OK, maybe we have something going here!
I live in Brecksville, and work in Valley View, but get to other parts of NE OH on a regular basis.
I know of one other very active former Wooter (@chipgreen) that also lives in Summit County.
@mrn1 Thank you for starting this thread. I live in Macedonia, work in Akron. Also very familiar/comfortable with Eastern suburbs of CLE, having grown up in the Mayfield area.
Good question. Anybody more knowledgeable on the workings of these boards than us feel free to chime in. I did just subscribe to this thread. I’m not sure what exactly that’s going to do. Notification of some sort?
I also subscribed to the thread. Most likely generates an email whenever there is a new post much like the emails generated when someone refers to your screen name with a preceding @. I had assumed that Casemates would have something in place to facilitate multi-user purchases but I guess not.
It was fun to occasionally split orders with fellow Wooters but the necessity of doing it to get the best deal on Casemates is more of a “con” than a “pro” IMHO. I used to shop at Walgreen’s fairly often. They had some good specials/deals on various products. Then they came out with a Rewards card and you were no longer eligible to get the discount unless you had the Rewards card. This kind of feels like that.
@chipgreen Yep, I did get your message in an email. In my mind, it kind of makes more sense to split on Casemates. For instance the difference in price between 3 and 12 of the Pinot was about $5 bucks a bottle I think. I’d rather pay the $18 but not sure I want to buy 12 of something I’ve never tried before. That said, I’m also not sure I’d drive much more than 15-20 minutes very often just for a split. Unless I really liked you guys
Am I the only one in the Youngstown area? I was always curious back in the wine.woot days if anyone else was close by, but doesn’t seem to be the case.
@chipgreen That’s right, I do remember you being relatively close. I laugh at that because right now I’m in Carroll, IA, and headed to Minneapolis. LOL.
It seems like it is going to take some time, trial and error and some new features to the site to optimize the case sharing aspect. I agree with chip that while saving a buck or two is always nice, logistically it will not always be ‘worth it’ to schedule a meet up in the mall parking lot to exchange wine for cash. If we could have threads to the gatherings for specific discussion on offerings that may help.
I agree, and am from NE Ohio as well; in Westlake (western suburb of Cleveland.) Son works in the eastern suburbs, Mayfield Rd/I-271 area, so I can extend my range a bit, if it is of any benefit to anyone.
The mall parking lot exchanges, are almost sure to get the attention of the local police/mall security people, and make for a memorable, but less than enjoyable, experience.
@pjmartin OK you can count me in for 2! I saw this offering earlier and was going to reach out to the NE OH gang but work got in the way.
I like the way @chipgreen thinks about something a little more fun that a mall parking lot meeting, unfortunately I’ll be in sunny FL on 3/16 so I can’t make the Fiddlehead Cellars Wooster Inn dinner but I’m sure it will be tasty and loads of fun!
@pjmartin I can vouch for this wine – have several bottles in our cellar now, but would gladly add another one or two if you need more folks to share the case split.
@pjmartin I would take 2 or 3… and I’m sure we can find something a little more fun than just swapping in a mall parking lot.
Have tentative reservations to a Fiddlehead Cellars wine dinner at the Wooster Inn on Friday, March 16th - Kathy Joseph was Clark Smith’s lab partner at UC Davis and his Second Fiddle Pinot Noir was made with grapes from her Fiddlestix vineyard. She specializes in Pinot Noir and Sauv Blanc but makes some other wines as well. Any interest? If not, how about Scott Harvey also at Wooster Inn on Friday May 18? That has been kind of the defacto swapping venue between North316, sdilullo, ddeuddeg, foobarski and myself in the past.
I will create a post specifically for each dinner in the near future. We usually get 10-14 peeps together at the Scott Harvey dinner.
Case of Verbiage bought. Based on above, there are 1 or 2 bottles left to split. @docjavadude if you want to lay claim. @chipgreen claims 2 or 3
And I love the 2010 vintage of this so expect I will love the 2012 as well.
