Wish List
5I didn’t see a wish list thread so figured I’d start one. Some of the wines beyond the regulars (IH, Scott Harvey, Ped, etc) I would love to see again:
- Sequana pinot noir!! Really love this stuff, not sure if they are still producing though?
- Raffaele Garbarino (really great stuff!)
- White Oak
- Derby pinot noir
- Oberon reserve cabs
- Windsor Oaks reserve cabs
Anyone have anything else to add?
- 149 comments, 238 replies
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All the Wellington
@jbartus buy all the Wellington.
@knlprez If they sell it, I shall! (Bank Account Balance Allowing)
@jbartus There has to be some left somewhere…
@sdilullo sell it and it’s ordered.
Bring back stillman. And I still love me some j dusi.
Are all the wines going to come from California? Wine newby here, but there have to be good wines from other parts of the US. Or am I wrong?
@mehnyblooms I have no idea what Casemates’ plan is, but you are definitely not wrong that there is great wine from other parts of the US. I grew up in the Finger Lakes, where there are some amazing little family wineries. (Including my family’s of course).
@arielleslie yes! love me some finger lake wines. please contact me at David@winecountryconnect.com. I could admittedly use some pointers on this region…
@Winedavid49 Rimmerman may have them locked down, but Red Newt has been stellar in our books. Also, I’m going to keep putting in votes for Niagara reds and icewines, of course
@mehnyblooms WW had wines from all over the world (albeit uncommon to see international wines, but they did pop up from time to time), yet it was common to see wines from all over the U.S., there’s some interesting places in the U.S. making wine, and while I could survive solely on California wines (I mean if I had to), there’s some great stuff coming from Oregon, Washington, and a few other places in the U.S that are making some great juice!
@klezman @Winedavid49
Can CaseMates offer non-domestic wines?
@f00l In the past, w.w has had offers from numerous states, WA, OR, CA, AZ, MI, NY all come to mind, as well as international from Europe, NZ, AU, CA and others. I’d not expect that to change.
it will be domestic heavy for sure.
@Winedavid49 Is that a fat joke?
@corrado is it a joke when it’s the norm now?
I’d love more Syrah and Grenache offers.
@CorTot - would love to offer both of those from my winery, Inspiration - both received GOLD’s last year at Harvest Fair in SoCo!
@inspiration I have bought a bit from you in the past and met you at least once. Get on WD’s list and get an offer in front of us. Your wines are great and so is your knowledge and interaction.
@inspiration We’d love to have you here Jon! Assuming, of course, this is Jon
@klezman - yup, it’s me Jon! Thanks - I will start reaching out! It would be fun to put together something and start getting active on this site! I miss the old WW days…
I would love to see Thumbprint, Knude and Suncee (sorry about the spelling)
@mommadeb Second that, and that 2005 Suncé Pinot Noir Rodella Vineyard from the mixed case intro offer they did was off the hook! Old world, unfiltered, chewy, RRV Pinot at it’s best!
Hook & Ladder hasn’t been around in a long time. I liked their wines.
Would be super interesting to get some off-the-beaten track wineries from states we don’t normally thinkg of: CO, MO, VA, NC, etc…
@klezman CO has some really good cab francs! We are club members at a local winery, I may have to tell them to hit up the powers which be…
MO has some nice Nortons, and some ice wines. The more well known ones are west of St Louis, in the Hermann/Augusta area. St. James, Stone Hill, Augusta, and St. Genevieve are local names.
In all honesty though, I’m not a big fan of any of them. But, one man’s trash, as they say …
Still kicking myself I missed the last Ty Caton. I’m out.
And what I would like to see is a PN with the profile of the delicious D’Ontspille Le Black. Like Folgers, it was good to the last drop.
@mike808 Except Folgers is crappy coffee…
Wellington, of course, if there’s any left. And I’d love to be able to get some more of the Clayhouse estate wines. Those have all been winners.
I loved the Hunt Country Vineyards mixed case I got. Wouldnt mind more wine from them or similar types of wines from elsewhere (mostly dessert wines). Also, any atypical wine varietal. I always love to try out new types of wines, even if I dont really end up loving the wine itself. There are so many types of grapes out there, I am sure there must be a lot of types of wine that I have never tried before.
Little Vineyards
Kent Rasumssen
How about seeing Inspiration Vineyards again? Yup - Jon here, I’d love to play again with you guys!
@inspiration This would be sweet!
@inspiration Jon would love to see you back!!! BTW loved all of our wine woot group visits to your tasting room
@inspiration would love to have you back. Enjoy your zin and grenache
I hope there is going to be some “Casemates cellars” wines, or would it be “Meh Cellars”? I always loved the woot cellars wines. It made you feel like you were part of the wine making process.
@Twich22 Then I hope you got lots of Revelry! We literally were involved in making (well, blending, technically) the wine.
@klezman And it was blended well, nicely done all that were involved! I gotta make it out to Cali for one of those events…someday. sigh
@vaaccess Maybe instead of a wine.woot RPM Tour, we’ll have a Casemates RPM Tour. The twist, of course, is that all wines must be bought by the case
@klezman Cathy, Anthony, Joy; OUCH!
@Twich22 Agreed! Also some mix packs like the KR offer but with 3 or 4 different wines. Buying a case of the same wine (vineyard/year/varietal) is boring unless you plan to cellar and drink over a ten year span. I know we are supposed to split offers with our mates, but out on the Cape I don’t see a large enough population to support that.
Presuming imports are possible:
/image Egri Bikavér

@AmazingChicken My in-laws run a food and wine tasting business out of Budapest (shameless plug Taste Hungary. That stuff (Bulls Blood) is the worst that they make. Try a good Furmint! Its like the b@stid love child of a chardonnay and a reisling. FYI @Winedavid49 I think my cousin has their import license to bring in some Hungarian wines. Let me know if you’d like me to check with them.
