2018 10th Anniversary rpm Magical History Tour/1st rpm Casemates Sally Forth
8All - I will be making a reconnaissance tour to the proposed tour regions at the end of this month, and planning in earnest is in train.
While exact dates are tbd, we’re looking at parts of two weeks out of the three weeks from July 9-13, 16-20, and 23-27, 2018.
The tentative tour plan is largely as outlined in that other forum: 2018 rpm Magical History Tour interest thread
As soon as we have further details, we will let you know for those who are planning to come. As this is envisioned as an ~5 day tour (3-4 days in Lodi/Amador and ~2 days for Napa/Sonoma favorites), it will be relatively more expensive than prior tours, but we think the opportunity to spend serious time in the historic Lodi/Amador regions and to learn about not only those areas, but to understand a bit more about the wine business, will be worthwhile. It’s easy to focus on premium wineries - and we do when we can afford to - but how many of us understand how to wade through the vast oceans of commercial wine to distinguish the reliable smaller producer (whose name may even be well known) from the producer whose product has become what a cousin of mine calls “industrial”?
If you are on the list and know this is not going to work for you, let us know soon. I’m sure Joatman will return to manage the list…
More to come as more is known.
- 143 comments, 222 replies
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Hoping to be able to make the finances work!
@rpm Never left; list is still being managed on the original woot thread. Hopefully woot will keep that thread going as long as we need it.
Given the inability of editing a post after it is posted, the woot paradigm of list management will not work over here. Do we want the canonical list to be there or here?
Did you get any additional info from your request for email addresses?
@JOATMON I meant ‘return’ only in the sense of ‘resume duties here that were done there’…
At this time, I think the canonical list should be over there but I doubt it can live there too long.
I have some e-mails to curate…
Perhaps we should get a tour website…
@rpm Web site sounds like a great idea. I just grabbed the rpmmagicalhistorytour.com domain name. If we don’t use it, it didn’t cost much.
However, I am the first to admit that my web skilz are not good. Anybody else here be willing to put together a web site for us? And, any suggestions for hosting?
@JOATMON woopdedoo did the website for the original 2008 Tour, and hosted it, but that was in a different phase of his life… woop? any suggestions?
@rpm Might be able to put something together - Just happened to see this thread when looking for another thread.
@woopdedoo That would be great! Are you in for being part of the Tour Management Group with me, rjquillen and WD49?
We really need to figure out how to be a part of it this year. It’s just not easy for us…
We (chipgreen and +1) were on the previous list for 2016 and then 2017 but we are unable to commit to a 2 week tour (14 days when you bookend it with a travel day on each side). I still think it would be nice if people could sign up for just the first or second leg instead of being required to attend both. The 2-day gap in between would seem to lend itself to making that feasible but I realize that I’m beating a dead horse, based on previous discussion.
If by some miracle that possibility presents itself, please put us back on the list in our original position, thanks!
For anyone who can pull this off, go for it! You won’t regret it…
@chipgreen Wait…??? Two weeks, I thought he mentioned ~5 days above.
@chipgreen Well, it’s not really 14 days - if we have Tues-Friday in Lodi Amador - weekend free - Mon-Tues in Napanoma it’s ~5 or 6 days of Tour. But, I understand where you’re coming from.
Even though there are over 110 on the Tour list, I suspect almost everyone who wants to go, and can handle the timing, will be able to go.
We’ve always had dropouts galore, and I suspect this one will have many.
But, for those of you who can make it, we’re going to do everything possible to make the Tour absolutely worthwhile.
If we can’t fill the Tour with full participants, we may consider letting some people do Lodi/Amador only. But that is a last resort.
@rpm Wow…Thanks for explaining that. Would really love to do it, but that’s prime family vacation time and I am confident we’ll have conflicts.
@rpm Thank you for the clarification, I misunderstood the post above. Thought it was 5 days on, 2 days off and another 5 days on. I see now that the last leg is only 2 days, making it a 10 day commitment when you include the 2-day break and add a travel day on each end. That is still more than we are able to handle but hopefully makes it more realistic for many others.
Thank you so much for your past tours, we attended the 2012 “newbie” tour as well as the 2014 tour and those memories will last a lifetime!
Definitely still interested. Will see if I can make it work with our schedules
@CAGrl Just thinking about you while watching the Olympic figure skating, reminiscing about seeing Kim Yuna win the Gold for South Korea 8 years ago while you were having dinner at our house.
Our July is clear and if it gets to our numbers (50-52), we are definitely in.
On the reconnaissance mission in Lodi, may I suggest a look at St. Jorge Winery. We had a very pleasant visit there a few years ago. A Portuguese family with a significant heritage in winemaking. And an impressive visitor center building.
I will still selfishly hold onto my high position on the list, though the idea of being able to get a 10 vacation from a 2.5 month old is highly unlikely, including the added likelihood of house purchase, moving etc… all happening at the same time, but you never know!
@North316 Early Congrats!
Later in July is probably better, 1st grandchild due 1st week.
@MarkDaSpark And if the tour is scheduled for later in July, and the grandchild is two weeks late, what’s your plan? One way or another, the baby will be born with or without you.
Tour planning is in high gear… I’ve just finished 3 days of tasting in the Lodi area with Brad Alderson and am heading up to Amador to see Scott Harvey and taste tomorrow before heading to the Casemates Launch Party. Looking at 2 full days in Lodi and the same in Amador for the first part of the Tour. I’ve tasted some very exciting wines with some amazing folks. Lodi is a complex interleaved story that will surprise and should delight you. More in a couple of days.
Timing looks more and more to be July 10 - 13 in Lodi and Amador, though it could end up the following week instead.
Glad to see that this year’s tour is progressing. Thanks RPM for doing this. We had a great time on the past tours.
Following up on my post last Wednesday, after my week tasting in Lodi and Amador, I am convinced we can do a four day tour there: two days in Lodi and two days in Amador. Lots of very interesting wine and stories - historical, current, and looking to the future of these somewhat underappreciated regions.
I will cross post this on the Woot thread as well, but I am seriously rethinking the original plan to add two days in Napa and Sonoma after a free weekend. There may be a number of issues to work out, but I would really like feedback (whisper here, posts and/or pms over there) about how many ON THE LIST would be happier if we limit the Tour to the one week - July 9-13 - in Lodi and Amador.
It’s a change, and it will mean not going back to old favorites this trip, but I wonder how much we’re gaining for the additional time and expense.
Feedback please!
@rpm Those of us who have been on so many previous tours may have mixed feelings about missing the old favorites, but bahwm and I have spent a bit of time in both Lodi and Amador, and would welcome the opportunity to learn more about the area. Besides, one of the old favorites is now in Amador. I know it’s in yet another county, but would Twisted Oak be too far afield to include in a tour of this duration?
@ddeuddeg I understand the mixed emotions - we’d all love to return to our favorites, and to make sure any newbies get to experience them, too. But, the logistics and the expense (since people will have to find places to stay over the weekend) increase significantly, and the question arises: would people have already spent enough they would not end up not spending anything in Napa/Sonoma? or, would people hold back and not spend reasonably in Lodi/Amador in anticipation of going to Napa/Sonoma.
I haven’t ruled it out, I’m just feeling the group out.
Will take TO under advisement…
@rpm As you know, bahwm and I are both long-time educators, and fully subscribe to the idea of giving any newbies on the tour the fullest experience possible. That said, in addition to the significant added expense of an additional weekend and two more days of touring and tasting, there is the concern about palate fatigue. Not meaning to judge the ability of those who have not been on such a tour (“newbies”) to moderate their consumption, even some of us who were on their fourth rpm Tour in 2014 were beginning to grow weary by the end of the third day.
I mentioned TO partly because of the long-standing relationship with w.w and partly because of the possibility of making that a destination for an evening meal. We had a great time there at Cat and Eric’s “wootception” in August 2013.
@rpm I like this idea better, at least to the point where it will make it more likely that I can join in on the fun! We also have a friend who lives in Lodi, which increases the chance that molarchae and our kiddo might be able to make a cameo.
Agreed with Don’s comments as well.
Missing Cathy, Joy and Ed would hurt, but logistics and expense do play a significant role overall.
You’re thinking of adding a fifth day?
I’ve been watching this thread for a while. What’s the deal with trying to join. I was going to ask at the kickoff party but got caught up and forgot to inquire. I think it was winning a raffle prize that did it. Anyway, are there openings?
@MaceKates In the first post here there’s a link to the main post about the trip, over on woot.
@InFrom I see that link. From what I can tell its pretty overbooked. It was from the first time I checked which is why I didnt reply then. This post was a long shot. But I didn’t expect much.
@InFrom @MaceKates The waiting list is long, but if you’re interested, and can commit to coming, put yourself on the list (with +1 if appropriate). As long as the list is, it goes back several years and our experience over the past 10 years is that many people who have secured early places on the list end up dropping out. We’ve never failed to fill a Tour, but sometimes we’ve gone all the way through the official waiting list and have added a person or two at the last minute.
@InFrom @MaceKates @rpm Indeed, you’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. It costs nothing to add your name to the list.
@ddeuddeg @InFrom @MaceKates @rpm And I will update the list to include you.
The other posters are right. We have had that long a list in the past, but when it comes right down to a set date and putting the money down, the “regrets” start rolling in, and we have been able to accommodate everybody still standing.
As an example, if the preferred dates hold up, I will be unable to go.
@ddeuddeg @InFrom @JOATMON @rpm Thank you, I have replied to the original woot thread to be added to the list also. Thanks again for some clarity on being able to participate.
@ddeuddeg @InFrom @MaceKates @rpm Added!
@MaceKates Are you ohsosaucy151 on woot? Still want to go on the trip?
@merrybill Yes i am. And Yes I would but Im having a hard time understanding what my options are. I do not need lodging as I am local to the area. Is this option available?
@MaceKates I am going to hand you over to the tour organizers to answer that question and others you may have @rjquillin @rpm @joatmon
@MaceKates I do not know the state of the space on the bus; @rjquillin would know that. Given that you are local, you may not need the hotel room, just so long as you are at the hotel in time to catch the bus each day; @rpm is the judge of that.
