NoVa buyers group
11Ok, lets be a little more organized here. Its been a couple of weeks, and I’ve worked deals with @thelecroy and @PatrickKarcher, working to add @n3uka to the email list.
Anyone else? Send a PM with info over on the Woot site - because @snapster hasn’t got a PM function - yet.
- 122 comments, 221 replies
- Comment
Excellent. I’m new to this Wooty-Casematey forum thing, as I never really was into sharing cases before (when Woot was Virginia-friendly, years before). But I’m all in now, because (1) Casemates seems to be able to easily ship to Virginia, (2) the many great offers I see, (3) the save-by-the-case format, where the best prices will always be by case, and (4) my inability to afford a lot of what I see. So I hit “Subscribe” above, which probably does something. We’ll see. I’ll get educated and forum-savy over the never few weeks/months. Looking forward to saving some money with you.
Glad to see a napa cab. Though I’m sure it’s a good deal, it’s not up my (and my wife’s) alley, so an easy pass. The steady stream of just-what-I-want wine deals was problematic and worrisome. Hopefully a long list of Cabs and Zins are in front of us, or bad/uninteresting deals!
Can you add me to the list…I work in Chantilly and DC, and live in Alexandria
Also I don’t know what this means (what woot site):
Send a PM with info over on the Woot site - because @snapster hasn’t got a PM function - yet
@mrtomahawk: He who founded and (just recently the spin-off) previously started in 2004. In 2006 began, building a really neat community of wine enthuseists and wine-makers. In 2010 they sold to Amazon, and I don’t think founder Matt Rutledge has had trouble paying for his pizza since then. Matt founded a few years ago, that is like what started out to be. And with shutting down recently, he saw a chance to give that community a home. This is why casemates is starting off with such a roar, because of the former wooters.
Many of us assume that others here on casemates are former ‘wooters’, and would understand the quote you gave above, and have their old woot account still. But, this will increasingly not be the case, as new people find casemates. meh/casemates doesn’t have their ‘messaging’ set up yet, so we’re still using communication through woot to avoid posting our emails.
You could just post your email here, and once we notice it, you can edit your post to take it out. -Patrick
There is a five-minute edit window so unless you are watching 24/7 that isn’t a solution. Until snapster whips his team into producing a message system potential NoVA buyers will have to remain silent. I’m in Gainsville/Bristow/Nokesville and will participate when messaging is in place.
@PatrickKarcher I was familiar with everything you mentioned except the part…that was something I never heard of until the Casemates Kickstarter. How does @snapster come into the picture? There’s other means of communication out there we could use…I mean there’s Twitter, Facebook, Google Groups, etc… why don’t we use one of those? I would be in favor of the Google Groups option.
He’s the owner of meh which backs casemates. Founder and previous owner of Woot! which is now a tentacle of Amazon.
nit picks
majority owner; Woot, Inc. (though this will never survive, our 2004-2010 style-guide was to only include logo exclamation point in text form of our company)
Also, don’t make big investment into PM style communication alternatives. We’re working on the local solution. Agreed it sucks at the moment.
@WkdPanda - feel free to add me to a master NoVA list.
I live in DC and work in Alexandria/King ST (same name on woot)
Yea! We have “whisper” function now!!
Ok, so far we have @thelecroy @PatrickKarcher @n3uka @kray05 @mrtomahawk and @cjsiege
You should all have my email - whisper me if you don’t.
This Harvest Moon Pinot sure looks intriguing. Quality Pinot Noir for $11/b is a rare opportunity. I’ve got too much in stock at this point, and my wife has given up wine for Lent! Oi! I justifying some wine buying as coming under “gift” budget, which is arguably true. Does that work under GAAP?
Anyone in for half?
@PatrickKarcher Going to pass. Flying out to CA on Thursday, and got to save my money for who knows what.
Anyone in for partial case of Winesmith Grenache?
Anyone in Northern Virginia in for some of the Twisted Oak Tempranillos(+) ? I’d love 4 or 6 of those.
I was at a wedding over the weekend. I didn’t pay attention. I’m happy for my friend who got married, but very sad I didn’t get a case of the Twisted Oak.
@WkdPanda I’m sure the wedding more then made up for the loss. Also, add me to the NoVa List. I’m @hershelk here like on woot.
someone asked about getting a case of the Keller Estate Rotie’s I think. I’d be in for 3 bottles. In for 6 if necessary, I suppose.
I know I just did this for the last one and didn’t check back in, but anyone thinking about this viognier? I’ll warm you I’m in vacation, but I’ll try and check later.
@thelecroy I’ll skip on the viognier; don’t understand them enough.
I’d certainly be in for some of this Vigilance rose, if someone get some. Just a few is fine, or up to half or even more.
@WkdPanda You already have all my info
, but add me to the email distribution if you made one.
Also, if anyone sees any offerings for whites that look good which they plan to buy and are looking for a split, let me know. Reds we have more than enough of so will only go in on anything super special to us. But we’re blowing through our whites and will need to start obtaining some more. Especially Sauv Blanc and any Rhone varietals as we really like those.
I’d be good on splitting some whites in general. Rhones, heck yeah. Sauv Blancs too. I’ve gotten a case each of some really good Chardonnay deals lately from Casemates, so I might not be looking to stock up on a lot of whites soon. Moving forward though, yeah.
surprised to see that the nova thread is much less active than the bmore one!
@sukeiasa you’re giving the 3 of us in baltimore to much credit.
I’d like to swap some of what I’ve bought.
Miss the w00t wine gatherings.
@WkdPanda, would you please add me to the NoVa list? Better late than never.
Hi All. I have wine available!
My boss, who has great taste, who respects Merlot, who is very very familiar with wines from Washington, and who gave my wife a K-Syrah (by this same grower Charles Smith), and who knows good deals or else he’d go bankrupt on wines, says of the current Wines of Substance Washington Merlot, “This will be a good one, and a good value for a really good Merlot.” And he understates. From him, “really good” means really darn good.
So I really want some of this. Problem is, I’m seriously maxed out. Double-over-maxxed out. So not only do I need a case buddy on this, but ideally this case buddy would take off my hands some other wine that I really don’t want to sell:
And of course:
Trades? Well, I need reimbursement more than more wine, and I’ve gotten the wine I love most, but doesn’t hurt to mention. For example, Pedroncelli Pinot’s sound interesting, and I almost got that Amavi Cellars Walla Walla Valley Syrah, and would love some of that.
Lemme know pronto!
@PatrickKarcher You need to do a shout out for Casemates, like this; @WkdPanda, @thelecroy, @n3uka, @mrtomahawk, @Lighter, @cjsiege, @kray05, @hershelk, @HitAnyKey42, @sukeiasa, @TRIPgrad, @kkv123
I agree the Chas Smith Merlot is a sweet deal and am finagling some bottles to be Matelegged? Caselegged? to me in OH. Good luck getting in on this, hope it works out!
@PatrickKarcher We’re also beyond tapped out. Won’t be buying any wine at all (unless we completely run out of white wine) any time in the near future. I even had to nudge my mom into buying the Noceto case for herself so that I could receive a bottle of the AX-1 as a B-day gift.
@HitAnyKey42 Yeah, I ended up not doing this deal, no partners. For the best. Casemates is really putting out some absolutely amazing deals, but there always seems to be an even better one later. I passed on that first Twisted Oak deal, only to be presented with the sick deal after, and I was glad I had previously passed.
Well done on arranging for your B-day gift! You do what ya gotta do, to survive (and get wine).
@chipgreen How did you get that list of names? Are those the people subscribed to this group?