Ice wines and sauternes, please.
Hell, any dessert wines, really.
@MHBoston I was hoping I could get the last port offering, but it didn’t ship to Connecticut.
@markgm W.W stopped shipping to Maine years ago. I can’t remember the last time I got something that wasn’t cheese or balsamic.
@MHBoston Tokaji wines!
Is Canada close enough?
BC makes some awesome IceWines
I know there are good out of NY, RI, etc, in the NE, but some of the stuff a former co-worker brought me from BC was seriously awesome
@Cerridwyn And Ontario is better than BC…
Maybe some of the W**T great past offers:
Foppiano Petite Sirah Plus Plus
Sullivan Vineyards Napa Valley Merlot
Chateau d’Abalone Verdejo (4) & Shell(AKA-StillMan)
Hawks View Cellars Oregon Pinot Gris
Zagan’s Fire Sauvignon Blanc
Willow Crest Washington Riesling
@PLSemenza I’ll definitely second the Foppiano Petite Sirah. In fact, I’d be interested in any PS that was offered.
@PLSemenza Swilly is not making any more of the Verdejo. I’m on his mailing list, and asked him about this. He said that the quality of the grapes from that vineyard is not up to his standards any more, so he passed.
Noceto, Noceto, Noceto… please!!
@zbeester Good call!
I am completely out of Noceto.
@alukan We just gave up waiting and joined their club a few years ago.
@alukan @zbeester
Yeah, so I just opened my last bottle of Noceto Sangiovese tonight to go with some amazing pizza that I made!

@WineDavid49 – Don’t leave us hangin’ with having to drink subpar Sangiovese! Throw some Noceto up soon, please!!!
@alukan @vaaccess @Winedavid49
Yes! We need Noceto… please! And I did end up joining their wine club… Spring wines ship soon
I would love to see things that are unique. I’m not a big meal wine drinker. But I have had many a desert wine or unusual product that I enjoyed trying.
I love meade for example. Many people don’t even know what it is and to call it simply honey wine does a huge disservice. There was a small scale resurgence a couple years ago and so while Chaucers is really the only thing you can get at your local shop, and then only usually in the winter, there is much more out there. Much that is better.
Ice Wines I’ve seen float around here and there. I know these often come in smaller bottles and would be a great sample pack for those who have never tried them.
I even remember when you could get imported May wine every spring. It’s an herbal wine, from Germany I think. I believe there is only one place in the US that makes it and they sell out in days.
I wouldn’t do stuff like this routinely. But with well written copy you could stretch people’s palates just a weee bit
@Cerridwyn agreed about the different options - got some sake from WW way way back. Nice to ‘stretch people’s palates’ when there is a trusted source suggesting the stretch.
Also agree, not a routine thing, but the exception.
I wonder if we’ll be seeing Clark Smith around here? He mentioned he was planning to make a sherry in one of his ww posts.
@bolligra I sure hope so!
@knlprez Hope so as well. That recent 2010 Cab Franc offer on WW was simply superb - we had it with Christmas Eve dinner and it was a big hit.
@bolligra oh yes, in due time.
Would love to see:
Barbaresco’s - Falletto Asili is outstanding right now
Amarone’s … well you get the gist
Loved the Galland Clark Cab
Howell Mountain Cab’s
Frank Family
Belle Glos Dairyman Pino
thanks for the input!
Another vote for Tercero
Walla Walla Vintners
Laurelhurst Cellars
I signed up for Iron Horse Sparkling club but likely won’t ever turn down the chance to buy more.
@MSUMike I am also in this camp. Signed up for the sparkling club as soon as wine.woot died. I (hopefully wrongly) assume we’ll never see them here.
@sarah40460 Sadly about one more month and I’m going to have to cancel it I think. Just can’t do $50/bottle x2 every month. Got so spoiled by the WW prices.
@MSUMike Yea, I fully agree. I checked the prices on the ones they sent me this month, and they retailed for $45 each, so I paid $10 more than retail for my wines this month. Granted, the shipping is included, but still. It’s not even much of a deal.
@MSUMike @sarah40460 check out rll.
WD also has them there and I’ve picked up more than a few cases.
@rjquillin @sarah40460 What is RLL?
@MSUMike @sarah40460 RueLaLa
A bit boring today, except for that black-tie Amarone, but some really nice stuff comes up, and shipping is only $5.
@MSUMike @rjquillin @sarah40460 I have not seen Iron Horse sparklers on RLL for quite a while.
I’d love to see a mixed reds offering from Toccata again.
I bought those every time they would come up on wine woot.
I feel like such a virtuous forum member, because I went looking for this thread before starting a wish list thread of my own. I mostly don’t have any specific winery suggestions, but want to second the dessert wines, ice wines, and “curiosity” ideas. And port! Oooo!
And maybe some exceptional mead or similar things. I know an amazing meadery back east, http://enlightenmentwines.com/ . I know one of the major backers, and can connect yall if you want.
Selections like these seemed to work well as ww side offers. Hopefully they can mainstream here.
@TrinSF just seeing this. please yes, connect me. liking the mead idea. david@winecountryconnect.com
@TrinSF Agree - vote for Port here!!
@Winedavid49 I have passed on the information.
Dusted valley Cab sauv or other varietal. Im kicking myself for not buying more last time.
@Twich22 that was such a great deal. I’ve tried, but that may have been a one shot opportunity.
@Winedavid49 Their cab franc is to die for.
@Winedavid49 @NightGhost We visited their tasting room in Woodinville, WA on our honeymoon and tasted quite a few of their wines. They were all very enjoyable. Ended up buying some of their Petite Sirah and a red blend named after a prostitute called “Squirrel Tooth Alice”.
They also had two wines named after the winery’s Patriarchs and joked about selling them as a trio - “Two Grandpas and a Hooker”. Maybe they would go for the package deal?
