We have committed to the Costco advent case of 375’s. The plan is to reveal the wine in the morning and, if possible, plan dinner around it. If not possible, we’ll drink it that night anyway. Not expecting much for about $4/bottle, but hoping to be surprised occasionally.
It was a lot of fun. We all have our niches and favorites so it was great to be able to bring those and taste the ones that we probably wouldn’t think to add to our collections.
Friend who is very much into Riesling. It’s most of his collection. He’s the one who has been introducing me to Germany and now I’m hooked. That Keller was fantastic!
There were several bottles that were added after my initial pics. Marcassin, Morgan Long, Pichon Lalande, Chave Hermitage Blanc, and a few others. It was very hard to not keep sipping all night. Lots of water flowing. We believe one of the Chateauneuf was unfortunately corked. The Orion had an incredible nose. Very tasty but you wanted to sniff all night. A few still seemed young, even at 25 years. Lots of fun and great discussions around history, geography, terroir. It wasn’t all geeky. Great time was had by all. Now the larger tasting group resumes regular programming until next Dec.
As promised… 2011 Notre Vin Cabernet cuvée l’etrier. Dinosaur bone ribeye will have to wait until tomorrow. Will have to make do with some Sartori Bellavitano scotch whisky cheese.
Two hour decant. No sediment to be found. Dark garnet with no bricking…good color. Smells like cherry and currant with cigar box and a hint of mint thrown in. More currants on the palate with nice, juicy acidity. Medium to long finish, 30-45 sec. No green pepper, pyrazine notes to speak of.
This is seriously good juice with good fruit and plenty of room to run. It’s a bargain at $30. I’m a fan and plan to order a second set.
2 minutes each side in cast iron brought it to medium rare/medium which is nice to render the massive amount of fat. Melts in your mouth, you better love far tho
Correct well marbled fat, don’t get me wrong I love fat but in steak form a bit too much. Maybe sliced thin and a bit of dashe poured over for a soup with veggies would be better. Fun to try though
@rjquillin Quite good and in a nice teenage phase. You have two of these - we shared the auction lot. I think you took them home with you when you were up here a couple months ago.
The Miniere F&R is a new grower for me. 4 g/l dosage, 16-17 base. Quite lovely. The Ravines was tasty. As the petroleum blew off, a floral note came through the nose.
I have only had this and the NV Blanc de Blancs Caudalies. This was great, orange/tangerine bread and nice acidity and last glass was the best. Loved the Blanc de Blancs too. Need to get some more.
@klezman can’t make up my mind yet.
Second shot at it, decent. Yeah, not much help.
Still have some of the other bottling open I plan on a side by side tomorrow.
@chefjess I really liked it. Both it and a 45 day New York were quite tasty. Swmbo doesn’t really care for age, but had no complaints with the NY. Texture on both was a bit more frim than I’d like, but likely due to how I cooked them. Sous Vide 53C and 6 hours before the grill. Both nice and pink/red throughout. Guess I’m just used to the really tender hangars, but I would have either of these again in a moment, no questions asked.
Still have a Father Time 130 day waiting for the proper moment.
Drinking this tonight with some leftover chili, I’m with @hscottk on this, bright red fruits good acidity and just flat out balanced. Maybe the best 11 Napa cab I have had? Still young imo with lots of room to grow, glad I got 6!
@klezman@rjquillin I am holding WineSmith grenache for both of you as well as @sekraan (who I think is a SD person). I would appreciate an opportunity to deliver it.
Have a commitment this Saturday but maybe sometime during the week or next unless all you working stiffs can’t handle that
@davirom@rjquillin@ScottW58@Sekraan Weeknights are easy to do at my place. Actually, most nights are. But we’re talking about Ron coming up, that’s going to be on his schedule. @davirom If you guys are doing indoor beverage enjoyment we can get together any time. (Turns out the Bedrock wasn’t available for us last month nor have I shipped the Wine Spies stuff with your Virage, but the latter can be sorted quickly if I know you’re coming.)
@klezman@rjquillin@ScottW58@Sekraan With the surge we are still outdoors only. We aren’t trying to insert ourselves, but we also don’t want to miss an opportunity to get their wine to the San Diego folks.
I stood it up a couple of days ago, so the worst of debris should have settled by now. I’m anticipating the crumbly-cork battle I usually have with older Wellingtons. Any comments re: decanting pro or con, how soon to open it, etc?
Love the looks of those older labels.
We did an older bottle 3+L? on one of the tour farewell dinners, ‘16?, at Brad’s house and it was pretty much pnp and was fine. Could a decant have improved it? Dunno.
@klezman Really good, just got it a little while back myself. Lighter in style, bright. Right up my alley on a zin. With another batch of rib tips. Started to tighten up after a few hours but it’s good to go. My first zin from them (not sure I’ve been offered before) and this was my only bottle
I rarely venture back to “my table” in the back of the restaurant anymore. I’ve decided that even this tragic introvert needs the social interaction at the bar on Friday evenings. Who knew???
I don’t foresee a trip to SoCal anytime soon…though there might be a trip to Sonoma sometime in CY 2023, that’s just a tad further north!
@CorTot I stored away a few bottles of the TJ Vintage Ale (the ones bottled by Unibroue) for a number of years. Since I stopped drinking beer/ale (due to diet-controlled type 2 diabetes) they’ve sat for a few more years. A while ago some friends were staying for the night and I offered him one, and he later asked for another. The next day he mentioned the effect (not realizing at the time that he had consumed the equivalent alcohol of 1 liter of wine). Also, I think my father may have graduated from Alhambra High (back in the 1930s).
@rjquillin@ScottW58 winner winner…“some kind” of Osso Bucco is correct…don’t think I ever make it the same way twice. Twined them just to try to keep them together but never have done bacon wrapped…brilliant and will do that next go 'round.
Fantastic! Since you never do it the same twice I gotta know what kind of sauce/liquid that is? The whole thing made my mouth water oh and bacon good call!
@rjquillin@ScottW58 sauce…nothing crazy…season and brown the shanks cast iron dutch oven or vessel of choice in olive oil or oil of choice, remove shanks. Same pan gets a little more oil and small/medium dice onion/celery/white carrot for a few minutes, then garlic. Add one large 1/2 ripe tomato large dice and a cup of white wine, deglaze for a minute. Salt/pepper to taste. Shanks back to pan, then enough homemade chicken stock up 2/3 or so of the shanks. Bouquet garni fresh thyme/bay leaf. Cover, cook 2 hours 325, 1 hour 300, checking occasionally if more stock needed. Add some gremolata to pot for last 20 minutes or so. My gremolata was arugula, garlic, lemon and orange zest. (sorry for the long explanation but it’s the process that makes the sauce…ha!)
Made some chicken chili verde, drank the last of the WS while cooking very nice and young. Have not had a sin for a while and it really paired well with the meal!
Salt brine overnight rinse dry confi in duck or chicken fat @ 250 3 hours let cool crisp up skin and heat through. Melts off the bone. I bagged and froze a bunch of them
Last night molarchae and I actually got a babysitter and went out to Hollywood for the first time in ages. Brought two bottles to the restaurant and then ended up trying a Riesling pet nat and an Italian orange wine made from 100% Verdeca - another one for the century club.
Catching up on a few over the last week.
Tasting group impromptu afternoon. The ‘71 was oxidized. Buffalo was off the truck and way too young. My bubbles were fantastic. Others were varying degrees of delicious.
Lovely with a burger
Catching up with old friends. Light pasta and cheese
It was the 2012. I also have several 2013s, but haven’t opened any yet. I really love that 2012 so I just keep opening those and haven’t veered. We should do a zoom tasting in the near future and pop the 2013.
You guys are killin’’ it… We did however have a green chile pork thing inspired by a few posts above… cooked in what I should say a slow cooker but in fact is a vintage Crock-Pot. Wine was day 1 2018 Bedrock OV Zinfandel, day 2 2019 Monsalto Chianti La Commenda from De Négoce and day 3 2018 Walter Scott cuvée Anne Chardonnay. Cheers!!
honors in mathematics graduation celebrations last week & end assortment
NV Bollinger Champagne 3L (brought, but not opened)
2009 Louis Latour Mâcon-Villages
NV Gruet Winery Rose Sauvage
2019 Acquiesce Grenache Rosé Lodi
2008 Ardente Estate Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Select Reserve
2010 Astrale e Terra Arcturus
1996 Faustino Rioja I Gran Reserva [sherried older sister birth year bottle]
2012 I Giusti & Zanza Dulcamara Toscana IGT
2018 Iron Horse Vineyards Pinot Noir Winery Block
2016 Kendric Vineyards Pinot Noir
2001 Il Marroneto Brunello di Montalcino Madonna delle Grazie
2020 Scott Harvey Barbera Mountain Selection
2018 Scott Harvey Zinfandel Mountain Selection
2013 Woot Cellars Revelry
2000 York Creek Vineyards Meritage [birth year bottle]
[edit to add a forgotten bottle, how could I ?!]
NV Wellington Vineyards Old Vines Port
@hscottk for me and mother of the graduate, the Grazie, but the YC Meritage (pulled by request) and Arcturus and both got high marks as well. Mother, daughter and a third female friend killed the Gruet in a late night/early morning females only hot tub adventure.
Just a couple more bottles, and of course a Bouchard baby Jesus cause it’s Christmas made a rib roast no pics because to much going on. But I will say using black garlic as a binder for the rub is killer!
For Christmas Eve, we had our usual Iron Horse sparkler and 2007 Buena Vista Ramal Vineyards Pinot Noir.
The Pinot more than justified rpm’s 2008 and 2010 magical history tour pronouncements on this wine that it was at least equivalent to a premier cru Burgundy. The wine still has lots of fruit, but is maturing very nicely; it just gets better every time I have a bottle. Lovely Pinot nose with lots of underlying notes. It has at least 5 years, maybe another decade before it peaks.
Last night we shifted plans last minute and had pappardelle with homemade ragú. But we’d already planned on bubbly. Oh well…bubbly goes with everything, right?
