I live in South Dakota, but get back to the Twin Cities (otherwise known as: civilization) about once a month, and have split with folks up there many times. Back in the woot days, SD was never a ship-to state.
I can do splits, but am trying to limit my buying these days - the inventory growth rate is too high. That said, I did buy the Kent Rassmussen case, and would be up for a split if anyone is interested.
Got the Rasmussen case myself…Hope more folks from wine.woot in the MSP area will make their way over here. Was never a part of that community, but am interested in wine (& deals).
Hello everyone - We’re here on the West side of the cities and am also a former wine.wooter. We love our wine, but were not very active in the wine.woot community. I’m definitely interested to see where this goes and from time to time I’d be interested in splitting cases. We focus mainly on reds. Cheers!
Present and accounted for! It’s good to see some familiar faces, err usernames.
Similar to coynedj, I have a SIWBM in effect to try to reduce inventory, but I look forward to splitting certain offers that will likely be just too good to pass up.
I’m located in the NW metro by the way. Oh and formerly “coolchris160” on Woot.
I’m on the south side of the cities, was a lurker in the wine.woot community, and also have an inventory problem. Our wine club volume is more than enough for us right now, but I’m still easily tempted by a good deal.
Also in MN - way up in Northwest part of state but get to cities a few times a year. Also trying to drink down inventory but may be interested in splits at times. Not normally active on forums, however. Cheers.
@Stumpy91 There have been Minnesota wine.woot gatherings in the past where some delicious beers were enjoyed as well. Hopefully we can continue to plan and have similar gatherings going forward with fellow “casemates.”
My rare/craft beer collection is getting a little out of hand. I could certainly separate with numerous bottles in order to shrink it down a bit.
Anyone interested in splitting a case of the current North by Northwest Riesling offer?
If so, please mention the number of bottles you’d like and what part of town you’re in. An added bonus would be if you happen to be VMP and get free shipping.
When it comes time to exchange names, numbers, etc, we can make use of the private message feature on woot since that isn’t available here quite yet.
I’m another residing in Minneapolis, former lurker at Wine.Woot. I don’t buy often, since I’m slow at drinking through what I have and low on space for storing, but I’ll check around here in the future for splits.
I’m in StPaul and just bought a case of NBNW Riesling; sadly not VMP so paid shipping; still a great deal; 6 bottles are avail for anyone who wants to buy in, otherwise we’ll enjoy all 12!
@bigroy0205 I don’t know how much kawichris is interested in, or whether he’s bought yet, but it seems there’s potential for a split. As I said above, I’d be in for 3 or 4 bottles, so maybe a 3-way split.
I’m a VMP and enjoy Pinot if a few people want to go in on it. Unfortunately / fortunately have a case of Esoterica by Kent Rasmussen Mixed Reds on the way as well, happy to split. This site’s only been around for a couple weeks and already can’t keep up.
Sounds like we’ve got enough folks for a split. Unfortunately, the case is sold out again. I’ll keep an eye out. Hopefully, they’ll add more inventory.
The winemaker hinted that there will be a Zinfandel offer in the near future, so that’s something to look forward to (for those who enjoy zin anyways.)
@deneed4spd I could take two bottles - pricey, I have lots of wine, but it does sound very nice. Not up for four bottles though - I’m trying to exercise self-control.
@kawichris650 I’m in. Can take a couple bottles. Happy to order to save on shipping. BTW, is there a good place to learn more about wine? Hoping this site also becomes a bit of an education.
@wojtek That’s great, thanks! I’d be alright with as little as 2 bottles, or as many as 6.
In regards to education about wine, there’s no lack of information available from this community. You could start a new topic and post whatever questions you may have. I’m sure it’d benefit many others who might also have the same questions.
Another option is to browse the forums on woot since they have become an archive of sorts for countless informative discussions about wine. I can try to dig some up and provide direct links to make it easier. Just let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to know.
@deneed4spd@kawichris650@PTommins@rong185 Hey, I’m working this weekend. But should be free Monday. What have you guys found is the best way to connect to distribute the wine?
In the past, I’ve met with people at their home, at my home, and even at work (their’s or mine.) Whatever was most convenient for the two parties.
