Took the bait and ordered a 6-pack, while trying to remember that you can’t save the same $20 twice. If I rationalize that I only spent $20 ($40 minus coupon) for 6 bottles now, then when I use the coupon at CM later, I am only making good on my rationalization, not saving any additional money. I prefer to tell myself that I am paying full pop for the meh wine ($7.50/bottle!) and look forward to using the discount in the future at CM.
and some pretty funny copy to go with it
@rjquillin generally always
Took the bait and ordered a 6-pack, while trying to remember that you can’t save the same $20 twice. If I rationalize that I only spent $20 ($40 minus coupon) for 6 bottles now, then when I use the coupon at CM later, I am only making good on my rationalization, not saving any additional money. I prefer to tell myself that I am paying full pop for the meh wine ($7.50/bottle!) and look forward to using the discount in the future at CM.