NV Gustave Goussard Champagne Brut Prestige
1989 De Loach Gewürztraminer Late Harvest
The LH was a random grab from WineBid (thanks Ron!) and was coffee brown like that old Riesling that Scott Harvey opened up in his basement in St. Helena for us all those years ago. This wine, however, wasn’t nearly as sweet but it was in equally good shape.
@ScottW58 Kind of crazy but I didn’t even see you had posted your bottle, great minds and all that right? Or maybe we both just need all of the help we can get?? Tasty indeed, one left out of a three pack and that’ll be a few years down the road.
@ScottW58 Agree. It’s a area that produces great bordeau blends, but it’s a little under the radar. Also hard to find reasonably priced ones. This one didn’t disappoint.
@jmdavidson1@rjquillin@ScottW58 yeah there’s some good stuff but it’s hard to know the style since it varies so widely. Garagiste has some good ones from time to time. I love a super Tuscan that’s restrained and built for age.
After 5 more hours in the office than planned today, shoveled a path to the grill and am enjoying an always delicious Virage with a Flannery hanger that was almost roast like in size. My software support help anger is put aside. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
@karenhynes@kawichris650@rjquillin very well done! I was much better at variety guessing at Scott Harvey than at Wellington.
I can’t imagine opening so many Wellingtons at one time!
@kawichris650@rjquillin Nicely done. “Guess the varietal” is always a fun game. Being familiar with these wines and the winemaker helps, but still a challenge.
@kawichris650 yeah this was tasty!
I have another I’ll probably open next year, with the 1/2 case of Wellington coming I’ll need to up my port game a bit
2009 Copa Del Rey
There’s a blast from the past. I think it’s from the old site.
A cheap Chilean Cabernet.
Very good! Little to no bricking, fruit was subdued, smooth. I’d say it has improved over the years.
A testament to North Country basements.
@FritzCat I bought that several times to share with my work mates, back in the day. They really dug it. I remember it as being pretty fruit-forward and a little hot. Looks like the years have been kind to it.
2012 Two Jakes Cabernet Sauvignon with (charcoal, the only way to go) grilled NY strip. Taking advantage of the 70 degree respite here in central Missouri.
This bad boy was sunning today and I thought about having gator bites for dinner (as opposed to being the gator bite dinner) but settled for grilled chicken thighs…
@kaolis@Mark_L@rjquillin The gator is impressive. How was the wine? I think I still have a few of those stashed to see how they age. As I recall they were good to go as fruit forward RRV Pinot.
@hscottk You pretty much nailed the wine. Hasn’t changed much. Still tasty. No hurry to get at the ones you stashed. I blew through most of a case from the original offer as well and did a reload a few weeks ago cheaper than round one.
Lol yeah that is the chicken thighs and cabbage dish, it is a 5 quart Saucier pan. The wine was so f’ng good I had already drank half the bottle by the time the dish was cooked according to Garagiste they were $86.70 per. That was my 4th mystery wine from them and the only one that was worth a crap…they owed me
@kaolis@ScottW58 Yeah, the mystery wines are hit and miss. But they’re generally good values, at least the ones I’ve bitten on. While many (most?) don’t live up to the mystery hype I don’t need them to. I’ve never bought into the expensive mysteries unless I have a clue of what I’m getting.
Yeah the one’s I bought were just terrible one of them I still consider the worst wine I ever drank. The first 3 were in the $13 to $20 range so I thought I would try an expensive one, glad it worked out but I work hard for my money and I know what I like so mystery wines are no more for me. YMMV
@kaolis@ScottW58 Totally fair. The worst I’ve had from the mystery wines are cellar savers that I can open for friends who don’t appreciate a Wellington or better. I know the mystery wine thing is controversial for some - no need for additional controversy!
And i thought you stopped working for your money!
I thought I had had this before but can find no notes on it. A pretty Rhone style syrah, meat juice, dried cranberry, mint, maybe some pyrazines. Night one I didn’t particularly enjoy it but it has come together some more on night two.
Last night, in another example of “wine is more hardy than you think”, had a bottle of 2001 Riesling last night that had a leaky cork. The wine was pristine.
Just wanted to wish you all a happy new year, may the new year bring everyone prosperity, happiness and good health. I wanted to share something that really only this community would understand. Tonight I opened a bottle of the 2002 Ardente cabernet that was offered on the old site when I was a younger man in a completely different life stage. I believe it still stands up as one of the best deals that we’ve been presented with over the years and hopefully many of you purchased it.
Anyway, 21 years past vintage the wine is still remarkable. It pours a deep, inky garnet color, nearly purple and opaque. The nose is that of an aged cab, leather & tobacco. We didn’t bother decanting, just poured into the glass and enjoyed. I expected raisin but instead I got a wonderful flavor of dark stone fruit with tannin still in tact and surprising strong for a wine this well aged. The finish was long and lingered mid palate for much longer than expected. Of course there was a substantial amount of sediment but that’s not something to complain about. It held up perfectly and complimented our meal of filet, mash and Brussel sprouts. If by chance you have any of this in your cellar it won’t get better than it is right now. It will likely last for a few more years but now is the time.
Beyond the flavor of this time capsule wine, I hope you can reminisce about when you purchased this and are completely at peace with where you stand now. The saying goes, waste it when you’re trying to save it, save it and it ends up wasted. Life is shorter every day and though patience is rewarded at times sacrificing today for tomorrow might not always be the wisest approach.
Happy new year everyone, I hope 2023 is incredible for everyone!
@ScottW58 looks like a great night for the two of you!
(I almost proposed you guys could come over tonight but figured you had plans. Fire in the fireplace is an excellent plan.)
Decided to go big tonight. I’ve wanted to try one of these for ages! Having this with our last Flannery extra aged steaks from the Berserker Day offer a few years ago. 56 and 77 day aged.
Then we’re having a 2011 Pilitterri Riesling icewine for dessert.
Happy New Year everyone!
For those curious…
Smoked salmon, lox, salmon roe caviar, sturgeon caviar, castelvettano olives, dark chocolate covered cranberries, calabrese salame, Italian dry salmame, Le Delice de Bourgogne triple cream brie, Roquefort, and toasted baguette with olive oil and fresh rosemary.
@kawichris650 by “smoked salmon” do you mean hot smoked, then?
What’d you think of the TJ’s platinum bubbly? We tried a bottle this week and decided we liked the regular Brut Rose better - lower dosage in the regular and this was too sweet for us.
@kawichris650@klezman I had a bottle about a week ago. I don’t have much experience with rosé bubbly, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.
It came across as a nice wine, with a variety of flavors in balance, altering as a sip went on. It didn’t come across as sweet to me, maybe I missed it.
My goal was to decide if I should go back to TJ’s to buy more before they sold out. It was an easy decision not to - not that it wasn’t a good wine, but it was certainly not something that I loved.
We have committed to the Costco advent case of 375’s. The plan is to reveal the wine in the morning and, if possible, plan dinner around it. If not possible, we’ll drink it that night anyway. Not expecting much for about $4/bottle, but hoping to be surprised occasionally.
@davirom Reverse Wine Snob just posted their final evaluation on this case.
@Mark_L Thanks, but we are into the “advent” aspect of the thing. No spoilers please!
@karenhynes which Cockamamie?
I like those from Jeff
@rjquillin Great question.
The one from this offer:
@karenhynes Not sure why, but I missed that offer.
@karenhynes @rjquillin Lovely wine that is sadly, long gone.
A tad sweet for my palate. Lining up a prime tomahawk ribeye and 2011 Notre Vin cab for tomorrow.
@hscottk Maybe it’s the aervana that you don’t like…not the wine…ha!
@kaolis Could be. I have some left to try tomorrow.
2010 Bodegas Consejo de la Alta Rioja Alta Rio Reserva
Tasting group baller night. Couldn’t get pics of everything as more were added as the night went on but some truly amazing wines.
Nice lineup, but what’s that shiner like bottle at the far right?
@chefjess looks like a fun night!
Friggin nice! Who brought the Keller?
@chefjess baller is right! Nice lineup!
Dancing Hare Napa Red. Boudreaux blend
It was a lot of fun. We all have our niches and favorites so it was great to be able to bring those and taste the ones that we probably wouldn’t think to add to our collections.
Friend who is very much into Riesling. It’s most of his collection. He’s the one who has been introducing me to Germany and now I’m hooked. That Keller was fantastic!
There were several bottles that were added after my initial pics. Marcassin, Morgan Long, Pichon Lalande, Chave Hermitage Blanc, and a few others. It was very hard to not keep sipping all night. Lots of water flowing. We believe one of the Chateauneuf was unfortunately corked. The Orion had an incredible nose. Very tasty but you wanted to sniff all night. A few still seemed young, even at 25 years. Lots of fun and great discussions around history, geography, terroir. It wasn’t all geeky. Great time was had by all. Now the larger tasting group resumes regular programming until next Dec.
As promised… 2011 Notre Vin Cabernet cuvée l’etrier. Dinosaur bone ribeye will have to wait until tomorrow. Will have to make do with some Sartori Bellavitano scotch whisky cheese.
Two hour decant. No sediment to be found. Dark garnet with no bricking…good color. Smells like cherry and currant with cigar box and a hint of mint thrown in. More currants on the palate with nice, juicy acidity. Medium to long finish, 30-45 sec. No green pepper, pyrazine notes to speak of.
This is seriously good juice with good fruit and plenty of room to run. It’s a bargain at $30. I’m a fan and plan to order a second set.