There are actually some lovely wineries in Hawaii. I went to a Maui winery on my last visit, and quite enjoyed their pineapple and rosé wines (and bought a case of the rosé to ship home, though I’ve long since drunk/gifted those away). I’m not sure how you’d handle the higher shipping costs, but I would love to see those someday offered on CaseMates.
@tklivory I still have 2 bottles of raspberry from there ( i wonder if they are any good). And I had the pleasure of having their original sparkling pineapple wine.
Having recently attended the Icewine Festival (part of the Buffalo get-together, expertly hosted by bahwm and ddeuddeg), I can say that the Kacaba Cab Franc Icewine was the hit of the day. But there were plenty of other very tasty icewines up in the Niagara area.
@coynedj @wineDavid49 YES! Icewine from the real home of ice wine, Niagara. We’ll take Finger Lakes as a backup
Dunham/MacLachlan Pursued by Bear? Columbia Valley CS.
“I’m getting some wet stone.”
… and pencil lead.
@mike808 …and a freshly opened can of tennis balls
I knew there was a wishlist thread around here somewhere. I do have a couple of requests, and hope that @Dave or @WineDavid49 are paying attention.
I’d like to see a nice Merlot or two, and some Syrah as well. I’d prefer them to be mid-range or higher. Down the road, when Casemates has become more established, I’d love to see some European wines, but recognize that’s going to be a rare occurrence.
@Shrdlu Chianti, Super Tuscans(I know they are not traditional)Bordeaux, Cotes du Rohne, Burgundies, …
@Shrdlu I would like some real Port
@Twich22 @WineDavid49 Real Port might be beyond WD’s reach. However, Twisted Oak Pig Stai and Scott Harvey Forte may not be. Both are made the traditional Portuguese way with Portuguese varieties. Vino Noceto Almirante also comes to mind.
@klezman @Twich22 @WineDavid49
Don’t forget Pedroncelli!
I like all those vertical characters in a row.
Ed has to make a visit, soon.
@Twich22 I would be happy with Taylor-Fladgate; even non-vintage. I’m not going to buy a case, though. ;-}
Yorkville Cellars
ZD - Cabernet or Chardonnay. Both are some of the best I’ve tried.
I’m hoping to see some Gruet on offer soon. That is my favorite bubbly, and I’ll buy cases any time it’s offered.
True Grit cab. And any reds from Grantwood in Walla Walla. Even at list price they’re a bargain.
@DanNC I have some True Grit in my cellar. I love it!
If only for the fact it’s tool.
Who wouldn’t love some Merkin Chupacabra
K Syrah from Charles Smith
Vallee de la Lune Red from Kunde
Tallulah , Thumbprint
@mommadeb good call, but Tallulah is no longer.
@mommadeb @Winedavid49 Still some on the aftermarket
@Winedavid49 forgot Tahhulah was no more… How about Muscardini? or Prager? there was one we had at D&D was it 3 vines?
@Winedavid49 and Tres Sabores
@mommadeb reached out to Muscardini just recently. we shall see.
@Winedavid49 fingers crossed…
2012 CC Pachyderm Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir
@Winedavid49 Any chance of seeing an offer like this again as a Gourmet Plus deal? Since Casemates started my supply has dwindled!
20 Random Cloth Wine Bags
@catcoland Those bags are great and we’re ridiculously inexpensive!
@catcoland this might be something meh could sell
My thoughts exactly.
Sunce, Trentadue… am I remembering correctly… was there a Bartholomew winery? Danier-Handal, Engracia
2015 Iron Horse Heritage Chardonnay
@jmdavidson1 …or at least something from Iron Horse!
@chipgreen @jmdavidson1 I just saw the email for the 2013 Classic Brut - they’ve raised the price to $45. Getting harder and harder to justify and/or the deals need to get better and better.
@chipgreen @klezman $10 shipping is nice, but $50 for Chard, no way.
@chipgreen @jmdavidson1 Lots of white Burgs go for well above the $50 mark. Not that I want to pay it, mind you, but lots of people do. Liquid Farm also has their top bottling north of $70 and their Golden Slope bottling is $52 now.
I agree, though, there’s plenty of delicious and interesting wine for far less $.
@chipgreen @jmdavidson1 Yep, I’ll take anything Iron Horse at this point.
Not that it comes up all that often, but I was wondering if you’re ever going to implement a system that would allow people to buy seconds of an offering. Maybe set a timer so that casematers can only buy a second helping in the last few hours that it is available, to be fair for latecomers?
@tklivory VMP members get that same kind of stuff on other sites. I was hoping it would be offered here also.
A last shot at sold-out deals on meh.com
We launch a small reserve of product at 4pm ET only for VMPs who were already members before that day.
VMP Last Call at meh.com
If our daily deal doesn’t sell out, VMPs can buy up the leftovers until 6am ET the next day.
@MSUMike @tklivory VMP do not get to buy again on the other sites. MEH.com works much like woot where it is first come. You are typically limited to 3 of each item. They offer items at midnight EST. But because of requests they hold some inventory for a 2nd launch at 8am EST. They also hold some for a 4pm VMP launch. It’s not that vmp get a 2nd turn to buy, but a dpace to buy when an item is popular and “sold out” at the other times.
Test test

/giphy Zepplin-Negrette
Where is Ed, and some Ped?
@rjquillin in due time.
@winedavid49 How about some Hawks View Pinot Noir? They made an appearance on the old site near the end. Bring them here too.
@pjmartin Yes and also their Pinot Gris, both were excellent! We liked them so much we visited the tasting room on our honeymoon where they gave us a free tasting for being wooters. Saw a guy there who was a dead ringer for Dick Vermeil, but he denied even knowing who that is.
@pjmartin recently sold. Haven’t gotten back on there.
