would be (and is) in the Cyber Pub. Not sure what the best protocol is here, but seems a new thread is best.
I will be cycling to raise money for the National MS Society again this year. MS is a terrible and debilitating disease. And the MS Society supports those with MS and research to find a cure. And the research has been showing some promise.
Please consider a donation to this cycling Polar Bear and help make MS a thing of the past.
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@Polarbear22 Are you on meh at all, they are really big about causes too.
@Cerridwyn Thanks for the idea. I buy from meh, but have not posted. Still getting used to this structure. I was mainly thinking of trying to capture the folks from wine.woot that supported me, but I can always use new donors.
I know we spoke about this way back when, but I want to thank you for your continued dedication to this cause.
My mom was stricken by this horrid disease when she was in her early 30s, I was in middle school. Over the next 2.5 decades I watched it take over and ultimately my mom lost the battle.
I appreciate what you and others are doing to combat this disease.
@vaaccess I remember. And it is stories like yours about your experience and the impact MS had on your life, and your family, that motivates me to do what I can. Thanks.
In a previous lifetime (ghost!), I was a medical researcher, and some of my work concerned MS. I’ve always hoped that our little discoveries would be among the many that lead to a cure.
Hey - thanks for riding! I suffer from MS and this year is the first year I am going to ride in Minnesota (rather than donate). Thank you for putting this post up! Get those donations going!
After seeing numerous neurologists, I was given the diagnosis of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. I was given medication, which helped, but my condition was rapidly deteriorating. Ultimately, I learned about the useful MS-4 protocol at vinehealthcentre. com. This treatment has helped greatly with reducing my symptoms, it was even more effective than the prescription drugs I was using. My tremors mysteriously disappeared after the first month of medication, and I was able to walk better. Within 4 months on this treatment most of my symptoms has vanished. The MS-4 protocol is a total game changer for me. I’m surprised more people with MS don’t know it. This MS-4 protocol is a breakthrough
Just a heads up… this smells like spam.
@kawichris650 @rjquillin What, you suspect the bona fides of someone randomly resurrecting a 6 y.o. post?
@InFrom @kawichris650 I put in an inquiry hours ago asking if new/old user. No links, so not really spam, just a waste of ASCII for now.
The bot is promoting vinehealthcentre. com
(I’m guessing the space was added to the link in order to avoid any automatic spam filtering.)