Not so long ago* I was congratulated by a somewhat famous, intermittently venerable** and infrequently disrespected fellow winemaker, who said to me, “Congratulations!*** You have outdone yourself with this wine label: it says nothing whatsoever about wine at all!” I bowed, scraped, and debarnacled myself, and replied, “True, but I would never have realized the Truth about Traffic had I not spent six figures of seconds on the 405, 101,666 calling on wine accounts, back in The Day! And the Pot-Holy Trinity are modeled after mortals I know well, who come harvest and high wine have all assisted me at the Hill of Graceland!”
Now I must tell you, dear Cluster Mates, that I do not do blending trials: I kinda sorta have my wines memorized, and so Constructo-ively assemble them to my taste. This example is in the space between the Head Zeppelin of ‘16, which was roughly 2-1 Alicante/Syrah, and my infamously good enough La Mort Du Roi, that I make perhaps two years out of five or six (almost always over 3/4s Syrah). The label says 4% Petite Sirah, which is correct, but the AB and SY percentages add up to 91, which might lead you to wonder what the last 5% is? Well, it’s Syrah. (This is my punishment for even daring to visit the grave of John von Neumann four or six months ago.) But I didn’t make a mistake with the wine.
2021 Wine Club Petite Sirah, Calaveras County Magnum
Tasting Notes
Neither the wolverine-sauce tannic Godzilla Only Knows style of yesteryear - okay, 1977 - nor the "are you sure this isn’t Modesto Merlot/goes down saponaceously slick, though style of suspicious wine bars, this wine has a 200 point - well, grit - rating from Sandpaper Spectator, making it . . . Oh, never mind that. The vineyard’s altitude (over 3000’) and slightly eastern exposure make for a late pick - evening in October, with black plum syrup and spicy forest gloom. (That’s what the vineyard owner calls it, and offers to fight with scoffers.)
Vintage: 2021
Varietal: Petite Sirah
Appellation: Grenouille Ranch, Calaveras County, CA
Alcohol: 15.2%
Total Acidity: 6.3 g/L,
What’s Included
2x 2021 Constructo Red Blend, 750ml
1x 2021 Wine Club Petite Sirah, Calaveras County Magnum
4x 2021 Constructo Red Blend, 750ml
2x 2021 Wine Club Petite Sirah, Calaveras County Magnum
Zeppelin Winery is a very small producer of super premium wines, based on the Central Coast of California. Founded in 2009 by winemaker Stillman Brown of Red Zeppelin Winery and wine veteran Dan Lewis (he’s the office guy) they produce tiny lots of Syrah and other misunderstood varietals, with almost invariably insane labels. Most can only be purchased directly, but once in a while they emerge into the light of day.
Co-founded in 2009 by consulting winemaker and cellar monkey Stillman Brown of Red Zeppelin infamy and insufficiently silent partner Dan Lewis of Jory Winery, Zeppelin Winery is a risibly small producer (a parking garagiste, if you valet neologisms) of super-duper* premium wines, primarily from two recently concocted sub appellations of west Paso Robles that split the hidden Hill of Graceland vineyard. Other vineyards -and such- are in Aptos, Sierra Foothills, Sedona, Roswell, and Baja Cayucos. Really.
Visitors are generally discouraged, especially if they are unlucky enough to find us. There is no tasting room. Sales are almost exclusively to our email list - there is no club to quit. And yet here we are on Casemates, as a new fan or forty is always good to have.
Available States
No questions yet?
Awesome. Most of you know better!
I have more winery work to do - everything from measurements to driving the ridiculous giant forklift down the incredibly dusty east road to shed #3 to get the last fermenter. (This will add at least a half kilo of terroir to my clothes and hair.) appropriate music follows
@bunnymasseuse@CorTot@Winedavid49 Of course that did not factor into the consideration of giving you the awesome responsibility and privilege of slinging this particular swill!
Now excuse me but I only have another 140 minutes of bug-free darkness!
So I was reading the wine description and getting a bit confused and a little dazed and then I realized I was clicking around and found myself hovering over the purchase button and then someone walks up to me, says “First time?” then hits me and knocks me out. I woke up with this order number:
/giphy restricted-equivocal-volleyball
