Fridays always seem to sneak up on me. Another combining of reds. The previous two offers will go down as among the best values of the year to be sure.
I wasn’t paying attention (as usual) and didn’t hear the call for help! I had to think really hard about this one! WD taxing my brain on my BDay!
Thanks, all, for the birthday wishes!
As a special gift, today I got my second COVID vaccine. Hopefully I won’t wake up with a second head… and the beeping of the tracking device won’t be too loud.
@Winedavid49 The two golfers with 3 US opens are Tiger Woods and Hale Irwin. My best two guesses are Irwin Family Vineyards and Judson Hale Winery. Best guess is Irwin Family, as they have appeared here in the past.
El Corazon in Spanish, which is based on Latin. I also thought that would be a great weekend offer! I’m sad if the no was for the Corison. We haven’t seen it here in a while
I was pretty certain Kit had it but I almost played this game…
Donald Sterling
Donald Trump
Trump Winery!
I’ve been to the winery in VA twice, once during the Apprentice years and again in 2017. Prices were unsurprisingly jacked up by the second visit but I will say they make some really nice sparkling wines and a killer dry Rose. They even had a Cab that wasn’t half bad.
@msten@ScottW58 Thanks for noticing. I’m pretty proud that I actually guessed one of these. Usually it is @karenhynes and usually I have no ‘clue’ how she got there.
The correlation I found online (after the fact of course) was Piedra Creek San Floriano Vineyard Pinot Noir. But this offer is for a Zin from the Benito Dusi vineyard. So yeah… I don’t quite get the clue. However, I rarely get WD’s clues. I’m convinced karenhynes must be on the payroll.
My brain is stuck on WineSmith’s 2005 Second Fiddle Pinot Noir but there are so many reasons why that is unlikely. It’s just blocking me from coming up with something else!
That would seem more likely than the Second Fiddle but wouldn’t we all have received an email from Sandra by now? (Just one of the reasons why the Second Fiddle wasn’t going to play, pun intended.)
@chipgreen@Winedavid49 I can’t believe there’s any Second Fiddle left. That stuff is great and we still have a few bottles.
Clark has finally figured out how to send the emails about 5 minutes after the offer goes live. A year ago, though, yeah you’d be totally right.
…or Baker Lane but holding out a sliver of hope for Dusted Valley. Pretty sure WD has said that was a one-time deal but man, what a deal it was!
@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 “ Chateau Morrisette - The Black Dog” don’t you tease me with a wine I may know, it’s table white or nothing from old CM! Love you Mark!! BM
I’m not familiar with Ion, but I was working my way there! I’m blaming it on Clark…I drank most of a bottle of the Two Jakes Aspect on his ZOOM.
@karenhynes@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 I wish. 5 p.m. is walking my border collie and smooth collie. They would destroy my house if I drank wine before walking them.
I’ll take a strange turn, too. How about a nice Friday (black-ish tie) Titus? Titus Labienus was Caesar’s 2nd in command…
Ok @winedavid49 don’t disappoint me and not have a St Patrick’s inspired offering for tomorrow… too late to hope for cider? Barrel aged something or 'nother? Mead? Something that goes good with stew, proper Irish breakfast or lamb?
/giphy Celebrate-The-Irish
The winery itself is an architectural icon in Napa Valley. Modeled after a Greek monastery, Sterling Vineyards was the first winery ever built with the visitor in mind and the only winery in the world with an aerial tram.
@MarkDaSpark@radiolysis@Winedavid49 Yeah, Sterling is definitely ostentatious! Not sure if it’s all that modern, though. But who decides what “modern” means/looks like?
Doh! Tesoro made me think briefly of Treasury, but I had no idea how to narrow it down from there. And I actually bought the dessert wine trio last time around!
@MarkDaSpark The brands are owned by Treasury. Tesoro = treasure = a pirate’s booty. See, we already explained it! Not very convoluted at all, by WD standards.
Hmmm…Precept wines has about 28 labels…
Canoe Ridge? Cavatappi? Battle Creek? Browne Family? The Huntsman? I think we’ve seen those here in the past.
Yes, Canoe Ridge, Huntsman & The Guide have been offered together previously. You beat me to it as I had to lookup the third wine that went with Canoe Ridge & Huntsman.
@karenhynes Cabana Bay Resort at Universal Studios Florida has Prell bottles and Zest bars as in-room toiletries. It’s one big nostalgic feverdream including projected advertisements and intermission cartoons in the cafeteria.
@karenhynes@Winedavid49 It’s always disappointing to see the thread list and notice that Karen has already replied to this thread. But a couple of other possibilities are Bergevin Lane Moonspell or Valley of the Moon.
A Harvest Moon sparkling red would be fantastic. I’ve been asking for it in the wish list since that thread began years ago. The last one we saw on WW was lovely.
Makes sense but I liked your answer and now know more about Fred MacMurray than I ever thought I would after going down the YouTube rabbit hole. He was so much more than just the widowed father from My Three Sons!
@Mark_L@Winedavid49 Iron Horse is a good guess. Especially if it’s one of the single vineyard/block bottlings.
Also thinking it could be another trip to Burgundy.
Well, going for a Catholic Cardinal … you have a Zuchetto (small red cap) and the Biretta (worn over zuchetto, square ridged with 3 or 4 peaks). The Galero was the wide flat brimmed hat Cardinals used to wear. The Mitre is the hat worn on special days.
Oops, it was the Tannat that sold out.
I’ll still go with WS, thinking WD pulled an oopsidaisy as well, but the LL would be just fine.
But @Cortot just may be a Rat.
@Winedavid49 As I represent the darling bride as well… gender is not an issue! Us bros are quite happy. The whole return to normalcy has me very optimistic and generally filled with joy(wine)!
that whole Monday off thing just messes with me. timing is all off. i wanted to really give a clue last night…
anyway, i’m truly stoked to bring this family owned winery to Casemates. I’ve not met them, but i’m already a fan of Tim and Sabrina and their current stewardship.
@rjquillin I haven’t had an opportunity to get a very good pic of him. I suppose that’s ok…I suspect our relationship will come to an end rather soon…in about 12-13 days.
@MarkDaSpark thanks! you too and to all! clue? the experts say Mcale was the best, but i actually think it was early Celtic, Havelceck (with all due respect to Vinnie Johnson).
all is well when this winery comes around. sales should be brisk, except this winemaker buys just as much from casemates as anyone. won’t count on his purchase this segment…
I was going to throw in the opposite side of that equation just for kicks by guessing “The Woodsman” but looks like that is an Aussie wine and we’re not likely to get two International wines in a row, plus Shannon Ridge is a repeat partner.
I get DiArie email almost daily, ok, perhaps weekly.
Some interesting offers at decent pricing, but too much of the same thing. A mixed offer of some of his ~above entry level~ bottlings would be welcome.
Well, it’s not Turley (founded by a Larry, but no winemaker).
Nor is it’s not Texas based Hawk’s Shadow Winery, with their "vertical of HSV Estate and experience the Larry, Darryl and Darryl, named for characters on the “Bob Newhart Show”.
Could it be an Australian wine? Groom = NakedWines; Darryl Caitlin = Sidewood
I wish I could remember what the Acquiesce TR looked like; we tasted outside.
Be nice to see Sue here, but just can’t imagine that happening.
"Many California winemakers are shy about correcting acidity, having been bamboozled by the natural wine crazies that non-interventionist wines are the best. This is akin to “going natural” by not flossing, bathing or wiping your ass. Good wine needs parental care.
@karenhynes@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 I tend to lean toward a “diamond” (trail & rattler connection) than a rattlesnake. Besides Jakes, the only other diamond we have seen is Six Sigma Diamond Mine.
I read Harvest Moon sparkling and got crazy excited. Been asking @winedavid49 for that since the wish list started 3-4 years ago. Been waiting since WW days for that to come back.
Dagnabit! Softball pitched, and I forgot to check back!
Unique wine region … so not Domaine Laroche (Burgandy).
Next choice would have been:
La Roche Stellenbosch
La Roche is currently being developed in Stellenbosch, presenting a unique and rare opportunity to a select few looking to build their dream home or invest in this charming and historic town in the winelands.
@Winedavid49 Well, before you fall flat on your face, hope you’re checking out some new sources of bottles while you’re lazing on the beach.
36, impressive. Which courses?
I feel like I need to justify my perhaps odd guess of “Bordeaux” on today’s offer…
claret (n): chiaretto (originario della regione di Bordeaux)
I thought Chiaretto, itself, was far too obvious, and would likely never have randomly stumbled upon “Keya” in my searching…so I went with alternate translations.
or Sterling; we’ve seen a few of those as well.
Despite hoping for IH, I’ll go with Sterling, better price point here for most 'mates.
@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 Ha! That’d be great!
Haven’t we seen something from Chateau des Louberons or something close to that? Time for a repeat? But hey, if WD wants to throw a Sauternes into the mix I’m game (and wishing we’d gotten the rat bottle)!
@karenhynes@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 Idol Ridge? (Never been there, but it’s been a minute since we’ve seen a Finger Lakes Riesling in here.) One can hope.
Thanks Ariana! for the record an larger than expected storm hit while camping that kept from driving on the (now muddy) roads. kept us there an additional night. but i digress…
i bet Usain Bolt (or maybe Jim Thorpe) would like the name of this wine. Both were FAST as!
Two actually, if I can believe and find what CT thinks I have.
A mag and a double mag.
Need a full-on big gathering to pull the cork on that 3L.
Like a tour…
The 16th season of ABC reality television series The Bachelor premiered on January 2, 2012. This show features a previous contestant from The Bachelorette, a winemaker and owner of Envolve wines, from Sonoma, California, 28-year-old Ben Flajnik, who finished runner-up in the seventh season of the show. This season returns with 25 women featured in the competition, excluding a senior citizen.
The season concluded on March 12, 2012 in which Courtney Robertson was named the winner and became Flajnik’s fiancée. The couple later called off their engagement on October 26, 2012.
@msten@Winedavid49 Sounds like a good guess, but perhaps then not a good clue. “Linen is used to make household items such as tablecloths, upholstery, soft furnishings and curtains.”
At least it’s not the weekend offer, just one day.
Kinda wondering with this one if producers ever pay WD to put up an offer…
Surprised no one guessed one of the many Ghost wineries out there. Ghost Horse, Ghost Hills Cellars, Ghost Block Wines, Silver Ghost … Stokes being right there.
Although WD kind of thru me off with his “fire” part. Though I might have eventually remembered that in order to “stoke” a fire, you are “poking it”.
Funny, but all I’ve read says nothing about Argentinians using it as a name for Sangiovese.
Bonarda is actually a name given to a handful of distinct grape varieties, mainly originating in Italy, but also growing in popularity in Argentina. However, DNA profiling shows that what the Argentine people have named Bonarda, is actually identical to California’s Charbono—and Charbono is actually a grape called Douce Noire from Savoie, a mountainous wine region in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes of eastern France.
Hmmm…I’ve gone down a rabbit hole (again).
He is partial owner of A to Z and Rex Hill (OR)…
Castle Rock is owned by a different Greg Popovich…
haha. i should have known. for those not indoctrinated, maybe give some context about label approvals…to those unitiated.(i’m watching playoff baseball).
@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 I wasn’t thinking of anything specific, actually. I just know how nicely you can pack up your car with wine boxes! But I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a pile of wine with your name or Ron’s name or Tim’s name on it hanging out at WCC HQ.
@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 Hahaha…I wasn’t thinking about that either! I was just joking about the likelihood that Sparky had a car full of wine to bring back!
@MarkDaSpark@TimothyB@Winedavid49 Well, we’re always happy to have Corison enabled in our direction. In absence of wines with the same name as our second kid, we can stock up on 2019 Corison for her But I think that’s still a year or two out for release.
@Winedavid49 … if you aren’t building an ark in your backyard. Drove by Alpha Omega today (on the way to pickup some orders), and their vines were flooded up to their branches! And they had a new lake just the other side of the trees!
@MarkDaSpark Ugh…is it that rough up there? We had a touch of rain Friday night by me, and expecting real rain tomorrow. But nothing catastrophic like un-permitted lakes…
“The giving of innocent life in a hideous ceremony! Canines and felines finding peaceable living arrangements!” ejaculated Pierre Vetiman. “T’would be as though a colossal hysteria had befallen us!”
When I picked up my wines from Martini, they mentioned they were probably going to send staff home.
non stop! crazy. but we are alive and i don’t think it will have any major ill effect on the slumbering vineyards.
this winery has become a consistent offering for Casemates out of Dry Creek. But this vineyard out of Mendocino has been growing since 1924. alot of rain up there too… i bet.
we are not offering this to celebrate one of winefarm’s favorite day’s (extra hour of sleep). But they will be delivered in time for Thanksgiving festivities…
Pedroncelli, Italian for QPR, unless the “ jack” part of the clue is a link to King Estates. I would think we’re getting closer to a holiday mixed Wine Smith offer and something from Scott Harvey.
@msten I was thinking the “jack” might be a reference to John Pedroncelli. And the “short” could mean short bottles, aka the Port (the bottles of which are pretty tall, but never mind that).
I have heard the Bartlett reserve is a very fine wine from someone who has a very good palate but they don’t ship… I dare to dream
Also, tried a blueberry sparkler from Maine not long ago that I’d read about in the NYT, but it wasn’t much to my liking. But I’d be willing to try someone else’s approach. Especially if it would be here before T-giving.
@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 On October 1, RWS offered an Insider Deal on Galatoire’s Cabernet Sauvignon from Donati Family Vineyards. Maybe it’s coming here now?
@Mark_L@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 hits all the buttons, nicely done. Clendenen makes the house white, he has passed away, which could make inventory available. But casemates has offered Donati before, adding rws connection sounds like a great guess.
Or WineSmith? He had a sellout mixed red pack last week and he wrote a book, which would work with the author clue. Maybe Two Jake’s
I was not aware of that offering. I think Pedroncelli makes the most sense now. The author clue still throws me off though. The zin pack would be nice
@klezman@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 Q4 is a solid Pedroncelli clue. I would guess that we have Pedroncelli on the horizon. Juggling 208 deals a year is a lot of work.
@MarkDaSpark Apologies. life got in the way. we are at the beach and my oldest got stung by a sting ray. wow. major pain. major parent in protect mode…
clue? the kid is strong. she has the strength of a metal equine… (sorry of the easy one, it’s been a long day…)
@MarkDaSpark@Winedavid49 I don’t think I even knew there was a Highway 12 Winery. But my brain said “oh, WD means Highway 12, so what are all the wineries on it?”
The folks at the vinyard tell us Gård means “farm” in several Nordic tongues, so the name is a tribute to their family’s Scandinavian heritage and farming tradition.
Pareto’s Estate Eighty20 Red Blend
but I suppose it could be the PN, CS, Zin or Chard
unless we’re now playing with adult Erector sets.
Vinho Verde, Alicante Bouschet Or Touriga National? I think Twisted Oak has a Touriga and Stillman Brown has an Alicante. But those are probably just wishful thinking.
This could be a sweet offer…
Didn’t realize there was any left.
@rjquillin Monkey Prize, it seems you’re thinking?
Or any gorilla…
@msten @klezman
That was my thought.
Hence sweet and ‘is there any left’
@klezman @msten @rjquillin
From Winesmith
Hmm, unless he made more?
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @msten @rjquillin
Still available on his site, I think.
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @msten @rjquillin That stuff was good. He’s right that it’s a dead ringer for a vintage Port.
@Winedavid49 Can we please have a clue?
Fridays always seem to sneak up on me. Another combining of reds. The previous two offers will go down as among the best values of the year to be sure.
i believe you’ll be once again taken by it.
Although the last two Andrew Murray offers were fantastic
We can haz clue?
that image is priceless.
Happy new year!
Hussling in a clue here. Feel like a feline with warm paws
@Winedavid49 Perfect clue for a Sundae evening.
Tin roof
Cat on a Hot Tin… Barn!