They have all posted at some point in this group, saying that they were interested in sharing cases. If you unhide posts near the top of the thread, you can see all the original posts. I just copied/pasted and added the @ before each name.
I can’t help you with cash, but I do have a lot of wine to swap.
@TRIPgrad You’re like me!
I got most of those myself, so sorry I’m no help
@thelecroy Sir, you have fine taste.
Hi All. I bit on the Twisted Oak mystery case. I absolutely can’t afford it. If someone wants 3/4/6 bottles, let me know. I don’t think dividing will be a problem. I was attracted to trying some other TO bottlings, on the more drink-now side, same as you. There’ll be some duplicate wines (even if different vintages), so we just split those up. Just take a Spaniard '13, because I already got a case of those!
@WkdPanda, @thelecroy, @n3uka, @mrtomahawk, @Lighter, @cjsiege, @kray05, @hershelk, @HitAnyKey42, @sukeiasa, @TRIPgrad, @kkv123
Hi Nova Chaps.
I’ve recently bought more great wine than I can afford. (Yes, I have a problem.) I bought on the faith and hope that some local chaps would be interested in some of this. If any of the below deals seemed interesting to you, you can still get in on them! Although I mainly need some money back (call it a cash-out refi), you can also trade some wine as part of the deal. I’m interested in 1 of almost anything, in the interests of trying out more of what Casemates has to offer (and what might be sold again in the future). Anyone able to put together a mixed case from the offers below?
2016 Harvest Moon Pinot Noir from yesterday. I have a feeling in a couple years I’ll wish I’d kept the whole case, but such is life.
Mentida White Blend by Onesta Wines. I sure loved her other stuff, and “bone-dry + floral” is right up my wife’s alley, but again, just can’t really do a case.
Quadrant CdR Rhône Blend by Broken Earth Winery It’s off dry, and unfortunately my wife only takes bone-dry. I can slowly drink them on my own, but tricky. Great QPR, as long as a little sweet is okay.
Twisted Oak Spaniard I sure don’t want to part with many of these. I feel like Isildur writing about the ring: They are . . . precious to me, though I buy them with great pain. But I need to get rid of a little pain. So, if you want 1-3…
Can anyone of you make a fun case out of that? Cheers!
@PatrickKarcher I’m still here, but can’t help you out. I’m off alcohol for the next 5 months unfortunately.
@WkdPanda, @thelecroy, @n3uka, @mrtomahawk, @Lighter, @cjsiege, @kray05, @hershelk, @HitAnyKey42, @sukeiasa, @TRIPgrad, @kkv123
Anyone in NOVA want to split on the Gruet sparkling case deal that ends today? I’ll split costs, or trade from recent purchases, including that recent Marsanne/Rousanne deal.
Anyone want in on today’s Halleck Vineyard Pinot Noir case deal? Let me know this afternoon if you’d be in, and what your bottle range is. I think I’ll have some friends/family in on this also.
@PatrickKarcher I’d Take 4
@PatrickKarcher Yes, I meant DMV for DC/MD/VA. Thanks for reaching out. I’m definitely up for 1, I can take up to 3 if you need more takers
@kray05 @spazfungus Excellent. Almost certain I will pull the trigger then. Hmmm, was going to wait until some more due diligence this evening, but maybe I’ll go sooner.
@kray05 @spazfungus Okay, I pulled the trigger.
@wkdpanda or anyone else…want to split a case of today’s Twisted Oak deal? I’ll take anywhere between 3 and 6 bottles.
So since I never got any confirmation for splitting from anyone, I didn’t end up even remembering to order the case. So unless anyone else actually ordered it and is up for splitting out a few bottles, I guess we all missed out on the Twisted Oak this time.
I bit on the Gruet Sparkling Rosé (running out of Gruet fast, and my wife loves the stuff, and want to try the Rosé). And, on the Winesmith Pinot Noir (which I’ve been waiting all year for). @spazfungus or @kray05 or others, take some? (please!)
@HitAnyKey42, I’d love some TO PM. I groaned when I saw the deal, because I’d love a case, but I Have To Stop Buying Wine. I would certainly take some in trade.
@PatrickKarcher Due to funds, trading is not an option. We need for straight up splits.
Also just got the nudge that we really can only go 3 bottles. So looking for others to split out the other 9.
@PatrickKarcher Ahhh! Sigh, okay, twist my arm. I’ll take some gruet rose and winesmith pinot noir off you
let me check and i’ll email you details on how many we can take
@WkdPanda, @thelecroy, @n3uka, @mrtomahawk, @Lighter, @cjsiege, @kray05, @hershelk, @HitAnyKey42, @sukeiasa, @TRIPgrad, @kkv123
I tried to figure out how to “subscribe” to this NOVA casemates list, but never could. @spazfungus figured out and tole me that by starring the first post, you’re subscribed. I then saw you can hit the subscribe option under the first post to subscribe. So, in case anyone was like me and a little slow, that’s how you can subscribe.
Looking for some interested in a NoVA split of today’s Scott Harvey Angel Eis. I’d be able to take 2 bottles, maybe 3 if can’t get enough ppl to split out the rest. Hopefully enough people to build a full case, as it’s awesome stuff and the case split price is super great.
@HitAnyKey42 Well, from the buzz on the main forum, it looks like it’s a very unique opportunity. I was needing to buy absolutely no wine in Jan (and probably Feb too), but, sigh, I guess I need some of this. Like you, I can really just do 2, 3 if needed to make it happen.
(I could also trade some WS Pinot / CasematesQPR for some of this.)
@HitAnyKey42 I would do 2-3 also if we can get another person or 3.
@HitAnyKey42 I would be happy to be in for 2-3.
well, it looks like we have our 4, all willing to do 3 if necessary to make it work, so we’re go. (If someone else wants in later, we can fit one more.) I’d prefer not to make the order. Do you have free shipping @HitAnyKey42?
@PatrickKarcher Yes, I have free shipping. I’ll place the order. I already have your email address for making arrangements. I thought I had @hershelk email, but can’t find it easily. If both you and @thelecroy can send me a whisper with such details, we can communicate via email for handling the moneys and delivery/pickup arrangements once the wine comes in.
If anyone else wants a bottle or two, just message me and I’ll communicate adjustments to any of the splits. I’m thinking @wkdpanda might want one or two, if it doesn’t already have too many in his cellar.
@HitAnyKey42 I got pinged by @spazfungus about a bottle for her, since I’ve already got a pile of wine for her. So with one of mine going to her, I’d like 3 of these (or 2 or 4 if necessary).
As posted in the offer thread, if anyone is able to be the person behind ordering a case of the Chateau de Suronde, I’ll take a bottle of each vintage.
Due to both my schedule today and that I fronted the last group order for the Angel Eis, I can’t set up this one as well. Hopefully someone else is able to, since those Chenin Blanc’s sound great and something that can be held onto for a good number more years.
@HitAnyKey42 I can do this one. I’ll pull the trigger after work today if no one else with free shipping volunteers. I’m hoping that more people want in than 2 people at 2 bottles each.
@HitAnyKey42 @thelecroy I would be in for up to 6-8 if necessary, though I’d prefer to do 2-4 because funds are low. So if you get stuck, I’ll share in the stuckness.
This seems like an opportunity to get a wine I normally would never be able to get. My guess is they’re good for another decade or so. Fun to pull out at just the right time. A couple of those times will happen in the next 10 years, and we’ll be ready. We’re like wine boy scouts: always prepared.
Ha! @spazfungus, yes, I knew you’d be in for a pair! I’ll get a pair for you when they come, and put them in your stash. So @HitAnyKey42, I really need 4 minimum (including a pair for Min), preferring 6. So, plenty of demand. Order away.