I got the email from Alice that another bottle was on its way for our gathering and she said it was a magnum from Zeppelin - I told the group we may have to adjust our bottle plans for the night. Thankfully, the email spilling the beans came only about 25 minutes before the truck dropped it off, so I didn’t have to wait too long to open the box. The box was huge - very long and when I opened it, it had a gigantic bottle wrapped in pink tissue paper. When I unwrapped it it was the longest wine bottle I have ever held and fit the name Wine Club as it could inflict serious harm if wielded as a weapon.
When opened it barely could fit on the counter under the upper cabinets.
Dark and dense in the glass, heavy black and blue fruited aromas with some tar and woodsy notes as well, this had some heft. On the palate it was thick, chewy and dense with dark black fruits the tar, and forest floor tastes as well matching the nose, maybe some graphite as well. It was not harsh with high tannin and was very drinkable with the heavier food (meatballs, prosciutto pinwheels and pasta. This did not seem too young but I sense that it would go many years if tucked away. There must have been a lot left to this bottle for @chipgreen to report on life after popping the cork.
Temps in Houston finally getting back to acceptable levels and stillman is an autopsy so I’m coming out of wine buying hibernation for this offer. It’s my birthday to boot so no regrets
@deadlyapp It’s my birthday in a week and I will die if I want to die if I want to die if I want to?!?
Well… I am throwing a party and I do have to name it but somehow…
@a5meiser yah is it still foam? I think the foam may be almost done…
Anyway, glad to see Mr. B still heavy in the discussion
I flew halfway across the country but not quite far enough to sample some @ZeppelinWinery Syrah + + so we’re being “forced” into ordering online
Great stuff
I have three bins to go: Primitivo, Negrette and a TNT. Then I will attempt to answer questions and . . . oh crap the yellowjackets are awake . . . back in 75
@joe139, @ttboy23 and anyone else in SE MI.
I am not currently able to purchase this, but would love to split a “case”. Let me know if anyone is willing to pull the trigger.
Being pedantic, I don’t think a “case” should ever equal under 12 x 750 ml. At least that is how the OHLQ defines it.
Buying a “case” of wine in this offer is 4 x 750ml + 2 x 1.5L. That comes out to eight.
I would have rather it phrased “3 bottles xxx, 6 bottles xxx” The discount and offer is solid. But this is not a case.
Edit: Just a tick. You have offered magnums on Fridays and leave it at bottles. Anyone jumping on this offer isn’t going to think they are getting an extra 4 bottles if they buy a “case.” Just call it bottle for bottle. My 1.5 cents.
@KNmeh7 Well, I kind of agree, though in the case of this case, the actual packaging, which is going to have to be custom-made I’m sure, I guess would equal one specialty-this-offer-only case.
also the can offers like the recent mimosa cans might arrive in a large cardboard box but don’t equal the traditional “case” you mention either by 12 qty or by total litres.
I’m tired and I want to go home but I’m still sitting in my car at the winery hoping that there will be another comment for me to answer so I don’t have to do something difficult like look out the front window for deer to dodge
@pmarin@ZeppelinWinery i dont want to speak for stillman but I would say you’ll be rewarded for waiting. Unfortunately Stillman has such small lots he almost never has previous releases for sale and you have to cellar yourself with current year releases.
The few Stillmans I’ve actually opened out of my meager stash ive tried to decant for a long period.
@deadlyapp@pmarin@ZeppelinWinery I have a single bottle of Stillman Petite Syrah from that other site way back when… has a tag I made around the neck of it saying “MUST DECANT or Wait until 2024+” which if I recall correctly means I’ve had it maybe 8+ years? No vintage on the bottle, so hard to say for sure, I could maybe drag it up from the digital archives.
I remember the mind-boggling part of that wine was the suggestion in the comments section to decant something like 2 DAYS before drinking. So yeah, significant decanting has been recommended for other bottles from Stillman.
That said,I would love to hear from the winemaker on drinking window/decanting suggestions for these wines. I’m not always willing to share outstanding wine with my unappreciative broader family, so I’m a little less concerned about holiday readiness. Although, a well timed Friendsgving with people who better appreciate fine food, wine, and community might be a different story.
