The Turing test is supposed to determine if an AI can pass for human. Mediocrebot seems to be asking whether humans can determine if they are interacting with an AI. That is, the human is being tested. Kind of stands the test on its head. AI is not that good - yet.
The Turing test is supposed to determine if an AI can pass for human. Mediocrebot seems to be asking whether humans can determine if they are interacting with an AI. That is, the human is being tested. Kind of stands the test on its head. AI is not that good - yet.
I think you just have to say the word awesome. If you get an automated reply, then you know they’re an android.
Affirmative; odds are one in 3,450,900,874 that I’d be discovered given current prevalent and likely utilized evaluation technologies.
I mean… haha, of course, i’d totally pass :emoji:
I can only distinguish between humans and i-Phones, so no, I cannot.