We can haz clue?
Had a winery pull out late, good thing these fine folks clutched up for a popular repeat. clutch like Shane Lowery at last years Brittish Open!
2019 Open … Royal Portrush … hmmm,
Popular repeat … hmmm,
King Estates?
Or Pedroncelli Port?
Or Scott Harvey?
Well, they played in crappy weather…
How about Windrun or Wind Gap or Fog and Wind?
@MarkDaSpark I’m flush out of Pedroncelli Port, so hope you’re right.
Vintner named britt? Hmmm
Brittan Vineyards?
Duplin Vineyards?
Using a mulligan for guess #2 just in case…
He said repeat. None of that sounds familiar to me…
Tournament was at Portrush…
What did he lift?
Donati Claret?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 nice, clutching the Claret Jug!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 Hmm, just drank my last bottle of that one tonight.
Caliztoga in the house!
@Winedavid49 Laura Michael Zin?
@InFrom @Winedavid49 Gotta be. Or the Cabernet.
@InFrom @Winedavid49
Laura Michael (Zahtila) Cab!
Edit: Great minds …
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I am hoping for the zin.
@Winedavid49 … Clue?
@markdaspark ya’ll know my pallette is VERY Western US centric. tonight is a departure. Will Smith comes to mind with the name if not the region.
@Winedavid49 Palate!!!
Hmmmm…I’ll start with Luc Belaire Rosé.
@klezman @Winedavid49
Yeah…or is that a colorful part of the clue??
@klezman ugh. NOT part of the clue. (sorry baseball player education)
@Winedavid49 I just beat ddeuddeg to it
A Canadian can hope you procured something from Prince Edward County, ON?
If you hadn’t said it was a departure, I would have said Royal Prince Wines from Solvang.
@klezman Alas he said the name, not the region.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 You were so close!
@klezman @Winedavid49
LOL! I forgot to keep searching. I’m very easily distracted these days.
like a song title if the Commodore’s were a country band.
@Winedavid49 Not finding a Three Toms [a Lady] Winery.
Brick Barn?
Klinker Brick?
Lady Hill Winery
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 winner. ( Brick Barn)
clue? what the old guy said to his wife after hitting a “good” shot.
@chipgreen @Winedavid49 I know I’ve heard that one, but I just can’t summon the punchline.
@chipgreen think caddy shack
@chipgreen @Winedavid49
I knew you’d used the old couple before! Just couldn’t remember it was from Caddy Shack!
Karen, you’re needed.
@msten @karenhynes
@karenhynes @msten @rjquillin

/giphy Bat signal
@msten @rjquillin @winedavid49
Peachy Canyon???
@karenhynes @msten @Winedavid49
Well done!
@msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49
I wasn’t paying attention (as usual) and didn’t hear the call for help! I had to think really hard about this one! WD taxing my brain on my BDay!
@karenhynes @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49 happy birthday!
How the hell do you do it?!
@karenhynes @msten @Winedavid49
And a happy B-day to you then as well.
And WD should comp you an order of this…
@karenhynes @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Happy bday!
@klezman @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49
I can’t possibly explain the inner workings of my mind. It’s a scary place sometimes.
@karenhynes @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Happy Birthday, Karen!
Great guess, too! Did the Caddy Shack reference help you figure it out? I don’t remember that specifically but assume it was a Ted Knight-ism.
@chipgreen @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49
I didn’t see the a Caddy Shack reference until after I posted.
@chipgreen @karenhynes @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Nope, it was the older couple hitting. I almost think the Ted Knight “We’re Waiting” is from before it.
And Happy Birthday Karen!
@chipgreen @karenhynes @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49
/youtube IhknFgI8tJY
@chipgreen @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @msten @rjquillin LOL. Happy Bday Karenhynes!! “brilliant” minds think alike!
@chipgreen @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 I’ve played with him in Tuesday night league.
@chipgreen @MarkDaSpark @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49 @klezman @InFrom

Thanks, all, for the birthday wishes!
As a special gift, today I got my second COVID vaccine. Hopefully I won’t wake up with a second head… and the beeping of the tracking device won’t be too loud.
@InFrom @karenhynes @klezman @MarkDaSpark @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49
You belong to Bill Gates now.
We can haz clue?
AKA forbidden. comes from the era of Capone.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Something to entertain us for awhile since that took all of 2 minutes. WTG, Karen!
@chipgreen @Winedavid49
Dang! I haven’t heard that in…decades!
@chipgreen @karenhynes love it!
@chipgreen @karenhynes @Winedavid49
Yup nice pull Chip!
@Winedavid49 @MarkDaSpark I think a clue cue is overdue.
@Mark_L Nicely put.
@Mark_L. Feel free to ask for a clue … oh wait!

Sorry about the last clue. An afternoon golf game turned into a drink fest.
Speaking of golf. 3 US opens …
@Winedavid49 The two golfers with 3 US opens are Tiger Woods and Hale Irwin. My best two guesses are Irwin Family Vineyards and Judson Hale Winery. Best guess is Irwin Family, as they have appeared here in the past.
I like that about golf
@MarkDaSpark The Royal Slope just keeps giving…
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Probably, unless WD scored Frenchman Hills or Stillwater Creek?
@Winedavid49 … we can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark about this time every year. Sweet!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Pedroncelli Port time?
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Yep!
@Winedavid49 … Clue?
i think it stands for “the heart” in a certain Latin language.
@Winedavid49 You get the Le Caramel pic?
Chatted with the cook, if that’s the correct term.
And for others that like caramels, check out the old site!
@chefjess um, no…
@chefjess @Winedavid49
pic or Corison, but that would be a great weekend offer.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
El Corazon in Spanish, which is based on Latin. I also thought that would be a great weekend offer! I’m sad if the no was for the Corison. We haven’t seen it here in a while
Inima is a Greek wine, and is a loose translation of “the heart”in Romanian.
Coeur de Terre Vineyard
More likely, Core Mixed Reds
Or Coeur à Coeur from Peter Michael Winery in Sonoma. “Couer” is French.
@pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49
Or the 2017 HALL Coeur Cabernet Sauvignon
@MarkDaSpark @pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49
Just to guess something different;
Caora (by Mangels Vineyards)
@chipgreen @pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49
So do we think WD is trolling for new wineries or asleep?

Haven’t seen him like one yet, and no second hint.
@pseudogourmet98 “coeur”
El Corazon…
Hart’s Desire
None of us thought, “Italian”, go figure!
You can’t spell Italian without “latin”?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
It’s getting to be about that time…
sorry, watching football. And i don’t know, some times i just don’t think i “fit in”. Example?
Au Contraire?
Epiphany Wine Company
Outlander? Outlier?
@Winedavid49 Clue?
My clue is this: a wine that was supposed to be ratted in my house this evening, but is unfortunately on a brown truck somewhere in FL.
So my pic was of you then …

labratting is such an imprecise (yet beautiful) endeavor. we’ll get you another shot soon. apologies.
tonight’s brand is not widely known. but the parent company shares the same name as a lite beer.
@Winedavid49 J. Wilkes or Ballard Lane. Gonna just take a stab on this and say J. Wilkes Chardonnay.
Miller Wine Works?
@radiolysis @Winedavid49
O, I C. There is another, bigger Miller in town.
@radiolysis @Winedavid49
So close!!!
@Winedavid49 … we can haz clue?
This winery must be in a part of the boot that is well up wind.
Il Donato
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
You had the Puglia part right…
@chipgreen @Winedavid49
Vineyard says it’s in the heel area … not the part you’d think of as “up wind”!
@Winedavid49 … We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark @winedavid49
Fridays can be tough.
Any games on…?
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin i wish i was playing poker. but never seem to win with these…
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 two jakes of diamonds?
@KitMarlot @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 yep, that should be it. Perhaps some Las Vegas themed wine that is available since traffic in Las Vegas is down.
@KitMarlot here’s hoping not. Ha. I’ve had a big case of FOMO lately as it is.
Jacks or Jax?
What’s the clue you have in mind for tonight’s offer?
@kawichris650 clue? yer gonna toot the whistle with this deal in time for Valentines day!
@kawichris650 @Winedavid49
Whitman Express The Conductor
@kawichris650 @SippinSantiagos @Winedavid49
Does that come with a box of Whitman’s chocolates?
@chipgreen @kawichris650 @SippinSantiagos nope. aka locomotive. Magnum too baby!
@kawichris650 @SippinSantiagos @Winedavid49
Iron Horse?!?!?!?
@chipgreen @kawichris650 @SippinSantiagos @Winedavid49 I’m gonna need a custom rack if this keeps up. Naw, already need it.
@Winedavid49 … They can haz clue?
Oops, sorry kid soccer practice driving and then a plea for Chipotle caused the delay.
clue? Can’t keep a good man down! Covid be damned!
Good grief. Scott Harvey right after Iron Horse? Why are you murdering my wallet?
@jakezim. Because he can?
@jakezim mooohoooooaaahhhhh!
@jakezim @Winedavid49
Geeze WD, SH club orders are next week…
And this is just following BD.
Get a grip on offer timing!
@jakezim @rjquillin point taken!
So, what’s up tonight ? Corison?

@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark
Bout time
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 Cathy has been politely declining of late, Dudamel!
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 @Winedavid49 If Dudamel is the clue, how about Gustavo Wine?
@karenhynes @ScottW58 @Winedavid49
Ooohhhh … Maestro
had to grab this next vintage. not the Seychelles.
@Winedavid49 Another vintage of Chateau de Bel-Air?
Chateau St. Jean?
We might need another clue …
Pernand-Vergelesses 1er Cru “Ile des Vergelesses” - Maison Louis Latour
Superbowl Sunday Sunday Sunday!
@Winedavid49. … We can haz Clue?
/giphy Superbowl 2021

@MarkDaSpark Pats fan here, are you commenting on the PSI in the football?
I suppose that’s one way someone might interpret that haha. But Sparky didn’t select the GIF. It was randomly generated.
/giphy random

Well, deflate gate or not, if Tommy wins this one, there’s no question he will be this (IMHO).
here’s to a great game!
Flying Goat?
@karenhynes LOL. It’s a better guess than answer!!
The GOAT Wine?
If not Flying Goat, how about Standing Goat?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
ANOTHER Maestro offer?!?!?

Better, Fossil Point.

@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 super Hero but we already had Scott Harvey a few days ago
@ctmariner @karenhynes @Winedavid49
Could be …
@ctmariner @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Tom Brady has left the building…
Goats do Roam?
We can haz Clue?
/giphy Clue-Game-Tim-Curry

Midnight show sophomore year in college. just sayin’.
Ballmer predecessor.
@Winedavid49 sterling?
Floodgate wines by Alysian Wines?
Or going Kosher with Four Gates Winery?
@Winedavid49 Isn’t the winemaker for Expressions named Bill? That’d be a nice offer…
Ram’s Gate Winery?
Or a MonksGate Vineyard Pinot?
@Winedavid49 Bill Gates was Msft ceo 1999. Ballmer 2000.
@klezman no, but noted.
Sterling preceded Baller at the clippers
@ScottW58 great guess . Great wine. Creepy clue
Actually kitmarlot had it first
@msten @ScottW58 @Winedavid49
Why I was going with Gates, since Sterling was already mentioned.
@MarkDaSpark @msten @ScottW58 @Winedavid49

I was pretty certain Kit had it but I almost played this game…
Donald Sterling
Donald Trump
Trump Winery!
I’ve been to the winery in VA twice, once during the Apprentice years and again in 2017. Prices were unsurprisingly jacked up by the second visit but I will say they make some really nice sparkling wines and a killer dry Rose. They even had a Cab that wasn’t half bad.
@msten @ScottW58 Thanks for noticing. I’m pretty proud that I actually guessed one of these. Usually it is @karenhynes and usually I have no ‘clue’ how she got there.
@karenhynes @KitMarlot @msten
yeah I was actually just trying to provide backup to your guess, good work
@Winedavid49 Can we please have a clue?
This person needs no introduction. back by popular demand. he has definitely "left the building ".
@Winedavid49 stillman brown
@msten @Winedavid49 this could be interesting.
Bonus points to whoever asks him about impeachment!
@Winedavid49 sounds Italian.
@msten @Winedavid49
Italian Footballer, town/district in Brazil, horse in dressage, or a novel.
Take your pick!
@msten @Winedavid49
Although there is Villa Floriano Pinot Grigio delle Venezie IGT
But I doubt WD will make it that easy.
@MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49 Rocca Pagliara Appassimento Rosso?
The correlation I found online (after the fact of course) was Piedra Creek San Floriano Vineyard Pinot Noir. But this offer is for a Zin from the Benito Dusi vineyard. So yeah… I don’t quite get the clue. However, I rarely get WD’s clues. I’m convinced karenhynes must be on the payroll.
@kawichris650 @MarkDaSpark

Nope, not on the payroll! I wish!
I started to investigate this clue but I dozed off (rough day).
@karenhynes Yes it was
@karenhynes @kawichris650 @MarkDaSpark You’re entitled to a nap! But now that you’re refreshed, can you explain this one to us?
@InFrom @kawichris650 @MarkDaSpark
Not really
Your explanation is probably all we will get!