@pmarin Do yourself a favor and take a trip to the Finger Lakes. You’ll be hard pressed to not pick up a magnum or two of Riesling from some exceptional, world class wineries. Going at least a couple times a year really spoils us. We’ve got a couple FLX “bazookas” already lined up for the holidays.
@deadlyapp@jeckman223@pmarin Yes that particular PS was on the tighter side - it did benefit greatly from slow aeration. The ‘wine club’ is quite a bit less tannic/more precocious
Yesterday 30 bottles show up at my house. And I can’t pass this up. Great wine and a magnum bottle I can’t resist. Wife will no doubt comment on my amazing self control!
OK, just finished cutting a hole in my wine fringe to accommodate that 105mm bottle (Tks @ScottW58) Black Gorilla Duct Tape to the rescue!! >>>presumptuous-prosperous-cup
Apologies for this late report. Out of town for the first attempt, then delivered to an old address for the second!
I’ll be brief just to get a report out. First of all, I have never been a Stillman aficionado. Some wines have hit for me over the years, others haven’t.
This one (Constructo) was a clear hit. For me the nose is dark, with strong scents of eucalyptus or menthol. A bit of alcohol that blows off fairly quickly.
Deep purple in the glass, deep enough to stain your countertop, and nice legs when swirled in the glass.
Palate is more dark fruit than red fruit, with some oak and some spice. Long finish, rich mouthfeel. Really satisfying to drink.
@jmdavidson1 yeah, that’s my issue. I’ve liked every one of Stillman’s wines that have alcohol under 15% or so and have disliked every wine above 16% or so.
How much more are you saving by buying 6 bottles?
(Note: Tax & Shipping not included in savings calculations).
Zeppelin Winery Red Wine Combo - $25 = 10.41%
2021 Zeppelin Wine Club Petite Sirah
Alice and WD must have been feeling especially generous to grace us with this ginormous magnum bottle of Petite Sirah from Swilly.
@pjmartin, @mrn1, @msten and their better halves were able to join my wife and I for a fun and wine-filled NE OH Casemates get-together where we got to sample Wine Club by itself and with a variety of foods.
TLDR: Two words - Black Zeppelin.
For everyone else,…
The wine was dark and inky, a tooth-staining deep purple color in the glass.
Blackberry/blueberry compote on the nose. Maybe a hint of oak and/or light spice.
Based on the nose and appearance, I was expecting a massive wine. It was in fact a big wine but not as big as I initially expected.
The palate followed the nose, with blackberry/blueberry leading the way. Well balanced in regards to oak and tannins. I was going to say it had a nice minerality but I think @pjmartin nailed it with his “graphite” descriptor.
It played nicely with everything from Italian foods to artichoke dip, to cheese and crackers, even cookies. It did get a little spicy with the meat-a-balls.
Overall, it was very reminiscent of Black Zeppelin, one of my all-time favorite Petite Sirahs. If you like the Black Zeppelin, then this is highly recommended. Otherwise, it’s still highly recommended.
What ever happened to wine woots petitesyrah? You could always count on him to evaluate the p s. Yes, I do miss the black zeppelin wines. They were, with age, outstanding. I’m in.
Just received my “case.” It’s a miracle this didn’t burst apart on the way here. The bottom of the box the tape had come apart on one side and the packing peanuts had been leaking out. Looks like the bottles made it no issues though. Now to figure out how to fit it in my wine coolers.
2021 Constructo Red Blend 750ml
Tasting Notes
2021 Wine Club Petite Sirah, Calaveras County Magnum
Tasting Notes
What’s Included
Price Comparison
Not for sale online, $426/case MSRP
About The Winery
Available States
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Oct 24 - Wednesday, Oct 26
Zeppelin Winery Red Wine Combo
$119.99 - $214.99
2021 Constructo Red Blend
2021 Wine Club Petite Sirah
I’m not in San Miguel, I’m in Harvest Hell!
Meaning, at the winery, without an assistant* for the evening, and here until dawn.
I want this, if, for no other reason, the write-up.
Not even < your age, so, no help from here.
As always, good to see ‘read’ you…
@rjquillin But not over 2X my age, I trust, or you’d be drinking blood too!
I’ll be 65 in a week.