@docjavadude et al, OK not like I was worried, 'cause I would have picked up the slack, but this is a great deal. Will make my BD a little easier on the plastic.
Helloooo Chipgreen, North316 and others - Put me on the list for splits. My son and I live both live in Brunswick, OH. We planned to start splitting cases with our wino neighbors so I heve to see how that goes.
Chipgreen, I can’t make it to Scott and Jana’s dinner at the Wooster Inn because we’ll be on our annual trek to Sanibel Island that day. I’m glad you mentioned the Fiddlesticks dinner. I’ll have to check out the details on the dinner because my wife wanted to head to SC to see some friends. She lost both her parents a month apart recently and a getaway might be nice for her! They were 94 and 93 respectively. Damn, if I can get into my mid 80’s, I’d be happy! Guess I’ll have to up the wine consumption to get there.
I haven’t read further than this post yet, but what was decided as the form of communication for the splits? I think I still have your info that we swapped at the SH dinner when my son came. Do you still have mine? Got to run.
@Boatman72 Hey buddy! Sorry to hear about your in-laws, I know the feeling. My wife’s parents passed 2 months apart last year and she is still trying to get over it. They were both 85 and I agree will be lucky if I can reach that age. Neither of my parents quite did, they made it to 77 & 82.
Anyway, we have pretty much been using this thread for splits until Casemates installs a Casemate function of some sort.
Hope you can make it to the Fiddlehead dinner, I will bring a bottle or 2 of Clark’s Second Fiddle Pinot with me to hopefully share with Kathy Joseph after dinner. I do still have your contact info too.
@mrn1, @chipgreen, @docjavadude The Tercero will be in hand Monday. I drive I-271 from I-77 to Mayfield Rd every day and expect to be in town all week next week. Let me know if you want a delivery/swap andwhen/where. I am pjmartin44 on wwoot! for pms
@pjmartin Thanks for the heads-up. My work schedule for next week is still up in the air so I will have to check back. Any interest in the Fiddlehead wine dinner in Wooster? Link in message below…
@pjmartin OK, Scott Harvey will be on Friday May 18th. We are booked for that one as well but I will wait to make a thread for it until just after this March dinner is over. Are you ok holding the Tercero until May or would u prefer I make arrangements with you in the meantime? I’m not in any hurry but happy to oblige if you want to be rid of it…
@pjmartin Okay, I’m generally up on all things social media, but I haven’t a clue how to PM on Woot! Who knew there was a community there?!? Let me know how best to contact you re. Terceros.
I’ll take 2 from you. Looks like a nice discount off retail and the winemaker that gets great reviews. Would like to make the Fiddlehead dinner, but I can’t get commits from family. We have vacations coming up in a week and again in May, then a fall wedding with HopHeadB +1VSP. Haven’t heard from HopHeadB on this offer.
Here’s reviews I saw on wine.com & winesearcher that had it listed at $49…FWIW, sometimes these reviews have a lot of “Fluff”, but it does provide other bits of info!
WE91Wine Enthusiast
Made from 70% Syrah and 30% Grenache, both grown at the terrific Kick Ranch hillside site, this wine has a robustness of dark cherry and a red-brick color, soft, smooth and youthful in its seamless tannin and oak. Juicy dark blueberry and a touch of meaty spice form an enviable combination just ready for meaty dishes.
WS90 Wine Spectator
Fresh and focused, showing subtle power. Floral cherry and grilled anise aromas open to elegantly complex flavors of smoky plum, white pepper and sage. Syrah and Grenache. Drink now through 2026.
@chipgreen Yes, I put that on my calendar. I need to call for reservations this week. Always enjoyed his Baberas and the Jana cabs. Would be very cool to meet him.
Hmmm, it is really tight right now, but I did note the March 16 dinner in the discussion above. I have that penciled in…, but May is more promising if I am in town.
I certainly would enjoy meeting up with local like minded folk (lmf = Wooter\CaseMate enablers).
