The Twisted Mystery 4-bottle box will contain 2 random selections from our current releases, and 2 random selections from older vintages - between 2008 and 2013.
The Twisted Mystery case box will contain 4 random selections from our current releases, and 8 random selections from older vintages - between 2008 and 2013.
Have no fear, these Twisted Mystery Boxes are 100% red wine!
The current vintages may include old favorites like the *%#&@! Mourvedre Syrah Grenache blend, Petite Sirah, Ol’ Chumbucket blend (don’t ask), Torcido Garnacha, and we’ll even kick in some River of Skulls Mourvedre just for fun.
The older vintages might include single vineyard Tempranillos, uncommon varietals like Carignane, and interesting blends like Murgatroyd and Parcel 17. 45 different wines/vintages have been selected to make for some really interesting variety!
About The Winery
Winery: Twisted Oak Winery
Owners: Jeff and Mary Stai
Year Founded: 2004
Winery Location: Murphys, CA
We’re often asked what the background of Twisted Oak is, to which we invariably reply, “The Sierra Nevada, of course!” If we are pressed further, we are forced to admit that Twisted Oak Winery is the culmination of a delusion, er, vision by Jeff and Mary Stai. The vision was of a terroir based winery making superior, hand crafted, yummy wines, and then having more Twisted fun than anyone in the industry selling them.
Jeff and Mary found 120 acres just outside Murphys in the Sierra Foothills at nearly 2000 feet elevation. It is there that they planted 10 acres of vineyards in Tempranillo, Grenache, Graciano, and Garnacha to take advantage of the continental Mediterranean soil types and climate. It is on top of this property, with an amazing view of the Sierras, where the state-of-the-art, no-pumpover, four-level gravity flow winery was built. When completed in 2004 it included open tank, stainless steel fermenters along with our own 300-foot barrel cave. This is all under the watchful eye of a 350 year old California Blue Oak tree that not only is our namesake, but also adorns every Twisted Oak bottle.
Available States
How much more are you saving by buying a full case?
(Note: Tax & Shipping not included in savings calculations)
Twisted Oak Winery Mystery Offer - $35 = 15.54%
This offer had me look at the lone Spaniard bottle hanging in the fridge, then it had me look at the 10 day weather forecast… Almost got me, heh, maybe next month.
@TimW unfortunately here in the Vegas desert there are only 2 seasons. Hot and cold. I got excited to see 103 the other week. How long have I been in this desert for?! Gulp! Cheers!
Hmm, ok… I must have missed it in my own text file and in the Case Savings thread because both added up to 99. Will have to figure out which one I missed - thanks!
@jml326 Last I looked Casemates was using FedEx? Find a FedEx store or affiliate and you should be good to go. (We use UPS and that has worked for us - just never ever send UPS to FedEx or vice versa…)
@jml326@Zortapa@kls_in_MD I just ordered a case, that I can’t really afford. I’m in Manassas. If any of you gents or a Nova buddy wants 4 or 6, I’ll share.
Some of us have a special place in our hearts for Twisted Oak - the wine, the place, the people. An auto-buy for me. I’d love to see some of T.O.‘s whites, too, just sayin’.
@eljefetwisted@klezman You sayin’ you got room for it, without po-ing your better half?
You know I have your address…
When do I open that '05 Vio or '06 %@#$! ?
Looks like there is even some '03 *%#&@! and Grenache too, waiting…
thoughts on the reds…
The only debate was whether I should get 2 cases.
I have never had a TO that wasn’t amazing.
I have a friend who came over to drink so much of my Cockamamie that I made her order her own case to leave at my house.
@An_Onion@mb1973 I can’t say we are old world. I can say we are dry - no RS! - but not jaw puckering tannic. These are aged wines so a lot of that will have mellowed anyway. What we do do is tend towards is somewhat lower alcohols - our current releases include several 13.x% reds - and a lighter hand with the oak. But the fruit is quite present.
@eljefetwisted Based off the comments here, decided to pull the trigger on a case. With all the rain we’ve gotten in the last month, we could use some of your goats as well, but I think the shipping on those would be cost prohibitive.
I would consider a split, but who chooses, or how, is a question. According to an online calculator there are almost 29 billion possible combinations, without replacement. Will each bottle in case be unique, or is it possible there will be doubles, triples, etc? I would propose going about it like picking teams: The person who orders goes first, then the casemate, and back and forth. Does not work as well if there are more than 2 people sharing. . .