The same could be done in this case, with each of us making individual arrangements to pick up our allotment of bottles from wojtek. That’s likely the simplest method.
Another option could be for one of us to pick up several bottles in order to make the split more convenient and efficient. For example: I could potentially pick up my 4 bottles, deneed4spd’s 2 bottles, and PTommins’ 2 bottles since I could meet them in Crystal or St. Louis Park and that’s closer for them both (if I recall correctly.)
And I believe rong185 is up in St. Cloud, so I think the difference is insignificant relative to the whole commute.
Oh, and we could exchange phone numbers here using the “whisper” function so it’s kept private.
@deneed4spd@kawichris650@PTommins@rong185 Hey there, I texted you guys individually. Fairly free tomorrow, but can probably arrange something later in the week as well. Whatever works best. Cheers! Wojtek
@dodohead I don’t need any more wine (a local store had a very nice sale, and I stocked up the other day). But if you’re in desperate straits, maybe I could help with a few bottles. I live in Sioux Falls these days but get to the Twin Cities every few weeks.
@wojtek No worries. I got distracted and ended up missing the offer myself lol. Maybe I’ll get in on a future PS offer (depending on the winery and price.)
I think this is my first post! Finally making my way over from wine.woot. Live in Roseville.
Not much of a poster or a buyer from here, but interested in the typical wine.woot legends–Scott Harvery, Noceto, Rasmussen, and Wellington, if that shows up.
Otherwise, most of my wine purchases are from wine clubs–Corison, Shafer, and Reininger (in WA). Impatiently waiting to get on the Rochioli and Sine Qua Non clubs.
Thanks to @pengu1n, I also have the start of a beer collection.
It would be great to get a new group together for some tastings!
Hi everyone! I purchased a case of the Gard offering this morning and would be willing to share up to six of the bottles if anyone is interested. I live in Plymouth but get around the Twin Cities for work pretty frequently. Let me know if you’re interested.
I’m in Omaha till late MON. Can anyone tell me how to use the whisper function? I would gladly provide you all my cell for texting if that will help close this deal. Also would LOVE some Twisted Oak. The Spaniard is a fantastic wine…anyone else interested? Guess we should complete the Harvey transaction first
Hi all! Up in the northwest side of the state, about an hour from East Grand Forks but I get to Fargo/Moorhead frequently. Don’t often get to MSP unfortunately.
I just bought a case of the King’s Estate Riesling. Happy to drink it all myself, but if [you] wanted 4 or 6 bottles, I’d split with you. I work right near the border of Mpls and St. Paul, should be easy to meet up.
@deneed4spd I posted on the offering thread as well - I could do a 3-way or even 4-way split. You folks who don’t want to spend so much money now have an opportunity to spend less!
Anyone interested in splitting the 2010 WineSmith Cabernet Franc? The case price per bottle is incredible. I’d be willing to keep as many as 6 bottles.
@kawichris650 Happy to order 2 cases & send it to your address Chris if you want to coordinate distribution. I have VMP & that way can save on shipping costs.
Wow! I should have known there’d be plenty of interest in this offer. Unfortunately (as I suspected) there is a limit of one case per account. Wojtek has ordered a case and those bottles have been spoken for.
The decision of who should order the next case and how to split it will have to be arranged amongst the five of you.
Hopefully at some point in the near future this process will become more streamlined for multiple splits amongst fellow Casemates. For now, it seems the best way to arrange splits is via text and/or using the “whisper” function.
@Belbembef@deneed4spd@dodohead@kawichris650@rong185 ok I bought a case; I’ll work whomever into my count; whisper me with your floor - ceiling # request and I’ll let you know how I can equitably split it up
Hello Twin Cities folk! I’ll be in town on the 19th for work, but my colleagues aren’t arriving until the following day. I’d love to meet up with some of you for dinner, or at least get some good suggestions. I’ll be downtown in all likelihood.
@coynedj Work is what’s taking me to MSP. Maybe a future trip will line up with the dates. We’re planning to have a longer term client or two there, so it’s not a crazy thought.