After much consideration, and with some regret, I have determined that a 6 day (+ free weekend) Tour is not really practical.
Therefore, The 2018 rpm Magical History Tour will be a FOUR DAY Tour in the Lodi and Amador AVAs.
The dates for the Tour will be July 10 - 13th - with July 10th and 11th in the Lodi area and July 12th and 13th in Amador.
The Tour accommodations (no exceptions this time) will be at Wine & Roses in Lodi - which is a lovely inn and spa.
We’ll have an initial gathering at Wine & Roses Monday evening, July 9th, and the Tour will visit approximately 4 wineries per day in the Lodi area - lunches and dinners TBD. Amador will be (probably) 5 wineries the first day (because of proximity) centered around Scott Harvey’s new facility, with more on Friday.
Our final gathering will be a party to which all of the winemakers and Casemates folks will be invited, which is planned to be at the home of an eminent area wine couple who have greatly facilitated our Tour and opened many, many doors.
We’ll work on the details and the list - with very strong preference for veterans, as originally planned.
More in coming weeks!
@rpm Thanks for the update rpm! We may just be able to make this work, depending on cost, at least for me.
@rpm I’ve missed seeing this thread. I never have followed Casemates like Woot. Nice surprise to see that this is coming to fruition. Even looks like me and my new bride may still be able to attend. Looking forward to hearing more.
Over $1000 for the hotel alone, not including the $15.00/night “resort fee” for a “resort” we don’t even get to enjoy because we’re gone from breakfast (not included in the price of the room) until well after dinner, by which time the pool and spa are likely off limits. Not to mention that at that hour hour, if the pool is open, it’s too damn cold in that part of California. Seems like a lot of money, with a Best Western Inn & Suites 10 minutes away, with a free breakfast, for half the cost. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can’t see the need for luxury in a place where I don’t get to spend any time, except when I’m sleeping. For sleeping, all I really need is a clean, comfortable, and safe room. And with that many wineries on the schedule, there will obviously be a lot more expense, even before you start buying wine at each stop. I’ll eagerly await the details.
@ddeuddeg Agreed with you.
In Lodi I’d probably want to crash with my friends who live there to save money. That might be the difference in feeling like we can afford the Tour vs not, depending on other costs.
@klezman When it comes to other costs, for those of us who have been on previous tours, it’s obviously going to cost at least a third more, just based on meals, tasting fees, bus, etc., for 4 days instead of 3, not counting 4 years of price increases since the last tour.
@ddeuddeg Good reminder. Thanks. But it’ll only be me and not the both of us for the main part of the tour itself, given the presence of our little one. Gives me a chance of being able to come!
Thanks for updating the potential cost for the lodging. RPM, what about DD’s suggestion of the Best Western, going rate about $125-$135 for that time period?
The current gameplan puts us back on the map of possibility. Although we are pretty far down the list, I guess we will hold onto our spots after all while awaiting further details and doing some number and date crunching on our end. Also curious about the previously mentioned lodging inquiries/costs.
The Tour Hotel will be Wine & Roses. Not the Best Western. Costs will be approximately comparable to Wine Country Inn in Sonoma last time. We will not have Tourists doing the split stay that some did in 2014.
@rpm Is this with regard to logistics of pick-ups? Or is there some other reason everybody must be at the same location? (I agree on the 2014 Tour it was a little frustrating to have to make two stops to pick people up.)
@rpm I checked out our hotel bill from the 2014 tour and for four nights it was $950.00. The Wine & Roses website shows various pricing packages for the proposed tour dates. Were able to get us special pricing?
@jmdavidson1 We are negotiating a rate for the block of rooms - working on finalizing numbers next week. Don’t want to say more as I’m still trying trying to get a little more off…
Would like 6 people on the bus officially cancel so I can plan on attending?
I was trying to figure out how to make this work for us, but I am sad to say, this is just not meant to be
So I am officially requesting myself and Mr. Mommadeb to be removed from the list.
@mommadeb I meant OTHER people should back out, not you two!
@mommadeb Done, regretfully.
@mother no matter how hard we tried, just could not make it work.
@JOATMON thank you
2 months + to go. No follow-up details?
@jmdavidson1 Agree that gollow up details would be appreciated! We’re getting pretty close to July.
We are in! KT and I haven’t missed one yet and not going to start now. Rob - let me know if you need any helping with planning.
Any updates? It’s 50 days away. Very tight for someone needing to book airfare and vacation scheduling.
As @MarkDaSpark said above, with only 49 days before the start, and still lacking critical information regarding costs (tour and hotel), I will not be able to go. I cannot make airfare reservations without having at least an estimate of the other costs associated. Airfare price is already climbing.
@JOATMON, would you please remove me from the list? Thank you.
@MarkDaSpark - I wish it could be otherwise.
@cjsiege Done…
Sadly, I’m in the same boat as @cjsiege. I am deeply appreciative of the time and effort required to launch this endeavor - THANK YOU, @RPM! The last time we all met, I learned more about my palate and preferences in four days than I would have in a lifetime of tasting solo.
But coming from the opposite coast requires a bit more planning time than is now available. @MarkDaSpark, you and @hershelk will have to carry the flag for the High Five Blending Team.
@Joatmon, please remove me from the list. My sole consolation is that it permits @mother to move up. Anyone who hosts epic wooter Clambakes deserves a seat on the bus!
@kkv123 Done, and @mother is now on the bus.
@JOATMON @kkv123 I can’t in clear conscience like this!
@kkv123 @mother Actually, you got on the bus because I took myself and my guests off the bus because we can’t make that date.
@JOATMON @kkv123 I cannot like that either!
@kkv123 @mother I don’t like it either; it will be the first RPM tour I will miss. But the scheduling just could not be worked out, for myself or for my sister. Nobody’s fault; sometime life gets in the way. If the trip happens and you do go, please enjoy!
I have hesitated to buy airline tix for fear that this would not happen, just like last year. Even though SWA has tix you can change, they are still non-refundable. At this point r/t is about $600 each, so I do not have $1200 to sink into tix that may go unused. I do not understand the lack of communication from the planner(s). I have been looking forward to this for years, but the silence leads me think it’s another no go.
@jmdavidson1 The good news about Southwest is that when you use points, they refund all of them if you change or cancel, and with elderly cousins in the Bay area and outside LA that we visit periodically, we’ll use the points eventually.
As to the silence, I have to agree, it is mystifying.
@ddeuddeg @jmdavidson1
Speaking of which, when is your next trip down here?
I also got my Chicago trip finalized, but I’m not sure whether I’ll have the ability to meet up either evening I’m there.
@klezman As things stand right now, we’re flying home from Ontario Airport on July 18th. We’ll be flying into SoCal on Sunday, 5/15, staying with cousin Alice. At the moment, tentative plans call for a concert at Twisted Oaks on Saturday night, 5/14. Everything else is still very much up in the air, except that we’ll be visiting our other cousin in the Bay area before flying south.
@ddeuddeg That sounds like a fun trip! If there’s opportunity to get together, of course we’re in (and happy to host).
@klezman What dates are you here? Certainly understand if time/opportunity do not permit getting together.
This looks Like I may be able to do this still, so keeping the spot for me and my new bride still, but will need more definitive confirmation and schedule soon or I may not be able to keep the dates open.
@joatmon With our move to VA having just been finished, I kept forgetting about this until recently. Please remove us (myself and cheron98) from the list. This is definitely not something that is in our budget or availability this year.
@HitAnyKey42 Sorry to hear it; hope the move itself is good for you. This puts @Polarbear22 and his +1 on the bus.
Thanks for tagging me. I haven’t been paying attention as I was too far down. Unfortunately, you have to take me off. We are in MN in early July and can’t make this work as well. I really wanted to make another tour.
@Polarbear22 OK, done. @time2testit, that puts you on the bus.
Wow. Have I mentioned how much I dislike the way messages work on here? Anyway, with a baby on the way in a couple months, there’s no way we could make it this time. Wish it had been last year (or earlier) as planned, but hopefully there will be another? Have fun folks!
@time2testit Early congrats on your bundle of joy!
@time2testit Done. @molarchae, @klezman, what say you?
@JOATMON @molarchae @time2testit
Now that it looks like things are really going to happen we will look into it more specifically. There is no way both of us can join for the whole trip, so we will only need 1 seat max. We’re hoping @rpm will allow molarchae to join us at times we can swing some child care (and it’d be fun to introduce y’all to our little dude).
@time2testit @dave
you and many others, frequently…
Dave, you working on this at all, or is it relegated to a black hole?
@chipgreen Thanks! Would have been nice to join the tour (since the engagement was on the last one). But hopefully we can convince RPM to do it yet again.
rpm UPDATE: Yes, the Tour is on July 10-13th. I will have specific information for making room reservations at Wine & Roses early next week - contract in process. Rooms will be $179 (king) or $199 (two queens) Mon-Thur nights, and $209 (king) or $229 (two queens) Friday night. (All rates plus whatever outrageous taxes California collects). NOTE: those rates are comparable to last time in Sonoma - we have several rooms with two queens for those who may want to share a room.
Initial Gathering will be Monday night July 9th at Wine & Roses.
Tuesday and Wednesday will be in Lodi area - looks like 4 interesting wineries per day, with lunch catered at a winery location. Specific order being worked out Dinners tba.
Thursday and Friday in the Amador area. Thursday will be five wineries, all within a mile of Scott Harvey’s. Lunch will be catered almost certainly there. Friday also in Amador area, with some afternoon time to explore Wine on 49.
Closing dinner will be at the house of Brad and Sandi Alderson. Sandi is a pm cousin, and Brad was General Manager of Mondavi’s Woodbridge operation for 30-odd years - knows everyone in the Lodi area. Turns out he and Scott Harvey are friends, both are technical judges in California (they judge the judges…).
Will be providing deposit information also next week.
We’ll need to get the list in order as to who’s in and who’s not.
@rpm Ticket booked!
Go ahead and drop my +2 & +3 off the list. DiL is expecting late this month, so they won’t be going. First grandkid!