@hscottk starting to notice more raspberry as the bottle disappears. Very nice.
Thank you! And link please:)
@ScottW58 hope this works. https://www.wtso.com/shared/product/89850?cust_id=477826&utm_source=wtso page&utm_medium=content&utm_campaign=cn%3Acellar share&utm_content=cellar share
thank you!
And just like that I’m back in
@hscottk @ScottW58 sounds like I’m going to have to get some too.
@klezman @ScottW58 Just realizing the sales patter also mentioned mint. Good to see I wasn’t imagining it. Very faint though.
@hscottk @klezman @ScottW58 Geez you guys are persuasive. I picked up 3.
@davirom @klezman @ScottW58 If you like restrained Napa cab with some age on it, you won’t be sorry.
@davirom @hscottk @klezman
If you don’t like Notre Vin wines we can’t be friends
2010 Astrale e Terra Arcturus
Morgan Ranch Wagyu tri-tip
Coffee and smoked paprika ribs with 1994 Ravenswood Petite Sirah
@klezman coffee as a beverage, or as a seasoning?
@rjquillin part of the dry rub. Salt, coffee, pepper, smoked paprika, garlic, onion, rosemary.
2013 Campesino Baybos with “dinosaur bone” tomahawk ribeye. Wine and steak both doing very well.
2008 veuve clicquot rose
2018 stags leap Artemis
2018 Rhombauer Chardonnay
Last nights bottles with our work holiday dinner
2009 Roessler Red Label Pinot Noir, Sonoma County
Flannery hanger steak
Last. Couple of nights with sister in-law and her husband in town drinking some good shit