In conjunction with Jason Kallsen, Director of Twin Cities Wine Education, we are offering up to 20 seats at a vertical tasting of my most highly prized wines. I will be present (along with my wife RuthE) to discuss my philosophy and answer questions about the wines.
The wines we will pour, with a total retail value of $2,815, will be split among a minimum of 12 tasters for $200 per chair. These include:
These are amazingly well-preserved, Chablis-style wines of considerable minerality and all ~12.9% alcohol.
Four vintages of WineSmith Crucible, 100% Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
Vintages 1999, 2004, 2005 and 2007
These are made in the style of the 1re cru Pauillacs, the way we believe Napa Cab should be made and almost never is.
We will also compare two 2010 Cabernet Francs from Diamond Ridge Vineyards from the 2010 vintage: the WineSmith, which Clark made in a classic St. Emilion style, and the Two Jakes Roman Reserve, which was made in an ancient style, most notably without sulfites. We love these wines equally, but they are very different and make for a fascinating comparison.
We hope you will join us so we can reach our minimum of 12. We are confident we have sufficient interest, but if we do not reach our dozen, your enrollment fee will be promptly refunded. Please forward this email to friends and associates you think might be interested. This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
I will be happy to answer any questions about the event. My cell phone is 707-332-5552.
@winesmith My vote would be somewhere other than downtown. I think a good target area (accessible by many of the area highways) is around Oak Brook. Perhaps others might have more specific or other ideas.
I’m open to anything. It might be hosted in somebody’s home or maybe in a good restaurant where we could get a private room and follow up with a no-host meal together. I’ve been to Chicago lots of times, but i don’t really know the area very well.
@winesmith On second thought, I recall some in other areas (perhaps Milwaukee) who also expressed interest in your Chicago tasting, and they might not take as much notice to things posted in the Chicago thread. I would suggest starting a new thread on “The Winesmith Traveling Roadshow” to discuss your upcoming plans.
I ended up buying a case of the Luna Vineyards Sangiovese, and I’d be willing to do as split if anyone is interested. Like a lot of other people around here, I buy more than I need!
Everyone raves about the Flannery Kali burgers and I’d like to finally give them a try. However, the cheapest shipping option ($30) is cost prohibitive for such a small simple order.
So is anyone in the area interested in combining orders in order to save on shipping?
There’s a Thanksgiving sale right now so the following are all 20% off:
CA Reserve Tenderloin
Bone-in Pork Roasts
Burger Blends
I just saw this thread and wanted to say hi from the Mini-Apple! I’ve was a happy Wine Wooster since it started in 2007, but only started doing the casemates thing in the last year or two.
I’m from Minny!
Sweet! Let me know if you ever want to split a case.
I live in South Dakota, but get back to the Twin Cities (otherwise known as: civilization) about once a month, and have split with folks up there many times. Back in the woot days, SD was never a ship-to state.
I can do splits, but am trying to limit my buying these days - the inventory growth rate is too high. That said, I did buy the Kent Rassmussen case, and would be up for a split if anyone is interested.
@coynedj where at in SD? Im out of Sioux Falls but I also make it to MSP occasionally.
@apaullo Sioux Falls as well - that should make it easy if we ever split a case!
Got the Rasmussen case myself…Hope more folks from wine.woot in the MSP area will make their way over here. Was never a part of that community, but am interested in wine (& deals).
Hello everyone - We’re here on the West side of the cities and am also a former wine.wooter. We love our wine, but were not very active in the wine.woot community. I’m definitely interested to see where this goes and from time to time I’d be interested in splitting cases. We focus mainly on reds. Cheers!
Glad to see some MSPers on Casemates! We live in St. Paul; definitely interested in joining in a group case buy.
I’m still around. Good to see @coynedj is here too!
Present and accounted for! It’s good to see some familiar faces, err usernames.
Similar to coynedj, I have a SIWBM in effect to try to reduce inventory, but I look forward to splitting certain offers that will likely be just too good to pass up.
I’m located in the NW metro by the way. Oh and formerly “coolchris160” on Woot.