@davirom But seriously I am going to try and send enough variety and ask Casemates to try and not pack any dupes. If we all do our math right it should happen.
@eljefetwisted@JOATMON Our rubber chicken has outfits these days. And has been to multiple countries Maybe there should have been a chicken in this offer?
@NYPete But if you love the winery and all (or nearly all) the wines, then why hate on the mystery/random selection? If you only like half of what they make, then I get it.
Didn’t even take the time to read all the forum posts before ordering a case. I love the “strange” varietals and blends, and I like to try (and fail) to pronounce “Mourvèdre”
Well, I was debating yesterday on whether to splurge or not, but then the mystery got me. I did thoroughly enjoy the Spaniard that I purchased last go around.
I almost forgot to order! In for a case. How could I not get in on the 100th offer?!! And it’s El Jefe! A chance to get more Murgatroyd and Parcel 17…actually all the older vintages are wonderful. Thanks El Jefe and WD
Yeah, 2x 2015 and 3x 2014. The list is at home.
Having said that, the selection was excellent even with the absence of my two favourite wines (Parcel 17 and Murgatroyd) from Ron’s and my shared randomness.
So my 4-pack arrived today and I’m very happy
2014 Torcido
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2013 Ol’ Chumbucket
2009 River of Skulls
/giphy ignorant-defiant-porcupine
First Casemates purchase, woo! Case came yesterday, missed first delivery on Tuesday.
2015 River of Skulls
2014 Torcido
2014 Syrah
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2013 Ol’ Chumbucket
2011 Syrah Tanner Vineyard
2011 Tempranillo
2011 *%#&@!
2009 Murgatroyd
2015 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
2011 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
2008 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
I received my case:
2009 Tempranillo
2013 & 2014 Ol Chumbucket
2009 & (2x) 2010 %#&@! (my only duplicate and totally ok with it)
2009, 2011, & 2015 Petite Sirah
2011 & 2014 Torcido
2009 Murgatroid
I am giving them a few days to settle down, but I will enjoy them all!
Finally had a chance to pick up my case.
2015 River of Skulls
2014 Ol Chumbucket
2014 Torcido x2
2014 Syrah - Calavers
2010 *%#&@!
2009 Syrah Viognier
2009 Syrah - Cockamamie
2009 Petite Sirah
2009 Torcido
2009 Tempranillo - Sheep Creek
Nice mix, thanks Eljefe & WD
@LSeewoester Living in WNY mine shows still processing for a week or so once the label is printed and it’s loaded on a refrigerated truck. The day it reaches a Fedex hub and comes off that first truck I get a shipping notice, in my case it then arrives the next morning.
If you paste your order number in the “Track by Refrence” section of the fedex website you’ll find out when the label was printed and what the proposed delivery date might be, it’s usually a close estimate.
@catcoland@LSeewoester Ah, I did not know that you could sorta track with that. Woe! I just went to my FedEx page (I managed to get through the horrific sign-up process, which I suggest all of you power through because it’s worth it.), and there’s my TO order (along with my Broken Earth order). Ship date of a week ago, but status of Pending. So, I’m guessing my box is on the Casemates refrigerator truck in Missouri or something. Go driver go! But safely!
@LSeewoester@PatrickKarcher Once you’ve signed up online the phone app is pretty handy too. You need the desktop site to search by reference but once you locate the label via the order number and add the shipment to Fedex Delivery Manager (I like to nickname the shipment) it appears on your list in the phone app and gives you a slider to turn on delivery notifications.
@LSeewoester We didn’t forget about you. This hasn’t shipped yet. You can find the estimated delivery date on the specifications and on your order confirmation.
Finally a chance to post what I received:
2008 Syrah Viognier
2009 Tempranillo
2010 Carignane
2011 %#&@!
2014 Ole Chumbucket
2015 River of skulls
2012 Torcido
2014 Torcido
2009 Syrah
2014 Syrah
2010 Petite Syrah
2015 Petite Syrah
sadly no Murgatroyd or Parcel 17 … but I am NOT complaining… I am very happy with what I received
@mommadeb I thought there was a guarantee of 4 of the same one (although I don’t remember if it was Spaniard or what)?? Did I remember that incorrectly?