I can’t do the order this time. So hopefully someone else can.
Okay, I’ll order it now. (I’m slightly worried about this selling out. Probably won’t, but might.) So I’ve got:
-@spazfungus - 2
-@HitAnyKey42 - 2
-@thelecroy - 2-4?
-@PatrickKarcher - 2-4
That it?
Ah, sold out already. Yeah, on these Friday deals we need to get the case ordered early AM, if we want it. The good ones sell out.
@PatrickKarcher well that’s sad. Oh well. I’ve been in training and work stuffs, so that’s part of why I couldn’t organize it. Likely won’t be able to organize/order most of the time due to my new job since won’t be able to touch my phone much at all throughout the day. So going forward, the most I’ll usually be able to do is state first thing in the morning if I’m interested in an offer if a case gets ordered.
@HitAnyKey42 Sounds good. Live and learn. I think we’re honing our communication and teamwork pretty well. I wish I had ordered and then put together the above message, ha ha. I was probably the first person to get the sold out message.
But, maybe for the best. I am really in the wine money hole.
If several people want a bit of this Steward Pinot Noir, I’d be in. If my step brother gets 3, and I get 2-3, and some of you want some. . . Lemme know.
If anyone else is thinking of getting a case, I’ll take 2-3 of these.
@PatrickKarcher always in for Pinot
(Didn’t do the Stewart). I’d be in on today’s Attune Pinot Noir, with some with some compadres. Besides always wanting a good deal, I’m trying to learn about Pinot, and this will be interesting as a representative of Big/Bold. If enough people can help, could be a go.
@PatrickKarcher In if we get a 3rd
@thelecroy I think we’re good. My step brother is in for some, and a co-worker here, so, I’m gonna go ahead and order.
Anyone interested in today’s Pacific Rim Framboise?
@spazfungus I’d just want one, to try. I really, really got stop buying for a while. At this point, I can only get 1-2 of something now and then to try.
But, I see now, it’s sold out already. Wow. I guess that keeps life easy.
@WkdPanda, @thelecroy, @n3uka, @mrtomahawk, @Lighter, @cjsiege, @kray05, @hershelk, @HitAnyKey42, @sukeiasa, @TRIPgrad, @kkv123
I’d sure love to get in on some of this Two Jakes Cab Franc / Merlot, but I could only do 2 (or 4) out of the 12. (I’d be willing to take more Merlot than Cab Franc, if that helps anyone). For a few months, I can really only take a small amount from any case, no matter how stupendous a deal. I really want half a case of this or more, I just can’t.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this sells out. I can’t make the order this time. So, if anyone presses the button, I’m in for a minority part of the case.
Edit: If you can order as long as someone else takes half the case, go ahead and order; I’ll take half the case if necessary.
@PatrickKarcher I’m a no for this one. Right now the only things we will be buying (other than stupendous deals from Twisted Oak or similar) for at least the next few months would be whites/roses that we may want.
@PatrickKarcher Okay, I pulled the trigger, so my previous offer to help someone else is off. I have a Cab Franc buddy and a Merlot buddy here in town (though not on casemates), who can help me out with this. But, there’s s a few bottles available for one or two of you, my fellow casemates. Lemme know.
Hi all,
I wanted to introduce myself to the group. I’m in the Reston area, and generally very willing to go in on splits at the case price, so please feel free to @ mention me and I’ll reply ASAP.
If there’s a particular way that I can/should share contact details with the group, please let me know; I’m not sure if the guidance to PM on woot still applies or not.
@opiate2002 Hi! Usually the first person who is really interested posts a link on the forum for that offer like this, linking to this NOVA forum, and we talk about it like above. Using the whisper functionality is helpful.
I for one really have to hold off on some buying for a while. Others are in that boat also. The casemates deals have been great the last year.
The more the merrier. With more people, we can try more, and the more we try, the more likely we are to find what we really like.
@opiate2002 also, click the star at the very top (next to nova buyers group) to subscribe to the thread. this way if someone accidentally leaves off your @, you can still see splits that are going on. and welcome!
@WkdPanda, @thelecroy, @n3uka, @mrtomahawk, @Lighter, @cjsiege, @kray05, @hershelk, @HitAnyKey42, @sukeiasa, @TRIPgrad, @kkv123, @spazfungus, @opiate2002
I learned from the recent Two Jakes CF/Merlot offer that Sandra at WineSmith will honor previous (Woot/)Casemate deals happily ever after, as long as of course they still have the stock. Hmmmm, I thinks to myself. Could I get some of that 2014 Winesmith Grenache from that deal last year, that I regret missing?
Because I’ve found that I’m starting to like Grenache as much as my wife (she’s liked every Grenache and GSM I’ve ever put in front of her), and we love Pinot Noir, and this was a “PN-like” Grenache. And I love me a good PN nose, and this WS Grenache apparently had that. So maybe this is my wife and I’s dream wine. Or maybe not.
So I called Sandra at WineSmith, and she said yes, they still have some 2014 WS Grenache, and yep she would give us the Casemate-deal from March of last year. So, any of you interested in a bottle or three of that? I can account for a few (1-2 for me, 1-3 for my bro&sis-in-law, one for co-worker who needs low-alcohol wine), so I put before you, any one else want a bottle or 3 of said 2014 Winesmith Grenache to sample? Around ~$16 a bottle.
And in a month or three, if some of us love it, those chaps could probably still get more.
@PatrickKarcher I’m in for 2-3
@WkdPanda, @thelecroy, @n3uka, @mrtomahawk, @Lighter, @cjsiege, @kray05, @hershelk, @HitAnyKey42, @sukeiasa, @TRIPgrad, @kkv123, @spazfungus, @PatrickKarcher
Bought a case, anyone interested in buying (or trading) (up to) 6 bottles.
@opiate2002 I’m interested in a couple, but my wall of wine from Woot/Casemates/etc. is making me hold firm on my SIWBM
Hi @opiate2002 Yes, I’ll take a slice, if others don’t nab them. If others want the slices, I’m willing to step aside and save my budget.
By slice I mean one of each. If that’s not casemates terminology yet, it should be.
@opiate2002 I’m interested in a cab franc and Sang
Hi @opiate2002 . I’ll take 1-3 of the OTP Dry Creek Valley Rose bottles you just mentioned over there. So at this point, you got some (~3?) of those for me, and a slice of the Pedroncelli’s (3 bottles), and I’ll have a few (~4?) of the Alysian Sauv Blancs for you. Something like that? For now
Hello fellow NoVA residents! I’ve been on Casemates since the start, but just moved to Herndon/Reston a few months ago…now I need to find my new group!
I’ve bought wine than I can drink, so I am happy to split cases or trade. Reply/whisper me, etc.
@bramby2 Hi, I want to swap some of my purchases for others that I missed. I’m also in Fairfax County. How do we make it work?
Hi @bramby2. Glad to have another potential splitter in town. All of us (that I know of) are over-bought. Because (A) I guess that’s wineaux nature but also (B) has really taken QPR to an unprecedented level. But splitting will allow me to try some stuff.
Check out my Winesmith Grenache idea above. 1 more person in for a couple is all we would need.
Hi @TRIPgrad. I think just post (here) the casemates buys you’ve made that you can swap, and maybe the types of wines you’d be interested in. And probably a good idea to subscribe to this list by starring the topmost post or clicking subscribe under the topmost post.
I loved the Kendrick last time so I’m getting a case. Let me know if any of you want some, I’m guessing Patrick is in for a few.
@thelecroy Yep, in for a few at least. If other want in, I’m happy with just a couple. Otherwise, 4+
I pulled the trigger on a case of the Apriori Pinot Noir. @thelecroy is in for half, but we’d both be happy to spare a little for someone else who wants to try. I think you could get a couple Kendrick PN’s too along with 'em.