@winedavid49 My dry season from ordering wine is now over! I’m personally waiting for some Harvest Moon, Scott Harvey, Twisted Oak(still bummed about timing of that awesome offer),and Pedroncelli.
I’m running low on ready to drink reds and need some old world style: cab francs, blends, Italian style wines, zinfandel.
@TechnoViking noted!
@Winedavid49 1 down 3 to go.

Still waiting patiently for some Iron Horse… I know WD has been trying. In fact, I wish he would put all the IH deals on Casemates instead of RLL, I have a serious aversion to that website.
More Gruet!
Laura Michaels Zin. Nom Nom
Would LOVE to see a Pedroncelli mixed case–I need to send it as a Christmas gift!
I’m surprised you can’t throw one together yourself, haha. Now curious to see what Pedroncelli I have…
66 bottles in 30 wines. Less than I thought but plenty to make up a mixed case. Where would you like me to ship it?
@chipgreen We probably could, but the shipping here is what works really well! I should be able to ship to a different address for free, right? I haven’t really checked into it.
My wishlist is now closed off, I have 4 cases on hold shipping out beginning/mid November. I should tap out. @Winedavid49, the game is on now, how many deals can you entice me with before I fold and go broke? I’ll be waiting…
as we’ve had a few requests appear elsewhere,
and we do want it easy for @winedavid49 to find these.
Bring 'em on !
@Winedavid49 Orin Swift, Big Table, Panther Creek, Stag’s Leap, Ghost Hill(love their Pinot Blanc), Stag Hollow, Sokol Blosser. I could go on…
@Winedavid49 Roussane. More Roussane. Please and thank you.
Ty Caton
Ty would be great, but his retail pricing has gone up enough that the discount would need to be above 50% to make it compelling.
@klezman It seems to me the case price around here is usually around 50% of SRP. I think plenty of people would jump on an offer.
I appreciate his big bold silky style, and maybe my tastes are changing, but I would need some serious discounts for me to bite. I think it was because my first experience was the mythical Field Blend, and well, that is a tough act to follow.
Sonoma: David Bynum, Cofforo, Lambert Bridge, ceja, Robledo, Woodenhead, Dutcher Crossing, Carol Shelton,
@losthighwayz Inspiration Vineyards
Another ice wine
Something holidayish, but it’s probably to late to get it here before Yule…
@Winedavid49 @arianaWCC
I bought this on one of the days when the late, lamented winedotwoot was vanishing from our ken.
2014 WineSmith St. Laurent Ricci Vineyard Carneros
I’d really like some more, sir (in my most plaintive Oliver Twist sort of voice)…
Surely you could convince winesmith to participate in a slight offering, maybe a Friday?
@Shrdlu I’m pretty sure the St. Laurent has been offered here once or twice. You could also call Clark directly and he’ll probably still honour the woot price (although shipping will be higher).
@klezman It may have been offered here, although I’d have expected it to catch my attention. I meant specifically the 2014 vintage (just adding this, in case). 2014 was an excellent year all along the west coast for wines.
I don’t think I’d thought about it until I was trying to decide what to open for tonight, and realized that it was almost gone.
Teldeschi aged Petite Sirah, Cab Franc, Zin, and just about anything.
Happy New Year! bumping this up. We’d love to hear more suggestions on wineries of interest.
Anywhere that does something unique that no one else does.
I’d be interested in some serious Midwest wine (not the super sweet plonk that keeps them in business with the bachelorette parties and road-tripping retirees.) Something like Stone Hill Winery’s Cross J Norton (Missouri): https://shop.stonehillwinery.com/2015-stone-hill-winery-cross-j-norton-p284.aspx
I’d also be interested in other off-the-beaten path wines like dry Riesling from the Finger Lakes or Long Island.
More offerings from WA. There are so many great wines being produced there now and so much energy in the industry. It’s like Napa was in the 70’s and 80’s.
C.G. Di Arie re-offers
Pavi Dolcetto as repeats Dawn’s Dream, Galante, Parsonage or Joullian in Carmel Valley to name a few I have a long list as I’m sure others do too!
Twisted Oak
Aged petite sirah would be great, but really anything from the estate vineyards.
Brooks Note Winery
@karenhynes finally spoke to Garry. good guy. we are going to chat in early July. thanks!
Woo Hoo!!
Surprised Inspiration has not happened… Carol Shelton would be interesting. DV8 and Municipal Winemakers are tasty NW wines in SB
Another Zaca Mesa and/or Refugio Ranch offer!
Miro Cellars
Yes. Excellent PS.
@karenhynes Working on this one!
He’s a super nice guy. He’s poured his wines at a few local tastings over the last couple of years.
@arianaWCC @karenhynes
as well as at psiloveyou, iirc, when it still existed in Oakland.
@arianaWCC @karenhynes @rjquillin I actually saw him last summer at the smaller DnD event in Napa. I wore my casemates launch tshirt and his wife mentioned she loved the shirt. Maybe Ariana can make it happen! His PETs set a very high standard.
@arianaWCC @karenhynes
/giphy Excellent!

Reds from Clayhouse, Peterson, Baiocchi, Y. Rousseau (Tannat)
Shannon Ridge and Laura Michael Zinfandels,
@ctmariner Just opened a 2013 Laura Michaels Zin tonight.
@Mark_L Lucky you - I am out of that
Not been on CM but I am partial to Belle Glos Pinot Noir (Clark & Telephone or Dairyman)
@winedavid49 We haven’t seen a Handal Denier offer in quite some time. David Noyes, previously at Wellington among others, is still the consulting winemaker and the cab source is still the same from what I understand.
Would be cool to see a mixed offer that had the cab and some petite sirah in there.
@trifecta If you ever have reason to come to LA, LA Wine Company gets a load of D-H every year and sells it at around $10-12/bottle depending. They’re out at the moment, though.