Blockquote The Twisted Mystery 4-bottle box will contain 2 random selections from our current releases, and 2 random selections from older vintages - between 2008 and 2013. The Twisted Mystery case box will contain 4 random selections from our current releases, and 8 random selections from older vintages - between 2008 and 2013.
Sadly, no Rarezitas Torcidos, River of Skulls, or Parcel 17, but no duplicates, some blends and straight varietals. Very pleased. Thanks El Jefe and WD.
@KNmeh7 I guess only thing off that I’ve noticed is me and a couple others got 5 bottles of 2014/2015 versus the 4 that was guaranteed. I guess they sent all the aged ones to @rc70 (Nice haul.)
@mb1973 Ours was a nearly exact match to mb’s only with the 2007 River of Skulls. Nice selection- we’ll be looking forward to trying them all (not all at once)
@mb1973 That’s exactly the mix that I received. I was happy to see the Petite Sirahs, since that’s a favorite of mine. All of these are new to me (I’ve only had the Spaniard from TO), so it should be fun tasting them. Looking at the TO website (with the aid of the wayback machine), it looks like the River of Skulls is the most expensive of the lot, followed by the Ol’ Chumbucket and the Torcido, so it looks like we got pretty good value.
Here’s what showed up on my doorstep this morning:
2009 *%#&!
2009 Ol’ Chumbucket
2009 River of Skulls
2009 Syrah Viognier x2
2009 Torcido
2010 Syrah
2012 Syrah Viognier
2014 Syrah
2014 Torcido (w/ no neck wrapper ?)
2015 Petite Sirah x2
Was hoping for no duplicates, but at least I know I like petite sirah. Should I be worried about the one with no neck wrap? Should I drink it sooner? Looking forward to drinking them all!
@An_Onion We stopped putting foils on the bottles. They really don’t add any value and only create more waste. Instead you get a nice oak tree stamp on the cork
Yay! I finally got my case. Thank you Casemates and everyone who helped me clear all that up.
On to my next question… Does anyone have any input on the “dumb” phase of Twisted Oak’s PS or PS in general? Wondering if I should go ahead and pop them open or let them lay for a while. I’m currently sitting on the '08 and '11.
Vintage and Winemaker Notes
The Twisted Mystery 4-bottle box will contain 2 random selections from our current releases, and 2 random selections from older vintages - between 2008 and 2013.
The Twisted Mystery case box will contain 4 random selections from our current releases, and 8 random selections from older vintages - between 2008 and 2013.
Have no fear, these Twisted Mystery Boxes are 100% red wine!
The current vintages may include old favorites like the *%#&@! Mourvedre Syrah Grenache blend, Petite Sirah, Ol’ Chumbucket blend (don’t ask), Torcido Garnacha, and we’ll even kick in some River of Skulls Mourvedre just for fun.
The older vintages might include single vineyard Tempranillos, uncommon varietals like Carignane, and interesting blends like Murgatroyd and Parcel 17. 45 different wines/vintages have been selected to make for some really interesting variety!
About The Winery
Winery: Twisted Oak Winery
Owners: Jeff and Mary Stai
Year Founded: 2004
Winery Location: Murphys, CA
We’re often asked what the background of Twisted Oak is, to which we invariably reply, “The Sierra Nevada, of course!” If we are pressed further, we are forced to admit that Twisted Oak Winery is the culmination of a delusion, er, vision by Jeff and Mary Stai. The vision was of a terroir based winery making superior, hand crafted, yummy wines, and then having more Twisted fun than anyone in the industry selling them.
Jeff and Mary found 120 acres just outside Murphys in the Sierra Foothills at nearly 2000 feet elevation. It is there that they planted 10 acres of vineyards in Tempranillo, Grenache, Graciano, and Garnacha to take advantage of the continental Mediterranean soil types and climate. It is on top of this property, with an amazing view of the Sierras, where the state-of-the-art, no-pumpover, four-level gravity flow winery was built. When completed in 2004 it included open tank, stainless steel fermenters along with our own 300-foot barrel cave. This is all under the watchful eye of a 350 year old California Blue Oak tree that not only is our namesake, but also adorns every Twisted Oak bottle.
Available States
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Sep 24 - Tuesday, Sep 25
Twisted Oak Winery Mystery Offer
4 bottles for $74.99 $18.75/bottle + $2/bottle shipping
Case of 12 for $189.99 $15.83/bottle + $1/bottle shipping
Uh, oh!
No Georgia. Alas. If anyone in Charlotte wants to split some let me know and I can pick it up next time I’m up there for work.
/giphy oily-onerous-gnome

