The smell of a fresh rain on a dusty road. Chocolate covered cherries abound in this red fruit wine. Cranberry mixed with mincemeat show through this extractive claret style “Old World Style Zinfandel”. A rich mouth feel adds to the rounded complexity and long lingering finish of this medium bodied wine. Try this food friendly Zinfandel with any grilled meat or chicken or pair with pizza, pasta or burgers!
Winery: Scott Harvery Wines
Founder: Scott & Jana Harvey
Founded: 2004
Location: St. Helena, CA
After decades of creating and crafting premium wines for wineries like Santino and Folie a Deux – and putting Amador County on the map as a world-class appellation – Scott Harvey launched his own winery in 2004. Scott Harvey Wines focuses on Scott’s roots – Zinfandel, Syrah and Barbera from the Sierras. Approachable, food friendly and full of luscious fruit, these wines have struck a cord in the marketplace.
Available States
Killer price on these.
I’ve got 10 bottles that were over $17 each.
This at under $11 is an auto-buy for any that like a reserved food friendly Zin at a bargain basement price.
I’d even consider additional if any SD peeps need some case help.
How much more are you saving by buying a full case?
(Note: Tax & Shipping not included in savings calculations)
2013 Scott Harvey Mt. Selection Zinfandel - $35 = 21.21%
@neuroticsilence@LambruscoKid I’d be in for a zin at this price. Would take 3 or 4 depending if another in town would also like in. Someone else will have to pull the trigger though if you are in. Will be out of the country until April and would need it to be held for me
@mkenny2307@neuroticsilence Count me in! My preference would be three bottles, but I’d do four. @cbrehman, are you interested? I can put in the order and hold your bottles.
In the waning days of Wine.Woot I spent way too much $ on wine, not knowing how this CaseMates deal would shake out. With the deals that WD and the gang have put together here on CaseMates…the spending hasn’t slowed down!
@mrn1 In the waning days of W.W I too spent way too much. I see that Cyber Monday was a big day – I got some olive oil, a 3-pack of Wellington Port, a couple of goofy wine accessories, and a case of the same vintage of this SH Zin, which was $10 more at that time. Still enjoying it.
@Vyntage Yeah, same here, bottles and boxes, ever expanding. All the Wellington, my spouse turned into a great enabler when the end was near. And of course there was a lot of other stuff to buy as well.
I have it stashed at home and in the office. I’ve got a few smaller boxes lined up to bring home this week when I have the car, and when I take the subway home I tote a bottle home a day. (Weirdly, last night it was a bottle of this same SH Zin. I must be psychic!)
@mrn1@Vyntage@InFrom It’s oddly comforting knowing I’m not the only one who could be accused of hoarding wine and still not able to stop myself from buying more! My local grocery store has started saving empty wine boxes for me - I transfer my wine to them from the shipping boxes because they take up less space.
Sounds like I’m in good company…
@InFrom@lindylouwho@mrn1@Vyntage Good Lord the boxes are stacking up in my dining area as well. I jumped at the Kickstarter VMP deal thinking I might try it once or twice; this is my 4th case. This madness must stop!
@davidd13 You’ve got the “case” part down, you need to add the “mates”. Sharing orders helps slow down the accumulation. Somewhat. Plus drinking early and often (which has never really worked for me, like a lot of people my acquisition far outstrips my consumption).
Umm… yes please! I bought a case of this the last time it was on Woot and it’s literally been my favorite. I don’t even care if it’s a wine rut, this wine is so good.
For those on the fence, for better or worse this is not your typical jam-in-your-face heavy zin. Everything is lighter and more delicate, from the color to the fruit. Even though it’s a little lighter, it still “smells like the bottom of your grandmother’s purse” as my mom says a good zin should.
Scott Harvey Mountain Selection Zinfandel
4 bottles for $54.99 $13.75/bottle + $2/bottle shipping
Case of 12 for $129.99 $10.83/bottle + $1/bottle shipping
Crap, accidentally ordered another case! I’m usually a white wine kinda guy, but the last few reds that arrived have been amazing. I’ve just about killed the St. Amant mixed case.
@kawichris650 Thanks for sending the thread. It was interesting reading–who knew so many TC folks were lurking around wine.woot!? I’ll be checking in regularly.
Anyone in SW Michigan (Grand Rapids area) want to split? I’m trying to be more budget-conscious, although Casemates is already making that a challenge!
@iqueal Go for it! PRESS THE BUTTON!!! So would you like to do a even 3 way split with me and @Rainybank or I can split with them out of my 6 if you prefer to have 6 yourself.
Hi Everyone,
Got on yesterday thinking I was on then and then almost forgot to get on this morning. Great to have our first offering on Casemates. Wondering how it is going to work on my end. I know it works great on your end, because I have already gotten some great deals and wines through Casemates. I like this newer format where people’s questions and comments to my posting are listed right after my post.
We produced 1,907 cases of this wine. So, we still have some to offer on Casemates. Now that it has 2+ years of bottle age it has developed nicely. It taste to me like it will age for another 7 to 10 years. It’s low pH of 3.49pH has kept the red fruit fresh. In this vintage I added 12% of the 146 year old Vineyard 1869 and 20% of my Grandfather’s 88 year old vineyard. So this wine has some nice and complex Old Vine characteristics. I wasn’t asked to send any bottles out for someone to Labrat, so I’m not sure if it will get Lab-ratted. If any of you have a bottle and want to Lab rate it. Let me know and I’ll replace the bottle.
Nice to be back with the Wooter/Casemate folks.
@ScottHarveyWine I bought a case on WW back in December and am tempted to buy another. I’m still finishing up my stash of the 2012 vintage and haven’t gotten to the 2013 yet. I may open a bottle tonight to test it out. If I do I’ll post my comments. Love me some Scott Harvey Mt. Selection Zin - this is one of my go to wines to serve company so I can never have enough!!
@ScottHarveyWine I was going to provide a lab rat review, but when I searched for a bottle I realized I drank it all.
Glad to know this can age for 7 to 10 years. I’ll put a note on the bottle in case I am abducted by aliens 3 weeks after this case arrives. Then someone will know the remaining bottle is safe to drink if no one notices I’m gone for 7 years.
I have consumed 2 bottles of this Zinfandel in the last couple weeks or so, here are my notes:
Bright ruby color, very clear. Nose of focused red fruit, maybe cherries and some bramble. More cherries on the palate, with bright juicy red friut notes and fine polished tannins. Very elegant, very focused, well made, and to my palate completely dry. This is not a heavy Paso Robles high alcohol fruit bomb zin, which is fine by me.
This is a favorite go to wine for us that pairs well with lots of different foods, especially Italian.
I only have one bottle left, so it was time to restock! The next wine I need is the Inzinerator, hint, hint.
Anybody in Houston area interested is an order trade? I purchased 12 bottles of the SIVAS-SONOMA OLD VINE ZINFANDEL deal from a few weeks back. I would trade 6 for 6 of these plus the $ difference. That deal was $99 for 12 bottles.
