Casemates on the Green 2023 (SoCal)
0Hi all!
The Pasadena Pops are back at the arboretum again this year! Looks like fewer shows than previous years so we probably need to figure our situation out earlier than previously. Looking forward to another great evening with fantastic friends, food, drink, and music!
Concert dates:
June 24 (Divas Through the Decades)
July 15 (Kings of Soul)
July 29 (Broadway)
August 12 (Viva Las Vegas)
August 26 (Music of Queen)
September 9 (Hollywood Blockbusters)
Content-wise, I’d pick Queen miles and miles ahead of the rest, but there’s a really good chance we’re out of town that weekend. Bummer.
Which dates are you all up for? I’d probably pick the July 15 dates from the other 5.
@MarkDaSpark (since you haven’t had your farewell gathering you’re still in LA, amiright?)
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15 or 29, possibly 26
August 26 - September 9 out for us we will be in Italy, all other dates probably good.
We are planning on getting season tickets, so any date is good for us.
We can do the following.
June 24th
July 15th
August 12
August 26
We can do all except July 15
Been quite some time since I’ve seen any of you
For now, but should be gone by then.
@MarkDaSpark so when are you hosting?
@MarkDaSpark What’s up with the grand farewell to SoCal party?
Bumping this - time to make a decision and get our tickets!
June 24th
July 15th
August 12 maybe are good for us.
@ScottW58 June 24th and July 15th are good.
Well it looks like we only have 3 or 4 of us? Let’s set the date and start planning food
Are we ever going to make a decision here?
I’ll do it!
We are doing Pasadena Pops on July 15th. Everyone put it in the calendar and buy tickets.
Go Go Go!
unless you want ribs? What say you?
I will make a brisket big surprise
@ScottW58 brisket all the way!
@CorTot guess we are out
@CorTot I meant to make that call yesterday after talking to the daviroms! We’re in - both of us this time!
@losthighwayz whoops, sorry, forgot to scroll up and relook at everyone’s availability.
@CorTot doubt it been doing this too long to forget to scroll
I take it your better half is making dessert?
@ScottW58 I don’t think else is allowed at this point.
Got my two tickets on the lawn as usual!
We are in! What’s everybody bringing? I’m talking food of course
@ScottW58 ask me when we’re two weeks or closer!
@ScottW58 We will bring a side dish, maybe broccoli salad, and fresh baked baguettes
@klezman @ScottW58 same here!
For any of you who didnt buy tickets yet the Goldstar batch is now available for the 7/15 show.
@CorTot do it!
Hope we get a big crowd this year.
This is coming up!
Who’s bringing what?
Earlier you said “ask me when we are two weeks away or closer” okay I’m asking
@ScottW58 yup, was expecting your snark on that one
I’ll discuss with molarchae tonight and hopefully come up with something good!
We will bring a side dish, broccoli salad, and fresh baked baguettes. Probably some wine too

Guess I better figure out what we are bringing then.
We’re bringing pesto pasta salad with sausage and mozzarella.
If we have time, maybe we’ll make some mochi.
@klezman I think I have wine for you ( from Ron and I) I’ll pack in a cooler and see if I can get them to you after. Prime materia zin, campesino Grenache and de negoce no.76 if you got in on that, need to check.
@CorTot @klezman
Ohh I think Adam has wine for me too (virage) if you can bring it in a cooler it would be much appreciated!
@klezman and you have Laura Michael CS for me. Are you going to see Ron? Because I have wine for him if you are willing to transport.
@klezman the Négoce is all Ron’s. So just prima and campesino
@CorTot @klezman I remember none of this…
Need to broom out some cobwebs.
@CorTot @ScottW58 @davirom
I will see if I can dig them out. Old kid stuff is piled in many places right now.
I also don’t know if my cooler is big enough since they’re all boxed in styro.
I guess there’s not much trouble with centralising all of @rjquillin’s wine at my place. One of these days he’ll make it up here! I’ve got 1.5 cases or so in addition to whatever is in the lockers here.
@CorTot @davirom @klezman @ScottW58
@CorTot @davirom @klezman @rjquillin
Cory are you setting up under a tree? Adam if you’re bringing my wines I will bring a cooler. I’m traveling light this year.
@CorTot @klezman @ScottW58 I was thinking we could swap in the parking lot after the concert.
@davirom @klezman @rjquillin @ScottW58 yeah, maybe if someone is there at gates open they can snag a spot closer to under the tree in the southwest corner. West of the pool in the middle.
@davirom @klezman @ScottW58 yes.
No mochi, I think, but just put a blanc de blancs in the fridge and will bring a red, too.
@CorTot @davirom @klezman
Is this going to happen? wine deliveries after the concert? sorry don’t know how to quote here
@davirom @klezman @ScottW58 I’m packing 8 bottles for Adam, I’ll find him and meet up after at the mall parking lot.
@CorTot @klezman @ScottW58 I have 6 bottles for RJQ and expecting 4 bottles from Adam. I prefer swapping in the parking lot afterwards so I’m not schlepping back and forth.
@CorTot @davirom @klezman
Okay well then what I’m really asking is Adam bringing my bottles from BD
@ScottW58 See your texts
@davirom The Laura Michael is buried. Not sure if I’ll get it in time.
@davirom @klezman
I saw them, see reply
We are bringing dessert and a couple of bottles to share.
, I really should have picked a June date… but its tradition that we all sweat.
probably 1 sparkling and a red that will go well chilled.
Gonna be a hot one
oh and I don’t think the boss is going to make it, some old high school friend is in town 
Yeah gonna be hot! So after killing myself sweating through a round of golf in the morning I’m thinking a Chablis (French swill) and something pink with a half gallon of water
@ScottW58 Maybe suggest that the friend could come too?
Friend has no interest in wine or heat haha
@davirom @ScottW58 Aw, boo.
Maybe @rjquillin can use her ticket though?
@davirom @klezman @rjquillin
It’s available if he wants it?
@rjquillin so? You think you can do it?
yeah, dunno. Just a lot going on here with swmbo…
Turns out we have 2 non-casemate friends that are going to the concert on their own. We are trying to convince them to join us, but we’ll see. Yes, they are wine drinkers.
@davirom Maybe if they meet us they’ll become casemates people!
@davirom @klezman
Maybe but they have not met me yet
Can we still park in the same place and walk?
@ScottW58 At the mall? That’s what we plan to do.
@davirom @ScottW58 Same here.
Figure we’ll get there not long after the gates open…if traffic cooperates.
You won’t need teeth to eat this stuff tomorrow

@ScottW58 I’m drooling already!
Is anybody bringing plates and such?
@klezman We will bring cutlery and themed plates and napkins.
@davirom @klezman thank you.
@CorTot @davirom Seconded - thank you! I’d offer but I don’t know if we actually have any.
Great to see all the ladies and food last night! everyone else meh