@Foobarski Clean-burning propane!

/giphy hank hill clean burning propane
How much more are you saving by buying a full case?
(Note: Tax & Shipping not included in savings calculations)
Twisted Oak Winery Mystery Offer - $35 = 15.54%
This offer had me look at the lone Spaniard bottle hanging in the fridge, then it had me look at the 10 day weather forecast… Almost got me, heh, maybe next month.
@TechnoViking 2.5 weeks til it ships, though…
@TimW unfortunately here in the Vegas desert there are only 2 seasons. Hot and cold. I got excited to see 103 the other week. How long have I been in this desert for?! Gulp! Cheers!
Did I miss one? I have this as offer #99.
@chipgreen Counting the Deals threads, I got 100
@chipgreen @ThomasF Must have, I too count100.
You were, perhaps, either up way late, or too early?
@rjquillin @ThomasF
Hmm, ok… I must have missed it in my own text file and in the Case Savings thread because both added up to 99. Will have to figure out which one I missed - thanks!
@rjquillin @ThomasF
Found it, I was missing 2016 Il Donato Italian Pinot Grigio.
Soooo tempting. Hmmm
Still no MD, or PA. Sad
@jml326 If we can find a receiver in VA, we could make it work. I’d be up for a 50-50 case split.
@jml326 Last I looked Casemates was using FedEx? Find a FedEx store or affiliate and you should be good to go. (We use UPS and that has worked for us - just never ever send UPS to FedEx or vice versa…)
@kls_in_MD idk, the issue with this is how to split depending on what is shipped.
@jml326 Agree. I ordered a case of the Spaniard recently, but it is still sitting at my mother’s house in MN!
@jml326 @Zortapa @kls_in_MD I just ordered a case, that I can’t really afford. I’m in Manassas. If any of you gents or a Nova buddy wants 4 or 6, I’ll share.
@PatrickKarcher Sorry but I only do deals with people from Assawoman Bay ( honestly I wanted a case but I never make it to you.)
I really don’t need more wine in the house, but couldn’t resist…
/giphy adorable-blessed-druid