The listed cost from Scott Harvey direct is much lower than usual because Scott is currently running a 20% off a case order with $1 shipping. I would say the cost of buying a case of this zin direct would usually be well over $300 with shipping. This is a killer deal by the case, and even cheaper than the last WineWoot killer case deal on this wine. Crazy!
@wnance Actually about the same price I think. The last case price on woot was $139.99 in October, this is $141.99. Disregarding taxes of course.
I know, splitting hairs A killer deal no matter what!
I bought a case of the October offer, had one right after delivery, no notes, but I know I enjoyed it. I’ll pop another tonight.
I have been waiting for a SH offer on casemates as shipping wasn’t offered to Ma on WW. Expecting a lot 'cus of all the love Scott has gotten between the sites! Any comparisons to Wellington Zins? Have only tasted a few. /giphy unusual-appreciative-loon
@por944sche I find the SH to be brighter and less heavy if that makes sense. I get more of the typical zin notes I enjoy from SH. Like both but prefer the SH. I got a case for myself. You will not be disappointed imo
@losthighwayz Thank you, appreciate the info. I’m still up in the air with a few of the “many” various Wellington Zins I have. Prob my taste buds… one time I like next time meh.
I purchased a case of this offer (largely based on Woots) prior to posting. I know they won’t go to waste.
Thinking about a case. Anybody close to Hays, Ks. interested in any amount? I have the means to get it delivered to a pretty large area surrounding Hays.
@jc1425 I can’t tell from my phone whether you are a VMP member (i.e., free shipping) because I’m writing from my phone. If you paid for VMP, there should be a VMP badge visible when you hover your mouse over your kickstarter badge. If you paid for it but don’t see it, contact Support and ask them to fix it.
Jana and I opened a bottle of this 2013 Zin last night with home made enchiladas. The wine’s rich bright red fruit went well with the tomato based picante sauce. Needless to say, we drank it all. Cheers
@foxrunner@ScottHarveyWine I might also add that when you go to the Scott Harvey Wines website, look under the recipes tab. There are so many good recipes there.
Hey, what’s the deal? My Casemates KS reward just arrived, and my earlier purchase of the Band Blend was no problem, but this one says it can’t ship to Maine.
Busy night, so didn’t spend a ton of time with this. But, popped a bottle tonight. Double disc cork it appears to be. No sediment in bottle, so figured no reason to pour off into a decanter. Poured a small glass. Clear ruby color, can read a newspaper through it. Rather muted nose. Quick sip strawberry and cherry, pretty easy going, but not giving up a ton. Asked my lovely bride what she thought and at first blush thought an easy going syrah but a little bit of heat. Then after a bit said nope, I’m wrong it’s zinfandel.
Definitely claret style as others have mentioned. Picked up some earth and spice and body as it opened up. Not sure I’d say 7-10 years to go but I’m not familiar with these wines. But definitely can put these up for awhile. Quality zin at this price is a tough find. For those of you that enjoy Pedroncelli Mother Clone, and I do and have the 2013 of that in the cellar as well, this is a little lighter on it’s feet.
Ten bottles to go from my last woot case, but at this price
might consider a few more.
@kaolis Thanks for the Labrat report. You sum it up well. We should get you on a wine judging panel at one the competitions. Let me know if you are interested. You can email me at I’ll also send you a replacement bottle for lab ratting. Maybe the next vintage so you can compare. This offering will wipe us out of the 2013.
When you placed your order for a case of the Scott Harvey Mountain Selection Zinfandel, the vintage listed was 2013. Due to a supply issue, we will not be able to send that vintage.
Not all hope is lost, though! We are sending a case of Scott Harvey Mountain Selection Zinfandel 2014 vintage instead. This vintage is equal to the 2013 and some consider it a bit better. (Wine Enthusiast gave the 2014 vintage 92 points.)
Your options:
Accept this ever-so-slightly in your favor trade.
Tell us you’d rather cancel than take the substitution.
If you’d like to cancel, we’ll need to know by 9 am tomorrow, 3/8/18. Otherwise we’ll ship out the 2014 vintage.
@NatasG I don’t care about scores, so I don’t see how this is at all in our favor. One less year of bottle age, no 1869 vineyard fruit in the mix, and no time to ask questions or read labrat reviews to know the style. Maybe I’m just being grumpy though. The website uses the word “extracted” repeatedly to describe the 2014…
i also recieved the above letter, very disappointing, the old bait and switch, I will return the remaining bottles if I do not like it like the 2013 vintage.
@Mar6867 NOT a bait and switch. just an honest mistake. surprised vintage change doesn’t happen more often. sorry for the hassle, but this is not a bait and switch.
I kind of feel like $5 off my next order is a crummy reparation. I went in on this case with 4 other people and now I have to communicate everything to them and get their feedback with less than 24 hours of notice.
That came out a bit more mean-spirited than I wanted it to. Still love this website, still more than likely sticking with this case, just a bit of a knee-jerk angry reaction.
Honestly, if the 2014 was offered last week, I would have bought it just as quickly as I did when I thought it was the 2013.
The conversation at our house went something like this, “Look honey, a SH Zin for <$11 a bottle.”
“Buy it!”
“Yes, dear.”
@ccamden My thoughts exactly but like @Asparagus said above, now I will need to communicate to my casemate to see if he still wants some 2014 after he was sold on the reviews of the 2013
I personally wanted more of the SH 13’. I now have 2 in stock, as I joyously opened a SH 13’ that night. Kinda bummed there is no more. I’m sure by the end of the year more of this stuff will be pouring through.
Ok… so now we need some tasting notes and a drinking window before tomorrow morning, noon here. tick tock tick tock. Maybe Scott can pack 1 bottle of the 2013 vintage in our case??? Just a thought.
@por944sche See this is why I’m asking above. Will some get 2013 and others 2014? Seems to me sending out mixed cases would be a good solution! @ScottHarveyWine@Winedavid49
@ScottHarveyWine@Thumperchick@Winedavid49 Man. Next time something like this happens, think about a mixed case. I can’t speak for my casemate (who purchased it) But I would have been down with a 50/50 of each. Thanks.
So I’m new here, and I got the same email. They are giving me the opportunity to cancel my order and are giving me a coupon either way for my troubles. I don’t see how you can call that bait and switch, nor do I think either casemates nor Steve Harvey wanted to see this happen. My few interactions with Meh!’s customer service has been outstanding, and I expect the same from casemates. So far I have been pleased. Just my two cents.
Just sucks, heard so much about SH zins and looks like I will miss this entire vintage. Woot and or Scott did not ship to Ma. Sooo is this CaseMates 1st sellout?
Okay, I was leaning toward keeping my order either way because Scott Harvey at that price point is a no brainer for me. But I just got the fedex notice that not only has the shipping label been created, but the case has been picked up by FedEx. I hadn’t responded yet saying I was going to keep my order so this seems a little premature given that I was supposed to have till 9am tomorrow morning to cancel or confirm. To date, I’ve been pretty happy with this site and how smoothly things seem to be running, so it’s a little disappointing how confusing this whole day has been.