@PatrickKarcher hello Patrick I would willingly take a couple of your Apriori! (Or would take up to 6) So sad to have missed the case and then missed it again.
@PatrickKarcher @thelecroy @wkdpanda @bramby2 @TRIPgrad @Maurakid @kkv123
Anyone pull the trigger on the Pedroncelli Dry Rose of Zin case yet? If not, anyone want some splits of it? We love this stuff, and I know we’re running low on Rose’s which we do quite enjoy drinking throughout the summer (and other times). I do still have my VMP active (and paying $5/mo for it, and not using it at all the past few months) so would get shipping included, so can place the order if so. May end up placing the order later this evening regardless of hearing back from anyone, unless it sells out before I do so.
@HitAnyKey42 I’m in for 3-6 depending on what others do. I also have free shipping if I need to order.
@opiate2002 I got this one and will place the order now. We can figure out full split details based on if anyone else chimes in. I’m perfectly find with anything between 4-6 bottles or so. Am wanting at least 4 though.
I would take 2-3 of those I think, but I’ve got a few Roses already and am very short on money, so if there’s just enough for you and opiate2002, that’s fine.
I ordered a case of the Moran Manor Cab blends. I can foist them all off on friends and family who love cabs. (these folks don’t want to cellar anything, so having aged-ready-do-drink-now is a great opportunity.) I mention it in case anyone here wants a couple slices of this but can’t find another casemate; I can spare a few.
@PatrickKarcher - I just PMed you over at woot to request an add to the NOVA list if y’all have a slot open.
It took me forever to remember what account I used over there, and then it took me a second forever to figure out how to PM.
I forgot how to internet today, and I feel old now.
@fait Just don’t forget how to adult (or at least near-adult). I don’t know how to add anyone to the list, or if that’s possible. Scroll to the top to WkdPanda’s original posting, and hit the subscribe button underneath.
@fait Yeah, there is no “list”. Basically whenever one of us is interested in a particular wine, we kinda just post in here (and/or the wine thread) and tag anyone else that we think might be interested (or just randomly tag as many as we can) and see where it goes from there. Personally, I’m likely going to pass on most wines for awhile except for certain whites and roses that we may like because we currently have hundreds of bottles of red we are trying to drink down.
I do still have (and don’t know when/if I may cancel it) my VMP membership that I’m paying $5/mo for. So when orders get made that I’m including myself on, I can do some of those orders to cut down on the shipping.
Anyone interested in the Halcon? Patrick and I are on the fence, but if 1 or 2 others join in we would probably be in. Also, if anyone missed out on the Onesta Grenache Blanc, a few of those could be had as well.
Yes. I would like 3.
TRIPgrad, call me SAM
@TRIPgrad ideally looking for one more at 2-3 bottles
I would be willing to go for 2. Not sure on 3.
That leaves 5 for you, @thelecroy. A large bite, considering how much PN you’ve already gotten that last 7 months. (I should know.) Maybe that’s enough help to pull the trigger; can’t blame you if not though!
@PatrickKarcher @TRIPgrad @WkdPanda you’re definitely right, but I’ll go ahead and purchase unless there are any objections. I do have free shipping. Also, feel free to increase your bottle amount!
@thelecroy @TRIPgrad @WkdPanda Sounds good. There’s a chance I’ll be able to increase my bottle amount, though probably not. For anyone else watching, this means there is still room for another partaker for 2-3 bottles. (I’d be willing to go down to 1.)
@PatrickKarcher @TRIPgrad @WkdPanda purchased. 19.50 each after tax
If anyone is tempted on the Amavi deal, I would love some of the Syrah. So if someone else is after the cabs, maybe we have a match there?
I pulled the trigger on the Anne Amie Pinot Blanc. I can spare some, LMK in the next few days. @thelecroy?
@PatrickKarcher I’m on the fence. Let’s revisit when it arrives or we exchange
I’d sure love some of the Keller Rotie. Budget busted though. If others joined in, I’d have to do it. Anyone want a slice (one of each) or two?
@thelecroy @TRIPgrad @WkdPanda @fait @HitAnyKey42 @Opiate2002 @bramby2 @Maurakid @kkv123 A slice (1 of each) of the Keller Roties would be $54/slice ($18 apiece). I can take two slices (though 1 would be fine too), so I’d need 2 takers to do it (or 1 enthusiastic taker getting half).
(I’d use regular shipping, which has always been fine for me. I used to have it dropped off at pick-up location in afternoon, and wine was fine. Now it comes to my office early morning, and it’s never been warm. But you’d be taking that chance with me.)
I couldn’t do more than 2
Anyone want some of today’s Cougar Crest Syrah? My wife loves Syrah and this is apparently fantastic. But poor little me needs help. $18/bottle looks like with tax.
@PatrickKarcher I could do 3-4
@PatrickKarcher So I already bought a case and I am willing to part with 6 of them- if you havn’t ordered yet or if anybody else wants any.
@kray05, I might take you up on that. Let’s me see if anyone else wants a slice or two of these.
@kray05 @PatrickKarcher I’m good with 6, 3, and 3
@PatrickKarcher I can be in for 2-3 if all are not yet spoken for.
Anyone interested in some Winesmith Rosé? I’m not sure I’ve ever even had a serious rosé. I can only do 3-4 though. Anyone else? @thelecroy @kray05, if either of you want some, that’s convenient timing.
@PatrickKarcher I’ll have at least six, want me to get it since apparently dc has no tax?
@kray05 sure, that sounds great. I’m in.
@PatrickKarcher Okay, I got a case, you are welcome to 3-6 of them
I’m travelling today (about to take off). Only looking at casemates this morning. If any Northern virginia casemates want some of today’s Grenache (Greybehl or something like that) offer and need help, I’d be in for 2-4 bottles. I’m a helpful guy!
@PatrickKarcher anyone else interested in a 4-4-4?
I bought yesterday’s J Duci Pinot Grigio, and would be happy to share a bit. Also, I’m intrigued by today’s Rousseaus Colombard. Now, one case of such general-purpose / budget / summer-sipper / try-something-new is all I can do for now. So if someone else wants to get a case of today’s Colombard, and then we trade half for half (or something), I would go for that.
Not if it’s a pain though. I’m in Manassas, work in Chantilly. I’m not going to drive to Falls Church or Arlington just to trade half a case of budget white. But if convenient, or a part of other trading, that’d be dandy.
@PatrickKarcher think I’ll pass, but good luck
Okay, I got a case of the Colombard. There were a lot of rave reviews the last couple hours of the offer; I pulled the trigger.
So if anyone wants a wad of some good whites in the next 2-3 months, I’ll have some to share.
Center of Effort looks pretty interesting. Is anyone interested in splitting?
@thelecroy It does look interesting. I’m tapped (as I always say; but it’s true!), but I’d gladly take a couple off your hands.
A little more research; this could really be an incredible deal. Seems people are very happy to pay $30 for this and feel they got a great deal on a top level Chard. I think they’re confusing naming scheme muddles this wine with their lesser Chard.
I’ve had a top level Central Coast Chard; it was a gift, but cost about $90. Really good. Now I’m like the little Mermaid singing I want to be “a part of that word”, but of course at $60+ a pop it ain’t happening. But this CoE Chard sounds like is has one foot in there.
As a bonus, as part of snagging your Chards from @LeCroy, you could (in the same handoff) snag some of my J Duci Pinot Grigio and/or Rousseaus Colombards, if you wish (showing up next week).
@thelecroy just needs a little more help to pull the trigger.