@klezman @trifecta I’ve been hammering @winedavid49 for over a year now about D-H…
@klezman @rjquillin @trifecta @Winedavid49
@rjquillin @klezman I can’t see myself being near LA for quite some time now…COVID has my travel to CA for work nixed for the foreseeable future.
Isn’t it just one or two wines in that shop at a time though? Thinking a mixed case would be good. I remember the Rosé being excellent as well. Miss the visits we had during DnD weekends.
@rjquillin @trifecta yeah, those were fun visits. I don’t remember the rose actually.
@klezman @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Any luck getting a hold of Mr. Handal? Would be great if you could hammer out a deal so we could all get some Handal wines back in the cellar.
@klezman @rjquillin @trifecta yes, we are working on it.
With the common theme of wine from Walla Walla, I’d love to see some Amavi, Dusted Valley, Sleight of Hand, or Grammercy syrah.
@DanNC Appropriate for today’s offering of a Napa Valley Syrah. Would love to see a Walla Walla product. Even though they will have the “AVA markup” just like Napa Valley does. But there are excellent wines from WW. Note that many producers have an address there but fruit is designated as “Columbia Valley” which is a much larger region. Apparently a hard freeze killed a bunch of WW vineyard stock in early 2000’s, and they were just recovering as of about 10 yrs ago last time I was there. So actual WW designation is rare and generally expensive.
@pmarin We’ve been there three of the past four years and were planning on attending this year’s Celebrate Walla Walla syrah tasting, but decided not to risk it. It’s exciting to see the energy, talent and vision of their industry expanding each year, especially with the smaller producers. It reminds me of Napa in the late 1970’s. As a suggestion, make sure to visit the tasting room at the WW Community College on the east side of town - excellent wines being made by tomorrow’s best viticulturists and enologists.
@DanNC Hi DanNC, better than that, when I spent a week in WW, I think 2007, I went to the WW Community College and got a tour of the viticulture program seeing the labs and all. Seriously thought of ditching a stupid high-tech job and starting a 2nd career in winemaking. I think it was my calling and somewhat regretting I didn’t do it. Also you could buy wine produced by their program I think I got a mixed case and they were very nice!
@DanNC Best chance at Grammercy or SofH at a discount is FullPull, but shipping could kill that deal if you can’t pickup. I’ve gotten Amavi through them as well
@DanNC @trifecta
Yeah, FP shipping is a bit pricey as well, and they won’t even accept a GSO label from me to ship.
@trifecta Thanks, I’ve bought many cases through them but not thrilled with the shipping costs. Wish I were closer so I could pick up. I do like that they consolidate cases and ship twice a year.
@DanNC I am very fortunate to be a local. Bought for years while living in Silicon Valley and would pick up twice a year and store at my folks. Now that I’m back home again, get to pick up often, which gets expensive as well. It has definitely bolstered my ratio of WA wines?
@DanNC Love to see Tori Moore back(or was that on the other site) or another quality Oregon PN.
@foxrunner I think you mean Torii Mor
@winedavid49 When is the next Peterson offer coming? They have a deep portfolio and everything offered so far (I’ve bit on most) has been an excellent qpr.
What ever happened to DiArie?
Chaim had been offering some interesting mixes for his on-line tastings, and ww had multiple offers back in the day. Any future with him?
@rjquillin tried on a few occasions recently to reacquaint. i know they have juice and a bunch of different wines. will try again. thanks for the reminder.
@winedavid49 Another J Dusi pinot grigio offer would be great. Need more whites to get me through the hot summer months.
@suzanne17 noted!
@suzanne17 same here. Been waiting for it
@WineDavid49, what’s up with Kent Rasmussen? It’d be awesome to see some Esoterica Petite Sirah or his KRW Pinot Noir here.
What happened to Inspiration Vineyards? Loved those offers on WW. Jon also expressed interest on this thread back in January 2018
Any hope of some Kendric?
Try Sabelli-Frisch for some unusual and excellent wines.
Expression Winery, please!
@klezman @winedavid49
yup, been too long.
Not going to be an inexpensive bottle however, even at WW, err CM pricing.
Also been too long since we have had an offer from Swilly Idol. I might even trek over to the UPS hub for some Zeppelin, man! Especially some Black Zep PS.
@chipgreen hard to get done. but i’m trying.
Hey @WineDavid49, you know what we haven’t seen in a long time? A Cabernet vertical offering from Harvest Moon…
@klezman noted.
@klezman @winedavid49
Or a sparkling red from Harvest Moon. Not since the WW days. Yum!
I really enjoyed the Malbec and Pinot Noir from Harvest Moon. Would buy again if they repeat! Also, would really like to try the Cab!
Bruce Patch may be willing to deal
A redo of Virage Vineyards Rose would be wonderful.
With all due respect to Gruet, some additional sparkling wine options would be great.
I have a feeling your wish may come true this weekend…
@chipgreen @hscottk They picked the right guy to rat it in that case!
@hscottk @InFrom

I’m frothing at the mouth in anticipation. Gonna need a new mask.
@chipgreen @hscottk So long as the froth has a fine mousse…
@chipgreen @InFrom sounds like I need to pop a champagne cork to celebrate!
@chipgreen @hscottk As it happens, I’m going Champagne shopping this afternoon. Though not to celebrate the advent of new bubbly on Casemates.
@hscottk @InFrom
…and a fine, persistent bead
@hscottk @InFrom
Oops, guess that was some premature ratification.
@chipgreen @InFrom My hopeful bubbles burst!
@hscottk @InFrom
Perhaps we can start the week with a spark(ler)!
@winedavid49 I enjoyed the Clayhouse mixed red cases that appeared on this site and the old site. That reminds me I still have a double magnum of their Adobe Red in the basement!
@ctmariner That Clayhouse run was great QPR. sadly it’s dried up. Let me know how that Double magnum tastes once you open that biggen!