@Thumperchick I have 2 FedEx notices of shipment. One for cornerstone and one for the Scott Harvey. I checked the reference for each to be sure it was what I thought.both said picked up and in transit.
@airynne@Thumperchick FWIW, after the email arrived (230PM) about the SH change, I checked Fedex to see about the status of my Whitehall due to be delivered this week, and my SH label had also already been created, as of 1 PM yesterday. Not picked up, as yours was, but yeah, I can definitely see that.
I checked this morning again and definitely says it’s for the Scott Harvey wine AND it’s now in Sacramento. So either it did get shipped, or FedEx is crazy.
@airynne Or will you be getting the 2013? IOW, were 2013 shipments made first with a pause for a 2014 switch to those that didn’t make the cut (so to speak). Maybe you received the email in error.
@jwhetzel I got the email stating I was getting the 2014. Maybe it was in error. I’ve decided I’m fine either way. Now it’s a mystery case and I’m excited
It’s the 2014. It definitely got shipped before the deadline. Strangely, my Cornerstone shipment that shipped at the exact same time didn’t make it out of Sacramento on the same truck and is now delayed a day. Like others, I would have liked a mix of 2013 and 2014, but I’m still content as SH Zins are my favorite weekday bottles.
@chipgreen Despite my inventory of '13, it was good enough to want some additional, not a full case, hence the split; perhaps it was the 1869 in it. Now I have some '14, but would have rather had the full case, not a split.
@chipgreen@rjquillin To some it was a matter of principles. Like I said, I was out of the 13’s and really could have used more knowing there wasn’t much of them left hanging around. There is no doubt a SH 14’ deal will come again later in the year, however, when I got the email to cancel the order of 14’s, I took the cancel out of justification to why I bought a case of Bell Wines. I get it (to some kind of)… but all is not lost.
Tasting Notes
The smell of a fresh rain on a dusty road. Chocolate covered cherries abound in this red fruit wine. Cranberry mixed with mincemeat show through this extractive claret style “Old World Style Zinfandel”. A rich mouth feel adds to the rounded complexity and long lingering finish of this medium bodied wine. Try this food friendly Zinfandel with any grilled meat or chicken or pair with pizza, pasta or burgers!
Price Comparison
$256.06/case at Scott Harvey Wines (including shipping)
About The Winery
Winery: Scott Harvery Wines
Founder: Scott & Jana Harvey
Founded: 2004
Location: St. Helena, CA
After decades of creating and crafting premium wines for wineries like Santino and Folie a Deux – and putting Amador County on the map as a world-class appellation – Scott Harvey launched his own winery in 2004. Scott Harvey Wines focuses on Scott’s roots – Zinfandel, Syrah and Barbera from the Sierras. Approachable, food friendly and full of luscious fruit, these wines have struck a cord in the marketplace.
Available States
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Mar 12 - Wednesday, Mar 14
@ScottHarveyWine is here with production stats.
(Check out their User Profile for recent activity.)
Killer price on these.
I’ve got 10 bottles that were over $17 each.
This at under $11 is an auto-buy for any that like a reserved food friendly Zin at a bargain basement price.
I’d even consider additional if any SD peeps need some case help.
How much more are you saving by buying a full case?
(Note: Tax & Shipping not included in savings calculations)
2013 Scott Harvey Mt. Selection Zinfandel - $35 = 21.21%
Case Savings to date:
Number of Offers - 20
High - 33.33%
Low - 9.09%
Mean - 21.21%
Average - 19.64%
I’m in for 4 at the case price if other Seattle folks are game.
@trifecta I’d do 2, maybe 3 or 4 if you need it to complete the case.
@mschuette Ordered a box in case it sells out before I check back. If others in Seattle want in, let me know.
@mschuette @trifecta Im in for 4
@mschuette @Twich22 Ok. That fills the case (another reply in Seattle thread for2 bottles).
It is wonderful to see a wine from Scott Harvey once again!
@neuroticsilence @LambruscoKid I’d be in for a zin at this price. Would take 3 or 4 depending if another in town would also like in. Someone else will have to pull the trigger though if you are in. Will be out of the country until April and would need it to be held for me
@mkenny2307 @neuroticsilence Count me in! My preference would be three bottles, but I’d do four. @cbrehman, are you interested? I can put in the order and hold your bottles.
@cbrehman @LambruscoKid @mkenny2307 I could be in for three!
“If something seems to be too good to be true, it usually is, except on Casemates.”
Anyone in buffalo want to split a case?
@noodles Sure. Let me know how many you want, and maybe we can work something out. Been hoping for some Buffalo folks to join in.
@ddeuddeg @noodles I’d be interested in up to 4 bottles if it works out, please keep me in the loop if you do this by whispering.
@ddeuddeg @noodles All right, Buffalo split in the works!! Liking the whisper function, nice work @shawn.
Scott Harvey Zin at under 11 bucks requires absolutely no thought. See it. Buy it. Wait for it. Enjoy it! Bang! In for a case!
In the waning days of Wine.Woot I spent way too much $ on wine, not knowing how this CaseMates deal would shake out. With the deals that WD and the gang have put together here on CaseMates…the spending hasn’t slowed down!
In for a 12 pack!
@mrn1 In the waning days of W.W I too spent way too much. I see that Cyber Monday was a big day – I got some olive oil, a 3-pack of Wellington Port, a couple of goofy wine accessories, and a case of the same vintage of this SH Zin, which was $10 more at that time. Still enjoying it.
@mrn1 Haha isn’t that the truth! At the end of WW I bought all the Wellington. ALL. THE. WELLINGTON.
The wine fridge has been full for months, and now I have bottles lined up along the dining room walls. This is completely out of control.
@Vyntage Yeah, same here, bottles and boxes, ever expanding. All the Wellington, my spouse turned into a great enabler when the end was near. And of course there was a lot of other stuff to buy as well.
I have it stashed at home and in the office. I’ve got a few smaller boxes lined up to bring home this week when I have the car, and when I take the subway home I tote a bottle home a day. (Weirdly, last night it was a bottle of this same SH Zin. I must be psychic!)
@mrn1 @Vyntage @InFrom It’s oddly comforting knowing I’m not the only one who could be accused of hoarding wine and still not able to stop myself from buying more! My local grocery store has started saving empty wine boxes for me - I transfer my wine to them from the shipping boxes because they take up less space.
Sounds like I’m in good company…
@InFrom @lindylouwho @mrn1 @Vyntage Good Lord the boxes are stacking up in my dining area as well. I jumped at the Kickstarter VMP deal thinking I might try it once or twice; this is my 4th case. This madness must stop!
@davidd13 You’ve got the “case” part down, you need to add the “mates”. Sharing orders helps slow down the accumulation. Somewhat. Plus drinking early and often (which has never really worked for me, like a lot of people my acquisition far outstrips my consumption).
Great price on these!
I bought this @ $15/btl elsewhere a few months ago. Now its under $11! Damn, got this think about this one. SH makes some nice wines.
/giphy quarrelsome-imminent-chair