@MarkDaSpark Happy Valentine’s Day.
Clue? Steve Stevie.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Martin Ray?
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 There ya go! Martin Wonder and Martin Nicks got me nowhere.
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
True confessions…I tried the Stevie Nicks angle first, too. I didn’t get very far.
Good evening.
clue? Katherine and David’s.

the true birthplace of sparkling? not sure. not my specialty.
@Winedavid49 Bocelli Prosecco?
Crémant de Limoux?
Tonight’s wine offer is coincidental. it’s name reminds me of how many offers we are running tonight.
Coincidental …

So another offer on Meh too?
Urgency by Shannon Ridge?
People’s Wine Revolution?
Pedroncelli Friends
Or Daou? (Like Duo?)
My brain is stuck on WineSmith’s 2005 Second Fiddle Pinot Noir but there are so many reasons why that is unlikely. It’s just blocking me from coming up with something else!
@Winedavid49 Two Jakes?
@klezman @Winedavid49
That would seem more likely than the Second Fiddle but wouldn’t we all have received an email from Sandra by now? (Just one of the reasons why the Second Fiddle wasn’t going to play, pun intended.)
@chipgreen @Winedavid49 I can’t believe there’s any Second Fiddle left. That stuff is great and we still have a few bottles.
Clark has finally figured out how to send the emails about 5 minutes after the offer goes live. A year ago, though, yeah you’d be totally right.
@klezman @Winedavid49
Yeah, we have some of the Second Fiddle left as well. Really nice although the 2007 RRV Pinot is still my favorite.
Sci Fi -2
First guess…Pacific Rim?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 First guess, probably wrong, Sarahs Vineyard?
Martian Ranch? Been a looong time
(Psycho)Synthesis from Martin Ray
Or Slingshot?
Ah. . District 9 … minus 2
@Winedavid49. Clue?
MLB Player then Coach:
L.A , SF, Cincy, DC, Houston (among his stops)
@Winedavid49 The Cubs had a few years of required toothpicks stocked in the dugout.
Baker Family wines? Dusted Valley?
…or Baker Lane but holding out a sliver of hope for Dusted Valley. Pretty sure WD has said that was a one-time deal but man, what a deal it was!
Less than 2 hours!
pardon the delay. i’m quite excited about this offer.
it’s a large concern offering it, but the wine is pretty obscure.
But i think you’ll snatch it up like a rabid mutt dog!
@Winedavid49 Is Fess Parker involved?
@Winedavid49 boneshaker zin
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
Forgot he was in Old Yeller!
Epiphany is also under Fess Parker Winery and Vineyards
@Winedavid49 David Coffaro
Stray Dog Wine?
Chateau Morrisette - The Black Dog
@Winedavid49 I was thinking you meant Treasury, but didn’t have the time to look up their brands!
Should have known it included “Mongrel”
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark btw, that was a hell of a good guess.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 “ Chateau Morrisette - The Black Dog” don’t you tease me with a wine I may know, it’s table white or nothing from old CM! Love you Mark!! BM
@Winedavid49 Can we please have a clue?
Damn , it didn’t take!! Uggg.
@Winedavid49 So what is it? Inquiring minds need to know.
@danandlisa That’s the clue! I just don’t know what to do with it! If @karenhynes is done with the Clark happy hour maybe she can help…
@danandlisa @klezman
@danandlisa @klezman @winedavid49
St Innocent?
My clue was- because electron winery was taken.
@Winedavid49 you are getting me after cider and merlot with @winesmith , sorry no quality guesses here…
The Atom Wines?
@Winedavid49. C.G. DiArie?
Ion! I was working my way there…
Ran out of time!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Thought about Proton, forgot Ion.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I’m not familiar with Ion, but I was working my way there! I’m blaming it on Clark…I drank most of a bottle of the Two Jakes Aspect on his ZOOM.
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Lucky girl.
@danandlisa @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
You should join in next week!
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I wish. 5 p.m. is walking my border collie and smooth collie. They would destroy my house if I drank wine before walking them.
We can haz Clue?
@MarkDaSpark Well what do you know, a second “Lane” in one week!
Whitehall Lane?
Or Ballard or Bergevin?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Lanes (besides Baker) that we have traveled in the past: Bergevin, Whitehall, Bridge, Ballard.
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
Of course, WD could throw in a new “Lane” as well :
Benton-Lane (OR) or Limerick Lane (Sonoma)
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 There are dozens of possible Lanes to consider.
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I’m guessing Bergevin but would be very happy if it was Star Lane
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I’m going to go with limerick lane, just hoping not being realistic here.
We can haz clue?
Dino the dog.
Another Mathis Barbera from Bedrock Vineyard?
Or something from Hanna Winery?
Well, Pedroncelli has a blog called Vino in my Dino
So @msten noted an obscure Pedroncelli reference, but wasn’t sure that was a guess?
So a possible Pedroncelli Zin.
Of course, it could be simpler … Simoni Family Vineyards “Dino’s Pinot”, Yamhill-Carlton Pinot Noir
I keep looking, but I haven’t found a winery dog named Dino.
@MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49 I’m with Sparky here
Some riff on Hanna, Barbera, Flintsones or some obscure Pedroncelli reference
@msten The Ped Rosé just shipped. Another one this soon?
@msten @rjquillin Guess so!
@InFrom @msten Not one, two.
We can haz clue?
Even more passionate than Mathis on this stuff!
CR Graybehl Mathis Vineyard?
CR Graybehl
Darn it! 4 minutes too late
Ooh, ooh … Brick Barn
Well, no “Likes” from WD yet …
Halcòn or Broken Earth?
Or McLaren Vale Grenache
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Don’t taunt the Mistress…
@MarkDaSpark The oracle has spoken. Or starrred.
clue? Well, we are moving warehouses, but doubt we’ll rent a truck.
Not a truck? Red Car?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Oh damn, that’s a great idea sparky!
@Winedavid49 no “Like” from WD yet. 🥺🥺
So just in case … Gård?
Or improbably, Iron Horse?
Or hmmm, moving warehouses, like a Super Hero InZinerator perhaps? (Last guess)
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Ahhh Ryder truck rentals…
Hindsight is 20/20 haha.
@kawichris650 @Winedavid49
Except it was
Indicating it wasn’t a truck or rental!
Shenanigans I say!

Is it red?
If so… could it be Red Truck Winery?
(Note that I’m not very good at deciphering WD’s clues.)
So, @Winedavid49 … will it a normal clue this time, or a Bizarro one?

@MarkDaSpark yea. not my best…
Now if it had been BizarroWinedavid49 posting it …

(Which you should totally do, btw!)
Less than 2 hours!
Sorry, i’m stuck, can’t come up with it, pen to paper just can’t seem to happen…
So, this is the clue, or a capitulation?
Writer’s Block?
That’s a guess…not a diagnosis.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Yet again!
I still think @Winedavid49 should create @BizarroWinedavid49 for when he wants the clue to be opposite!
On, and … we can haz clue please?
@Winedavid49 … real writer’s block this time?
ah! i am a dummkopf!
i couldn’t even become a cook for a minor league hockey team!
@Winedavid49 I have no idea where to begin with that…Schug?
@klezman @Winedavid49 but hockey is your wheelhouse.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 yes, sort of. But hockey teams don’t usually have a chef…
@klezman @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Soooo…maybe a Danny Boome reference??
@klezman @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Boome’s Farm
@karenhynes @rjquillin @Winedavid49 so I just learned that Wolfgang Puck has a wine label…
Think cook= chef
Good clue.
Ah…it’s so clear now.
Ooh, Wolfgang Puck … clever
@Winedavid49 … we can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark Sorry, prolonged soccer kid pick up.
Clue?? um, 2nd string Caesar???
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 St. Augustus from Australia?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I doubt that it would be Mark Anthony, but I can wish.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
…or Augustus Forum from Spain?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I’m taking a hard left turn and going with something from Gård.
Lawrence Welk (Lawrence Estate Vineyard) from Sid Caesar.
@MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @Winedavid49
I’ll take a strange turn, too. How about a nice Friday (black-ish tie) Titus? Titus Labienus was Caesar’s 2nd in command…
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Great clue!
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 yeah, I’m not following…
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Call up the Reserves!
@klezman “reserve” like Army Reserve. The back-up group.
@karenhynes @radiolysis @Winedavid49
I looked at Tiberius (heir to Augustus, didn’t rate Godhood on death, so definitely 2nd rate), nothing popped up.
Looked at Maximus (Gladiator), but didn’t think it was Bennett Lane or the one in Australia.
Kind of thought about WineSmith due to his St. Laurent, but didn’t follow up. DOH!
@MarkDaSpark i need to frame that pic!
what another Ballard sighting? not Lane though.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Tercero also makes a few from Larner Vineyard in Ballard Canyon.
I doubt it’s Jonata
Need to edit it to say “Wineaux” instead of Wooters!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
But in cases … Metal Bender Syrah (Ballard Canyon)?
Or Larner Winery
Or Rusack Ballard Canyon Estate Syrah ?
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Beckmen!
Well done!
Just a reminder to Spring Forward tonight!
Hmmm … I still seem to need to beg for clues from @Winedavid49 in the future!
Et tu Hopland??
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Probably (et tu, Brutus), but in case not …
Wind Gap Wines - Fox Hill Vineyard Red Blend (Italian blends)
People’s Wine Revolution offer
Both also around Hopland.
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Could we be seeing the return of Briceland?
Ok @winedavid49 don’t disappoint me and not have a St Patrick’s inspired offering for tomorrow… too late to hope for cider? Barrel aged something or 'nother? Mead? Something that goes good with stew, proper Irish breakfast or lamb?

/giphy Celebrate-The-Irish
@bunnymasseuse @Winedavid49 Guess David is celebrating early, tick tock.
@bunnymasseuse @danandlisa @Winedavid49
Or he’s not used to others asking for clues!
yikes. my bad. got caught up in some stuff.
I bet W.C celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day.
Hitching Post?
Seems too obvious, but… Fields Family Wines?
@Winedavid49 I see Scheid is in Greenfield… beyond that I got nothing.
Better get a clue in before i get lost in March Madness! (that’s not part of the clue).
winery with the most modern architecture (IMO).
@Winedavid49 The barn at Corison is a pinnacle of modernity, right? Right??
More seriously…tell me it’s Martin’s Lane from the Okanagan in BC!
@Winedavid49 But it’s probably Hall.
@Winedavid49 Dominus?
@klezman @Winedavid49
Probably the most ostentatious.
Maybe St. Supéry?

Or did WD get Sokol Blosser from the Wish List?
@radiolysis @klezman @Winedavid49
Sterling Vineyards!
Write up:
@MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @Winedavid49 Yeah, Sterling is definitely ostentatious! Not sure if it’s all that modern, though. But who decides what “modern” means/looks like?
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @Winedavid49 What, you implying a Greek monastery isn’t thoroughly modern?
@klezman @radiolysis @Winedavid49
I meant your guess of Hall was the most ostentatious!
NO “Likes” from WD yet.
Wonder what it will be that we didn’t name?
Apparently this is the place?
am i wrong?
Happy March Madness. how about Oral Robert’s ! sorry buckeye fans.
clue? AKA rock, comprende?
@Winedavid49 Piedra
@ctmariner @Winedavid49
Piedra sounds about right.
I’ll throw in a random guess just for giggles…Rocca?
@ctmariner @karenhynes @Winedavid49
If not either of those 2 …
Carr Paredon Vineyard Grenache?
@Winedavid49 I work at OSU, so way to go Beavers! Sorry Tennessee.
@ctmariner @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Piedra Creek for sure
Rocca Family Vineyards?
@Winedavid49. Before you get lost in March Madness …
No burying these booty wines. another run of these 3 and at a better case price!
@Winedavid49 Muscardini Tesoro
@Winedavid49 You need to ring that “Sold out, there are no more” bell again; you’re well overdue.
King Estate Mixed Pinot Gris?
@Winedavid49 I’ll guess twisted oak because they’re the only winery I know who dress like pirates
@chipgreen @Winedavid49 that’s a better option
@CruelMelody @Winedavid49
Seconded on TO.
@CruelMelody @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Twisted Oak was my first thought too
@CruelMelody @klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
And we were all wrong. . .
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 case price is the same?
@Winedavid49 @wccwinegirl
From you clue we were expecting a lower (better) case price, but it’s the same as the first offer.
Is there something we didn’t correctly understand?
@rjquillin @WCCWineGirl i’m fixing this now.
@Winedavid49 oof, those were some mighty swings and misses.
Doh! Tesoro made me think briefly of Treasury, but I had no idea how to narrow it down from there. And I actually bought the dessert wine trio last time around!
@InFrom @Winedavid49
Well, IIRC, the proper terminology is “pound sterling”, aka British Pound. So, “booty” makes sense for ONE of the wines.
But youse got some 'splaining to do WD on the other two!
@MarkDaSpark The brands are owned by Treasury. Tesoro = treasure = a pirate’s booty. See, we already explained it! Not very convoluted at all, by WD standards.
@InFrom. Well blow me down!
Didn’t realize BV was owned by them.
@MarkDaSpark i’m sorry but i McCant.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Or maybe he could McCay?!?!
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Perhaps some old Zin futures?
@klezman @MarkDaSpark nary a call back i’m afraid.
McConnell Estates?
@klezman @Winedavid49
Cain Vineyards?
Or was that not a clue hint, but about McCay?
@MarkDaSpark Guess we know now why @karenhynes was mia in guesses.
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin conspicuous absence explained
@MarkDaSpark @msten @rjquillin

Maybe you McCant or maybe you McKahn
We can haz clue?
Funny, a Canadian Gehry was the architect.
Marqués de Riscal ?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 Unless WD is branching out to Canada with Le Clos Jordan, or another possibility is Hall Winery in Napa.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 she’s back!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Well, the first ones were good, pretty amazing actually.
Which shall it be this time?
Well done!
Happy Friday.
one of the few multi label offers we run here consistently. Very Preceptive of us.
Hmmm…Precept wines has about 28 labels…
Canoe Ridge? Cavatappi? Battle Creek? Browne Family? The Huntsman? I think we’ve seen those here in the past.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Yes, Canoe Ridge, Huntsman & The Guide have been offered together previously. You beat me to it as I had to lookup the third wine that went with Canoe Ridge & Huntsman.
@chipgreen @Winedavid49