I’m on the south side of the cities, was a lurker in the wine.woot community, and also have an inventory problem. Our wine club volume is more than enough for us right now, but I’m still easily tempted by a good deal.
Also in MN - way up in Northwest part of state but get to cities a few times a year. Also trying to drink down inventory but may be interested in splits at times. Not normally active on forums, however. Cheers.
@little_loser I’m a little late to this “hi neighbors” thread but how far Northwest? TRF/Warren or further up?
Wine Woot to Casemates here in Minneapolis! Would love to be in on group buys. Cheers!
PTommins is a ChanMan. Western suburbs rule !!
Former Wooter, St. Cloud area but in metro a lot. Vino Noceto, Scott Harvey, Wellington fan clubs.
I’m just west of Minneapolis in Golden Valley. But I’m not really a wine drinker. Beer is my beverage of choice.
@Stumpy91 There have been Minnesota wine.woot gatherings in the past where some delicious beers were enjoyed as well. Hopefully we can continue to plan and have similar gatherings going forward with fellow “casemates.”
My rare/craft beer collection is getting a little out of hand. I could certainly separate with numerous bottles in order to shrink it down a bit.
@kawichris650 I’ll have to keep a look out for any such local gatherings. Thanks!
11 years on wine.woot, many more than that in MSP. I like reds and bubbly.
I am up north but make it down south a few time a year.
Plus one in the west burbs. Loved wine.woot, hoping for more of the same here!
Anyone interested in splitting a case of the current North by Northwest Riesling offer?
If so, please mention the number of bottles you’d like and what part of town you’re in. An added bonus would be if you happen to be VMP and get free shipping.
When it comes time to exchange names, numbers, etc, we can make use of the private message feature on woot since that isn’t available here quite yet.
@kawichris650 For $5 or $6 a bottle, I’d take 3 or 4. South Dakota is a no-go on shipping though, so a Minnesota wooter would have to place the order.
@coynedj If needed, I’ll put in an order.
But if anyone else is interested in this split and they get free shipping, that’d save an extra $12 if they placed the order.
I’m another residing in Minneapolis, former lurker at Wine.Woot. I don’t buy often, since I’m slow at drinking through what I have and low on space for storing, but I’ll check around here in the future for splits.
I’m in StPaul and just bought a case of NBNW Riesling; sadly not VMP so paid shipping; still a great deal; 6 bottles are avail for anyone who wants to buy in, otherwise we’ll enjoy all 12!
@bigroy0205 I don’t know how much kawichris is interested in, or whether he’s bought yet, but it seems there’s potential for a split. As I said above, I’d be in for 3 or 4 bottles, so maybe a 3-way split.
@coynedj You still have my phone number don’t you?
I’m about to place an order that we can split between you, myself, and a family member of mine. Does 4 bottles each sound good?
@kawichris650 4 bottles works for me. It looks like a great deal, but I don’t need much right now. Thanks for taking care of this.
@coynedj No problem
I’ll keep you updated and let you know when the shipment arrives.
/giphy coarse-bumpy-minotaur

Work in Minneapolis and live in the east side here. Have a case of the Tercero on the way if anyone wants to split.
I’m a VMP and enjoy Pinot if a few people want to go in on it. Unfortunately / fortunately have a case of Esoterica by Kent Rasmussen Mixed Reds on the way as well, happy to split. This site’s only been around for a couple weeks and already can’t keep up.
Anyone in for splitting the Kale cuvée? I would be in for 2-4 bottles from a case, am not VMP however.
@bigroy0205 I could go for 2 myself, so we’re somewhere in the neighborhood of halfway there.
@coynedj excellent! Let’s see who else is in … more wine!!
Btw, my North by Northwest Riesling case shipment arrives today if anyone wants to buy in yet.
Anyone interested in splitting a case of the current Pinot Noir?
@kawichris650 I’m in if we can find 1-2 more folks. I can order, too, have free shipping.
@dodohead @teawithbliss @coynedj @drewballa @AnninStPaul @rong185 @PTommins @Belbembef @kaelynn @bigroy0205 @ampeloquin22 @deneed4spd
A great Pinot Noir from Harvest Moon for less than $11 per bottle. @wojtek and I are wondering if anyone else is interested in splitting a case.