@p2002b In that case, I would suggest holding out for the Scott Harvey dinner as that is sure to be well attended by Wooters/Casematers. For me, the best part about it is actually the after-dinner get together. While I am hoping to initiate Kathy Joseph, with Scott & Jana it’s pretty much a sure thing.
Picked up the case of Kale from FedEx earlier today. Would prefer to wait until May 18th for the Scott Harvey dinner in Wooster for those who are planning to attend but am definitely willing to meet anytime for those who would like to get their hands on the wine ASAP or will not be attending the Scott Harvey dinner.
Send me a “Whisper” to make arrangements and also, feel free to view my wines on Cellar Tracker to see if there’s anything you might want. Am willing to part with bottles at CT average community prices. I usually don’t like to sell anything that I don’t have at least 3 bottles of but that doesn’t always apply so feel free to ask about anything that interests you.
@scott0210 I looked a couple of times yesterday to see if any of our NE OH pals wanted to share in a split…and saw nothing. No Spaniard for you…and none for me either!
Information for the Scott & Jana Harvey Wine Dinner at The Wooster Inn on Friday, May 18th has been posted by ddeuddeg. He has also posted a link to the dinner menu. Check it out!
It seems that Northern Ohio is pretty well represented here. I am going to be in Conneaut, OH for almost 2 months to visit my 3 month old grand twins, arriving in the beginning of May and leaving the 21st of June. Maybe we could have some kind of get together. I know about the Scott Harvey meeting in Wooster, but the price and the menu as well as spending a night in a hotel don’t really appeal to me. Also, while I have enjoyed what wines I have had from Scott, they just aren’t worth that much effort and money to me. I have also had a couple of bottles of Jana’s Cabernet a few years ago and I found it disappointing, not defective in any way, just meh. In comparison, the Wellington Victory which is also CS and similarly priced, just blew me away with its quality. I have met Chipgreen and his lovely lady a few years ago and it would be nice to meet again, as well as any others. Is anybody out there interested?
@edlada Guess I haven’t checked this thread in awhile! Would be glad to meet up sometime before you leave town. Maybe we can even head out your way, have been wanting to make the trek back to Markko in Conneaut while Arnie is still around.
@chipgreen Hi there old friend! I would love to get together, for complicated reasons, it would be better if you can come this way if you can. We can meet again at Presque Isle no problem, or elsewhere if you prefer. I am currently spending a few days at the B&B that is part of Buccia Vineyard in Conneaut, OH, a really nice place and the owners are wonderful. I am sure they wouldn’t mind us using their ample tasting room for a get together as long as we bought a bottle or 2. You should seriously consider a weekend getaway with your wife. There are 3 rooms in the B&B which is in the winery, you access your room through the tasting room. Each room is spacious, with a deck facing the vineyard and a large hot tub in each room! Hot tub, plenty of wine and great people and the rates are quite reasonable, around $100 a night +/- depending on the season, including a very nice continental breakfast. Well worth it IMO. Check put this link or go to their Facebook page which has many more photos. I give them 5 stars and I don’t do that lightly. Buccia Vineyard and B&B Oh, their wine isn’t bad either, mostly local grapes and hybrids, but some interesting stuff.
@marikar Know exactly that area. Flowerdale is at the intersect of Pearl and Fulton. Sad that Sausage Shop closed on ?Memphis?. I was there the day one of the CLE News channel was taping before he closed.
What type of varietals are you interested in? I ordered a case of the Tannat today, but I had it sold off to 2 family members and 2 'mates.
As of right now, it looks like 5. Was hoping to attract more interest but I suppose it is a busy time of year. I could stack the deck with a few additional non-Casemate friends but that would kind of defeat the purpose. If I am being honest, not sure it would be worth the trek from… Baltimore? Unless maybe you have some friends/family or additional activities you want to do in the area. That said, we would absolutely love to have you!
@chipgreen I’ve done crazier things for less valid reasons. Will see how this week goes, and give a heads up when I can confirm. May even pull a Wellington out for the trip .
Our fivesome has become a threesome, as another couple had to drop out. I’m a lousy organizer! Will try to arrange something fun next year when the weather breaks.