We could come up with a lot of random combinations of 28 labels.
@chipgreen @karenhynes this is the time where i should quote Meatloaf for Chipgreen’s guess.
Browne Family would be nice to see again!
We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark Inconceivable!
a new winery launching tonight. it took many moons to secure them. How many suns?
@Winedavid49 One hundred? If so, looks interesting!
Nine Suns?
@chipgreen @Winedavid49
Nice! Likely a bit cost prohibitive though, unless WD twisted an arm so hard it fell off.
@chipgreen @Winedavid49 With bottle prices of $260 on wine-searcher, I certainly hope not!
Soleńa Estate
This new winery is "“stuck in…”
Desert Sun. Middle of country
@Winedavid49 Stuck in…side of Mobile with the Memphis blues again?
@Winedavid49… Lodi again
@davirom @Winedavid49 Markus Wine Sol Red?
@davirom @InFrom @Winedavid49 Markus was good…
We can haz clue?
Elite 8 man. in between games is about right for me
besides, i usually take the night off when this one comes up…
@Winedavid49 So, Clark, but not on a Friday?
Or Scott…
Sounds like WineSmith but I didn’t get an email? (Or a rat bottle, haha)
@chipgreen @Winedavid49
Seems she’s been directed to not send them out 'till rollover.
Clue? it is opening day baseball. any shortstops gonna hit over 200??
@Winedavid49 something Argentine. Beats me which one.
A repeat of …
Durigutti Malbec Reserva
Malacara Argentinian Malbec ???
Or Bodegas Salentein?
Mendoza line retreaded clue.
@msten i know. i suck at imported wine clues.
Clue? No, tonight’s winery does not provide Geotechnical solutions.
@Winedavid49 Ahh, the old soil mechanics and rock mechanics clue.
@Winedavid49 Terroir Wines.
Broken Earth Winery?
@Winedavid49 Clayhouse?
Will tonight’s wine provide geothermal solutions?
no, but apparently it’s also a shampoo brand.
Feeling French? LaRoche-Posay?
Or maybe Roche?
Method? (Precision Wine Co)
But wait, there’s more!
Quantum Wine Cellar?
Beringer Quantum?
Apparently there are a lot of shared shampoo/wine names…
Where is everyone tonight?
There’s the whole Nex(x)us conglomerate.
Anyone for VO5?
Head and Shoulders?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 Prell? Garnier Fructis? Herbal Essence?
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
Prell! Now that’s a Flashback!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Body on Tap? Oh wait, that’s beer shampoo.
Kim Basinger? Lol
Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific?
@karenhynes Cabana Bay Resort at Universal Studios Florida has Prell bottles and Zest bars as in-room toiletries. It’s one big nostalgic feverdream including projected advertisements and intermission cartoons in the cafeteria.
Saints &`Sinners
@Winedavid49 onesta hair care, how about that.
@msten not the best clue. funny how all these brands with both wine and hair care propped up! cracks me up!
Domaine Laroche, as kh has offered.
Good evening. no basketball so here’s a clue a little earlier.
This one is for Mary.
@Winedavid49 there is a Silverbell Winery opening in Washington.
St. Anne’s Crossing Zinfandel Hail Mary?
@Winedavid49 Vines on the Marycrest?
Buen intento
Maryhill winery?
Looks like I’m stumping err stolping you!
@Winedavid49 Stolpman Para Maria
Stoplman Para Maria?
Black Sheep Winery?
So, latest 24 hour wonder?
It’s been a few lunar events since we last ran this.
Harvest Moon?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 It’s always disappointing to see the thread list and notice that Karen has already replied to this thread.
But a couple of other possibilities are Bergevin Lane Moonspell or Valley of the Moon.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
A Harvest Moon sparkling red would be fantastic. I’ve been asking for it in the wish list since that thread began years ago. The last one we saw on WW was lovely.
@chefjess @karenhynes @Winedavid49 Oh those sparkling Pinots and Zins are great…
@Winedavid49 Harvest Moon for sure since Klez is a rat. This is rigged!
musical calisthenics
@Winedavid49 scales & arpeggios. Or a Washington Scales red.
@msten @Winedavid49 OK, I never in a million years would have guessed that was a wine name.
@klezman @msten @Winedavid49
Apparently there’s an Arpeggio Winery here in Illinois. Who knew??
@klezman @msten @Winedavid49
If we’re talking vocal exercises, Staccato would be another possibility. Ah, the memories of voice training.
@Winedavid49. We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49

/giphy please
i’m going to call it Nouveou Amador.
@Winedavid49 La Mesa?
Fiddletown Cellars
@Winedavid49 Leoni?
Or…too exciting an option…Domaine de la Terre Rouge? They’re hardly new, but they have a French name!
Le Mulet Rouge?
thinking architecture
@chipgreen @Winedavid49 Well done!
We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark i need help with this one. whisper?
so, it kind of translates to long live the cellar.
Or more of an acronym of wine growers’ vines, wine and life, and for the strong history of winemaking culture in the valley.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Think Capitol of “Venezia Tridentina”
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Hmmmm…I’m too tired to search through Italy…so I’m going with Trentadue.

Nailed it!!!
me, i’m more of a McMurtry fan… oh wait that’s a T…
RIP Larry.
Got us! Louis L’amour
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Makes sense but I liked your answer and now know more about Fred MacMurray than I ever thought I would after going down the YouTube rabbit hole. He was so much more than just the widowed father from My Three Sons!
Ahh, the old West novel wrinkle. Recent clues have been very clever.
@Winedavid49 … We can haz Clue?
/giphy Clue-TimCurry

Great to grow congruently, grab a group graciously, grazi.
@Winedavid49 You found some more Gazzi?
We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark oh…

/giphy sparky
/giphy A.P.B.

@winedavid49 is M.I.A.
@rjquillin sorry. uncle Pat is in town… another Rushmore pick. this person frequents the boards more than any other.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 Time for a Tercero offer?!?! Not sure he’d qualify for Rushmore status. So then probably Scott Harvey time.
@Winedavid49 Humm, something from Larry…
@klezman @Winedavid49 Yeah, Scott is more likely, he’s been tagging offers recently.
@MarkDaSpark He’s too busy watching the Leafs game
@klezman @MarkDaSpark
Shouldn’t they be called the Leaves?
@chipgreen @klezman @MarkDaSpark the only country I’ve ever met that was ok with rooting against their fellow countryman… brutal!! #canada
@bunnymasseuse @chipgreen @MarkDaSpark I’d still rather have the Habs win another cup than the Florida teams.
sorry. high school soccer season! my youngest got (another) goal! it was not her first or third goal of the year. it was…
A second label?
Praxis Cellars?
@Winedavid49. So it was Scandalous?

this region reminds me of Daffy.
@Winedavid49 Langueduck?
@InFrom @Winedavid49 Nice
Unless it’s Lake County.
@InFrom @Winedavid49
More Jean Babou Elégance Mixed Brut Sparkling Wines?
@InFrom @klezman @Winedavid49
If by Lake, more Old Pearl Cabernet Sauvignon?
@InFrom @klezman @Winedavid49
Or is it Oregon Duck season? Maybe a nice Willamette Pinot?
@chipgreen @InFrom @klezman @Winedavid49
Pearl Vintners from Washington?
@chipgreen @klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Cold Duck?
@chipgreen @InFrom @klezman @Winedavid49
Or possibly Battle Creek Cellars Pinot Noir? I believe they have a tasting room in the Pearl District of Portland.
@InFrom @klezman @MarkDaSpark good one!
So how does Crémant de Limoux AOC, France remind you of Daffy?

@MarkDaSpark with imports, I usually default to region…
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 That didn’t answer the question…just sayin…
Although Limoux is in the Languedoc.
Clue? Another stave char
Buck Shack or Barrel Burner? Maybe I’m way off base with this clue
@chefjess @Winedavid49
Nice call!
We can haz clue?
Well, all Bordeaux varietals this go around. Which is surprising given the heritage.
@Winedavid49 Yeah, could be a Pedroncelli mixed Cab case or Cab/Merlot case.
Could it be a Jana Cathedral offering?!
Pedroncelli mixed case?
@msten damn you’re good
We can haz clue?
What’s’ the rush? what’s the hurry?
Godspeed Vineyards ?
@Winedavid49 Saunter?!?!
@klezman @Winedavid49 wouldn’t that be something.
@klezman @msten @Winedavid49
Especially after the cases some of us likely just purchased.
Todd Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon ?
Originally Sweeney Tood was the villain in “… the Victorian penny dreadful serial The String of Pearls.”
Red Car The Pearl White Wine?
Old Pearl Cab?
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.
A lyric from “The Worst Pies in London”
Mrs Lovett.
You’re on your own from there.
Ellipsis Lovett Vineyard Petite Sirah
Someone call @Karenhynes.
We can haz clue?
Clue? Maya (Virginia) sure had to help.
OK…lots of possibilities (assuming I have the reference correct). *Let’s start with:
Andrew Murray (most obvious guess)
*leaving lots of space for others to play!
@karenhynes Unchallenged!

Congrats again
Why do we even bother? @karenhynes seems to know what @Winedavid49’s clues mean before us!

yesterday was just Googling luck!
most higher priced chards don’t sell well here. this one just might given it’s track record.
@Winedavid49 Iron Horse?
@Mark_L @Winedavid49 Iron Horse is a good guess. Especially if it’s one of the single vineyard/block bottlings.
Also thinking it could be another trip to Burgundy.
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
If not IH, maybe DeSante Napa Valley Chardonnay again? ($18.33 before.)
happy Sunday.
clue? meat cutter off spring.
Y. Rousseau
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 OK, you gotta explain that one, Sparky…
@klezman @Winedavid49
His 2017 Son of a Butcher blend.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Ah…well that does make it sound pretty obvious

/giphy snoopy-happy-dance

Clue please
Napa valley is where most of these types of wines come from. Thankfully tonight’s offer does not have the same corresponding price tag as it’s name…
@Winedavid49 Cult Cab? (Guessing before the rat bottle arrives.)
@klezman @Winedavid49 A rat bottle for tonight’s offer,
expected to arrive yet tonight?!
That’s just jit to the extreme.
@klezman well played
@rjquillin @Winedavid49 it arrived at 8:10 pm, PDT. A whole 50 minutes before going live!
Clue please.
this import ain’t no cook off wine.
A Louis Latour wine? Perhaps Chassagne Montrachet Rouge ?
Or a Pech Merle Rosé and Sauvignon Blanc?
@Winedavid49 Gonna say Altue from Chile (Chili Cookoff)
Horseshoes and hand grenades
@radiolysis @Winedavid49
Nice call, you had Chile
we don’t even have a clue for tomorrow but I’m going to guess Frogs Tooth red blend
someone in the social media department needs a slap with a ruler!
@deadlyapp i get the night off!
You forgot the “2018”.
@Winedavid49 What are you going to do with your newfound freedom?
@klezman Neilfindswine is moving to Houston (still in wine, you can live anywhere…) and we are having a dinner with him. he’s making his famous ramen.
some wine will flow no doubt…
@Winedavid49 Yeah, I saw on FB that he was in the process. Say hello from us!
We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark Russian River has plenty of both (so does Carneros!)
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Well, that helps with the varietal, but not much else.
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Sounds like 2 varietals.
@davirom @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
so we’re looking for an offer from a producer of both?
Iron Horse has both Chardonnay & Pinot Noir
I would have said Pedroncelli, but their Chardonnay is Dry Creek, not RRV.
@davirom @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 I have no idea but could be a winery named like Barn cat or something
@CruelMelody @davirom @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Maybe Furthermore Wines? They’ve offered a RRV Pinot Noir here and they have a RRV Chardonnay.
@CruelMelody @davirom @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Pinot and Chard seem to be a given. How about Buena Vista?
@chipgreen @CruelMelody @davirom @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49

I’d go with IH, had we not just had the case.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Fog & Wind PN?
@radiolysis @Winedavid49
I thought of them, but I didn’t see any Chardonnay on their site.
@MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @Winedavid49
Well done Sparky!
@karenhynes @radiolysis @Winedavid49
Not me, but @radiolysis called it.
@MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @Winedavid49
Doh!..too tired to read!
Well done @radiolysis!!
Maybe 1 from RRV and 1 from Carneros?
@davirom no, wine is from RR.
Carneros has ALOT of this though, especially summer on the afternoon.
I call shenanigans!

There’s only 1 Varietal/Wine up! Not 2!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
The two things in common were the Fog and the Wind…not the Pinot and the Chard.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Ahh …
We can haz clue?
/giphy tim-curry-clue-movie-butler

Eh, closest one so far!
Was there a social media post or email we missed giving away tonight’s wine? Or a basketball/soccer game?

I’m going with soccer game.
@chipgreen @MarkDaSpark soccer. (they won 2-1!). sorry, my bad.
@chipgreen @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Given the late hour, shall we declare chipgreen the winner and call it a night?
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
That’s how I see it.
@chipgreen @InFrom @Winedavid49
Hey! I said Soccer game first!

So, any bets on why @Winedavid49 will be late with the clue?
Another Soccer game?
no, baseball. i throw BP for the high school team. typing with just my right hand…
you may not believe me, i mean there’s no proof or chain of custody in may statement.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 nice
off to another soccer game.
clue? aka Cardinal’s Crest.
@Winedavid49 all I can imagine is a bottle of wine with Fredbird on the label. Yeek.
@Winedavid49 Probably a stretch, but are we getting a Chateauneuf-du-Pape?
@Winedavid49 There is a wine called Cardinal’s Crest from the Biltmore Estates Winery in North Carolina.
@radiolysis @Winedavid49
Ha! Every Cards fan would buy at least one bottle to put into their collection and never open
Well, going for a Catholic Cardinal … you have a Zuchetto (small red cap) and the Biretta (worn over zuchetto, square ridged with 3 or 4 peaks). The Galero was the wide flat brimmed hat Cardinals used to wear. The Mitre is the hat worn on special days.
Paolo Zucchetto Winery Prosecco offer?
On the off chance it’s not anything yet … and with summer coming soon …
ÆRENA Wines “Crown in Shadow” Rosé offer?
Cardinal’s Crest is on the crown.
Hmm, there is a Red Bird Estate Winery in Creston. Family owned by Shannon & Rémi Cardinal
Edit: Thought it was Creston in Paso area, but it’s Creston in British Columbia.
@Winedavid49 This going to be another one that’s painfully obvious in another 30 minutes?
@rjquillin quite a good “tally” of guesses so far. not sure, but this may be a tasting room only label.
@Winedavid49 Talley “Mano Tinta”?
@radiolysis @Winedavid49
Winery Si! Name, Nyet!
BTW, Cardinal is above Bishop.
Terlato Vineyards Cardinals’ Peak red blend
How about Red Hat winery?
@pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49
Or Red Cap Vineyards?
@pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49
Montinore makes a “Red Cap” Pinot
happy Sunday. tonight’s clue?
what a plow creates.
@Winedavid49 Furrow Zin
Nice one!
@Winedavid49 Broken Earth!
Wine sourced from aka regal hill
Diamond Ridge?
King Estate?
Or their North by Northwest?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Ooh, ooh, ooh! Royal Slope!
Gård Vintners !
Edit: Or Lawrence Vineyards (they do Gård as well)
Does slope equate to hill?
Ha, Royal Slope = Gård Vintners !
Or Lawrence Vineyards (they do Gård as well)
Answered in other post as you posted this!
@Winedavid49 Knock, Knock. Can we please have a clue?
@danandlisa ah, where did the week go??
this import region reminds be of Mars (the singer).
(worst clue ever).
@Winedavid49 Brunello region is the obvious answer.
Paging @Winedavid49 … a clue is needed!
@MarkDaSpark this repeat (better price) will keep you captivated!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 capatavi?
@MarkDaSpark so how about that Phil Michelson! wow.
Bringing back this winery a little sooner than usual since the last offer sold out. Call me a saint!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
WineSmith St. Laurent Ricci Vineyard Carneros
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Maison Louis Latour Saint Veran
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
Did the Winesmith sell out? I don’t see it in the Sell Outs thread!
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin pretty sure it did.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Oops, it was the Tannat that sold out.
I’ll still go with WS, thinking WD pulled an oopsidaisy as well, but the LL would be just fine.
But @Cortot just may be a Rat.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
I assume you would know, although …

Only one the Search feature found, and only one I saw on the Deals section. And there’s no indication it Sold Out. No screen grabs from RJQ.