@ScottW58 Nice! Tig a fave, wish I had more of that '83, long gone. How was it?
@ScottW58 damn i need to be friends with you
That could be a mistake
Tig was fantastic and the Talbot was really singing better than the Cos, not that it was bad in anyway.
Last night with the in-laws… Thank God
I’m tired of entertaining!

@ScottW58 Yeah, you’ve got it super rough when you’re visiting with them!
Ha I’ve had worse nights
Second half of a 2008 Wind Gap RRV Syrah
Happy Wednesday!

Beer and then tomorrow night’s offering
So I have been waiting for some occasion to cook this beast for a number of months. It never came
well it’s Thursday and I’m still alive good enough!

@ScottW58 It’s alive!
What is that thing? And how are you going to cook it?
@ScottW58 need more pictures

2 minutes each side in cast iron brought it to medium rare/medium which is nice to render the massive amount of fat. Melts in your mouth, you better love far tho
@msten @ScottW58 I’d say it looks like well-marbled meat, but in its raw form it looked like well-meated marble!
@InFrom @msten
Correct well marbled fat, don’t get me wrong I love fat but in steak form a bit too much. Maybe sliced thin and a bit of dashe poured over for a soup with veggies would be better. Fun to try though
Oh A5 waygu or A 10 who knows
@msten @ScottW58 Soup sounds like a good idea. Looks like a little of that would go a long way.
@InFrom @msten @ScottW58 looks great! It’s best in small servings for sure.
Flannery NY strip with baby bok choi and mushrooms.
2006 Bell Claret
With tritip
@klezman shows no longer available, but any good?
@rjquillin Quite good and in a nice teenage phase. You have two of these - we shared the auction lot. I think you took them home with you when you were up here a couple months ago.
The Miniere F&R is a new grower for me. 4 g/l dosage, 16-17 base. Quite lovely. The Ravines was tasty. As the petroleum blew off, a floral note came through the nose.
A nice quiet night with Marcella Hazan roast chicken, potatoes and green crap. And bubbles of course

How’s that de Sousa? I just had an assorted case delivered.
I have only had this and the NV Blanc de Blancs Caudalies. This was great, orange/tangerine bread and nice acidity and last glass was the best. Loved the Blanc de Blancs too. Need to get some more.
Flannery KC 65 day
@rjquillin and how’s the wine?
@klezman can’t make up my mind yet.
Second shot at it, decent. Yeah, not much help.
Still have some of the other bottling open I plan on a side by side tomorrow.
@klezman @rjquillin
Mine showed up a couple of days ago can’t wait to try one.
How’s that 65 day? I haven’t ventured into the longer aged cuts.
@chefjess I really liked it. Both it and a 45 day New York were quite tasty. Swmbo doesn’t really care for age, but had no complaints with the NY. Texture on both was a bit more frim than I’d like, but likely due to how I cooked them. Sous Vide 53C and 6 hours before the grill. Both nice and pink/red throughout. Guess I’m just used to the really tender hangars, but I would have either of these again in a moment, no questions asked.
Still have a Father Time 130 day waiting for the proper moment.
@chefjess @rjquillin why 6 hours? You didn’t need nearly that long to being it up to temp.
30 day Ribeye and Beef Ribs with