@chipgreen hi! Thanks for putting this out there and count us in for future. We are currently on vacation and don’t get back until late tomorrow. I missed this in the chaos of preparing to relax.
I didn’t think you would want to make the trip from Toledo to meet for dinner. Should have remembered that you might be visiting relatives. Too bad you won’t be around, it would be great to see you!
We will be hosting a “Wine Around the World” party at our home in S. Akron on Saturday, Feb. 10th at 6pm. Each guest (or couple) picks a country and brings a wine and food dish to represent that country. At or near the end of the night, we will vote for the best wine and best dish. Winners will take home some wine related swag. Please reply if interested via message or whisper. Cheers!
There will be times when I am interested in splits. Live in Summit, work in Geauga
I would also be interested in future splits. Work in CLE, live in (TR)Ashtabula, have lots of family in Geauga.
OK, maybe we have something going here!
I live in Brecksville, and work in Valley View, but get to other parts of NE OH on a regular basis.
I know of one other very active former Wooter (@chipgreen) that also lives in Summit County.
I’m in Canton should it spread.
I live in Cuyahoga Falls and work in west Cleveland. I would also be interested in future splits.
@mrn1 Thank you for starting this thread. I live in Macedonia, work in Akron. Also very familiar/comfortable with Eastern suburbs of CLE, having grown up in the Mayfield area.
Well, looks like we have some interest in future splits. So, how are we going to communicate? I can’t seem to find any way to PM as we could w/ Woot.
Good question. Anybody more knowledgeable on the workings of these boards than us feel free to chime in. I did just subscribe to this thread. I’m not sure what exactly that’s going to do. Notification of some sort?
I also subscribed to the thread. Most likely generates an email whenever there is a new post much like the emails generated when someone refers to your screen name with a preceding @. I had assumed that Casemates would have something in place to facilitate multi-user purchases but I guess not.
It was fun to occasionally split orders with fellow Wooters but the necessity of doing it to get the best deal on Casemates is more of a “con” than a “pro” IMHO. I used to shop at Walgreen’s fairly often. They had some good specials/deals on various products. Then they came out with a Rewards card and you were no longer eligible to get the discount unless you had the Rewards card. This kind of feels like that.
@chipgreen Yep, I did get your message in an email. In my mind, it kind of makes more sense to split on Casemates. For instance the difference in price between 3 and 12 of the Pinot was about $5 bucks a bottle I think. I’d rather pay the $18 but not sure I want to buy 12 of something I’ve never tried before. That said, I’m also not sure I’d drive much more than 15-20 minutes very often just for a split. Unless I really liked you guys
@chipgreen …or unless one of you guys was actually an attractive, single girl.
Just to chime in here, I am in NW Ohio (Toledo to be exact), but make several trips a year to NE Ohio (in-laws are in Stow).
I’m in Youngstown, if anyone wants to split down the road.
Am I the only one in the Youngstown area? I was always curious back in the wine.woot days if anyone else was close by, but doesn’t seem to be the case.
@KCountry I’m about 40-45 minutes away from Y-town but closer to Cleveland and Akron
@chipgreen That’s right, I do remember you being relatively close. I laugh at that because right now I’m in Carroll, IA, and headed to Minneapolis. LOL.
It seems like it is going to take some time, trial and error and some new features to the site to optimize the case sharing aspect. I agree with chip that while saving a buck or two is always nice, logistically it will not always be ‘worth it’ to schedule a meet up in the mall parking lot to exchange wine for cash. If we could have threads to the gatherings for specific discussion on offerings that may help.
I agree, and am from NE Ohio as well; in Westlake (western suburb of Cleveland.) Son works in the eastern suburbs, Mayfield Rd/I-271 area, so I can extend my range a bit, if it is of any benefit to anyone.
The mall parking lot exchanges, are almost sure to get the attention of the local police/mall security people, and make for a memorable, but less than enjoyable, experience.