@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 WS hinted on this offer on Sunday so I made sure not to let the bunny out of the bag early.
We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark very unique offer tonight. Hard to describe this conundrum. Sold by aka “single branch”
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Something from Greg Martellotto’s One Vine Wines?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
What’s this world coming to when a guy has to star his own post to get some recognition for a correct guess?
@chipgreen @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Likely quite a few won’t get the connection, and while that’s likely, we really don’t yet know.
Single branch = limb or maybe twig. How about Limb Vineyards?
So, I wonder what 1 night wonder @Winedavid49 will offer us?
@MarkDaSpark wow, what a couple of days. touch act to follow… clue? Ana not Helen.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I’m going to not post my guess so others can play…
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Keller Estate. Karen, you were too kind to let us mere mortals have a crack at an easy one.
@hscottk @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
For the record, that would be my guess, as well!
@hscottk @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I was wondering if “touch” was intentional or just a fat-fingered “tough”
@hscottk @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Great question! Honestly, I didn’t even notice it. My tired eyes saw “tough”…
@hscottk @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 Since Karen is involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if a Pinot Noir shows up (although the Rotie has not been uncommon).
@hscottk @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin fat fingers. easy clue, damn good wine at a good price.
Hopefully no fat fingered errors in today’s clue from @Winedavid49!
@MarkDaSpark Hah! tonight’s clue? 2nd favorite Caddy Shack character.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Could it be a Ty Caton offer?
@chefjess @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 looks like a winner
@chefjess @MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49
@chefjess @chipgreen @MarkDaSpark @msten lumber yard!
I must say @Winedavid49 you are slaying it this week!

@foxrunner thanks bro (non gender use).
@Winedavid49 As I represent the darling bride as well… gender is not an issue! Us bros are quite happy. The whole return to normalcy has me very optimistic and generally filled with joy(wine)!
@Winedavid49 … we can haz clue?
Unless this was the clue?
@foxrunner @MarkDaSpark nope.
tonight’s offer is a rare 3 label (red, white, bubbly). not many houses i do this with. what’s your perception?
Precept? Gruet, Canoe Ridge are both Precept. Iron Horse also has all three. So does Winesmith
@chefjess i like the
spin.Furthermore and Sterling have all three as well. But i don’t see the connection to the clue for those.
Thinking more on the Precept angle, maybe it’s all “House Wine” in cans.
@chefjess @radiolysis @Winedavid49
So maybe a Cab, Sauv Blanc from Canoe Ridge with a Gruet bubbly?
@Winedavid49 … a basketball or soccer game?
@MarkDaSpark It feels like Monday, not Tuesday!
that whole Monday off thing just messes with me. timing is all off. i wanted to really give a clue last night…
anyway, i’m truly stoked to bring this family owned winery to Casemates. I’ve not met them, but i’m already a fan of Tim and Sabrina and their current stewardship.
@Winedavid49 Hess?
We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark <— when ur next trip east side? Miss your face!!!
Hopefully later this year. Lot going on right now.
@MarkDaSpark best news I’ve heard!!!
Larry always drives a hard bargain.
Sounds like Tercero to me!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 That was going to be my guess as well! Few other clues this week
@dawnlac @karenhynes @Winedavid49
pick a thread, they’re everywhere.
@dawnlac @rjquillin @Winedavid49
He’s left a few footprints!
Oops, Could have sworn I asked @Winedavid49 for a clue!
Anyway, We can haz Clue?
@MarkDaSpark happy Friday night! my first poker game in over a year tonight!
clue? one blocks the other some times from the vines, but both are good for them.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Fog and Wind?
@Winedavid49 new winery “Sulfur and Mildew”?
In serious, “sun and rain”?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Sun & Moon Cellars?
@radiolysis @Winedavid49 @karenhynes
Frey Sun & Rain Chardonnay
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
LOL … Fog and Light!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
We were dancing around the right answer but didn’t quite get there!
Tonight’s Malbec will you leave you speechless.
@Winedavid49 Nice job beating Mark to the question.
@Winedavid49 Did you get Keating back or soemthing?
Gård Vintners Malbec ? (Queens Guards remain quiet)
Or perhaps Monte Quieto’s ‘Quieto’ Malbec, from Mendoza?
I guess if your speechwriter has writer’s block, it could leave you speechless …

Ha! @Winedavid49 didn’t beat me with a new clue!
@MarkDaSpark Ah, you ended you nap early today.
100% estate, 100% sustainable, 100% WWW
@Winedavid49 At first I was thinking WWW to be World Wide Web, but if it is Walla Walla Washington then Amavi Cellars fits the bill.
@Winedavid49 And somehow, the above gives me a strong suspicion that I’m right.
Clue this evening?
aka Heisenberg Monty
Hall Wines?
Beringer Quantum Red?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
There is a Quantum Wine Cellars, but Beringer is more likely.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
There are a few “Quantum” options…
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark next clue - Tv
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 You mean shutter speed priority or television?
Calculated Risk?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Artesa Vineyards & Winery
Duh … Walter WHITE & Monte HALL
@MarkDaSpark Hey, at least I also was figuring on Walter White but I didn’t think the rest through!
@klezman. I had the Hall, but forgot to use White!
I saw there was an old TV show called Monty, starring Henry Winkler. So thought Walter Richardson, thus the Artesa guess.
Aha! Caught @Winedavid49 napping this time!
@MarkDaSpark napping like an obese minister who tipped in the sacramental wine!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 A Fat Monk?
A return of Father John Winery? And their Waterhouse Hard Cider?
Paging @Winedavid49 …
Rest in peace Charlie and job well done.
@msten they have been directly running some nice specials lately.
Dang, thought @Winedavid49 didn’t need reminders every time!
@MarkDaSpark i blame it on my left handedness. This recent favorite is allrighta!
Col D’Orcia Brunello di Montalcino?
I’d say Pedroncelli, but they aren’t a “recent” favorite!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Ore-Ida? We’re getting potato wine?
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark nice attempta
@InFrom @Winedavid49
I was thinking Ore-Ida = Onesta but thought Nah, they’re not recent either. Should’ve realized that their Cinsult was.
It’s that time @Winedavid49 …
Holy Moreno!
@Winedavid49 Moreno = Brown (as in Stillman?)
@Winedavid49 Unless we’re just Passing Time here.
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
It could also be Saxon Brown!
Or if the Holy is part … St. Clair Brown Winery?
no she was not Maria and she was in the news recently.
Something in the Santa Rita Hills AVA?
(lots of choices there)
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 Ken Brown? Wishful thinking I know
Viña Santa Rita ?
Or from Santa Rita Hills AVA.
E11even Pinot Noir by Andrew Murray?
Flying Goat Celars?
Windrun Pinot Noir?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Yes, which is why you beat me to Santa Rita AVA!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I’m too tired (aka lazy) tonight to list out the options.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Viña Santa Rita ftw!
Knock, knock …
Who’s there?
@Winedavid49 Clue?
Raptor lover…
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 Dang, how does she do that?
@InFrom @karenhynes @Winedavid49 Hawley is well known for the falconry…
where’s Mr. June?
The Pub is open again, but empty.
@rjquillin I haven’t had an opportunity to get a very good pic of him. I suppose that’s ok…I suspect our relationship will come to an end rather soon…in about 12-13 days.

Happy Father’s Day!
@MarkDaSpark thanks! you too and to all! clue? the experts say Mcale was the best, but i actually think it was early Celtic, Havelceck (with all due respect to Vinnie Johnson).
and neither of them played for Phoenix!
Another Seis Soles offer?
Or a new one? Ilsley Vineyards Seis Primas (the six girl cousins).
Or Bench Vineyards?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Corison Sunbasket Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon
@chipgreen @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
all is well when this winery comes around. sales should be brisk, except this winemaker buys just as much from casemates as anyone. won’t count on his purchase this segment…
Scott Harvey?
@chefjess @Winedavid49
Got to be!
@chefjess @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 concur
@MarkDaSpark Friday import. clue? Landlocked Spain.
So something from Rioja?
Marqués de Riscal Spanish Rioja ?
Marqués de Terán Special Selection Spanish Rioja ?
Happy Friday. Up for an obscure music clue?
“…and the clams…”
Shannon Ridge?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Karen strikes again!
I was going to throw in the opposite side of that equation just for kicks by guessing “The Woodsman” but looks like that is an Aussie wine and we’re not likely to get two International wines in a row, plus Shannon Ridge is a repeat partner.
We can haz clue?
Clue? Farm to table chef.
I’ll throw out a first guess…Bernardus?
Domaine de Panisse?
Château Palmer?
There’s also:
Acacia Vineyard
Cosentino Winery
@losthighwayz. 123?
@losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark I suspect he meant Au Bon Climat…
But then again, who doesn’t like the Jackson 5?
We can haz clue?
yea, i don’t think you’ll be able to stave off buying this next boss offer.
Prima Materia?
Beaulieu Vineyard Maestro Reserve Napa Valley Cab/Syrah?
@Winedavid49 Twisted Oak?
@KitMarlot @Winedavid49 Yes please. Been way too long.
@Winedavid49 A new Casemates Cellars release of Boss Monster Zin?
hint hint…
@klezman @Winedavid49 I would cry out of happiness, at least until I read the ship-to list.
@klezman @Winedavid49
Ha. I was just thinking the same. That would be fun! I think I may have a few bottles left. I’ll need to pull those out
@klezman @Winedavid49
Didn’t Pedroncelli do the Boss Monster? One of the reasons I put them down.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 yes
@danandlisa @KitMarlot @Winedavid49
Thought you swore off Zin lately…
@danandlisa @KitMarlot @Winedavid49
@danandlisa @KitMarlot @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Oh I have , why does it have to be zin? How many zins do they make?
@danandlisa @KitMarlot @rjquillin @ScottW58 @klesman@markdaspark
Duly noted.
So it’s early … we can haz clue, @Winedavid49 ?
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to make a great wine… but it certainly doesn’t hurt”
@Winedavid49 Piedra Creek
Henry Estate?
A return of C.G. D’Arie?
@klezman @Winedavid49 Piedra Creek is your winner
@Winedavid49 Clark’s father was a “rocket scientist” (at least, employed by General Electric for the Gemini spacecraft program).
@Mark_L @Winedavid49 Clark was my first guess, actually, but that quote is lifted directly from the Piedra Creek website.
Too bad it’s not C.G. DiArie!
@klezman @Mark_L @Winedavid49
I get DiArie email almost daily, ok, perhaps weekly.
Some interesting offers at decent pricing, but too much of the same thing. A mixed offer of some of his ~above entry level~ bottlings would be welcome.
@klezman @Mark_L @rjquillin haven’t been able to get them on board for a while. Will try again.
same as prolific Mountaineer defender.
Talley Vineyards?
@karenhynes Damn!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 Lol, she’s that good.

@karenhynes @Winedavid49 she’s playing chess, we’re playing checkers. Unless she’s a Bills fan from Morgantown. Impressive as always.
@karenhynes @msten @Winedavid49 She got “42” in 3.445 seconds!
@karenhynes @msten LOL
@karenhynes @msten @Winedavid49
I keep waiting for something exciting that’s not a red. I have been disappointed. You sure this isn’t meh?
We can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Guess David is having too much fun.
@danandlisa @MarkDaSpark 3rd or 4th Sonoma 4th of July party. I have no recollection of what is launching tonight… hahaha!!
Happy 4th !!! Love this place!
@danandlisa @MarkDaSpark wooohooo!!!
So, is no clue the clue, @Winedavid49?
@MarkDaSpark Where is Clark when you need him!?!?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Obviously celebrating like you are. Happy 4th.
@danandlisa @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Clark gave an email heads up but I felt it was cheating if I know the cards already!
ok, back on the horse with another Rushmore Winery. Capisci?
@Winedavid49 Pedroncelli time?
Humm, Iron Horse and presidents?
That would be the Russian, and a wallet buster.
@klezman @Winedavid49
Got to be Pedroncelli!
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
No, no. Casemates Rushmore … Scott Harvey, Pedroncelli, Twisted Oak, Two Jakes, etc. (Ones that help us, and WD with last minute subs).
But Iron Horse would be amazing.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 @klezman
Seems like there have been quite a few Ped offers lately, SH as well, we just had TO and 2Jakes…
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 I wish it was Noceto. Been way, way, way too long.
@danandlisa @klezman @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin I know. Suzy has been tepid of late. She may be getting sick of me…
Olympic year. 2nd prize…
@Winedavid49 Well, the is a Silver Wines…
@klezman @Winedavid49
How about Sterling?
@chefjess @Winedavid49 that just made me hope for Iron Horse!
Sorry for being so slow tonight . I must be getting old. Like ancient, prehistoric…
Fossil Point?
Dinosaurs or cinsault
Or a gamay noir
The vineyard
@Winedavid49 Ummm… wine?
second clue. Euro winner!
Stag’s Leap? Château Montelena?
Would you say it’s a bit more like Cara than Avril or Adam?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Montelena could be troublesome.
Especially if it were Friday on the old site.
Well, at least @Winedavid49 gave us a 2nd clue last time …
@MarkDaSpark I am required to recuse myself. LabRat notes will be posted in the morning.
@Mark_L. Can you post a clue?
I suspect WD is distracted with the MLB All-Star game. Is this the last inning appearance for this winery?
I know we just saw them, but I’m going to throw out a Pedroncelli guess. Nine decades strong!
@Mark_L the closer
I’m up beyond my bed time, so here is my last clue. Reminds me of Scandinavia.
@Mark_L Gard?
@InFrom @Mark_L @markdaspark
blaming it on my teenage daughter… but no excuse.
sounds similar to elain from Seinfeld’s career job… but with an S.
winemaker same name as Bob Newart’s friend’s two brothers.
Daryl Groom is the obvious choice for winemaker, but I’ll go out of the box with Darel Allwine and Col Solare Winery
@pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49
Well, it’s not Turley (founded by a Larry, but no winemaker).
Nor is it’s not Texas based Hawk’s Shadow Winery, with their "vertical of HSV Estate and experience the Larry, Darryl and Darryl, named for characters on the “Bob Newhart Show”.
Could it be an Australian wine? Groom = NakedWines; Darryl Caitlin = Sidewood
@pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49
Of course, could be a Canadian source:
CedarCreek Estate Winery with Darryl Booker
Or Mission Hill, since he may be there too.
@MarkDaSpark @pseudogourmet98 @Winedavid49 I vote for Canada! Not that voting will change tomorrow’s offer…
@MarkDaSpark frequent contributor
As @msten mentioned, a Tercero offer?
(Although that would be the friend’s name, not the 2 brothers!)
@MarkDaSpark @msten either you got it wrong or I got it wrong.
@MarkDaSpark @msten crap, I got it wrong no!!!
@MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49
@MarkDaSpark @msten @rjquillin LOL
Not me!