Also posted on Interest thread.
@MarkDaSpark Done!
@MarkDaSpark Who’s your +1?
Now that this truly is happening, time to verify the interest of people now on the bus.
I have the following currently on the bus:
1 @RPM (responded)
2 @RPM +1
3 Tour Organizer
4 Tour Organizer +1
8 cmaldoon (reached out through email)
9 cmaldoon +1
10 @North316
11 @North316 +1
12 @karenhynes
13 @karenhynes +1
14 @CAGrl
15 @CAGrl +1
16 MarkDaSpark (responded)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (responded)
21 Zephyress (reached out through email)
22 Zephyress +1
23 @Cesare
24 @kttest
27 @TimothyB
28 @TimothyB +1
29 @jmdavidson
30 @jmdavidson +1
31 @hershelk
32 @hershelk +1
36 @jawlz
37 @jawlz +1
38 @joed10303
39 @joed10303 +1
40 @bsevern
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (responded)
48 Klezman (responded)
50 @Merbill
51 @Merbill +1
52 @Merbill +2
Répondez, s’il vous plaît.
Updated list:
1 @RPM (responded)
2 SWMBO (responded)
3 Tour Organizer
4 Tour Organizer +1
8 cmaldoon (responded)
12 @karenhynes
13 @karenhynes +1
14 @CAGrl
15 @CAGrl +1
16 MarkDaSpark (responded)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (responded)
23 @Cesare
24 @kttest
27 @TimothyB
28 @TimothyB +1
29 @jmdavidson
30 @jmdavidson +1
31 @hershelk
32 @hershelk +1
36 @jawlz
37 @jawlz +1
38 @joed10303
39 @joed10303 +1
40 @bsevern
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (responded)
48 Klezman (responded)
50 @Merbill
51 @Merbill +1
52 @Merbill +2
53 @losthighwayz
54 @losthighwayz +1
55 @bolligra
58 justplainjulie (reached out through email)
59 justplainjulie +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît.
I am definitely on casemates
just bought the Spaniard a few days ago. I am looking into my availability but I will not have a +1 there (not drinking currently) so you can drop one from the list. I should know by the end of this coming week if I can go.
@cmaldoon It’d be fantastic to see you!
Not drinking currently…any particular reason?? nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more
@klezman Not Drinking because Her intestines rebelled a couple years ago and she went on an elimination diet. She feels much better now but has been very slow to bring things back in. Alcohol is not back on her list yet.
@cmaldoon Ugh. I’m sorry to hear that. Far less exciting than the other thing. Hope she doesn’t react badly to the reintroduction.
Does @WineDavid49 need a seat or two?
@klezman We do expect appearances from WineDavid49 and perhaps WineFarm, but not as regular bus riders.
Go ahead and drop me from the list. While I always appreciate all of the work being done here, 5 weeks is just not adequate time between final confirmation and start date for those of us east of the Mississippi to plan for such a trip. That coupled with veteran preference, a newborn, and house hunting budgeting restraints make it an easy pass.
I can’t make those dates at this point, so drop me and my +1 from the list. I’m sad to be missing this one!
Terrific to have the update - my plus one and I should be able to make it. Looking forward to this quite a lot!
Please, if you have not yet responded with an indication you are coming or cannot make it, let us know ASAP.
On the Bus
Updated list:
1 @RPM (responded)
2 SWMBO (responded)
3 Tour Organizer
4 Tour Organizer +1
8 cmaldoon (responded)
12 @karenhynes
13 @karenhynes +1
14 @CAGrl
15 @CAGrl +1
16 MarkDaSpark (responded)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (responded)
23 @Cesare
24 @kttest
27 @TimothyB
28 @TimothyB +1
29 @jmdavidson
30 @jmdavidson +1
31 @hershelk
32 @hershelk +1
36 jawlz (responded)
37 jawlz +1 (responded)
38 @joed10303
39 @joed10303 +1
40 @bsevern
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (responded)
48 Klezman (responded)
50 @Merbill
51 @Merbill +1
52 @Merbill +2
53 @losthighwayz
54 @losthighwayz +1
55 @bolligra
58 justplainjulie (reached out through email)
59 justplainjulie +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît.
I’ll check with zTimBz
@JOATMON @MarkDaSpark So Sparky called to let me know about this. My +1 (RPM’s personal nurse) is in Europe, and I won’t be able to confirm until she is back, mid-month. How about moving us to the end of the list? That will get bahwm on the bus with ddeuddeg.
@MarkDaSpark @TimothyB Don’t go there! Bahwm is already on the bus, based on other dropouts that don’t show on the list yet.
@ddeuddeg Are you confirming? Yes, Bahwm is on the bus.
I will not be able to make arrangements to attend. Thanks!
Unfortunately i (and my +1) can’t make it, will have to hope that RPM can do another.
Updated list:
1 @RPM (responded)
2 SWMBO (responded)
3 Tour Organizer
4 Tour Organizer +1
8 cmaldoon (responded)
12 @karenhynes
13 @karenhynes +1
14 @CAGrl
15 @CAGrl +1
16 MarkDaSpark (responded)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (responded)
23 @Cesare
24 @kttest
27 @TimothyB
28 @TimothyB +1
29 @jmdavidson
30 @jmdavidson +1
31 @hershelk
32 @hershelk +1
36 jawlz (responded)
37 jawlz +1 (responded)
40 @bsevern
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (responded)
48 Klezman (responded)
50 @Merbill
51 @Merbill +1
52 @Merbill +2
53 @losthighwayz
54 @losthighwayz +1
58 justplainjulie (reached out through email)
59 justplainjulie +1
60 @chemvictim
61 @chemvictim +1
62 @ddeuddeg
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not.
Looks like we have to drop from the list.
@jmdavidson1 This really sucks!!!
@jmdavidson1 Yes it does
My plus one had a change in schedule for some training and will not be able to come. I am still trying to make it work for myself and will let you know within the week if I need to drop, but for now, I am on the bus without my plus 1.
We are 2 for sure and likely the +2 can make it too. Will confirm this week, so hold all 3 seats
@merrybill all 3 confirmed now
With great sadness, I will have to surrender my spots on the bus. My travel buddy is currently unable to consume alcohol so the trip would pretty much suck for her. Perhaps another year…
Updated list:
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 Tour Organizer
4 Tour Organizer +1
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
14 @CAGrl
15 @CAGrl +1
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 @Cesare (confirmed)
24 @kttest (confirmed)
27 @TimothyB
28 @TimothyB +1
31 hershelk (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
40 @bsevern
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
53 @losthighwayz
54 @losthighwayz +1
58 justplainjulie (reached out through email)
59 justplainjulie +1
60 @chemvictim
61 @chemvictim +1
62 @ddeuddeg
63 @bahwm
64 @chipgreen
65 @chipgreen +1
66 joelsisk (@jasisk ?)
67 joelsisk +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not.
Talked with zTimBz, and SWMBO is unavailable till after June 13th. He might get back to you sooner than that, but probably needs to talk to her.
He’s under the weather right now.
@MarkDaSpark Thanks for reaching out to him for us. I know he expressed a desire to put himself at the back of the list, but I’m not sure he understands what that means. True, we have chewed through more than half the signups (on 69 of 124), and of the 35 “on the bus” we only have 17 confirmed, but still. Is he still volunteering to go to the back of the list? I"m willing to keep him where he is, but others may not be as patient.
@tiger7610 are you around? You are now on the bus, and we need you to confirm you are still interested.
@tiger7610 My first Tour was my post-PhD summer…just sayin’…
@JOATMON I am going to have to work on the wife to see if we can pull it off (aka see if I can convince her that she needs to do this - I am ready, willing & able, personally). Give me a few days…
@JOATMON @MarkDaSpark keep him on the list with +1. I interpret what he means is still on the bus, but ‘at the back’ as in most subject to being bumped until he can fully confirm. I will exercise my instructors discretion to keep Tim (as I would either of you) As long as possible.
@JOATMON 'tis I! Unfortunately, during this time we will be in Stockholm and then Amsterdam, which is a rough circumstance, to be sure. Someone put us down for the next tour in 2020? As always, appreciate the effort that goes in to organizing and keeping everything on track.
@MarkDaSpark Thanks for following up with @TimothyB for us. Could you possibly reach out to him and let him know his +2 and +3 are currently at the top of the waiting list, and what he wants to do about it?
@JOATMON @MarkDaSpark (still ill and borderline of the ‘able to think clearly’ thing)
Keeping me in the list seems unfair to people who may have to make out of state travel arrangements. If you can get confirmed people please bump me. Also, I’ll check on the +2/+3, but don’t move them onto the list, yet.
Regretfully we are out. With all the other time off already planned it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to swing it financially. Any possibility of the local joining a night event (either the kick off or the last night dinner)?
Thanks to all the organizers for putting it together!
@CAGrl Noooooo! I was so excited to see y’all on the list! Please come to one of the kick-off/closing evenings.
And if not, let’s be sure to meet up when we’re in the Bay Area the weekends before and/or after.
Ummm…@rjquillin…you’re not on the list! I assume you’re taking one of the organizer slots?
@klezman He is. I just haven’t updated the list here to reflect that.
@JOATMON @klezman And the overhead (time) is non-trivial.
Does anybody here know of a person with the woot name of jrb11? He is now on the bus, but that particular name isn’t here on Casemates. I sent a PM over on woot, but that particular communication method is not reliable.
At this point, bahwm and I are planning on the trip. Hotel rates were posted above, with the following comment: All rates plus whatever outrageous taxes California collects. Would those rates also be plus the highly egregious “resort fee” this hotel charges, which in my opinion is merely a way of attempting to conceal part of the actual rate?
Updated list:
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 @Cesare (confirmed)
24 @kttest (confirmed)
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
31 hershelk (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
40 @bsevern (email sent)
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
53 @losthighwayz (email sent)
54 @losthighwayz +1
58 justplainjulie (email sent)
59 justplainjulie +1
60 @chemvictim (email sent)
61 @chemvictim +1
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
64 @chipgreen (looking into it)
65 @chipgreen +1 (looking into it)
68 @tiger7610
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
70 @aces219 (email sent)
71 @aces219 +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not
@JOATMON ok hold our spots briefly. I’m researching.