Ok Ohio mates, I’m ready for a mall parking lot swap on this one. Love Larry’s wines. The case price is too great a deal. I’ll grab a case and have six to spare. Who’s in?
@pjmartin OK you can count me in for 2! I saw this offering earlier and was going to reach out to the NE OH gang but work got in the way.
I like the way @chipgreen thinks about something a little more fun that a mall parking lot meeting, unfortunately I’ll be in sunny FL on 3/16 so I can’t make the Fiddlehead Cellars Wooster Inn dinner but I’m sure it will be tasty and loads of fun!
@pjmartin I can vouch for this wine – have several bottles in our cellar now, but would gladly add another one or two if you need more folks to share the case split.
@pjmartin I would take 2 or 3… and I’m sure we can find something a little more fun than just swapping in a mall parking lot.
Have tentative reservations to a Fiddlehead Cellars wine dinner at the Wooster Inn on Friday, March 16th - Kathy Joseph was Clark Smith’s lab partner at UC Davis and his Second Fiddle Pinot Noir was made with grapes from her Fiddlestix vineyard. She specializes in Pinot Noir and Sauv Blanc but makes some other wines as well. Any interest? If not, how about Scott Harvey also at Wooster Inn on Friday May 18? That has been kind of the defacto swapping venue between North316, sdilullo, ddeuddeg, foobarski and myself in the past.
I will create a post specifically for each dinner in the near future. We usually get 10-14 peeps together at the Scott Harvey dinner.
I’m in Solon and always looking to share good wine and good wine finds with good folks!
Case of Verbiage bought. Based on above, there are 1 or 2 bottles left to split. @docjavadude if you want to lay claim. @chipgreen claims 2 or 3
And I love the 2010 vintage of this so expect I will love the 2012 as well.
@pjmartin I’ll certainly claim either 1 or 2, whichever works for the group. Thanks!
@docjavadude et al, OK not like I was worried, 'cause I would have picked up the slack, but this is a great deal. Will make my BD a little easier on the plastic.
@pjmartin @docjavadude I am good with 2 so that doc can also get 2. Thanks!
Helloooo Chipgreen, North316 and others - Put me on the list for splits. My son and I live both live in Brunswick, OH. We planned to start splitting cases with our wino neighbors so I heve to see how that goes.
Chipgreen, I can’t make it to Scott and Jana’s dinner at the Wooster Inn because we’ll be on our annual trek to Sanibel Island that day. I’m glad you mentioned the Fiddlesticks dinner. I’ll have to check out the details on the dinner because my wife wanted to head to SC to see some friends. She lost both her parents a month apart recently and a getaway might be nice for her! They were 94 and 93 respectively. Damn, if I can get into my mid 80’s, I’d be happy! Guess I’ll have to up the wine consumption to get there.
I haven’t read further than this post yet, but what was decided as the form of communication for the splits? I think I still have your info that we swapped at the SH dinner when my son came. Do you still have mine? Got to run.
@Boatman72 Hey buddy! Sorry to hear about your in-laws, I know the feeling. My wife’s parents passed 2 months apart last year and she is still trying to get over it. They were both 85 and I agree will be lucky if I can reach that age. Neither of my parents quite did, they made it to 77 & 82.
Anyway, we have pretty much been using this thread for splits until Casemates installs a Casemate function of some sort.
Hope you can make it to the Fiddlehead dinner, I will bring a bottle or 2 of Clark’s Second Fiddle Pinot with me to hopefully share with Kathy Joseph after dinner. I do still have your contact info too.
NE OH Casemates Roster
One more name added to the list of those in our area interested in splitting. Maybe we can use this post as our ongoing list.
@mrn1 I’m glad to know all of these kindred spirits here in NE Ohio! I look forward to some good splits and wine adventures!
@mrn1, @chipgreen, @docjavadude The Tercero will be in hand Monday. I drive I-271 from I-77 to Mayfield Rd every day and expect to be in town all week next week. Let me know if you want a delivery/swap andwhen/where. I am pjmartin44 on wwoot! for pms
@pjmartin Thanks for the heads-up. My work schedule for next week is still up in the air so I will have to check back. Any interest in the Fiddlehead wine dinner in Wooster? Link in message below…
@pjmartin PM sent to you. Look forward to the exchange!