Earlier the case option sold out, but then more inventory was added. So hopefully we can arrange a split before it sells out entirely.
@ampeloquin22 @AnninStPaul @Belbembef @bigroy0205 @coynedj @dodohead @drewballa @kaelynn @kawichris650 @PTommins @rong185 @teawithbliss @wojtek I’m in west suburbs of Minneapolis. If close by I’m willing to split
@deneed4spd I’m in the west metro as well, so I’m sure it’d be easy to meet up for an exchange.
I’m in west suburbs of Minneapolis . If you guys are close by I’m willing to split
I live in SW Minneapolis and am willing to purchase 2-3 bottles. West metro isn’t too bad for me unless you’re talking Medina and beyond.
I’m in St Paul and in for 3, or whatever
Btw - west suburbs is a world away …
Sounds like we’ve got enough folks for a split. Unfortunately, the case is sold out again. I’ll keep an eye out. Hopefully, they’ll add more inventory.
Just saw the thread, I’m in if any left!
Ditto. Sorry for the slow response. My notifications somehow were shut off
@wojtek Bummer
but oh well.
The winemaker hinted that there will be a Zinfandel offer in the near future, so that’s something to look forward to (for those who enjoy zin anyways.)
Anyone want to do a 3 way split on the current Syrah? I’m in west Minneapolis suburb.
@deneed4spd I could take two bottles - pricey, I have lots of wine, but it does sound very nice. Not up for four bottles though - I’m trying to exercise self-control.
@coynedj @deneed4spd I would also be in on 2-3 bottles of the Syrah.
@kawichris650, @wojtek, @bigroy0205 split current Syrah? I live in Medina but work in St. Paul.
@deneed4spd Looks delish, but a little out of my price range.
@ampeloquin22 @AnninStPaul @Belbembef @bigroy0205 @coynedj @deneed4spd @dodohead @drewballa @kaelynn @PTommins @rong185 @teawithbliss @wojtek
It’s the first Scott Harvey offer here on Casemates!
Anyone interested in a split?
@kawichris650 What Scott Harvey is this? I’m not seeing this on CaseMates. I’d be interested in taking 2-3 bottles if it’s a cab.
@kawichris650 I’m in. Can take a couple bottles. Happy to order to save on shipping. BTW, is there a good place to learn more about wine? Hoping this site also becomes a bit of an education.
@wojtek That’s great, thanks! I’d be alright with as little as 2 bottles, or as many as 6.
In regards to education about wine, there’s no lack of information available from this community. You could start a new topic and post whatever questions you may have. I’m sure it’d benefit many others who might also have the same questions.
Another option is to browse the forums on woot since they have become an archive of sorts for countless informative discussions about wine. I can try to dig some up and provide direct links to make it easier. Just let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to know.
@kawichris650 I’ll be up for two bottles.
I’d be in for two! Live in St. Cloud but in metro a lot. Two capable sons in mpls to connect also.
I live in Chan and work in Golden Valley. I would also take a couple bottles if available.
It looks like there is a lot of demand for the Scott Harvey zin. I’ll pass to let others in.
@PTommins @rong185 @wojtek
@deneed4pd, I don’t think you have to miss out on this.
You each said you’d like 2 bottles, and I’m fine with taking 4 bottles. So that would complete our case. ☺
Sound good to everyone?
@kawichris650 @PTommins @rong185 @deneed4spd Ordered! Will let you guys know when it arrives.
Much appreciated
@deneed4spd @kawichris650 @PTommins @rong185 The Scott Harvey is arriving this Friday!
@kawichris650 @PTommins @rong185 @wojtek I’ll be around on Monday if u want to meet up during the day on the west side of cities
@deneed4spd @kawichris650 @rong185 @wojtek
Monday works for me too. I’ll bring cash $$$
@deneed4spd @kawichris650 @PTommins @wojtek I’m home, don’t know how to connect for wine! Need to message for text or whatever thanks
@deneed4spd @kawichris650 @PTommins @rong185 Hey, I’m working this weekend. But should be free Monday. What have you guys found is the best way to connect to distribute the wine?