@JOATMON Well, that was shot down quickly. My wife will not be able to get off work that week, or more specifically July 12th but that kills the whole deal. Please remove us from the list.
@JOATMON please officially take us off
we have other vacation already planned.
@JOATMON Dan and I can’t make it.
Updated list:
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 @Cesare (confirmed)
24 @kttest (confirmed)
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
31 hershelk (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
40 @bsevern (email sent)
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
53 @losthighwayz (email sent)
54 @losthighwayz +1
58 justplainjulie (email sent)
59 justplainjulie +1
60 @chemvictim (email sent)
61 @chemvictim +1
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
68 @tiger7610
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
72 @wkdpanda (email sent)
73 @wkdpanda +1
74 @sdfreedive
75 @sdfreedive +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not
Updated list:
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 Cesare (confirmed)
24 kttest (confirmed)
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
31 hershelk (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
40 @bsevern (email sent)
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
53 @losthighwayz (email sent)
54 @losthighwayz +1
58 justplainjulie (email sent)
59 justplainjulie +1
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
68 @tiger7610
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
72 @wkdpanda (looking into it)
74 @sdfreedive
75 @sdfreedive +1
76 @sdilullo
77 @sdilullo +1
78 @sosptuba
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not
And, just to let people know:
Not Yet On the Bus
79 sosptuba +1
80 cmb82
81 mwfielder
82 mwfielder +1
83 ianchudson
84 ianchudson +1
85 TimothyB +2
86 TimothyB +3
87 Otolith
88 Otolith +1
89 txmusicman49
90 txmusicman49 +1
91 tomatillo
92 tomatillo +1
93 darlenee1
94 darlenee1 +1
95 Globetrekkerdave
96 Globetrekkerdave +1
97 socrates2012
98 socrates2012 +1
99 exlaxer
100 exlaxer +1
101 silvermorph
102 serenitysk8r
103 michaepf
104 michaepf +1
105 rlmanzo
106 rlmanzo +1
107 fred2001
108 fred2001 +1
109 protease
110 protease +1
111 jcarmi04
112 jcarmi04 +1
113 klyphtihn
114 klyphtihn +1
115 grammiedaboss2
116 grammiedaboss2 +1
117 AndyDuncan
118 ohsosaucy151
119 ohsosaucy151 +1
120 Bazinga247
121 dstearl
122 dstearl +1
123 davirom
124 davirom +1
@JOATMON myself (@sosptuba) and @sosptuba +1 are out this round - baby on the way due in Sept
At this point (and I haven’t updated the list here yet), we have #80 on the bus. That means we have had 45 people send regrets, and there are 44 more on the waiting list. Of the 35 “on the bus”, we only have 18 confirmed and 4 more looking into it, leaving 13 we have not heard from at all. And we haven’t even started discussing pricing and taking deposits.
So, if you are on the waiting list, don’t lose all hope yet.
@JOATMON @sosptuba But that’s the best time to drink a lot of wine!
(at least for one of you…swish/spit is also a valued skill on the tour)
Updated list:
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 Cesare (confirmed)
24 kttest (confirmed)
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
31 hershelk (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
40 @bsevern (email sent)
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
58 justplainjulie (email sent)
59 justplainjulie +1
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
68 @tiger7610
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
72 @wkdpanda (looking into it)
74 @sdfreedive
75 @sdfreedive +1
76 @sdilullo
77 @sdilullo +1
80 cmb82 (reached out through woot PM)
81 mwfielder (reached out through woot PM)
82 mwfielder +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not
@bsevern, @tiger7610, @sdfreedive, @sdilullo, represent! Or, if anybody else know how to contact them, we would greatly appreciate it.
@JOATMON I texted tiger, she was leaving the country yesterday. She will post/reply later.
jrb11, cmb82, and mwfielder we have no contact information other than woot PMs. Would anybody have any other way to contact them, please?
Pardon my french, but holy crap! I hit the list. After we have already booked a week in NorCal Aug 1-7. But this has been a dream of mine–let me check with the SO and with my work (I am on call that week) to see what we can do.
I have conflicts in July, sadly, you can remove me from the top of the wait list.
83 ianchudson (2008)
84 ianchudson +1
@ianchudson Sorry to hear it. Removed.
UPDATE on ROOMS at Wine and Roses
We are going to have to sign a contract with certain guarantees if enough rooms are not booked and used - not something I fancy ending up paying out of my pocket.
We have negotiated the room rates so that it will be $179/night for the King and $189/night for the Double Queen rooms (Monday night through Thursday night), with both room types $209/night on Friday night (in all cases plus tax and resort fee) (in addition to sales tax 7.75% in San Joaquin County, the occupancy tax is 10.5% and the resort fee is $15/night) Note that the rates are less than half the published rates on their website.
So, for those who are confirmed or are confirming, I need to know before the end of Thursday if you are in and whether you want a King or Double Queen Room. So far we have 12 King and 8 Double Queen Rooms. I’ll be in a King room with SWMBO. The Double Queen rooms are suitable for sharing, as several of you have in the past.
Don’t reply publicly
, just a Whisper to @rpm, @joatman, and @rjquillin
JOATMAN is keeper of the lists and rjquillin is Tour Organizer. JOATMAN will reach out by email to those not on Casemates or who do not respond promptly.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention and your interest.
@rpm hey, rpm! Is breakfast included?
@bahwm Sorry, no
That would be @joatmon, not joatman. Jack of all Trades, Master Of None
@JOATMON That explains why you didn’t get my whisper. @rpm answered my questions.
Out the door costs for rooms (I was wrong about sales tax on top…)
King M-T $179----$212.80 incl tax and fees
Dbl Qn M-T $189----$223.85 incl tax and fees
Both F: $209----$245.95 incl tax and fees.
Updated list:
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 Cesare (confirmed)
24 kttest (confirmed)
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
31 hershelk (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
40 @bsevern (email sent 6/3)
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
58 justplainjulie (email sent 6/2)
59 justplainjulie +1
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
68 @tiger7610 (email sent 6/5)
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
72 @wkdpanda (confirmed)
74 @sdfreedive
75 @sdfreedive +1
76 @sdilullo (email sent 6/5)
77 @sdilullo +1
80 cmb82 (reached out through woot PM)
81 @mwfielder (looking into it)
82 @mwfielder +1 (looking into it)
I will be calling some of the people that I have phone numbers for that I have not received any responses from. Problem being, I do not have much in the way of contact info for some on the list.
I will be instituting a fourth category (besides “on the bus”, “regrets”, and “not yet on the bus”): “limbo”. This will be for people who are on the bus but I have not been able to contact or who have not replied. Given enough time without response, I will move them to “limbo” in numeric order. If they eventually do respond in the affirmative, they will get the next slot on the bus that opens up.
Right now, of the 35 on the bus, I have 19 confirmed, 5 looking into it, 7 with an email sent, 2 that have a casemates account that I have @ed, and two that I have PMed over on Woot.
There are 39 “not yet on the bus”. And 50 “regrets”.
And we haven’t even started talking money.
@TimothyB shall I put you and your companions on the limbo list?
@JOATMON Yes, we can pioneer that.
On the Bus
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 Cesare (confirmed)
24 kttest (confirmed)
31 hershelk (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
40 @bsevern (email sent 6/3)
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
58 justplainjulie (email sent 6/2)
59 justplainjulie +1
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
68 @tiger7610 (email sent 6/5)
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
72 @wkdpanda (confirmed)
74 @sdfreedive
75 @sdfreedive +1
76 @sdilullo (email sent 6/5)
77 @sdilullo +1
80 cmb82 (reached out through woot PM)
81 @mwfielder (looking into it)
82 @mwfielder +1 (looking into it)
87 @Otolith (email also)
88 @Otolith +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating if you are planning on going or not
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
85 @TimothyB +2
86 @TimothyB +3
Sorry for the slow reply - as I just emailed, we can’t make it this time.
We’re in! (mwfielder) I’m so excited!
Hey! Looks like we are pretty much booked up for July, so we will have to take a pass this time.
@justplainjulie Hi Julie! Hope all is well, say hi to Dave for me!
We are on vacation the week before, so will not be able to make this year work.
Thank you to all the people who do the work behind the scenes to make it happen.
To all of you who are able to go, I hope you all have an amazing time!
Looking at flights; best way to get from Sacramento to Lodi? Any shuttles? I imagine we won’t need a car for the whole time, but would it be the same cost as a shuttle/Uber to and from the airport?
@mwfielder I checked into Uber costs from Sacramento International Airport. I saw a cost of $60 one way—but it might have been to Stockton. It was not cheap, but likely, less than renting a car for that amount of time.
@bahwm My post crossed yours! Thanks for the leg work. Yes that is cheaper and probably easier (Uber).
@mwfielder Looking forward to meeting you!
Clarification—we booked flights from DFW to/from Sacramento. Looking into the best way to get from Sacramento to/from Lodi. Rent a car or shuttle/Uber?
@mwfielder @bahwm and anyone else who might be interested, My +1 and I have tentatively booked a rental car from Sacramento for Monday through Saturday, and would be more than willing to give a couple of fellow tour-goers a ride if our arrival times sync up.
@bahwm @jawlz thanks for the offer! I wanted to work a little Monday so I think we are getting in a bit later in the evening Monday night. But let me check our schedule and I’ll send you a note and see if we match up.
@bahwm @mwfielder No worries! For those who might be interested, our flight is scheduled to arrive at 2pm on Monday.
@bahwm @jawlz We don’t hit Sacramento until 7:50pm.
We’ll be lucky to get to the hotel by 9pm, but hopefully people will still be up and mingling by then!
@mwfielder Earlier is better. You don’t want to miss the Monday night meet-n-greet, where we eat great snacks, meet some winemakers (and their wine), and get the tour low-down from rpm.