Unless it’s a Larry Schaffer clue.
With the frequent contributor clue this seems likely.
@msten @pseudogourmet98
If that’s the case (pun intended!) then the original clue is quite misleading…
ok, dusting off from last night’s clue…
this solid winery partner.s home town name is same as a favorite shortstop of mine from the 80’s. Got it Gary?
Turley? Peachy Canyon?
or partners’?
Part of the clue?
@rjquillin Hah no. I studied baseball in college…
Gary Sheffield or Garry Templeton might be the names to work off. Peachy Canyon or Donati, I believe have appeared here. Both Templeton wineries.
Gotta be Garry Templeton. Did Sheffield ever play SS?
How about a blast from the past guess - JanKris?
Well done!
@chipgreen start career at ss 3b, becoming a great outfielder
@chipgreen @msten rocket arm. good player.
Good evening. Clue? Aloise and Francisco.
@Winedavid49 Could it really be as easy as Tognetti Family Wines, Aloise Francisco Vineyard Chardonnay?
@klezman @Winedavid49
Seems too obvious…I’m going to throw in a guess for Schramsberg…though pretty unlikely.
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 Yeah, that was the other one. But I can’t remember even once in 15 years that they did a deal here. Better late than never?
@klezman @Winedavid49
I agree, pretty unlikely.
There’s also the Tognetti estates in Tuscany…La Casetta, Bosco Lazzeroni, Il Sapito e Val delle Vigne
@klezman @Winedavid49
Looks like it was the easy answer.
We can haz Clue?
hello from the big apple tree (that’s what my daughter called it when we visited when she was 6)
Annette has become a go to WW partner. another crazy good deal from she.
Bergevin Lane Vineyards
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Did WD use a time machine to travel to New York? Are we back in the WW days??
We can haz Clue?
@MarkDaSpark small label, great wine. Harkins me to an Oklahoma mountain.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Arbuckle Ridge?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 something from Red Hills Lake County?
Black Mesa Winery in New Mexico?
i’m downright giddy over tonight’s find. Not for the feint of heart, that’s for sure. Clue? Dionysus
I always have to wonder if these are mere mistakes or an intentional part of the clue.
@Mark_L hah, not intentional I’m afraid…
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
I suspect I know the answer but I’m going to refrain from guessing so others can play! Have fun!
More J. Bookwalter Readers Merlot?
Or Kukeri Single Vineyard Pinot Noirs?
Or direct from Sagemoor Vineyards?
BTW, Happy Birthday, O Wine Czar!

@Winedavid49 dusted valley wines
@MarkDaSpark thank you ! My user name
Is becoming more and more a fib…:-)

Happy birthday!!
Less so when it was WD39

So you still have 9 more years to use it!

@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Weren’t you born in '49?
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49

/giphy happy-freakin-birthday
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49
I was hoping for a Family Guy giphy but that will work.
Happy Birthday, WD!
Hope you were able to do something special and memorable!

Happy Birthday!
I think we’re the same age again!
You could at least have given us another clue!
@MarkDaSpark tonight??
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49

He forgot to nag you yesterday…
@MarkDaSpark Cut him off!!!
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark kink in the armor!!!
@Mark_L @Winedavid49 @karenhynes
Sorry, phone alarm went off, and thought it was Sunday’s alert.
/giphy homer-doh

@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 kink in the Hawaiian shirt you mean!!!
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark awesome!
@CorTot @Mark_L @MarkDaSpark LOL
@CorTot @Winedavid49
/giphy simpsons-homer-fades-bushes

Ok, now it’s the right day!
@Winedavid49, we can haz clue?
@MarkDaSpark now we are talking!
Old stone.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Bedrock? Hey, I can hope….
Something from Six Sigma Ranch’s Diamond Mine Vineyard?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 There is an Ancient Stones Vineyard that supplies Betz Family and Siren Song.
@hscottk @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Right in the middle of there current release, well it’s good to dream
@Winedavid49 roflmao
Elder Rock …

2nd clue could have been ‘Rolling Stones’

Will @Winedavid49 post a clue or will he be absorbed watching the Olympics?
@MarkDaSpark off to Sonoma farmers market! clue? Almost Lamar.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Tyler Winery?
My bad … searched Wine, Baseball, etc., but forgot to search music! Sneaky smart!

Alexander Valley Vineyards
As close a grip on Peter as we can found.
@Winedavid49 Yeah, it is summer,
but seeing this I feel like Charlie Brown with Lucy…
unless it’s
David Noyes
@rjquillin I suppose it could be VJB, but I hope not.
@rjquillin “hand”al, nice.
@ScottW58 Ripping up vineyards and doubling, tripling pricing.
Ahh raising prices after you spend a gazillion dollars I understand but ripping up vineyards is another thing
@rjquillin @ScottW58
It would be somewhat ok if they were putting in different Varietals, but they were removing them to put in a guest house!
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @ScottW58
At least it wasn’t a Tommy Bahama kiosk.
It’s that time again!
@MarkDaSpark this quiet brand is the same name as their really cool wine tasting room.
Arcadian Winery?
Or better yet, Acquiesce Winery & Vineyards?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I wish I could remember what the Acquiesce TR looked like; we tasted outside.
Be nice to see Sue here, but just can’t imagine that happening.
I’m scared. At a vacation house with my elderly parents. Can’t find wifi and drawing a blank on what is launching.
LOL. Never 100% sure that’s not a clue!

@MarkDaSpark not… haha
Hopefully not at this beach house!
Beach House
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 If you’ve reached the ‘hard place’, turn around. (thats my clue for this… i’m a rat)
@MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @Winedavid49
so post that Report…
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 yeesh. Rough crowd!
@radiolysis @rjquillin @Winedavid49
/youtube lcOxhH8N3Bo
@MarkDaSpark @winedavid49
I’m guessing the Winesmith 2016 Cab Franc…. Sandra hit send on the email a little early
Sorry, about last clue.
Tonight? Trying to keep sand out of my phone. But I’m working on it. Standby
Karnak says: “Winesmith 2016 Cab Franc”
@chefjess told us someone sent the email early.
"Many California winemakers are shy about correcting acidity, having been bamboozled by the natural wine crazies that non-interventionist wines are the best. This is akin to “going natural” by not flossing, bathing or wiping your ass. Good wine needs parental care.
@Winedavid49 Hmmm…I’ll take a wild guess on 2016 WineSmith Cabernet Franc Lake County for $64.99/3pk / $199/case.
@Winedavid49 Great quote.
@Mark_L Unusual that I didn’t also get the email.
@klezman @Mark_L nor I, until the ‘proper’ time.
@MarkDaSpark this may be a repeat clue, buttery I’m at the beach and a tad loose.
This sparkling is from the cradle of sparkling
Hmmm, so a Crémant de Limoux Sparkling Wine …
NV Aimery 1531 Brut
Jean Babou Elégance Mixed Brut
Of course, it could be a :
Crémant d’Alsace
Canelli DOCG (Cradle of Italian Sparkling)
Friday … means it’s that time @Winedavid49 for a …
yea, this upcoming wine ain’t no candlestick maker wine.
@Winedavid49 Well, there’s Bucher Wines and Baker Family Wines
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
How did you forget about Baker Lane Vineyards?
How did I forget to check back?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Temporary insanity due to visiting family/grandchildren!

Let’s see if I can remember to check back for @Winedavid49 's clue!
@MarkDaSpark i’d rather see this on a trail than a rattler.
Well, as much as I’d like it to be a Turley Rattlesnake Ridge Zinfandel, I doubt it.

Mount Peak Rattlesnake Zinfandel?
Vincent Arroyo Rattlesnake Acres, Cab or PS?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Or Two Jakes of Diamonds
Or Diamond Ridge
Or any of the other Diamonds out there…
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
We did just have a Winesmith offer.
Edit: And in that case, I’ll claim the other Rattlesnakes!

Like Rattlesnake Hills AVA ones.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Yeah, I know…
Neil Diamond???
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I tend to lean toward a “diamond” (trail & rattler connection) than a rattlesnake. Besides Jakes, the only other diamond we have seen is Six Sigma Diamond Mine.
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
It’s been a loooong hiatus for Six Sigma.
You can have all of the rattlesnakes!!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
We haven’t seen Two Jakes Aspects for a while…
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Wasn’t the Meeker Cabernet from Diamond Mountain?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 cougar crest?
@MarkDaSpark @radiolysis @Winedavid49 I wish.
less venomous.
clue? reminds me of an all time great (and nasty) hitter.
@Winedavid49 Cassius Clayhouse?
@Winedavid49 Cobb Wines?
@davirom @Winedavid49 Ty makes a little more sense now that I think…
@davirom @radiolysis @Winedavid49
Ty Caton!
Whatever will @Winedavid49 use for a clue?
@MarkDaSpark Irish actress Hall
Mooney Family Wines? (Ria Mooney, Irish Hall of Fame)
@Winedavid49. ???
Still trying to figure out the last clue, but maybe tonight’s clue from @Winedavid49 will stimulate the sluggish brain cells?

oops i said Hall and i meant Ball.
Clue? well i’m risking life and limb by dipping my toe errr boot back into this region…
So something else from Puglia (the heel of the boot)?
Or a repeat of Cazzaro Rosso Italian Red Blend (from La Bollina) from January?
That time again @Winedavid49!
Bubbly please
the first sign of it happened last week. Must have been sparkling…
So @LJeAYsy4LoqxEC was right in asking for Bubbly?
Gruet? Furthermore? Or WineSmith?
Too bad we can’t get Mumm or Iron Horse as much anymore.
Edit (7:53pm PT): hmmmm. Aimery Crémant de Limoux Brut Millésimé sold out (Aug 6th offer).
Some more Aimery Crémant de Limoux Brut ?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I waited too long to order that so more isn’t bad. Got some in my mystery import. Solid stuff
How about a Harvest Moon sparkling wine. New moon last week. I don’t recall a Waxing Crescent winery.
You could be right!
@msten I would have a hard time passing on some of that.
@InFrom yeah… that’s gonna be tough
@MarkDaSpark @msten
I read Harvest Moon sparkling and got crazy excited. Been asking @winedavid49 for that since the wish list started 3-4 years ago. Been waiting since WW days for that to come back.
@MarkDaSpark unique wine region for around here. owned by Laroche
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 not owned by Lyndon LaRouche?
Dagnabit! Softball pitched, and I forgot to check back!
Unique wine region … so not Domaine Laroche (Burgandy).
Next choice would have been:
Less than 2 hours left!
@MarkDaSpark @winedavid49
Less than 60 minutes now…
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin
Sorry. OOO this week.
This gorge is known for great kayaking…
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
Columbia Gorge?
Maryhill or Annie Amie
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Could you be thinking of the Saturday offer?
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin hah, all bets are off!!
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
So I take it that last night’s “clue” was for tonight’s offer.

Just played 36. Dogs are tired!
Tonight? Nordic agrarian.
36! I’m impressed that might kill me.
@Winedavid49 You walk it?
@rjquillin yea. Bandon
@Winedavid49 Dunes, OR?
@rjquillin yes
@Winedavid49 Well, before you fall flat on your face, hope you’re checking out some new sources of bottles while you’re lazing on the beach.
36, impressive. Which courses?
i drove by this favorite winery on my way to Cayucos. it was on the left.
@Winedavid49 twisted oak.
@Winedavid49 Hearst Ranch Winery?
Harmony Cellars?
Depends … were you on the 1 or the 101?
Calcareous …
Hoi Polloi …
Donati …
J. Dusi …
Or Viña Robles
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 That’s why I picked one and you picked the other
I’m currently working on organizing my notes for the lab rat report. 
I can confirm it’s one of those
@klezman @Winedavid49
/giphy snoopy-happy-dance

Clue? mixing it up tonight. like handling a hand gun.

/giphy half-cocked
(this giphy will literally take me forever to get a NON NSFW version)
@bunnymasseuse @Winedavid49

/giphy half-cocked
Locked and loaded
Crap, i thought i did this 3 hours ago! my bad.
this import’s wine name is rooted in this word: Chi-a-ret-to
Hmmm…so, a Bordeaux blend?
Last 2 clues have been spelled out for us.
@msten. Yet we still didn’t get it right!
@MarkDaSpark @msten
I feel like I need to justify my perhaps odd guess of “Bordeaux” on today’s offer…
claret (n): chiaretto (originario della regione di Bordeaux)
I thought Chiaretto, itself, was far too obvious, and would likely never have randomly stumbled upon “Keya” in my searching…so I went with alternate translations.
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark you can vote my proxy every time. We don’t have your smarts.
@MarkDaSpark @msten
Mostly just random luck!
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @msten

/giphy balderdash!
@MarkDaSpark Can’t help but think of Barry’s garden when a deal like this comes up.
Iron Horse!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
or Sterling; we’ve seen a few of those as well.
Despite hoping for IH, I’ll go with Sterling, better price point here for most 'mates.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
A pleasant surprise indeed.
@MarkDaSpark Steinbeck would find it funny if i called it Short Mountain.
@Winedavid49 Long Valley?
Judd’s Hill?
@Mark_L @Winedavid49 Winner. nice.
Might it be a Monterey winery
This deal marks the passage of time for me. I bet it’s only been ~ 4-5 months but ifeels longer this time… a toast to the end of summer!
Is it time to toast with some Gruet?
We can haz Clue?
@MarkDaSpark Gird yourself for some Carneros half bottles!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Steele PN!
good evening. wine from this area: Gironde department
So a Château d’Yquem offer?