@deneed4spd @PTommins @rong185 @wojtek
I’ve met with fellow Wooters individually before, but this is my first 5-way split.
In the past, I’ve met with people at their home, at my home, and even at work (their’s or mine.) Whatever was most convenient for the two parties.
The same could be done in this case, with each of us making individual arrangements to pick up our allotment of bottles from wojtek. That’s likely the simplest method.
Another option could be for one of us to pick up several bottles in order to make the split more convenient and efficient. For example: I could potentially pick up my 4 bottles, deneed4spd’s 2 bottles, and PTommins’ 2 bottles since I could meet them in Crystal or St. Louis Park and that’s closer for them both (if I recall correctly.)
And I believe rong185 is up in St. Cloud, so I think the difference is insignificant relative to the whole commute.
Oh, and we could exchange phone numbers here using the “whisper” function so it’s kept private.
Thoughts everyone?
@deneed4spd @kawichris650 @PTommins @rong185 Hey there, I texted you guys individually. Fairly free tomorrow, but can probably arrange something later in the week as well. Whatever works best. Cheers! Wojtek
Much thanks. Will return the favor…
@wojtek - thanks for ordering!
Works for me. Thanks for ordering.
So late to the party on this one. I ordered another case if anyone here needs additional.
@dodohead I don’t need any more wine (a local store had a very nice sale, and I stocked up the other day). But if you’re in desperate straits, maybe I could help with a few bottles. I live in Sioux Falls these days but get to the Twin Cities every few weeks.
@coynedj thanks. I am happy with the case but sounded like a lot of interest. Just putting it out if people did want a few extra.
@dodohead Fine with me - enjoy the case (I certainly know that I’ve enjoyed Scott’s zins before). Like I said, I don’t really NEED any more.
Checking in from Rochester area. Noceto big nut member and like @kawichris650 I have a large beer collection also.
Anyone interested in splitting the current Petite Sirah offer?
@wojtek Want to split this half & half? Sounds like a decent PS for a great price.
@kawichris650 I could take a couple bottles, but probably no more than that. Running out of place to store it. Not drinking it fast enough.
@wojtek I’m in the same boat, but my experience with PS is limited (as is my inventory.) How about a 9 and 3 split?
@wojtek If you can place an order I’ll keep 9 or 10 of them. At least PS ages well haha.
If you don’t manage to order in time, I might just place an order for 4 before the offer changes tonight.
@kawichris650 Sorry, working nights this week and didn’t notice your message in time.
@wojtek No worries. I got distracted and ended up missing the offer myself lol. Maybe I’ll get in on a future PS offer (depending on the winery and price.)
I’ll pass on this one. Thanks. I’m bathing in my Winter purchases that are all starting to deliver now
Anyone interested in a split of the bell mixed? Would be in for three for sure maybe 6.
If you take 3 and I take 6 (or vice versa) perhaps @wojtek would want the final 3 bottles?
@dodohead @kawichris650 Sold out.
@kawichris650 @wojtek
I am sad but the wallet is happy.
@dodohead @wojtek Same here.
I think this is my first post! Finally making my way over from wine.woot. Live in Roseville.
Not much of a poster or a buyer from here, but interested in the typical wine.woot legends–Scott Harvery, Noceto, Rasmussen, and Wellington, if that shows up.
Otherwise, most of my wine purchases are from wine clubs–Corison, Shafer, and Reininger (in WA). Impatiently waiting to get on the Rochioli and Sine Qua Non clubs.
Thanks to @pengu1n, I also have the start of a beer collection.
It would be great to get a new group together for some tastings!
@otolith I’m still holding on to that bottle of 2005 Iron Horse Cab Franc - just sayin’.
@otolith Agreed! It’s been quite a while since we last had a MN gathering.
@coynedj Hmmm, you’ve got my attention.
@coynedj I do recall.
@otolith I’d be interested in a gathering. My wife and I live in Plymouth but will travel for and bring good wine!
@ampeloquin22 @coynedj
I’ll talk with SWMBO, and see what we come up with.