de Negoce Lot 222 2019 Rutherford Merlot,
Day 2 (much better than day 1).
1994 Benton-Lane Pinot Noir
2014 Chalk Hill Estate Red…always good and reliable.
Drinking this tonight with some leftover chili, I’m with @hscottk on this, bright red fruits good acidity and just flat out balanced. Maybe the best 11 Napa cab I have had? Still young imo with lots of room to grow, glad I got 6!
@ScottW58 It’s a Scott thing!
I can live with that
@hscottk @ScottW58 gotta say I like the Gratitude way better than either of the NV '11’s.
@hscottk @rjquillin
Okay I’m slow what’s a gratitude and NV 11’s?
@hscottk @rjquillin
Oop’s I got the NV 11 part
@ScottW58 Presumably Notre Vin 2011 but not sure about the either of part
@jmdavidson1 @ScottW58
Cuvée L’Etrier Napa or the Howell Mountain mentioned up thread.
But looking back I see I didn’t post, so, from 11/30
2011 Notre Vin Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin
But what’s Gratitude?
@jmdavidson1 @ScottW58
see below
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin
like I said I’m slow or as Andrea says reading is fundamental!
Ahh thank you
I really need to find some time to make it up there to say hi to her.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 we’re not going anywhere for Christmas break… Happy to host something.
We also bought the whole Serrano ham leg, so there’s that…
@klezman @rjquillin I am holding WineSmith grenache for both of you as well as @sekraan (who I think is a SD person). I would appreciate an opportunity to deliver it.
@davirom @klezman @rjquillin @Sekraan
Have a commitment this Saturday but maybe sometime during the week or next unless all you working stiffs can’t handle that
@davirom @rjquillin @ScottW58 @Sekraan Weeknights are easy to do at my place. Actually, most nights are. But we’re talking about Ron coming up, that’s going to be on his schedule.
@davirom If you guys are doing indoor beverage enjoyment we can get together any time. (Turns out the Bedrock wasn’t available for us last month nor have I shipped the Wine Spies stuff with your Virage, but the latter can be sorted quickly if I know you’re coming.)
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 @Sekraan With the surge we are still outdoors only. We aren’t trying to insert ourselves, but we also don’t want to miss an opportunity to get their wine to the San Diego folks.
2016 B. Leighton Gratitude Olsen Brothers Vineyard
Mourvèdre blend
Tacos and champagne cause why not? Glad I did

2009 World’s End CS CrossFire with swordfish steaks and smashed potatoes.
2011 Slingshot - still plenty of fruit and sharp edges that might have been there are now silky.
Big birthday, big bottle. From the 2017 mystery mag sale.
Now you’re talking! and happy birthday
I stood it up a couple of days ago, so the worst of debris should have settled by now. I’m anticipating the crumbly-cork battle I usually have with older Wellingtons. Any comments re: decanting pro or con, how soon to open it, etc?
@InFrom @ScottW58
Love the looks of those older labels.
We did an older bottle 3+L? on one of the tour farewell dinners, ‘16?, at Brad’s house and it was pretty much pnp and was fine. Could a decant have improved it? Dunno.
I would pretty much pnp would not want to miss anything, if it needs air it can get it in your glass
Happy birthday and what a way to celebrate!
@InFrom Happy big birthday!
Happy birthday!
@kaolis how is it? I just got a bottle in my latest shipment.
@klezman Really good, just got it a little while back myself. Lighter in style, bright. Right up my alley on a zin. With another batch of rib tips. Started to tighten up after a few hours but it’s good to go. My first zin from them (not sure I’ve been offered before) and this was my only bottle
@kaolis their allocations are annoyingly stingy. I rarely just want a taster pack but that’s what I’m inevitably restricted to.
Good to see life is back to normal Karen
@karenhynes Yes, it’s about time! Memory lane.
@rjquillin @scottw58
I rarely venture back to “my table” in the back of the restaurant anymore. I’ve decided that even this tragic introvert needs the social interaction at the bar on Friday evenings. Who knew???
@karenhynes @rjquillin
You’re alright Karen!
@karenhynes @rjquillin @ScottW58 so when are you coming to SoCal?
@karenhynes @klezman @ScottW58
That would likely even get me to travel north a bit
@karenhynes @rjquillin @ScottW58 Scott and I (and our better halves) aren’t enough of a draw?
@klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58
I don’t foresee a trip to SoCal anytime soon…though there might be a trip to Sonoma sometime in CY 2023, that’s just a tad further north!
Well getting ready to go to our first Christmas/dinner/wine party/super spreader event in a long time! Well if I go down at least I drank well

@ScottW58 Didn’t I see you at one back in Sept? Regardless those are nice selections!
Well September was a long time ago! And it was mostly outside, or I was
Think I used to have some of that '90…we’ve been un-hibernating but outdoors is still a plus…may the force be with you!
Class of 2000 what are you 10 years old ?
@CorTot I stored away a few bottles of the TJ Vintage Ale (the ones bottled by Unibroue) for a number of years. Since I stopped drinking beer/ale (due to diet-controlled type 2 diabetes) they’ve sat for a few more years. A while ago some friends were staying for the night and I offered him one, and he later asked for another. The next day he mentioned the effect (not realizing at the time that he had consumed the equivalent alcohol of 1 liter of wine). Also, I think my father may have graduated from Alhambra High (back in the 1930s).
@ScottW58 I think I’m around the age of your oldest kid…
@Mark_L yes, at 9% they will sneak up you.
This was the 2017, same brewery and I though it was doing really well.
2011 Feudi di San Gregorio Pàtrimo Campania IGT
I remember those wines! Used to love them, need to buy them again
2013 WineSmith Meritage Lake County
Made this tonight so easy and unbelievably delicious! You all need to try it
@ScottW58 I might try this technique with chicken paprikash
A barrel aged beer with some additional age in the bottle. Clocking in at 11% abv, this one is a dangerously delicious sipper.