/giphy sinister-mourning-spook
No questions yet?
Awesome. Most of you know better!
I have more winery work to do - everything from measurements to driving the ridiculous giant forklift down the incredibly dusty east road to shed #3 to get the last fermenter. (This will add at least a half kilo of terroir to my clothes and hair.)
appropriate music follows
You have my proxy to answer questions until I get back!
Auto buy. Have never had a Stillman wine I haven’t liked/loved. And I missed buying from the last email so it is my lucky day!
Welcome back Stillman! Btw, that magnum will be impossible
To pack!
@Winedavid49 even more interesting…
@Winedavid49 and store…
@CorTot @Winedavid49 you naysayers can deal with it, the bunny den will #workitout !
@bunnymasseuse @CorTot @Winedavid49 Of course that did not factor into the consideration of giving you the awesome responsibility and privilege of slinging this particular swill!
Now excuse me but I only have another 140 minutes of bug-free darkness!
Auto-buy (after informing my partner, who wondered why I waited so long)
/giphy restful-abject-coffee

Bunny #autobuy !

/giphy miserable-reliable-toast
Rats. No TN!!
You need a … what do we call a Wootlegger now? Someone in a neighboring state … makes gatherings fun!
/giphy talented-underwhelmed-feather

So I was reading the wine description and getting a bit confused and a little dazed and then I realized I was clicking around and found myself hovering over the purchase button and then someone walks up to me, says “First time?” then hits me and knocks me out. I woke up with this order number:

/giphy restricted-equivocal-volleyball
Well it made sense to me when I wrote it, but when I went back to edit it I found it impossible to understand. So I sent it in as first draft!
/giphy satisfying-lockable-oven

I got the email from Alice that another bottle was on its way for our gathering and she said it was a magnum from Zeppelin - I told the group we may have to adjust our bottle plans for the night. Thankfully, the email spilling the beans came only about 25 minutes before the truck dropped it off, so I didn’t have to wait too long to open the box. The box was huge - very long and when I opened it, it had a gigantic bottle wrapped in pink tissue paper. When I unwrapped it it was the longest wine bottle I have ever held and fit the name Wine Club as it could inflict serious harm if wielded as a weapon.
When opened it barely could fit on the counter under the upper cabinets.
Dark and dense in the glass, heavy black and blue fruited aromas with some tar and woodsy notes as well, this had some heft. On the palate it was thick, chewy and dense with dark black fruits the tar, and forest floor tastes as well matching the nose, maybe some graphite as well. It was not harsh with high tannin and was very drinkable with the heavier food (meatballs, prosciutto pinwheels and pasta. This did not seem too young but I sense that it would go many years if tucked away. There must have been a lot left to this bottle for @chipgreen to report on life after popping the cork.
I’ll likely pour that magnum into stemless glasses…
Temps in Houston finally getting back to acceptable levels and stillman is an autopsy so I’m coming out of wine buying hibernation for this offer. It’s my birthday to boot so no regrets
@deadlyapp You’re killing me…ha!
@deadlyapp It’s my birthday in a week and I will die if I want to die if I want to die if I want to?!?