@murftastic, @thelecroy I got a case of the Gruet. Which I’m not looking to share necessarily. But I could share a slice or 2 if anyone needs just a little, since we’re linking up later on anyway.
@murftastic @PatrickKarcher I could be interested. It’s like 14 vs 11 for a trade with the Center of Effort if you want to do 2 or 3.
@thelecroy I actually got 2 Gruet cases, because I’m completely out, and there are just so many options for utilizing this stuff. (for example, my boss, who gives me a ton of great wine, says his wife periodically tells him “hey I need a couple bottles of sparking for this event this afternoon” and he’s often out. So I should really get him a case of this.) And I think my wife would just be happy drinking this stuff all the time.
So when the time comes, I’ll have 3 or 6 for you. As for the Center of Effort, I’d love 3-4, but could survive on 2 (because I’m tough!) if others need them.
@PatrickKarcher @thelecroy I’m in–traveling at the moment, but I’m pretty sure I’m all out of Gruet.
I’ll get a case of the Metz Road Pinot, because, crazy cheap good Pinot. I found a local Pinot buddy at my kids school, so she’ll help with the volume. Anyway, getting a case, can share some.
@thelecroy, I hate to start on our next run. We were doing so well, going entire weeks without building an order.
@PatrickKarcher you can count on me for 2-4
@PatrickKarcher I would also like 2-4.
If I was short on cellar-defenders, I would sure get a case of the Onesta Cinsault. I do have some cellar defenders, and am so low on wine-budget that I have to not do that. But, if a NOVA buddy needs a little “help”, I can take 2-6 of these if you need the help (at the case price of course). Most would be for friends. (Honest!)
@BTMarbles, @thelecroy, in for some of this Onesta Cinsault? While we’re doing the Metz road anyway? My wife loves this Cinsault; cheapest it’s ever been. My “Pinot buddy” will take some. Got a feeling it will sell out. I can make the order, but I need help.
@BTMarbles @PatrickKarcher I’d prefer less than 6 but I’ll help out
okay, I ordered. @BTMarbles, there’s some for you if you want it (which I would suggest! Great deal). I’ve got some homies here that want me to hook them up, so I can move some here in Manassas too.
Let me know, we have two splits in the works so far.
@BTMarbles In for 2-4 I take it? Cool.
Nice, I have two friends that have spilt with you before and they live in Chantilly. We can figure it out, would like to pick up both before the holiday but not a real rush.
If anyone wants any of the WineSmith mixed reds, lemme know. I can take some off your hands. (@BTMarbles, @thelecroy ?) If no one else does, I’ll get a case Sunday. I can spare a slice or two.
@PatrickKarcher I just posted in the main thread, that I’m interested in half a case (2 of each).
@PatrickKarcher @WkdPanda Patrick, do you want 3 or 6? Because I could pick up 3 if you want to go down to 3.
@thelecroy, yeah, if I just get one slice, that’s fine. @WkdPanda, thelecroy and I will each take a slice (3 bottles). So go ahead and order, we’re in! And you probably only have to physically trade with one of us.
If there ends up being more interest, I could probably make an order also, to please more people.
@PatrickKarcher I have also bought a case so 6 up for grabs!
@PatrickKarcher @thelecroy @WkdPanda see below, I don’t mind keeping all 12 but 6 available I’d you wanted a greater amount
@WkPanda, did you buy the case yet? If not, I’ll order (and split with thelecroy and another buddy of mine), and you partake of @kray05’s case. Or, did you already order?
@kray05 @wkPanda I just saw that gentleman from Maryland who wants to split a case. Maybe we need 3 cases anyway.
I would like a slice, one of each please.
Before anyone else buys a case - lets total things up. @kray05 bought a case. If I buy a case, we’re at two - total of 8 slices. Thats two for @kray05, two for @wkdpanda, @PatrickKarcher for two, @thelecroy for one or two? @BTMarbles is wanting one. If @thelecroy goes for one, we have both cases split.
I’m pushing the button on the second case now.
Dang, wish I’d seen BTMarbles post earlier. He and thelecroy and I have a few shared purchases in progress, so I should have gotten that case. Would have saved a couple link-ups. But, all good!
If either of you want to help out that @bleedmichigan gentleman who replied on the other thread, I could order a case for BTMarbles, thelecroy and I, and if necessary I would still take a slice or two off either of your hands. @Kray05, if you ended up with 3-4 slices, does that work for you? If I ended up with 3-4, that’s fine.
@kray05 @PatrickKarcher gentlemen? That’s one I haven’t been called. In any case if any of you in N VA or the DC area have 1 of each or 2 of each you want to be rid of let me know I make it to VA once a week.
@bleedmichigan @PatrickKarcher That sounds good. I am okay with keeping all 12, or giving away up o 6 of them. So maybe it works out if I split it with @bleedmichigan where they take 3-6 and then you end up getting a third Case @patrickkarcher
@kray05 Okay, I order also. I think @wkdpanda just wants half a case, so he could work with @bleedmichigan. Or if he wants a full case (more than you), then you can. All good. I think!
@kray05 @PatrickKarcher @WkdPanda so whoever wants to part with half a case let me know and where you want to meet when it arrives. Thanks BTW
@bleedmichigan @kray05 @PatrickKarcher I only wanted a half case, so the other half is available to whoever. @bleedmichigan send me a whisper with your contact info, and we’ll work out the meetup.
The tercero wines mix looks so beautiful! The reds and greens for approaching Christmas, and the ‘autumn’ color in front with the falling leaves on the covers. I wonder if @tercerowines and @winedavid timed this offer for maximum psychological impact.
Anyway, I’m seriously intrigued by all three bottles. But budget hurts, as always. I can’t make an order. But if someone else does and needs help, I’d in for a slice. But if no one orders/shares, my budget thanks you!
@PatrickKarcher I was already on the fence, so I went ahead and ordered.
@PatrickKarcher I’m hopeful folks will ‘help you out’ and help your budget hurt just a bit more
@PatrickKarcher @thelecroy Thank you, my friend!!! I’m confident you will not be disappointed!!!
@thelecroy cool. a buddy of mine wants a slice too. Can you spare half the case?
@PatrickKarcher half is perfect, sounds good
If it’s still here in the morning, anyone want to split a case of the Scott Harvey? One of my fav wineries, plus I love his Barbera. But with having to cut down on the red wine purchases, I only want like a bottle of each.
@HitAnyKey42 I would go for 2 each, so still half a case
@HitAnyKey42 @thelecroy I could take a slice/pair if that helps. I need a pair to let sit and try some day. (thelecroy and I will be getting together probably early December, so easy trade.) But that leaves 4. Well, I could take 4 actually if necessary.
@HitAnyKey42 @PatrickKarcher @HitAnyKey42 @PatrickKarcher went ahead and bought, I’m good with 4 or 6 depending on if hitanykey wants to go up to 4
@PatrickKarcher @thelecroy Sorry about that. Things got a little hectic today with stuff I was doing, and didn’t get back to this. I was checking in with the other group I often do some splits with, but they all decided they needed to not get more wine right now based on other recent purchases. For now, gotta force myself to stick with the 2. As much as I’d really like to have the 4. lol
If anyone wants to make a order using the $100 off promo mentioned here, I’d be interested in that. I just can’t get a whole case myself.
Pesquera Reserva 2012
Ribera del Duero, Spain.
I can do 3 or 4.
Hi @TRIPgrad. Okay, I’ve decided I won’t be making an order from Letting you know in case you want to go it alone. So many good options.
Got a case of the halcon exquisite, which I mostly want to keep, but can share a wee bit.
actually, my case is all spoken for at this point.