/giphy excitedly-cold-throne

/giphy dandy-courteous-shark

Some of us have a special place in our hearts for Twisted Oak - the wine, the place, the people. An auto-buy for me. I’d love to see some of T.O.‘s whites, too, just sayin’.
@XsanityX Guess I should talk to David about a white deal. Varieties like Viognier especially age well.
@eljefetwisted @XsanityX They do! We had a bottle of 2006 %@#$! last month that was delicious! Still have a bottle of 2005 Vio to have another night.
@eljefetwisted Love you Viognier! So aromatic and flavorful.
Got excited, then I remembered no Georgia
@nostrom0 Sorry about Georgia…
@eljefetwisted Hi Boss, Any way to get this selection in MD, perhaps direct?
@kls_in_MD We just don’t have a current license there I’m afraid. Can you find a FedEx location in say VA that would work…?
Anybody want to split a case in half? I like the new/old distribution better there…
@rjquillin ?
@klezman I want to see the arm wrestling or roshambo for deciding who gets what
@eljefetwisted Me too!
@eljefetwisted @klezman You sayin’ you got room for it, without po-ing your better half?
You know I have your address…
When do I open that '05 Vio or '06 %@#$! ?
Looks like there is even some '03 *%#&@! and Grenache too, waiting…
@eljefetwisted @klezman
and tonight, 2010 Twisted Oak Carignane ftw
@eljefetwisted @klezman @rjquillin I guess I was too slow, I’ll ping Kyle.
@klezman @rjquillin Carignane definitely good with cake
@eljefetwisted @klezman red ‘blue’ meat cake?
@CorTot @eljefetwisted @klezman @rjquillin How’d that go? (the Kyle ping)
@merrybill I decided I’m not buying after a quick financial review. I ended up not even asking him.
Can anyone familiar with Twisted Oak Winery give some thoughts on their reds? Debating whether to pick up a case.
@mb1973 I can try to help but I’m not impartial… You can get a sense of what we do on our website of course.
And any questions I can answer, fire away.
@mb1973 Had my first TO Spaniard from the earlier offer. My notes included “crazy good” fwiw
@eljefetwisted @mb1973 I pretty much just like old world style, really dry reds. Will I end up sinking these?
thoughts on the reds…
The only debate was whether I should get 2 cases.
I have never had a TO that wasn’t amazing.
I have a friend who came over to drink so much of my Cockamamie that I made her order her own case to leave at my house.
@An_Onion @mb1973 I can’t say we are old world. I can say we are dry - no RS! - but not jaw puckering tannic. These are aged wines so a lot of that will have mellowed anyway. What we do do is tend towards is somewhat lower alcohols - our current releases include several 13.x% reds - and a lighter hand with the oak. But the fruit is quite present.
@eljefetwisted @mb1973 Sounds pretty good. Too bad there’s not a half case option though. 4 bottles is an odd number.
@eljefetwisted Based off the comments here, decided to pull the trigger on a case. With all the rain we’ve gotten in the last month, we could use some of your goats as well, but I think the shipping on those would be cost prohibitive.
I would consider a split, but who chooses, or how, is a question. According to an online calculator there are almost 29 billion possible combinations, without replacement. Will each bottle in case be unique, or is it possible there will be doubles, triples, etc? I would propose going about it like picking teams: The person who orders goes first, then the casemate, and back and forth. Does not work as well if there are more than 2 people sharing. . .
@davirom Mud wrestling for it would be fun…
@davirom But seriously I am going to try and send enough variety and ask Casemates to try and not pack any dupes. If we all do our math right it should happen.
@davirom @eljefetwisted
Mud wrestling would also be in line with the stated vision/mission of TO to have more Twisted fun than anyone else!
Oh snap! That was probably the quickest I’ve gone straight to the buy button. Love twisted oak!
/giphy broad-soaked-beef

Heck yes!! TO is a fav around here. Drink it with? A rubber chicken, duh. While dressed in pirate garb. Double duh.
/giphy obliging-worried-raspberry

@Ebis @eljefetwisted I still have the rubber chicken from a much earlier offer.
@Ebis @JOATMON I would hope so, they are very durable!
@eljefetwisted @JOATMON Our rubber chicken has outfits these days. And has been to multiple countries
Maybe there should have been a chicken in this offer?
@eljefetwisted any Pig Stai in there by chance?
@Ebis This time around we’ve just done a straight up red deal, no plans for the Pig this time. I should do a winery sale on it sometime soon…
@eljefetwisted Oh, do keep us posted! molarchae, as you know, loves the Pig Stai!
Yes pllleeaassee
/giphy vindictive-rested-boot

Love Twisted Oak. Excited about all reds and the fact the boss, er, eljefe sent enough of a variety to casemates this should be quite interesting.
Dangit… Just when I thought I was out…
/image pull-me-back-in

/giphy enamored-witty-attraction

/giphy lying-mean-word

/giphy puny-jovial-yeti

/giphy noticeable-tailored-bison

/giphy exponential-reverent-pencil

Love the winery … dislike mysteries.
Stay Well El Jefe!
@NYPete But if you love the winery and all (or nearly all) the wines, then why hate on the mystery/random selection? If you only like half of what they make, then I get it.
@NYPete You too my friend

/giphy underrated-appropriate-tea
@dbarrym LOL appropriate considering this is Bob Hoover and I’m an aspiring aerobatic driver…!
/giphy rabid-animated-pegasus

/giphy rabid-animated-pegasus

@kasandrae oh my, cute. I was searching for a wine and…surprise! I’m not sure I knew you back then, lol. Has it been that long?!
@ttboy23 time flies, but I think this was before we traded.
This deal broke my very long SIWBM and this is my first casemates purchase. Thank you WD and El Jefe! I’m in for a case.
/giphy watery-magnificent-country

@nathanbsmith Magnificent! Thanks!
/giphy foaming-agonizing-month

Dwight Yoakum (I think?) followed by Frida and Diego home movies? The crazy world of random giphys.
Didn’t even take the time to read all the forum posts before ordering a case. I love the “strange” varietals and blends, and I like to try (and fail) to pronounce “Mourvèdre”
/giphy miniature-laughable-jackal

Well, I was debating yesterday on whether to splurge or not, but then the mystery got me. I did thoroughly enjoy the Spaniard that I purchased last go around.
/giphy wheezy-poignant-hour

/giphy conventional-quaint-chive

I love a mystery- and this one should be especially mysterious with the wide variety of possibilities-- we’re in!