@chipgreen That is my wife’s birthday with other plans already. WIll be looking at the Scott Harvey dates…
@mrn1 pm’d back on woot.
@pjmartin OK, Scott Harvey will be on Friday May 18th. We are booked for that one as well but I will wait to make a thread for it until just after this March dinner is over. Are you ok holding the Tercero until May or would u prefer I make arrangements with you in the meantime? I’m not in any hurry but happy to oblige if you want to be rid of it…
@chipgreen My basement is nice and cool. They will be fine next to lots of friends.
@pjmartin Okay, I’m generally up on all things social media, but I haven’t a clue how to PM on Woot! Who knew there was a community there?!? Let me know how best to contact you re. Terceros.
@mrn1 @xena67 @scott0210 @mehnyblooms @croutonollie @north316 @Boatman72 @docjavadude @pjmartin @scot0210 @KCountry @CroutonOllie @HopHeadB
Info posted for the Fiddlehead Cellars wine dinner in Wooster on March 16 - hope some of you can make it!
@chipgreen thanks for the heads up…unfortunately I’ll be on a beach in FL so won’t be able to join the group.
Thanks for the invite, but will be in Indian River County, FL then; new property.
@mrn1 @xena67 @scott0210 @mehnyblooms @croutonollie @north316 @Boatman72 @docjavadude @pjmartin @scot0210 @KCountry @CroutonOllie @HopHeadB
Pending Lab Rat reviews or other influences, I’m interested in getting 2-4 bottles of the Kale Home Run Cuvee - any casemates interested? I’d be willing to spring for the case…
@chipgreen thanks, but I am sitting this one out
@chipgreen thanks, but not this time.
@chipgreen I’d be happy to take anywhere from 2 to 4 Kales depending on who else is in.
If you insist! Count me in for 2… unless you need me to take 1-2 more to fill out the case. I’ll let you judge when to pull the trigger.
I’d be in for 2 as well. I’ll be out of town, though, from Feb 20 through approx. March 20. Wouldn’t be able to pick up until then.
I’ll take 2 from you. Looks like a nice discount off retail and the winemaker that gets great reviews. Would like to make the Fiddlehead dinner, but I can’t get commits from family. We have vacations coming up in a week and again in May, then a fall wedding with HopHeadB +1VSP. Haven’t heard from HopHeadB on this offer.
Here’s reviews I saw on wine.com & winesearcher that had it listed at $49…FWIW, sometimes these reviews have a lot of “Fluff”, but it does provide other bits of info!
WE91Wine Enthusiast
Made from 70% Syrah and 30% Grenache, both grown at the terrific Kick Ranch hillside site, this wine has a robustness of dark cherry and a red-brick color, soft, smooth and youthful in its seamless tannin and oak. Juicy dark blueberry and a touch of meaty spice form an enviable combination just ready for meaty dishes.
WS90 Wine Spectator
Fresh and focused, showing subtle power. Floral cherry and grilled anise aromas open to elegantly complex flavors of smoky plum, white pepper and sage. Syrah and Grenache. Drink now through 2026.
HopHeadB stated that he’d take 2 also.
OK, we’re in on the Kale Cuvee. 2 bottles apiece for @mrn1 @xena67 @scott0210 @Boatman72 @HopHeadB and myself.
@chipgreen Thanks for doing the heavy lifting for the group!
@chipgreen Thanks Chip. Ready to buck up whenever/however you say the word. Would love to meet you in Wooster in March, but I’ll be on vacation.
@scott0210 Any chance you will make it to the Scott Harvey dinner on Friday, May 18?
@chipgreen Yes, I put that on my calendar. I need to call for reservations this week. Always enjoyed his Baberas and the Jana cabs. Would be very cool to meet him.