Well, from what I gather the $17 / Kukeri PN is one of the year’s DOUS (Deal of Unusual Size). I can move a slice or two in Manassas, keeping a pair for myself, so I can keep 4-6. Anyone else? (as for the little bonus prize included the next couple weeks, we’ll flip for it amongst those who want it.)
@PatrickKarcher I’m interested in one or two pairs. At the $17/btl is a nice price. This is going to be an interesting 10 days of Xmas.
@PatrickKarcher agree with you’re assessment and already got my own case…
@thelecroy, how much (if any) of your case is shareable?
@PatrickKarcher I’m in for 2-3 if available.
@PatrickKarcher no more than half
@thelecroy, if you can get by with 6 or less of your case, that’d be 2 each for @BTMarbles, @WkdPanda, and I. Enough for us to survive (and save money). But if you need more or all of your case, the 3 of us can split at 2-4, 2-3, rest for me.
Hmmm, I think thelecroy is travelling today. I’ll text him…
@thelecroy Okay, I have ordered! 4 for @WkdPanda, 2+ for @BTMarbles, rest for my homies and I in Manassas
@WkdPanda, you want 4 of these, right? @BTMarbles, you want 2 or 4? I need 6. But, @thelecroy can spare a little of his case, so whatever you guys want works.
@PatrickKarcher @thelecroy @WkdPanda I’ll take 4.
@PatrickKarcher Do we have any delivery dates?
@BTMarbles Kukeris should show up tomorrow.
UPS vs Fedex - thoughts?
@WkdPanda I’m kinda liking FedEx, but that’s because I often have to reroute to a store for pickup and FedEx had been closer and easier
@thelecroy The change from Fedex to UPS has unleashed some passionate hate in the main thread. In this area, I don’t mind UPS - aside from missed deliveries, UPS to the office works, and Chantilly has a hub for the area so holding deliveries there works.
@thelecroy @WkdPanda I think it will be fine for me, as my deliveries go to the office; I won’t notice the difference.
@PatrickKarcher @WkdPanda nevermind UPS is terrible
I got some of the Bergevin Lane Moonspell Cabernet Sauvignon today. These can all be soaked up by local Cab-loving homies, but I can spare some if we’re already trading something.
If anyone is drawn to the Sosie Roussanne, and pondering ordering, but needs help, I’d be a helpful guy. 4-6. At the case price. My cash is good, but could also trade:
@PatrickKarcher I’d love 3 or more, but I can’t take delivery on the dates listed.
I could do 3-4 of the Roussanne.
@BTMarbles @murftastic Ah, worry, I just couldn’t make the order myself this time. I’m sooooo over extended that me ordering would not have been conducive to domestic tranquility.
If anyone needed help with the Refugio Ranch Vineyards Petite Sirah, I’d take 2-4.
@PatrickKarcher @dihong and anyone else, i just brought a case of today’s offering, St. Julian Dessert Wine. we are big port fans, so we could probably drink it all ourselves, but probably shouldn’t. let me know if anyone wants a bottle or two
oh oops this is spazfungus (i couldn’t log into my original account and created a new one)
@daysh2 Ah, had to burn your old identity and assume a new one? No problem. We have a lot of shady types here, no questions asked. Consider your old identity erased from my mind! spazfungus, what is that?!?
Hmmm, I’m not too interested in that, and trying to save money. But I’d take a pair (or two, for a friend) if we did any trading later on.
@daysh2 So unfortunately it seems the order has been lost. They said the tracking number they provided (which shows the wine being delivered to CA) was the incorrect and that they can’t locate the correct tracking number. Since they can’t reship it, they are going to refund my money. Sigh, i wanted them to take my money and get my wine
I’ve recently purchased 3 low-cost offers:
All are good cost-effective cellar defenders, and each not worth much sharing effort individually, and I’ve got a local buddy (who just discovered casemates, wants to accruing a stash, needs to save money etc.) who is happy to take at least some of almost any good deal I get. So I’m all good as is. But, if any of you are interested in a case (or close) consisting of a bit of all three above, well, I can put one together for you in a few weeks. LMK. (You’d have to share in the ‘randomness’ of the AA mixed case of course.)
@PatrickKarcher I’d love some of the Saber, as much as you’re willing to spare. But I also got the Anne Amie if you want to compare the randoms when they arrive.
@thelecroy Absolutely. I’ll save at least 3 for you, more if you want and if no one else jumps in on what I mention above. And I suppose our next trade has begun. We did good there; we lasted almost a month.
Anybody want to split a case of the Attune today?
Oh I sure want to. But I loved their first PN offering. @thelecroy got their previous offering of the 2015 of the strength of the excellent PN, and was kind enough to save one for me. I’ve already put it in the fridge in anticipation of having it this evening with the chicken fajitas. Unless it’s stupendously awesome, I’ll have to pass. Thing is, if it’s as good a value as their PN, it might be. So maybe I’ll be in after tonight. And my buddy here @aliens1947 is looking to increase his stash of whites for the summer; maybe you’d have him even if not me. I’ll get back to you this evening. I don’t doubt this is a great deal; I just have to triage the great deals.
Oh man, according to CT, people pay $35-40 for this and been happy with the QPR. Yikes. You know, in terms of Chardonnays I was really holding out for a hopeful reprise of the CoE Chardonnay, but hmmm. @kray05, would you want any bits of the offers I mention above in a trade?
the 2015 before, and now the 2014. And their web site has message “Website currently on hold”. Going out of business and unloading old stocks? People seems much better/luckier winemakers than business people maybe.
@aliens1947 @PatrickKarcher @thelecroy Hmm, maybe 2 bottles of that rose. Did you end up getting the red blend for the Fetzer or just the cabernet? I’ll have to think about it. I already got a case of that Anne Amie as I usually do all for myself because I love all of their whites.
@kray05 I can take some Attune if you need me to as well.
@aliens1947 @thelecroy @daysh2 @opiate2002 For my homies with which I’m sharing some wine soon, @kray05 refers to a recent mistake on the part of WCC/Fetzer where their “50th Anniversary” Cabernet was shipped to buyers instead of their Syrah-heavy red blend. Fine for most people, as that was good QPR also, but my wife and I don’t drink/like Cabs. So, there’s plenty of that for anyone who wants some. Is the Syrah-heavy blend coming? I haven’t heard yet.
@aliens1947 @daysh2 @kray05 @PatrickKarcher @thelecroy I’m happy to take more of the Cab off of you if it helps, but am interested in random whites too. If it helps, you could limit me to 1 sabre, a mix of the other stuff, and fill it out with the Cabs in order to “offload” them.
@kray05 not a big Chard drinker anymore; I burned out on it years ago. I still do the occasional bottle, but it’s rare.
@aliens1947 @daysh2 @kray05 @opiate2002 @PatrickKarcher While we’re sharing, I got some of the Baker Lane Estate Syrah if anyone wants 1 or 2 (and hopefully we’re already trading or stashing).
I could do 3-4 if that works for you.
@BTMarbles I’m going to pass on the Chard. But I think there room for you with others. Check out the main thread for the offer to get in on that.
I had the 2015 at dinner this evening and it was good, but not up our alley enough to buy right now when my budget is shot.
@BTMarbles sure thing if this is regarding the chard! 3 or 4 it is, I’ll shoot you a message when it arrives and we can set up a drop off or pick up sometime
@kray05 Thanks
I’m grabbing a case of the J Dusi Rose in case anyone wants a few bottles. If not, I’ll keep it all and maybe share some with my mom she makes her way down this way before we drink it all.
@HitAnyKey42, I would love to grab a couple of those. I wanted to order (loved the JD Pinot Gris), but had to pass.