@merrybill I hope we can! In order to make the trip I had to squeeze some stuff in Monday am and have to make a meeting at 1pm CST. That left me hitting a 5pm flight out of DFW. We’ll hurry but prob will get in a bit late.
@merrybill @mwfielder And, sometimes we even get to “rat” some wines!
@jawlz @mwfielder Thanks for your kind offer, but we will be arriving Friday via Oakland and will be visiting with one of the elderly cousins and then heading out to the Healdsburg area for a couple of days. Looking forward to meeting you.
@bahwm @merrybill you got me! We changed our flight and will get to Sacramento around 5-6. Should get us to Lodi by 7.
On the Bus
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 Cesare (confirmed)
24 kttest (confirmed)
31 hershelk (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
40 @bsevern (called 6/6)
41 @bsevern +1
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
68 @tiger7610 (email sent 6/5)
72 @wkdpanda (confirmed)
74 @sdfreedive (reached out through woot PM)
75 @sdfreedive +1
81 @mwfielder (confirmed)
82 @mwfielder +1 (confirmed)
91 tomatillo (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
92 tomatillo +1
93 darlenee1 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
94 darlenee1 +1
95 Globetrekkerdave (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
96 Globetrekkerdave +1
97 socrates2012 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
98 socrates2012 +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
80 cmb82 (reached out through woot PM)
85 @TimothyB +2
86 @TimothyB +3
Not Yet On the Bus
99 exlaxer
100 exlaxer +1
101 silvermorph
102 serenitysk8r
103 @michaepf
104 @michaepf +1
105 @rlmanzo
106 @rlmanzo +1
107 fred2001
108 fred2001 +1
109 protease
110 protease +1
111 @jcarmi04
112 @jcarmi04 +1
113 @klyphtihn
114 @klyphtihn +1
115 grammiedaboss2
116 grammiedaboss2 +1
117 @AndyDuncan (email also)
118 ohsosaucy151
119 ohsosaucy151 +1
121 dstearl
122 dstearl +1
123 @davirom
124 @davirom +1
Ugh. Next time, I will ask people to whisper contact information when they sign up.
I have one phone call in, possibly to the person I am trying to reach (three years is a long time for someone to keep a phone number, and the voicemail message had no identification). I have one email sent to someone, with no reply as of now.
The rest of the people I just have the wine.woot handle. Some of those have an identical handle over here on casemates, so I @ them and hope they have notifications turned on. Other than that, all I have is woot PMs, and nobody watches out for those. I did put a message up on the current wine.woot offering, but again, who reads those any more. If anybody has any way to contact anybody that has not yet responded, I would like to hear it.
The last 8 currently on the bus and all the rest on the waiting list fall into this category; no real way to contact other than a message in a bottle and hope somebody finds it. This is going to be a really slow long process, and @RPM was hoping for hotel reservation info by tomorrow.
I would point out that all the angst and sturm un drang over opening up the list early and that previous tourists would be locked out was ultimately meaningless. All previous tourists have been given a chance, and they are either on the bus, thinking about it, or sent regrets. None have been left out.
21 confirmed, 1 thinking about it, 2 emailed and called, 1 emailed, 10 PMed.
35 on the bus, 6 in limbo, 25 not yet on the bus, 58 regrets.
@michaepf, @rlmanzo, @jcarmi04, @AndyDuncan, @davirom, if you cannot make it, could you please let me know now, so I can update the list? I have had two people let me know ahead of time that they could not make it, which was really nice. Thanks!
@JOATMON Goodness, this was totally off my radar. We’ve already made travel plans for June, August, and September, so I don’t think that another 4 days off this summer are in the cards.
35 on the bus, 6 in limbo, 18 not yet on the bus, 65 regrets.
21 confirmed, 1 thinking about it, 2 emailed and called, 11 PMed.
It was “meaningless” because of the late notice. If this tour had been set in Jan/Feb, more people wouldn’t have already made plans or dropped out due to the higher airline fares. There would have been less dropouts.
It’s extremely hard on people when it’s semi set less than 60 days out. And some of the tour costs (wineries, bus, meals, etc.) haven’t been set either!
My apologies, just seeing this now. I’m just getting used to casemates and am far less facile with the format.
Sadly, I will be unable to attend, yet again, this year.
@JOATMON @MarkDaSpark I concur with MdS’c comments. With some certainty that this was really a go, we would’ve been a yes.
35 on the bus:
21 confirmed, 1 thinking about it, 2 emailed and called, 11 PMed.
6 in limbo, 14 not yet on the bus, 69 regrets.
@jmdavidson1 @JOATMON @MarkDaSpark Agreed. We were only one “can’t miss” work day away from attending. If we had prior confirmation my wife could have either arranged a different schedule or had her counterpart cover for her but sadly, neither of those options are available at this late juncture.
@chipgreen My first year on the tour I had to leave the wife at home. She was not happy
but the marriage survived. She’s coming this time.
@merrybill Haha, she said I could go by myself but added that she would “be sad” if I did. She’s had a rough time this past year so I decided to stay home even though I suspect this may be the tour’s swan song. Hopefully I am wrong about that…
Perhaps in this case two wrongs make a right?
Okay, perhaps not.
@chipgreen My +1 said I could go without her, but that is not an option. I did that once before and then never heard the end of how I did (blank) without her.
@jmdavidson1 They never forget
@JOATMON @MarkDaSpark If I could star this 100 times I would
@JOATMAN Unfortunately didn’t plan on it since so far down on the list and coming from the east coast. Will regretfully have to miss the bus. Enjoy, all!
@CMB825, my apologies, but I had not correctly copied your user name when I was working on the list! You are now on the bus; are you still interested in going on the RPM Wine tour?
I am fully and formally on board. Interested in someone to split a double queen room with. (preferably someone who doesn’t snore much
I’m out @joatmon . Just found out about this today, accepted a summer position for the month of July last week
I’m disappointed, this sounds awesome. Have fun everyone.
REGARDING ROOMS: I asked for confirmed Tourists to whisper me about room preferences. So far, I only have indications for 10 rooms (7 King, 3 Double Queen). We have 20 rooms (12 King, 8 Double Queen) set aside and I will have to commit TODAY to keep the rate.
THIS IS A PROBLEM, because I will be PERSONALLY on the hook for a penalty if Tourists don’t take enough rooms.
So, If I don’t have more room indications before this afternoon, I will have to cut the size of the room block to to the point where I will not have to pay a penalty.
As I have said, I don’t make a penny doing these Tours, but I’m not willing to spend significant sums out of pocket to make the Tour happen.
Whisper me @rpm, @rjquillin and @JOATMON
Thanks in Advance.
@rpm I’m up to 7 King 4 Double Queen… time’s ticking before I have to cut things off. If I have to cut it off with that being 80% of the total, there will only be 3 more rooms available…
I have been trying to make this work, but I just can’t. To many other events already planned in and around that time frame. I will really miss it. Sorry but I will have to drop out. Another spot on the bus is now available.
We’re going to need a smaller bus…
On the Bus
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 @rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 Cesare (confirmed)
24 kttest (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
72 wkdpanda (confirmed)
81 mwfielder (confirmed)
82 mwfielder +1 (confirmed)
91 tomatillo (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
92 tomatillo +1
95 Globetrekkerdave (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
96 Globetrekkerdave +1
97 socrates2012 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
98 socrates2012 +1
99 exlaxer (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
100 exlaxer +1
101 silvermorph (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
102 serenitysk8r (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
107 fred2001 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
108 fred2001 +1
109 protease (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
110 protease +1
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
40 @bsevern (called 6/6)
41 @bsevern +1
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
74 @sdfreedive (reached out through woot PM)
75 @sdfreedive +1
80 @CMB825 (looking into it)
85 @TimothyB +2
86 @TimothyB +3
Not Yet On the Bus
115 grammiedaboss2 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
116 grammiedaboss2 +1
117 @AndyDuncan (looking into it)
118 ohsosaucy151 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
119 ohsosaucy151 +1
121 dstearl (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
122 dstearl +1
125 Ublink (looking into it)
126 Ublink +1
I have reached out through Woot PMs on everybody that I have no other contact info for, and that includes all the people on the “Not Yet On The Bus” list. I also made a post on the Woot RPM thread, and periodically on the latest offer thread. I think I have done everything I can to reach them all. But that is 14 spaces on the bus, plus 6 more on the “Not Yet On the Bus” list and 3 on the “Limbo” list.
35 on the bus:
20 confirmed, 1 looking into it, 14 contacted through PM.
10 on Limbo:
5 looking into it, 5 unable to contact/no response
9 not yet on the bus:
3 looking into it, 6 unable to contact.
Another way to look at this:
20 confirmed, 9 looking into it, 25 contacted through PM/unable to contact/no response
@JOATMON My +2/+3 can be removed - they will be taking a niece on a graduation trip that week.
@bahwm just contacted me - I don’t see a whisper or a mssg anywhere else, or my name on the list. I’m interested but cannot get the time off work though I have it banked - silly job commitments.
@XsanityX You may want to go to your account and verify settings:
Email Subscriptions
√ Casemates wine deals
√ Forum notifications
Email Subscriptions
√ Email me when someone mentions @username
A number of us have been requesting a better notification/PM model from @dave, and now it’s affecting users here hoping to become tourists on the rpm event.
What’s up @dave @snapster?
This ever going to happen?
@dave @rjquillin @snapster @username @XsanityX This one’s on me. I misread XsanityX’s screen name. I thought serenity… was XsanityX
@rjquillin thank you and yes, my settings are correct for notifications and as b mentioned serenity was mistaken for sanity - not a bad thing since serenity is my sanity
The site and notifications work fine and enhancements keep coming (edit and delete, yay!) - it’s up to users to do their part to keep informed if they marked an interest in joining the tour. I assumed a site would have been created. I can do a quick site and host it to get all your tour info in one easy-to-read place. @rpm?
@rpm - btw, your first post can be edited to include the current list of tourists and the dates and other basic info so most info is at the top.
@XsanityX Unless they pushed an update I haven’t encountered yet, you can only edit or delete a post in the first five minutes after posting it. After that, the email notification is sent and it’s locked for all time. (Unless a mod makes a change.)