Hi everyone! I purchased a case of the Gard offering this morning and would be willing to share up to six of the bottles if anyone is interested. I live in Plymouth but get around the Twin Cities for work pretty frequently. Let me know if you’re interested.
Wondering if Harvey ever came in? Heading to Canada for a few a week, no internet or phone.
@rong185 The Scott Harvey is arriving this Friday!
I’m back from Canada, I sent a message Wednesday wondering how to connect. Thanks
I’m in Omaha till late MON. Can anyone tell me how to use the whisper function? I would gladly provide you all my cell for texting if that will help close this deal. Also would LOVE some Twisted Oak. The Spaniard is a fantastic wine…anyone else interested? Guess we should complete the Harvey transaction first
I saw your whisper. I’m glad you figured it out.
Hi all! Up in the northwest side of the state, about an hour from East Grand Forks but I get to Fargo/Moorhead frequently. Don’t often get to MSP unfortunately.
I am in the Forks area. Welcome to the casemates forum.
Welcome. You think the 3+ feet of ice on Lake of the Woods will melt before the fishing opener in May
I just bought a case of the King’s Estate Riesling. Happy to drink it all myself, but if [you] wanted 4 or 6 bottles, I’d split with you. I work right near the border of Mpls and St. Paul, should be easy to meet up.
@rong185 I’ll send you a note and coordinate. Thanks!
I’d be happy with 4 or 6 if anybody else wants in.
@rong185 Is that in regards to the current Gruet offer?
Anyone up up for the archer Pinot? @wojtek
@deneed4spd It’s a little bit out of my price range. Trying hard not to dispose of all my disposable income.
Ditto @wojtek, but thanks for offering to split @deneed4spd !
@deneed4spd I posted on the offering thread as well - I could do a 3-way or even 4-way split. You folks who don’t want to spend so much money now have an opportunity to spend less!
No room right now. Need to create some space. JUN grad party should do the trick !
@ampeloquin22 @AnninStPaul @Belbembef @bigroy0205 @coynedj @deneed4spd @dodohead @drewballa @kaelynn @PTommins @rong185 @teawithbliss @wojtek
Anyone interested in splitting the 2010 WineSmith Cabernet Franc? The case price per bottle is incredible. I’d be willing to keep as many as 6 bottles.
@kawichris650 I would be willing to take 2 or 3 bottles.
@Belbembef @kawichris650 I’m in for 3
@kawichris650 Maybe split two cases - I’d join the fun. No shipping to South Dakota, of course…
@coynedj @kawichris650 I can be in for 3 bottles. I’m located in Plymouth
@kawichris650 i would also take up to 6… Two cases?
@kawichris650 Happy to order 2 cases & send it to your address Chris if you want to coordinate distribution. I have VMP & that way can save on shipping costs.
@wojtek Alright great! Much appreciated
However, are you sure you can order 2 cases?
@kawichris650 @wojtek I can meet u in St. Paul at your work to grab my 3 bottles
@deneed4spd @Belbembef @bigroy0205 @dodohead @rong185
Wow! I should have known there’d be plenty of interest in this offer. Unfortunately (as I suspected) there is a limit of one case per account. Wojtek has ordered a case and those bottles have been spoken for.
The decision of who should order the next case and how to split it will have to be arranged amongst the five of you.
Hopefully at some point in the near future this process will become more streamlined for multiple splits amongst fellow Casemates. For now, it seems the best way to arrange splits is via text and/or using the “whisper” function.
@Belbembef @deneed4spd @dodohead @kawichris650 @rong185 ok I bought a case; I’ll work whomever into my count; whisper me with your floor - ceiling # request and I’ll let you know how I can equitably split it up
Late to the show but I’d take 4-6!
I bought a case of the Twisted Oak Spaniard. If anyone wants a few bottles, let me know and we can do a split.
Whatever you can spare…I would take up to 6.
@PTommins 6 and 6 works for me - it was what I was hoping for originally. I’ll let you know when I pick them up.
Hello Twin Cities folk! I’ll be in town on the 19th for work, but my colleagues aren’t arriving until the following day. I’d love to meet up with some of you for dinner, or at least get some good suggestions. I’ll be downtown in all likelihood.