@HitAnyKey42 Ooh! i’m in for 2 if you can spare it
@patrickkarcher @daysh2 I should be able to spare a few bottles. Will confirm after I check how many my mom wants since I’ll actually see her next month.
Did anyone already buy (or wants to split) the Durigutti Malbec Reserva? I’d like to be able to get my hands on 2-4 bottles of it at the case split price.
I would not be able to make the order. But if some is thinking of it and can, I also would be able to take 2-4 bottles.
@PatrickKarcher @HitAnyKey42 I’d be happy to trade for a couple of bottles, but I can’t outright buy any more ATM as per SWMBO; we’re at capacity.
@HitAnyKey42 @opiate2002 Yep, same boat. If no one ends up buying, that’s fine for me as I shouldn’t really buy anything more this month at all anyway. SWMBO and I have had I think 3 Malbecs (all Argentinian I think) and liked each one, so it’s on our explore list.
Grrr. Just noticed yesterday’s email about the Twisted Oak offer. If anyone got a case and is actually willing to share, let me know. I’ll take as many bottles as you are willing to part with.
@HitAnyKey42 I did not get any. Wanted to of course, but budget very strained.
@hitanykey42 @patrickkarcher @btmarbles @thelecroy @wkdpanda Anybody interested in the Tank Garage Skin-Fermented White?? Was thinking of getting a case and putting 6 up for grabs?
@kray05 Hi! I wasn’t in your initial message, but would love one if you had one to spare
@daysh2 oh, my apologies! Okay, if I get a case, 1 of the bottles is yours. Only going to get a whole case if we have some other takers to claim 6 of them.
I’ve been a good little boy, building my wine budget. But rpm just called the Hook & Ladder PN a bargain. I could only keep a few. @theLecroy, need a PN fill-up? Could you take 6-8 if necessary?
@PatrickKarcher I’m in
Can we spilt 4 and 4 Patrick?
I made the order.
Hey @BTMarbles! There’ll be some for you, at least 3. 1-2 for @aliens1947, 2 for me, 5-6 for @thelecroy. I have a feeling in the next few weeks they’ll be some more great PN etc. to share.
And, this stuff apparently will be better in a few years, so no big rush to make every handoff. Although, I do need to get @thelecroy some sparkling from January. (which by the way is really good!)
@aliens1947 @BTMarbles @PatrickKarcher I can back mine down from 6 if people want more
@PatrickKarcher I’ll take 2, thanks
Any interest in Gård Washington Cabernet Sauvignon/
@aliens1947, want 1 or 2? I have someone else I get Cabs for, that I could pass some along to I suppose. Strikes me as a good deal but not super.
Anyone get the Rose today and want to share?
If anyone is a Noceto club member, and you’re thinking of getting their mystery case special for $200, I’d be willing to help you out. I’d even pay for the (special $5) shipping. I’m a really helpful guy!
@PatrickKarcher not a member but that is a tempting offer to become one…
@thelecroy Yeah, it’s “various vintages” which means some are older, a plus for me. If I ended up with some pinot grigio or rosé, I wouldn’t mind trying those, but those single-vineyard sangioveses would be something I’d otherwise never be able to get at a ‘good’ price.
@HitAnyKey, I know you’re a fan. Fancy being a member for a year? Various ways to be a member. If someone joins and let’s me in on this $200 deal, I’ll certainly be willing to “help” with the club shipments when the time comes. (I’d feel obligated to be a member for a year at least.)
@PatrickKarcher As much as I would love to, since I do love Vino Noceto, we’re already a member of Twisted Oak (and just got our shipment) and need to drink down our current stash before we consider buying more reds. Which will be awhile. If Noceto shows up on Casemates, I’ll be in…but can’t do the club.
@HitAnyKey42 Interesting timing. Frivolo-heavy, and since my wife doesn’t generally like anything other than dry, and I need to grasp any excuse to pass on a deal, I’m passing on today’s Noceto offering.
Anyone interested in a split of the Hawley zin?
@thelecroy Yep. I’m the Zin-pimp for a friend. (wife and I not into it as much, might keep just one for myself.) I was thinking of buying but didn’t really want to do the whole case, so this is good. I’ll make the order. (It’s still inconvenient for you to get shipments, right?)
@PatrickKarcher either way works, someone is always home now though with all this. I can get this one too even out money spent on trades if you want
@thelecroy ah, okay. I’d already ordered though. But yeah if another great one comes up (pray no!) in the next week, you can do the honors. Yeah, for the time being, shipping to home is rather convenient for many of us. @BTMarbles, lemme know if you want a bottle or 3 while we’re at it.
@BTMarbles @PatrickKarcher sounds good, let me know how many are coming my way 4-6
@PatrickKarcher, sure 3 is great.
If anyone bought a case of the Scott Harvey and is willing to part with some, let me know and I’ll take a bottle of each. I’m crying under my breath while forcing myself not to buy a case for myself, but for various reasons I just can’t let myself do it…but a bottle of each…that I can do.
@HitAnyKey42 Yeah, I don’t know what to do. Really fantastic deal. I’m (nothing new here really) really over-bought.
@HitAnyKey42 I could be persuaded with a DM old’ friend
@bunnymasseuse Thanks for the offer, but ended up getting my bottle of each from another split. So all’s good.
@HitAnyKey42 Sounds good!
Anyone up for splitting the gruet mixed sparkling? (Finally got my password reset)
@spazfungus I am loaded up on Gruet, and am under wine-buying lockdown. Due to previous overspending sins. But someone should split with you! Anyone who hasn’t gotten into sparkling yet, this is the wine to do that with.
Got a case of the Anne Amie Cuvée A Amrita today (yay for parents that live in MD). Let me know if anyone wants some. (I really liked it when I got to try it from the mixed case earlier this year)
@spazfungus didn’t want to commit to a full but hit me up I could take a few if you need to unload.
@bunnymasseuse I do! let me know how many you’d like
Hi all,
I have a number of bottles of the Y. Rousseau white blend that was offered a while back. It’s a Colombard/Chardonnay blend.
The wine is good, and well made, but I’ve learned after trying around 4 bottles that I really don’t like colombard.
Anyone interested in any?
Anyone interested in splitting the Classique Isabelle Méthode Champenoise Rosé?
@spazfungus If we end up trading some later, and you still still wanted to share some of these, I would certainly take a couple. But I can’t help with a bulk buy in any substantial way. A couple great deals on budget whites lately have cleaned out my budget (and then some).
@spazfungus I would be in for some
@thelecroy yay!
Hi all, I’m grabbing some of the Anne Amie through bunnym. Anyone interested in a split? Trying to figure out how much to order. @spazfungus @patrickkarcher @hitanykey42 @thelecroy @btmarbles and others…
@bunnymasseuse how many bottles are you in for?
@opiate2002 I am willing to buy a case to help out as there is no way I want 12! I was thinking 4 no more than 6. That could make available 6-8 more bottles.
@bunnymasseuse if no one else is interested then maybe we just go in for a case and I’ll take 8?
@opiate2002 thanks for thinking of me, but prefer to sweeter rieslings, so none for me. Thank you!
@opiate2002 Sounds good to me.
@bunnymasseuse case ordered, I’ll be in touch. Thanks!
none for me, thanks. Wife not a Riesling fan, though she likes most other whites.
Sry, late response. I’ll pass. Moving this week, to much wine to pack already.
Is anyone getting the Sparkling Grenache Blanc De Noirs? I only want one to try, still mainly working on the other sparklings I brought previously, thanks
@spazfungus I’m thinking of getting a case. My buddy Mark will take a few, but it would leave me with a lot. Just when I was about to get into the black on my wine budget. (I’ve been a relatively good boy lately.) Based on RPM’s comments, it sure seems like a unique opportunity.