Well… I am throwing a party and I do have to name it but somehow…
/giphy idiotic-delicious-turkey

Interested to see how this is going to ship.
/giphy informative-tactful-bard

@a5meiser yah is it still foam? I think the foam may be almost done…
Anyway, glad to see Mr. B still heavy in the discussion
I flew halfway across the country but not quite far enough to sample some @ZeppelinWinery Syrah + + so we’re being “forced” into ordering online
Great stuff
Why the hell did you use a Riesling mag bottle?! Although I dig them because they look like a 105mm shell
@ScottW58 Those are hard to cork!
(Because I was given them as a consulting fee from another winemaker.)
I have three bins to go: Primitivo, Negrette and a TNT. Then I will attempt to answer questions and . . . oh crap the yellowjackets are awake . . . back in 75
@joe139, @ttboy23 and anyone else in SE MI.
I am not currently able to purchase this, but would love to split a “case”. Let me know if anyone is willing to pull the trigger.
@jrbw3 @ZeppelinWinery
let me say that 2020 Colossus we had last week was some of THE best wine from here
I held onto it as long as I could
Being pedantic, I don’t think a “case” should ever equal under 12 x 750 ml. At least that is how the OHLQ defines it.
Buying a “case” of wine in this offer is 4 x 750ml + 2 x 1.5L. That comes out to eight.
I would have rather it phrased “3 bottles xxx, 6 bottles xxx” The discount and offer is solid. But this is not a case.
Edit: Just a tick. You have offered magnums on Fridays and leave it at bottles. Anyone jumping on this offer isn’t going to think they are getting an extra 4 bottles if they buy a “case.” Just call it bottle for bottle. My 1.5 cents.
@KNmeh7 Well, I kind of agree, though in the case of this case, the actual packaging, which is going to have to be custom-made I’m sure, I guess would equal one specialty-this-offer-only case.
also the can offers like the recent mimosa cans might arrive in a large cardboard box but don’t equal the traditional “case” you mention either by 12 qty or by total litres.
@KNmeh7 @pmarin The mimosas were pretty interesting after reading everything almost wish I would’ve ordered just to try once, eh.
I’m tired and I want to go home but I’m still sitting in my car at the winery hoping that there will be another comment for me to answer so I don’t have to do something difficult like look out the front window for deer to dodge
@ZeppelinWinery That’s not really a self parody, or is it?
@ZeppelinWinery OK would you say the Magnum wine would be best consumed this year like over the holidays, or better if cellared for a year or more?
@ZeppelinWinery and I liked the story behind the Magnum bottles. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a magnum of riesling.
@pmarin @ZeppelinWinery
Coolest looking bottle ever IMHO
@pmarin @ZeppelinWinery i dont want to speak for stillman but I would say you’ll be rewarded for waiting. Unfortunately Stillman has such small lots he almost never has previous releases for sale and you have to cellar yourself with current year releases.
The few Stillmans I’ve actually opened out of my meager stash ive tried to decant for a long period.
@deadlyapp @pmarin @ZeppelinWinery I have a single bottle of Stillman Petite Syrah from that other site way back when… has a tag I made around the neck of it saying “MUST DECANT or Wait until 2024+” which if I recall correctly means I’ve had it maybe 8+ years? No vintage on the bottle, so hard to say for sure, I could maybe drag it up from the digital archives.
I remember the mind-boggling part of that wine was the suggestion in the comments section to decant something like 2 DAYS before drinking. So yeah, significant decanting has been recommended for other bottles from Stillman.
That said,I would love to hear from the winemaker on drinking window/decanting suggestions for these wines. I’m not always willing to share outstanding wine with my unappreciative broader family, so I’m a little less concerned about holiday readiness. Although, a well timed Friendsgving with people who better appreciate fine food, wine, and community might be a different story.
@pmarin Do yourself a favor and take a trip to the Finger Lakes. You’ll be hard pressed to not pick up a magnum or two of Riesling from some exceptional, world class wineries. Going at least a couple times a year really spoils us. We’ve got a couple FLX “bazookas” already lined up for the holidays.
@deadlyapp @jeckman223 @pmarin Yes that particular PS was on the tighter side - it did benefit greatly from slow aeration. The ‘wine club’ is quite a bit less tannic/more precocious
Yesterday 30 bottles show up at my house. And I can’t pass this up. Great wine and a magnum bottle I can’t resist. Wife will no doubt comment on my amazing self control!
@ElKabong Yeah-- the bottle did it for me too.
/giphy sorrowful-guttural-duck

Always in for a Stillman wine.