/giphy sedentary-jubilant-death
@benguin986 I scrolled past this and “Stop in the Name of Love” was playing on the TV - perfect!
/giphy depraved-hurt-farm

/giphy numerous-sly-rib

/giphy flat-feeble-iguana

/giphy downy-ambidextrous-feather

I almost forgot to order! In for a case. How could I not get in on the 100th offer?!! And it’s El Jefe! A chance to get more Murgatroyd and Parcel 17…actually all the older vintages are wonderful. Thanks El Jefe and WD
@mommadeb Our pleasure!
Dangit…in a different time zone this week, came to order last minute, but it’s gone.
Really liked the Spaniard, so had decided to grab a case. 
@TimW email me.
@eljefetwisted Done! Check your email (and maybe junk mail).
Noooooo! Foiled by taking a vacation with no internet access. Someone think of me while opening one of these wonderful bottles!!!
/giphy venerable-fertile-muffin

I have been amused/confused all year about the odd “order numbers”
and just today realized why all the giphy comments.
Sometimes I’m not too bright.
I suppose I should have posted that I got a case!
/giphy sliced-blessed-skunk

/giphy underrated-appropriate-tea
My case arrived today. Very happy with a nice random selection of Twisted wines. All reds and no duplicates.
River of Skulls 2009
River of Skulls 2015
Ol’ Chumbucket 2014
Torcido 2012
Petite Sirah 2008
Petite Sirah 2015
Tempranillo 2011
Murgatroyd 2011
Syrah 2010
Syrah 2014
Syrah Viognier 2009
Tempranillo Zilch 2009
I know I’ll enjoy all 12, thanks for a great offer.
/giphy vivid-teachable-burst

@jplamb Nice set!
@CorTot @jplamb Pretty sure I received the same combination…bottle shock be damned, enjoying the 2014 Syrah as I type.
Looks like we got 5x current vintage and 7x library! Oy!
@klezman Similar to those posted?
@klezman oh…?
Yeah, 2x 2015 and 3x 2014. The list is at home.
Having said that, the selection was excellent even with the absence of my two favourite wines (Parcel 17 and Murgatroyd) from Ron’s and my shared randomness.
@klezman well darn, I’m sorry about that, but I’m glad you like the selection
@eljefetwisted The hard part will be divvying it up with Ron.
@eljefetwisted @klezman doubtful.
there will be gems for both of us.
I still remember those mixed Christmas cases from years back, what, 2012 I think.
What a score those were!
@eljefetwisted @rjquillin
Yeah, those xmas cases were excellent! Here’s what came in this one:
2015 Petite Sirah
2015 River of Skulls
2014 Torcido
2014 Syrah (Calaveras appellation)
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2012 Torcido
2011 @#$@!
2010 Petite Sirah
2010 Carignane
2009 Syrah (Cockamamie)
2009 Tempranillo (Calaveras appellation)
2008 Syrah-Viognier
So my 4-pack arrived today and I’m very happy