Just adding my name to the list. That said, I am currently on a Hard SIWBM. But nothing last forever…
@p2002b Glad to see you here. We never did get a chance to meet up… does your Hard SIWBM prevent you from attending wine dinners?
Hmmm, it is really tight right now, but I did note the March 16 dinner in the discussion above. I have that penciled in…, but May is more promising if I am in town.
I certainly would enjoy meeting up with local like minded folk (lmf = Wooter\CaseMate enablers).
@p2002b In that case, I would suggest holding out for the Scott Harvey dinner as that is sure to be well attended by Wooters/Casematers. For me, the best part about it is actually the after-dinner get together. While I am hoping to initiate Kathy Joseph, with Scott & Jana it’s pretty much a sure thing.
@mrn1 @xena67 @scott0210 @Boatman72 @HopHeadB
Picked up the case of Kale from FedEx earlier today. Would prefer to wait until May 18th for the Scott Harvey dinner in Wooster for those who are planning to attend but am definitely willing to meet anytime for those who would like to get their hands on the wine ASAP or will not be attending the Scott Harvey dinner.
Send me a “Whisper” to make arrangements and also, feel free to view my wines on Cellar Tracker to see if there’s anything you might want. Am willing to part with bottles at CT average community prices. I usually don’t like to sell anything that I don’t have at least 3 bottles of but that doesn’t always apply so feel free to ask about anything that interests you.
@chipgreen @mrn1 @xena67 @scott0210 @mehnyblooms @croutonollie @north316 @Boatman72 @docjavadude @pjmartin @KCountry @CroutonOllie @HopHeadB Anybody want to split a case of Twisted Oak with me? I could use 6. Don’t need 12. I’ll be at the Scott Harvey dinner in Wooster May 18th to swap. Else I’m just going to order 4 tomorrow.
I’ll take 2…funny I was just in the process of asking the same question when I saw your post!
If no one else jumps in I’ll take 4 to help with the case price
@mrn1 Damn, that’s terrible, no one else jumped in and I forgot to order any bottles at all last night! No Spaniard for me
@scott0210 I looked a couple of times yesterday to see if any of our NE OH pals wanted to share in a split…and saw nothing. No Spaniard for you…and none for me either!
@xena67 @scott0210 @mehnyblooms @croutonollie @north316 @Boatman72 @docjavadude @pjmartin @KCountry @CroutonOllie @HopHeadB @p2002b
Information for the Scott & Jana Harvey Wine Dinner at The Wooster Inn on Friday, May 18th has been posted by ddeuddeg. He has also posted a link to the dinner menu. Check it out!
It seems that Northern Ohio is pretty well represented here. I am going to be in Conneaut, OH for almost 2 months to visit my 3 month old grand twins, arriving in the beginning of May and leaving the 21st of June. Maybe we could have some kind of get together. I know about the Scott Harvey meeting in Wooster, but the price and the menu as well as spending a night in a hotel don’t really appeal to me. Also, while I have enjoyed what wines I have had from Scott, they just aren’t worth that much effort and money to me. I have also had a couple of bottles of Jana’s Cabernet a few years ago and I found it disappointing, not defective in any way, just meh. In comparison, the Wellington Victory which is also CS and similarly priced, just blew me away with its quality. I have met Chipgreen and his lovely lady a few years ago and it would be nice to meet again, as well as any others. Is anybody out there interested?
@edlada Guess I haven’t checked this thread in awhile! Would be glad to meet up sometime before you leave town. Maybe we can even head out your way, have been wanting to make the trek back to Markko in Conneaut while Arnie is still around.
@chipgreen Hi there old friend! I would love to get together, for complicated reasons, it would be better if you can come this way if you can. We can meet again at Presque Isle no problem, or elsewhere if you prefer. I am currently spending a few days at the B&B that is part of Buccia Vineyard in Conneaut, OH, a really nice place and the owners are wonderful. I am sure they wouldn’t mind us using their ample tasting room for a get together as long as we bought a bottle or 2. You should seriously consider a weekend getaway with your wife. There are 3 rooms in the B&B which is in the winery, you access your room through the tasting room. Each room is spacious, with a deck facing the vineyard and a large hot tub in each room! Hot tub, plenty of wine and great people and the rates are quite reasonable, around $100 a night +/- depending on the season, including a very nice continental breakfast. Well worth it IMO. Check put this link or go to their Facebook page which has many more photos. I give them 5 stars and I don’t do that lightly. Buccia Vineyard and B&B Oh, their wine isn’t bad either, mostly local grapes and hybrids, but some interesting stuff.