@WineDavid49 any chance to get Torii Mor back into the fold? Even better if you could find some library wines.
@klezman on it.
I do miss the Mumm from WW days, they got me into sparkling for sure…
@bunnymasseuse Ever since Liz left Mumm years ago, we’ve been goose egged. will keep trying.
With Celebrate Walla Walla cancelled this year, how about some Amavi syrah?
@DanNC you can expect this.
@Winedavid49 Yea!
Randy at harvest Moon was just saying he’s got a pallet of Cabernet he’d like to move…
@klezman @winedavid49 @chipgreen @infrom @hscottk
Speaking of sparklers and HM, I’m still waiting for the Harvest Moon red sparkler back from the WW days. Yum!
@chefjess @chipgreen @hscottk @InFrom @klezman we’ll give it a go!
No love fro C R Graybehl? Bought cases of both the Granache and Granache Blanc; regretting I didn’t buy more.
Really hope i can hold off and try to age some of the Blanc for a few years.
@KingKoopa I only had the Grenache, and I agree, it would be great to have it here again.
Would love to see some Iron Horse Tin Pony. Great for summer camping and beach trips.
@nostrom0 Yes!! I would love to have a picnic at the beach right now with the bottle of this wine.
@winedavid49 Inspiration, Bruce Patch, Wine Guerilla, Carol Shelton would be interesting. DV8 and Municipal Winemakers in SB
@losthighwayz Grocery outlet has the inspiration vineyards syrah for $8.99 and the 18’ rose for $4.99. both are good buys.
If you want municipal winemakers, sign up for the newsletter, they offer occasional sales with free shipping when they need to off load vintages.
I really like savory reds, but I’m also a big fan of sweet wines. So here’s what I’d like to see, in no particular order:
@ShotgunX on it!
Giid kist
I concur
And if that… vintner… makes somethings unique… share that one too!!!
Ice cider. Nom nom nom. For example
Oh. And the last mead i got was the dry one. Wasnt a fan as much. Did i miss a sweet one?
I bought a case of this:
The “Pure Honey” was the non-sweet one, and tasted like a slightly off-dry Riesling. Nothing bad about it, but seemed fairly “plain.”
“King’s” was the sweet version, and had a very enjoyable, unique taste. I don’t know how to describe it. Close to a Moscato, but with some kind of burning/earthy note? It was sweet, but didn’t have the fruity tone of a Sauternes. It’s been a while since I’ve last had it, though I’ve kept a bottle for an emergency. Would definitely buy this again, or any other sweet mead that’s offered, especially around the price point of this offering.
Yeah, I had that one. Even the sweet one was not as sweet as the meads I am used to. (“Grew up” so to speak on SCA Mead, so very young, low ABV, and that shaped how I think of mead forever).
I would also go for non-sparkling ciders of various types, and again on the sweet, not dry side.
Cider is definitely something I’d also be very interested in. I remember they had an offering here, but it seemed like a fairly standard dry, sparkling cider, so I didn’t buy it.
@ShotgunX @Winedavid49 too late to say some winter sipping warmed mead would be great during December?!?!
@ShotgunX Hello, we have last minute lab rat bottles for a mead offer. Are you available?
@WCCWineGirl For mead? Absolutely!
I hope you’re gonna have both dry and sweet options!
Hi Alice Would like to get back involved in the rat program. Did it a few times back in the old woot wine days but have not participated for a while. thanks for considering me.
To add to my list above:
I don’t know if this could be classified as wine, but some kind of bitter/Amaro could be a really interesting offer. Since these are often made with wine, and can have ABVs that can go as low as the upper teens, it might meet the criteria. I’ve tried some gourmet, small-batch stuff over the years, and the good stuff can be just as delicious and fun to drink as a great wine, even by itself.
Vermouth could be an option too.
If there’s a legality consideration for why this can’t be offered here, please ignore me (but don’t take away my alcohol).
Thumbprint cellars!!!
How about another Two Jakes of Diamonds and Twisted Oak offers?
@suzanne17 noted!
@suzanne17 @Winedavid49
Noceto has had some good direct offers up lately as well.
Will casemates beat today’s RWS Scott Harvey offer in the near future?
@merrybill From what I’ve seen when a RWS “Insider Deal” is something that has been offered here, the price here is better (and the RWS deal is offered after the same wine was offered here). SH Syrah/Barbera/Zin was offered here on May 2 for $12.50/bottle (case) and $15/bottle (6 pack). You also have to factor in shipping costs on RWS (meaning the current SH offer will cost around $18-18.50/bottle, depending on the quantity you buy).
Sometimes I’ve wondered if Jon Thorsen and @Windavid49 work together to sell off inventory that does not sell out here. (I’m not in any way suggesting that there is anything wrong with this.)
@Mark_L @merrybill I mean, WD sources and fullfills the RWS orders. Different audience, difference sales model (i.e. max $20/btl), etc, but there’s obviously some overlap.
@WineDavid49 - Buttonwood Cabernet Franc please! Still one of my favourite deals you’ve done of all time. (On the 2006 vintage - just had the 2010 last night.)
@klezman @WineDavid49 That would be wonderful, but any good Cab Franc will do. I am out.
Onesta Cinsault in time for Thanksgiving!
@ctmariner @Winedavid49 Yes please!
@ctmariner @danandlisa stay tuned
@ctmariner @Winedavid49 Thank you in advance. Auto two cases. Would buy more cases if I could. My neighbors clamor for it, but I am reluctant to give away any.
@ctmariner @danandlisa @Winedavid49 lol, WD doesn’t hold his cards very close to his chest.
@ctmariner @WCCWineGirl @Winedavid49 I am very grateful for this. With my lack of storage, it is very important to know when to buy or when to hold.
@ctmariner a nice Pinot could be good for thanksgiving as well.
@ctmariner @Twich22 oh yea…
Haven’t seen a Noceto deal in a long time. They don’t ship here but are on the short list of producers I’d ship to a neighboring state.
