Socal meetup Pasadena pops on the green September 14th - MGM movie classics
3It’s that time of year again!
Here are a list of shows to discuss going to.
June 22nd - great American songbook
July 13th - rhapsody in blue
August 3rd - music of cole porter
August 24th - music of Elton John
September 14th - MGM movie classics.
We can for sure do the September date the rest are pretty iffy.
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July probably best for us. Musically I’d pick Rhapsody in Blue. But this is only somewhat about the music
They have music?
September is iffy due to the pending due date, but you might get just me if it comes down to it.
July, August and September dates work for me.
@ScottW58 @CorTot @klezman @rjquillin
Ditto, and Ditto again on the Elton pass and heat.
Sounds like September is the consensus?
One of these years I’ll actually make it up.
Would like less than sweltering WX for the date.
Pass on Elton.
What the hell is wrong with Elton??
Absolutely nothing.
But if I’m going to listen to an orchestra,
I just don’t want to listen to them playing/covering pop.
@rjquillin @ScottW58 lol. I really don’t care for Elton either. But don’t let that dissuade you.
@rjquillin @ScottW58
What if the orchestra was playing with Elton? Asking for a friend.
@chipgreen @rjquillin
I’m guessing some kind of rules apply to what kind of music an orchestra should be able to play??
I vote for Cole Porter again this year. Put me on the “I Wish” list.
September is the only date that works for us. We already have tickets for August 3rd with another group of friends, so if that is the date we could come over and say “hi”.
@davirom we’ll come over and drink all your wine!
No love for Cole Porter? Admittedly, I knew nothing about his music until I stumbled upon a 90s tribute album called Red Hot & Blue, featuring artists such as David Byrne, Annie Lennox, Thompson Twins and U2. Worth exploring if you’re not familiar. Here’s a fun cover by Iggy Pop and Deborah Harry…
@chipgreen musically it’s Cole Porter and Gershwin all the way! Pops isn’t really my thing. But like Scott said, it’s not about the music.
Huge fan of Gershwin, but honestly we’re up for whatever if it means hanging out with you guys again! (And we’ll probably just go to the Gershwin one on our own if we don’t end up going as a group ;P ) Put us down as flexible for whichever!
Okay so Cole Porter it is?? Let’s do this so I can start prepping my tri-tips!!
@ScottW58 you can’t let chip decide!
@CorTot @ScottW58
I’m just trying to help.
Ok, so what is the final date?
@losthighwayz earlier it looked the consensus was the September date but now chip is demanding we use his idea and go with Cole porter.
@CorTot @losthighwayz
Except will Chip be here?

@CorTot @losthighwayz @MarkDaSpark
Between You And Me, I’m Down In The Depths because I can’t Get Out Of Town. It’s Just One Of Those Things but In The Still Of The Night, it’s Too Darn Hot anyway.
From This Moment On, Anything Goes for All Of You and It’s All Right With Me.
Gotta love chip!
@ScottW58 @chipgreen
entirely too much time on his hands
@rjquillin @ScottW58
@chipgreen @ScottW58 great tune
When buying tickets use the promo code SummerBOGO to buy one get one free! That means I want to see your SWMBO’s there!
I’ll get her! Wait did your ungrateful man decide on a date??
Here here! Oh that might be directed at me
Just got that in today’s mail!
@ScottW58 @SWMBOTott I thought it was decided that the September date worked best for the majority. Chip has the same availability for all the dates so don’t worry about him.
@CorTot @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott Is that firm enough to buy tickets? Sept 14, yes?
@davirom @ScottW58 @SWMBOTott yes.
OK, so I ordered tickets (thanks for the discount code!). I have never been to one of these concerts before, so I would appreciate advice on parking. The only parking choices still available are $10 for a shuttle or free to walk. What kind of walking distance are we talking about? We like to walk, but we will be carrying chairs, picnic, wine, etc. Is the shuttle worth it?
Parking at the arboretum is $15, parking at the race is $10 and they shuttle you over. Parking at the mall is free but there’s no shuttle, it’s about an 8-10 minute walk. Slight incline going there and a slight downhill going back.
We typically park at the mall (they used to shuttle from their for free) the walk isn’t bad. If your carrying a bunch of stuff I recommend a wagon. The other parking options are fine, honestly though if you’re paying $10 to park at the race track then I’d just pay the extra $5 and park at the arboretum and avoid the shuttle.
We always shuttle to the event because it’s hot and kinda uphill. Walk back to avoid a long lines to get on the shuttle so make sure your cooler has wheels.
@davirom @ScottW58
Does your cooler fit on the shuttle?
@davirom @MarkDaSpark
Yes they load just about any size
@MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 Thanks for all the great tips! Sounds like it will be walkable for us. The website says mall parking is limited and seating is festival style; what time should we aim for getting there?
@davirom @MarkDaSpark @ScottW58 We get there when the doors open to try and get a decent spot for the group. Mark shows up half way through the concert… anytime between doors open and when mark arrives is fine.
We will be late-in-the-game in deciding. That’s getting fairly close to kiddo arrival time. So it’ll be anywhere from zero to three of us
September 14, right? Calendaring
Won’t make it will be cheering the Bruins against Oklahoma that evening
I hope the overlapping times don’t make traffic too terrible for either of us.
For anyone looking to buy tickets use SUMMERBOGO at check out for the pops website to get 1/2 off a pair of tix.
Bumping to remind all. Especially me!
Tickets bought and ready to go!
@ScottW58 nice!
@CorTot @ScottW58 We can’t make it
All the more reason we hope everybody makes it to our place this weekend!
Are we going to have enough people for me to make 2 tri-tips or will 1 be enough?
@ScottW58 I’ll work on a head count this week.
@CorTot @ScottW58 I’m becoming iffy, if it makes any difference.
Sadly, looks like I’ll be busy that day as well.
And if it’s as hot as last year’s event, I’ll be happy to skip!