Didn’t have to think hard about that one. So happy to see an offering from Scott here.
/giphy smelly-singular-shake

Umm… yes please! I bought a case of this the last time it was on Woot and it’s literally been my favorite. I don’t even care if it’s a wine rut, this wine is so good.
For those on the fence, for better or worse this is not your typical jam-in-your-face heavy zin. Everything is lighter and more delicate, from the color to the fruit. Even though it’s a little lighter, it still “smells like the bottom of your grandmother’s purse” as my mom says a good zin should.
B-b-but where is @Cesare???
/giphy oh-no!

Scott Harvey Mountain Selection Zinfandel
4 bottles for $54.99 $13.75/bottle + $2/bottle shipping
Case of 12 for $129.99 $10.83/bottle + $1/bottle shipping
2013 Scott Harvey Zinfandel Mountain Selection New
2013 Scott Harvey Zinfandel Mountain Selection Old
Crap, accidentally ordered another case! I’m usually a white wine kinda guy, but the last few reds that arrived have been amazing. I’ve just about killed the St. Amant mixed case.
@markgm Also, if anyone in Connecticut wants to split, I’m willing to give up 0 bottles from this case.
Woohoo! In for a case!
I’ve heard too much about Scott Harvey wines not to give this one a try. I never was able to partake on WW, so I’m glad to get the chance.
/giphy possessive-reasonable-connection