@klezman Wish I could be in town to see you again, but I’m still stuck in South Dakota. Work is such a drag.
@coynedj Work is what’s taking me to MSP. Maybe a future trip will line up with the dates. We’re planning to have a longer term client or two there, so it’s not a crazy thought.
Big News, folks.
To our Minnesota WineSmith enthusiasts community,
In conjunction with Jason Kallsen, Director of Twin Cities Wine Education, we are offering up to 20 seats at a vertical tasting of my most highly prized wines. I will be present (along with my wife RuthE) to discuss my philosophy and answer questions about the wines.
The wines we will pour, with a total retail value of $2,815, will be split among a minimum of 12 tasters for $200 per chair. These include:
Six vintages of WineSmith Faux Chablis, 100% Napa Valley Chardonnay, Student Vineyard
These are amazingly well-preserved, Chablis-style wines of considerable minerality and all ~12.9% alcohol.
Four vintages of WineSmith Crucible, 100% Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
These are made in the style of the 1re cru Pauillacs, the way we believe Napa Cab should be made and almost never is.
We will also compare two 2010 Cabernet Francs from Diamond Ridge Vineyards from the 2010 vintage: the WineSmith, which Clark made in a classic St. Emilion style, and the Two Jakes Roman Reserve, which was made in an ancient style, most notably without sulfites. We love these wines equally, but they are very different and make for a fascinating comparison.
The event will be held at North Loop Wine & Spirits from 1:00 to 3:00 PM October 28th.
For additional information, see our event description page.
To register, click here.
We hope you will join us so we can reach our minimum of 12. We are confident we have sufficient interest, but if we do not reach our dozen, your enrollment fee will be promptly refunded. Please forward this email to friends and associates you think might be interested. This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
I will be happy to answer any questions about the event. My cell phone is 707-332-5552.
The WineSmith Team
@winesmith Still planning on coming to Chicago? Please say “Yes”!
Absolutely. We’re on a roll. NYC as well. Haven’t scheduled Chicago yet. Can you help suggest a venue? Let’s do this thing.
@winesmith My vote would be somewhere other than downtown. I think a good target area (accessible by many of the area highways) is around Oak Brook. Perhaps others might have more specific or other ideas.
I’m open to anything. It might be hosted in somebody’s home or maybe in a good restaurant where we could get a private room and follow up with a no-host meal together. I’ve been to Chicago lots of times, but i don’t really know the area very well.
@winesmith It might be a good idea to post this in the Chicago thread, as it will probably get more attention from the “local” community.
@winesmith On second thought, I recall some in other areas (perhaps Milwaukee) who also expressed interest in your Chicago tasting, and they might not take as much notice to things posted in the Chicago thread. I would suggest starting a new thread on “The Winesmith Traveling Roadshow” to discuss your upcoming plans.
I ended up buying a case of the Luna Vineyards Sangiovese, and I’d be willing to do as split if anyone is interested. Like a lot of other people around here, I buy more than I need!
Just to rub it it! Currently in Italy. Tuscany, Piedmont, Verona and now Lake Como. Boxes will be stacked at my front door after 3 weeks here!
Anyone interested in splitting the current Pedroncelli offer?
Sorry full up already stocked for the holidays!
Anyone interested in splitting a case of the Meeker Syrah vertical?
Be safe, all.
Are any Twin Cities casemates interested in splitting the current barbera offer? It sounds like a great wine for the price.
Thanks for the offer. Will have to pass as I now have a third of my wine fridge filled with craft beer
Is anyone interested in splitting the current Stillman Brown offer?
Everyone raves about the Flannery Kali burgers and I’d like to finally give them a try. However, the cheapest shipping option ($30) is cost prohibitive for such a small simple order.
So is anyone in the area interested in combining orders in order to save on shipping?
There’s a Thanksgiving sale right now so the following are all 20% off:
CA Reserve Tenderloin
Bone-in Pork Roasts
Burger Blends
I just saw this thread and wanted to say hi from the Mini-Apple! I’ve was a happy Wine Wooster since it started in 2007, but only started doing the casemates thing in the last year or two.