@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Ha! That’d be great!
Haven’t we seen something from Chateau des Louberons or something close to that? Time for a repeat? But hey, if WD wants to throw a Sauternes into the mix I’m game (and wishing we’d gotten the rat bottle)!
@klezman @Winedavid49
We’ve had a 2014 Château de Bel-Air Lalande-de-Pomerol Bordeaux Red offer, Chateau Vieux Poirier, and a Château Haut-Beyzac.
Sunday during a holiday always messes me up.
origin from meaning of “supplanter” apparently.
@Winedavid49 Jacob? As in, Two Jakes?
@KitMarlot @Winedavid49 That was my thought as well. Jacob’s Creek is a bit too mainstream to make an appearance here, I imagine.
@KitMarlot @Winedavid49 James, Diego, Thiago, Jacqueline, Jamie, Jimmy, and Jacoby are also “supplanters”.
[edit] Just noticed that Chianti also fits.
@KitMarlot @Winedavid49 Keep finding other possibilities, such as Séamus Wines.
another wine from this hard fought winery from here:
Piedra Creek
Qupe and Center of Effort are also previous Edna Valley offers
Center of Effort Chardonnay was just on RWS which is another of @winedavid49 ventures. Hmmm…?
@MarkDaSpark <—- I’m expecting something more fulfilling than that Mark!!!
@MarkDaSpark I’m hurted if you don’t out to see us soon… DONT MAKE ME FLY TO YOU!!!
Sparkling from Spain?
Or a sparkling Torrentės from Argentina?
@Winedavid49 The only Cava offered here in the past seems to be the Marta Cava Brut Reserva Mixed.
Why not both?
/giphy we’re-waiting-caddyshack

Less than an hour! Paging @Winedavid49
Friday out.
Ok, back in action. Clue? This ain’t Fall Avenue
Lazy River?
Winter’s HilI?
@Winedavid49 Spring Street Winery?
Probably that one!
@MarkDaSpark heck, maybe Simon or Kelly should be spokespersons for this winery…
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Hmmm…how about Talent Cellars?
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Idol Ridge? (Never been there, but it’s been a minute since we’ve seen a Finger Lakes Riesling in here.) One can hope.
@InFrom @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Judge & Jury?
@chipgreen @InFrom @karenhynes @Winedavid49
Hint: Possibly someone else involved … not in front of camera.
@chipgreen @InFrom @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Kitchensink blend of all the leftovers…?
@chipgreen @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Oh I get it now.
@InFrom @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
@chipgreen @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Love that song! Got me to buy my one and only XTC record.
@MarkDaSpark I bet Lynn Manuel would drink this.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Something from Alexander Valley?
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I’ll go with the obvious…Hamilton Cellars?
Alexander Valley Vineyards
Happy Friday. this rhythm might be a little quick, but he did remind me it’s international Grenache day so…
WineSmith Grenache
Or Epiphany?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I’m going with Tercero…
@klezman @Winedavid49
I thought of him too, but the rhythm remark made me lean away from him.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 please don’t insult Larry’s rhythm!!!
Attempting to step in for WineDavid here with a clue…
The lengthwise yarns run parallel to the selvage edge of the fabric. The crosswise yarns are perpendicular, or at right angles to the selvage.
Warp and Weft?
Weaver Estate Wines from NZ?
Grosgrain Vineyards ?
@arianaWCC @karenhynes
Warp and Weft Rosé from Meeker Wines?
Well done!
Thank you very much!
Thanks Ariana! for the record an larger than expected storm hit while camping that kept from driving on the (now muddy) roads. kept us there an additional night. but i digress…
i bet Usain Bolt (or maybe Jim Thorpe) would like the name of this wine. Both were FAST as!
@Winedavid49 Lightning Wines is the first option.
Well, there’s a Cheetah Hills Winery in South Africa, since we’ve seen some wine from there …
and no this has nothing to do with a semi popular Christopher Cross song (Michael Mcdonald back ground singing i think…)
Hmm, IIRC, Jim Thorpe was known for running barefoot. And Bolt likes to drive barefoot, as well as running barefoot sometimes.
Unlikely, but Barefoot Cellars?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 In addition to WindRun (mentioned by InFrom below), Wind Gap and Fog & Wind have also appeared here.
This song?
@davirom I believe that must be the one. So my guess is Windrun.
@davirom @InFrom
Ding, ding, ding!
At dinner with woopdedoo and our better half’s! Can you say 1991 Victory?!?!?
This Italian Pinot gris, would no doubt be enjoyed while watching the nutcracker!
Trying to send a pic
@Winedavid49 Lol, not so easy, is it?
@Winedavid49 Try turning your phone sideways.
@InFrom @Winedavid49
@Winedavid49 Nope, a local (to you) url/attachment just won’t do it…
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
It seems WD is more of a wine guru than a computer guru (and thankfully so).
@kawichris650 @Winedavid49 Now this is funny.
@kawichris650 @rjquillin guilty And a little tipsy. Blaming it on woopdedoo
@kawichris650 @Winedavid49 @rpm
for hopefully pulling some good corks.
Do say ‘hi’ and bug him to organize another tour.
@kawichris650 @rjquillin @rpm @woopdedoo
91 Wellington victory
@kawichris650 @rpm @Winedavid49 @woopdedoo large format, or 750? I ask as I still have a bit.
@kawichris650 @rjquillin @rpm @woopdedoo 750ml. it drank beautifully.
@kawichris650 @rjquillin @rpm @Winedavid49 @woopdedoo You’ve still got '91 Victory?? Hope you share

You’re due to visit your northern wine storage facility
@kawichris650 @klezman @rpm @Winedavid49 @woopdedoo
Two actually, if I can believe and find what CT thinks I have.
A mag and a double mag.
Need a full-on big gathering to pull the cork on that 3L.
Like a tour…
@Winedavid49 Savoring the 1991 Wellington Victory with WD
Added Clue- female role
Clara C?
Ballerina on label?
Danzante Italian Pinot Grigio
@chipgreen @Winedavid49 nicely done Chipgreen
Happy Friday. clue?
FF’s Patrick, payne.
@Winedavid49 and you even bested MdS.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
Not hard today … nap time!
Thomas Henry Wines?
Federalist Wines from Terlato?
Previous bachelor
Underwood Wine Cellars from Union Wine Co?
Or their King’s Ridge?
(If WD meant previous previous season
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Carp! Me being TOO literal!
Nice one!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Maybe Groom Wines??
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Nope, Season 16
clue? blend named after pajamas or maybe bed sheets…
@Winedavid49 Four Play from Thumbprint?
Quilt Wines?
@Winedavid49 I can’t find a Flannel Winery… Don’t tell me it’s Menage a Trois Silk!
@InFrom @Winedavid49 Or a Love Noir Satin Red!
@Winedavid49 Bergevin Lane Linen Red Blend
@msten @Winedavid49 Now that’s more like it!
@msten @Winedavid49 Sounds like a good guess, but perhaps then not a good clue. “Linen is used to make household items such as tablecloths, upholstery, soft furnishings and curtains.”
@Mark_L @msten @Winedavid49 Bed linens made of actual linen have been a trend for a while now. And linen PJs, just google it!
No more Linen clues for a while…
This offer’s alternative packaging can and may create quite a commotion, havoc even.
@Winedavid49 A Revolution?
I thought Ruination … but then remembered that is an IPA (beer).
Bota Box! Nah, too easily available.
Then thought of Pandemonium Estates … but that’s a small winery in Swan Valley in Walla Walla. And their bottles look normal.
Then thought of PWR (People’s Wine Revolution), but their bottles are also normal.
Don Sebastiani & Sons “The Crusher” label?
If they still use Zorks as wine seals. Or because their label turns green when the bottle is chilled.
Whitehall Lane Reserve Napa Valley Cabernet because they use Vinoseal (glass corks)?
@Winedavid49 How about cans of Bulle-Moose from Bonny Doon?
PS If that’s what it is, I’m in.
@InFrom @Winedavid49 I like it. The”can and will” part of clue suggests a can. Bull moose certainly causes havoc.
@msten @Winedavid49 Well, I was on the right track!
@InFrom @msten @Winedavid49
Better than I !
I thought of Vino Noceto with their cans of Frivolo, but couldn’t match it. But Mayhem fits!
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49
At least it’s not the weekend offer, just one day.
Kinda wondering with this one if producers ever pay WD to put up an offer…
@MarkDaSpark @msten @rjquillin @Winedavid49
A Wild Child will do that.
Aha! Beat @Winedavid49!
@MarkDaSpark a bit of a nod to holloween on this one. you’d poke the fire finding this poltergeist.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I’m trying to figure out if “holloween” is a typo or intentional.
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 hmmm …
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
With WD49, it’s usually a typo!
Surprised no one guessed one of the many Ghost wineries out there. Ghost Horse, Ghost Hills Cellars, Ghost Block Wines, Silver Ghost … Stokes being right there.
Although WD kind of thru me off with his “fire” part. Though I might have eventually remembered that in order to “stoke” a fire, you are “poking it”.
What I get for pulling a “Dad” nap after dinner!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 nice clue
Excited to bring this winery back for their interpretation of Bonarda.
oh and how 'bout them Giants!!
@Winedavid49 Recusing self.
Kind of a ‘gimme’ don’t you think?
@Winedavid49 But which version of Bonarda? The Argentine name for Sangiovese? The actual Bonarda grape? Charbono? Other?
Funny, but all I’ve read says nothing about Argentinians using it as a name for Sangiovese.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark
Charbono it is…
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin yeah, I don’t remember where I read that. Maybe it was a different Italian grape - it was a long time ago!
Haven’t seen Bonny Doon in a while. Always interesting.
tonight? another joyful event!
off to watch the wild card game!
Don’t tease Mother Nature!
Iron Horse!
/youtube j12J3PCai5A
Amazing wines every time, but it’s about to get crazy around here.
@Winedavid49 If only there was a Mishegas Winery
@klezman @Winedavid49 now that’s funny
Has there been a Stillman sighting?
My thought as well…
Very intrigued by this Central CA appellation. If Greg Poppovich hasn’t had wine from there, that’d just be wrong…
Poppy Wines?
Hmmm…I’ve gone down a rabbit hole (again).
He is partial owner of A to Z and Rex Hill (OR)…
Castle Rock is owned by a different Greg Popovich…
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Was just going to say Castle Rock!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 nicely done
@msten @Winedavid49 @MarkDaSpark
Interesting read: Popovich Article.pdf
I’m not 100% convinced it’s right…
@karenhynes @msten
And you were right … San Antonio Valley A V A
Galante again?
Second clue: city.
@MarkDaSpark This goes back a bit, but i wonder if North Carolina will be on this wine’s state list…
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 InZINerator?
@Winedavid49. Too easy!
Scott Harvey. InZinerator. Boom.
@InFrom @Winedavid49. Teach me to add “Boom”!

haha. i should have known. for those not indoctrinated, maybe give some context about label approvals…to those unitiated.(i’m watching playoff baseball).

perhaps the Femme Knight?
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
Old label:

@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Higher market value now, and a female winemaker.
@MarkDaSpark with a nod to Eric at Amavi for suggesting i reach out to this neighbor. First time we’ve featured this winery. Excited!
Revelry Vintners?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Valdemar Estates?
@karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49

/giphy Can’t wait to find out who’s right!
@InFrom @karenhynes @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Dillon and Alton are also nearby.
Sleight of hand.
Second clue. Old Ww2 building?
Dunham Cellars?
@chefjess @Winedavid49
@chefjess @Winedavid49
And here I thought the “excited” was part of the clue.

New Clue?
Go giants!
Clue? Another great offer from our favorite frog
@Winedavid49 Frog’s Tooth seems too obvious.
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
If not them, then Y. Rousseau!
Or Domaine Louis Latour
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 unless it’s Twisted Oak
@Winedavid49 gutsy clue. “Would David please report to HR”. I love this place.
@msten @Winedavid49 They’re small enough I wonder if he’s also the head of HR! Or maybe that’s his brother.
I guess @Winedavid49 is still in mourning for his Giants.
@MarkDaSpark I am. And it’s my best buddies birthday. Out.
Sorry, i’m blaming it on the celebratory shots…
Clue? It’s Edney not Edna!
@MarkDaSpark UCLA
Oh … Tyrus Edney = Ty Caton
Looked first to see what the offer was, and was ???
Then looked up Edney & UCLA …
@MarkDaSpark bit of a stretch in hindsight…
Eh, somehow I found Khalil Edney (60 ft state championship shot) first. But did need 2nd clue.
clue? Cask Cooker
Tell me you got Cooper Wines (Winery/Vineyards) from Amador!
Or Cooper Ridge? Or Cooper Mountain?
@MarkDaSpark close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
@Winedavid49 Can we please have a clue tonight?
haha, i actually had lunch with Markdaspark today. he was heading to napa not geyserville… fatto??
@Winedavid49 did you fill his car with SoCal deliveries?
@klezman @Winedavid49. Not the ones you are thinking of.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I wasn’t thinking of anything specific, actually. I just know how nicely you can pack up your car with wine boxes! But I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a pile of wine with your name or Ron’s name or Tim’s name on it hanging out at WCC HQ.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark he saw visual proof. I’m on it! More communication next week.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Hahaha…I wasn’t thinking about that either! I was just joking about the likelihood that Sparky had a car full of wine to bring back!
@klezman @Winedavid49
It’s getting there! @TimothyB is an enabler!
And it wasn’t helping to buy Corison for my granddaughter’s 21st birthday … in 18 more years!
@MarkDaSpark @TimothyB @Winedavid49 Well, we’re always happy to have Corison enabled in our direction. In absence of wines with the same name as our second kid, we can stock up on 2019 Corison for her
But I think that’s still a year or two out for release.
@klezman @TimothyB @Winedavid49
2019’s probably late 2021 to early 2022.
@Winedavid49 … if you aren’t building an ark in your backyard. Drove by Alpha Omega today (on the way to pickup some orders), and their vines were flooded up to their branches! And they had a new lake just the other side of the trees!
@MarkDaSpark Ugh…is it that rough up there? We had a touch of rain Friday night by me, and expecting real rain tomorrow. But nothing catastrophic like un-permitted lakes…
As last week’s Mediocritee write-up said:
“The giving of innocent life in a hideous ceremony! Canines and felines finding peaceable living arrangements!” ejaculated Pierre Vetiman. “T’would be as though a colossal hysteria had befallen us!”
When I picked up my wines from Martini, they mentioned they were probably going to send staff home.
non stop! crazy. but we are alive and i don’t think it will have any major ill effect on the slumbering vineyards.
this winery has become a consistent offering for Casemates out of Dry Creek. But this vineyard out of Mendocino has been growing since 1924. alot of rain up there too… i bet.
@Winedavid49 Peterson Tollini Vineyard
I believe this mixed offer will alter your perception(sp?)
@Winedavid49 Mixed WA State reds from Precept?
Well, Precept Wines cover a lot of territory
Well, Precept Wines cover a lot of territory (crossed with Klez)
Something we will have done with Winefarm’s flower garden once it dries up a little.
Kana Winery (Deadhead culture)
I hope it’s a Rake Wine and not a Spade and Compost Wine
Horse and Plow?
@davirom @Winedavid49
My thought as well
Duh … Broken Earth.

Happy Friday!
Tonight’s winery name?
aka Penny Miles
Baker Lane?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 You’ve gotta explain the logic to me on this one, sparky…
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Penny Lane and I guess Miles Baker?
Unless it’s Bergevin Lane… or Ballard Lane… or Bridge Lane
Copper Lane?
Copper Belt?
Copper something??
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
Could have been steel for a couple of years.
I’ll take the '44.
i bet the grapes in this wine are a rock star, got their game on, go play !
Little Vineyards Band Blend and/or Center Stage?
@Winedavid49 Well, if it is Smash Mouth …
“Only shooting stars break the mold”
Justin (Baldwin) Winery in Paso
J. Baldwin Wines in Sonoma (too small?)
Too soon?