Noceto would be nice
! Doesn’t come up often on here. I joined their wine club and they offer good deals.

I’d like to see some Kendric
@dawnlac @hscottk suzy has been tight over at Vino Noceto. i ask about every month… but sadly not this year.
@Winedavid49 Just please keep asking. An auto buy for most of us.
@dawnlac @Winedavid49 Iron Horse? Holiday bubbles and all…
Still waiting for something unique for the holidays. It’s probably too late though.
@Cerridwyn what do you mean by unique
Well, they had that Holiday themed wine on Meh! the other day that lasted maybe 12 hours. Does that count?
Were they scooped up by the pallet by panic-induced toilet paper shoppers or did they just not make enough of it?
Whatever the case (no pun intended), it seemed like a weak effort - putting it on an alternate site and not having enough to go around. Meh! indeed…
not usual casemates faire.
sorry, no. it didn’t count. it was…
wait for it
Any chance we’ll get a nice large (quantity) assortment of wine gift bags, even if on one of the ‘other’ sites?
Do let us know here, unlike with the Ped offer on Meh.
Need some bags to gift those bottles, other than the meager number included.
How about a mixed case of 375?
Would love to see some good priced reds… Two Jakes of diamonds, Harvest Moon or Kendric. Whites…Jana Sav Blanc or J Dusi Pinot Grigio
@dawnlac Kendric on today!
@winedavid49 (over 50)
Yeah yeah yeah, wrong site but when are we getting this offer again?

@rjquillin noted!
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 Yes please, I have been out for months.
@danandlisa @rjquillin @Winedavid49 I would love some of the olio nuovo, if we could get it late fall/early winter, when the olio is truly nuovo. My experience is that a few months later, the oil, while still very nice, is missing that “green” quality that makes it so special.
If there was an offer during that time and I missed it, then
@danandlisa @InFrom @rjquillin i think we missed out on the Olio Nuovo this season.
@InFrom @rjquillin @Winedavid49 I know. I can pin my hopes for next season
@danandlisa @InFrom @Winedavid49
I noticed their site was reporting sold out, at least for some oils.
Was looking at my freezer stock (SIL was asking for some) and found it was nearly exhausted, so I thought I’d lean on @winedavid49 to see if this may become available, on that other site…
Anyone else interested?
@rjquillin I loaded up at Costco the last couple years (different brand, approximately equally good). Not going through it super quickly right now.
@klezman @rjquillin those are great but I’m really waiting for the kalamatas to come back. It’s been a while!
@klezman @scottw58 @cortot
Looks like I’ll be getting some black and white direct at <$20/lb plus shipping.
I’ll store it at -80°C until I can deliver to any SoCal that may be interested interested.
@CorTot @rjquillin @ScottW58 because of course you are

How about a boxed wine? Like Peterson Zero Manipulation. We have never had a box on Casemates or the old site that I can recall.
@foxrunner interesting idea.
@foxrunner @Winedavid49
Ahhhh, but we have had Boxx wine
from waaaay back on 2017.10.2 and 2017.10.17
@foxrunner @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Boxed wine seems to miss the target for a lot of the people who buy here though, which is high quality for a better than usual price. Seems unlikely you’d find a box wine that you could get at a significant discount (unless it’s a producer that just has a bunch of extra juice and offers it in bulk as a special “box” bottling).
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 OK I was around in them thar days but it seems that I filed that as nonconsequential.
@deadlyapp @rjquillin @Winedavid49 I’m asking for a quality box wine here. Not Kangaroo plonk. I do think Casemates has a broader more Unitarian demographic than the high end rollers. Often the sales map is “on fire” with the less expensive offers. The “Black Tie” ones tend to be quite coastal.
@Winedavid49 Any chance we could get Cougar Crest back again? Just finished my last bottle of the 2013 Estate Syrah that was offered in July of 2019. Both vintages from that offer were excellent!
@suzanne17 noted!!
@suzanne17 @Winedavid49
…and some Dusted Valley, while you’re in the neighborhood
@winedavid49 have you ever looked into Gehricke?
@karenhynes it’s been awhile. i’m on it!
Anything from Halcon to celebrate Paul and Jackie’s next adventure.
Definitely - @WineDavid49 see if you can get them to liquidate here given that they’re selling the vineyard (and presumably stopping the winery operation).
@DanOR @klezman @Winedavid49 Please?!
@DanOR Apparently the winery has sold and they’re having little problem retailing the remainder of their inventory. Congrats and good luck to them both!
@DanOR Did you get confirmation of that from Paul or Jackie? Today’s email said the vineyard sale was nearly final but nothing about the winery or label (or other stock). Sounded like they’re finishing the 2019 releases next month and then presumably there’s a 2020 they’ll sell off as their final act.
@klezman It was based on the email, so perhaps I overstated the “sold” part. I will probably pick up some of their new releases on Sept. 9th, and wonder what their plans are for the 2020.
How about Noceto? Sure could use some of their sangiovese. But after summer please.
WD has been trying, but they’ve been reluctant iirc.
@davirom @kawichris650 Love Noceto! Not on here often. After Casemates put their wine on my radar I joined the wine club to get good deals. 2 shipments a year. Love their Sangiovese & their Rosetto is great during the summer!
@winedavid49 Ty for the Kendric offering! Had been on one of my wish list post
@dawnlac my pleasure. i am listening! thanks for checking in.
@dawnlac @Winedavid49 Really enjoying the Kendric Sangiovese - nice wine
@ctmariner @dawnlac noted!
I’ll throw a vote in for a Hendry offering. I got in on the ‘stocking stuffer’ offer on the old site back in December 2014
@sosptuba good call. i have not called on them in a while.
I’ve picked up a couple discounted Sleight of Hand reds from Last Bottle; excellent wines. Maybe they could join the CM community?