fell asleep before I hit the button…
@ScottW58 @kaolis
Yes it does, but what is it?
@kaolis @rjquillin
Some kind of Osso Bucco? Wrapped in bacon
@rjquillin @ScottW58 winner winner…“some kind” of Osso Bucco is correct…don’t think I ever make it the same way twice. Twined them just to try to keep them together but never have done bacon wrapped…brilliant and will do that next go 'round.
@kaolis @rjquillin
oh and bacon good call!
Fantastic! Since you never do it the same twice I gotta know what kind of sauce/liquid that is? The whole thing made my mouth water
@rjquillin @ScottW58 sauce…nothing crazy…season and brown the shanks cast iron dutch oven or vessel of choice in olive oil or oil of choice, remove shanks. Same pan gets a little more oil and small/medium dice onion/celery/white carrot for a few minutes, then garlic. Add one large 1/2 ripe tomato large dice and a cup of white wine, deglaze for a minute. Salt/pepper to taste. Shanks back to pan, then enough homemade chicken stock up 2/3 or so of the shanks. Bouquet garni fresh thyme/bay leaf. Cover, cook 2 hours 325, 1 hour 300, checking occasionally if more stock needed. Add some gremolata to pot for last 20 minutes or so. My gremolata was arugula, garlic, lemon and orange zest. (sorry for the long explanation but it’s the process that makes the sauce…ha!)
@kaolis @rjquillin
Thanks sounds delicious! much like French onion soup a labor of love
@kaolis @rjquillin @ScottW58 That sounds great! Rather like a traditional recipe but without the saffron.
2010 Corluss Syrah (I need to find out how to post a photo).
@jmdavidson1 from a phone?
Start out in landscape, no can do in portrait mode.
Hold the phone sideways the you can see the picture upload button.
@ScottW58 LOL. I know how to take a picture. What code do I need to post it?
@jmdavidson1 @ScottW58
never saw where a ‘code’ was required
sideways, select the mountain/moon icon and follow the prompts
@rjquillin @ScottW58 mountain/moon icons?
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin
Where are they? I think you’re yanking my chain.
One post up lol you can only see it holding the phone sideways
That screen is not on MY phone.
Turn your phone sideways I don’t know how to show you a pic of that
@jmdavidson1 @ScottW58
You cannot start out in portrait mode!
You ~must~ START in landscape.
Got it. Thanks. Now to do it twice, that could be a challenge. Really LOL.
Nice! Love that wine thanks to you
@ScottW58 Looking forward to future picture postings. Thanks, my friends.
@jmdavidson1 @ScottW58 You could get some help from @karenhynes she posts pics not frequently enough.
Made some chicken chili verde, drank the last of the WS while cooking very nice and young. Have not had a sin for a while and it really paired well with the meal!

@ScottW58 nice. How’s that Scherrer? I’ve got some of the 2019 that I haven’t wanted to open yet.
Shit! I liked it so much I went to the website and bought 2 mags ugh. So much for making my cellar line go down in the right direction
@ScottW58 well done
@klezman @ScottW58 that looks good…getting a bit of that cold weather here on the right coast, that might fit the bill.
NV Rare Wine Company Blanc de Blanc le Mesnil Brut
This is one of our favorites in the “not crazy expensive” category of bubbly.
a little boneless lamb loin…
@kaolis You guys are just killing it lately
is that a bed of Anson Mills?
That’s great while I’m eating tubed meat I have to look at this
@ScottW58 Mixing it up a bit…bed of Marsh Hen Mill up the road a bit in Edisto

@kaolis @rjquillin Yeah, this looks way better than latkes, although those are delicious fried potato…
Nice! I have heard of them, tried the Anson Mills white polenta the other night and that was fantastic too.
@kaolis That looks incredible!
2013 Scott Harvey Barbera J&S Reserve
Roast chicken thighs and latkes and green stuff
3-year old says it smells like grapes and blueberries

6-year old says it smells like grapefruit
The chicken or the wine?
@ScottW58 Maybe they meant the latkes…who knows!
Last night Turkey thighs repeat and added Yorkshire pudding.

@ScottW58 What’s that sauce with the turkey?
Chicken stock and resiling reduced by half add cream fresh and tarragon. Really rocks
@ScottW58 That sounds really good
@klezman @ScottW58 hmmmm…turkey thighs coming up soon here…
@kaolis @klezman
Salt brine overnight rinse dry confi in duck or chicken fat @ 250 3 hours let cool crisp up skin and heat through. Melts off the bone. I bagged and froze a bunch of them
Last night molarchae and I actually got a babysitter and went out to Hollywood for the first time in ages. Brought two bottles to the restaurant and then ended up trying a Riesling pet nat and an Italian orange wine made from 100% Verdeca - another one for the century club.
All this wonderful food and wine this season and my family has the flu….
Mine seems especially bad.
@CorTot Sorry to hear that. Hope you have a quick recovery (and you have permission to NOT share this “gift” you received!).
@CorTot Blech. Hope it passes quickly!
@CorTot feel better soon!
Damn you and your lovely wife get better soon! Hope you have a Merry Christmas.
2014 Pedroncelli merlot with pizza. Hello, holiday break!
2016 Rocca di Frassinello Maremma Toscana Le Sughere
@scottw58 you opened any of yours yet?
Burned through them long ago
@ScottW58 guess I’m late to the party. Nice bottle.
I loved them.
Catching up on a few over the last week.

Tasting group impromptu afternoon. The ‘71 was oxidized. Buffalo was off the truck and way too young. My bubbles were fantastic. Others were varying degrees of delicious.
Lovely with a burger
Catching up with old friends. Light pasta and cheese
I hope that is the 13 Emotion cause I just took position of a few of those
It was the 2012. I also have several 2013s, but haven’t opened any yet. I really love that 2012 so I just keep opening those and haven’t veered. We should do a zoom tasting in the near future and pop the 2013.
I can’t believe you still have those
A couple pre-dinner wines here too.