Finally jumping in for a case. For some reason managed to miss Kent Rasmussen, but cannot pass up an offering from Scott. Truly a favorite!
@cynthylee Good morning Cynthylee! It’s nice to see you pop up over here. Have you seen the Twin Cities thread?
@kawichris650 Thanks for sending the thread. It was interesting reading–who knew so many TC folks were lurking around wine.woot!? I’ll be checking in regularly.
Anyone in SW Michigan (Grand Rapids area) want to split? I’m trying to be more budget-conscious, although Casemates is already making that a challenge!
@nlmiller I’ll split a case. I have free shipping so I can order
@wulfgard If I’m not too late, that would be great!
@nlmiller I ordered the case!
@wulfgard Wonderful!
No brainer
It’s never gonna end… love some Scott Harvey… so DFW… do we split a case or am I ordering a 4 pack…
@MSUMike I wouldn’t mind getting half a case on this one. I can’t order though because I won’t be around for delivery.
@rainybank I’ll try my best to remember to order in the morning if noone else decides to join us
@MSUMike @rainybank only if you were in Austin
@MSUMike I will split a case with you and order if I get an okay
@iqueal Go for it! PRESS THE BUTTON!!! So would you like to do a even 3 way split with me and @Rainybank or I can split with them out of my 6 if you prefer to have 6 yourself.
@MSUMike @rainybank three way split is fine with me. I will order now.
@iqueal @rainybank iqueal… did you get notice of a change to 2014? What do you and rainybank think if so.
@MSUMike @rainybank I am not picky either. I will respond with a yes unless you want to wait for another offer.
@iqueal @rainybank I’m good. I’m sure it’s still some good juice at that price point… Just wondered if you got the same notice or not.
Love, love, love this old-world Zin. I still have a bunch of this from WW, but adding another case is a no-brainer. Auto-buy.
Hi Everyone,
Got on yesterday thinking I was on then and then almost forgot to get on this morning. Great to have our first offering on Casemates. Wondering how it is going to work on my end. I know it works great on your end, because I have already gotten some great deals and wines through Casemates. I like this newer format where people’s questions and comments to my posting are listed right after my post.
We produced 1,907 cases of this wine. So, we still have some to offer on Casemates. Now that it has 2+ years of bottle age it has developed nicely. It taste to me like it will age for another 7 to 10 years. It’s low pH of 3.49pH has kept the red fruit fresh. In this vintage I added 12% of the 146 year old Vineyard 1869 and 20% of my Grandfather’s 88 year old vineyard. So this wine has some nice and complex Old Vine characteristics. I wasn’t asked to send any bottles out for someone to Labrat, so I’m not sure if it will get Lab-ratted. If any of you have a bottle and want to Lab rate it. Let me know and I’ll replace the bottle.
Nice to be back with the Wooter/Casemate folks.
@ScottHarveyWine I bought a case on WW back in December and am tempted to buy another. I’m still finishing up my stash of the 2012 vintage and haven’t gotten to the 2013 yet. I may open a bottle tonight to test it out. If I do I’ll post my comments. Love me some Scott Harvey Mt. Selection Zin - this is one of my go to wines to serve company so I can never have enough!!
@ScottHarveyWine I was going to provide a lab rat review, but when I searched for a bottle I realized I drank it all.
Glad to know this can age for 7 to 10 years. I’ll put a note on the bottle in case I am abducted by aliens 3 weeks after this case arrives. Then someone will know the remaining bottle is safe to drink if no one notices I’m gone for 7 years.
Quasi labrat report:
I have consumed 2 bottles of this Zinfandel in the last couple weeks or so, here are my notes:
Bright ruby color, very clear. Nose of focused red fruit, maybe cherries and some bramble. More cherries on the palate, with bright juicy red friut notes and fine polished tannins. Very elegant, very focused, well made, and to my palate completely dry. This is not a heavy Paso Robles high alcohol fruit bomb zin, which is fine by me.
This is a favorite go to wine for us that pairs well with lots of different foods, especially Italian.
I only have one bottle left, so it was time to restock! The next wine I need is the Inzinerator, hint, hint.
Resistance is futile.
Case coming to SD.
Speak up if you want some.
@rjquillin I’ll take 4 off your hands, since i was about to order 4 myself.
@tklivory cost savings for both of us!
Anyone in Baltimore up for a split?
Such a great deal. I only wish Georgia was on the list!
@nostrom0 If your state is not on the list, give us a call at the winery 707 968-9575 and we will take care of you. Ask for Carla.
@ScottHarveyWine Awesome! Thank you
Anybody in Houston area interested is an order trade? I purchased 12 bottles of the SIVAS-SONOMA OLD VINE ZINFANDEL deal from a few weeks back. I would trade 6 for 6 of these plus the $ difference. That deal was $99 for 12 bottles.
Anyone in NorCal interested in a split? I’m in the south bay (San Jose/Los Gatos).
@goinyard would love to split a case! I’m in the San Jose area
@goinyard I would like 3 or 4. I work in Los Gatos. Let me know. Thanks.
@ckfukui @ldinh I already found someone to split with so I’m all set. Perhaps the two of you can split. I’m open to sharing future offers.
This one’s a no brainer. Splitting a case with Herb in Rochester!
/giphy loose-stingy-zombie