@DanOR seconded
Onesta Cinsault for Thanksgiving?
WD made your wish come true
A few additions to the wishlist:
Don’t forget Anthony is no longer the winemaker at Bell…
Ice wine
Oh I have said that before
It’s really way past time to revisit something from Kent Rasmussen
@rjquillin emailed yesterday (again!). Always very kind and appreciative and once again a respectable no.
@Winedavid49 grumph
Would verbal arm twisting work any better?
Iron Horse bubbles! We need some Joy in the holiday season…
Y. Rousseau Tannat - opened one tonight and only a couple left (plus a couple of the Musketeer)
@winedavid49 for the summer @pedroncellifam offering it would be awesome if you could do a rose’/friends white split case offer! Bonus points for getting it out the door before Memorial Day
Just realized we haven’t seen an Anderson’s Conn valley offering in a very long time.
Something sweet and of quality
Or something unique or downright weird
@winedavid49 Kendric red(s) - just finished the case of Sangiovese
Bring back black tie offers.
what ever happed to giornata?
Have there been any Miner Family offers since the small bottles of Viognier so very long ago on a website so far away?
What happened to the once mentioned (by @winedavid49) mead
Also, what happened to expressions winery?
Hi all - what are some new wines/wineries you’ve been enjoying and want to see on Casemates?
We want to bring you your favorites!
Back in the day, WD hooked us up with a red blend called Open Range. It was from Casey Flat Ranch (which has since closed sadly) but the winemaker was Laura Barrett and it seems now she’s with Clif Family Wines. I think it’d be great if we could get some of Laura’s juice again.
@arianaWCC long shot, but Tablas Creek
Just before the whole COVID mess started you were looking into Brooks Note and Miro Cellars. Any chance of reconnecting?
And maybe throw in some Gehricke Pinot while you’re at it??
Any chance of seeing Anne Amie Cuvée A Amrita again?
@irenegade this, 1000%.
This was the first offering where I bought a second case during its second offering.
@Drez143 @irenegade Hopefully in 2023!
@arianaWCC @Drez143 that would be great! It’s been a while!
I wish for wine shipped via FedEx. That seems to have about as good a chance of being honored as the other requests in this thread.
It’s been almost 2 years (Nov.2020 from what I could search) since a Pedroncelli zinfandel was offered. This should be in the next Pedroncelli offer.
Laura Michael Zinfandel
Gilbert cellars and di arie
Just ran out of:
La Cosecha Vinagre de Jerez Reserva 10 year old Sherry Vinegar, 750 ml
Yes, this was from the other site, and I see BHW has it in stock, but I’d rather get it from you.
Any possibility this may make a re-appearance?
While we’re at it…
Salute Santé’ Grapeseed Oil
Olivestri Siloro Olio Nuovo Olive Oil
Marché aux Delices Black and White Truffle Butter
are also missed…
Onesta Cinsault for Thanksgiving?
@ctmariner noted!
Been a while since anyone posted, so how about a Black tie offer! How about some magnums! Also, maybe some Blackbird Arise would be nice.
@jmdavidson1 @winedavid49 Good call, jm. And while we’re at it, maybe another call to Suzy at Noceto? She has to say yes eventually, right?
@hscottk Agree. Vin noceto was up quite a few times at ww.
@hscottk @jmdavidson1
Price creep may well have something to do with offers here too. We got some nice discounts back in the day; but they aren’t alone with having to deal with those issues. Randy, Scott, Ty, Swilly have all seen pressure.
@hscottk @jmdavidson1 @rjquillin I think they’ve also all had more success with direct sales, making it (a) less helpful to discount and (b) less necessary to get a large lump sum from a sale here. Good for them but sucks for us. Especially with wines like Vineyard 1869 creeping toward $60.
@jmdavidson1 @klezman @rjquillin Definitely makes sense. But there are plenty of familiar labels still using flash sites (Caton, Iron Horse, and Virage come to mind). Even SH had a recent offer here, a rosè I think. Noceto feels more like the outlier. And as you say, good for them. I would join their wine club, if only they shipped to my state. Much easier to Wootleg a single offer.
to second Noceto, and while you’re at it, add Foppiano
Those were both good RPM Tour stops
@rjquillin It seems like our CM Noceto days are behind us. @winedavid49 change my mind Lol!
Sherry, please!
OK, let’s see if @WineDavid49 can pull this one off.
Last time I was in Sonoma we did our tasting at Bedrock (no chance for here, I know) and then popped next door to Prohibition Spirits. Since everything they had in the tasting room was brandy that allowed them to use the wine rules. I’m wondering if that would work for Casemates? molarchae loved the S’Mores brandy and I got the Zin Brandy.
What do you think…maybe a Friday offer??
@klezman i know Fred. Good folk. didn’t think he had anything for me. i’ll reach out!
I just completed a long overdue inventory. My takeaway: I have too much red wine. What dwindles in my cellar and always seems to need restocking? Sparklers!
@winedavid59 I was a definite fan of the mystery champagne offer and would love to see more of that and other sparklers. I can’t help wondering why we don’t see more of these (outside of Gruet). Lack of demand? Limited opportunity? Seeing more deals would be awesome! (you heard that right, Mediocrebot!).
@hscottk @winedavid59
He’s not currently offering bubbles at UndergroundCellar but they do seem to frequently appear there. May want to visit or get on the mailing list, just in case something of interest comes up.
@hscottk @rjquillin @Winedavid59 Agreed on the bubbles. With wine sales down all over the place perhaps the next year or two will be good for finding some solid deals on otherwise unobtainable bubblies from California wineries. Under the Wire, anybody?
Anything from Andrew Murray. E11even was my favorite offer ever, and the Syrah from Qupe was awesome.
@user48745965 chatted with A.M. today as a matter of fact.
@Winedavid59 Amazing!