Steele, Shooting Star?
Smash mouth All star reference, I assume.
@msten @Winedavid49
“Only shooting stars break the mold” perhaps?
Too soon?
@MarkDaSpark sorry, it’s the world series…
besides why are you so fussy hank?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Henry Fessy
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Isn’t tonight a clue night?
oh yea!
how about a video game ninja character and a mediocre Woody Haralson movie?
Sparkman Kingpin Cabernet Sauvignon
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I’ve enjoyed the Holler over several vintage. Might have to dust off the old black tie for the Kingpin.
happy Friday. Poker night for me!
clue? not sure i realized this vineyard is " the oldest of it’s kind on the planet". two kinds of wines tonight!
@Winedavid49 onesta cinsault
@msten @Winedavid49 Rose and red? That’d be interesting for sure.
Too much to hope that it’s Bedrock, eh?
@msten @Winedavid49
If not Onesta, then Scott Harvey’s 1869
@MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49 What would be the second kind of wine in that case?
@klezman @Winedavid49 Sparkman and Bedrock would be quite the weekend. Optimism abounds with our guesswork.
@InFrom @msten @Winedavid49
Scott has a plethora to choose … Rosè of Barbera, Jana Cab, etc.
WD said 2 “types”.
and here i thought i was REALLY late !
we are not offering this to celebrate one of winefarm’s favorite day’s (extra hour of sleep). But they will be delivered in time for Thanksgiving festivities…
Humm, Gruet for T-day and IH for NYE/day?
Oops! 2 hours left … @Winedavid49
@MarkDaSpark ooomph… i’d call this go to winery for value offers a jack of all trades, but that’d be selling it short!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Two Jakes of Diamonds
But which one…
Just happen to have the 2011 Cab Franc sitting in a glass in front of me now
@rjquillin I don’t see them as a “value” winery. Not that we don’t value them…
@InFrom I could only hope…
King it was @msten, well done.
Pedroncelli, Italian for QPR, unless the “ jack” part of the clue is a link to King Estates. I would think we’re getting closer to a holiday mixed Wine Smith offer and something from Scott Harvey.
@msten I was thinking the “jack” might be a reference to John Pedroncelli. And the “short” could mean short bottles, aka the Port (the bottles of which are pretty tall, but never mind that).
@InFrom @msten
I think you’re right!
@InFrom nicely done.
Saviah Cellars second label? Not likely on this site though.
good evening. This small boutique winery is a favorite among first responders, especially in Sonoma!
@Winedavid49 Hook & Ladder?
@InFrom @Winedavid49 sounds like a winner
@InFrom @msten @Winedavid49 Yup, gotta be. I wonder which wine…for a Friday black tie deal, maybe one of the Four Rows?
@msten That’s what we thought the other day, and look what happened… Can’t trust my
@msten See, what’d I tell you?
Big whiff for all of us on this one.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
First clue missed was “small boutique” winery … should have realized Hook & Ladder wasn’t that!
Grebennikoff, of course.
@msten That was gonna be my next guess. (Yeah, that’s the ticket!)
@MarkDaSpark WineSmith 6 mixed reds!
@MarkDaSpark And to fine-tune my prognostication skills:
2008 Pinot Noir
2015 Saint Laurent
2018 Norton
2019 Malbec
2019 Zinfandel
2018 Petit Verdot
@MarkDaSpark WD takes the night off when this guy is up. Probably because someone can’t keep a secret to save his soul.
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark That was my and everyone else’s guess too
@Mark_L @msten
Guess I should check my emails more often!
@MarkDaSpark @msten Well, he spilled it on his October 29 Friday night zoom call, and again on his Facebook feed this past Tuesday.
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark gotta love that guy
@MarkDaSpark Coming up tonight? this stuff is Primo. Rockland, Maine who’d have thunk it!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Not that blueberry stuff, I hope!
Or Cider?
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I have heard the Bartlett reserve is a very fine wine from someone who has a very good palate but they don’t ship… I dare to dream
@MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 @Winedavid49 Been to that part of ME many a time, but never checked out wineries.
Also, tried a blueberry sparkler from Maine not long ago that I’d read about in the NYT, but it wasn’t much to my liking. But I’d be willing to try someone else’s approach. Especially if it would be here before T-giving.
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 She is based there.
@InFrom @ScottW58 @Winedavid49
Thus, the Primo part.
Well if you ever make it to Bartlett please let me know!
@ScottW58 Assuming we make it to ME next summer, I will make sure to seek it out.
@MarkDaSpark another Restaurant private label grab. this one from Bourbon Street. been there over 100 years i’m told.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 On October 1, RWS offered an Insider Deal on Galatoire’s Cabernet Sauvignon from Donati Family Vineyards. Maybe it’s coming here now?
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 hits all the buttons, nicely done. Clendenen makes the house white, he has passed away, which could make inventory available. But casemates has offered Donati before, adding rws connection sounds like a great guess.
@Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49 And WD handles the RWS deals, too, in case that wasn’t clear.
@klezman @Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49
A sloppy 2nd from RWS no way
@klezman @Mark_L @MarkDaSpark @msten @ScottW58 @Winedavid49
This brings back questionable memories from years ago…
You nailed it
It’s after 19:00 out west.
Where is MdS asking for a clue…?
@rjquillin Clue? not where’s Waldo, previous letter found in Italy!
@rjquillin Napping!
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
Villa San-Juliette Vineyard & Winery
@Winedavid49 well done
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49 well now that clue makes sense!
@MarkDaSpark it’s Q4 ain’t it? another killer mixed red offer from the same author.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Pedroncelli in da house! Mixed Zin pack? They were offering that on their list last week.
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Or WineSmith? He had a sellout mixed red pack last week and he wrote a book, which would work with the author clue. Maybe Two Jake’s
@joe139 @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
2012 Woot Cellars Q4 Holiday Red Blend
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I was not aware of that offering. I think Pedroncelli makes the most sense now. The author clue still throws me off though. The zin pack would be nice
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
100% correct.
@Winedavid49 Perhaps something to do with this video that appeared on Facebook today?
@MarkDaSpark @msten @Winedavid49 inadvertent clue to that woot Cellars wine, or deliberate misdirection?
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Q4 is a solid Pedroncelli clue. I would guess that we have Pedroncelli on the horizon. Juggling 208 deals a year is a lot of work.
Good Lord, I hope those are wines I already have!
@karenhynes Aspects, CS, PS – didn’t mention the years.
@karenhynes @Mark_L Can’t read 'em either.
2013, 2013, 2017
I smell a
Nope…Clark mentions the vintages in the video…though ratting is in my (reasonably near) future.
@MarkDaSpark About as good of an example of err… “Lunar Peak” as i’ve seen over the years.
Harvest Moon Alta Mesa?
There is a Moon Mountain Vineyards
Tierra Luna Cellars? Founded by an astronaut.
Ty Caton sources from moon mountain AVA, I believe.
Ty’s Red and his Winemaker’s Cuveé Cabernet Sauvignon are from there.
Hmmm… is Sparky napping again?
@kawichris650. Nope. Usually it’s been around 5pm PT
@MarkDaSpark Good evening. These guys? Negotiant’s negotiant. no question. These wines are screaming deals w/out the Casemates discount. Enjoy.
de Négoce?
A new Casemate Cellars holiday wine?
Louis Latour / Fessey wines?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
Yeah, it seems he’s really been trying to reduce inventory. Six packs, discounts, shipping included; pulling out all the corks.
I know it’s turkey night, but I’m curious to see @WineDavid49’s clue!
@klezman but it’s really Monday we’re waiting for…
@klezman @rjquillin
Happy Thanksgiving!
yes, Monday should be epic.
Tonight’s offer is a good one. reminds me of a Bulgarian tradition!
@klezman @rjquillin @Winedavid49
@klezman @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Kukeri. Fat finger
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin @Winedavid49
I was going to give you -1 point for spelling but will let it slide this time. Happy Thanksgiving!
I guess we were all still sleeping off the Tryptophan from 2nd Thanksgiving …
@MarkDaSpark Apologies. life got in the way. we are at the beach and my oldest got stung by a sting ray. wow. major pain. major parent in protect mode…
clue? the kid is strong. she has the strength of a metal equine… (sorry of the easy one, it’s been a long day…)
@Winedavid49. Yea, Iron Horse!
And no problem … life happens. Glad she’s doing well.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49
I’m gonna go with Iron Horse…
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 That is a rather gimme clue.
Damn, I guess the annual holiday card melt down begins in November.
Was just on her site and the mags of Joy appear sold out. Don’t suppose you had anything to do with that; as he hallucinates.
Apparently the rats are VERY excited about ratting this wine. Added clue- “Wednesday’s”
@Winedavid49 Count me and molarchae as two briefly-excited-but-didn’t-respond-quickly-enough rats! I was wondering what your clue for this would be
@klezman @Winedavid49
That clearly was a gimme clue.
Deploy the drones, alert the authorities.
@klezman @rjquillin @Winedavid49
Lock up the credit card(s)!
Oh, wait…it’s on file here…crap.
Wellington??? Could be looking at a 12:05 sellout
@msten Faster than a speeding BOC.
For those who follow this sport.
Dana Uriah
Whitehall? Whitehall Lane?
@Winedavid49 Spring Valley Vineyard Uriah?
@karenhynes @Winedavid49 On further searching, Whitehall seems like a better direction to take.
Clue? From southern slope of the Les Baumes,
Allegria wines?
Good evening.
clue? Rhymes with Dammit!
@Winedavid49 Willamette? Time for a Pinot offering? Or Anne Amie?
@Winedavid49 JANAt Wines? (Jana)
Or Writer’s Block?
Good evening. Continuing with the big guns tonight. Another Rushmore.
Scott Harvey or Pedroncelli Cheer
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Time for the Pedroncelli Port offer, or maybe Angel Eis?
clue? well, shipping delays pushed this deal up a couple of days. gotta make sure you can ring in the new year! Mountain standard time!
@karenhynes @Winedavid49
I’d sure rather see me some quality IH.
@rjquillin @Winedavid49
Sadly, I think that was already ruled out.
Clue? Calistoga mainstay.
Laura (Zahtila) Michael
Possibly Sterling Vineyards or a Vincent Arroyo label (High Point or Bridge 1904)
But mainstay? Gotta be Laura!
Happy Friday. Clue?
Valley of the Moon road.
@Winedavid49 Kunde? VJB? Ty? More Wellington?
@klezman @Winedavid49
You left off Valley of the Moon Winery at Madrone Estate (bought by Gundlach Bundschu in 2020). Or Lake Sonoma (sister brand).
Also Apriori and Saxon Brown (Named for the willful heroine of Jack London’s Valley of the Moon (Sonoma Valley)).
@klezman @Winedavid49
Doh! We forgot about Highway 12!
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 I don’t think I even knew there was a Highway 12 Winery. But my brain said “oh, WD means Highway 12, so what are all the wineries on it?”
Good evening. clue? my daughter’s favorite Neil Young song (though i haven’t turned her on to Rust Never Sleeps yet…).
@InFrom It’s a great song.
@InFrom But so is Rust Never Sleeps.
I hope it’s their sparkling. I’ve been asking @winedavid49 since CM started
@chefjess @InFrom @Winedavid49 The Sparkling reds would have to make their way to my house.
Hope everything is alright.
@MarkDaSpark likely dealing with divvyup
@MarkDaSpark @rjquillin Divvyup’s website was difficult to navigate/comment on and I hope this one is better.
@danandlisa @MarkDaSpark @rjquillin apologies. Kid’s varsity soccer swept me away (they beat a team they never beat!) Pardon the slip. Go Sonoma High!
how about a clue?
Stone Arroyo
@Winedavid49 There’s a few Rock or Rocky Creek possibilities.
Diamond Creek?
Nevermind … Piedra Creek
@Winedavid49 Piedra Creek has appeared here in the past (PN and Zin).
[edit] Sparky’s edit had not appeared when I replied.
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
Whew! Edited just before your post!
But it was about same time, since fat fingers miss-typed “Nevermind” at first.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Since edits could be retroactive, they are always open to suspicion.
@Mark_L @Winedavid49
True, except I hadn’t seen your post when I went back to add Piedra.
And to stir the pot more, how do we know you “didn’t edit” your post to Piedra?

Kidding! Because after my edit to add Piedra, your post was there saying it posted a few seconds ago.
hi all, happy friday.
for me? good good be hunkered down this weekend on the FARM. have a good weekend.
Well, it’s either Circadia Cabernet Sauvignon from Art+Farm Wine
a Leoni Farms wine offer!
Or stretching it … Baker Lane Vineyards
Gård Vintners
this is our final offer of the year from this great reasonably new partner. i bet you’ll leap at this mixed red deal.
Spring Street?
Frog’s Tooth?
@Winedavid49 Hall? Cuz of the bunny
@Winedavid49. “reasonably new” ???
At least 5 offers since 2019 … new?

@MarkDaSpark well, as opposed to “Rushmore” types. you dig?
Stag’s Leap (hahaha)
We can haz Clue?
@MarkDaSpark new graphic?? i like!
Clue? ain’t no LIE, this is a proven daily drinker from a favorite wine maker.
@MarkDaSpark D) All of the above
Old one.
Onesta Wines?
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 Mentida, actually?
@InFrom @MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49 well done.
Best Oregon Reisling for the price i know of. My oldest swears by it!
@Winedavid49 King Estate.
@danandlisa @Winedavid49 Reference to his daughter so I’m going Anne Amie
@danandlisa @klezman @Winedavid49 That just dawned on me, I got here just a bit too late.
@InFrom @klezman @Winedavid49 Great guess. I think you are right.
Merry Christmas!

@MarkDaSpark Last year Cathy said no but Joy said yes…maybe a reversal this year???
@MarkDaSpark @sosptuba Wishful thinking, but sounds amazing!
@klezman @MarkDaSpark @sosptuba happy holidays and Merry Christmas!
Large format from Bon. One of my favorite wineries.
@MarkDaSpark happy holidays! love this place.
@MarkDaSpark @Winedavid49

Pareto’s Estate Eighty20 Red Blend
but I suppose it could be the PN, CS, Zin or Chard
unless we’re now playing with adult Erector sets.
Happy Holidays. Very excited about this wine. i had to go through the ringer to get it.
p.s. Rest in peace John Madden.
@Winedavid49 If it is “ringer” indeed (as questioned by @msten below), Bell seems too obvious (and perhaps unlikely), but it would be nice!
Kent Rasmussen?
Vergelegen makes a wine called The Gauntlet… Who knows?
@Winedavid49 or jump through a few hoop(e)s
Wringer or ringer?
@msten Was it an inadvertent typo, or an intentional one? Inquiring minds want to know…
@InFrom @msten With WD it’s usually an unintentional typo… Although he’s also super crafty and might just want us to think that…
@InFrom @klezman @msten
Looks like “super crafty” wins, haha.
Happy day before awesome college football.
Clue? Portuguese option.
Vinho Verde, Alicante Bouschet Or Touriga National? I think Twisted Oak has a Touriga and Stillman Brown has an Alicante. But those are probably just wishful thinking.
Spoiler Alert
(The winemaker announced this 4 days ago.)
@kawichris650 He’s a rotten secret-keeper. Anyway, gives WD the night off from clue-ing.
@InFrom @kawichris650 I thought I’d be enjoying some good football games… not!
Just remember to exercise in the new year … just because it’s Twenty-Twenty-Too doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep up those exercises!
Looking forward to a new Clue Thread in Twenty-Twenty-Too!