The listed cost from Scott Harvey direct is much lower than usual because Scott is currently running a 20% off a case order with $1 shipping. I would say the cost of buying a case of this zin direct would usually be well over $300 with shipping. This is a killer deal by the case, and even cheaper than the last WineWoot killer case deal on this wine. Crazy!
@wnance Actually about the same price I think. The last case price on woot was $139.99 in October, this is $141.99. Disregarding taxes of course.
A killer deal no matter what!
I know, splitting hairs
I bought a case of the October offer, had one right after delivery, no notes, but I know I enjoyed it. I’ll pop another tonight.
@kaolis I have the free shipping, so it’s cheaper this time by $10 for me. I forgot about the extra $12 shipping, so you’re right.
@wnance and I forgot about some having free shipping, so you’re right!
We’ve got a split going on in St. Louis if anyone else in the area wants to join in for 2/4/6 bottles:
I need more willpower.

/giphy ultimate-beneficial-curtain
SE Michigan folks. Already another one I want. Interest in splitting? @borisgoodenough, @slicknik82, @ballybunion871, @kasandrae, @cathaclysm
@jrbw3 already ordered a case. I’ll split if you’d like some.
@jrbw3 Sorry, but I’m getting my own case for Scott.
@jrbw3 anyone in this SE Michigan crowd near Ann Arbor? I’d be in for 2-4 bottles in a split.
@cdcummings12 there are a few fairly close.
I think I’m splitting with @kasandrae
In for a case! This price is way too good to pass up!! If any of the Denver peeps want a few, let me know, but I’m not wanting to give up too many…
/giphy waiting-enchanted-warrior

I’ll take two or three if you’re willing to part with them!
I have been waiting for a SH offer on casemates as shipping wasn’t offered to Ma on WW. Expecting a lot 'cus of all the love Scott has gotten between the sites! Any comparisons to Wellington Zins? Have only tasted a few. /giphy unusual-appreciative-loon
@por944sche I find the SH to be brighter and less heavy if that makes sense. I get more of the typical zin notes I enjoy from SH. Like both but prefer the SH. I got a case for myself. You will not be disappointed imo
@losthighwayz Thank you, appreciate the info. I’m still up in the air with a few of the “many” various Wellington Zins I have. Prob my taste buds… one time I like next time meh.
I purchased a case of this offer (largely based on Woots) prior to posting. I know they won’t go to waste.
/giphy wasteful-super-lemon

Had to grab a case…anyone in Central New York (Syracuse Area) want any?
Anyone want to split a case in NYC?
@livechild Down for 1-4 bottles. willkimmail [google]
First CM buy. Yum!
NJ folks, I have a case of this from the Dec Woot offer. Willing to share if there is interest.
@hscottk What part of NJ? I’m in PA, Lehigh Valley area.
Anyone in Southern NH want to share a case? I’ve loved other SH offerings, have yet to try this one…
So very in.

/giphy utopian-famous-roof
I do not need any more zin…I do not need any more zin…Maybe if I repeat this enough, I’ll manage to resist.
Oh man, I could not resist. This place is starting to get expensive.
Thinking about a case. Anybody close to Hays, Ks. interested in any amount? I have the means to get it delivered to a pretty large area surrounding Hays.
I need to start drinking more wine or I’m gonna run out of room!
This VMP membership is finally paying off.
Anyone in Minnesota MSP want to split a case?
Case is ordered so let me know if you want some. If not more wine for me!
@dodohead I do!
@ogreboy2 In case you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check out the Twin Cities thread ☺
Can someone tell me how you get the free shipping to come up?
@jc1425 I can’t tell from my phone whether you are a VMP member (i.e., free shipping) because I’m writing from my phone. If you paid for VMP, there should be a VMP badge visible when you hover your mouse over your kickstarter badge. If you paid for it but don’t see it, contact Support and ask them to fix it.
@InFrom Thanks I guess I’ll have to go to Support.
@jc1425 Make sure your email address from KS and casemates matchup as well when you contact support.
@jc1425 Oh, there it is now!
In for a case in Milwaukee. I MIGHT share. Scott Harvey is fantastic, but it’ll take me at least 2 years to go through 12 bottles of zin.
Jana and I opened a bottle of this 2013 Zin last night with home made enchiladas. The wine’s rich bright red fruit went well with the tomato based picante sauce. Needless to say, we drank it all. Cheers
@ScottHarveyWine Any chance you could throw the enchilada recipe in with the order? Sounds delicious!
@foxrunner @ScottHarveyWine I think this is a great idea!
@foxrunner It is on the internet, TastofHome, Enchilada Casserole by Nancy VanderVeer, Knoxville, Iowa
@ScottHarveyWine Dinner planed. Yum