OK, just finished cutting a hole in my wine fringe to accommodate that 105mm bottle (Tks @ScottW58) Black Gorilla Duct Tape to the rescue!!
Lol! I did find a way to cross two of those kind of mags on the top shelf of one of my coolers. Fun to open tho
Apologies for this late report. Out of town for the first attempt, then delivered to an old address for the second!
I’ll be brief just to get a report out. First of all, I have never been a Stillman aficionado. Some wines have hit for me over the years, others haven’t.
This one (Constructo) was a clear hit. For me the nose is dark, with strong scents of eucalyptus or menthol. A bit of alcohol that blows off fairly quickly.
Deep purple in the glass, deep enough to stain your countertop, and nice legs when swirled in the glass.
Palate is more dark fruit than red fruit, with some oak and some spice. Long finish, rich mouthfeel. Really satisfying to drink.
Constructo 16.2%! Yikes.
@jmdavidson1 yeah, that’s my issue. I’ve liked every one of Stillman’s wines that have alcohol under 15% or so and have disliked every wine above 16% or so.
How much more are you saving by buying 6 bottles?
(Note: Tax & Shipping not included in savings calculations).
Zeppelin Winery Red Wine Combo - $25 = 10.41%
2021 Zeppelin Wine Club Petite Sirah
Alice and WD must have been feeling especially generous to grace us with this ginormous magnum bottle of Petite Sirah from Swilly.
@pjmartin, @mrn1, @msten and their better halves were able to join my wife and I for a fun and wine-filled NE OH Casemates get-together where we got to sample Wine Club by itself and with a variety of foods.
TLDR: Two words - Black Zeppelin.
For everyone else,…
The wine was dark and inky, a tooth-staining deep purple color in the glass.
Blackberry/blueberry compote on the nose. Maybe a hint of oak and/or light spice.
Based on the nose and appearance, I was expecting a massive wine. It was in fact a big wine but not as big as I initially expected.
The palate followed the nose, with blackberry/blueberry leading the way. Well balanced in regards to oak and tannins. I was going to say it had a nice minerality but I think @pjmartin nailed it with his “graphite” descriptor.
It played nicely with everything from Italian foods to artichoke dip, to cheese and crackers, even cookies. It did get a little spicy with the meat-a-balls.
Overall, it was very reminiscent of Black Zeppelin, one of my all-time favorite Petite Sirahs. If you like the Black Zeppelin, then this is highly recommended. Otherwise, it’s still highly recommended.
@chipgreen bonus points for the old lab rat graphic!
@chipgreen @klezman and what was almost a Toothstejn reference?
@chipgreen just… Wow. Seeing that bottle & label released out in the wild.
@chipgreen @pmarin
And bonus points for pics of real people
Yes, look how easily Mark is able to command the room simply by holding that bottle as he speaks!
Can anyone spot the Cavedoni Balsamic?
@chipgreen found it!
That was fast! I guess it wasn’t as tucked away as I thought, haha.
@chipgreen back of neck, ezpz;
and you get the real rat highlight icon as well.
@chipgreen @pmarin

/giphy possessing-unnerved-cobweb

Very tempting…
What ever happened to wine woots petitesyrah? You could always count on him to evaluate the p s. Yes, I do miss the black zeppelin wines. They were, with age, outstanding. I’m in.
@jmdavidson1 He did show up around these parts a few months back, on a deal for…guess what.
Yeah, I was seduced too
Just received my “case.” It’s a miracle this didn’t burst apart on the way here. The bottom of the box the tape had come apart on one side and the packing peanuts had been leaking out. Looks like the bottles made it no issues though. Now to figure out how to fit it in my wine coolers.