@HitAnyKey42, would you want a couple of these? @thelecroy?
@HitAnyKey42 @PatrickKarcher @spazfungus I would be in for 3-4
I got a case, will have to see how much is left after some splits already to see if I have some to spare…
@bunnymasseuse You got a case of the J. Wilkes Pinot Noir?
@PatrickKarcher Sadly no, the Sparkling Grenache Blanc De Noirs, but I manage to poorly miss responding to the correct thread when mobile
@bunnymasseuse I got a case also, and am sharing with some of those above. Looks yummy!
Hello! First-time poster here–not sure how this works, but I got a case of the Musketeer and am happy to split.
@cduan Ooh! That looked interesting, but then i feel asleep. I only want one though. Let me know when, where to meet for pickup and how much (will paypal be ok?)
Marqués de Riscal Rioja Gran Reserva Vertical -split interest? Two of us purchased cases in the main thread… plenty to carve out like a dinner turkey.
@bunnymasseuse It sure is an interesting opportunity. I could gift one to my brother who loves Spanish wines and he’d freak. I would be in for a slice (3). @aliens1947, would you take a slice?
@aliens1947 @PatrickKarcher happy to work something out.
@aliens1947 @bunnymasseuse @PatrickKarcher I’d be interested in 3
(@aliens1947) @bunnymasseuse, if you can spare half a case for @aliens1947 and I, that would be great. Only one handoff would be necessary, as he and i can easily hand off between us.
@thelecroy I committed half to be split for @PatrickKarcher / @aliens1947 but perhaps @zortapa has some leftover?
@aliens1947 @bunnymasseuse @PatrickKarcher @thelecroy Unfortunately my split case has also been claimed.
Happy New Year everyone! I got a case of today’s Winesmith dessert wine and a case of the dessert wine trio (12/18 offering) Let me know if anyone wants any
@spazfungus mind if I get a bottle of each of WS’s dessert wines?
@opiate2002 @spazfungus Also got a case, can probably split some but not more than half.
@bunnymasseuse @spazfungus I’m the only dessert wine drinker in the house, so I can only go for one of each at this point. If I end up drinking them sooner rather than later and either of you are looking to make space in your cellars I’m happy to buy more off you later. I just tend to end up having dessert wines for a while as I wait for the right confluence of events to make it possible to enjoy them.
@bunnymasseuse @opiate2002
Ahhh! how did I miss these messages? sorry. if you still want a bottle each @opiate2002, yes of course, i’ll let you know when they arrive.
Looking to split half ( 6 or less) of today’s Friday vertical offering, takers?
@bunnymasseuse anyone still looking for a split?
@thelecroy if you do 6 or less I can swing that
@bunnymasseuse sounds good to me
Jumping in with the Laura Michael Calistoga cab Sav vertical - bought a case willing to trade/ share @marymbowers is already in
@jclarkie78 thanks!
I got a case of the Pedroncelli Port. Not even sure if I like Port!, but I probably do, and it seems like an incredible deal at 750mL, from what people said. And keeps for 15 years, so if I don’t love it, it will still be easy to “move” at parties and such. So, if I’m trading with any of you folks later in the spring, I’ll have some of that.
@PatrickKarcher I would be interested sans chocolate (allergic), how much you willing to spare? 2-3?
@bunnymasseuse I think so. We’ll probably have some group trades later in the spring with the usual suspects, right? These things keep forever it seems, so no rush.
@PatrickKarcher no rush, I got some vert cab to swap down there anyway. Thanks for the chance!
Château de Bel-Air Lalande de Pomerol Bordeaux Red , any split interest?
@bunnymasseuse I’ll take 4 if you get a case!
@bunnymasseuse We are not Bordeaux folk. I’ve got to save my nickles for this year’s Rhone-type deals.
@cduan will do! Count them as yours!
Looking for Syrah/Rhone buddies for the year. Starting, maybe, with this Baker Lane Estate Syrah Vertical.
For reds, my limited wine budget this year is going almost all to Syrahs (as well as Grenache and GSMs). I’ve got cases of casemates wine in the cellar (closet under stairs) of various varietals, and that’s good, but all my ‘trying different things’ means I don’t have enough of SWMBO’s and I’s favorite varietals, which I’m going to focus on this year. I want to find, amongst casemates’ best S/G/GSM deals this year, which do I like the most. Then in 2022+, I know which to stock up on.
I had to pass on some absolutely fantastic Syrah deals the last few months (Andrew Murray, Halcón), because of my limited budget and lack of focus. No more! It’s all Syrah. So, any of you NOVA people want to join me on my year long Syrah Escapade? My Syrahscpade? This would mean splitting between 3-6 people) various Syrah offers like the current one. And we’d get together a few times this year for the hand-offs.
@PatrickKarcher hoping to see some more interested parties pop in!
@bunnymasseuse asked on the Roman Reserve Cab Franc page if any NOVA or Md people want in on it. Sigh, yes, I’ll take a slice. Seems like unique opportunity for something truly special. And the price is lower than last time.
I could gift one of these to my boss. He’s given me some really nice bottles of wine in the past. He has a far larger wine budget and much more wine experience than me, so it’s hard for me to reciprocate meaningfully. (Not that we wants me to, at all). But for <$18 I can give him this, tell him to put it in a decanter and drink over a week, and I believe I’ve pulled it off.
@PatrickKarcher I owe you some bottles in return already as you have some held for me! Any other interested folks? I got some of the 2012 last time it came out.
@bunnymasseuse ah, what did you think of the 2012? Did you give it the full mega-airing treatment?
@bunnymasseuse @thelecroy is ordering a case now, I believe, with you/me/he/@aliens1947 in mind. If interest increases, or your MA buddies jump in, there’s the option of ordering more of course.
@aliens1947 @PatrickKarcher @thelecroy I ordered one case (in case someone else already pulled trigger), thought I had 20$ off with a coupon but I’ll fight that broken coupon code with MorningSave when they get back to me. Plenty to spread around.
Any one get the Stolpman Vineyards Roussanne? Need to peel off some? Didn’t pull for 6 or 12 but curious as I never had any from Wellington in the old days.
McKahn Family Cellars Grenache <— if you want some of a case @cduan is getting a case (see the chat for the Grenache thread), hit him up, first come, first reserved.
We’d be in for 3-5 Punta de Flechas Corte Argentinian Blend down here in Manassas, if that’s helpful to anyone thinking of ordering.
(And we’d love 3 of the WineSmith Cellars Tannat also, if anyone has that to spare.
@wardad hit me up, you just convinced me to pull the trigger…
Anyone thinking about the Zin offer today but need to split-zies? Let me kno…
anyone up for splitting today’s Aimery Crémant de Limoux Brut Millésimé?
@spazfungus I got a case, which we can certainly take care of down here. Try to split with someone else up that-aways if you can. Might be worth doing a whole case for yourself. Not only is it a good value for drinking, but also a great gift or bring-to-the-party item. Bottle looks perdy.
Just ordered up today’s gard offering- anyone interested in a split?
@jclarkie78 I would sure love to, but I’m digging my way out of a budget hole. No current budget for fancy reds.
@jclarkie78 I would take 3 off your hands if available
@thelecroy done!
@jclarkie78 @thelecroy if you still need splits let me know!
@bunnymasseuse @thelecroy Sure! 3? I’ll let y’all know when they come in! I sent my sister to scout out the winery and she approves
@jclarkie78 @thelecroy sounds like a plan!
@dianefreda <—— is looking for any interested folks who want to help split her WS Unicorn case…