/image Plane dinner
@foxrunner Them’s no enchiladas. And that ain’t no Zinfandel!
@foxrunner @ScottHarveyWine I might also add that when you go to the Scott Harvey Wines website, look under the recipes tab. There are so many good recipes there.
Hey, what’s the deal? My Casemates KS reward just arrived, and my earlier purchase of the Band Blend was no problem, but this one says it can’t ship to Maine.
I’ll send you up the page a little. Maybe there is something @scottHarveywine can help you with.
/giphy dangerous-cranky-chess

Anyone in Raleigh area interested in splitting a case?
Any one want to split a case In the San Bernardino area?
I would love a case but not shipping to GA?
Just read the previous comments about calling Carla 
@valed1 nostrom0 said Yesterday at 1:14 PM:
Such a great deal. I only wish Georgia was on the list!
@nostrom0 If your state is not on the list, give us a call at the winery 707 968-9575 and we will take care of you. Ask for Carla.
ScottHarveyWine said Yesterday at 1:39 PM
@valed1 worth a try, but hope you didn’t wait to long
@jml326 Can only hope and plead
Finally grabbing an offer. Scott’s such an autobuy.
Busy night, so didn’t spend a ton of time with this. But, popped a bottle tonight. Double disc cork it appears to be. No sediment in bottle, so figured no reason to pour off into a decanter. Poured a small glass. Clear ruby color, can read a newspaper through it. Rather muted nose. Quick sip strawberry and cherry, pretty easy going, but not giving up a ton. Asked my lovely bride what she thought and at first blush thought an easy going syrah but a little bit of heat. Then after a bit said nope, I’m wrong it’s zinfandel.
Definitely claret style as others have mentioned. Picked up some earth and spice and body as it opened up. Not sure I’d say 7-10 years to go but I’m not familiar with these wines. But definitely can put these up for awhile. Quality zin at this price is a tough find. For those of you that enjoy Pedroncelli Mother Clone, and I do and have the 2013 of that in the cellar as well, this is a little lighter on it’s feet.
Ten bottles to go from my last woot case, but at this price
might consider a few more.
@kaolis Thanks for the Labrat report. You sum it up well. We should get you on a wine judging panel at one the competitions. Let me know if you are interested. You can email me at I’ll also send you a replacement bottle for lab ratting. Maybe the next vintage so you can compare. This offering will wipe us out of the 2013.
Oops, fell asleep at the wheel on this offer. Well, it’s not like Scott won’t ever see my money elsewhere.
/giphy Really?

Just got this from Casemates…guess it is OK???
Hey there case mates,
When you placed your order for a case of the Scott Harvey Mountain Selection Zinfandel, the vintage listed was 2013. Due to a supply issue, we will not be able to send that vintage.
Not all hope is lost, though! We are sending a case of Scott Harvey Mountain Selection Zinfandel 2014 vintage instead. This vintage is equal to the 2013 and some consider it a bit better. (Wine Enthusiast gave the 2014 vintage 92 points.)
Your options:
Accept this ever-so-slightly in your favor trade.
Tell us you’d rather cancel than take the substitution.
If you’d like to cancel, we’ll need to know by 9 am tomorrow, 3/8/18. Otherwise we’ll ship out the 2014 vintage.