@ScottW58 nice! How’s that Malbec?
You guys are killin’’ it… We did however have a green chile pork thing inspired by a few posts above… cooked in what I should say a slow cooker but in fact is a vintage Crock-Pot. Wine was day 1 2018 Bedrock OV Zinfandel, day 2 2019 Monsalto Chianti La Commenda from De Négoce and day 3 2018 Walter Scott cuvée Anne Chardonnay. Cheers!!
@kaolis Thoughts on the Bedrock ovz?
@hscottk If you have some, check in on it. This is one I really enjoyed early on and it may be losing a step.
honors in mathematics graduation celebrations last week & end assortment
NV Bollinger Champagne 3L (brought, but not opened)
older sister birth year bottle]
2009 Louis Latour Mâcon-Villages
NV Gruet Winery Rose Sauvage
2019 Acquiesce Grenache Rosé Lodi
2008 Ardente Estate Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Select Reserve
2010 Astrale e Terra Arcturus
1996 Faustino Rioja I Gran Reserva [sherried
2012 I Giusti & Zanza Dulcamara Toscana IGT
2018 Iron Horse Vineyards Pinot Noir Winery Block
2016 Kendric Vineyards Pinot Noir
2001 Il Marroneto Brunello di Montalcino Madonna delle Grazie
2020 Scott Harvey Barbera Mountain Selection
2018 Scott Harvey Zinfandel Mountain Selection
2013 Woot Cellars Revelry
2000 York Creek Vineyards Meritage [birth year bottle]
[edit to add a forgotten bottle, how could I ?!]
NV Wellington Vineyards Old Vines Port
@rjquillin Nice lineup! WOTN?
@hscottk for me and mother of the graduate, the Grazie, but the YC Meritage (pulled by request) and Arcturus and both got high marks as well. Mother, daughter and a third female friend killed the Gruet in a late night/early morning females only hot tub adventure.
Just a couple more bottles, and of course a Bouchard baby Jesus cause it’s Christmas
made a rib roast no pics because to much going on. But I will say using black garlic as a binder for the rub is killer! 
@ScottW58 baby Jesus wine? How did I not know this existed?
Can’t imagine? they have only been making it every year since 1945
@ScottW58 Good thing I never claimed to know everything then!
2016 Rocca di Frassinello Maremma Toscana Le Sughere
2016 B. Leighton Gratitude Olsen Brothers Vineyard
2009 Château Grand Jauga
For Christmas Eve, we had our usual Iron Horse sparkler and 2007 Buena Vista Ramal Vineyards Pinot Noir.
The Pinot more than justified rpm’s 2008 and 2010 magical history tour pronouncements on this wine that it was at least equivalent to a premier cru Burgundy. The wine still has lots of fruit, but is maturing very nicely; it just gets better every time I have a bottle. Lovely Pinot nose with lots of underlying notes. It has at least 5 years, maybe another decade before it peaks.
@rpm Sounds great! Merry Christmas to you and the family.
Last night we shifted plans last minute and had pappardelle with homemade ragú. But we’d already planned on bubbly. Oh well…bubbly goes with everything, right?
NV Gustave Goussard Champagne Brut Prestige
1989 De Loach Gewürztraminer Late Harvest
The LH was a random grab from WineBid (thanks Ron!) and was coffee brown like that old Riesling that Scott Harvey opened up in his basement in St. Helena for us all those years ago. This wine, however, wasn’t nearly as sweet but it was in equally good shape.
@rjquillin You let me use your account…thank you
@klezman Ah, quite welcome.
Now, if only we could come up with a 17% bypass code…
Looks great JM!
Ham and trimmings tonight, so…
2008 Roessler Pinot Noir Peregrine
that is doing just fine.
With Thanksgiving redux, roasted turkey thighs and tenderloin
Lol perfect time for the baby Jesus! I hope yours was as good as mine
@ScottW58 Kind of crazy but I didn’t even see you had posted your bottle, great minds and all that right? Or maybe we both just need all of the help we can get?? Tasty indeed, one left out of a three pack and that’ll be a few years down the road.
JB Adam Kaepfferkopf Cuvée with some homemade Chinese noodles
Hmm Pozole I have to put that in the near term rotation!
With left over roast beast, third day and won’t be having more for a while! Do love Christmas food and wine tho

@ScottW58 now that your Xmas festivities are done, time to get together?
Yup right after the 1st i’m thinking.
@ScottW58 Haven’t popped any of those yet, I suppose I need to get after a bottle or two…
@ScottW58 Friday 6th? Maybe Sat 7th, but I’ll need to check.
2017 Peterson winery Mendo Blendo
I liked this much more than I thought I would and Ive skipped it here multiple times iirc.
Rack of lamb and a wine we’ll see here soon
Nice! love wines from Bolgheri
@ScottW58 Agree. It’s a area that produces great bordeau blends, but it’s a little under the radar. Also hard to find reasonably priced ones. This one didn’t disappoint.
Yes and not inexpensive anymore
@jmdavidson1 @ScottW58
Was looking around a bit for this or similar.
Any known sources?
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin @ScottW58 yeah there’s some good stuff but it’s hard to know the style since it varies so widely. Garagiste has some good ones from time to time. I love a super Tuscan that’s restrained and built for age.
@jmdavidson1 @rjquillin
For that wine no. This is always pretty good 2020 Sapaio “Volpolo” Bolgheri. The big names are all very expensive.
Christmas dinner wines
@chipgreen a WineDavid powered Xmas!
2011 Bailiwick Pinot Noir Borderline
Is it time to dig some of those out of the locker?
@rjquillin no rush but no need to wait. It was excellent last night.
So far what I’ve had up to this point starting Christmas eve eve. Unfortunately fewer wines opened than I wanted because I’m basically drinking alone.
Probably a few more bottles opened through NY weekend but going a bit slower pace now.
After 5 more hours in the office than planned today, shoveled a path to the grill and am enjoying an always delicious Virage with a Flannery hanger that was almost roast like in size. My software support help anger is put aside. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Well that looks like what the doctor ordered
@pjmartin @ScottW58
That pic looks tasty, must be the subject matter!
Sale wine, Walmart burgers (Wagyu of course) with Velveeta, tots, green stuff.
THE Wednesday of Wellington Wednesdays!
The meal: Coq au vin on a bed of polenta.
The purpose of this double blind tasting was to try and guess which varietal was which. That’s a lot easier said than done!
2009 Merlot

