Wooster, Ohio wine dinner w/Fiddlehead Cellars, Fri. March 16th
4Kathy Joseph, owner/winemaker of Fiddlehead Cellars will be hosting a wine dinner at The Wooster Inn in Wooster, OH on Friday March 16, 2018 at 7:00 pm. The cost is $75 per person and if you ask, they should be willing to offer a discounted room rate for those who would like to stay overnight at the Inn. There are also a number of other lodging choices within 5-10 minutes of the Inn.
We have attended a number of wine dinners at the Inn and they are always excellent! We also like to adjourn to a downstairs room called The Library to drink additional bottles that we bring from home after the dinner. While this is not guaranteed to be allowed, we have not been denied yet! We will attempt to recruit Kathy Joseph to join us as well, enticing her with some 2005 WineSmith Second Fiddle Pinot Noir that was made by her former UC-Davis lab partner Clark Smith, with fruit from her very own Fiddlestix vineyard. We may also have another surprise guest in attendance if his schedule allows.
Please respond here if you plan to attend. We usually get a nice group together for these dinners and try to get seated at the same table. As we are already booked, feel free to request seating with David and Nancy Collin when making a reservation.
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i’ve been trying to land Fiddlehead cellars for a while now… good stuff. have fun. (mention casemates will ya…?)
@Winedavid49 Absolutely!
Love Wooster Ohio and the Inn. Have fun.
@jimmyd103 Thanks! Are you not in the area anymore?
@chipgreen I spent some time in Wooster working on a project at COW. We stayed at the Inn a few times.
To NEO’s that haven’t attended a wine dinner at the Wooster Inn and meet afterwards in the Library, it’s a great time!
I’m trying to figure out availability for Fiddlesticks because we’re going to Hilton Head to meet up with friends somewhere in Feb - Mar. Really hate to miss Scott and Jana, but we’ll be in Sanibel, FL that day.
I just made my reservation. Looking forward to it.
@mehnyblooms Awesome, looking forward to meeting you! Are you staying overnight or just attending the dinner?
@chipgreen I also booked rooms for overnight at the inn. I wanted to enjoy the evening without worries of the drive home.
@mehnyblooms That’s great! Do you mind if I ask how many in your party?
@chipgreen There are two of us. My Mother and I. She loves wine as well and is really looking forward to it. We’ll spend the afternoon at a park hiking on the trails to build up an appetite (and thirst).
@mehnyblooms Fantastic!
Also, the menu has been posted HERE
@chipgreen Thanks for the link. That looks delicious! Also a little intimidating. I’m more of a “cook at home” person. It’s time I expand my horizons. I’m really glad you posted this because I had never heard of the Wooster Inn wine dinners. I’m looking forward to it. Thanks.
@mehnyblooms Don’t feel bad, I was raised on meat & potatoes and have always gravitated towards comfort food but it’s through events like this that I have finally started to expand my own palate as well.
My wife, OTOH… lol. She won’t eat most of it so I will be eating a meal and a half. Great for my mouth, not so good for my waistline…
@chipgreen That’s a pretty killer menu.
@mehnyblooms Did you make it to the dinner? I thought you would be sitting at our table but I guess not… I asked around and even found some peeps from Cuyahoga Falls but was unable to locate you. You missed an awesome after-party in the downstairs library with Kathy Joseph.
@chipgreen Yes, we were there. It was terrific. I’m sorry I missed you. We couldn’t make the after-party, my Mother wasn’t feeling well. Perhaps the next time.
@mehnyblooms Glad to hear that you enjoyed the dinner, I hope your Mom is feeling better!
@chipgreen Just a short trip to the emergency room the next day. She’s all right now. I don’t think it had anything to do with the dinner. She said she had a good time. Anyway, this just caught us at a transition time. We’ll see about the future. By the way, I really talked up Casemates to our tablemates so hopefully they log in!
Wish we could do this. The menu looks great, but we like to avoid meat on Friday during Lent. And as it turns out, I have to portray Jacques DeMolay in his final trial before the French Inquisition that night.
@ddeuddeg Break a leg!
@chipgreen LOL. Actually, the rack will take care of that for me.
@chipgreen @ddeuddeg Isn’t RMP an in house lawyer? Maybe he can change history?
@Boatman72 @chipgreen @ddeuddeg Love it! Don’t love that we can’t make the dinner.
Hoping for the Scott Harvey Dinner in May.
@Boatman72 @chipgreen Yeah, but that history is over 700 years old. Might be a done deal. However, it is a juicy dramatic role. When I played it back in December, I got some rave reviews.
Bump… coming up soon!
OK, can’t do this, as already mentioned, but we’ve made reservations for the Scott and Jana dinner on 5/18. Room is booked for Thursday and Friday night, thinking we can bring our bikes and check out some of the trails in the Wooster area. LW has to take of at least part of Friday for us to get there on time for the dinner, so we might as well take advantage of the opportunity, assuming we’ll have suitable weather.
@ddeuddeg Nice! We are also booked for the 5/18 dinner. Planning to create a Gatherings post soon after the Fiddlehead dinner next week.