2014 Torcido
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2013 Ol’ Chumbucket
2009 River of Skulls
/giphy ignorant-defiant-porcupine
@merrybill I got the same in my 4-pack.
Received our case yesterday:
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2014 Syrah
2014 Grenache Torcido
2011 Grenache Torcido
2015 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
2011 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
2010 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
2009 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
2012 Syrah - Viognier
2009 *%#&@!
2009 Murgatroyd
2009 Tempranillo Sheep Shack Vineyard
We’re very happy and looking forward to trying them all, particularly the verticals!
First Casemates purchase, woo! Case came yesterday, missed first delivery on Tuesday.
2015 River of Skulls
2014 Torcido
2014 Syrah
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2013 Ol’ Chumbucket
2011 Syrah Tanner Vineyard
2011 Tempranillo
2011 *%#&@!
2009 Murgatroyd
2015 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
2011 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
2008 Petite Sirah Calaveras County
I received my case:
2009 Tempranillo
2013 & 2014 Ol Chumbucket
2009 & (2x) 2010 %#&@! (my only duplicate and totally ok with it)
2009, 2011, & 2015 Petite Sirah
2011 & 2014 Torcido
2009 Murgatroid
I am giving them a few days to settle down, but I will enjoy them all!
Finally had a chance to pick up my case.
2015 River of Skulls
2014 Ol Chumbucket
2014 Torcido x2
2014 Syrah - Calavers
2010 *%#&@!
2009 Syrah Viognier
2009 Syrah - Cockamamie
2009 Petite Sirah
2009 Torcido
2009 Tempranillo - Sheep Creek
Nice mix, thanks Eljefe & WD
What gives!?!?! I ordered a case and it’s still listed as “processing.” Anyone here have any wisdom for me on if/when this is coming in?
@LSeewoester Living in WNY mine shows still processing for a week or so once the label is printed and it’s loaded on a refrigerated truck. The day it reaches a Fedex hub and comes off that first truck I get a shipping notice, in my case it then arrives the next morning.
If you paste your order number in the “Track by Refrence” section of the fedex website you’ll find out when the label was printed and what the proposed delivery date might be, it’s usually a close estimate.
@catcoland @LSeewoester Ah, I did not know that you could sorta track with that. Woe! I just went to my FedEx page (I managed to get through the horrific sign-up process, which I suggest all of you power through because it’s worth it.), and there’s my TO order (along with my Broken Earth order). Ship date of a week ago, but status of Pending. So, I’m guessing my box is on the Casemates refrigerator truck in Missouri or something. Go driver go! But safely!
@LSeewoester @PatrickKarcher Once you’ve signed up online the phone app is pretty handy too. You need the desktop site to search by reference but once you locate the label via the order number and add the shipment to Fedex Delivery Manager (I like to nickname the shipment) it appears on your list in the phone app and gives you a slider to turn on delivery notifications.
Estimated Delivery
FedEx Ground: Monday, September 24th - Wednesday, September 26th
Thanks, but I don’t have an order number except the Casemates generated gliphy. I have no tracking number, just the status that says it’s processing.
Heard back from the team. Apparently, they forgot about me.
@LSeewoester Hope they sort it out for you! In case you ever need to know in the future, that three-word phrase is your order number.
It doesn’t turn into a gif until someone makes it so.

/giphy three word phrase
@LSeewoester We didn’t forget about you. This hasn’t shipped yet. You can find the estimated delivery date on the specifications and on your order confirmation.
@Thumperchick Thanks for clarifying!
Finally a chance to post what I received:
2008 Syrah Viognier
2009 Tempranillo
2010 Carignane
2011 %#&@!
2014 Ole Chumbucket
2015 River of skulls
2012 Torcido
2014 Torcido
2009 Syrah
2014 Syrah
2010 Petite Syrah
2015 Petite Syrah
sadly no Murgatroyd or Parcel 17 … but I am NOT complaining… I am very happy with what I received
@mommadeb I thought there was a guarantee of 4 of the same one (although I don’t remember if it was Spaniard or what)?? Did I remember that incorrectly?
@jml326 Doh…I totally missed that. Thanks!