Becoming? No way you make it up here 2 week’s in a row
Actually, attending this would make it three in a row.
Time to work on confirming a head count
As of now we know this what I know.
@arianaWCC is supposed to be shipping a couple of bottles.
@Cortot and his +1
@ScottW58 and his +1
@davirom and his +1
@MarkDaSpark’s nephew Jeff
Just like Miss Otis, I must send my regrets.
@CorTot adding sparkys nephew Jeff to the attending list
We will bring a dessert, and wine, to share. I count 7 attending. Are entrees and side dishes BYO or pot luck?
@davirom we typically just bring to share. Wine and food.
Since it’s a smaller group this year it should work out well.
Let me talk it over Candace tonight and get some planning done.
Eh I’ll make two tri-tips as long as Candace makes dessert
So far we have
Scott - tri-tip.
Cory/candace - small dessert and Chinese chicken pasta salad
Dave- whatever you want and a dessert.
Jeff - appetizer.
Bring a bottle to share, there should be rat bottles as well.
We generally get there when the gates open and bring lawn chairs, a blanket, a small short table to put all the food and bottles on.
We will set up camp just west of the main middle pool.
I’ll need everyone’s cell #s so that I can send you all a Cole Porter cover video during intermission.
@chipgreen @CorTot I went to the Cole Porter concert last month, so I’m good.
@chipgreen unless you’re planning your own rendition in person don’t bother.
Maybe next year… but only if you can get Kyle to come too!
@chipgreen @CorTot
What the hell are we chopped liver?
@CorTot @ScottW58
Hehe, no but I know you’ll already be there.
Besides the dessert we will bring a side dish and some fresh bread that should go nicely with the tri-tip
I can bring some cheese and crackers too, I plan on eating until I’m dizzy
@ScottW58 perfect!
@ScottW58 Drinking may play into that as well. . .
Naw I’m a professional drinker
@davirom @ScottW58 You qualify as a professional eater as well!
@davirom @klezman
Ah shucks thanks
@klezman If Klezman the youngest hasn’t arrived you could still join us. Don’t know if the Summerbogo discount code still gets you 2 for 1
Looks like we got sent a box of rats.
A pair of nice looking central coast reds and a Sonoma white blend.
We’ll bring those and another white or rose and maybe a bottle of chilled sparkling red. It’s gonna be hot!
Well I will bring a nice cab for the tri-tip and a pinot just because.
Hmm. So, there are already 7 bottles for 7 people (shades of brides and brothers) before I even get dibs. We will bring a dessert wine. And Kahlua to put in the coffee they sell there. The coffee was pretty good when I had it at the Cole Porter concert. I guess we will bring half and half in case people just want that with the Kahlua.
@davirom sounds great!
Well good thing Sparky isn’t coming he usually brings 7 bottles by himself
@davirom @ScottW58 lol, soo true!
Tri-tips are resting, looking forward to this!

@ScottW58 lookin’ good.
@ScottW58 we are here and set up west of the main pool.
y’all have a great time.
Four trips in two weeks is just a bit much for me to pull off.
Good times indeed! Fantastic food wine and company. Thanks as always to Cory and the boss for putting it together again.
@ScottW58 always a pleasure bud. Thanks for bringing the nice bottles, I really like the Kelly Fox Pinot.
@CorTot @ScottW58 Thanks to you, your spouses (spice?) and Jeff for a wonderful evening of food, fun, and wine. Thanks also to Casemates for the rat bottles. It’s always a good sign when the number of bottles outnumber the people
So what was the wine list?
Today’s 2 rat bottles
Another lab rat - white blend, Wednesday’s offer.
Anne Amie cuvée A
Municipal winemakers fizz
2011 Congruence Cabernet
2016 Kelly Fox Pinot
Gloria ferrer Pinot noir
Dessert wine, sorry I didn’t bite the bottle it got dark.
@CorTot @klezman what? no vintages?

Wait I didn’t see an Anne Amie? Damn I wanted to try that
Kelley fox 2016 I think and the Congruence was the 11 which I don’t think it showed very well.
@ScottW58 Bummer on the ‘11 Congruence. Think it might benefit from more time?
@ScottW58 It got opened early…
I don’t know I really liked that bottle last year when I tried it. I chalk it up to not all bottles are created equal