2009 Estate Syrah
2009 Meeks Zinfandel
2010 Mohrhardt Cab
2007 Victory
2012 Petit Verdot
@karenhynes @kawichris650
I like the idea. Peter did a similar thing on the tour where Revelry was born, with some well aged bottles.
@karenhynes @kawichris650 @rjquillin very well done! I was much better at variety guessing at Scott Harvey than at Wellington.
I can’t imagine opening so many Wellingtons at one time!
@karenhynes @kawichris650 @klezman @rjquillin
Why not?
Coravin is the main reason that made/allowed me want to attempt such an endeavor haha.
I thought glass “A” might be the cab due to the chalky texture, but it ended up being the merlot.
Glass “B” was the Syrah and I correctly guessed that after the process of elimination.
Glass “C” had a little bit of perceived sweetness which hinted to me that it was in fact the Zin.
Glass “D” was dominated by sour/tart cherry. I have little to no experience with PV so I thought maybe it was the PV, but it ended up being the Cab.
Glass “E” was the most balanced of them all, so it was no surprise it was the Victory.
Glass “F” was tart, but smooth, and had a distinct tobacco smoke element on the nose. That ended up being the PV.
@kawichris650 nice work!
@kawichris650 @rjquillin Nicely done. “Guess the varietal” is always a fun game. Being familiar with these wines and the winemaker helps, but still a challenge.
Finishing off; improved over the three days in the fridge.
Worked very well as our Thanksgiving wine
I had the 2013 recently and it was delicious. Although it is something specific you have to be in the mood for.
@kawichris650 yeah this was tasty!
I have another I’ll probably open next year, with the 1/2 case of Wellington coming I’ll need to up my port game a bit
2009 Copa Del Rey
There’s a blast from the past. I think it’s from the old site.
A cheap Chilean Cabernet.
Very good! Little to no bricking, fruit was subdued, smooth. I’d say it has improved over the years.
A testament to North Country basements.
@FritzCat I bought that several times to share with my work mates, back in the day. They really dug it. I remember it as being pretty fruit-forward and a little hot. Looks like the years have been kind to it.
2012 Two Jakes Cabernet Sauvignon with (charcoal, the only way to go) grilled NY strip. Taking advantage of the 70 degree respite here in central Missouri.
This bad boy was sunning today and I thought about having gator bites for dinner (as opposed to being the gator bite dinner) but settled for grilled chicken thighs…
@kaolis legal to hunt?
@kaolis It all tastes like chicken anyway!
@rjquillin @Mark_L There is a 30 day hunting season in SC on public lands, strict limits on number of permits. So basically not legal to hunt.
@kaolis @Mark_L @rjquillin The gator is impressive. How was the wine? I think I still have a few of those stashed to see how they age. As I recall they were good to go as fruit forward RRV Pinot.
@hscottk You pretty much nailed the wine. Hasn’t changed much. Still tasty. No hurry to get at the ones you stashed. I blew through most of a case from the original offer as well and did a reload a few weeks ago cheaper than round one.
Another redo Kenji’s turkey thighs and the greatest mystery wine ever

@ScottW58 those look so small to be turkey thighs!
That’s one hell of a mystery wine. How much was it?
We’re also drinking Brunello - 2010 Iliceus
@klezman @kaolis
according to Garagiste they were $86.70 per. That was my 4th mystery wine from them and the only one that was worth a crap…they owed me 
Lol yeah that is the chicken thighs and cabbage dish, it is a 5 quart Saucier pan. The wine was so f’ng good I had already drank half the bottle by the time the dish was cooked
@kaolis @ScottW58 Yeah, the mystery wines are hit and miss. But they’re generally good values, at least the ones I’ve bitten on. While many (most?) don’t live up to the mystery hype I don’t need them to. I’ve never bought into the expensive mysteries unless I have a clue of what I’m getting.
@kaolis @klezman
Yeah the one’s I bought were just terrible one of them I still consider the worst wine I ever drank. The first 3 were in the $13 to $20 range so I thought I would try an expensive one, glad it worked out but I work hard for my money and I know what I like so mystery wines are no more for me. YMMV
@kaolis @ScottW58 Totally fair. The worst I’ve had from the mystery wines are cellar savers that I can open for friends who don’t appreciate a Wellington or better. I know the mystery wine thing is controversial for some - no need for additional controversy!
And i thought you stopped working for your money!
@scottw58 Nice Thursday wine…and are those turkey thighs? If so the thighs are small or that’s one big f*ckin’ pan!
I thought I had had this before but can find no notes on it. A pretty Rhone style syrah, meat juice, dried cranberry, mint, maybe some pyrazines. Night one I didn’t particularly enjoy it but it has come together some more on night two.
big mouth-full of fruit and some tannin on PnP
nice bottle, if a bit early on the cork pull
2012 Avignonesi Grifi Toscana IGT
Last night, in another example of “wine is more hardy than you think”, had a bottle of 2001 Riesling last night that had a leaky cork. The wine was pristine.
@klezman Very true. Stellar vintage to boot
An early start to the new years celebration. Sushi and iron horse… how can you go wrong?
Happy New Year to all the Casemateers out there!
@CorTot I’ve got the '09 cued up for tomorrow.
@CorTot @InFrom I thought about opening one of those too. Ended up choosing differently.
@adequate_dad said:
Earlier today, a wtso bubble, bride on the right, stranger on the left…I haven’t had that much hair in years…
@kaolis I guess we can call him “Chuck”.
Consider yourself a lucky man, not for the oysters and great wine!
@Mark_L took me a few…ha!
@kaolis @Mark_L my first thought was that he looks like an extra shaggy version of Ron!
@kaolis @klezman @Mark_L
Ha, you just didn’t see me before my recent trim that I’d been working since pre C19 in '19.
A quiet for Andrea and I with pasta and crab cakes and one of my new favorites!

And a fire on a Rainy night.

@ScottW58 looks like a great night for the two of you!
(I almost proposed you guys could come over tonight but figured you had plans. Fire in the fireplace is an excellent plan.)
@ScottW58 Well that looks comfy…enjoy! Cheers to '23
@ScottW58 No rain and a bit warm too warm here, but that does excellent.
Decided to go big tonight. I’ve wanted to try one of these for ages! Having this with our last Flannery extra aged steaks from the Berserker Day offer a few years ago. 56 and 77 day aged.

Then we’re having a 2011 Pilitterri Riesling icewine for dessert.
Happy New Year everyone!

For those curious…
Smoked salmon, lox, salmon roe caviar, sturgeon caviar, castelvettano olives, dark chocolate covered cranberries, calabrese salame, Italian dry salmame, Le Delice de Bourgogne triple cream brie, Roquefort, and toasted baguette with olive oil and fresh rosemary.
@kawichris650 by “smoked salmon” do you mean hot smoked, then?
What’d you think of the TJ’s platinum bubbly? We tried a bottle this week and decided we liked the regular Brut Rose better - lower dosage in the regular and this was too sweet for us.
@kawichris650 @klezman I had a bottle about a week ago. I don’t have much experience with rosé bubbly, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.
It came across as a nice wine, with a variety of flavors in balance, altering as a sip went on. It didn’t come across as sweet to me, maybe I missed it.
My goal was to decide if I should go back to TJ’s to buy more before they sold out. It was an easy decision not to - not that it wasn’t a good wine, but it was certainly not something that I loved.
Before midnight…