/giphy well shit
@NatasG The 2014 sounds different than the 2013 but by no means worse…
Wine Rating-92 Points
From Scott Harvey’s Website on the 2014
@NatasG Concur. :sigh:
@NatasG I don’t care about scores, so I don’t see how this is at all in our favor. One less year of bottle age, no 1869 vineyard fruit in the mix, and no time to ask questions or read labrat reviews to know the style. Maybe I’m just being grumpy though. The website uses the word “extracted” repeatedly to describe the 2014…
So will some people get the 2013 and others the 2014?
@ScottHarveyWine @Winedavid49
i also recieved the above letter, very disappointing, the old bait and switch, I will return the remaining bottles if I do not like it like the 2013 vintage.
@Mar6867 They allow returns now?
@Mar6867 NOT a bait and switch. just an honest mistake. surprised vintage change doesn’t happen more often. sorry for the hassle, but this is not a bait and switch.
@Mar6867 Um, that’s not one of the options, is it?
I don’t even remember ordering it. SO I WIN!
I kind of feel like $5 off my next order is a crummy reparation. I went in on this case with 4 other people and now I have to communicate everything to them and get their feedback with less than 24 hours of notice.
That came out a bit more mean-spirited than I wanted it to. Still love this website, still more than likely sticking with this case, just a bit of a knee-jerk angry reaction.
Honestly, if the 2014 was offered last week, I would have bought it just as quickly as I did when I thought it was the 2013.
The conversation at our house went something like this, “Look honey, a SH Zin for <$11 a bottle.”
“Buy it!”
“Yes, dear.”
@ccamden My thoughts exactly but like @Asparagus said above, now I will need to communicate to my casemate to see if he still wants some 2014 after he was sold on the reviews of the 2013
I personally wanted more of the SH 13’. I now have 2 in stock, as I joyously opened a SH 13’ that night. Kinda bummed there is no more. I’m sure by the end of the year more of this stuff will be pouring through.
Ok… so now we need some tasting notes and a drinking window before tomorrow morning, noon here. tick tock tick tock. Maybe Scott can pack 1 bottle of the 2013 vintage in our case??? Just a thought.
@por944sche See this is why I’m asking above. Will some get 2013 and others 2014? Seems to me sending out mixed cases would be a good solution!
@ScottHarveyWine @Winedavid49
@jml326 @por944sche @ScottHarveyWine @Winedavid49 I love your thinking on this–I was completely anticipating and even craving the 2013.
@drhellknow @jml326 @por944sche @ScottHarveyWine @Winedavid49
There won’t be mixed cases. The boxes are packed at this point and it’s a matter of applying labels. Sorry guys.
@ScottHarveyWine @Thumperchick @Winedavid49 Man. Next time something like this happens, think about a mixed case. I can’t speak for my casemate (who purchased it) But I would have been down with a 50/50 of each. Thanks.
So I’m new here, and I got the same email. They are giving me the opportunity to cancel my order and are giving me a coupon either way for my troubles. I don’t see how you can call that bait and switch, nor do I think either casemates nor Steve Harvey wanted to see this happen. My few interactions with Meh!’s customer service has been outstanding, and I expect the same from casemates. So far I have been pleased. Just my two cents.

/image Steve Harvey
@davidd13 Scott Harvey
@davidd13 @InFrom

/giphy pulling a Steve Harvey
Just sucks, heard so much about SH zins and looks like I will miss this entire vintage. Woot and or Scott did not ship to Ma. Sooo is this CaseMates 1st sellout?
Okay, I was leaning toward keeping my order either way because Scott Harvey at that price point is a no brainer for me. But I just got the fedex notice that not only has the shipping label been created, but the case has been picked up by FedEx. I hadn’t responded yet saying I was going to keep my order so this seems a little premature given that I was supposed to have till 9am tomorrow morning to cancel or confirm. To date, I’ve been pretty happy with this site and how smoothly things seem to be running, so it’s a little disappointing how confusing this whole day has been.
@airynne That’s definitely odd, since these haven’t shipped yet. I do see that your Cornerstone shipped today, though. Is that what you’re seeing?
@Thumperchick I have 2 FedEx notices of shipment. One for cornerstone and one for the Scott Harvey. I checked the reference for each to be sure it was what I thought.both said picked up and in transit.
@airynne @Thumperchick FWIW, after the email arrived (230PM) about the SH change, I checked Fedex to see about the status of my Whitehall due to be delivered this week, and my SH label had also already been created, as of 1 PM yesterday. Not picked up, as yours was, but yeah, I can definitely see that.
I checked this morning again and definitely says it’s for the Scott Harvey wine AND it’s now in Sacramento. So either it did get shipped, or FedEx is crazy.
@airynne Or will you be getting the 2013? IOW, were 2013 shipments made first with a pause for a 2014 switch to those that didn’t make the cut (so to speak). Maybe you received the email in error.
@jwhetzel I got the email stating I was getting the 2014. Maybe it was in error. I’ve decided I’m fine either way. Now it’s a mystery case and I’m excited
It’s the 2014. It definitely got shipped before the deadline. Strangely, my Cornerstone shipment that shipped at the exact same time didn’t make it out of Sacramento on the same truck and is now delayed a day. Like others, I would have liked a mix of 2013 and 2014, but I’m still content as SH Zins are my favorite weekday bottles.
So is anyone getting the 2013? or all are getting the 14?
small lots got '13 generally.
Surprised at the semi-uproar over vintage change. Scott’s Mountain Selection Zin is consistently good from year to year, so no worries!
@chipgreen Despite my inventory of '13, it was good enough to want some additional, not a full case, hence the split; perhaps it was the 1869 in it. Now I have some '14, but would have rather had the full case, not a split.
Vintage does affect purchasing decisions.
@rjquillin Yes, I agree. I decided I had enough '13s but would have bought if I had known it was the '14s, haha.
@chipgreen @rjquillin To some it was a matter of principles. Like I said, I was out of the 13’s and really could have used more knowing there wasn’t much of them left hanging around. There is no doubt a SH 14’ deal will come again later in the year, however, when I got the email to cancel the order of 14’s, I took the cancel out of justification to why I bought a case of Bell Wines. I get it (to some kind of)… but all is not lost.
Wine arrived yesterday… opened a bottle tonight. Really enjoyable Zin. I’ll buy this 2014 Zin everytime it’s offered. Good stuff!
Ordered 4, got the 2013. Its great! Another amazing value from this site
Ordered a case, which arrived today and it’s 2013. So there.
And here’s the photo proof