/image slowly back away
My case came today.
Sadly, no Rarezitas Torcidos, River of Skulls, or Parcel 17, but no duplicates, some blends and straight varietals. Very pleased. Thanks El Jefe and WD.
@KNmeh7 I guess only thing off that I’ve noticed is me and a couple others got 5 bottles of 2014/2015 versus the 4 that was guaranteed. I guess they sent all the aged ones to @rc70 (Nice haul.)
Here’s what I received:
Hoping to try one or two this weekend.
@mb1973 Ours was a nearly exact match to mb’s only with the 2007 River of Skulls. Nice selection- we’ll be looking forward to trying them all (not all at once)
@mb1973 That’s exactly the mix that I received. I was happy to see the Petite Sirahs, since that’s a favorite of mine. All of these are new to me (I’ve only had the Spaniard from TO), so it should be fun tasting them. Looking at the TO website (with the aid of the wayback machine), it looks like the River of Skulls is the most expensive of the lot, followed by the Ol’ Chumbucket and the Torcido, so it looks like we got pretty good value.
Here’s what showed up on my doorstep this morning:
Was hoping for no duplicates, but at least I know I like petite sirah. Should I be worried about the one with no neck wrap? Should I drink it sooner? Looking forward to drinking them all!
@An_Onion We stopped putting foils on the bottles. They really don’t add any value and only create more waste. Instead you get a nice oak tree stamp on the cork
@eljefetwisted that’s actually awesome. I wish more people would eliminate unnecessary packaging.
@An_Onion I received the same exact random order. Guess I can’t complain… Guess I didn’t get the luck the paper mentioned.
My booty!
2009 River of Skulls
2009 Syrah Viognier X2
2012 Syrah Voignier
2015 Petite Sirah X2
2009 *%#&@!
2009 Torcido
2010 Syrah
2009 Ol’ Chumbucket
2014 Torcido
2014 Syrah
Got a couple of dupes, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Mine arrived this afternoon:
2008 Syrah Viognier
2009 Tempranillo Zilch
2009 Syrah
2011 Syrah Tanner Vineyard
2014 Syrah
2011 *%#&@!
2012 Torcido
2014 Torcido
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2009 Petite Sirah
2010 Petite Sirah
2015 Petite Sirah
No duplicates, excited to try these! Thanks for the great offer!
Same exact order as @An_Onion guess I can’t complain about the duplicates…
2009 *%#&!
2009 Ol’ Chumbucket
2009 River of Skulls
2009 Syrah Viognier x2
2009 Torcido
2010 Syrah
2012 Syrah Viognier
2014 Syrah
2014 Torcido (w/ no neck wrapper ?)
2015 Petite Sirah x2
My 4-pack arrived today, interesting selection!
2009 Petite Sirah
2011 Torcido Garnacha
2014 Syrah
2015 River of Skulls
@manichawk I got this same 4 pack. Very happy with it
@manichawk my 4 pack was the same. Happy with the mix.
@manichawk Also the same – shipped a week ago but I picked it up from FedEx today
Ours arrived this afternoon - no dupes, very interesting selection, excited to try all the varieties (and glad we like Petite Sirahs)!
2008 Petite Sirah
2009 Tempranillo “Zilch”
2010 Carignane
2010 Petite Sirah
2011 Murgatroyd
2011 Petite Sirah
2011 Tempranillo
2011 Torcido
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2014 Syrah
2014 Torcido
2015 Petite Sirah
A bit Petite Sirah & Syrah heavy, but Twisted Oak is always great- I got some bottles that I’m excited to try for the first time:
2008 Syrah Viognier
2009 Petite Sirah
2009 Syrah “Cockamamie”
2009 Tempranillo “Zilch”
2010 Petite Sirah
2011 *%#&@!
2011 Syrah-Tanner Vineyard
2012 Torcido
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2014 Syrah
2014 Torcido
2015 Petite Sirah
This has now got to be the longest active running thread for a past offer.
Now, we just are going to need TN’s from the the mates as they consume the various bottles as they’ve received.
Kinda sad I only split a case now, but those six are goodies I’m told.
Yay! I finally got my case. Thank you Casemates and everyone who helped me clear all that up.
On to my next question… Does anyone have any input on the “dumb” phase of Twisted Oak’s PS or PS in general? Wondering if I should go ahead and pop them open or let them lay for a while. I’m currently sitting on the '08 and '11.
@LSeewoester @Winedavid49
Here are Kent Rasmussen’s thoughts on that question.
@chipgreen @LSeewoester @Winedavid49
Son of a. … Gourmet forums are no more! Wah!
This question always fascinated me.
Finally got a chance to get to my wine locker and open my booty!
2008 Petite Sirah
2015 Petite Sirah
2009 Tempranillo “Zilch”
2011 Tempranillo
2009 River of Skulls
2015 River of Skulls
2011 Murgatroyd
2012 Torcido
2014 Ol’ Chumbucket
2010 Syrah
2014 Syrah
2009 Syrah/Viognier
Woo hoo!
Wow. So disappointed I missed this. We’ve always loved Twisted Oak.