@chipgreen @mrn1 @xena67 @scott0210 @mehnyblooms @croutonollie @north316 @Boatman72 @docjavadude @pjmartin @KCountry @CroutonOllie @HopHeadB
We have someone else that would like to hang out with the cool kids in NE OH…@marikar sent me the following Whisper: For this or for future reference: I would be pleased to be considered in any “NE OH gang” splits.
And what part of NEO does @marikar live?
CLE proper — west side, specifically Old Brooklyn neighborhood (think Metroparks Zoo).
@marikar Know exactly that area. Flowerdale is at the intersect of Pearl and Fulton. Sad that Sausage Shop closed on ?Memphis?. I was there the day one of the CLE News channel was taping before he closed.
What type of varietals are you interested in? I ordered a case of the Tannat today, but I had it sold off to 2 family members and 2 'mates.
Hi, hope all is well. I still have 2 bottles of Kale Home Run Cuvee for you. Can we get together sometime soon?
@mrn1 @xena67 @scott0210 @mehnyblooms @croutonollie @Boatman72 @docjavadude @pjmartin @KCountry @CroutonOllie @HopHeadB
…and any other Casemates in the NE Ohio area that might be interested - Mr. G’s in Fairlawn is an Italian restaurant/pizza place with free corkage. We will be meeting there on Saturday, December 9th at 6pm to share wine and food. Please reply here if you would like to join us or have any questions. Cheers!
@chipgreen How many planning on attending?
is actually considering a road trip up for this 
As of right now, it looks like 5. Was hoping to attract more interest but I suppose it is a busy time of year. I could stack the deck with a few additional non-Casemate friends but that would kind of defeat the purpose. If I am being honest, not sure it would be worth the trek from… Baltimore? Unless maybe you have some friends/family or additional activities you want to do in the area. That said, we would absolutely love to have you!
@chipgreen I’ve done crazier things for less valid reasons. Will see how this week goes, and give a heads up when I can confirm. May even pull a Wellington out for the trip
Our fivesome has become a threesome, as another couple had to drop out. I’m a lousy organizer! Will try to arrange something fun next year when the weather breaks.
@chipgreen no worries, keep me in mind, I’d be willing to make the drive and bring some goodies.
@chipgreen hi! Thanks for putting this out there and count us in for future. We are currently on vacation and don’t get back until late tomorrow. I missed this in the chaos of preparing to relax.
We were just in town last weekend, won’t be back until around Christmas, even though you didn’t tag me, hah.
I didn’t think you would want to make the trip from Toledo to meet for dinner. Should have remembered that you might be visiting relatives. Too bad you won’t be around, it would be great to see you!
@mrn1 @xena67 @scott0210 @mehnyblooms @croutonollie @Boatman72 @docjavadude @pjmartin @KCountry @HopHeadB @North316 @bunnymasseuse
…and any other Casemates in the NE Ohio area that might be interested.
We will be hosting a “Wine Around the World” party at our home in S. Akron on Saturday, Feb. 10th at 6pm. Each guest (or couple) picks a country and brings a wine and food dish to represent that country. At or near the end of the night, we will vote for the best wine and best dish. Winners will take home some wine related swag. Please reply if interested via message or whisper. Cheers!
@chipgreen Let me see what I can do with a good heads notice.
@chipgreen BUNNY IS A Go! If you were debating on going, don’t!
Haha, bunnies can be dangerous. I saw that Monty Python movie!
You know we would be there if we could. Sounds like a really fun evening!

You will be missed!
Bump… last call for the “Wine Around the World” party!