This is one of the more irritating “features” of the current board system, imo.
@klezman, Hah, I see that now - I figured everyone was smart enough to figure that out and was wondering why it wasn’t used, lol.
I see casemates not as the be-all-and-end-all for get-togethers but as a springboard to other avenues of communicating.
All true, and we didn’t need a springboard on the WW forums, stuff just worked.
There a few basic features/functions that are sorely lacking here that were well implemented, or at least quite functional, in the old WW code that we’ve been asking for since inception here.
Whisper helped immensely, but still lacks a notification system at login or refresh, (you have mail) other than it’s email function.
Consider the Blinks definite if a spot is available.
@joatmon @ublink
Just got email from Brian S.
He and his wife added to the population, so he and his +1 are out this year.
off the bus:
40 @bsevern (called 6/6)
41 @bsevern +1
room for the Blinks!
on the bus:
125 Ublink (looking into it)
126 Ublink +1
Send a whisper to @joatmon, @rpm and @rjquillin
confirming hotel room request from a bit earlier in the thread.
Major change in the list (@RPM approved this):
“On the Bus” just lists confirmed and the Tour Organizer +1 (23 in all). All others that have not “regrets” are now in limbo (24 in all). Four in Limbo are looking into it, the rest I am attempting to contact in the only ways I can. Getting onto the bus is now first confirmed, first served.
On the Bus
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 @rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 Cesare (confirmed)
24 kttest (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
72 wkdpanda (confirmed)
81 mwfielder (confirmed)
82 mwfielder +1 (confirmed)
125 ublink (confirmed)
126 ublink +1 (confirmed)
Répondez, s’il vous plaît if you have not already, indicating you are planning on going or not
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
74 @sdfreedive (reached out through woot PM)
75 @sdfreedive +1
91 tomatillo (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
92 tomatillo +1
95 Globetrekkerdave (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
96 Globetrekkerdave +1
97 socrates2012 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
98 socrates2012 +1
99 exlaxer (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
100 exlaxer +1
101 silvermorph (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
102 serenitysk8r (looking into it)
107 fred2001 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
108 fred2001 +1
109 protease (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
110 protease +1
117 @AndyDuncan (looking into it)
118 ohsosaucy151 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
119 ohsosaucy151 +1
121 dstearl (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
122 dstearl +1
@JOATMON I’m afraid that since R & R need answers now for finalizing rooms and the bus, I’m going to have to say we’re out. But if any of the tourists will be in SoCal on either side of the tour, I’d be happy to host something - assuming things here are put back together by then.
@JOATMON @TimothyB @rpm
I think it’s just that rpm has that 80% criteria for Wine and Roses.
So if he blocks 20% above the now confirmed number there should still be rooms, with no penalty.
Take the plunge!
Bahwm and I will be flying into SoCal on Sunday, 7/15, and staying with Cousin Alice in Ontario until the 18th. Looks like we’ll be flying into LAX, because it’s cheaper to fly AND cheaper to rent a car, even with returning it to Ontario Airport. We’d love a chance to see some more of he SoCal folks.
@ddeuddeg @bahwm
I think most of us are planning to go picnicking at the LA Arboretum on the 18th. There’s a thread under Gatherings.
Pasadena Pops are playing, so link for the grass area is in the thread.
@bahwm @ddeuddeg
Nevermind. That’s for August 18th. Doh!
We have our flights booked and I assume the rooms are now reserved. What else do we need to do at this point? Any ideas on tour costs yet? Do we need any down payments?
This close, we will probably need to pay 100%
@MarkDaSpark No worries. Just want to make sure I was staying on top of it.
@mwfielder You need to call to make your room reservations. See below to ensure you get the tour rates. Costs for the tour itself have yet to be posted.
It’s past the time @TimothyB expected to hear from his +1, and there’s apparently still room. Any chance they can go?
@ddeuddeg He, they, bowed out.
@ddeuddeg @rjquillin Sadness
@ddeuddeg @rjquillin @TimothyB There is space if he wants. I don’t think I heard a definitive unambiguous “no”.
I’m in if there’s space. @RPM you have rooms left?
On the Bus
1 @RPM (confirmed)
2 SWMBO (confirmed)
3 @rjquillin (confirmed)
4 Tour Organizer +1 (looking into it)
8 cmaldoon (confirmed)
16 MarkDaSpark (confirmed)
17 MarkDaSpark +1 (confirmed)
23 Cesare (confirmed)
24 kttest (confirmed)
36 jawlz (confirmed)
37 jawlz +1 (confirmed)
42 mother (confirmed)
48 Klezman (confirmed)
50 Merbill (confirmed)
51 Merbill +1 (confirmed)
52 Merbill +2 (confirmed)
62 ddeuddeg (confirmed)
63 bahwm (confirmed)
72 wkdpanda (confirmed)
81 mwfielder (confirmed)
82 mwfielder +1 (confirmed)
125 Ublink (confirmed)
126 Ublink +1 (confirmed)
117 AndyDuncan (confirmed)
27 @TimothyB (looking into it)
28 @TimothyB +1 (looking into it)
69 jrb11 (reached out through woot PM)
74 @sdfreedive (reached out through woot PM)
75 @sdfreedive +1
91 tomatillo (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
92 tomatillo +1
95 Globetrekkerdave (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
96 Globetrekkerdave +1
97 socrates2012 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
98 socrates2012 +1
99 exlaxer (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
100 exlaxer +1
101 silvermorph (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
102 serenitysk8r (looking into it)
107 fred2001 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
108 fred2001 +1
109 protease (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
110 protease +1
118 ohsosaucy151 (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
119 ohsosaucy151 +1
121 dstearl (reached out through woot PM 6/6)
122 dstearl +1
How are we doing the paying thing? Should I call the hotel to reserve? What is the group name? @rpm @JOATMON
To reserve you r room, please call:
Tell them you’re reserving a room in the RPM Wine Tours Room Block.
Please whisper to @rpm, @joatmon, and @rjquillin when you’ve reserved your room.
Thanks!! rpm
@rpm Thanks RPM!

Wait an hour (until >9am Pacific). The person who needs to be in to handle it isn’t in yet.
/giphy The More You Know
@rpm @joatmon @rjquillin @mother
Looks like they are now set up and accepting cards.
Just made mine.
@rpm @rjquillen
Will make resevation on Friday. CC needs to cool down.
@rpm @rjquillen Booked a double queen yesterday. They upcharged me $20/night when I mentioned that there’d be 3 adults in the room; that was unexpected. Oh well, a few less bucks for the wine buying budget.
@chipgreen @merrybill
got it, thanks
Out of curiosity and for planning purposes for us locals, are we invited to the final night dinner? If so, any clues as to where that will be?
That’s TBD - it’s likely, depending on numbers. We’d like to make it possible. Any guests will need to pay their share of the dinner cost - which we’re estimating at about $50 per.
The dinner will be outdoors at Brad and Sandi Alderson’s house – Sandi is my cousin and Brad is one of the most important figures in the Lodi area wine industry - he was general manager of Mondavi’s Woodbridge operation and has been in the area for close to 40 years.
@rpm that’s a good information. So I can find a hotel or a room in Lodi. And I would definitely pay our way and that’s in line with what I’d expect. Please let us know when you have an idea as we would love to be in. Only reason why I’m a little pushy is because we have dogs and have to figure out whether they’re coming with us or if we need to find someplace for them.
All Tourists - I sent an email out tonight with the best addresses I have - if you’re a confirmed Tourist and don’t have the email, whisper me here with your preferred email or email Cato.Renasci at gmail with the usual ending…
So far, I’m told as of Friday only 8 rooms are booked - you need to book NOW if you haven’t! Whisper me when you book @rpm, @rjquillin, and @joatmon
So much preliminary work completed,
and so so many details yet to flesh out.
rpm should be posting some updates and additional info yet this evening, but I’ve been given the go to tease some potential venues we’ll be visiting via the
google map link here that I hope works.
Looks like a great lineup!
Still sad that I can’t make it. I’m hoping for lots of notes and stories from those lucky enough to make the trip!
@rjquillin Looks like it works. Some very exciting places on there, including (to my surprise) Twisted Oak.
@ddeuddeg TO was on the map just to see if we could make it work, unfortunately it didn’t pan out.
Still could be a good stop the day before/after the official tour.
@rjquillin Oh well. We’ll be going there for a concert on Saturday night, anyway. We’ve managed to score a nice Airbnb a few minutes away. Then we’ll be leaving the next morning for SoCal, flying into LAX. I wonder if @TimothyB still wants to host some sort of gathering. If so, Sunday (7/15) would be the ideal day for us.
@ddeuddeg @rjquillin @TimothyB I’m thinking a Twisted Oak visit before or after would be advisable. Before maybe more so before our wallets are hurting that much
@ddeuddeg @klezman @rjquillin For the same reasons that I cannot be on the tour, I cannot commit to hosting a gathering. It would be pot luck for hosting something Sunday afternoon. The best i can say is we’ll see…
@klezman @rjquillin @TimothyB Please let us know if anything changes, commitment-wise.
Yes, they have to be made.
We have deposits to make to wineries, caterers, the charter bus and likely others I’ve not yet identified.
Since I did the task back on the 2014 tour, rather than do entirely new email and financial setups for the 2018 tour, I’ll use the same email/payment addresses as then.
So, paypal payments will need to be made to
Debit cards and bank transfers will incur no servicing fees imposed by pp, as would credit card payments that have additional fees charged. If you choose to use a CC, just be advised I’ll let you know what the additional fee is you’ll need to cover that I believe is 2.9%.
The 2014 tour with 35 tourists ended up around $280 per person per day for a three day tour. That was in 2014. With only 23 tourists, an additional day, four years of inflation it’s likely to be more from what we currently know.
As soon as we confirm some unknown costs we’ll firm up the amount, but to be safe plan on ~$350+/day or $1400+ total for the four days.
I’d like to get these in by the end of the week, but they absolutely must be received by July 3rd.
I’m hoping we can trim this back substantially and/or offer some refunds after all is confirmed.
