I’m interested and will be in Temecula on July 29th, but regrettably not on the 8th. I am happy to host another Temecula gathering and the remodeling is complete. I even have 4 guest rooms now. Willing to go elsewhere as well.
If anyone wants I can host at our house in Temecula or attend elsewhere on the 29th. We have gone through a big remodel in the past couple of years with a big new infinity edge pool and more guest rooms. Lisa will be away, but I am footloose and fancy free.
Those both theoretically work for us.
Maybe some others will make the trip too?
@klezman Happy to have familiar LA faces, happy to have new SD ones. The more the merrier!
I’m interested! Can do July 8, but expect to be out of town July 29th.
@Sekraan Great!
I’m interested and will be in Temecula on July 29th, but regrettably not on the 8th. I am happy to host another Temecula gathering and the remodeling is complete. I even have 4 guest rooms now. Willing to go elsewhere as well.
@hershelk If you host one, we will come!

I live in LA but the office I report to is in SD! This just might work! (29th would be best). Will be traveling until the 19th
Sounds like we’re approaching coin flip territory.
@rjquillin can you please update the topic with a date of “July 28”? Thanks!
@radiolysis done
@rjquillin thanks!
28th Friday or 29th the Saturday?
@klezman July 29 is a Saturday, not June, today.
@klezman @rjquillin Geezz… I hate when i do that. 29th. Saturday.
Been a rough day.
Might be able to make the 29th. Definitely not the 8th!
@MarkDaSpark you flying in from Texas?
@losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark he hasn’t had his going away party yet so he’s still by definition a SoCal resident!
We can’t make either of those dates, have fun though!
Hello again all! I wanted to bump this to the top and see who else we might have attend.
If anyone wants I can host at our house in Temecula or attend elsewhere on the 29th. We have gone through a big remodel in the past couple of years with a big new infinity edge pool and more guest rooms. Lisa will be away, but I am footloose and fancy free.
Welp. I think I’ll postpone this since there wasn’t a whole lot of bite.
We’ll figure something out!
And I’ll try to do more promotion.
Just caught this. I’d be up for something!! (Santa Monica based)
@buffaloroam We still need to do something again in our neighbourhood!
Tick tock, tick tock!
@MarkDaSpark I’ve been starting to look at our early November weekends… I haven’t forgotten.