So what IS the amount we need to deposit?
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin Ditto - paypal can take a few days to make bank transfers, so knowing the amounts needed would be great (though I guess I’ll assume $1400 pp if there aren’t any updates by Friday).
@rjquillin @rpm what is the deposit amount you need by July 3rd?
@kttest @rpm
See post above for details— rjquillin said 06/24/2018:
Still working to firm up costs as details become available.
@rjquillin @rpm done
@rjquillin sent our money in as well
Deposit sent. Hopefully the price comes down some. That was a bit more than I hoped but I’ll be out of town when the deadline hits
Hotel reservation made. I am one person in a double queen. Happy to split if someone would like to share the cost
Deposit sent
Deposit sent for my +1 and myself.
ATTENTION: WOOTERS/CASEMATERS Local to Lodi who wish to be included in First Night (July 9 evening) or Last Night (July 13 evening) you need to email and or whisper to @rjquillin and @rpm NO LATER THAN MONDAY 6:00 pm EDT. If you’ve already expressed interest, you need to reply again. There will be charges for these events and you will need to prepay. YOU WILL RECEIVE FOLLOW UP EMAIL after 6:00 pm MONDAY, so that deadline is hard and fast given our short week. My email is Cato . Renasci to which you add the apropriate @ ending for g mail. (ignore spaces but don’t forget period)
Dang I switched woot accounts because of the whole Amazon payment scheme and didn’t update the RPM tour post. But looks like we’re already booked for those dates and couldn’t make it. Hope you guys have a blast!
It occurs to me that for the benefit of any newbies on the tour, as well as old forgetful folks like me, it might be worthwhile to re-post the rules for the tour. For example, are there wineries on the list where it might be advisable to dress a bit better than shorts and t-shirts? Don’t forget to avoid scented skin care products. Be prepared to take notes, etc., etc., etc.
Some may want to review the why and how, (in the banner at the bottom of the page) and others check it out for the first time.
RPM’s post on dress from the 2012 tour:
IIRC, I wore short pants (& brought long pants in case) most days for 2012 and 2014, and long pants on some days.
Wine Tasting for Newbies
From the Wine.Woot thread.
Here’s the link for all the goodies!
One-Stop RPM Magical History Tours Compendium
Sadly, looks like @Woopdeedoo needs to renew the website again.
The RPM Tour web site that is.
UNSCENTED DEODORANT is a GOOD THING and highly recommended. No scent for the ladies, please!
@rpm I have become soooo sensitized to scent that I have a real issue when servers at restaurants wear scent or even, when someone walks into a room and is wearing a heavy scent! It bothers me a lot.
You can generally assume it will be warmer in Lodi than Napa or Sonoma - current forecast highs for the Tour days are high 90s in Lodi and mid 90s in Amador. Cools to the low 60s in Lodi, mid-60s in Amador.
You probably won’t want short sleeves or a tank top in the morning and evening, you’ll want to be cool midday.
Layers are your friend.
Recommend hats for being outside in the sun - brims are better than ball caps…
@rpm The temps for the daytime sound just like Buffalo this week—except for the night temps. They are not cooling down here—just in the upper 60s lower 70s! Gotta go to Cali to cool down!
For some reason, the evening and morning temperatures feel so much cooler/colder than what we are used to.
As I have received no special dietary requests/restrictions from anyone, I’ll assume for meals anything goes.
Advise asap if otherwise and I’ll see what can be provided.
Reminder that today is the day to get your deposit in or send in any additional deposit (appears $1400 is total deposit needed.)
I’ve been meaning to ask, is @Winedavid49 going to be able to help with shipping again?
@ddeuddeg Working on the details…
@rjquillin So we should bring boxes to take it home ourselves, just in case? SWA ships 2 of them for us, but we’re thinking about using that for what we might buy before and after the tour.
@ddeuddeg @winedavid49
He has committed to help.
What is missing is cost/case or a case limit at no cost?
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 I’m not sure how things are with the Casemates operation, so I’m not looking for an opportunity to make demands. David has been extremely generous in the past, but we don’t want to take advantage of an important friendship. Anything he can do would be appreciated.
@ddeuddeg @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Plus, he somehow has to get it from Amador/Lodi area back to his shipping warehouse in Sonoma.
So as d-dog said, anything WD can do would be appreciated.
Still have a few I’ve not heard from.
Whisper here or email handle at gmail so I can help out.
Just wondering, will the food at Monday evening’s meet and greet be adequate for dinner, or should we find dinner prior to arriving?
Long answer to a short question:
Monday evening’s food will be hors d’oeuvres platters - charcuterie, cheese, crudite, fruit. If you want a significant meal, you might want something more/first.
Details will come Tomorrow/Saturday, but you should know that the meet and greet will be more than just a meet and greet, we will formally taste Markus Wine Co. wines and the Lodi Six Pack.
We’re doing this because Markus’ wines are special and this is the only way it works - he’s out of town. Definitely not to be missed. And, for the Lodi Six Pack, those are Zins made by Six wineries all done to a set of rules. It’s really a cool project to taste what six different winemakers do with the same stuff! I tasted several in February. Those six packs are literally almost sold out (they only had six sets as of yesterday - we had to glom onto them for the tasting).
So we’re really starting early. We’ll save some of everything we’re tasting formally for those who are late.
Even as I am trying to pack tonight, your team of @rpm, @rjquillin, and @winedavid49 are laboring to make this Tour the most interesting ever. You can’t compare it to drinking Cathy Corison’s and Mike Martini’s vintage cabernet, but we have a line up of all of the types of wineries in Lodi - from the giant Woodbridge to boutiques so tiny they sell exclusively to their lists, and the sizes in between. You will get a solid feel for the very wide range in Lodi. And Amador!
As you can tell, as exhausted as our team is from finalizing all of the grapey goodness for you, we are excited, we are pumped, we can’t wait to get started.
I should add that SWMBO and I don’t expect we’ll need more dinner before or after. We have the room 'til 11. Obviously, hors d’oeuvres for a reception won’t feed people for 4-5 hours grazing like they were locusts.
@rjquillin @rpm @Winedavid49 Didn’t mean to denigrate Monday evening’s gathering by referring to it as a “meet and greet.” It has always been much more than that, but obviously, with a formal tasting, this is up a few notches from what we’re used to. Seems like if we’re going to have dinner beforehand, we might want to conserve our palates for some serious tasting. This is valuable information. Thanks for that.
Meanwhile, we have to better than “try to pack tonight.” Our flight leaves at 0550 tomorrow. We’ll have a brief visit with cousin Bob in San Mateo before heading to Sonoma on Sunday for a visit with Joy at Iron Horse, and dinner with the author we’ve been copy-editing for. Then a nice leisurely drive to Lodi on Monday. See you then. BTW, we’re pumped, too.
@ddeuddeg @rjquillin @rpm @Winedavid49 It’s Saturday night. Any itinerary details yet?
@ddeuddeg @merrybill @rpm @Winedavid49 Pretty well set, but just as of today, actually, just the past few hours.
Not sure if rpm is going to post here or via the email addresses we have.
Hopefully here, if for no other reason than to make those that opted out see what they are missing…
Shall we start a new thread for the tour proper?
Live blogging, pics and such?
I so miss the ww format, much easier to follow than what we have now where posts get buried/suppressed.
@ddeuddeg @merrybill @rjquillin @Winedavid49
I will be sending an e-mail - there are attachments - but will post an abbreviated version here.
Any Tourist who is unsure if I have your e-mail, send me a note at Cato period Renasci at gmail dot com.
@ddeuddeg @merrybill @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Details? What and take the mystery out of magical history tour?
Veterans, bring your Wine Aroma Wheels - we’ll have more, but if you’ve still got one, bring it.

Leaving Chicago!
We have landed safely and early in Oakland. Lunch with cousin Bob and a nap! We pulled an all-nighter.
@bahwm Well done! We’re on the Peninsula for a family gathering w/SWMBO’s cousin, children and grandchildren. Then off to the Sierra foothills for the weekend! Then the Tour Begins Monday at 5:30 pm!!!
@rpm Enjoy! See you soon! Excited to see you, your SWMBO, and everyone else, too. Get some rest. Heading out to dinner shortly. “Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?”
We are hanging out in redwood City with friends, drinking good wine and whiskey!
An e-mail with the Tour Itinerary and other information has been sent to all Tourists - if you didn’t get it and think you should have, whisper @rpm and @rjquillin immediately.
@rpm @rjquillin Now that I’ve read it all, I’m really excited. So much good stuff. Thanks for all your work on this. We’ll see you Monday!
@merrybill @rjquillin @rpm We’ Excited, too. So many good friends, so much good wine. But TO is gone from the list. Was there, then it wasn’t, then it was, now it isn’t. Sic transit gloria mundi.
@ddeuddeg @merrybill @rpm It wasn’t for lack of trying, just couldn’t make it work out without too much of a comprise. And the work still isn’t finished…
@ddeuddeg @merrybill @rjquillin Indeed, TO would have meant an hour additional travel time and limiting ourselves to 3 wineries on Friday. I would have very much liked to add TO because it has been such a Casemates/Woot favorite and El Jefe is super supportive.
Blame rpm, but in looking at the other wineries we could have added in the TO vicinity, I felt visiting them would diffuse the coherent Amador AVA story we’re inviting you into more than it would add.
Though TO is in the Gold Rush country (which is typically thought of as running from Auburn in the North to Sonora in the South), it’s in Calaveras county, not our Amador/Shenandoah Valley AVA focus area. Another time, another Tour, perhaps…
Heading north from San Diego in a few.
See y’all in Lodi.
@rjquillin Safe travels!
@rjquillin let’s hope it’s cooler up there for you.
Excited!!! I have to work tomorrow morning, so we fly out out DFW at 3:40. Land in Sacramento 520ish and we’ll hop in an Uber there. Looks like we’ll miss the first tasting, but will make the meet and greet. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Quick question? What’s the camera etiquette? Cell phone? GoPro too much or is it okay? (I usually have a GoPro on a gimbal for trips, but if it’s obtrusive I can leave it at home.)
@mwfielder I usually have my camera with me and take pics along the way. I don’t know enough about the GoPro to advise on that.
@mwfielder Bring it and you’ll evaluate as you go!
We will try to save you a taste of each of the wines - we realised you’re coming in later, but couldn’t pass on the opportunity for the Tourists!
Not on the camera stuff - talk to sparky who always seemed to have a camera on Tours.
@rpm no worries! Happy to be a part of it!
Do check with the folks in the frame. Not all consent to having their image on social media, what with all the facial recognition now so prevelent.
facial recognition software, just how many of you tourists are running from the law?!?
@rjquillin @ScottW58
Just you.
We are here! Landed at SFO yesterday morning, stopped at in-n-out for lunch, then right to Sonoma for quick stops at some favorites like Buena Vista, Mayo, walked around the square and a little shopping. Then over to Napa for an amazing dinner at Mustards. Today we had a wonderful brunch at Alexis Baking Company aka ABC - highly recommended, we always go twice every trip. Then up to Calistoga and worked our way back down for a full day of tasting. Lunch was at the Clif Family Bruschetteria truck right outside the tasting room, so happy we tried it because it was great. Dinner tonight at Ad Hoc. Tomorrow we start with ABC, an appointment at Hendry, then a couple more wineries, late lunch at Gott’s and then we will head down to Lodi.
@ilCesare Dude! Your PRE-tour tour would’ve be enough of an intro to Cali wine country for most folks! Hoping wifey and I can make next year’s RPM Tour. Reading updates is my consolation prize…
@ExLaxer There is no 2019 rpm Magical History Tour. If the stars align and the creek don’t rise, the next Tour will not be before 2020. Not sure exactly what it will be… many possibilities.
There is a small chance there may be two 2020 Tours - a 3 day ‘newbie’ Tour to Sonoma/Napa for folks who have not been on a Tour before (since the last Sonoma/Napa Magical History Tour was 2014) and a 3-4 day ‘veterans’ Tour to an as yet undisclosed wine region other than Sonoma/Napa. Might be another Lodi/Amador Tour for those who missed this year’s Tour; might be somewhere else altogether…
@rpm Any chance of a non summer tour ? I really can’t get time off in the summer.
@joed10303 What are your parameters? You can’t do a decent Tour once crush starts (figure ~August 1st or so, depending on the weather) and from then on through November, because the winemakers and serious people you really want to see are too busy to spend much time with a group of Tourists. I was in the Finger Lakes in October (coming back from a Midwest wedding) and none of the winemakers had time to do anything more than take a very few minutes with me. The winter is probably OK from the winemakers perspective, but (1) this is when many get away or make marketing trips, and (2) it really isn’t much fun doing a Tour in the cold and damp (almost anywhere on the West coast). Spring is bottling time and as the grapes bud and ripen many winemakers are busy thinking about how they’ll have their blocks farmed (this from experience, I’ve ridden the vineyards with more than one in March). June and July are really the months when most winemakers can find some time for us. All other things being equal, I’d prefer June to July based on typical California weather, but it hasn’t worked out that way.
Thoughts on other times??
I’m still sad I couldn’t make it…looking forward to reading updates!!
@mommadeb Same here, we will have to live vicariously through those more fortunate!

We drove up to redwood City yesterday and have been hanging out with friends here and drinking lots of delicious beer, wine, and whiskey. Tomorrow we head to molarchae’s office for the morning, then on to Lodi!
@klezman So, this is then a “business” trip.
Well done!
@rjquillin she needs to stock up on company gear before their new corporate overlords change the name! Also nice to see her colleagues in person more than once a year.
Grrr… flight is delayed 1:30. Looks like we’re scheduled to get in at 6:35pm to Sacramento. We’ll be there as soon as we can!
@mwfielder Urg! Be safe!
On the way. 2 1/2 hour drive in front of me to the valley
My +1 and I have arrived and checked in. Looking forward to meeting everyone in an hour or so!
Have fun tonight and tomorrow. We’ll see everyone at the first winery on Wednesday. Can’t wait to see old friends and a couple of new ones!
Field Notes thread created
2018 Field Notes
Yesterday I had the first of the 2005 Syrah I got at Amador Cellars (6/$99) it is beyond solid. I am already sure it was the best QPR I got on the trip.
@cmaldoon I wish I’d seen that first
Checking with fellow tourists - if you were having wine shipped back, have you received it yet? My +1 and I are still waiting on ours…
Looks like @cmaldoon was having some of his wine last week, but not sure if he toted it back himself or had it shipped.
@jawlz I’ve been wondering when we’d see it, but we’ve both been to busy for me to start worrying yet.
@jawlz I was local. I drove all my wine home
@cmaldoon @ddeuddeg thanks for the info/updates! We’ve been going through heat-wave after heat-wave, so I’m certainly in no rush for the wine we ordered to go through the rigors and ordeals of being shipped.
@jawlz still waiting as well, but it’s still hot in Texas, so I don’t mind waiting.
Stumbled across this and figured I would post it here in case any tourists are interested - Cellar Tracker tasting notes from the RPM Tour farewell dinner by the host of said dinner, Brad.
@chipgreen Thanks for posting! These notes reflect a fairly traditional, highly educated palate, a man who has been not only a winemaker for more than 40 years, but a technical judge in California for decades. Note even his enthusiastic scores do not exceed 90 points, and he doesn’t attempt to score fully mature older wines - rather he describes their characteristics in context.
What’s the point in a 100 point scale if almost every wine is within 20 points of ostensible perfection? The biggest problem with scoring is that everyone is afraid to say a wine is just ‘sound commercial wine’ or, worse, plonk. Probably 90% of the wine made in the world is more or less plonk, and half of what’s left is ‘sound commercial wine’ but nothing distinguished. Sigh…
@chipgreen @rpm
I also happen to agree with nearly all his notes, too! I was particularly disappointed with the Twisted Oak and 2008 Winesmith Pinot Noir.
I feel silly for not posting this earlier. I saw Brad’s note on the Musar when I went to enter its consumption on CT.
@klezman @rpm
I was viewing my wines by quantity in an effort to make selections for an upcoming fundraiser and happened to look at J. Dusi Pinot Grigio where I saw his tasting note and noticed the link for “Dinner with Casemates”. After looking at the additional notes and Brad’s info, I put 2 + 2 together and realized it was from the tour’s farewell dinner.
Klez, you must have made an impression on him. I see he has you as one of his very few “favorite tasters” in CT.
EDIT to ask what was up with the 2008 WineSmith Pinot? I don’t have any of that vintage but the 2007 is one of my absolute favorite Pinot Noirs. Assuming you have had both vintages, how would you compare them?
@chipgreen @klezman I’ve never understood the appeal of Twisted Oak’s style - like Brad, I’m not the audience. I also usually like Clark’s wines, but the 2008 Pinot was not particularly interesting. An example of a wine that did not benefit from long aging in neutral cask. If pressed I’d say “Oakland” (no there, there)
@chipgreen @rpm
I’m just glad I was able to share an unusual bottle with many who’d appreciate it. That’s the point, after all!
Twisted Oak, I most often enjoy. The wines are (usually) fun and have at least 8-10 years of good life. I think their Mourvedre-based wines are generally the best, although the Spaniard often does well for me, too. But it does seem as if the wines are trending a bit riper and a bit hotter over the last few years. I don’t find myself as drawn to the more recent vintages as before.
As for the WineSmith 2008, I think to me it was just oxidized and/or seemed tired. I quite like the 2005 and 2007 Pinot Noirs, but the 2008 was not in that mold. I’d be happy to have a sample bottle for when it inevitably ends up on Casemates - maybe it was just an outlier bottle. Also, it was rather late in the evening when Clark showed up…palate fatigue doesn’t even begin to describe the state most of us were in by then.
@chipgreen @klezman @rpm
IMHO I have not noticed any change in alcohol levels or heat in TO, the only thing I have to deal with in the wines is just how much oak do you like?
@chipgreen @rpm @ScottW58 Could be I’m incorrectly attributing it, but I’ve not found recent vintages of some wines (e.g. Syrah, Grenache) to be as interesting as they were in the past.
@chipgreen @klezman @ScottW58 Your palate evolves with experience and over time. I don’t think it’s at all unusual to see your preferences change as this happens. There is certainly an appealing novelty and charm that makes new grapes, flavors, regions, and styles of vinification interesting. Watching the development of the Rhône and Italian varietals in both Lodi and Amador is a wonderful example of this. But it takes time for real classics to emerge with any region or varietal, and sometimes they just don’t ultimately end up being great wines. And, of course, your palate will always have certain touchstones to which it may return: I don’t think I’ll ever lose the fondness I developed as a kid for good, red-ripe fruit, Zinfandel. Then there’s the question of whether wines have the depth and staying power that betokens greatness. There’s just not that much of that around. While there are thousands of wine grapes, only a handful consistently produce great wines…which is the reason most of us ultimately come back to Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Syrah and Nebbiolo among the reds, and Chardonnay, Riesling and Semillion among the whites. Almost everyone will have a grape or two to add to the list, but those half dozen are the only grapes inarguably capable of consistently producing great wines over centuries and across continents.
Was adding a new Sangria recipe to the old thread, and ran across this! Since it was our first stop, thought I’d repost it here.
Thoughts on 2020? I think @rpm was thinking Oregon as an idea?
@mwfielder I’m still considering - more later
(I think you see where this is going. But I’m a little slow, so it hadn’t come together yet.) The other night at dinner my wife mentioned, “hmmm, how about maybe going out to California wine country for the Big Trip next year?” And then it hit me, and I told her, we could and should go on the RPM Magical History Tour! Told her all about it, she thought it sounded great. So, our intention is to do this, and we’re planning on it.
My only input would be:
But of course @rpm et al have a lot of requests/needs/logistics to balance. We’ll support whatever happens.
@rpm is pondering Oregon? I assume Willamette Valley? That would be great too. My boss has gotten us into Willamette Pinots and Chards (and a little Pinot Gris), better ones than we can typically afford. We’re in either way.